A00101 Program Name................:ADVAN Title...............:Advance Mag Tape Thru N Files File Names..........:Submission file &ADVAN - source code Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:ADVAN is nifty little program to allow the user to advance the mag tape through N files without having to do the :CN,8,FF. ADVAN can be loaded as real time or background disc resident depending on user requirements. Standard EXEC calls are used. Additional Documentation....:To execute: [RU,]ADVAN[,lutty[,#files-to-advance-thru] or [RU,]ADVAN and the program will prompt for necessaey answers. A00201 Program Name................:APEND Title...............:Append one file to the end of another file File Names..........:Submission file &APEND - source code %APEND - relocatable code Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:APEND uses standard RTE FMP calls to append an existing file to another file. The second file can already exist or if it doesn't APEND will create it. Additional Documentation....:To use as a subroutine: CALL APEND(file1,sc,cr,file2,sc,cr,ierr) A00301 Program Name................:BXTRK Title...............:Extract a module from a binary reloc. file File Names..........:Submission file &BXTRK - source code %BXTRK - relocatable %DLIB1 - relocatable library Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:BXTRK uses standard RTE EXEC and FMP calls to extract a specific module from any relocatable file and place the module into a user specified disc file. A routine called TTYIO is included here and can be located elsewhere in the library if the user needs the source. Additional Documentation....:To execute: [RU,]BXTRK,,bline#,eline# where: bline# = 1st line to begin extract on eline# = last line of extract (program will prompt for input and output files names) BXTRK can be easily modified to not use TTYIO if necessary. A00401 Program Name................:DEBLK Title...............:De-block mag tape records to a disc file File Names..........:Submission file &DEBLK - source code Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:DEBLK is a revision of the earlier CSL/1000 program UNBLK by Bob Gage and Dave Matchett. UNBLK assumed fixed length records ending in a CR/LF. DEBLK allows for fixed or varaible length records and user defined output file namr. Additional Documentation....:To execute: [RU,]DEBLK[,lutty[,lumta]] or [RU,]DEBLK and the program will prompt for everything See the surce code for more detail. eline# = last line of extract (program will prompt for input and output files names) BXTRK can be easily modified to not use TTYIO if necessary. A00501 Program Name................:DEVST Title...............:Display current status of a LU File Names..........:Submission file &DEVST - source code %DEVST - relocatable %DLIB1 - relocatable library %IFGLU - subroutine relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:DEVST uses standard EXEC calls, a user written I/O routine, and a user written FORTRAN subroutine to interface to the system entry point FG.LU to return the status of a device specified by its LU#. Additional Documentation....:DEVST returns the status of a specified device in 3 octal words. Check the DEVICE STATUS TABLE for interpretation. DEVST will prompt for the LU# to be checked. Enter a 0 or -99 or a CR to exit. A00601 Program Name................:DOG Title...............:Program documentation generator File Names..........:Submission file &DOG - source code %DOG - relocatable &HEADR - large letter source %HEADR - large letter relocatable %DLIB1 - relocatable library &DUMMY - example of DOGed source file "DUMMY - example of DOGed documentation file Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:DOG is a progra documentation generator that creates 2 separate files for the programmer. The first is the source file (&xxxxx) and the second is the documentation file ("xxxxx). Please make note, DOG will need to be modified to be site specific. DOG is currently set up for the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control & Ecology requirements. By looking at the examples given in this contribution and the program's source code, one should have no trouble converting to his/her own site's needs. Additional Documentation....:To execute: [RU,]DOG,,opt where: opt = 0 create both program & doc files = 1 create only doc file A00701 Program Name................:FLIST Title...............:Spool a FORTRAN output file to printer File Names..........:Submission file &FLIST - source code %FLIST - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:FLIST is a routine that prompts the user for the name of a FORTRAN output file, number of copies needed, and whether to SAve or PUrge the file after printing; and then spools the file to the printer (LU 6) or (LU 7). Additional Documentation....:To execute: [RU,]FLIST[,,lulst] where: lulst = LU# of printer to spool to (default = 6) A00801 Program Name................:IDCHK Title...............:Display information about ID segments and cartridge list File Names..........:Submission file &IDCHK - source code %IDCHK - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:IDCHK displays information about ID segment and user catridges to the users terminal of other output device. Additional Documentation....:To execute: [RU,]IDCHK[,lutty[,listopt[,cropt]]] where lutty = output LU# = 0 full listing (ID segments and cartridge info) = 1 cartridge info only = 2 ID segment info only cropt = 0 session cartridge's info only = 1 all cartridges mounted in system (must be SL'ed) A00901 Program Name................:INTRT Title...............:Mortgage loan payment calculator File Names..........:Submission file &INTRT - source code Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:INTRT is an interactive mortgage loan calculator program. See the source code for more info. Additional Documentation....:Nothing special. All input to the program is decimal except time period (# of months). A01001 Program Name................:J2CAL Title...............:Julian to calendar converter w/ leap year calculator File Names..........:Submission file &J2CAL - source code %J2CAL - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansaas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:J2CAL is a subroutine that given the julian day and year will convert to the calendar date. Additional Documentation....:To call: CALL J2CAL(yy,jjjj,mm,dd,ierr) where: yy = year jjjj = julian day mm = returned month dd = returned day ierr = error return See source code for more information A01101 Program Name................:J2FTN Title...............:Julian to calendar converter w/ leap year calculator (FORTRAN version of J2CAL) File Names..........:Submission file &J2FTN - source code %J2FTN - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:J2FTN is a subroutine that given the julian day and year will convert to the calendar date. Additional Documentation....:To call: CALL J2FTN(yy,jjjj,mm,dd,ierr) where: yy = year jjjj = julian day mm = returned month dd = returned day ierr = error return See source code for more information A01201 Program Name................:JSTFY Title...............:Left or right justify of columnar data File Names..........:Submission file &JSTFY - source code %JSTFY - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:JSTFY will left or right justify columnar data in a type 3 or above FMP file padding justified info with blanks. Beginning and ending columns and beginning and ending lines may be specified. Output file name can not be same as input. Additional Documentation....:See source code for more detailed info. A01301 Program Name................:KAREN Title...............:FMGR file lister File Names..........:Submission file &KAREN - source code %KAREN - relocatable %DLIB1 - relocatable library Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:KAREN is a program to spool a FMGR file to the printer; with/without line numbers and/or single, double, or tiple spacing. Additional Documentation....:To execute: [RU,]KAREN[,,luout] where: luout = LU# of output spooling device (default = 6) A01401 Program Name................:SETLU Title...............:Initialize 2608 printer/plotter VFU programatically File Names..........:Submission file &SETLU - source code %SETLU - relocatable *SETLU - compile transfer file "7.66L - 66 lpi data file "7.88L - 88 lpi data file RESET7 - transfer file to reset 2608 to 66 lpi Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:SETLU is a routine to programatically set the 2608 printer/plotter's VFU controller. See source code for detailed info. Additional Documentation....:To execute: [RU,]SETLU[,lpi[,fi,na,me]] where: lpi = # of lines per inch (e.g. 6) finame= file name of data file that contains VFU control data A01501 Program Name................:NOFIL Title...............:Subroutine to handle non-existant file errors on FORTRAN open's File Names..........:Submission file &NOFIL - source code %NOFIL - relocatable %DLIB1 - relocatable library Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:If a FMGR-6 error occurs on a file open, make a call to NOFIL and it will interactively handle getting a new file namr. NOfile uses the NAMRX routine. Additional Documentation....:To call: CALL NOFIL(nfile,nsc,ncr,lutty) where: nfile = 3 word array containing new file name nsc = new s.c. ncr = new crn A01601 Program Name................:NUMCK Title...............:ASCII string numeric check File Names..........:Submission file &NUMCK - source code %NUMCK - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:NUMCK is a subroutine designed to perform a numeric check on an ASCII string of up to 40 characters. It will also check to see that the minus and plus signs are vaild, that there is only one decimal point (if the value is a 'real' number), and whether 'EX', '/E', 'EN', '?', or '*' have been entered. Right justification and zero-filling of the string can also be performed if desired. Additional Documentation....:To call: CALL NUMCK(ierr,nchar,string) where: ierr = result flag = -99 if 'EX', 'EN', or '/E' was entered = - 3 if '*' was entered = - 2 if '?' was entered = - 1 if invalid input = 1 if integer value = 2 if real number (i.e. decimal point) nchar = number of characters in 'string' string = integer ASCII string, can be up to 6 words long A01701 Program Name................:PFILE Title...............:Spool a FORTRAN output file to printer from a program File Names..........:Submission file &PFILE - source code %PFILE - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:PFILE is a subroutine to programatically spool an output file to the printer and optionally request multiple copies and/or to save or purge the file after printing. Additional Documentation....:To call: CALL PFILE(iname,copies,purge,lutty,lulst) where: iname = 3 word array containing file name to spool copies = # of copies to print purge = 0 to save = 1 to purge file after printing lutty = LU of user's terminal A01801 Program Name................:PGLOD Title...............:Routine to rename, 'RP', and schedule a program to run File Names..........:Submission file &PGLOD - source code %PGLOD - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:PGLOD is similar to the system routine SEGLD except that PGLOD works with main programs rather thatn segments. Also, PGLOD does renaming if desired. Additional Documentation....:To call: CALL PGLOD(pname,pnaxx,sc,cr,ierr,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) where: pname = program name pnaxx = renamed program (name of restored ID segment) sc = security name of pname cr = cartridge ref of pname ierr = error code returned here p1,,,,,p5 optional parameters A01901 Program Name................:PHEDR Title...............:Print large header to user specified namr File Names..........:Submission file &PHEDR - source code %PHEDR - relocatable LETERS - data file containing large letters Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:PHEDR will output a large print string to a user specified namr. See the source code for complete documentation and explanations. Additional Documentation....:None A02001 Program Name................:SCB Title...............:Dump SCB contents to user specified output device File Names..........:Submission file &SCB - source code %SCB - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:SCB is a routine to dump the session control block (SCB) contents for a specific session or optionally all sessions to the user's terminal or other designated device. Optionally, the program will output a short or long display and information on passwords. (BE CAREFUL how this part of the program is used !!!!!) Additional Documentation....:See the source code for run command and further documentation A02101 Program Name................:SGLOD Title...............:Routine to 'RP' and optionally schedule a prog. File Names..........:Submission file &SGLOD - source code %SGLOD - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:SGLOD is very similar to the system routine SEGLD except that SGLOD doesn't care where your segments are located. Additional Documentation....:None A02201 Program Name................:STAT1 Title...............:Limited statistical package for HP1000 File Names..........:Submission file &STAT1 - source code %STAT1 - relocatable &STPLT - source code for plotting part of STAT1 please note &STPLT needs to be COMPC'd *STAT1 - compile transfer file #STAT1 - loader command file *STPLT - compile transfer file #STPLT - loader command file Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:STAT1 is a program to do limited statistical analysis on user supplied data. An