     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:CDC/1K
                              SYSTEM (CDC/1000) 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &UTERM - User interface program source 
                             : 03. &PROMT - Terminal interrupt intercept prog 
                             : 04. &CDCUT - Driver front-end program source 
                             : 05. &DVA67 - Synchronous modem driver source 
                             : 06. &#COMN - SSGA module source
                             : 07. &UTEMC - Optional Microcode source 
                             : 08. &DVZ11 - Optional card reader driver source
                             : 09. !UTERM - Additional program documentation
         Operating System....:RTE-III, RTE-IVA, RTE-IVB, RTE-6/VM 
         Language(s).........:ASMB, MICROASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:Dale E. Berg
               Company.......:Sandia National Laboratories
               Street........:P.O. Box 5800 
               State.........:New Mexico
               Zip Code......:87185 
               Phone Number..:(505) 844-1030
 Program Abstract............:CDC/1000 is a software subsystem which
  emulates a CDC Mode IV (200-UT) remote terminal on HP 1000 minicomputers. 
  It consists of a user interface program (UTERM), a terminal interrupt 
  interception program (PROMT), a driver front-end program (CDCUT), a 
  privileged driver (DVA67), a SSGA module (#COMN), and optional micro- 
  code (%UTEMC) and card reader driver (DVZ11). This submission contains
  version 4.3B (January 1983) which uses less SSGA and contains additional
  UTERM commands relative to earlier versions (slight mods in UTERM, CDCUT, 
  and DVA67 since version 4.3A) 
    This subsystem will operate on a Hewlett-Packard Series 1000 minicomputer 
  running under the RTE-III, -IVA, -IVB or -6/VM operating system. It will
  communicate at line speeds of up to 9600 baud (maximum specified interface
  card speed). It requires the HP 12618A synchronous data set interface 
  kit (and a half- or full-duplex synchronous modem) and the HP 12620A
  bread-board interface kit (or equivalent) for a privileged interrupt
    CDC central sites supporting Mode IV remote batch terminals use one of
  three line codes for terminal communications: external BCD, internal BCD
  or ASCII. CDC/1000 will operate with any of these line codes. 
    CDC/1000 will accept user input from a card reader, disc file, mag
  tape or terminal, and will route central site output to any combination 
  of disc file, mag tape, line printer or terminal. It will, at the user's
  command, automatically switch from one input device to another and from 
  one set of output devices to another. The user may also direct CDC/1000 
  to search a specified disc cartridge for all files. In this case, the 
  contents of every file on that cartridge will be transmitted to the 
  central site as input, and as each file is read, it will be purged. 
    This software uses byte and word commands as well as numerous disc
  FMP calls and RTE system routines. It requires the MESSS system routine 
  and the 'memory lock' option. It's use on systems other than those listed 
  above will probably require software modification.
    The user must generate a new privileged system to use CDC/1000. The new 
  system !!must!! include the SSGA module #COMN and the driver DVA67. The 
  system must also be set up to enable a program to lock itself into a
  partition. It may also (at the user's option) include CDCUT and PROMT as
  memory resident programs. 
    CDC/1000 microcode is written for the E- and F-Series computers, but
  the rest of the software should function on an M-Series as well as on the 
  E- and F-Series.
    The reference manual for CDC/1000 is "CDC/1000 - A Control Data Corpor- 
  ation Remote Batch Terminal Emulator for Hewlett-Packard Minicomputers",
  Berg, Dale E., SAND80-2548, Feb. 1981, Sandia Labs, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 
 Additional Documentation....:Program UTERM requires a 13 or 14 page program
  partition, program PROMT requires a 2-page program partition (or 423-430
  octal locations if memory resident), program CDCUT requires a 2-page
  program partition (or 1110 octal locations if memory resident), #COMN 
  requires 3120 octal locations in SSGA and DVA67 requires 775 octal loca-
  tions (471 for microcoded version) in the system driver area. The optional
  card reader driver, DVZ11, requires 1177 octal locations in a driver par- 
  tition, and the optional microcode, %UTEMC, requires 756 octal locations
  on a WCS card.
    When generating the privileged system, be sure to give the 12618A cards 
  the highest priority (lowest select code) location possible, after the
  FEM board and any WCS boards.  The privileged interrupt fence should be 
  placed in the select code immediately above the transmit card (unless 
  additional privileged I/O interfaces are present in the system). See the
  System Manager's Manual for more information on creating and generating 
  a privileged system.
    The optional card reader driver, DVZ11, is capable of reading the multi-
  punched cards used by CDC to denote End-of-Record and End-of-File. It 
  interprets these multipunches as ASCII characters # and @, respectively.
    The optional microcode %UTEMC may be used if the user has a WCS card
  and the associated software in his system. Use of the microcode will
  significantly reduce the system overhead required to operate CDC/1000 at
  the highter transmission speeds.
    SAND80-2548 contains all necessary information required to load and run 
  the CDC/1000 software, and it contains several examples to illustrate its 
    I am investigating the possibility of developing a single-card interface
  (one interface card, no privileged fence) using a Programmable Serial 
  Interface card. This card contains a microprocessor which could be program- 
  med to handle all the communications and protocol at the card level, elim-
  inating the need for a privileged driver and the privileged interface card. 
  This would greatly reduce the computer overhead required to run CDC/1000, 
  and might result in higher transmission rates, depending on your central
  site transmission capability. This interface wiould also eliminate the
  need for buffers in the SSGA area. Development of such a card will require
  a fair amount of time and some expense, but if several parties share in 
  the expense, the cost to each party should be very reasonable. Please 
  contact me if you are interested in the development of such an interface. 
    I have a number of copies of SAND80-2548 available. Contact me at 
  (505) 844-1030 if you will be using this software and/or you need a manual. 
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: LIBHS
         Title...............:'Haystack' Relocatable Library
         File Names........01:Submission file 
                           02:$LIBHS   Composite relocatable library
                           03:*LIBHS   Transfer file to create $LIBHS from sources
                           04:&AFILL   Fill array with specified value,increment & word increment 
                           05:&BKRED   General-purpose disc block-read routine
                           06:&BKWRT   General-purpose disc block-write routine 
                           07:&CLGET   Get track and sector of system cartridge list
                           08:&CLNDR   Converts year/month/day into printable month and day-of-week 
                           09:&CMOVE   Block character move 
                           10:&CN21    Forcefully issues a :CN,lu,21B request to disable a terminal 
                           11:&CNVT    Convert word to printable 3-word integer/ASCII format
                           12:&CNVRT   Conversion package between 2,3,4-word FP and double integer
                           13:&ICOMP   Compare word strings 
                           14:&CRLOK   Lock/unlock FMP cartridges 
                           15:&CSPCE   Determine amount of remaining space on an FMP cartridge
                           16:&DATER   Prints Date/Time header on specified LU
                           17:&DCOPY   General-purpose disc copy routine
                           18:&DL      Powerful FMP Directory search routine
                           19:&EQLUF   Get LU from EQT word 4 address 
                           20:&EQUAL   Compare byte strings 
                           21:&EXECX   Modify father/son relationships of programs
                           22:&EXEK4   Allocate specified #blocks on system tracks
                           23:&GETSX   Just like RTE GETST, except will return more than 80 chars.
                           24:&HEX     Convert from binary to printable hex format
                           25:&HEXI    Convert from ASCII hex to binary 
                           26:&IDATE   Return current YMDHMS either integer or ASCII format 
                           27:&IDAY0   Returns # of elapsed days in year to end of specified month
                           28:&IDGT    Get ID segment of specified program
                           29:&IDTKX   Get cartridge label, sectors/track, directory track, etc.
                           30:&IDTYP   Get driver type for specified LU 
                           31:&IDXGT   Get ID segment extension address of specified program
                           32:&IEQTF   Get EQT#, manage device buffer/unbuffer status 
                           33:&IFERR   FMP error reporter 
                           34:&IFNAM   Get namr from LU and parse it
                           35:&IGETC   Get a specified character from a buffer
                           36:&IGETS   Get a word from the System Map 
                           37:&IN2A2   Convert 2-digit integer to A2 format with leading zero 
                           38:&IOF     Delete specified ID segment (equiv to :RP,,PROG) 
                           39:&IOPSY   Get host system type 
                           40:&IPRTY   Get/change priority of program 
                           41:&IPAPA   Get name of father for any program 
                           42:&IPST    Get status of specified program
                           43:&IROT    Rotate bits left/right within word (obsolete-use LROT) 
                           44:&IRP     Restore ID segment of SP'ed program (equiv to :RP,PROG)
                           45:&ISHFT   Left/right bit shifter within word 
                           46:&ITO     Get/change time-out value of specified device
                           47:&IUNLK   Close a spuriously open FMP file 
                           48:&IWTL    Allows writing/reading to/from a 'locked' lu 
                           49:&JSHFT   Left/right bit shifter within word (obsolete-use ISHFT)
                           50:&LCHEK   Check integrity of data in Type 3,4,5 variable-length
                           51:&LIBER   Set LU for FTN4 STOP, PAUSE, and error messages
                           52:&LINC    General segment controller package 
                           53:&LINK    Link from main program to segment
                           54:&LINQ    OBSOLETE general segment controller package (replaced by LINC
                           55:&LOC     Get absolute address of specified parameter
                           56:&LROT    Left/right bit rotater within word 
                           57:&LUOPR   Return LU from which program was initiated 
                           58:&MSCHK   Check system master security code
                           59:&NAMOK   Verify that 6-character name is valid NAMR format
                           60:&NARG    Get # of arguments with which ASMB/FTN4 routine was called.
                           61:&NEXTX   Find and open next extent, if any, of FMP file 
                           62:&PUTC    Put character into specified location in buffer
                           63:&PUTS    Put word into specified location in System Map 
                           64:&QSUBS   Comprehensive package of ASCII string-handling routines
                           65:&RMAN    Inverse NAMR.  Reconstruct namr from 10-word parsed buffer.
                           66:&SORT    General-purpose direct-replacement sort routine
                           67:&SORTS   General-purpose Shell sort routine 
                           68:&SQZEM   Squeeze out spaces in ASCII buffer 
                           69:&SSWCH   Display-register handler routine 
                           70:&STRAK   General-purpose expandable fixed-record-length scratch-file h
                           71:&SUSP    Suspend self for specified period of time
                           72:&TIMER   General-purpose timing routine 
                           73:&UCASE   Change characters in buffer to all upper-case
                           74:&WCSF    Load 12789/13197 WCS without DVR36 
                           75:&WMOVE   Hi-speed word mover.  Uses block word move instruction.
