Interex CSL/1000/RTE — The CD


The HP1000 Contributed Software Library

The CSL/1000 (also known as the CSL/RTE) consists of a set of software contributed by users of the HP1000 to Interex for the benefit of the members. This software comes with no warranty or guarantee and is freely distbuted. Only the packaged form of the CSL with its associated indexes and retrieval software is the property of Interex.

This library spans a period of over 20 years and represents a considerable investment in real-time computing.


The original files from the complete CSL have been transferred to a CD-ROM using the following process:

Contributions Listed by Name

The original master index file (#INDEX) has been converted to an html file with links for each submission to the original submit file contained in the composite submit file for each release. This page will lead you to every submit file on this disk. This file can easily be scanned using the browser for keywords or author names.

For use off-line or with a text editor, the same file is available on the CD as a text file named index.txt.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Created by F Stephen Gauss on <010410.2100>