accompanying program STPLT will do limited graphics on the resilts from STAT1. Additional Documentation....:See the source code for documentation and more detail. A02301 Program Name................:TREAD Title...............:Routine to read data from a 7905/06/20 disc File Names..........:Submission file &TREAD - source code %TREAD - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:Given the lu,trk,sector TREAD will read and display the actual data on the disc (bypasses any file locks) Additional Documentation....:None A02401 Program Name................:TRKRD Title...............:Routine to read data from a 7905/06/20 disc File Names..........:Submission file &TRKRD - source code %TRKRD - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA City..........:Little Rock, Arkansas USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:Given the lu,trk,sector TRKRD will read and display the actual data on the disc (bypasses any file locks) Additional Documentation....:None A02501 Program Name................:TTYIO Title...............:Easy interface to REIO terminal reads/writes File Names..........:Submission file &TTYIO - source code %TTYIO - relocatable Operating System....: Language(s).........: Package.............: Contributor's Name..........:Rickey H. Stacks Company.......:Arkansas Dept Of Pollution Control Street........:8001 National Drive : City..........:Little Rock State.........:Arkansas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:72209 Phone Number..:(501) 562-7444 Program Abstract............:TTYIO is an easy interface to REIO calls. All ABREG checks and buffer lengths are handled by TTYIO. Additional Documentation....:To call: CALL TTYIO(opt,[400+]ludev,ibufr,lena,lenb,ierr) where: opt = 1 read = 2 write A02601 Program Name................:CALC Title...............:Program For Calculator Functions With An HP-1000 Keyboard Terminal File Names..........:Submission File "MANUL &CALC %LIBER %CALC Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:George J. Wynne Company.......:US Naval Ordnance Station Street........:Code 3024, Bldg. 759 : City..........:Indian Head State.........:Maryland Country.......:USA Zip Code......:20640 Phone Number..:(301) 743-4892 Program Abstract............: The computer program (called CALC) supports use of an HP-1000 terminal in a 'desk calculator' mode. It was originally developed in 1975 and new commands were added from time to time. Some of the more interesting features are: A 500 element operational stack of double precision floating point operands (four word double precision is recommended). Stack elements may double as 'memory storage registers'. Base n I/O mode allows user to input base n (2 <= n <= 35) values and enables the display of stack elements in both base n and base 10. It is programmable. A user may write his own program or programs to interface with CALC and then issue commands which cause CALC to schedule with wait any of several programs the user may designate. The operational STACK and other values are passed on a system disk track between CALC and user written programs. There are commands for stack storage and retrieval to and from disk files and to and from LU's 4 and 5. An optional list device (LU only) may be enabled to record all input values, commands, and functions and all terminal displays. Over 50 commands, functions and operators are implemented. RTE system interfaces are implemented in the manner of FMGR; i.e., the SYstrng, the RU,pnam, and the WH command are implemented. The program may be easily extended to include new commands, operators, and/or functions. The program uses RTE EXEC and FMP subroutine calls. Additional Documentation....: LARGE BACKGROUND IS RECCOMMENDED (20K REQUIRED) LOADING INSTRUCTIONS: :RU,LOADR RE,%CALC RE,%LIBER END :RU,CALC CALC PROGRAMS RESOPNDS WITH # AS A PROMPT. ENTER ?? TO DISPLAY A BRIEF SUMMARY OF ACCEPTABLE PROGRAM COMMANDS. SEE USER'S MANUAL FOR MORE DETAILS. A02701 Program Name................:DIR Title...............:Directory Lister File Names..........:Submission File &DIR $CILBP &CILBA Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Pascal Contributor's Name..........:Unknown (Within HP) Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............:This is a directory listing similar to FL. A02801 Program Name................:EOQ Title...............: File Names..........:Submission File &EOQ Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Unknown Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: A02901 Program Name................:MMUP Title...............:Map User Partition (Microcoded) File Names..........:Submission File &MMUP Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Microcode Contributor's Name..........:Louis W. James Company.......:System Development Corp. Street........:1010 Gause Blvd. : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(504) 255-6506 Program Abstract............: LOAD IN WCS, OR BURN PROMS AND MOUNT ON FEM LDA <LOGICAL MAP NUMBER> LDB <PHYSICAL PAGE NUMBER TO START MAPPING> LDX <NUMBER OF PAGES TO MAP> MUP (105577, MAP USER PARTITION) THE MUP INSTRUCTION IS SET UP LIKE THE XMS INSTRUCTION WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT THE A-REG POINTS AT THE LOGICAL PAGE INSTEAD OF THE PHYSICAL PAGE. ERRORS DESCRIBED IN THE SOURCE A03001 Program Name................:FILE3 Title...............:File 3 Utility For HP5451C Fourier Analyzer System Keyboard Programs File Names..........:Submission File &FILE3 &IEQT3 "FILE# Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Microcode Contributor's Name..........:Louis W. James Company.......:System Development Corp. Street........:1010 Gause Blvd. : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(504) 255-6506 Program Abstract............: FILE3 IS A PROGRAM THAT ALLOWS AN OWNER OF AN HP-5451C FOURIER ANALYZER TO CREATE AND EDIT KEYBOARD PROGRAMS USING THE RTE EDITOR. THESE KEYBOARD PROGRAMS CAN BE ANOTATED WITH COMMENTS IF THE COMMENTS ARE PRECEEDED WITH ' @'. FILE3 THEN CAN TAKE THE FILE WITH THE KEYBOARD PROGRAM AND CREATE A BLDFIL FILE SO THAT THE KEYBOARD PROGRAM CAN BE INSTALLED IN THE FOURIER SYSTEM USING THE FOURIER SUPPLIED RTE PROGRAM 'FBLDR'. FILE3 ALSO HAS THE CAPABILITIES OF READING A BLDFIL FILE AND LISTING IT ON A LIST DEVICE, OR INTO A FILE. IT CAN ALSO ADD OR DELETE KEYBOARD PROGRAMS FROM THE BLDFIL FILE. SPECIAL SOFTWARE REQUIRED: FUNCTION IEQT THIS FUNCTION IS SUPPLIED WITH THIS SUBMISSION, AND IS ALSO SUBMITTED TO THE LIBRARY UNDER ITS OWN SUBMISSION. Additional Documentation....: NO SPECIAL LOAD INSTRUCTIONS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION IS INCLUDED IN EXTENDED DOCUMENTATION THIS PROGRAM IS FOR PEOPLE THAT HAVE AN HP-5451C FOURIER SYSTEM AND ALSO HAVE RTE-IVB AVAILABLE. THE PROGRAM MAKES SOME OF THE MAINTENENCE AND DOCUMENTATION OF THE HP-5451C EASIER. A03101 Program Name................:IEQT Title...............:Return Driver Type Of Specified Logical Unit File Names..........:Submission File &IEQT3 Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Microcode Contributor's Name..........:Louis W. James Company.......:System Development Corp. Street........:1010 Gause Blvd. : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(504) 255-6506 Program Abstract............: FUNCTION IEQT WILL RETURN THE DRIVER TYPE FROM THE EQUIPMENT TABLE OF THE LOGICAL UNIT SPECIFIED. CALLING SEQUENCE: FORTRAN: IDVR=IEQT(LU) ASSEMBLY: JSB IEQT DEF *+2 DEF LU <DRIVER TYPE IN A-REG> IN SESSION ENVIRONMENT, IF BIT 15 IS SET, (IE. LU+100000B) THEN THE EQUIPMENT TYPE OF THE SYSTEM LU IS OBTAINED, OTHERWISE THE RETURN WILL BE THE EQUIPMENT TYPE OF THE SESSION LU. THIS SUBROUTINE IS HANDY WHEN AN INTERACTIVE ENTRY FOR LOGICAL UNIT REQUEST IS MADE. IF THERE IS A RESTRICTION OF WHAT DEVICES MAY BE USED OR A DECISION OF WHAT CODE TO USE DEPENDING ON I/O DEVICE SELECTED, THE APPRIATE DECISIONS CAN BE MADE BY COMPARING THE EQUIPMENT TYPE RETURNED. IF A REQUEST FOR AN ILLEGAL LU IS MADE, A -1 IS RETURNED. A03201 Program Name................:DS.## Title...............:Programatically Quiesce And Restart DS/1000-IV File Names..........:Submission File &DS.## Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Microcode Contributor's Name..........:Louis W. James Company.......:System Development Corp. Street........:1010 Gause Blvd. : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(504) 255-6506 Program Abstract............: DS.## CONSIST OF 2 SUBROUTINES, 'DSDN' AND 'DSUP'. DSDN WILL QUIESCE THE DS/1000-IV SYSTEM, AND DSUP WILL RESTART THE DS/1000-IV SYSTEM AND UP ALL DS LOGICAL UNITS. THESE ROUTINES ARE USEFUL WHEN USED WITH REAL TIME DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAMS. THE DS PROGRAMS HAVE A HIGH PRIORITY AND COULD CAUSE LOSS OF DATA BY TAKING UP TIME THAT THE DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAM NEEDS FOR PROCESSING THE DATA. USING THESE SUBROUTINES REMOVES THE NECESSITY OF USING 'DSMOD' TO QUIESCE AND RESTART THE DS SYSTEM, AND ENABLES THE PROGRAMMER TO SHUT DOWN THE SYSTEM, GATHER THE DATA, TURN ON THE SYSTEM, PASS DATA TO ANOTHER NODE, AND REPEAT THE PROCESS ANY PROGRAM THAT USES THIS SUBROUTINE MUST BE LOADED WITH ACCESS TO TO DOWN DS/1000-IV: TO UP DS/1000-IV: FORTRAN ASSEMBLY FORTRAN ASSEMBLY CALL DSDN JSB DSDN CALL DSUP JSB DSUP DEF *+1 DEF *+1 **NOTE** DSDN HAS TO BE CALLED BEFORE CALLING DSUP A03301 Program Name................:PFMTX Title...............:Plot Fourier FMTXX Table On The 2648 Terminal File Names..........:Submission File &PFMTX Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Microcode Contributor's Name..........:Louis W. James Company.......:System Development Corp. Street........:1010 Gause Blvd. : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(504) 255-6506 Program Abstract............: FMTXX WILL PLOT THE FOURIER SYSTEM FMTXX TABLE ON THE 2648 GRAPHICS TERMINAL USING THE AUTO-PLOT FEATURE. THE PLOTS ARE BY SUBCHANNEL, (OR DISC SURFACE). THE PROGRAM WILL PLOT TABLES GENERATED FOR 7900, 7906, 7920, AND 7925 DISC SYSTEMS. THE PROGRAM WILL REQUEST INPUTS FROM THE OPERATOR IN RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS CONSERNING THE DISC TYPE, FILE NAME OF THE FMTXX FILE, AND THE SUBCHANNEL(OR SURFACE) TO PLOT. A03401 Program Name................:RP.OF Title...............:Building ID Segments From Your Program File Names..........:Submission File &RP.OF Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Microcode Contributor's Name..........:Louis W. James Company.......:System Development Corp. Street........:1010 Gause Blvd. : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(504) 255-6506 Program Abstract............: IN ORDER TO SCHEDULE A PROGRAM FROM ANOTHER PROGRAM, YOU MUST HAVE AN ID SEGMENT FOR EVERY PROGRAM THAT YOUR PROGRAM MIGHT SCHEDULE OR YOU ARE GOING TO GET FLUSHED DOWN THE TUBE WHEN YOU TRY TO SCHEDULE THAT PROGRAM. IF YOU HAVE AN ID SEGMENT FOR EACH PROGRAM AND HAVE SEVERAL PROGRAMS, AND THE PROGRAMS ARE NOT RUN OFTEN, THEN YOU ARE NOT EFFICIENTLY USING A VALUABLE SYSTEM RESOURCE, THE ID SEGMENTS. *** THIS SUBROUTINE HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO USE THE SYSTEM ROUTINES 'IDRPL' AND 'IDRPD'. THE CALLING SEQUENCE HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT THE ERROR ARGUEMENT IS OPTIONAL. THE ERROR IS ALSO RETURNED IN THE A-REG, SO IT CAN BE USED AS A FORTRAN FUNCTION. WITH THIS MODIFICATION, EMA PROGRAMS AND PROGRAM SEGMENTS CAN HAVE ID SEGMENTS RESTORED. BY USING 'IDRPL' AND 'IDRPD', THE ID RESTORATION AND REMOVAL IS HP SUPPORTED. **** A03501 Program Name................:CSORT Title...............:CSORT Will Sort FXL Commands For Minimum Base Page Crossings File Names..........:Submission File &CSORT 'CSORT Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Microcode Contributor's Name..........:Louis W. James Company.......:System Development Corp. Street........:1010 Gause Blvd. : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(504) 255-6506 Program Abstract............: CSORT IS AN IMPROVED VERSION OF THE CSORT PROGRAM DISTRIBUTED WITH THE HP-5451C FSDS SOFTWARE. TWO IMPROVEMENTS ARE 1, COMMENTS WILL FOLLOW EACH COMMAND PAIR, AND 2, ANOTHER OPTION IN COMPUTING PROGRAM LENGTH IN MODULES WITH COMMON DECLARED. ALL ERRORS DETECTED IN THE ORIGIONAL VERSION WERE CORRECTED, AND AN IMPROVED RUN STREAM INPUT WAS IMPLEMENTED RUN STRING PARAMETERS ARE DESCRIBED IN THE EXTENDED DOCUMENTATION. CSORT IS A DIRECT REPLACEMENT OF THE DISTRIBUTED VERSION. THE EXTENDED DOCUMENTATION IS A DIRECT REPLACEMENT OF PAGES 6-6 THROUGH THE TOP HALF OF PAGE 6-13 OF THE 5451C FOURIER ANALYZER SYSTEM SOFTWARE MANUAL, PN. 05451-90519 NOV 78. A03601 Program Name................:UTIL Title...............:General Utility Program That Performs Several Functions File Names..........:Submission File &UTIL $UTIL1 Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Microcode Contributor's Name..........:Louis W. James Company.......:System Development Corp. Street........:1010 Gause Blvd. : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(504) 255-6506 Program Abstract............: THIS PROGRAM IS A GENERAL UTILITY PROGRAM THAT PERFORMS SEVERAL FUNCTIONS AS LISTED BELOW: 1)LIST PUNCHED CARDS ON LINE PRINTER 2)COPY CARD IMAGES ONTO MAG TAPE 3)COPY MAG TAPES 4)DUMP MAG TAPE TO LINE PRINTER IN SEVERAL FORMATS A)16 BIT OCTAL DUMP / WORD, (8 WORDS / LINE) B)2 BYTE OCTAL DUMP / WORD, (8 WORDS / LINE) C)16 BIT BINARY DUMP / WORD, (6 WORDS / LINE) D)16 BIT BINARY DUMP / WORD, (1 WORD / LINE) E)ASCII DUMP F)ASCII DUMP WITHOUT RECORD COUNT LISTED *D IS CALLED"RU,UTIL,DU,BI,[TAPE LU] THE MAXIMUM BUFFER SIZE THAT CAN BE HANDELED IS 8400 WORDS THE CARD READER IS LOGICAL UNIT 7 THE LINE PRINTER IS LOGICAL UNIT 6 THE TERMINAL IS DRIVER TYPE 00 OR 05 DEVICE THE MAG TAPE IS DRIVER TYPE 23 DEVICE SUBMITTED FUNCTION 'IEQT' IS REQUIRED Additional Documentation....: RELOCATE,%UTIL RELOCATE,%UTIL1 RELOCATE,%IEQT <FUNCTION IEQT IS A SUBMISSION BY ITS SELF> THIS WILL LIST ALL OF THE ACCEPTABLE ENTRYS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE BINARY, SINGLE COLUMN DUMP. THE PROGRAM WILL CHECK FOR VALIDITY OF RUN PARAMETERS AND INFORM OPERATOR OF ERROR. A03701 Program Name................:SDLUP Title...............:Generates File For Use With SDLS4 In Update Mode File Names..........:Submission File &SDLUP #SDLUP "SDLUP Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:John J. Dineen Company.......:Hewlett-Packard Medical Div. Street........:175 Wyman Street : City..........:Waltham State.........:Mass. Country.......:USA Zip Code......:02254 Phone Number..:(617) 890-6300 Program Abstract............: THIS PROGRAM WIL GENERATE THE FILE THAT THE STANDARD SDLS4 PROGRAM WHEN RUN IN THE UPDATE MODE, UPDATES FMGR FILES ON THE SELECTED DISC L.U. USING A CONTROL FILE CALLED ^DATE, SDLUP GENERATES A WORK FILE CALLED UPDATE. THE OPERATER CAN THEN CALL THE PROGRAM SDLS4 AND RUN UPDATE MODE ON THE LATEST D.S.D. DELTA TAPE. ANY FILES FOUND ON THE DELTA TAPE WITH A NEWER REV CODE BE WRITTEN TO THE SELECTED DISC. WHEN THE UPDATE MODE IS COMPLETED, THE UPDATED REV CODES ARE WRITTEN BACK TO THE CONTROL FILE ^DATE. THE OPERATOR CAN ALSO: 1. PRINT THE ^DATE FILE IN A FORMATTED OUTPUT TO ANY LIST DEVICE THATS BEEN SELECTED. 