                           76:&XTNTS   Package of FMP file-extent handling routines 
                           77:&YMDAY   Converts day-of-year into month and day
                           78:"LIBHS   Documentation for $LIBHS, except QSUBS, in HELP file format
                           79:"QSUBS   Documentation for use of QSUBS in HELP file format 
                           80:$TATLB   Supplementary libary containing GETAT/SETAT for non-RTE6 syst
                           81:&GETAT   Get TAT value in non-RTE-6VM system. 
                           82:&SETAT   Set TAT value in non-RTE-6VM system. 
                           83:$NON4B   Supplementary library of dummy session routines
                           84:&NON4B   Source for $NON4B
                           85:&RP      Program to support routine IRP 
                           86:%RP      Relocatable for program RP 
                           87:^RP      LOADR command file for RP
                           88:&OF      Program to support IOF 
                           89:%OF      Relocatable for program OF 
                           90:^OF      LOADR command file for OF
                           91:&UNLOK   Program to support routine IUNLK 
                           92:%UNLOK   Relocatable for program UNLOK
                           93:^UNLOK   LOADR command file for UNLOK 
                           94:&SUBCH   Get/modify device subchannel 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Language(s).............:FTN4 & ASMB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:Transfer file *LIBHS uses program COMPC 
                              (elsewhere on this CSL/1000 tape) to manage 
                              compilations and assembly of $LIBHS routines. 
     If Re-submission, Reason:Upgrade to RTE-6VM compatibility
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:$LIBHS is an extensive library of general-purpose 
 routines developed at Haystack observatory.  Full documentation on function
 and usage is included in file "LIBHS, which is in the HELP format for quick
 access using HP program HELP.  All routines are written for compatibility
 with large-background and extended-background usage. Supplementary libraries 
 $TATLB and $NON4B may be needed for some systems.  Programs RP, OF, and UNLOK
 are required to support routines IRP, IOF, and IUNLK, respectively, and are
 included here as well. $LIHBS is fully compatible with RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM.
 Additional Documentation....:"LIBHS
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:COMPC 
         Title...............:Compiler and relocatable management utility 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &COMP4  Source code (RTE-IVB version)
                             : 03. %COMP4  Relocatable for COMP4
                             : 04. ^COMP4  LOADR command file for COMP4 
                             : 05. "COMP4  Documentation file for COMP4 
                             : 06. &COMP6  Source code (RTE-6VM version)
                             : 07. %COMP6  Relocatable for COMP6
                             : 08. ^COMP6  LOADR command file for COMP6 
                             : 09. "COMP6  Documentation file for COMP6 
     Operating System........:RTE-IVB/6VM 
     Language(s).............:FTN4 & ASMB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:Upgrade to compatibility with FTN7X,MACRO,RTE-6 
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 Did you every find yourself in the situation where you wanted to 
 compile only a single module within a source file of many modules? 
 Or compile and replace only a single module within a larger
 composite relocatable file?  Or mix FTN4/4X/7X and ASMB/MACRO modules
 within a source code file?  Or compile each individual module within a 
 source file to individual relocatable files?  Or delete a specified
 module from a combined relocatable.  Well, now you can 
 easily do all these things and more with COMPC, the compiler manager 
 program.  COMPC scans you source code to dispatch your source code 
 modules to the proper compiler or assembler. 
 A complete source code file or any subset of the 
 modules within it may be compiled.  The relocatable output may 
 may be placed in a composite relocatable file, or in individual
 relocatable files.  Furthermore, relocatables may be added to an 
 existing relocatable composite or replace existing modules within
 a composite.  The details are all contained in files "COMP4/"COMP6.
     COMPC can also acts as a powerful preprocessor for converting
 structured code into Fortran.  See files "COMP4/COMP6 for details on this
     The original version of COMPC was written by Chopo Ma of NASA/GSFC.
 Note: Two versions of COMPC are included on this tape: 
       1. A version for RTE-IV/IVB, which supports ASMB,FTN4, 
          FTN4X,RAT4 source code.  This version is contained in 
          files named &COMP4,%COMP4,etc.
       2. A version for RTE-6VM, which includes full support for
          MACRO and FTN7X as well and is somewhat more updated. 
          It is, however, rather larger that the RTE-IV version.
 Additional Documentation....: "COMP4 
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:SAVEM 
         Title...............:Efficient disc-to-tape archive program
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &SAVEM  Source code
                             : 03. %SAVEM  Relocatable for SAVEM
                             : 04. ^SAVEM  LOADR command file for SAVEM 
                             : 05. &FILEM  Support program for SAVEM
                             : 06. %FILEM  Relocatable for FILEM
                             : 07. ^FILEM  LOADR command file for FILEM 
                             : 08. "SAVEM  Documentation file for SAVEM 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Language(s).............:FTN4 & ASMB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:SAVEM is the program used to create the 
 CSL/1000 tape, which then may be retrieved using program GOTEM or GETEM. 
 SAVEM saves FMP files to tape by specification of a list of selective
 namr's (for example, ------::20 will save all files on cartridge 20).
 The file order on tape may be alphabetized for convenience, if 
 desired.  Each time SAVEM is run, a 'Save' is created.  'Saves' may
 be stacked on a tape as desired.  All files are saved in a blocked 
 fashion to achieve highly efficient data storage on tape.
 SAVEM does all of its own FMP file directory management for
 extremely high speed in archiving large amounts of data. 
 A full directory is maintained at the beginning of each Save so
 that the contents of a Save may be easily and quickly examined 
 by GETEM.  SAVEM requires the availability of program FILEM
 for tape positioning management.  See file "SAVEM for full details on
 SAVEM operation and tape format. 
 Additional Documentation....:"SAVEM
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:GETEM 
         Title...............:Restore data from SAVEM-format tapes
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &GETEM  Source code of GETEM 
                             : 03. %GETEM  Relocatable of GETEM 
                             : 04. ^GETEM  LOADR command file for GETEM 
                             : 05. "GETEM  Documentation and instructions 
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:GETEM is a program to restore data from 
 SAVEM-format tapes (see program SAVEM as a separate contribution). 
 GETEM is a more sophisticated big brother of program GOTEM, which is 
 used to access data from the CSL/1000 distribution tapes.
 GETEM allows data to be restored from a SAVEM tape in much the same way
 that SAVEM operates, that is, by the specification of a list of
 selective namr's (i.e. &-----:XX:20 will restore all files within
 a Save which have '&' as the first character, 'XX' as their
 security code, and originated on cartridge 20).  Data may be 
 distributed to existing FMP cartridges in any desired manner.
 Full checking is done for duplicate-name files:  duplicate-name
 files may ignored, may replace the existing files, or may be 
 renamed by GETEM.  If the file order was alphabetized by SAVEM,
 GETEM will restore files in alphabetical order.  A global security 
 code may be assigned to all files restored by GETEM, so that they
 may be subsequently easily purged as a block by program PURGM (see 
 below).  GETEM may be allowed to do all of its own management of 
 FMP directories, in which case data is restored to disc at very
 high speed. See file "GETEM for full details on GETEM operation. 
 Additional Documentation....:"GETEM
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:PURGM 
         Title...............:Selective namr FMP file purge utility 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &PURGM  Source code
                             : 03. %PURGM  Relocatable for PURGM
                             : 04. ^PURGM  LOADR command file for PURGM 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:PURGM allows files to be
 purged by specification of a selective namr.  Highly dangerous,
 you say!  Ah, yes, but extremely useful. The files to be purged
 are first listed for the operator's inspection, and only on entry
 of the system master security code will they actually be purged. 
 The usefulness of PURGM may not be readily apparent, but we have 
 found it to be extremely useful in conjunction with SAVEM and
 GETEM, among others.  For example, if a large program package is 
 to be retrieved from a SAVEM tape, it may be restored by GETEM with a
 specified security code assigned to all restored files.  When work 
 is completed on this package, it may be re-SAVEM-ed easily simply
 by specification of this security code in a selective namr, and
 the disc files may be purged in a single stroke by PURGM.  All 
 ON THE FMP CARTRDIGE(S).  Very useful in these days when disc storage
 seems to fill up as fast as it walks through the door. 
 Additional Documentation....:&PURGM
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:SECUR 
         Title...............:Modify security code of FMP file
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &SECUR  Source code
                             : 03. %SECUR  Relocatable for SECUR
                             : 04. ^SECUR  LOADR command file for SECUR 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 A program to change the security code of an FMP file.  HP provides 
 no means for doing this short of any awkward procedures of file
 moving and renaming.  SECUR will change the security code of an
 existing FMP file by entering
               ':RU,SECUR,<file namr>,<new sec code>' 
 Additional Documentation....:&SECUR
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:XC
         Title...............:Selective namr FMP file copy utility
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &XC     Source code
                             : 03. %XC     Relocatable for XC 
                             : 04. ^XC     LOADR command file for XC
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Language(s).............:FTN4 & ASMB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 XC is a general purpose, HIGHLY EFFICIENT and FAST file copy program,
 particularly when copying disc-to-disc.  Allows extensive use of 
 selective namr's when specifying files to be copied.  For example, 
 the command string 
 will copy all files that match the selective namr '&-----:AB:12' to
 cartridge 20 and assign security code XY to them.  Large full-track
 buffers are used in all disc copying operations for high speed. When 
 copying from disc to tape, a 'labelled' tape may be written so that
 all files are self-identifying.  Details of the operations of XC are 
 given in file &XC. 