2. CHANGE THE LIST DEVICE WHEN DESIRED. 3. RUN SDLS4 IN THE STANDARD MODE. 4. RUN ANY SELECTED PROGRAM 5. PRINT ONLY CHANGES TO THE FILE ^DATE BASED ON REV CODES. 6. SET/CHANGE DISC L.U. WHERE FILES ARE LOCATED. 7. DUMP COPIES OF THE FILES TO MAG. TAPES, PAPER TAPE, CART'S. Additional Documentation....: RU,SDLUP,P1,P2,P3 P1 = SYSTEM CONSOLE << DEFAULT = 1 OR MTM TERMINAL >> P2 = LIST DEVICE << DEFAULT = 6 MAY BE CHANGED BY OPERATOR >> P3 = DISC LU WHERE ^DATE FILE/DATA FILES EXIST << IF P3 = 0, OPERATOR WILL BE ASKED FOR >> << THE DISC L.U. # BEFORE IT WILL DO >> << ANYTHING. >> IF YOU GET AN ERROR MESSAGE WITH A NEGATIVE NUMBER, THAT'S THE FMGR ERROR CODE. IF THE PROGRAM ABORTS WITH AN SC05 ERROR, YOU TRIED TO RUN A PROGRAM WITH SELECTION # 5 THAT WASN'T AVAILABLE. WHEN ADDING NEW PROGRAMS TO THE FILE ^DATE BE SURE TO USE A REV CODE LESS THEN THE ONE ON THE DELTA TAPE. IE: 1000 REMEMBER: PUT PART NUMBER IN PROPER NUMERICAL ORDER. THE FILE NAME UPDATE IS RESERVED FOR USE BY THE PROGRAM SDLUP WHEN PROGRAM CODE # 1 IS SELECTED, IF A FILE NAMED UPDATE EXISTS ON THE SELECTED DISC L.U., IT IS PURGED. BE SURE TO ENTER THE BATCH FILE NAME AS UPDATE::DISC LU ## EXAMPLE: /SDLS4: ENTER BATCH-FILE NAME: UPDATE::10 -----> BATCH FILE NAME MUST = UPDATE. DON'T FORGET THE LU ## THE FILE #SDLUP IS AN INFORMATION FILE CONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS ON RUNNING THE PROGRAM SDLS4 IN THE UPDATE MODE. IF IT ISN'T THERE I JUST SKIP AROUND IT. IF REFERENCES TO THE RTE-IVB MODULE FTIME WAS REMOVED, SDLUP COULD BE RUN ON SYSTEM AS OLD AS RTE-II. A03801 Program Name................:CHESS Title...............:Chess Game File Names..........:Submission File %CHESS Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Unknown Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: A CHESS game. A03901 Program Name................:SORTJ Title...............:Multi-key Interactive Disk-File Sort File Names..........:Submission File %SORTJ Relocatable for &SORTJ $SORTL Subroutine Library for SORTJ %R2FMT Short Formatter included in $SORTL &IERX Source for routine in $SORTL &LIBER Source for routine in $SORTL &NAMJ Source for routine in $SORTL &RANDF Source for routine in &SORTL &SHELL A shell sort (not used in SORTJ) &SORT Another shell sort (not used in SORTJ) &QSORT A quicksort routine(not used in SORTJ) Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:George J. Wynne Company.......:Naval Ordnance Station Street........:Code 3024 Bldg. 759 : City..........:Indian Head State.........:Maryland Country.......:USA Zip Code......:20640 Phone Number..:(301) 743-4892 Program Abstract............: SORTJ is an interactive multi-key disk-file sort. It will sort any FMP file-type. Output file options include (1) a sorted copy of the input file, (2) a type-2 file containing the sorted key-records and their associated input file LOCF pointers, (3) a type-2 file with just the LOCF pointers, or (4) a type-2 file with just the sorted key-records. Notes that options 2, 3, and 4 are very fast because no random access of the input file is required. Source files for several general purpose routines called by SORTJ are included. Also source files for two Shell sorts subroutines and a Quicksort subroutine have been included; these are not called by SORTJ, but are included just in case someone might want them for some other application. Additional Documentation....: RU,LOADR (note, only files 2 & 3 are required to load). LB RE,%SORTJ RE,$SORTL END **ANSWER 26 RU,SORTJ Program is interactive, just answer the questions If confused, consult comments at the beginning of file &SORTJ **ANSWER 27 I/O EXAMPLE (Operators responses below show as underlined if this file is listed on 264x, 263x, and 262x terminals and/or printers) &dD:RU,SORTJ&d@ INPUT TO BE SORTED ENTER FILE NAME IN NAMR FORMAT &dD"DRC12&d@ MAXIMUM N0. OF RECORDS TO BE READ FROM "DRC12 ? &dD2222&d@ KEY ? &dD1,6&d@ KEY ? &dD8,10&d@ KEY ? &dD-1&d@ 4 PARTITIONS OF 616 KEY RECORDS SORTED OUTPUT TO BE CREATED ENTER FILE NAME IN NAMR FORMAT &dDFILEX::AA&d@ OUTPUT OPTIONS ARE: 1 SORTED COPY OF INPUT FILE 2 SORTED KEYRECORDS + INPUT FILE POINTERS 3 INPUT FILE POINTERS ONLY 4 SORTED KEYRECORDS ENTER OUTPUT FILE OPTION &dD1&d@ BEGIN SORT AT TIME 9:19:56 BEGIN OUTPUT PARTITION 1 AT TIME 9:20: 1 BEGIN OUTPUT PARTITION 2 AT TIME 9:20: 6 BEGIN OUTPUT PHASE AT TIME 9:20: 8 1208 RECORDS READ FROM "DRC12 1208 RECORDS WRITTEN ON FILEX $END SORTJ AT TIME 9:20:25 SORTJ is an interactive multi-key disk-file sort. It will sort any FMP file-type. Output file options include (1) a sorted copy of the input file, (2) a type-2 file containing the sorted key-records and their associated input file LOCF pointers, (3) a type-2 file with just the LOCF pointers, or (4) a type-2 file with just the sorted key-records. Notes that options 2, 3, and 4 are very fast because no random access of the input file is required. The description of this program that follows was extracted from the the comments at the beginning of the source file &SORTJ. NOTES: 1. Schedule the program from the operator terminal *ON,SORTJ The program will request that the operator specify the input file NAMR, sort keys, output file NAMR, options, etc. 2. Number of records that may be sorted is limited by the smaller of IBSZ**2 / [(L+1)*(L+IDCBSZ)] and 128*IFIX[(32767.*L)/128.]/L = MAX. SIZE OF TYPE 2 KEYFIL where IBSZ is the size of array ICORE, L is the key size + 3 in words, and IDCBSZ is the key file partition DCB size used in the merge phase. 3. All input file records are truncated at 128 words (256 bytes) !!! 4. Program requests maximum number of records on input file. If a value less than the actual number of records on the input file is entered, then the number of records read from the input file will be equal to that value. See below for remarks on the number of records on the output file. 5. Key fields are entered in format C1,NC. C1 is the 1st byte of a key field and NC is the number of bytes in the field. For example 3,5 means that the key field is in positions 3,4,5,6 and 7. The program will continue prompting for key fields with: KEY ? until either the operator enters -1 for the value of 'C1' or a maximum of 63 fields have been specified. The combined key (sum of all NC values) must be <= 250 bytes. 6. Output file options ( 1 output file will contain input file records in ( sorted order ( ( 2 sorted key records (with input file pointers IOPTN = ( for subsequent use with APOSN) ( ( 3 input file pointers only ( ( 4 key records only (no pointers) Note that options 2,3,& 4 are considerably faster than option 1 because direct access reads from the input file are not required. User may specify the output file security code and cartridge, but not the type & size. The output file type & size for option 1 is the same as for the input file. For options 2, 3, & 4, the output file type is 2 and the record length is: OPTN RECORD-LENGTH ____ ______________ 2 NKWDS + NPOINTRS Sorted key-records with pointers. 3 NPOINTRS Pointers only. 4 NKWDS Key-records only. where NKWDS is the number of words required for the composite key field and NPOINTRS is the number of input file pointers required to locate a record (i.e., one for input file types 1 and 2 and three for input file types > 2). The number of records on a type 2 output file maay differ from the number on the input file. This will probable be the case where: a. the output option is greater than 1, and b. the output option is 1, the input file type is 2, and the operator specifies a maximum number of input records less than the number of records on the input file. In these cases the last block (physical record) of the type-2 output file may have "extra" records. These will be zero filled. The number of such zero filled records written at the end of the output file is displayed on the operator terminal. Note that since records are at the end of the file, the output is technically out-of-sort. This condition may be corrected by re-sorting the output file using option 1; however in programs which are to use the sorted output, I usually just check for the first zero- filled record as an end-of-file indicator. 7. *BR,SORTJ - the output file & keyfile will be purged and the program will be aborted. 8. Type 'EX' in response to any query and the output file and keyfil will be purged. Then the program will be terminated. 9. The input file will be read and the address of each of its records, along with the key string, will be saved in core until the buffer 'ICORE' is full. Then it will be dumped to one of the partitions of '#\KYFL'. This process is repeated until all the keys have been created and sorted. At this point there will be a number of sorted sub-files existing as partitions of '#\KYFL'. For the next phase '#\KYFL' is opened once (with a different DCB) for each partition (sub-file). Then one key record is read from each subfile to get started. Of these records, the one with the smallest key is determined and the corresponding input file record is transferred to the output file. Then that key record is replaced by the next sequential record from its partition, and so on until all input records have been transferred to the output file. For the input and '#\KYFL' creation phase, the last part of the array 'ICORE' is used to hold pointer data. Pointer values are stored from the top of 'ICORE' downward. i.e., IPONTR(I) = ICORE(IBSZ+1-I) Keys and source file addresses are stored starting in ICORE(1). If all of the key strings will fit in memory at once, then the key record file (#\KYFL) is not created. 10. For the "RTE"-FORTRAN compiler, make the array ICORE as large as feasible and set IBSZ equal to its dimension. 11. Arrays were assigned to COMMON because that saves space in the executable program file (i.e., type 6 file or RTE-owned-program file). If you aren't concerned with a couple of tracks of disk space, you can change COMMON to DIMENSION. (2/18/80 - If loaded with RTE-IVB LOADR, putting arrays in COMMON doesn't save anything.) Jack McAlister indicated, at the 1981 HP-1000 IUG, that only a very few contributions to the PLUS/1000 library were being received. At our installation we have many programs and subprograms that have been designed for our specific needs. That means that most of them lack the completeness (enhancements, extensions, generality and documentation) that we would like to have before submitting them to PLUS/1000. Nevertheless, many of them, such as this one, work quite well and should be of general usefulness. Realistically we can be fairly sure that we will never have the time to rework our older software to the desired degree of generality and perfectability. However, our future development efforts will be done with the possible ultimate submission to PLUS/1000 in mind. For now, we plan to submit the more gereral modules in this "as is" form. We hope that other users will do the same; it is usually easier to add our own specific "bell" or "whistle" than research and code the entire "guts of the thing" from scratch. A04001 Program Name................:DIALUP Title...............:General Purpose 'Self-Cleaning' Dialup Capability For Session Monitor File Names..........:Submission File DIALUP Conference paper with documentaion &ANS00 Modem-Answer program &HUP00 Hang-up program &EQTNR EQTNR function (ASMB) &LGOFC Class#-routine function (ASMB) &MBYTS Byte mover (ASMB) &SLEEP Delay SBRT &DVB00 Driver (ASMB) Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 & ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Don A. Wright Company.......:3M Center Street........:Bldg. 263-1B : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: Two programs have been developed which work with the contributed 12966A BACI card driver DVB00 (contribution # 490) to provide a comprehensive dialup facility. They provide these capabilities: 1. Dialup from any 300- or 1200-baud terminal. 2. Automatic baud-rate selection at connect. 3. Automatic cleanup and logoff of a 'dirty disconnect'. 