 Additional Documentation....:&XC 
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:DIRCT 
         Title...............:Annotated FMP file directory program
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &DIRCT  Source code
                             : 03. %DIRCT  Relocatable for DIRCT
                             : 04. ^DIRCT  LOADR command file for DIRCT 
                             : 05. "DIRCT  Documentation file for DIRCT 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:Upgrade to RTE-6VM compatibility
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 A program to help keep track of all those files on your FMP
 cartridges.  Helps to alleviate the 'I know I wrote exactly what 
 you want seven years ago, but I don't have the foggiest idea where 
 it is' syndrome. This program originated with Moe Cote at HP,
 Lexington some years ago.  The version here has been substantially 
 enhanced to hopefully be even more useful.  Basically, DIRCT maintains 
 a 'directory' file on each FMP cartridge, which contains an ASCII
 descriptions (up to 64-characters) for each file on the cartridge.  These
 file descriptions are entered by the file owner and may be updated 
 at any time.  DIRCT has facilities for searching the description for 
 keywords or phrases,  listing descriptions according to selective
 file namr's, etc.  DIRCT will also tell you which files on your
 cartridge have not yet been entered into the directory, and which
 files have entries in the directory but no longer exist on the 
 cartridge.  We have found the facilities of DIRCT to be very useful
 particularly on a system with many user's and thousands of FMP 
 files.  See file "DIRCT for further details. 
 Additional Documentation....:"DIRCT
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:LISTV 
         Title...............:Smart FMP file lister 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &LISTV  Source code
                             : 03. %LISTV  Relocatable for LISTV
                             : 04. ^LISTV  LOADR command file for LISTV 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 Lists FMP files to a list device.  Ho-hum!  But LISTV has some 
 useful features that may be of interest.  Each page is headed with 
 the file namr, current date and time, and page#.  When listing 
 FTN4 or ASMB source code, LISTV automatically page ejects at the 
 end of each module for beautiful readability.  Line#'s may be
 printed or not, and double-spacing may be used.  Furthermore, a
 whole list of files may be queued up to be printed sequentially while
 you go get a cup of coffee.  Many other features that make it a
 very useful, if somewhat mundane, utility.  See file &LISTV for details. 
 Additional Documentation....:&LISTV
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:OVHD
         Title...............:'Thermometer-display' of machine activity 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &OVHD   Source code
                             : 03. %OVHD   Relocatable for OVHD 
                             : 04. %#OVHD  Relocatable of &#OVHD
                             : 05. &IDLER  Source of IDLER&#OVHD
                             : 06. %IDLER  Relocatable of IDLERD
                             : 07. &IDLES  Source of IDLES
                             : 08. %IDLES  Relocatable of IDLES 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Language(s).............:FTN4 & ASMB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:This program, the original version of which 
 was written many years ago by Maurice Cote of HP, uses the 
 S-register display to give a continuous thermometer-like display 
 of machine activity.  Gives a good real-time indication of the 
 total load on you CPU.  Actually, OVHD consists of two programs, 
 OVHD and IDLER.  IDLER is the lowest priority program in the machine 
 and does nothing but continuously increment a counter in SSGA. 
 OVHD, on the other hand, is the highest priority program in the
 system and is scheduled to execute every n milliseconds (typically 
 n=100 to 150).  OVHD does nothing more than sample the counter in SSGA,
 determine how much it has incremented since the last sample, and 
 display the ratio (in a 'thermometer' format) of the measured counter
 increment to the increment that would have been measured in a quiet
 system. Note: OVHD and IDLER should be installed at sysgen time as 
 memory-resident programs, along with the SSGA area #OVHD (these are
 contained in files &OVHD, &IDLER, and &#OVHD, respectively). 
 Program IDLES may be executed at the head of a WELCOM file (when 
 the machine is otherwise quiet) to initiate the display.  IDLES
 may be loaded as a disc-resident program.
    The display created by OVHD is almost identical to that available 
 under RTE-6VM by using the 'CU,ON' command.  The only advantage is that
 it works under RTE-II/III/IV/IVB, as well as RTE6-VM.  Over the years
 we have found this simple display to be extremely useful in quantitatively 
 judging machine loading and efficiency.
 Additional Documentation....:None
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:LOADF 
         Title...............:Allow use of FMP globals in LOADR command file
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &LOADF  Source code
                             : 03. %LOADF  Relocatable for LOADF
                             : 04. ^LOADF  LOADR command file for LOADF 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
                              Program COMPC required for compilation
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 A useful utility program originally written by Jim Ryan of NASA/GSFC to
 work around the unfortunate restriction that globals in an FMP transfer
 files cannot be passed to a LOADR command file.  LOADF is run
 immediately before LOADR to create a scratch LOADR command file
 which has the FMP globals installed in it.  Extremely useful for 
 making software systems entirely transportable.  LOADF is extremely
 convenient and easy to use.  See file &LOADF for details.
 Additional Documentation....:&LOADF
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:GET 
         Title...............:System 'peek and poke' utilities
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &GET    Source code for GET
                             : 03. %GET    Relocatable for GET
                             : 04. ^GET    LOADR command file for GET 
                             : 05. &PUT    Source code for PUT
                             : 06. %PUT    Relocatable for PUT
                             : 07. ^PUT    LOADR command file for PUT 
                             : 08. &ENTAD  Source code for ENTAD
                             : 09. %ENTAD  Relocatable for ENTAD
                             : 10. ^ENTAD  LOADR command file for ENTAD 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III\IV/IVB/6VM 
     Language(s).............:FTN4 & ASMB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:--
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 The set of simple utilities GET/PUT/ENTAD have proven to be very useful for
 doing system, system table, and driver patches in the WELCOM file at 
 bootup time. 
 ENTAD - Gets specified memory-resident entry point address and contents. 
 GET   - Gets contents (direct or indirect, with or without offset) of
         specified location in system map, user map, or physical memory.
 PUT   - Modifies contents (direct or indirect, with or without offset) of
         specified location in system map, user map, or physical memory.
 Suppose, for example, that you want to patch Rev 1913 of DVA05 so that it
 ignores LF (control function code 11B) requests so that the FTN4 compiler
 listing doesn't go zipping up off the screen before it can be glimpsed.
 This is a job for ENTAD and PUT which can be done in the WELCOM file in
 a fairly system-independent manner.  Suppose further that you have examined
 %DVA05 with an un-assembler or otherwise so that you know that the location to be
 patched with a NOP is 204B words beyond entry point IA05.  Furthermore, assume that
 EQ#7 is supported with DVA05.  This is all the information you need in order 
 to use ENTAD and PUT to patch the driver in RTE-IVA/B.  It is done in the WELCOM file in 
 the following manner (see &ENTAD and &PUT for details of run sequences): 
    :RU,ENTAD,$DVPT          Get logical page# of base of the driver partition. 
                             This is returned in global 2P. 
    :CA,6:P,2P,*,2000B       Compute the corresponding logical address and store
                             it into global 6P. 
    :RU,ENTAD,IA05           Get logical address of driver entry point IA05,
                             returned in global 1P. 
    :CA,6:P,1P,-,6P,+,204B   Compute offset of target word from base address
                             of driver partition. 
    :RU,ENTAD,$DVMP,100006B  Get starting physical page# for the driver supporting
                             EQ#7 (the 7th entry in $DVMP is offset 6B words
                             from the base of $DVMP). This is returned in 2P. 
    :RU,PUT,2,2P,6P,0        Patch the target location.  2P contains the
                             physical page# and 6P the word offset. 
 Looks complicated, but really is not.  Note that the patch is system-independent 
 except for the specific EQ#.  With more complication (but not worth it), the 
 sequence could be made entirely system independent, using GET, ENTAD, and PUT. 
 Additional Documentation....:&GET
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:DVF00 
         Title...............:DVF00 (for 12966A card) and support utilities 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &DVF00  Source code of DVF00 
                             : 03. %DVF00  Relocatable of DVF00 
                             : 04. &ESCAP  Schedule program on ESC<char>
                             : 05. %ESCAP  Relocatable of ESCAP 
                             : 06. #ESCAP  Sample data file for ESCAP 
                             : 07. &HELLO  Auto-modem answer program
                             : 08. %HELLO  Relocatable of HELLO 
                             : 09. INITXX  Sample initialization transfer file
                             : 10. HIXX    Sample 'hello' initialization file 
                             : 11. BYXX    Sample 'hangup' transfer file
                             : 12. &ACCES  Password access program
                             : 13. %ACCES  Relocatable for ACCES
                             : 14. #ACCES  Sample data file for #ACCES
                             : 15. &OFFEM  Cleanup after modem disconnect 
                             : 16. %OFFEM  Relocatable of OFFEMdisconnect 
                             : 17. &CN21B  Force terminal disable 
                             : 18. %CN21B  Relocatable of CN21B 
                             : 19. &BR     Schedule program on 'break'
                             : 20. %BR     Relocatable of BR
                             : 21. &REDX   FMP disc file to CTU transfer
                             : 22. %REDX   Relocatable of REDX
                             : 23. &RIDX   CTU to FMP disc file transfer
                             : 24. %RIDX   Relocatable of RIDX
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Language(s).............:FTN4 & ASMB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
     If Re-submission, Reason:Upgraded
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............: This package comprises the latest version
 of DVF00 (which supersedes the older DVB00) along with a set of utility
 programs which use some of its capabilities.  The inclusions here are: 
  DVF00 - A general-purpose driver for the HP12966A ASCII I/O card. 
          In order to fill a number of requirements for communications with a 
          variety of ASCII-type devices, DVF00 has been written for the 
          12966A interface card.  In many ways it emulates DVR00 and DVR05, 
          although it has a number of extended capabilities available in
          neither.  Particularly useful for driving almost any of the non-
          HP terminals on the market today, at baud rates up to 9600. 
          Several options are available for device handshaking. 
          For other applications, full control of the interface is given
          to the user to provide a powerful tool for controlling communications 
          between almost any ASCII device and the host computer.  A paper on
          this driver was presented at the 1980 HP1000 International User's 
          Group conference and DVF00 has received wide circulation.  See file 
          &DVF00 for full details on installation and usage.  Work on 
          extending the original DVB00 to DVF00 was done by Lee Foster
          at NASA/GSFC. 
Auxillary programs to support various features in DVB00 and DVF00:
  ESCAP - A program to support the scheduling of a program on an <ESC><char>
          sequence in DVF00.  When enabled by the proper control sequences
          and no request is currently pending on DVF00, program ESCAP is
          scheduled on the receipt of a <ESC><char>, where <char> may be any
          ASCII character other than ESCAPE.  Program ESCAP examines <char> 
          to determine the action it is to take, such as scheduling a particular
          program or making a particular request to the system.  The action 
          to be taken by ESCAP on receipt of a particular <char> is specified 
          in file #ESCAP, which is easily modifable (using EDITR) to tailor 
          it to any specific needs.  Can effectively be used to run any terminal
          as a non-session terminal in a session environment or provide 
          controlled-access to machine facilities in a non-session environment. 