4. Automatic hangup of idle modems. Auto-answering 2-speed modems are required in addition to DVB00 and the BACI card. A modified version of DVB00 is included with this submission, as it is the version which has been tested in this application. This dialup facility was described in some detail in a paper given at the 1981 HP-1000 Users Group Conference. The paper is included with this submission as the major supporting ducument. Additional Documentation....: NOTE: The included version of DVB00 is itself very thoroughly documented, in the source document. That driver is useful for a great many things. It is, in our experience with this version, very reliable and it performs according to its documentation. Both ANS00 and HUP00 will supply diagnostic messages to the system console if an error is encountered. The messages are rather self- explanatory, and the sources for those programs are quite well documented so that the cause for a message may be traced through a program if necessary. All included sources contain substantial documenting in the form of A04101 Program Name................:INDSC Title...............:Re-Initializes (Purges And Packs) A Disc Cartridge Programatically File Names..........:Submission File &INDSC Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 & ASMB Contributor's Name..........:William Gieske Company.......:Bell Labs Street........:555 Union Blvd. : City..........:Allentown State.........:Pa. Country.......:USA Zip Code......:18103 Phone Number..:(215) 439-5137 Program Abstract............: INDSC WILL PROGRAMMATICALLY "PURGE AND PACK" ANY MOUNTED DISC LU. THE PROGRAM IS COMPATIBLE WITH BOTH 96 AND 128 SECTORS/TRACK DISCS. THE ABILITY TO OPTIONALLY SAVE THE FIRST FILE (NO EXTENTS ALLOWED) ON THE DISC LU IS ALSO PROVIDED. NOTE THAT INDSC DOES NOT CHECK TO SEE IF THE FILE HAS EXTENTS, SO IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO NOT ASK IT TO SAVE THE FIRST FILE IF THE FILE HAS EXTENTS. INDSC IS ONE OF THE PRO- GRAMS DESCRIBED IN THE PAPER "INCREASING YOUR PRODUCTIVITY AS A SYSTEM MANAGER", PRESENTED AT THE SECOND HPIUG CONFERENCE (1981). INDSC USES THE NORMAL RTE AND FMGR ROUTINES. Additional Documentation....: RU,LOADR,,%INDSC RU,INDSC,P1[,P2] WHERE P1 = DISC LU P2 = SAVE FIRST FILE FLAG (OPTIONAL) IF P2 = 1, THE FIRST FILE IS SAVED, EXCEPT ON LU 2, WHERE THE FIRST FILE IS ALWAYS SAVED UNLESS P2 = -1 NO SUCESSFUL COMPLETION MESSAGE IS PRINTED. IF THE DISC LU IS NOT MOUNTED, INDSC WILL TERMINATE WITH A MESSAGE INDICATING THIS TO BE THE CASE. A04201 Program Name................:UTERM Title...............:CDC Mode IV Remote Terminal Emulator Software System (CDC/1000) File Names..........:Submission File &UTERM User interface program &PROMT Terminal interrupt program &CDCUT Driver front-end program &DVA67 Synchronous modem driver COMN SSGA module &UTEMC Optional microcode &DVZ11 Optional card reader driver 'UTERM Additional program documentation Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Dale E. Berg Company.......:Sandia National Laboratories Street........:Org. 5636, PO Box 5800 : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(505) 844-1030 Program Abstract............: CDC/1000 IS A SOFTWARE SUBSYSTEM WHICH EMULATES A CDC MODE IV (200-UT) REMOTE TERMINAL ON HP MINICOMPUTERS. IT CONSISTS OF A USER INTERFACE PROGRAM (UTERM), A TERMINAL INTERRUPT INTERCEPTION PROGRAM (PROMT), A DRIVER FRONT-END PROGRAM (CDCUT), A PRIVILEGED DRIVER (DVA67), A SSGA MODULE (#COMN), AND OPTIONAL MICROCODE (%UTEMC) AND CARD READER DRIVER (DVZ11). THIS SUBMISSION CONTAINS VERSION 4.3 (AUG 1981) WHICH USES LESS SSGA AND CONTAINS MORE UTERM COMMANDS THAN EARLIER VERSIONS. THIS SUBSYSTEM WILL OPERATE ON A HEWLETT-PACKARD SERIES 1000 MINI- COMPUTER RUNNING UNDER THE RTE-III, RTE-IVA OR RTE-IVB OPERATING SYSTEM. IT WILL COMMUNICATE AT LINE SPEEDS OF UP TO 9600 BAUD (MAX. SPECIFIED INTERFACE SPEED). IT REQUIRES THE HP 12618A SYNCHRONOUS DATA SET INTER- FACE KIT (AND HALF- OR FULL-DUPLEX SYNCHRONOUS MODEM) AND THE HP 12620A INTERFACE KIT (OR EQUIVALENT) FOR A PRIVILEGED INTERRUPT FENCE. CDC CENTRAL SITES SUPPORTING MODE IV REMOTE BATCH TERMINALS USE ONE OF THREE LINE CODES FOR TERMINAL COMMUNICATIONS: EXTERNAL BCD, INTERNAL BCD, OR ASCII. CDC/1000 WILL OPERATE WITH ANY OF THE THREE LINE CODES. CDC/1000 WILL ACCEPT USER INPUT FROM A CARD READER, DISC FILE, MAG TAPE, OR TERMINAL AND WILL ROUTE CENTRAL SITE OUTPUT TO ANY COMBINATION OF DISC FILE, MAG TAPE, LINE PRINTER, OR TERMINAL. IT WILL, AT THE USER'S COMMAND, AUTOMATICALLY SWITCH FROM ONE INPUT DEVICE TO ANOTHER AND FROM ONE SET OF OUTPUT DEVICES TO ANOTHER. THE USER MAY ALSO DIRECT CDC/1000 TO SEARCH A SPECIFIED DISC CARTRIDGE FOR ALL FILES. THE CONTENTS OF EVERY FILE ON THAT CARTRIDGE WILL BE TRANSMITTED TO THE CENTRAL SITE AS INPUT, AND AS EACH FILE IS READ, IT WILL BE PURGED. THIS SUBSYSTEM USES BYTE AND WORD COMMANDS AS WELL AS NUMEROUS DISC FMP CALLS AND RTE SYSTEM ROUTINES. IT REQUIRES THE MESSS SYSTEM ROUTINE AND THE MEMORY LOCK OPTION. IT'S USE ON SYSTEMS OTHER THAN RTE-III,IVA, OR IVB WILL PROBABLY REQUIRE SOFTWARE MODIFICATION. THE USER MUST GENERATE A NEW PRIVILEGED SYSTEM TO USE CDC/1000. THE NEW SYSTEM !!MUST!! INCLUDE THE SSGA MODULE #COMN AND THE DRIVER DVA67. THE SYSTEM MUST ALSO BE SET UP TO ENABLE A PROGRAM TO LOCK ITSELF INTO A PARTITION. IT MAY ALSO (AT THE USER'S OPTION) INCLUDE CDCUT AND PROMT AS MEMORY RESIDENT PROGRAMS. CDC/1000 MICROCODE IS WRITTEN FOR THE E- AND F-SERIES COMPUTERS, BUT THE REST OF THE SOFTWARE SHOULD FUNCTION ON AN M-SERIES COMPUTER AS WELL AS THE E- AND F-SERIES. THE REFERENCE MANUAL FOR CDC/1000 IS "CDC/1000 - A CONTROL DATA CORPORATION REMOTE BATCH TERMINAL EMULATOR FOR HEWLETT-PACKARD MINICOMPUTERS", BERG, DALE E., SAND80-2548, FEB. 1981, SANDIA LABS, ALBUQUERQUE, NM, USA, 87185. Additional Documentation....: SEE MANUAL (SAND80-2548) AND COMMENTS IN CODE FOR LOADING INSTRUCTIONS SEE MANUAL (SAND80-2548) AND COMMENTS IN CODE FOR RUN INSTRUCTIONS SEE PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION (SAND80-2548) FOR INPUT/OUTPUT SEE MANUAL (SAND80-2548) AND CODE COMMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SEE PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION (SAND80-2548) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROGRAM UTERM REQUIRES A 13K PARTITION, PROGRAM PROMT REQUIRES A 2 PAGE PARTITION (OR 430 OCTAL LOCATIONS IF MEMORY RESIDENT), PROGRAM CDCUT REQUIRES A 2 PAGE PARTITION (OR 1031 OCTAL LOCATIONS IF MEMORY RESIDENT), #COMN REQUIRES 3120 OCTAL LOCATIONS IN SSGA, AND DVA67 REQUIRES 1001 OCTAL LOCATIONS (470 FOR MICROCODED VERSION) IN THE SYSTEM DRIVER AREA. THE OPTIONAL CARD READER DRIVER, DVZ11, REQUIRES 1177 OCTAL LOCATIONS IN A DRIVER PARTITION, AND THE OPTIONAL MICROCODE, %UTEMC, REQUIRES 752 OCTAL LOCATIONS ON A WCS CARD. WHEN GENERATING THE PRIVILEGED SYSTEM, BE SURE TO GIVE THE 12618A CARDS THE HIGHEST PRIORITY (LOWEST SELECT CODE) LOCATION POSSIBLE, AFTER THE FEM BOARD AND ANY WCS BOARDS. THE PRIVILEGED INTERRUPT FENCE SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE SELECT CODE IMMEDIATELY ABOVE THE TRANSMIT CARD (UNLESS ADDITIONAL PRIVILEGED I/O INTERFACES ARE PRESENT IN THE SYSTEM). SEE THE SYSTEM MANAGER'S MANUAL FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CREATING AND GENERATING A PRIVILEGED SYSTEM. THE OPTIONAL CARD READER DRIVER DVZ11 IS CAPABLE OF READING THE MULTI- PUNCHED CARDS USED BY CDC TO DENOTE END-OF-RECORD AND END-OF-FILE. IT INTERPRETS THESE MULTIPUNCHES AS ASCII CHARACTERS # AND @, RESPECTIVELY. THE OPTIONAL MICROCODE %UTEMC MAY BE USED IF THE USER HAS A WCS CARD AND THE ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE IN HIS SYSTEM. USE OF THE MICROCODE WILL SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE THE SYSTEM OVERHEAD REQUIRED TO OPERATE CDC/1000 AT THE HIGHER TRANSMISSION SPEEDS. PROMS WHICH CONTAIN THE MICROCODE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE. THESE ARE INSERTED INTO THE FEM OR FAB BOARD ON YOUR COMPUTER TO REDUCE THE CDC/1000 SYSTEM OVERHEAD WITHOUT USING A WCS BOARD AND THE ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE. CDC/1000 MUST BE MODIFIED SLIGHTLY TO USE THESE PROMS. CONTACT ME FOR DETAILS. ALTHOUGH THIS SOFTWARE IS WRITTEN FOR THE 12618A SYNCHRONOUS MODEM INTERFACE KIT (REQUIRING THREE OR FOUR CARDS, DEPENDING ON WHETHER YOU USE THE WCS CARD), IT COULD EASILY BE MODIFIED TO USE OTHER SYNCHRONOUS MODEM INTERFACES (PERHAPS 12967A) RESULTING IN THE USE OF ONE LESS INTERFACE CARD. CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SUCH A MODIFI- I AM ALSO INVESTIGATING THE POSSIBILITY OF DEVELOPING A SINGLE CARD (ONE INTERFACE CARD, NO PRIVILEGED FENCE) INTERFACE USING A MODIFIED DS/1000-IV OR BISYNC INTERFACE CARD. THESE CARDS CONTAIN A MICRO- PROCESSOR WHICH WOULD BE REPROGRAMMED TO HANDLE ALL THE COMMUNICATIONS AND PROTOCOL AT THE CARD LEVEL, ELIMINATING THE NEED FOR A PRIVILEGED DRIVER AND THE PRIVILEGED INTERFACE CARD. THIS WOULD GREATLY REDUCE THE COMPUTER OVERHEAD REQUIRED TO RUN CDC/1000. TRANSMISSION RATES OF GREATER THAN 20K BAUD WOULD BE POSSIBLE WITH SUCH A CARD. THIS TYPE OF INTERFACE WOULD ALSO ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR BUFFERS IN THE SSGA AREA. DEVELOPMENT OF SUCH A CARD WILL REQUIRE A FAIR AMOUNT OF TIME AND WILL INVOLVE SOME EXPENSE, BUT IT SHOULD NOT BE GREAT. IF I CAN GET SEVERAL PARTIES TO SHARE IN THE EXPENSE, THE COST TO EACH PARTY SHOULD BE VERY REASONABLE. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE SUCH AN INTERFACE DEVELOPED, PLEASE CONTACT ME. I HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF COPIES OF SAND80-2548 AVAILABLE. CONTACT ME AT (505) 844-1030 IF YOU WILL BE USING THIS SOFTWARE AND/OR YOU NEED A04301 Program Name................:HPC Title...............:Calculator Functionals With A Keyboard Terminal (Previously Called CALC) File Names..........:Submission File "HPCM Documentation (Manual) file %HPC Relocatable program %LIBER Relocatable routines for HPC &HPC Source &LIBER Source for routines for HPC Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4/FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:George J. Wynne Company.......:Naval Ordnance Station Street........:Code 3024, Bldg. 759 : City..........:Indian Head State.........:Maryland Country.......:USA Zip Code......:20640 Phone Number..:(301) 743-4892 Program Abstract............: The program HPC (previously called CALC) supports use of an HP- 1000 terminal in a 'desk calculator' mode. It was originally developed in 1975 and new commands were added from time to time. Some of the more interesting features are: A 500 element operational stack of double precision floating point operands (four word double precision is recommended). Stack elements may double as 'memory storage registers'. Base n I/O mode allows user to input base n (2 <= n <= 35) values and enables the display of stack elements in both base n and base 10. It is programmable. A user may write his own program or programs to interface with HPC. He may then issue the 'UF' command which causes HPC to schedule, with wait, a particular program. The operational STACK and other values are passed on a system disk track between HPC and user written program. There are commands for stack storage and retrieval to and from disk files and to and from LU's 4 and 5. An optional list device (LU only) may be enabled to record all input values, commands, and functions and all terminal displays. Over 50 commands, functions and operators are implemented. RTE system interfaces are implemented in the manner of FMGR; i.e., the SYstrng, the RU,pnam, and the WH command are implemented. The program may be easily extended to include new commands, operators, and/or functions. EXEC and FMP subroutine calls are used throughout. Additional Documentation....: :RU,LOADR /LOADR: LB /LOADR: RE,%HPC /LOADR: RE,%LIBER /E 21 PAGES ARE REQUIRED WITH RTE-IVB. SEE DOCUMENTATION FILE FOR COMMENTS WITH RESPECT TO REDUCING THIS SIZE REQUIREMENT. **ANSWER 26 RU,HPC CONSULT THE DOCUMENTATION FILE FOR DETAILS OF SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS. HPC issues a '#' prompt; enter data or one of the following commands. * Multiplication X*Y to Y, IP-1. + Addition X+Y to Y, IP-1. - Subtraction X-Y to Y, IP-1. / Division X/Y to Y, IP-1. * ??,n Display commands on lu n. * A1,n Annuity whose present value is Y. A2 Inverse tangent(Y/X). ACOS Inverse cosine(X). ALOG 10**X. AREA pi*X**2/4, area of diameter X. ASIN Inverse sine(X). ATAN Inverse tangent(X). BASE,n Display X in base n (2 <= n <= 35). CF,namr Create file 'namr' containing stack values. CLEAR Clear stack to all zeroes. COS Cosine(X). CROOT X**1/3. CUBE X**3. DEG Convert X from radians to degrees. DIA SQRT(4X/PI), diameter whose area is X. DS,n Display S(IP-n+1) to S(IP). DS Display S(1) to S(IP). E Enter constant e into the stack. END,EX,/E Terminate program. * EQ,n Solution to system of linear equations. EP e**X. FRAC DMOD(X,1), fractional part of X. HALF X/2. INVER 1/X. * LL,n Enable output to list device. * LL,0 Disable output to list device. LN LOGe(X). LOG,n LOGn(X), n defaults to 10. * LS,n Least squares polynomial fit. MOD MOD(y,X). MV,n,l1,l2 Move n values from l1 to l2. P,n X**n. P4 Enter constant pi/4 into the stack. PF,namr Purge file 'namr'. PI Enter constant pi into the stack. * PLY,n Polynomial evaluation. * PR,n Find all roots of a real polynomial. PT,n,l1 Read n values, starting at l1, from lu 5. PU,n,l1 WRITE n values, starting at l1, to lu 4. R Recall S(0). R,n Recall S(n). RAD Convert X from degrees to radians. RD,namr Read stack values back from 'namr'. RF,n,i Repeat previous command n times decrementing IP by i before each execution. ROUND Round X to nearest integer. RP Move S(IP) to S(IP+1). Advance IP. RP,n Move S(IP) to next n stack locations. Set IP=IP+n. RU,pnam Schedule program 'pnam' with wait. S Store S(IP) in MEM. S,n Store S(IP) in S(n). * SB,n Set I/O base = n. SC Sign change. Replace X with -X. SET,n Set stack pointer IP = n. SET Set stack pointer IP = 0. SINE Sine(x). * SM,n Summation function. SQUARE X**2. SR X**1/2. SS Suspend this program. SW,n,l1,l2 Switch n stack values starting at l1 & l2. SYstrng Pass 'strng' to RTE for processing. TAN Tangent(X). TOP Advance list lu to top of form. TRUNC Truncate X. * UF,pnam Schedule program pnam. WH[,,AL/PA] Schedule program WHZAT. XY X**Y. Y Set IP = IP-1. YX Y**X. YY Set IP = IP-2. Z Set IP = IP+1. ZZ Set IP = IP+2. SEE DOCUMENTATION FILE (A SHORT MANUAL) Since the last revision the following modifications have been made: (1) The name of the program has been changed to HPC from CALC so as to resolve the conflict with the FMGR CALCULATE command. (2) A polynomial root finder has been added. (3) The method of scheduling a user program, with passing of the stack to the scheduled program, has been changed. In previous versions, only programs starting with the characters 'UF' could be scheduled with stack passing. Now programs with any name may be scheduled. See the description of command UF,pnam. (4) The FTN4X compiler is now used. It may be changed back to FTN4 rather easily. See Documentation file. (5) In an earlier version, one could not enter a zero value into the stack in the usual manner. This has been corrected. A04401 Program Name................:EIAIN Title...............:Numerical Control Punched Tape Utilities File Names..........:Submission File *EIAIN Loader command file &BLK2 Block Data program &POS Character position subroutine &VAL String value subroutine &LGTH String length subroutine &EIAIN Conversion program &SPTNO Part number validation subroutine S02437 List of valid partno formats &EIAOT Punch out program *EIAOT Loader command file &SUBHD Header subroutine &TIC Position trace subroutine &PACK String pack subroutine &FMERR File access error routine &RS244 Conversion code table &MANRD Man-readable tape leader Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Rexford J. Abbott Company.......:Spectra-Physics Mt. View Street........:1250 W. Middlefield Rd. : City..........:Mountain View State.........:California Country.......:USA Zip Code......: Phone Number..:(415) 961-2550 Program Abstract............: FOR CONVERSION OF NUMERICAL CONTROL PUNCHED TAPE DISC IMAGE IN ASCII TO THE EARLIER FORM OF MACHINE TOOL CHARACTER CODE (EIA RS:244).THIS CODE IS RECOGNIZED BY THE RESEMBLANCE TO BINARY CODED DECIMAL DITH THE TAPE READER REQUIREMENT IS AN H-P 9883 OR EQUIVALENT.THE SOFTWARE DRIVER IS DVR00.END OF TAPE IS ASSUMED WHEN EIGHTY BLANK SPROCKET HOLES THE TAPE PUNCH REQUIREMENT IS FO A FACIT 4070 OR H-P 9884 PUNCH WITH 02895-60005 LOGIC INVERTER BOARD. THESE HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ARE BASICALLY "STANDARD TO AN H-P TURNKEY INSTALLATION. EIAIN - READS IN PART NO,OPERATION NO,AND MACHINE LOAD CENTER.THE PART NO IS VERIFIED TO S-P FORMAT AND WHEN AN ACCEPTABLE FORMAT IS ENTERED,THE PROGRAM PROCEEDS.IF FORMAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE THE CONTENTS OF S02437 ARE DISPLAYED AND A NEW PART NO INPUT IS REQUESTED. THE FIRST RECORD IS PREPARED IN SUCH A WAY THAT STRING LENGTH AND REGISTRATION ARE AS ANTICIPATED BY THE LATER PUNCH OUT UTILITY. CODE READ IN BY THE READER IS THEN CONVERTED INTO ASCII FROM RS:244 AND STORED ON A FILE SUPPLIED BY THE USER.THIS SOFTWARE ASSUMES THE READER TO BE LU # 10. EIAOT - PUNCHES OUT MAN-READABLE PART NUMBER IMAGE OF THE FIRST THIRTY CHARACTERS FOUND IN TH FIRST RECORD OF THE PUNCHED TAPE FILE. REMAINING RECORDS ARE CONVERTED FROM ASCII TO RS:244 AND PUNCHED OUT ASSUMING A "$" TO BE THE END OF BLOCK CHARACTER. THIS PROCESS PROCEEDS UNTIL THE CHARACTER STRING "-END-" IS REACHED. AT THIS POINT TWO FEET OF LEADER IS OUTPUT AND THE PROGRAM TERRMINATES. Additional Documentation....: THE PROGRAM WILL STOP IF THE POSITION SUBROUTINE ENCOUNTERS ANY CHARACTERS WHICH ARE OUTSIDE OF THE LIMIT OF ACCEBTABLE CHARACTER CODES TO MOST N/C CONTROLLERS.THE VARIABLE IPAR(4) OF THE BLOCK DATA PROGRAM IS SET TO POINT ERRORS TOWARD THE PRINTER (LU # 6). WHEN AN INVALID CHARACTER IS ENCOUNTERED,THE PROGRAM WILL REPORT THE COLUMN NUMBER OF THE CHARACTER WHEN ENCOUNTERED. THE ROUTINE FMERR REPORTS FILE MANAGER ERRORS WHEN DOING FILE I/O. THE PASS PARAMETER TO THIS SUBROUTINE IS THE ERROR CODE FROM THE CALL OF THE FILE READ OR WRITE. A04501 Program Name................:GRABAG Title...............:Grab-Bag Of Miscellaneous Software Modules, Fragments, Etc. File Names..........:Submission File :"9845F:::4 DOCUMENTATION ON 9895 FLOPPY CONV > HP9845 :@AUCPY:::4 '@' files are LOADR command files :&AUCPY:::4 AUTO COPY-BACK FROM LUSAV TAPE :&BASEC:::4 NUMBER BASE CONVERSION :&BBFIT:::4 BALLISTIC BACKFIT HONEYWELL VERSION :@BENCH:::4 :&BENCH:::4 RTE: DOUGS TIMING BENCHMARK :%BGAM :::5 BACKGAMMON :"BMD :::4 INPUT DATA FOR NASC6 :&BNCH2:::4 RTE: USED TO CHECK ACCURACY AND PRECISION :@BNCH2:::4 :&CALC1:::4 RTE2 VERSION OF CALC :&CLB :::4 GJW CARTRIDGE LISTER :!CONFI:::7 DIAG CONFIGURATOR 1/4/79 :&COPFL:::3 RETRIEVE INDIVIDUAL FILES FROM LUSAVE TAPE :@COPFL:::4 :&D1000:::4 PUT HP-1000 DIRECTORY ON HP-9895 FLOPPY :@D1000:::4 :&DECFL:::4 READS (ETC) FROM PDP-11 FLX TAPE :@DECFL:::4 :&DFUSE:::4 GAMES: DEFUSE :%DLB :::5 DLB RELOCATABLE :&DLTAB:::4 PDP11 TO HP COPY TAPE & DELETE TABS :&DLX :::4 PERFORMS DL'S WITH FILE DESCRIPTION :@DLX :::4 :@DLXA :::4 :&DLXA :::4 DIRECTORY LIST (AUTO-DLX). Directory NAMR="DRC12 :*DOJ :::4 COMPILE AND LOAD DOJ :&DOJ :::4 MOD OF NASA PROG &DOC (MODES 1 & 3) PRAM. DRIVEN :&DRC45:::4 PUT HP-9845 DIRECTORY ON HP-9895 FLOPPY :@DRC45:::4 :"DRIC :::4 DRIX USER MANUAL :&DRIX :::4 CADS: DYNAMIC RESPONSE INDEX :@DRTS :::4 :&EQTSC:::4 LIST EQT'S & SUBS AS FUNC OF LU :&ETA :::4 EBCDIC TO ASCII TAPE CONVERSION :&ETAX :::4 TRANSLATE 80BYTE EBCDIC TAPES :&EULER:::4 USED TO CHECK OUT QUARTERNION EQUATIONS :@F9895:::4 :&F9895:::4 HP-1000 ASCII TO 9845 DATA ON 9895 FLOPPIES :&FANN :::4 COPIES FILES TO SELECTED LU'S, mod before using ! :@FANN :::4 :&FDMP2:::4 DISK DUMP BY SECTOR FOR 9895 FLOPPIES :&GETFL:::4 RTE: TRANSFER DISK AREA TO TYPE-3 FILE :@GIRL3:::4 :&GIRL3:::4 9872 VERSION OF &GIRL :&INPUT:::4 VPTRJ: OPERATOR INTERFACE SUBROUTINE :&ISPC :::4 ISP CORRECTIONS BY JANAF PROCEDURE. :&KEYZ :::4 KEYCODE DISPLAY. Simple-minded but handy ! :&LB45 :::4 SUBS FOR 1000/9845 HP9895 FLOPPY CONVERSIONS :%LB45 :::5 Included in $NOSLB for 9895 conversions. :%LIT :::5 LIST FILE BY PAGE :"LP21 :::4 HP2621 CONTROL SUBROUTINE DOCU. :&LP31 :::4 PROGRAM FOR 2631 ESCP-SEQS, ETC. :&UDCA :::4 UNDECLARED MEMORY SUBR' :&UDCF :::4 UNDECLARED MEMORY SUBR' :$NOSLB:::5 LIBRARY, MOST 'NON-SYSTEM' SUBS USED BY THESE PROGS :@LUCPY:::4 :&LUCPY:::4 AUTO LU-SAVE (!DSKUP FORMAT) :%LUPRN:::5 RELOC FOR LUPRN !! BETTER THAN MAPIO RU<LUPRN,?? :@LUSAV:::4 :&LUSAV:::4 DSKUP COMPATIBLE LU SAVE (SEE AUCPY, COPFL & LUCPY) :%MTEST:::5 MAG TAPE EXERCISER :%MXREF:::5 CROSS REF LISTING OF RELOC. FILES :&NASC6:::4 STEPWISE MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION :&OFFWF:::4 RTE: OFF WAITING FATHER :%OTHEL:::5 GAMES: OTHELLO :&P7210:::4 9872 LIBRARY for SOME PROGRAMS, NOT in $NOSLB. :%P7210:::5 9872 LIBRARY for SOME PROGRAMS, NOT in $NOSLB. :&P :::4 TYPE 7 FILE LOAD & GO for RTE-2 (See P4B). :&P4B :::4 RTEIVB VERSION OF &P ABS LOADR :@P4B :::4 :&PIRL :::4 &GIRL PLOT on 2648. Use library $G2648 TO LOAD. :&PLYRG:::4 POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION PROGRAM :&PYSCL:::4 TENSILE PROPERTIES :%QDL :::5 QUICK DL :&RDX50:::4 PDP: TESTS RAD50 :&REFMT:::4 SYS/PER DISC DIRECTORY SWITCH for 7900. Carefull !! :&RNTST:::4 RTE: RESOURCE NUMBERS; MINI-DEMO :%SEEKR:::5 NON DESTRUCTIVE DISK LU VERIFICATION :@SYNC3:::4 Ignore this. :&SYNC3:::4 9872 SYNC. Use library %P7210 to load :&TC029:::4 DATA 100 TAPES FROM HW CARDS :&TCDC :::4 TRANSLATE CDC-BCD TAPE :&TDMA :::4 TEST DMA STATUS :&TESSD:::4 TEST FOR DVRTP :&TFMT :::4 DP OUTPUT FORMAT TEST :@TJFAC:::4 :&TMGLB:::4 TMGR SOURCE LIBRARY :@TMGR :::4 :&TMGR :::4 GJW MOD TAPE MANAGER PROGRAM :&TR029:::4 DATA 100 TAPES FROM EBCDIC CARDS :&TT3D :::4 GAMES: 3D TIC TAC TOE :@VPTRJ:::4 :&VPTRJ:::4 VERTICLE PLANE TRAJECTORY PROGRAM :&ALADD:::4 CADST ASCII-ID INCREMENTER :&ATMOS:::4 ATMOSPHERE, U.S. STD. 1962 :&BASE :::4 BASE CONVERSION SUB'T :&BINC :::4 INCOMPLETE BETA FUNCTION :%BINC :::5 INCOMPLETE BETA FUNCTION, in $NOSLB :&BNDEC:::4 BINARY TO ASCII, zero fill. :&COMP :::4 COMPARE WORDS OR BYTES SUB'T :&DELAY:::4 CPU DELAY SUB'T :&DET3 :::4 DETERMINANT SR(3X3) :%DVX00:::5 DVR00 MOD FOR 2635 :&ETIME:::4 ELAPSED TIME CALCULATOR FUNCTION :&FIT3 :::4 FINDS MIDPOINT OF LEAST SQUARES CUBIC :&FORMF:::4 FORM FUNCTION SUBROUTINE :>B31:::4 RTE: GETS ADDRESS OF TABLE $TB31 :>B32:::4 RTE: GETS ADDRESS OF $TB32 (9895 FLOPPY). :%GTB32:::5 GETS ADDRESS OF $TB32 (9895 FLOPPY) :&ICORE:::4 DEMO ON USE OF UNDECLARED MEMORY :@ICORE:::4 :"ICORE:::3 DEMO ON USE OF UNDECLARED MEMORY :&IEQT :::4 INT=IEQT(DVR#) :&IERX :::4 FMP ERROR CODE SUBROUTINE :&IGETA:::4 FUNCTION, RETURNS ABS-ADDRESS OF ARG :&INSER:::4 SUB'RT TO TRANFER BYTES :&INTFC:::4 RTE: GENERAL SYSTEM INTERFACE :&IOCHK:::4 DIBA STATUS ERROR SUBROUTINE :&IOPSY:::4 FTN CALLABLE .OPSY :&IOSTA:::4 STATUS ERROR SUBROUTINE :&IRAM :::4 INTEGER ROTATE AND MASK :&IRDIR:::4 RETURNS FILE DIRECTORY ENTRIES SEQUENTIALLY. :&IREIO:::4 RUNS REIO WITH FORMAT (don't need anymore). :&JMOVE:::4 MOVE BYTES :&JNTFC:::4 RTE: READ COMMAND & PASS TO INTFC :&KPUT :::4 RTE: NON PRIVILEDGED VERSION OF IPUT :&LIBER:::4 RTE: OP TERM IFACE (PAUSE, STOP,ETC) :%LIBER:::5 REDIRECT SYSTEM MSGS TO OP-TERMINAL in $NOSLB. :&LOCK :::4 LU LOCK/UNLOCK SUB'T :&LP21 :::4 FUNCTION FOR 2621 ESCP CODES, ETC. :&NAMJ :::4 RTE: EASY NAMR PROGRAM I/F :&PARSA:::4 PARSE SUBRT. (GJW) :&PEFER:::4 RTE: REDIRECTS ERROR MESSAGES LIKE LIBER :&PFIT :::4 CUBIC FIT (1ST & 2ND DERIVATIVES) :&QSORT:::4 SORT: LIST SORT OF INTEGERS :%R2FMT:::5 HP-FTN(2) FORMATTER WITH REIO, not in $NOSLB. :&RANDF:::4 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR :&RKG :::4 RUNGE-KUTTA INTEGRATION SUBROUTINE :&RTEOF:::4 RTE: TURN OFF INTERRUPT (LIKE INTOF) :&SHELL:::4 SORT: SHELL SORT SUBROUTINE :&SORT :::4 SORT: SHELL ADD-LIST INTEGER SORT :&SUBIA:::4 IA(0) SUBSTITUTE (obsolete, ignore this). :&SWAPB:::4 SWAP BYTES SUB'T :&TBINC:::4 TEST INCOMP. BETA FN. :&TGTEQ:::4 TEST FUNCTION IEQT :&THERM:::4 THERMOCOUPLE ROUTINES :&TIRAM:::4 TEST IRAM :&TJFAC:::4 TEST INTFC/JNTFC :%TMGLB:::5 TMGR LIBRARY, included in $NOSLB :&TQSRT:::4 DETERMINE QUICKSORT RUN TIME :&TRANS:::4 EBCDIC TO ASCII SUBROUTINE :&TSSRT:::4 SORT: COMPARE MISC SORT ROUTINES : $G2648:::5 Library to load &PIRL. Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Various Contributor's Name..........:George J. Wynne Company.......:Naval Ordnance Station Street........:Code 3024, Bldg. 759 : City..........:Indian Head State.........:Maryland Country.......:USA Zip Code......:20640 Phone Number..:(301) 743-4892 Program Abstract............: GRABAG is a collection of programs, subprograms, documentation manuals, test-data-files, etc. Some of them have not been looked at in years. Others have been in use from one to seven years on first RTE-II systems and later (past 2 years) on RTE-IVB systems. Quite a few of them came from other sources long since forgotten. They are submitted "as is" without attempt at further enhancement, extension or documentation. This should prove interesting to certain types of individuals but may be very frustrating to others. So be forwarned. Hopefully most of the programs will load after they have been compiled. Relocatables corresponding to most of the subroutine sources included in this submission have been collected into library file #58 ($NOSLB). In general, programs and subroutines use the RTE library modules, i.e., EXEC, REIO, FMP-subroutines, RMPAR, etc., etc. We made an effort not to include any modules which fell into any of the following categories: (a) To specific to our applications to have much general use. (b) Old and not really appropriate for RTE after RTE-III. (c) So incomprehensible we were ashamed of them. (d) Suspected of having data sensitive areas (bugs). (e) Have as good or better counterparts in RTE-IVB software. Load these modules in your program or system in the same manner you would any program or subroutine. To load a program like say &TMGR. First compile it to get the corresponding relocatable %TMGR. Then try the LOADR with :RU,LOADR LI,$NOSLB RE,%TMGR END Hopefully all externals will be satisfied either from $NOSLB or the system library. If you come up with undefined externals, look to see if there is a source module in this submission which has the same name, if yes compile it and relocate with the main program. If you still can't load the program, give me a call and I will attempt to resolve the problem. Note that a number of files submitted are preceeded by '@' these are RTE-IVB LOADR command files which we use here to load programs of corresponding relocatable name. These were included here for information only. To load &PIRL use library file $G2648. To load SYNC3 use library file %P7210. See the source listing for individual programs or subprograms. Most have descriptions in comments (some don't). GRABAG is a collection of programs, subprograms, documentation manuals, test-data-files, etc. Some of them have not been looked at in years. Others have been in use from one to seven years on first RTE-II systems and later (past 2 years) on RTE-IVB systems. Quite a few of them came from other sources long