          Does not interfere with a terminal running with DVF00 in a either 
          a normal session or MTM environment.  We have found it to be a
          very convenient augmentation of normal system capabilities in any 
          system.  See file &ESCAP for details. 
  RIDX  - This program, by John Ball of Harvard College Observatory, allows 
          a 264x terminal with data cartridges operating under DVB00 or 
          DVF00 to transfer ASCII data from TAPE CARTRIDGE TO DISC FILE.
  REDX  - This program, also by John Ball, does the inverse of RIDX.  That is,
          REDX allows a 264x terminal with data cartridge operating under DVB00 
          or DVF00 to transfer ASCII data from a DISC FILE TO TAPE CARTRIDGE. 
  BR    - Program to issue a 'break' request to the last son program that 
          was initiated by a specified terminal lu.  Primarily intended for 
          use with the DVB00/DVF00 capability of scheduling a program when
          the BREAK key is hit.  In that capacity, BR is scheduled on receipt 
          of a BREAK entry from the keyboard.  Operates only under RTE-IVB. 
Programs to support automatic modem connect and disconnect under DVB00/DVF00: 
  HELLO - Program to be automatically scheduled when modem operating under
          DVB00 or DVF00 connects or disconnects from the telephone line. 
          Prints a message on the system console logging date and time of 
          connect/disconnect.  Schedules FMGR (queue scheduled with no wait)
          to execute transfer file 'HIeq' on connect, and 'BYeq' on disconnect, 
          where 'eq' is the (2-digit octal) EQT# of the scheduling device.
          These files can be used to do the necessary setup of the modem link,
          including setting the baud rate, if necessary (particularly useful
          for multi-rate modems), asking for a password (see program ACCES),
          and enabling the terminal.  On disconnect (either intentional or
          inadvertant), transfer file 'BYeq' can be used to do clean-up 
          (see program OFFEM) and disable the lu to a subsequent caller.
          Can be used equally well under either session or non-session. 
  ACCES - Program normally scheduled from the 'HIeq' file to request password 
          before enabling a terminal connected remotely over a modem. 
          See file &ACCES for details.
  OFFEM - Program to clean up after a modem disconnect. OFFEM is normally 
          scheduled from the 'BYeq' file to kill any programs that may have 
          been left hanging.  See file &OFFEM for details.
 Additional Documentation....:See source code files 
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:EDCN
         Title...............:A powerful & general text editor
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &EDCN   Source code
                             : 03. &COMED  INCLUDE file for &EDCN 
                             : 04. %EDCN   Relocatable for EDCN 
                             : 05. ^EDCN   LOADR command file for EDCN
                             : 06. "EDCN   Documentation file for EDCN
                             : 07. ;CL     Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 08. ;LB     Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 09. ;LTOP   Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 10. ;RWL    Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 11. ;DSA    Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 12. ;DSNO   Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 13. ;DSNL   Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 14. ;DNSA   Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 15. ;DNSNO  Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 16. ;DSNSL  Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 17. ;DCOL   Utility command file for EDCN
                             : 18. ;DCOLA  Utility command file for EDCN
     Operating System........:RTE-IVB/6VM 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
                              Program COMPC for compilation 
     If Re-submission, Reason:Upgrade to compatibility with RTE-6 
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 EDCN is a powerful text editor written by Chopo Ma of NASA Goddard Space 
 Flight Center, and is being submitted here with his permission.  EDCN
 is based on a combination of the best features of the HP EDITR, the
 Univac 1108 editor, and the DEC SOS editor.  Among other things, EDCN
 alows easy cut and paste and user-construction of complex editing
 procedures which can be set up in an EDCN command file and invoked with
 a single command.  See file "EDCN for details.  See particularly Note 1
 in "EDCN before compiling and loading EDCN.  A number of standard EDCN 
 command files are included; again see "EDCN for a description of these 
 Additional Documentation....:"EDCN 
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:GOOD1 
         Title...............:A set of goodies of general interest
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. *LTOU   Convert lower case 
                             : 03. <OU     to upper case letters
                             : 04. &CHANG    ...
                             : 05. &ABSOL  Combines absolute type 7 files 
                             : 06. &SETLU  Setup program for out spool
                             : 07. &SPOLU    package for RTE 4B.
                             : 08. &SPLOT    ...
                             : 09. &WHO    Tells who is logged on 
                             : 10. *HELP   Replaces RTE 4B HELP program 
                             : 11. &HELP     ...
                             : 12. &HASH     ...
                             : 13. &XORA     ...
                             : 14. &IBYTE    ...
                             : 15. &SBYTE    ...
                             : 16. *HELPS    ...
                             : 17. &HELPS    ...
                             : 18. *SESSN  Display session number in large
                             : 19. &SESSN    block letters at logon.
                             : 20. &LARGE    ...
                             : 21. &LLBUF    ...
                             : 22. *LIST   Lists compiler files to line printe
                             : 23. &LIST     using spooling.
                             : 24. &MOVE     ...
                             : 25. &PRINT  Prints a file to the 2631G printer 
                             : 26. *LINER  Simulates the linear plot function 
                             : 27. &LINER    of the 2647A 
                             : 28. &LINE1    ...
                             : 29. &FORML    ...
                             : 30. &READS    ...
                             : 31. &LINE2    ...
                             : 32. &LPLOT    ...
                             : 33. *CHESS  FORTRAN version of CHESS 
                             : 34 .&CHESS    ...
                             : 35. &TRY      ...
                             : 36. &TYPEB    ...
                             : 37. &BUMP     ...
                             : 38. &PUSHM    ...
                             : 39. &CHECK    ...
                             : 40. &CAS      ...
                             : 41. &CASTL    ...
                             : 42. &KINGN    ...
                             : 43. &BPRKQ    ...
                             : 44. &PAWNC    ...
                             : 45. &PROMO    ...
                             : 46. &PLACE    ...
                             : 47. &INCHK    ...
                             : 48. &FIND     ...
                             : 49. &CENCN    ...
                             : 50. &SORT     ...
                             : 51. &MDGAM    ...
                             : 52. &MOBIL    ...
                             : 53. &KINGC    ...
                             : 54. &OPENB    ...
                             : 55. &MDBON    ...
                             : 56. &POSIT    ...
                             : 57. &BKUP1    ...
                             : 58. &BKUP2    ...
                             : 59. &MOVES    ...
                             : 60. &MOVER    ...
                             : 61. &ISWR     ...
                             : 62. &BOARD    ...
                             : 63. &DUMPN    ...
                             : 64. &CHES2    ...
                             : 65. &ECUTE    ...
                             : 66. &SBITF    ...
                             : 67. &CBITF    ...
                             : 68. &GLOBL    ...
                             : 69. &TIMER    ...
                             : 70. )STAR   Real time Startrek game. 
                             : 71. #STAR     ...
                             : 72. =TREK     ...
                             : 73. %TREK     ...
                             : 74. &STAR     ...
                             : 75. &SRDIS    ...
                             : 76. &PHDIS    ...
                             : 77. &WIPE     ...
                             : 78. &CANDD    ...
                             : 79. &COORD    ...
                             : 80. &CYCLE    ...
                             : 81. &DELTA    ...
                             : 82. &DIST     ...
                             : 83. &EHIT     ...
                             : 84. &FIXUP    ...
                             : 85. &INPUT    ...
                             : 86. &KFIRE    ...
                             : 87. &KKILL    ...
                             : 88. &KMVCL    ...
                             : 89. &LOSE     ...
                             : 90. &LRKMV    ...
                             : 91. &PATH     ...
                             : 92. &PODS     ...
                             : 93. &QSPLT    ...
                             : 94. &RATNG    ...
                             : 95. &RAND     ...
                             : 96. &RND      ...
                             : 97. &RNDFB    ...
                             : 98. &STATS    ...
                             : 99. &STAUS    ...  Continued in next contrib.
     Operating System........:RTE-IVB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:
     If Re-submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........:John Anderson 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a set of goodies from John Anderson and is continued in the next 
 contribution G01701. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:GOOD2 
         Title...............:A set of goodies of general interest
         File Names........01:Submission file 
                           02:&TIMOT    ... Continued from contribution G01601
                           03:&UNIFM    ... 
                           04:&WHON     ... 
                           05:&WIN      ... 
                           06:&ABMSN    ... 
                           07:&BLUFF    ... 
                           08:&COMPT    ... 
                           09:&CUMRD    ... 
                           10:&STRPT    ... 
                           11:&TPDCM    ... 
                           12:&CALC     ... 
                           13:&BASE     ... 
                           14:&DAMAG    ... 
                           15:&HELPR    ... 
                           16:&NAVMP    ... 
                           17:&QNOM     ... 
                           18:&LRSCN    ... 
                           19.&MOVEN    ... 
                           20.&NGAME    ... 
                           21.&FINRD    ... 
                           22.&NQUAD    ... 
                           23.&QUAD     ... 
                           24.&PHASR    ... 
                           25.&NOVA     ... 
                           26.&RVPWR    ... 
                           27.&SETUP    ... 
                           28.&BLOCK    ... 
                           29.&SHELD    ... 
                           30.&SRSCN    ... 
                           31.&PLINE    ... 
                           32.&TORPD    ... 
                           33.&PROBE    ... 
                           34.AMAZE   BASIC games 
                           35.LUNAR     ... 
                           36.$LUNAR    ... 
                           37.$TREK     ... 
                           38.$STAR     ... 
     Operating System........:RTE-IVB 
     Keywords................: 1. 
     External Support Req'd..:
     If Re-submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........:John Anderson 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a set of goodies from John Anderson and is continued from the
 previous contribution G01601.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: LSI11
         Title...............: LSI-11 Cross-Assembler 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &LSI11 SOURCE X-ASMB 
                             : 03. &LSX11 SOURCE X-XREF 
                             : 04. &LS11T TEST FILE 
                             : 05. /LSI11 LOAD FILE &LSI11
                             : 06. /LSX11 LOAD FILE &LSX11
         Operating System....: RTE-4B 
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Albert R. Th van Putten
               Company.......: National Inst. of Public Health
               Street........: P.O.box 1
               City..........: 3720 BA Bilthoven
               Country.......: Netherlands
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a recontributed version of PCROS, which was corrupt
 on CSL/1000 issue 2140. See for more details listing.
 It has been enhanced as well.