since forgotten. They are submitted "as is" without attempt at further enhancement, extension or documentation. This should prove interesting, to certain types of individuals, but may be very frustrating to others. So be forwarned. Hopefully most of the programs will load after they have been compiled. Relocatables corresponding to most of the subroutine sources included in this submission have been collected into library file #58 ($NOSLB). In general, programs and subroutines use the RTE library modules, i.e., EXEC, REIO, FMP-subroutines, RMPAR, etc., etc. We made an effort not to include any modules which fell into any of the following categories: (a) To specific to our applications to have much general use. (b) Old and not really appropriate for RTE after RTE-III. (c) So incomprehensible we were ashamed of them. (d) Suspected of having data sensitive areas (bugs). (e) Have as good or better counterparts in RTE-IVB software. Jack McAlister indicated, at the 1981 HP-1000 IUG, that only a very few contributions to the PLUS/1000 library were being received. At our installation we have hundreds of programs and subprograms that have been designed for our specific needs. That means that most of them lack the completeness (enhancements, extensions, generality and documentation) that we would like to have before submitting them to PLUS/1000. Realistically we can be fairly sure that we will never have the time to rework our older software to the desired degree of generality and perfectability for submission to PLUS/1000. However, our future development efforts will be done with the possible ultimate submission to PLUS/1000 in mind. For now we will just submit these files in this "as is" form. We hope that others will do the same; it is usually easier to add our own specific "bell" or "whistle" than research and code the entire "guts" of the thing from scratch. A04601 Program Name................:GRABG1 Title...............:Grab-Bag Of Miscellaneous Software Modules, Fragments, Etc., Continued This is a continuation of contibution A04501. A04701 Program Name................:WHO Title...............:Show Session Users That Are Logged On File Names..........:Submission File :&WHO Main program :%WHO Relocatable :&MOVEW ASMB source :&CMPRB ASMB source Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Donald L. Clapp Company.......:Eli Lilly And Co. Street........:307 E. McCarty St. : City..........:Indianapolis State.........:Indiana Country.......:USA Zip Code......:46285 Phone Number..:(317) 261-4458 Program Abstract............: THIS PROGRAM USES THE ACCOUNTS FILE OF SESSION MONITOR TO DISPLAY THE IDENTITY OF ALL ACTIVE SESSION USERS. THE COMPLETE IDENTITY AND THEIR LOG-ON TIME IS DISPLAYED ON THE SCHEDULEING TERMINAL OR ON DEVICE REQUESTED BY FIRST PARAMETER. A04801 Program Name................:FLOW Title...............:Flow Charter For FORTRAN Source Code File Names..........:Submission File :*FLOW Compile, load, and save FLOW :^FLOW Loadr command file :&FLOW FORTRAN source :$FLOW Transfer file to run FLOW Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Glen A. Mortensen Company.......:Intermountain Technologies, Inc. Street........:P.O.Box 1604 : City..........:Idaho Falls State.........:Idaho Country.......:USA Zip Code......:83401 Phone Number..:(208) 523-7255 Program Abstract............: The program FLOW produces flow charts of FORTRAN programs directly from the source code. All FORTRAN IV statements are properly handled. All FORTRAN II statements are properly handled except IF ACCUMULATOR OVERFLOW, IF QUOTIENT OVERFLOW, AND IF DIVIDE CHECK. The latter three statements will be printed, but no flow lines will be drawn. All FTN4X statements except the structured programming constructs are properly handled. Input consists of a sequence of FORTRAN source decks. Each deck is terminated by an END card. Additional Documentation....: TR,$FLOW,NAMR WHERE NAMR CONTAINS FORTRAN SOURCE TO BE FLOW CHARTED A04901 Program Name................:DBSPB Title...............:Data Base Utilities (92069 IMAGE) File Names..........:Submission File :&DBSPB 'Better DBSPA' :&DBSPC Faster DBSPA :&DBSEC Change level words :&DBMOV Move setsfile to run FLOW :%DBSPB :%DBSPC :%DBSEC :%DBMOV Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Donald L. Clapp Company.......:Eli Lilly And Co. Street........:307 E. McCarty St. : City..........:Indianapolis State.........:Indiana Country.......:USA Zip Code......:46285 Phone Number..:(317) 261-4458 Program Abstract............: DBSPB---ENHANCEMENT TO THE STANDARD IMAGE UTILITY, DBSPA. DBSPC---PROVIDES LESS INFORMATION THAN DBSPA, BUT RUNS TO COMPLETION IN ABOUT TWO SECONDS ON ANY DATA BASE. DBSEC---CONVERSATIONAL PROGRAM TO CHANGE THE LEVEL WORDS OF A DATA BASE. DBMOV---THIS PROGRAM WILL MOVE ANY SET OF A DATA BASE TO A DIFFERENT DISC CARTRIDGE. ALL FOUR PROGRAMS SHOULD BE LOADED AS TYPE 4 (LB) PROGRAMS. IF THERE IS A SIZE PROBLEM SOME OF THE PROGRAMS HAVE VERY LARGE DCB'S. THESE COULD BE MADE SMALLER AT THE EXPENSE OF PERFORMANCE. RU,DBSEC[,P1] P1 IS THE TERMINAL LU, OPTIONAL. RU,DBMOV[,P1] P1 IS THE TERMINAL LU, OPTIONAL. THESE TWO ARE CONVERSATIONAL ONLY. ---------------------------------------------------------------- RU,DBSPB[,P1[,P2[,ROOT[:SC[:CR[,LEVEL]]]]]] WHERE: P1 IS THE CONSOLE DEFAULT IS 1 P2 IS LIST DEVICE DEFAULT IS SAME AS P1 ROOT:SC:CR IS NAMR OF ROOT FILE LEVEL IS LEVEL 15 WORD IF ROOT OR SC OR LEVEL ARE NOT SUPPLIED IN RUN STRING THEN THEY ARE REQUESTED INTERACTIVELY. IF CR IS NOT SUPPLIED, IT DEFAULTS TO ZERO. DBSPC IS THE SAME AS DBSPB EXCEPT DOES NOT NEED THE LEVEL WORD. DBSPB---THIS PROGRAM PRODUCES A REPORT THAT IS SIMILAR TO THE OUTPUT OF DBSPA. THE DATA IS OBTAINED BY EXAMINING EACH RECORD OF EACH SET IN THE DATA BASE. THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF FREE RECORDS IN A SET IS COMPARED TO THE VALUE IN THE FREE RECORD TABLE OF THE ROOT FILE. ON MASTER SETS THE NUMBER OF SYNONYMS IS ALSO REPORTED. DBSPC---THE REPORT PRODUCED BY THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS ONLY THE INFORMATION THAT CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE ROOT FILE. DBSPB, DBSEC, & DBMOV ALL REQUIRE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE DATA BASE. NONE OF THESE PROGRAMS USE ANY IMAGE SUBROUTINES. A05001 Program Name................:MSORT Title...............:Quick Memory Sort File Names..........:Submission File :&MSORT :&.XWRD Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Donald L. Clapp Company.......:Eli Lilly And Co. Street........:307 E. McCarty St. : City..........:Indianapolis State.........:Indiana Country.......:USA Zip Code......:46285 Phone Number..:(317) 261-4458 Program Abstract............: 'MSORT' IS AN EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE WHICH SORTS AN ARRAY OF RECORDS IN MEMORY. THE SUBROUTINE USES A PARTITION-EXCHANGE SORT TECHNIQUE (QUICKSORT) WHICH IS A VERY FAST METHOD OF SORTING UNORDERED ITEMS. THE ARRAY IS SORTED IN PLACE INTO ASCENDING ORDER. THIS VERSION CORRECTS A BUG THAT CAUSED THE ARRAY TO NOT BE SORTED SOMETIMES. THIS SUBROUTINE OPERATES IN ANY 21XX CPU WITH ANY(OR NO) OPERATING SYSTEM. IT CONFORMS TO THE FORTRAN CALLING SEQUENCE. CALLING SEQUENCE - ASSEMBLY JSB MSORT DEF *+6 DEF RUNAD ADDRESS OF ARRAY IN MEM. DEF LRECL RECORD LENGTH IN WORDS DEF RECNO NUMBER OF RECORDS IN ARRAY DEF SRTOF OFFSET SORT FIELD WITHIN RECORD (FIRST WORD = 0) DEF SRTLN LENGTH OF SORT FIELD IN WORDS <RETURN> CALL MSORT(RUNAD,LRECL,RECNO,SRTOF,SRTLN) 'MSORT' WILL SORT A MAXIMUM OF 8191 RECORDS. THE MAXIMUM RECORD LENGTH IS 128 WORDS. THE SORT KEY CAN BE ANY LENGTH CONTIGUOUS FIELD WITHIN THIS LIMIT. IF THE KEYS ARE IDENTICAL THE FINAL ORDER IS INDETERMINENT. IF MSORT IS CALLED WITH RECORD LENGTH GREATER THAN 128 WORDS THE ROUTINE TRIES TO HALT. IF USE IS ATTEMPTED ON CPU'S BEFORE THE 21MX SERIES THE 'MX' INSTRUCTION SET SIMULATOR WILL BE REQUIRED. THIS IS IN THE PLUS 1000 LIBRARY. A05101 Program Name................:DSCAN Title...............:Compact Alphabetized Directory List File Names..........:Submission File :&DSCAN FTN4 :&MSORT ASMB :&.XWRD ASMB :&MOPSY ASMB :&NSCOM ASMB :&MOVEW ASMB :&LSHFT ASMB :&DATE ASMB Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 & ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Donald L. Clapp Company.......:Eli Lilly And Co. Street........:307 E. McCarty St. : City..........:Indianapolis State.........:Indiana Country.......:USA Zip Code......:46285 Phone Number..:(317) 261-4458 Program Abstract............: THIS PROGRAM DOES ALPHABETIZED DIRECTORY LISTS. THE LISTS ARE FOUR COLUMNS WIDE AND ARE IN ORDER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM OF EACH COLUMN. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS: FILE NAME, LOGICAL UNIT, FILE TYPE, NUMBER OF EXTENTS, AND SIZE OF EXTENT. THE FILES TO BE LISTED CAN BE SELECTED BY ANY COMBINATION OF: CARTRIDGE REFERENCE OR LOGICAL UNIT, FILE TYPE,SECURITY CODE, COMPLETE OR PARTIAL FILE NAME(WILD CARDS). ANY OR ALL OF THE SELECTION CRITERIA CAN BE ALL. THERE IS ALSO A 'BATCH' MODE THAT WILL LIST ALL FILES ON ONE LOGICAL UNIT. THIS WOULD FIT VERY WELL WITH AN LU SAVE. RU,DSCAN,P1,P2,P3 WHERE P1 = SELECTION INPUT DEVICE(TERMINAL) DEFAULT = 1 P2 = LIST DEVICE DEFAULT = SAME AS P1 P3 = BATCH MODE DISC LU IF NON-ZERO, ALL FILES HERE. A05201 Program Name................:DECAR Title...............:Character String Move/Compare Routines File Names..........:Submission File :&JSCOM :&SFILL :&SGET :&SMOVE :&SPUT Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Antero Airola Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......:Finland Zip Code......:28101 Phone Number..:(939) 443555 Program Abstract............: THIS PACKAGE CONSISTS OF CHARACTER MOVE/COMPARE SUBROUTINES JSCOM, SFILL SGET, SMOVE AND SPUT. THEY FUNCTION EXACTLY AS THOSE IN STANDARD HP DECAR LIBRARY (SEE "DECIMAL STRING ARITHMETIC ROUTINES", HP PART NUMBER 02100-90140), EXEPT THAT THEY RUN MUCH FASTER. THEY CAN BE USED ANYWHERE WHERE STANDARD DECAR IS USED. THEY SPEED UP QUERY TREMENDOUSLY, ESPECIALLY IN SORTING IF THEY ARE LOADED WITH QUERY. A05301 Program Name................:MLOAD Title...............:Load Microcode Into The WCS Card File Names..........:Submission File :MICROP Conference paper with documentation :&MLOAD Source Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Donald L. Clapp Company.......:3M Company Street........:3M Center, Bldg. 236-1B : City..........:St. Paul State.........:Minnesota Country.......:USA Zip Code......:55144 Phone Number..:(612) 736-0248 Program Abstract............: MLOAD may be used to load microcode object code from disk files into one or more 13197A Writable Control Store cards. It employs the HP library routine WLOAD (supplied with the 92061 microprogramming package) which, in turn, uses FMP calls and EXEC calls to transfer the data. The EXEC calls employ HP driver DVR36 (supplied with 92061) to accomplish the data transfer to the WCS. MLOAD also calls the RTE library routines LOGLU, GETST, and NAMR. MLOAD is described in a paper presented at the 1981 HP-1000 Users Group Conference. The paper is included with this submission as the major supporting document. It describes how employ MLOAD interactively or within a WELCOM (bootup) file. In addition, the paper is a tutorial on writing Fortran-callable subroutines in microcode. MLOAD can supply 5 different error messages. Most are self-explanatory, but 'WLOAD ERRORS' merely provide a 'type' code. The possible type codes are: 1 = Invalid or not enough parameters. 2 = Insufficient LU's. 3 = Invalid LU (i.e. not DVR36) 4 = Invalid record format or checksum error. WLOAD and its error codes are described in the DVR36 Programming Manual. HP driver DVR36 must be generated into the system prior to executing MLOAD. A05401 Program Name................:PREF Title...............:Pascal Cross-Reference Debugging Utility File Names..........:Submission File :"PREF Documentation file :&PREF Source :*PREF Transfer file - load and compile :#PREF Loader command file Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:Pascal Contributor's Name..........:Jonathan A. Yavner Company.......:Money Management Systems, Inc. Street........:303 Wyman St. : City..........:Waltham State.........:Mass. Country.......:USA Zip Code......:02154 Phone Number..:(617) 890-2070 Program Abstract............: THE HEAP SPACE REQUIRED ABOVE THE 14K FOR CODE AND STATIC DATA IS DEPENDENT ON THE NUMBER OF PROCEDURES THE REFERENCER MUST HANDLE. THE SZ COMMAND IN THE LOADR COMMAND FILE #PREF SHOULD BE INCREASED IF ** ERROR 1 ** IS RECEIVED WHEN RUNNING THE PROGRAM ERROR MESSAGES ARE OF THE FORM ****Error at 00000 *****: (TEXT) WHERE 00000 IS THE LINE NUMBER IN THE INPUT FILE WHERE THE ERROR WAS DETECTED AND (TEXT) IS THE ERROR NAME. AFTER THIS , THE LINE NUMBERS OF ANY "BEGINS" WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN TERMINATED BY "ENDS" ARE PRINTED A05501 Program Name................:DMATH Title...............:A Full Function, Interactive, Multi-Base Terminal Calculator File Names..........:Submission File :&DMATH Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Don R. Rhode Company.......:Intermountain Technologies, Inc. Street........:1400 Benton P.O.Box 1604 : City..........:Idaho Falls State.........:Idaho Country.......:USA Zip Code......:83401 Phone Number..:(208) 523-7255 Program Abstract............: DMATH IS AN INTERACTIVE, FULL FUNCTION, MULTI BASE CALCULATOR. IT INCLUDES STANDARD MATH, TRIG, AND SI-ENGLISH CONVERSION FUNCTIONS. IT WILL WORK IN BINARY, OCTAL, DECIMAL OR ANY COMBINATION. IT HAS A MEMORY STACK AND A MEMORY. DMATH FOLLOWS ALL STANDARD RULES OF MATH AND IS EASLY ADDED TO FOR SPECIAL "IN HOUSE" FUNCTIONS OF YOUR OWN DESIGN. DMATH IS CLEANLY PROGRAMED AND CONTAINS HEAVY DOCUMENTATION TO ALLOW EACH SITE TO ADAPT IT TO THE LOCAL NEEDS. THE OCTAL FUNCTIONS ARE GREAT FOR DEBUG WORK ON MEMORY DUMPS OR ERROR PROBLEMS. DMATH CAN BE RUN FROM THE EDIT1000 EDITOR WHEN BUILDING INPUT FILES. NEVER AGAIN HAVE TO LOOK AROUND FOR A CALCULATOR. Additional Documentation....: D M A T H A MATH PROGRAM Dmath is an interactive compiler for math statements. The form of the statements is based on standard FORTRAN symbols and structure but there are many added features. WHY DMATH: DMATH was writen to give a person using a terminal a quick and easy calculator to help with program input. For example if one is editing a input deck and discovers that a number is in feet rather then in meters it is posible to run DMATH from the editor. One could quickly convert the number using DMATH and enter it with the editor. HOW TO USE DMATH: To use DMATH enter /RU,DMATH in the editer or :DMATH from the file manager. DMATH understands any normal equation as you would write it on paper or use it in a program. For example to add two numbers you would enter: 10+11=21 or do an exponent: 12**3=1728 Numbers may include powers of ten: 1.23E+5, 34E-15, or 1E3. Statements may be made as complex as desired by using perenthies. "1+((23-1)**5)/3=" DMATH folows the standard rules of hierarchy and will unscramble the statement. If the number is negative it must be inclosed with the minus sign. (-1)*5=-5 DMATH has a memory stack that will hold the last three numbers generated by the program and one constant. The stacks (X,Y,Z,M) can be directly used in an equation by including the letter of the stack in the equation. M**2=, or X/Y+Z=. There is also a built in PI that can be used in the same way. The area of a 1.25ft circle would be PI*1.25**2=4.908. A number can be saved in memory by ending the equation with "=M". In working to debug a program often numbers are in binary or octal. A binary or octal number can be input by preceding it with a "B" or a "O". i.e. "B1011 or "O7257". DMATH will convert the numbers to decimal as they are read in. The answer will be in decimal. It the answer is desired in binary or octal the equation should be ended with "=B" or "=O". Mixed numbers can be used in a equation. B101+O78-10=57 In the same way a number preceded by a "R" will be converted to degrees as it is read in and a number preceded with a "D" will be converted to radians as it is read in. The number labels affect only the single number input after them. They are not a function to convert the result of an expression. For example to add 10 degrees to PI use "PI+D10=3.3161". DMATH has the following FORTRAN functions: INT = Integer conversion. ABS = Absolute value SQRT = Square root LOG = Natural logarithm EXP = Exponential LOG10 = Common logarithm SIN = Sine (radians) SIND = Sine (degrees) COS = Cosine (radians) COSD = Cosine (degrees) TAN = Tangent (radians) TAND = Tangent (degrees) ASIN = Arcsine (radians) ASIND = Arcsine (degrees) ACOS = Arccosine (radians) ACOSD = Arccosine (degrees) ATAN = Arctangent (radians) ATAND = Arctangent (degrees) The following conversions are included:(they work both ways) LENGTH: MF, FM = Converts meters to feet. AREA: M2F2, F2M2 = Converts meters squared to feet squared. VOLUME: M3F3, F3M3 = Converts meters cubed to feet cubed. ANGLES: RD, DR = Converts radians to degrees. TEMPERATURE: KF, FK = Converts Kelvin to Fahrenheit. MASS: KGLB, LBKG = Converts kilograms to pounds. PRESSURE: PAPSI, PSIPA = Converts pascals to psi **ANSWER 29 SINCE DMATH IS A FTN4X PROGRAM RUNNING IN THE "BACKGROUND" ANY IMPROPER MATH STATEMENTS WILL GENERATE THE STANDARD FTN4X ERROR CODES THAT MAY BE REFERENCED IN THE FTN4X USER GUIDE UNDER LIBRARY ERRORS. **ANSWER 30 A05601 Program Name................:F4XHLP Title...............:A FORTRAN 4X Help File File Names..........:Submission File :'F4XHLP :"F4XHLP Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Unknown Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: FORTRAN 4X Help File... A05701 Program Name................:DSKMP Title...............:Prints A Map Of The LU Layout On Your Discs Using Your Answer File File Names..........:Submission File :&DSKMP Source :FIL190 Sample answer file :SAMPLE Sample map produced by DSKMP Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4/FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Stephen F. Gauss Company.......:U.S.Naval Observatory Street........:34th St. & Massachusetts Ave. : City..........:Washington State.........:D.C. Country.......:USA Zip Code......:20390 Phone Number..:(202) 254-4536 Program Abstract............: THIS PROGRAM IS DEPENDANT ON THE RTE-IVB FORM OF THE SYSTEM GENERATION ANSWER FILE. IT EXAMINES THE ANSWER FILE FOR THE DISK TRACK INFORMATION AND PRINTS A MAP SHOWING HOW THE DISKS ARE LAID OUT. COMMENTS FOR EACH DISK LU CAN BE PROVIDED ON THE OUTPUT MAP. MULTIPLE REMOVEABLE CARTRIDG -ES CAN BE ACCOUNTED FOR. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ARE GIVEN IN COMMENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MAIN PROGRAM. DISKS HANDLED ARE THE 7905, 7906, 7920 AND 7925. OVERLAPPING LU'S AND UNASSIGNED TRACKS ARE IDENTIFIED. A SAMPLE ANSWER FILE AND ITS LISTING ARE INCLUDED. THE NUMBER OF COL- UMNS ON THE OUTPUT DEVICE ARE REQUESTED AND THE MAP IS STRETCHED TO FIT. A05801 Program Name................:RTRVE Title...............:Discrete FMGR File Retrieval From Save Utility Tape File File Names..........:Submission File :*RTRVE :&RTRVE :© :&COPFL :&SRDIR :&SBTBL :>DIR :&DIRPT :&MTSKR :&BUFFR :&ERRLU :&CMPAR :&RTVMP :&RTVDM Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 & ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Robert M. Fee Company.......:Home Oil Co. Ltd. Street........:324 8th Av. S.W. : City..........:Calgary State.........: Country.......:Canada Zip Code......:T2P2Z5 Phone Number..:(403) 232-7220 Program Abstract............: THIS PROGRAM ALLOWS DIRECTORY SEARCHES AND INDIVIDUAL FMGR FILE RE- TRIEVALS FROM TAPE FILES CREATED BY THE STANDARD RTE-IV DISC BACKUP UTILITY PROGRAM SAVE. THE SAVE DATA TRANSFERS CAN BE OF EITHER THE LU(LOGICAL UNIT) OR UNIT(ENTIRE DISC, ONLINE OR OFFLINE) VARIETY. SYS. S/W DEPENDANCE: EXEC, FMGR, DOS RELOCATABLE CALLS SYS. H/W DEPENDANCE: TAPE DRIVE 1. TYPE 'RU,RTRVE' 2. MOUNT THE SAVE TAPE AND HIT RETURN 3. THE TAPE FILE TITLE OF THE FIRST FILE ON THE TAPE WILL BE DISPLAYED AND RTRVE WILL ASK IF IT IS THE FILE WANTED. IF IT IS OR THIS IS AN LU SAVE FILE AND THE REQUIRED FILE IS FARTHER UP THE TAPE REPLY 'YE'. OTHERWISE HIT RETURN. 4. IF THE TAPE FILE IS NEITHER A UNIT NOR AN LU SAVE THE PROGRAM WILL SHUT DOWN WITH AN EXPLANATORY MESSAGE. 5. RTRVE WILL PROMT WITH 'COMMAND?. A NULL WILL CAUSE THE COMMAND OPTIONS TO BE DISPLAYED. THEY ARE 'CO' TO COPY A FILE. ONCE SELECTED THE USER IS ASKED THE NAME OF THE FILE TO BE RETRIEVED, THE COPY NAME AND THE DESTINATION LU. IF THE FILE IS AN UNIT SAVE FILE THE USER IS ALSO ASKED THE ORIGINAL LU NUMBER OF THE FILE TO BE RETRIEVED. UP TO 25 FILES CAN BE SPECIFIED FOR RETRIEVAL IN THIS STEP ALLOWING THE USER TO WANDER OFF WHILE THE FILES ARE BEING PULLED OFF THE TAPE. 'SE' TO SEARCH A DIRECTORY. FOR A UNIT SAVE FILE THE USER INDICATES THE NUMBER OF THE LU WHOSE DIRECTORY IS TO BE SEARCHED. ONCE THE PGM HAS PEELED THROUGH THE TAPE AND RE- COVERED THE CORRECT DIRECTORY THE USER IS PROMTED WITH 'FILE NAME?'. THE RESPONSE SHOULD BE A CHARACTER(UP TO 6) PATTERN WITH '-' AS THE WILD CHARACTER (AS IN THE FMGR DL COMMAND). CONTROL-L WILL PROVIDE A COMPLETE DIRECTORY LIST. 'FF' TO FORWARD SPACE A SAVE FILE. 'BF' TO BACK SPACE A SAVE FILE. USE 'FF' AND 'BF' TO POSITION A A MULTI-FILE SAVE TAPE. RTRVE STARTS OVER AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH NEW FILE. 'EX' TO STOP THE PROGRAM. Additional Documentation....: 1. RTRVE CONSISTS OF A MAINLINE AND 10 SUBS. THE MAINLINE IS LARGELY A MENU PROGRAM ALLOWING THE USER TO POSITION THE TAPE AND SELECT SEARCH OR RETRIEVAL FUNCTIONS. 2. IT SHOULD BE NOTED HERE THAT THE PROGRAM ASSUMES THE SAVE FILE WAS CREATED WITH A 6144 WORD BUFFER. THIS CONSTRAINT IS EASILY MODIFIED. 3. OPTIONALLY THE PROGRAM EMPLOYS A USER DEFINED TABLE RELATING LOGICAL UNIT, CARTRIDGE AND DISC SUBCHANNEL NUMBERS. IN THE ABSENCE OF THIS TABLE THE USER WILL BE PROMTED FOR THE SUBCHANNEL NUMBER OF THE DE- SIRED CARTRIDGE. THE SUBCHANNEL TABLE IS CREATE WITH THE PROGRAM RTVMP AND CAN BE INSPECTED WITH THE PROGRAM RTVDM. IF ONE HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE DISC IMAGE ON THE SAVE FILE THE SUBCHANNEL TABLE SHOULD BE DISPENSED WITH OR REMOVED(RENAMED) FROM THE SYSTEM. 4. INSTALLATION- A. COMPILE THE 9 FTN4 SOURCE FILES &RTRVE, ©T, &COPFL, &SRDIR, &SBTBL, >DIR, &DIRPT, &SPCTP, &BUFFR. B. ASSEMBLE THE 2 ASMB SOURCE FILES &CMPAR AND &ERRLU. C. OPTIONALLY COMPILE THE 2 FTN4 SOURCE FILES &RTVMP AND &RTVDM AND LOAD PGMS. D. LOAD RETRIEVE WITH LOADR FILE PROVIDED IN FILE #2 OF SUBMISSION. E. OPTIONALLY DEFINE SUBCHANNEL TABLE BY RUNNING RTVMP. 1. STOP 1000 - USER DOES NOT LIKE FILE-ID OF SAVE FILE 2. STOP 2000 - FILE UNDER INSPECTION IS NOT STANDARD UNIT OR LU SAVE. 3. STOP 3000 - DIRECTORY FETCHING SUB IS LOST. 4. STOP 4000 - THERE ARE AN INSUFFICIENT NUMBER OF SYSTEM TRACKS AVAILABLE TO THE PROGRAM. A05901 Program Name................:QSORT Title...............:Quicksort File Names..........:Submission File :&QSORT :&SORTR : : Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Unknown Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: A06001 Program Name................:DVD00 Title...............:Driver For Communication With A Modicon P.C. File Names..........:Submission File :&DVD00 Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Rick L. Parrish Company.......:Caterpillar Tractor Co. Street........:2000 S. 22nd St. : City..........:Lafayette State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......:47905 Phone Number..:(317) 448-5321 Program Abstract............: DRIVER DVD00 REQUIRES A SPECIAL CABLE TO CONNECT THE 12966 CARD TO THE MODICON PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLER .THIS CABLE IS DEFINED IN THE HEADER DOCUMENTATION ON THE PROGRAM. A06101 Program Name................:CRTCN Title...............:Programmer Control Of 264x Terminals & Text Display/Paging File Names..........:Submission File :&CRTCN Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Al Seminatoresh Company.......:Sperry Univac Street........:3333 Scott Blvd. : City..........:Santa Clara State.........:California Country.......:USA Zip Code......:95051 Phone Number..:(408) 496-3887 Program Abstract............: ENABLES THE USER TO PROGRAM THE 264X TERMINALS BY SPECIFING A NUMERIC CODE NUMBER AND PROVIDING THE REQUIRED DATA. ALL ESCAPE CODES ARE GENERATED BY THIS SUBROUTINE. PROVIDES PAGED TEXT DISPLAY. SOFTWARE DEP: EXEC CALLS, HP'S DECIMAL STRING ARITHMETIC. HARDWARE DEP: 264X TERMINAL. Additional Documentation....: FOR CRT CONTROL: CALL CRTCN (ICODE,ITY) FOR TEXT PAGING: ICODE = -2 5 routine to fill IBUF with text & set IBUFL CALL CRTCN (ICODE,ITY,0,0,IBUF,IBUFL) IF (ICODE) 5,10,5 10 continue with next task NOTE THAT USUAL RULES FOR BUFFER LENGTHS IS REVERSED. NEGATIVE ==> # WORDS, POSITIVE ==> # CHARACTERS. A "PAGE" IS 15 LINES AND MAY CONTAIN EMBEDDED ESCAPE SEQUENCES. THE BUFFER SENT WILL BE SEARCHED FOR CARRIAGE RETURNS AND LINEFEEDS BEFORE BEING DISPLAYED. 80 CHARACTERS WITHOUT A CARRIAGE RETURN CONSTITUTE A LINE. REPEAT CALLS TO CRTCN WITH THE SAME CODE WILL INCREMENT ITS LINE COUNTER, EVENTUALLY THE USER WILL BE ASKED WHETHER OR NOT TO CONTINUE THE LISTING. A CODE IS ALSO PROVIDED WHICH WILL NOT ASK FOR A YE/NO RESPONSE, BUT JUST HOLD THE PAGE UNTIL ANYTHING IS ENTERED. @@ JUST HOLDS THE DISPLAY UNTIL THE USER ENTERS ANYTHING CONTINUE LISTING [YE/NO]? (DEFAULT IS YE) A06201 Program Name................:D.05 Title...............:Terminal Driver File Names..........:Submission File :&D.05 Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Unknown Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: Terminal driver D.05 A06301 Program Name................:INSTR Title...............:Format An Inverse Video Instruction Buffer And Display It File Names..........:Submission File :&INSTR Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Suzanne Trzeciak Company.......:Sperry Univac Street........:3333 Scott Blvd. : City..........:Santa Clara State.........:California Country.......:USA Zip Code......:95051 Phone Number..:(408) 496-3887 Program Abstract............: INSTR CONSTRUCTS A PROMPTING BUFFER FOR LATER DISPLAY. THE PROGRAMMER CAN REQUEST DISPLAY OF TEXT IN INVERSE VIDEO, NORMAL VIDEO OR A COMBINATION OF THE TWO. TYPICALLY A TWO CHARACTER OPCODE IS SHOWN AND A SHORT EXPLANATION FOLLOWS IN NORMAL VIDEO. THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF LINES WHICH CAN BE DISPLAYED, BUT EACH LINE MUST CONTAIN LESS THAN 72 CHARACTERS. EACH LINE REQUIRES A SEPARATE CALL. SOFTWARE DEP: SUBROUTINE CRTCN (PLUS/1000 LIBRARY); HP'S DECIMAL STRING ARITHMETIC SUBROUTINES. HARDWARE DEP: 264X TERMINAL WITH INVERSE VIDEO. Additional Documentation....: AN EXAMPLE FOR USE: : : JTTY = LOGLU(I) : CALL INSTR (JTTY,12,2HAA,2,12H FIRST LINE ,12) CALL INSTR (JTTY,14,2HBB,2,17H IN-BETWEEN LINES,17) CALL INSTR (JTTY,13,2HZZ,2,10H LAST LINE,10) READ (JTTY,100) IANS : : CALL INSTR (JTTY,1,7HVOLTAGE,7) READ (JTTY,*) VOLT : : CALL INSTR (JTTY,1,0,0,12HNEXT COMMAND,12) READ (JTTY,100) IANS 100 FORMAT (40A2) : : THE USUAL BUFFER LENGTH CONVENTIONS ARE REVERSED. CHARACTER COUNTS ARE POSITIVE, WORD COUNTS ARE NEGATIVE. A06401 Program Name................:BIOR Title...............: File Names..........:Submission File :&BIOR Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Unknown Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: A06501 Program Name................:GTREE Title...............:Program To Show Call Structure And Inter- Module Linkage File Names..........:Submission File :>REE Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Ronald W. Townsen Company.......:Naval Ocean Systems Center Street........:Code 5314 Bldg. 106 : City..........:San Diego State.........:California Country.......:USA Zip Code......:92152 Phone Number..:(714) 225-6429 Program Abstract............: PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO SHOW WHAT THE CALL STRUCTURE IS FOR A GIVEN SET OF ROUTINES. A PRINTOUT IS PRODUCED WHICH SHOWS WHAT ROUTINE IS CALLED BY WHAT ROUTINE(S) AND THE ORDER (DEPTH) OF THE CALL STRUCTURE. THIS PROGRAM IS USEFULL IN ANALYZING LARGE SOFTWARE PACKAGES IN WHICH THE USER IS NOT FAMILIAR WITH THE STRUCTURE OR ORGANIZATION. THIS UPDATE IS TO ALLOW USERS TO RUN WITH FTN4X SYSTEMS AND TO ALLOW A DEEPER CALL STRUCTURE AS WELL AS TO COVER PROBLEMS WITH DEAD END LOOPING. Additional Documentation....: USER SPECIFIES INPUT COMMAND (FILE OR LU) AND OUTPUT (FILE OR LU) IF INPUTS ARE FROM FILE, CONTENTS OF FILE CONTAIN REL FILES TO BE USED, 1 PER LINE. IF INPUT IS FROM TERMINAL, ENTER FILES 1 PER REQUEST WITH CTRL D TO TERMINATE FILE INPUT REQEST. IF A DEPTH OF CALL STRUCTURE REACHES 30 CALLS DEEP, PROGRAM PRINTS MESSAGE ON TERMINAL AND TERMINATES. THIS CAN BE EXTENDED, BUT REQUIRES MOD OF PRINTER OUTPUT (CURRENTLY BUILT FOR 128 CHAR PRINTER OUTPUT). AND STORAGE ARRAYS INTERNAL TO PROGRAM. ALL BASIC DISCUSSIONS OF PROGRAM CAN BE FOUND WITHIN PROGRAM CODE. A06601 Program Name................:CLEAN Title...............:Clean Extents On Any Disk LU File Names..........:Submission File :&CLEAN Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4/FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Steven J. Mastrianni Company.......:Gerber Garment Technology Street........:55 Gerber Rd. : City..........:South Windsor State.........:Conn. Country.......:USA Zip Code......:06074 Phone Number..:(203) 644-2401 Program Abstract............: CLEAN IS A GENERAL PURPOSE CLEAR EXTENTS THAT REPLACES THE OLD HP ADVERTISED CLEXT PROGRAM. CLEAN DOES NOT PROMPT THE USER FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, AND RUNS ENTIRELY UNINTERRUPTED UNTIL DONE. THE FILE EXTENTS ARE CLEARED BY STORING ALL FILES WITH EXTENTS INTO A TEMP FILE, PURGING THE OLD FILE, AND RENAMING THE TEMP FILE. SECURITY IS MAINTAINED. THE DISK IS NOT AUTOMATICALLY PACKED..THAT IS UP TO THE USER. IF THE DISK SHOULD BECOME FULL DURING A CLEAN, THE OPERATOR IS NOTIFIED, AND TOLD TO PACK THE DISK AND RUN CLEAN AGAIN. THIS PROGRAM WORKS WITH ALL TYPES OF FILES, AND HAS BEEN TESTED UNDER RTE-IVA, IVB WITH 7900, 7906, 7920, 7925, AND EVEN THE 9895 FLOPPY DISK WITH ICD INTERFACE. IT HAS BEEN TESTED ON RTE-XL WITH THE 7906HR AND THE 7908HR, 9895 FLOPPY, ALL WITH HP-IB INTERFACE. KEEP IN MIND YOU CANNOT PACK THE RTE-XL SYSTEM DISK! Additional Documentation....: RU,CLEAN,LOGLU,DISKLU WHERE: LOGLU IS THE TERMINAL YOU ARE AT (SESSION DEFAULT TO 1) DISKLU IS THE NEGATIVE DISK LU OR POSITIVE CARTRIDGE NUMBER A06701 Program Name................:COMPL Title...............:COMPL To Compile/Assemble/Merge Source Files File Names..........:Submission File :&COMPL Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4/FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Steven J. Mastrianni Company.......:Gerber Garment Technology Street........:55 Gerber Rd. : City..........:South Windsor State.........:Conn. Country.......:USA Zip Code......:06074 Phone Number..:(203) 644-2401 Program Abstract............: COMPL IS A PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT TOOL, PRIMARILY USED FOR APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. IF YOU HAVE EVER MODIFIED A LARGE, SEGMENTED PROGRAM THAT DECLARES COMMON IN EVERY SEGMENT, AND HAD TO CHANGE ONE WORD IN COMMON, YOU WOULD HAVE TO EDIT ALL SOURCES TO REFLECT THE CHANGE. WITH THIS PROGRAM, THE PROGRAMMER PLACES A %M,NAMR IN THE SOURCE CODE, COLUMN 1, WITH THE NAMR BEING THE COMMON FILE. THIS VERSION WILL READ THROUGH THE FILE MERGING IN ALL FILES INTO THE SOURCE, AND COMPILING THEM. IT IS THERFORE NECESSARY TO HAVE ONLY ONE FILE THAT DECLARES COMMON. THIS CAN ALSO BE USED TO MERGE IN CONFIDENTIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS, COMMENTS, ETC. THE COMPILATION (OR ASSEMBLY) TAKES PLACE FROM A TEMP '.' FILE ON THE HOME CR IF A MERGE DIRECTIVE WAS FOUND, ELSE IT USES THE ORIGINAL. IF A SINGLE CHARACTER RELOCATABLE FILE IS SPECIFIED, THE FIRST CHARACTER OF THE SOURCE FILE IS REPLACED WITH THIS TO FORM THE RELOC. NAME. THUS, THE COMPILED FTN4 PROGRAM SPROG WITH THE > SPECIFIED AS OUTPUT, WOULD HAVE A RELOC OF >PROG. IF '>PROG' ALREADY EXISTS, IT IS PURGED PRIOR TO COMPILATION. ALL TEMP FILES ARE CLEANED UP IF THE PROGRAM ABORTS OR COMPLETES NORMALLY. THE RELOCATABLE FILE MAY ALSO BE A TOTALLY UNIQUE FILE NAME ON A DIFFERENT LU. Additional Documentation....: RU,COMPL,SOURCE,LIST,RELOC,.....OPTS AS IN HP COMPL RU,COMPL,SOURCE,1,>::?? CAUSES RELOC >OURCE TO BE PLACED ON LU ?? RU,COMPL,SOURCE,6 CAUSES NO RELOC TO BE GENERATED. **************************************** **** NOTE -- CR MUST BE SPECIFIED ***** **************************************** PROGRAM IS BREAKABLE BY THE 'BR' COMMAND NO MERGE COMMANDS WITHIN A MERGE FILE ARE PERMITTED !! A06801 Program Name................:CLINE Title...............:Count Code And Comment Lines And Issue A Report File Names..........:Submission File :&CLINE Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Steven J. Mastrianni Company.......:Gerber Garment Technology Street........:55 Gerber Rd. : City..........:South Windsor State.........:Conn. Country.......:USA Zip Code......:06074 Phone Number..:(203) 644-2401 Program Abstract............: CLINE IS A USEFUL PROGRAM THAT COUNTS THE NUMBER OF LINES OF CODE AND COMMENTS ON A COMPLETE DISK LU FOR EVERY FILE. COMMENTS ARE LINES THAT BEGIN WITH '*' OR 'C'. THE REPORT ALSO DISTINGUISHES BETWEEN FORTRAN, ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE, AND MISC. TYPE FILES. A TOTAL IS PRINTED TO THE LIST DEVICE WHEN THE PROGRAM HAS FINISHED. ALSO, AS EACH FILE IS PROCESSED, THE RESULTS ARE ECHOED TO THE LIST DEVICE PER FILE. RU,CLINE,LOGLU,LISTLU,DISKLU WHERE: LOGLU=CURRENT SESSION TERMINAL (1) OR OTHER LOG..DEFAULT=1 LISTLU=LIST DEVICE LU (NOT A NAMR) DISKLU=NEGATIVE DISK LU OR POSITIVE CART. REF. NUMBER ALL FMP ERRORS ARE LISTED A SAMPLE LOG WOULD BE: 'TYPE=ASMB / FILE=&ASMB / CODE=32.0 / CMTS.=30.0 / TOT.=62.0 'TYPE=FTN4 / FILE=&FTN4 / CODE=88.0 / CMTS.=60.0 / TOT.=148.0' AT END THE REPORT IS PRINTED 'TOT CODE=170.0 / TOT CMTS.=90.0 / TOT LINES=210.0 '1 ASSEMBLY MODULES' '1 FORTRAN MODULES' GOOD LUCK ! A06901 Program Name................:SNAPL Title...............:Searches RTE L/XL Snap File For Requested Entry Point File Names..........:Submission File :&SNAPL Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Steven J. Mastrianni Company.......:Gerber Garment Technology Street........:55 Gerber Rd. : City..........:South Windsor State.........:Conn. Country.......:USA Zip Code......:06074 Phone Number..:(203) 644-2401 Program Abstract............: SNAPL IS A GENERAL PURPOSE PROGRAM TO SEARCH THE GENERATOR BUILT SNAP FILE, CALLED 'SNAP' FOR A REQUESTED ENTRY. CALL SNAPL(INAME,IERR) WHERE: INAME=ADDRESS OF 3 WORD INTEGER ARRAY CONTAINING THE ENTRY POINT NAME IERR =RETURNED STATUS (EXPANDED BELOW) IERR =1 SNAP FILE READ ERROR IERR =2 SNAP FILE OPEN ERROR IERR =3 SNAP FILE CLOSE ERROR IERR =-6 ENTRY NOT FOUND OR SPELLED WRONG B REGISTER SET TO TYPE OF ENTRY POINT (MEM RES, RP, ETC.) IF THE SNAP FILE IS NOT CALLED 'SNAP', AN ADDITIONAL PARAMETER COULD BE ADDED WHICH COULD BE THE SNAP FILE NAME. A07001 Program Name................:HP97 Title...............:HP97 Calculator Simulator File Names..........:Submission File : /TRANS - COMPILE LOADR TRANSFER FILE : #HPLOD - LOADR COMMAND FILE FOR PRELIM PROGRAM : #HP97 - LOADR COMMAND FILE FOR HP97 PROGRAM : &CMOVE - BYTE MANIPULATION ROUTINE : &IFIND - BYTE(S) SEARCH ROUTINE : &UTFT4 - UTILITY ROUTINES IN FTN4X : &HPLOD - SOURCE FOR PRELIMINARY COMMAND TABLE PREP : &HPSUB - SOURCE CODE FOR HP97 SUBROUTINES : &HP97A - SOURCE CODE FOR HP97 MAIN PART A : &HP97B - SOURCE CODE FOR HP97 MERGE A AND B : 'HP97 - HP97 USER'S GUIDE : &TRIAN - SAMPLE OF AN HP97 PROGRAM FILE : !HP97 - HP97 COMMANDS FILE Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X/ASMB Contributor's Name..........:Gregory D. Rise Company.......:Hastad Engineering Co. Street........: : City..........:Hastad State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......:56548 Phone Number..:(218) 456-2121 Program Abstract............: HP97 simulates the HP97 programmable calculator allowing HP 1000 users to use their terminals as a calculator. The program includes the ability to have 100 data registers, 999 program steps and several other enhancements to the calculator. The HP97 handbooks and program sources are compatible. The program makes use of both FMP and EXEC system routines. The program requires that the FTN4X compiler be sized at 20 pages when compiling the main program. Also, consideration must be given to the revision date of user's RTE-IVB as to whether the FTN4X routines are in the system library or come from a seperate library. Before running the HP97 it is required that the program HPLOD has been run before so that the file @HP97 exists and has been properly filled with the commands from the file !HP97. (Note: @HP97 is type 1 size 32) So long as @HP97 exists all that is required is RU,HP97. A07101 Program Name................:TINT Title...............: File Names..........:Submission File :&TINT Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Unknown Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: A07201 Program Name................:DUNGN Title...............:Dungeons And Dragons Game File Names..........:Submission File :&DUNGN - Dungeons and Dragons source :DUNTXT - Dungeons and Dragons text file Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X Contributor's Name..........:Unknown Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............:This is the source for Dungeons and Dragons that so many have wanted and waited for. This copy has not been edited to work on the HP-1000. Anyone who gets it going please re-submit to the library for all others to share. A07301 Program Name................:PLUS Title...............:PLUS/1000 Mag Tape Software File Names..........:Submission File :&PLUSR - PLUS/1000 Retrieval progrm :%NINIT - Subroutine for PLUSR :&PLUSW - PLUS/1000 Store program :%JULIA - Subroutine for PLUSW :%IRAM - Subroutine for PLUSW :%NEXTN - Subroutine for PLUSW : - Subroutine %NINIT is also required for PLUSW Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4X/ASMB Contributor's Name..........: Company.......: Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............:This is the sources that so many people who are on RTE-6 need to retrieve programs from the earlier PLUS/1000 mag tapes. Corrections are required in &PLUSR to enable correct operation. A07401 Program Name................:WOLF Title...............:WOLF Word Processing User's Manual File Names..........:Submission File :WOLMAN - Wolf User's Manual Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........: Contributor's Name..........:Darlene Bosonetta (TDC) did the typing Company.......:Technology Development of California Street........:Suite 130 624 Six Flags Drive : City..........:Arlington State.........:Texas Country.......:USA Zip Code......:76011 Phone Number..:(817) 461-1242 Program Abstract............:This is the Wolf user's manual that many people have needed. To those who have waited so long, it took quite a long time to keyboard this in spare time. A07501 Program Name................:GSUBS Title...............:Convert GPS Graphics to AGP Graphics File Names..........:Submission File :&GSUBS :&PARAM :PARAMS Operating System....:RTE-IVB Language(s).........:FTN4 Contributor's Name..........:Elaine M. Company.......:Hewlett Packard Street........: : City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Program Abstract............: GSUBS is a subroutine package that uses GRAPHICS/1000-II AGP (Advanced Graphics Package) to simulate GRAPHICS/1000 GPS (Graphics Plotting Software) calls. It can be used as an aid to more quickly and easily convert already existing GPS programs to AGP. Why would you want to convert from GPS to AGP? Well, AGP affords the user the following advantages over GPS: 1) Faster programs 2) Wider device support 3) Wider operating system support In addition, AGP provides more extensive graphics capabilities, if the user chooses to take advantage of them. GSUBS was designed to minimize change to the source code of the GPS application program. For all GPS subroutines simulated in GSUBS, the format of the original call has been maintained. All parameters are passed in a manner identical to the original GPS call, and all GPS default values are maintained. Because of basic functional differences between GPS and AGP, an automatic conversion via GSUBS cannot be guaranteed. Consequently, the source code for the GPS application program must be edited to use GSUBS. Changes to the source code primarily account for differences in graphics text handling and the use of the IGCB, and for replacing subroutines that have not been converted. Below is a short example to highlight the main source code changes that are necessary.