 Additional Documentation....: Programs can be started similar
 as ASMB en XREF. When no parameters are supplied, program
 will ask interactive the required information. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: M6800
                  Cross-assembler and cross-reference generator 
                  for M6800 and M6801 type uprocs 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &6800  SOURCE X-ASMB 
                             : 03. &X6800 SOURCE X-XREF 
                             : 04. 'T6800 TEST FILE 
                             : 05. #6800  MANUAL 6800 X-ASMB
                             : 06. #X6800 MANUAL 6800 X-XREF
         Operating System....: RTE-4B 
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Albert R. Th van Putten
               Company.......: National Inst. of Public Health
               Street........: P.O.box 1
               City..........: 3720 BA Bilthoven
               Country.......: Netherlands
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a recontributed version of PCROS, which contained
 undef's on the CSL/1000 issue 2140 release 
 Additional Documentation....: See manuals
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: WOLF 
                  Word-oriented line Formatter
         File Names..........: 01:&WOLF  - Source 
                             : 03:WOLMAN - WOLF manual'WOLF  MANUAL 
         Operating System....: RTE-4B 
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Albert R. Th van Putten
               Company.......: National Inst. of Public Health
               Street........: P.O.box 1
               City..........: 3720 BA Bilthoven
               Country.......: Netherlands
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a recontributed version of WOLF placed on the
 2001 release of CSL1000. All segments has been deleted,
 to improve speed and loading convenience.
 THANKS to Darlene Bosonetta from TDC.
 Additional Documentation....: See previous contributions 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: DS1B 
         Title...............: Distributed System 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &/CDCB 
                             : 03. &/CLWT 
                             : 04. &CMLB
                             : 05. &D77AB 
                             : 06. &D77CL 
                             : 07. &D77MS 
                             : 08. &D77SV 
                             : 09. &DLI$T 
                             : 10. &DLK77 
                             : 11. &DVR77 
                             : 12. &LGET
                             : 13. &LQUEU 
                             : 14. &LST&N 
                             : 15. &MEXEC 
                             : 16. &NP.GL 
                             : 17. &OAPOS 
                             : 18. &OCLOS 
                             : 19. &OCONT 
                             : 20. &OCRET 
                             : 21. &OEXEC 
                             : 22. &OGRPM 
                             : 23. &OLOAD 
                             : 24. &OLOCF 
                             : 25. &OMESG 
                             : 26. &OMESS 
                             : 27. &ONAME 
                             : 28. &OOPEN 
                             : 29. &OPOSN 
                             : 30. &OPRM
                             : 31. &OPURG 
                             : 32. &OQCLM 
                             : 33. &OREAD 
                             : 34. &OSRPM 
                             : 35. &OSTAT 
                             : 36. &OWIND 
                             : 37. &OWRIT 
                             : 38. &PL0S
                             : 39. &PL0SB 
                             : 40. &POPN
                             : 41. &PR0GL 
                             : 42. &PT0PM 
                             : 43. &RE$ 
                             : 44. &REMOT 
                             : 45. &RF.AM 
                             : 46. &RF.EX 
                             : 47. &RQLB
                             : 48. &SM0N
                             : 49. &UPLN
                             : 50. SHOW 
                             : 51. SCGN0
                             : 52. SCGN1
                             : 53. SCGN2
                             : 54. SCGN3
                             : 55. SCGN4
                             : 56. SCGN5
         Operating System....: RTE-4B 
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a modified package of the old DS1B distributed 
 system software. It has been changed to operate parallel 
 with the current DS1000-IV.
 Additional Documentation....:
 All function are the same, but watch the routines to call from 
 a users program. These are renamed!!!!!
 It works satisfactory over a long period. It is usefull, if you have 
 still BCS systems in your network. These old systems are not supported 
 under DS1000(-IV). 
 Futhermore this gives you may be an idea or more for your own applications.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: GUDIES 
         Title...............: Goodies From Seth Chazenoff
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &SRAND 
                             : 03. &CRAND 
                             : 04. %SRAND 
                             : 05. %CRAND 
         Operating System....: RTE-4B 
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Seth L. Chazanoff
               Company.......: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
               Street........: 4800 Oak Grove Drive 
               City..........: Pasadena 
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 91109
               Phone Number..: (213) 354-2134 
 Program Abstract............:
 SRAND is a shift register random number generator.  It has a period
 of 2^160 and generates random numbers on a range of -1<X<0<X<1.
 Additional Documentation....:
 SRAND is called using the function call X=RANDM(I), where I is a dummy 
 variable and is not acted upon.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: QEDIT
         Title...............: Quick-edit of IMAGE/1000 data bases
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. /QEDIT  Transfer file to compile & load
                             : 03. !QUERY  Load file using LOADR
                             : 04. &QEDIT  Main program segment 
                             : 05. &QEDT1  ADD data segment 
                             : 06. &QEDT2  UPDATE data segment
                             : 07. &QEDT3  DELETE data segment
                             : 08. $QEDT0  Data set initialization segment
                             : 09. &Q.LIB  Library of subroutines in FTN7X
                             : 10. &QEDT4  List segment 
                             : 11. &ASCBI  ASCII-to-binary routine
                             : 12. &BIDEC  Binary-to-ASCII decimal routine
                             : 13. &CMPR   Compares two IMAGE data buffers
                             : 14. &CNVRT  ASCII real-to-binary real routine
                             : 15. !QEDIT  LOADR command file 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB, RTE-VI
         Language(s).........: FTN7X,MACRO
         Keywords............: 1. 
   External Support Req'd....: Uses IMAGE/1000
   If Re-submission, reason..:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ann D. McCormick 
               Company.......: Communications Satellite Corp. 
               Street........: 935 E. Meadow Dr.
               City..........: Palo Alto
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94303
               Phone Number..: (415)493-1601
 Program Abstract............:
'QEDIT' is a general-purpose editor for IMAGE/1000 data bases.  It is an
upgraded version of the old QEDIT that worked with the old IMAGE.  It is
capable of adding, updating and deleting records in all detail data sets. 
It can also add, update and delete records in manual master data sets that
have no link to other data sets.  'QEDIT' allows you to change data sets
or data bases without rerunning the program.  'QEDIT' uses inverse video, 
format mode and page block mode reads on Hewlett-Packard 264x terminals.
It also dynamically sets straps in your terminal which get reset on 
termination of the program.  QEDIT currently runs using Rev. 2226 of the
IMAGE/1000 software and supports all of its features EXCEPT array items.
It can currently handle records up to 512 words long.  To increase this 
simply change "512" to whatever you wish in all the segments and "Q.LIB". 
 Additional Documentation....:
                        *  USING 'QEDIT'  * 
'QEDIT' is a general-purpose editor for IMAGE/1000 data bases.  It is an
upgraded version of the old QEDIT that worked with the old IMAGE.  It is
capable of adding, updating and deleting records in all detail data sets. 
It can also add, update and delete records in manual master data sets that
have no link to other data sets.  'QEDIT' allows you to change data sets
or data bases without rerunning the program.  'QEDIT' uses inverse video, 
format mode and page block mode reads on Hewlett-Packard 264x terminals.
It also dynamically sets straps in your terminal which get reset on 
termination of the program.  QEDIT currently runs using Rev. 2226 of the
IMAGE/1000 software and supports all of its features EXCEPT array items.
To run 'QEDIT' type 'RU,QEDIT'.  No further parameters are needed in the
run string.  To define the data base you want 'QEDIT' will ask you the
following questions:
         ENTER DATA BASE 'NAME:SC:CR': namr:sc:cr 
         ENTER LEVEL: password
         ENTER THE DETAIL DATA SET NAME: set name 
Answer the questions with the appropriate information for your data base
and data set.  If there is an error in accessing the data base
(e.g. locked) 'QEDIT' will print out the error message number and end.
Once your data base has been defined to 'QEDIT' the upper portion of the
screen will be set up with the block mode unprotected read/write buffers
necessary for the size and type of data items in your data set.  The
names to the left of the fields are the data base defined names of the
items. Key item fields will always be shown in full-bright inverse video. 
Non-key items will show in half-bright inverse video if your terminal has 
that capability. Field lengths are shown by the length of the inverse 
video block.  The variable type is not explicitely shown on the screen. 
However you can usually tell by the field size what the type is.  Integers
are six characters long. Real numbers are twelve characters long and
are displayed in F12.6 format.  Character fields vary with the length of
of the field in the data base.  Please note that if you select a set with 
an ARRAY variable this program will only take into account the first
element in the array and will probably corrupt the record.
Below the formatted screen there will be a command line used for all
interaction.  Allowable commands are as follows:
                     AD  = Add records
                     UP  = Update data
                     DE  = Delete data
                     NE  = New data set 
                     EX  = Exit program 
Enter one of these commands to continue.  If you choose to ADD, UPDATE or 
DELETE the program will request data from you in the formatted portion of 
the screen.  When in this portion of the screen you must use the ENTER key
to terminate your input.  Before you hit ENTER you may use any of the keys
on the standard keyboard to setup the data in the fields to your
One final note about entering data.  Whenever the program is waiting for
data from you in the formatted part of the screen and you want to abort,
simply put '//' in the first two characters of the first field and
then hit ENTER.  This is the 'abort' signal.
The ADD command is used to enter new records into the opened data set.  The 
user is expected to enter values for ALL key items in the formatted screen. 
The record is then entered and rewritten onto the screen.  Please note that 
for real numbers you may see roundoff errors.  For example 3.5 may become 
3.499999.  To end the ADD mode, type "//" as the first characters in the
first data field. 
The UPDATE command will read one or more data values from the formatted 
screen and search the data set for records matching these values.  None of
these values need to be keys.  However if a key is entered the search will
be faster.  If a key is not entered QEDIT will inform you that a serial 
read will be required and ask for permission to proceed.  This question 
was included in the program to allow the user to abort a request if he
did not specify a key for a rather large data set and does not want to
wait for the search.
In the UPDATE mode the user has the option of changing all the retrieved
records uniformly.  In this mode all the retrieved records will then
look exactly the same.  If the user wishes he may also examine each record
separately and determine what changes to make.  If no changes are made
to the data on the screen, the record remains unchanged in the data base. 
A '//' at any point in the first field will abort the UPDATE command. 
The DELETE command will read one or more data values from the formatted 
screen in the same manner as the UPDATE mode.  The user may specify 
search items in the same manner also.  The user may delete all the
records that match the data values he entered or he may choose to examine 
each one separately and decide whether or not to delete it. 
The NEW mode allows the user to change data bases or data sets.  See
Section 2 for a detailed discussion of the input parameters.
To terminate 'QEDIT' simply type 'EXIT' when asked for a command.  'QEDIT'
will terminate and reset the terminal to its normal mode. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: DAME 
         Title...............: Checkers for 264x terminals
         File Names..........: &DAME  - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
 Program Abstract............: Play checkers against the computer!
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: WOLF 
         Title...............: Automatic typing program 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. #WOLF  - LOADR command file
                             : 03. &CFILE - subroutine
                             : 04. &CMOVE - subroutine
                             : 05. &DECIM - subroutine
                             : 06. &IALPX - subroutine
                             : 07. &ICMDA - subroutine
                             : 08. &ICMDH - subroutine
                             : 09. &IDSWP - subroutine
                             : 10. &IERRM - subroutine
                             : 11. &IFIGC - subroutine
                             : 12. &IFILE - subroutine
                             : 13. &IFTHC - subroutine
                             : 14. &IFTLP - subroutine
                             : 15. &IGETC - subroutine
                             : 16. &IINIT - subroutine
                             : 17. &ILINE - subroutine
                             : 18. &ILINO - subroutine
                             : 19. &INUMX - subroutine
                             : 20. &IOPEN - subroutine
                             : 21. &IOUTP - subroutine
                             : 22. &IPAGC - subroutine
                             : 23. &IPAGP - subroutine
                             : 24. &IPARC - subroutine
                             : 25. &IPARS - subroutine
                             : 27. &IPAUS - subroutine
                             : 28. &ITIFT - subroutine
                             : 29. &ITTLP - subroutine
                             : 30. &IWORD - subroutine
                             : 31. &MAINC - subroutine
                             : 32. &ROMAN - subroutine
                             : 33. &WOLF  - subroutine
                             : 34. /WOLF  - transfer file to compile
                             :              subroutines 
                             : 35. "APPXA - Appendix A
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4X,FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: This** is a revision of a previous 
 contribution.  It has had some errors corrected and some improvements
 made to it.  For example, driver type checking now checks for
 lineprinters to be of type 12 OCTAL!!! 
  Improvements include checking the break flag, although more frequent
 checking could be made, and when pausing between pages, a response 
 of BR will terminate WOLF operation gracefully. Note that WOLF will
 normally print error message # -54 when break is requested.
  WOLF now shows error messages on the output unit, and whenever it 
 prints its name (for prompts or error messages), it shows the name 
 of the actual session copy.
  This version has been used with a 9871A printer on DVR05 subchannel 
 4 and Versatec lineprinters successfully.  Note that Versatec units
 have hardware constraints against backspacing and underlining. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: REMC 
         Title...............: Remote mounting of cartridges
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &REMC  - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: REMC** will mount cartridges to the
specified users from any other session, thus eliminating the need 
to log on as each user and mount cartridges after sysgens which alter 
the disk map! 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: XLGON
         Title...............: Logs non-session prog. to sessn & usrid
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &XLGON - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: XLGON** is a Fortran callable
subroutine which will log the calling program onto a session (>100) 
under a userid/password specified in the call.  XLGOF is a companion
routine to this.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: XLGOF
         Title...............: Detaches running program from session
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &XLGON 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: XLGOF** causes calling program to be 
logged off of session without terminating it. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: BAKUP
         Title...............: Automatic tape backup of disc cartridges 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. #BAKUP - LOADR command file
                             : 03. *BACUP - Reminder message transfer file
                             : 04. *NOBAK - Transfer file to skip backup
                             : 05. *BAKOF - Transfer file to shut down prog.
                             : 06. *SVSYB - Transfer file to back system up.
                             : 07. &BAKUP - Source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: BAKUP** performs an automatic backup 
of selected disk cartridges to mag. tape every Wednesday night, unless
canceled after 10:30 AM each Wednesday, or terminated at any time 
via *BAKOF. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: TIME 
         Title...............: Display of formatted time and date 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &TIME  - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: TIME** will print time & date on 
scheduling terminal.
 Additional Documentation....: To execute: [RU,]TIME
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: BOUNC
         Title...............: S-reg. display of CPU demand 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &BOUNC - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: BOUNC** uses the S-register to indicate
how much of the available CPU time is in use.  The more used, the slower
the lights bounce!  It also juggles a bit between the extend and
overflow registers. 
 Additional Documentation....: To execute: [RU,]BOUNC 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: IDLE 
         Title...............: S-reg. display of CPU demand 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &IDLE  - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: IDLE** uses the S-register to indicate 
how much of the available CPU time is in use.  The more used, the slower
the lights rotate!  It rotates a run-string specified value thru the
S-register, Extend register and Overflow register at a rate specified 
in the run-string as well.
 Additional Documentation....: To execute:
[RU,]IDLE,DELAY,PATTERN where  DELAY = value to increment until 0 
                                        (i.e. 0 gives maximum delay,
                                        and -1 gives minimum delay) 
                                        Range is -32768 to +32767.
                               PATTERN = 16 bit pattern to initialize 
                                        S-register to. (use integer 
                                        Range is -32768 to +32767.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: MOVER
         Title...............: Moves files and restore commands to tape 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &MOVER - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4X
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: MOVER*  collects a list of files to
move to tape, places a transfer file on the tape to restore them with 
and then dumps the files to the tape in FMGR format.  To restore files
simply transfer to tape as first file instructs!
 Additional Documentation....: See source.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: SETIM
         Title...............: Easy to use time setting program 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &SETIM - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: SETIM** allows date and time to be 
input in days, months and years rather than julian date.  It reports
the current time after asking for new settings which may be omitted.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: TYPE 
         Title...............: Interactive drvr type & subch. report
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &TYPE  - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: TYPE** reports the driver type and 
subchannel of a specified LU on the console.  Uses ITYPE subroutine.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: ITYPE
         Title...............: Subroutine reports driver type & subch.
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &ITYPE - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: ITYPE** reports the driver type and
subchannel of a specified LU to calling program.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: HP45 
         Title...............: HP calculator for 2645+ terminals
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &HP45  - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: HP45** is an improved version of a 
previous submission.  It now offers trig., inverse trig., hyperbolics,
and more!  Also, it now restores the timeout value to its original
setting on termination.  Uses TRGLB subroutines.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: TRGLB
         Title...............: Trig. function library 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &TRGLB - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: TRGLB** is a set of routines to
provide inverse trig., hyperbolic trig. and other functions.  It
includes substitutes for CCOS and CSIN which were not accurate
enough (in single precision) for some applications.  Include this 
library at gen. time and forget it! 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: GTFIL
         Title...............: Gets file, creates if neccessary 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. >FIL - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: GTFIL** takes fmp call parameters and
tries to open the specified file.  If it doesn't exist, GTFIL creates it. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: GTNAM
         Title...............: Gets name of current program copy
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. >NAM - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: GTNAM** reports to caller what name
RTE gave it.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: CHAR 
         Title...............: Paper tape titler
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &CHAR
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: CHAR** is derived from several previous
submissions to Plus/1000.  It punches 96 character ascii set on paper 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: DATES
         Title...............: Full resolution formatted date & time
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &DATES - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: DATES** returns to the caller the
day of the week, month of the year and day of the month.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: DVN00
         Title...............: 12966 I/F driver for dumb terminals
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &DVN00 - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: DVN00**  is a driver for 12966 cards 
which uses subchannels to select baud rates including externally
clocked.  It is intended to handle TI silent 700 type terminals with
cassette tape drives installed.  See source for details.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: MX.LB
         Title...............: Library of MX instruction substitutes
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &MX.LB - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: MX.LB** is a library of assembly 
substitutes for MX instructions to use on earlier machines.  It is
a revision of a previous submission.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: BYT.L
         Title...............: Library of byte manipulation instr.
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &BYT.L - source code 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig S. Huff, P.E.
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Avionics Center 
               Street........: 6000 E. 21st Street
                             : Department 814 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46218
               Phone Number..: (317) 353-3078 
** Program Abstract............: BYT.L** is a library of assembly 
language routines to allow Fortran programs to access the byte
manipulation instructions on MX machines and includes a few added 
routines too!  This is a revision of a previous submission. 
a revision of a previous submission.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: LSPCF
         Title...............: Least squares polynomial curve fit 
         File Names..........: 01. Submission file
                             : 02. &LSPCF 
         Operating System....: RTE-IVB
         Language(s).........: FORTRAN
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........: A.W. CRUNK 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
** Program Abstract............:
 No documentation was provided with this contribution.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:  RTERR 
         Title...............:  HP I/O Runtime Error Number Decoder 
         File Names..........:  01. Submission file 
                             :  02. &RTERR
                             :  03. DBEROR
         Operating System....:  RTE-6/VM
         Language(s).........:  HP FTN4X
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Bruce H. Gardner
               Company.......:  Serata Geomechanics, Inc. 
               Street........:  1229 Eighth St. 
               City..........:  Berkeley
               State.........:  CA. 
               Country.......:  U.S.A.
               Zip Code......:  94710 
               Phone Number..:  (415) 524-2344
 Program Abstract............:  RTERR decodes an HP input/output runtime error
                                code number.  This number must be entered as
                                the first item in the RTERR runstring.  The 
                                text of the HP Manual's description of the
                                error condition denoted by that error code
                                number is reported to the program operator's
                                session terminal. 
 Additional Documentation....:  RTERR uses the same data base file as soft- 
                                landing subroutine DEROR.  That data base is
                                built and updated using program DBER.  DEROR
                                and DBER are included in this submission, 
                                under separate 'SUBMT' files. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:  DEROR 
         Title...............:  HP Runtime Error Soft Landing subroutine
         File Names..........:  01. Submission file 
                             :  02. &DEROR
         Operating System....:  RTE-6/VM
         Language(s).........:  HP FTN4X
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Bruce H. Gardner
               Company.......:  Serata Geomechanics, Inc. 
               Street........:  1229 Eighth St. 
               City..........:  Berkeley
               State.........:  CA. 
               Country.......:  U.S.A.
               Zip Code......:  94710 
               Phone Number..:  (415) 524-2344
 Program Abstract............:  Subroutine DEROR provides a generalized facil-
                                ity for installing soft landings from I/O Run-
                                time errors in HP FTN4X Programs, using the 
                                "ERR=" and "IOSTAT=" optional in HP FTN4X I/O 
                                commands.  DEROR's report to screen includes: 
                                (1) the HP Manual's description of the
                                error condition encountered during execution, 
                                (2) the type of command whose execution occa- 
                                sioned the error condition, and (3) a line- 
                                label number indicating the SOURCE code vicinity
                                of the error call.
 Additional Documentation....:  Subroutine DEROR uses the same data base file 
                                (namr 'DBEROR') as stand-alone Runtime Error
                                decoder RTERR.  This data base file is built
                                and updated via program DBER.  RTERR and DBER 
                                are included in this submission, under separate 
                                'SUBMT' files.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:  DBER
         Title...............:  I/O Runtime Error Description DB buildor
         File Names..........:  01. Submission file 
                             :  02. &DBER 
         Operating System....:  RTE-6/VM
         Language(s).........:  HP FTN4X
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Bruce H. Gardner
               Company.......:  Serata Geomechanics, Inc. 
               Street........:  1229 Eighth St. 
               City..........:  Berkeley
               State.........:  CA. 
               Country.......:  U.S.A.
               Zip Code......:  94710 
               Phone Number..:  (415) 524-2344
 Program Abstract............:  DBER builds and can be updated to maintain
                                the direct access, type 1 disk file 'DBEROR'
                                containing HP's descriptions of I/O Runtime 
                                error conditions by code number (REC=error
 Additional Documentation....:  Program RTERR and subroutine DEROR, also in-
                                cluded with this submission (under separate 
                                SUBMT file headers) use the file built by 
                                program DBER. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:  GOODY1
         Title...............:  Goodies From Cimmarron Boozer (Part 1)
         File Names..........:  01. Submission file 
                             :  02. &CH 
                             :  03. &LIBLS
                             :  04. &UNPUR
                             :  05. &TO 
                             :  06. "LOGO 
                             :  07. &FCOMP
                             :  08. &RASMB
                             :  09. &SCODE
                             :  10. &EDIT2
                             :  11. &LIBED
                             :  12. ?EDITR
                             :  13. *EDITR
                             :  14. &BAUD 
                             :  15. &EDIT1
                             :  16. %EDIT2
                             :  17. %EDIT1
                             :  18. &NUPAS
                             :  19. &SYCRN
                             :  20. %SYCRN
                             :  21. &MAKBL
                             :  22. %MAKBL
                             :  23. &BPRNT
                             :  24. %BPRNT
                             :  25. *BPRNT
                             :  26. *BJACK
                             :  27. ?LIST 
                             :  28. *LIST 
                             :  29. &LIST 
                             :  30. /LISCM
                             :  31. ?BJACK
                             :  32. &TTYPE
                             :  33. %TTYPE
                             :  34. &MESSG
                             :  35. [MAKIT
                             :  36. ?WHZAG
                             :  37. &MAKIT
                             :  38. %BRAKT
                             :  39. &STOR2
                             :  40. %STOR2
                             :  41. %TCOPY
                             :  42. %BJACK
                             :  43. %LIST 
                             :  44. %MAKIT
                             :  45. &BJACK
                             :  46. &BRAKT
                             :  47. >STREK
                             :  48. *LD 
                             :  49. &XFORM
                             :  50. &CRSPC
                             :  51. &COPHS
                             :  52. %XFORM
                             :  53. %TRN
                             :  54. %CRSPC
                             :  55. %COPHS
                             :  56. ?XFORM
                             :  57. ?TRN
                             :  58. ?CRSPC
                             :  59. ?COPHS
                             :  60. ?STOR2
                             :  61. &SMOOT
                             :  62. ?SMOOT
                             :  63. %SMOOT
                             :  64. &VCLIP
                             :  65. %VCLIP
                             :  66. ?VCLIP
                             :  67. &TRN
                             :  68. &FAST4
                             :  69. &REDDN
                             :  70. %REDDN
                             :  71. ?REDDN
                             :  72. &DIALO
                             :  73. %DIALO
                             :  74. ?DIALO
                             :  75. &MTCPY
                             :  76. %MTCPY
                             :  77. &STIME
                             :  78. *TRN
                             :  79. ?EDITX
                             :  80. &RMPAX
                             :  81. %RMPAX
                             :  82. *PURGE
                             :  83. %EDITX
                             :  84. *XFORM
                             :  85. &DTACH
                             :  86. &ATTCH
                             :  87. *BOOK 
                             :  88. ?FAST4
                             :  89. *33 
                             :  90. *HELP 
                             :  91. %MESSG
                             :  92. %LOGAV
                             :  93. %HELP 
                             :  94. %FCOMP
                             :  95. %ATTCH
                             :  96. %BAUD 
                             :  97. %CH 
                             :  98. %FAST4
                             :  99. %LIBED
         Operating System....:  RTE-IVB and RTE-6/VM
         Language(s).........:  HP FTN4X or FTN77, ASMB, and RAT4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Cimmarron Boozer
               Company.......:  University Computing
               Street........:  4710 Ruffner  Suite A 
               City..........:  San Diego 
               State.........:  CA. 
               Country.......:  U.S.A.
               Zip Code......:  92111 
               Phone Number..:  (619) 576-0592
 Program Abstract............:  This is a collection of goodies from
 Cimmarron Boozer.  He says that some of these may have been duplicated 
 by now but here they are for all to use.  There is a continuation of 
 this in the next contribution. 
 Additional Documentaation...:  None
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:  GOODY2
         Title...............:  Goodies From Cimmarron Boozer (Part 2)
         File Names..........:  01. Submission file 
                             :  02. %LIBLS
                             :  03. %NUPAS
                             :  04. %RASMB
                             :  05. %SCODE
                             :  06. %TO 
                             :  07. %DTACH
                             :  08. ?TTYPE
                             :  09. *MESSG
                             :  10. "MESSG
                             :  11. ?FCOMP
                             :  12. ?BOOK 
                             :  13. &HELP 
                             :  14. &LOGAV
                             :  15. &CLONE
                             :  16. %CLONE
                             :  17. %STIME
                             :  18. ?LOGAV
                             :  19. ?RMLPF
                             :  20. &RMLPF
                             :  21. &MXADC
                             :  22. ?MXADC
                             :  23. %MXADC
                             :  24. %SRCLU
                             :  25. %SHOW 
                             :  26. ?BRAKT
                             :  27. &AL 
                             :  28. &SRCLU
                             :  29. ?DE 
                             :  30. ?AL 
                             :  31. %AL 
                             :  32. *AL 
                             :  33. &SHOW 
                             :  34. &DE 
                             :  35. &DF 
                             :  36. *DF 
                             :  37. $RFOUT
                             :  38. %RMLPF
                             :  39. %DDT% 
                             :  40. %DF 
                             :  41. &TTYPF
                             :  42. %TTYPF
                             :  43. %UNPUR
                             :  44. *DDT
         Operating System....:  RTE-IVB and RTE-6/VM
         Language(s).........:  HP FTN4X or FTN77, ASMB, and RAT4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Cimmarron Boozer
               Company.......:  University Computing
               Street........:  4710 Ruffner  Suite A 
               City..........:  San Diego 
               State.........:  CA. 
               Country.......:  U.S.A.
               Zip Code......:  92111 
               Phone Number..:  (619) 576-0592
 Program Abstract............:  This is a collection of goodies from
 Cimmarron Boozer.  He says that some of these may have been duplicated 
 by now but here they are for all to use.  This is a continuation of the
 previous contribution. 
 Additional Documentaation...:  None
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:  SHELL 
         Title...............:  Shell package similar to UNIX 
         File Names..........:  01. Submission file 
                             :  02. %NONDS
                             :  03. %LOAD 
                             :  04. %$SH2$
                             :  05. %UPIT 
                             :  06. %NEWSH
                             :  07. %TMKPR
                             :  08. %HP45 
                             :  09. %TN 
                             :  10. %ASCII
                             :  11. %PTY
                             :  12. %INSPL
                             :  13. %DDT
                             :  14. %SH 
                             :  15. %GTLOP
                             :  16. %CLEM 
                             :  17. %SH3
                             :  18. %SU 
                             :  19. %?
                             :  20. %SHELP
                             :  21. %HE 
                             :  22. %TY 
                             :  23. %SH98 
                             :  24. %CAT
                             :  25. %DIFF 
                             :  26. %DIFF2
                             :  27. %PRELD
                             :  28. %DIR
                             :  29. %DIR2 
                             :  30. %RDDI2
                             :  31. %TI 
                             :  32. %CALC 
                             :  33. %CL 
                             :  34. %MAIL 
                             :  35. $MAIL9
                             :  36. %FDDT 
                             :  37. %DDTCI
                             :  38. %FUDGE
                             :  39. %$SH$ 
                             :  40. %$SH$2
                             :  41. SH.MAC
                             :  42. $BHLIB
                             :  43. ?DIR? 
                             :  44. ?DATA?
                             :  45. ?FMP
                             :  46. ?ASMB 
                             :  47. ?FTN4 
                             :  48. ?PASCL
                             :  49. ?MAIL 
                             :  50. ?LOAD 
                             :  51. ?WHO
                             :  52. MAIL.F
                             :  53. MAIL.G
                             :  54. "SH 
                             :  55. $CCLIB
                             :  56. &DIR2 
                             :  57. *GJLD 
                             :  58. #LOAD 
                             :  59. $F4XLB
                             :  60. ?WHERE
                             :  61. %RECED
                             :  62. $RECED
                             :  63. #DIFF 
                             :  64. SH.SES
                             :  65. %WHO
                             :  66. %PRINT
                             :  67. *LOAD 
         Operating System....:  RTE-IVB 
         Language(s).........:  HP FTN4 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Bill Haffey 
               Company.......:  Hewlett Packard 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
                          A L E R T 
                   DO NOT contact the author
                   of this program for any
                   response about this program. 
 This is a UNIX like shell.  There are many features that are very helpful
 and interesting.  The manual, "SH, should be printed and then studied
 before the software is utilized.  This has been provided for RTE-IVB only
 since it will be an HP product on later systems.  Also, this product will
 not be updated and so it's use is as is! 
 Helpful Hints: 
 The load file is *LOAD 
 Look also at *GJLD 
             GOOD LUCK and enjoy your SHELL.
 Additional Documentaation...:  None
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:  WOLF
         Title...............:  WOLF: Word oriented line formatter
         File Names..........:  01. Submission file 
                             :  ***** Command Files 
                             :  02. /WOLF  - Compile/load transfer file 
                             :  03. #WOLF  - Link/loadr commands
                             :  04. SPOOL  - Spool setup transfer file
                             :  05. SPEND  - Spool end transfer file
                             :  ***** Source Files
                             :  06. &WOLF1 - FORTRAN
                             :  07. &WOLF2 - FORTRAN
                             :  08. &WOLF3 - FORTRAN
                             :  09. &WOLF4 - FORTRAN
                             :  10. &WOLF5 - ASMB 
                             :  11. &APLDR - Absolute program loader
                             :               (Builds ID segments))
                             :  12. &ERROR - WOLF error messages in text
                             :  13. &DVC12 - Centronics / Terminet / HP2631A/B
                             :               printer driver 
                             :  ***** Norwegian Documentation 
                             :  14. "WOLF 
                             :  15. "WOLF0
                             :  16. "WOLF1
                             :  17. "WOLF2
                             :  18. "WOLF3
                             :  19. "WOLF4
                             :  20. "WOLF5
                             :  ***** English Documentation 
                             :  21. !WOLF 
                             :  22. !WOLF0
                             :  23. !WOLF1
                             :  24. !WOLF2
                             :  25. !WOLF3
                             :  26. !WOLF4
                             :  27. !WOLF5
         Operating System....:  RTE-IVA, RTE-IVB, RTE-L, RTE-XL, RTE-6/VM 
         Language(s).........:  HP FTN4, ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
  This program is used with the manufacturer's editor to greatly
  facilitate preparation of reports, letters and texts. 
  Imbedded control characters and commands are use to specify all 
  typing functions, like paragraphing, page and line counting,
  margin adjustment, centering, tabulation, backspacing and double print. 
  Variable line distance is supported with certain printers.
  WOLF supports multiple input files. Both input and output files 
  may be LU numbers. Output may be spooled automatically on systems 
  that support it.
  WOLF prints headers on every  page (optional), prints footnotes and 
  makes space for figures. Page numbering can be done in Roman or Arabic. 
  Automatic indexing has not been implemented yet.
  The WOLF documentation, which contains all information about how to use 
  the program, is available in Norwegian and English. WOLF is used to 
  print this documentation. 
 Additional Documentation...: 
             <PT> = PRINTER TYPE:   HP = HP 2631A,B,C 
                                    QP = QUME & FACIT 
                                    DP = DIABLO 
                    RECOMMENDED: <PM> = 10. 
       EXAMPLE:     RU,WOLF,!WOLF,6,HP:10 
                    TO PRINT TO HP2631, LU#  6. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: See
    Title....................: File-to-Terminal Scroller
    File Names...............: 1. Submission file 
                               2. Pascal source: &SEE   Main
                               3. Macro source:  &ULOCK Unlock an FMP lock
                               4. Macro source:  &UNAMR Update a file namr
                               5. Help file:     ?SEE 
                               6. %SEE
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and A.1 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal, Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. 
    External Support Req'd...: RTE-6/VM Pascal library $PLIB
                               HP-supplied system Macro library $MACLB
    If Re-submission, Reason.: RTE-6/VM upgrade to SHOW program 
 Contributor's Name..........: Bob Desinger 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard DSD
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See allows you to see ASCII files a terminal 
 screenful at a time.  More than one file can be given in the runstring, and
 files can be changed in midstream; run it with no runstring files to see 
 how to run it and legal options.  See looks thru file locks, disc locks, and 
 incorrect (negative) security codes.  Look at the file ?SEE for recognized 
 commands and usage information.
 To link, use: LINK, %SEE, %UNAMR, %ULOCK.  Use OP,EB if you LOADR it.
 This program is an updated version of the RTE-IVB file scroller SHOW.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: BRUNO
    Title....................: Graphics program version 4.0 (Part 1)
    File Names...............: 01. Submission file
                               02. "BMANL 
                               03. "DIGIT 
                               04. "DMANL 
                               05. #BRUNO 
                               06. #DIGIT 
                               07. #SK0 
                               08. #SKBD
                               09. #SKBM
                               10. #SKDA
                               11. #SKTL
                               12. $BRU 
                               13. $EDKEY 
                               14. $EDSOF 
                               15. $FORM
                               16. $SK0 
                               17. $SK1A
                               18. $SK1A7 
                               19. $SK2 
                               20. $SK2A
                               21. $SKCIR 
                               22. $SKDEG 
                               23. $SKDIG 
                               24. $SKFIG 
                               25. $SKHV
                               26. $SKLNE 
                               27. $SKMAK 
                               28. $SKTL
                               29. $SKYN
                               30. %BLKDL 
                               31. %BLOCK 
                               32. %BRU 
                               33. %BRUN0 
                               34. %BRUN1 
                               35. %BRUN2 
                               36. %BRUN3 
                               37. %BRUN4 
                               38. %BRUN5 
                               39. %BRUN6 
                               40. %BRUN7 
                               41. %BRUN8 
                               42. %BRUN9 
                               43. %BRUNO 
                               44. %CIRC
                               45. %CRVFT 
                               46. %DIGIT 
                               47. %DLTBB 
                               48. %DLTBD 
                               49. %DRAW
                               50. %DRAWC 
                               51. %DSUBS 
                               52. %EDKEY 
                               53. %EDSOF 
                               54. %EKEYS 
                               55. %ESUBS 
                               56. %FORM
                               57. %FSUBS 
                               58. %GETNM 
                               59. %GPS 
                               60. %JFORM 
                               61. %JSUB
                               62. %MSUBS 
                               63. %NSUBS 
                               64. %OSUBS 
                               65. %SK
                               66. %SK0 
                               67. %SK1A
                               68. %SK1A7 
                               69. %SK2 
                               70. %SK2A
                               71. %SKBD
                               72. %SKBM
                               73. %SKCIR 
                               74. %SKDA
                               75. %SKDEG 
                               76. %SKDIG 
                               77. %SKFIG 
                               78. %SKHV
                               79. %SKLNE 
                               80. %SKMAK 
                               81. %SKTL
                               82. %SKYN
                               83. %STRAP 
                               84. %UPSHF 
                               85. &BLOCK 
                               86. &BR1 
                               87. &BRUN0 
                               88. &BRUN1 
                               89. &BRUN2 
                               90. &BRUN3 
                               91. &BRUN4 
                               92. &BRUN5 
                               93. &BRUN6 
                               94. &BRUN7 
                               95. &BRUN8 
                               96. &BRUN9 
                               97. &BRUNO 
                               98. &CIRC
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Add enhancements and fix bugs
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This contribution is a reissue of a previous issue with some modifications.
 For those who have trouble loading BRUNO on RTE-IVB use as a library during
 the load (LIB,%DUM4X).  This will prevent loading the FTN4X formatter which
 prevents BRUNO from loading normally.  This release also has contains the
 programs DIGIT and DWRIT, which are companions of BRUNO.  These two programs 
 enable the user to create figures (drawings) using a digitizer.  Print the 
 manuals "BMANL (BRUNO), "DIGIT (DIGIT), and "DMANL (DWRIT) and read to get 
 an understanding of these three excellant utilities.  The files that begin 
 with the symbols >, and ^ are examples of BRUNO files along with 13 others.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: BRUNO
    Title....................: Graphics program version 4.0 (Part 2)
    File Names...............: 01. Submission file
                               02. &CMPLE 
                               03. &CRVFT 
                               04. &DATA
                               05. &DCTD1 
                               06. &DIGIT 
                               07. &DLTBB 
                               08. &DLTBD 
                               09. &DRAW
                               10. &DRAWC 
                               11. &DRWIT 
                               12. &DSUBS 
                               13. &DVGD1 
                               14. &ESUBS 
                               15. &FSUBS 
                               16. &GETNM 
                               17. &MSUBS 
                               18. &NSUBS 
                               19. &OLOGO 
                               20. &OSUBS 
                               21. &RND 
                               22. &STRAP 
                               23. &UPSHF 
                               24. /DIGIT 
                               25. CBRUNO 
                               26. LOADBR 
                               27. MBRUNO 
                               28. PLANE
                               29. RMSPN
                               30. SBRUNO 
                               31. SANTLB 
                               32. $ANTLB 
                               33. SDUM4X 
                               34. %DUM4X 
                               35. >BOX2
                               36. >LBALN 
                               37. >DSTAR 
                               38. >RTRAK 
                               39. >LINS4 
                               40. >DIAMD 
                               41. >EATBG 
                               42. >SNOP& 
                               43. >RCSL1 
                               44. >RECTN 
                               45. >FROG
                               46. >SNOP$ 
                               47. >LUCY3 
                               48. >WOOD1 
                               49. >MAILB 
                               50. >LUCY4 
                               51. >SNOP6 
                               52. >TURKY 
                               53. >SNOP2 
                               54. >TERM
                               55. >SALY2 
                               56. >RBALN 
                               57. >RCSL2 
                               58. >RCSL3 
                               59. >RCSL4 
                               60. >RECTV 
                               61. >RECV
                               62. >SQUAR 
                               63. >SNOP1 
                               64. >SNOP' 
                               65. >TRIAN 
                               66. >SNOP4 
                               67. >AIRP1 
                               68. >AIRP2 
                               69. >ARCCW 
                               70. >ARCW
                               71. >ARROW 
                               72. >BIND
                               73. >BIT16 
                               74. >BOAT1 
                               75. >BOAT2 
                               76. >BOAT3 
                               77. >BOAT4 
                               78. >BONGO 
                               79. >BUZRD 
                               80. >CHAR1 
                               81. >CHAR2 
                               82. >CHAR3 
                               83. >CHAR4 
                               84. >CHICK 
                               85. >CLOUD 
                               86. >D1000 
                               87. >DMMAN 
                               88. >DRAGN 
                               89. >DRGON 
                               90. >FARTS 
                               91. >FORD
                               92. >HART1 
                               93. >HAWAI 
                               94. >HEART 
                               95. >HOTMN 
                               96. >LAFFR 
                               97. >LINS1 
                               98. >LINS2 
                               99. >LINS3 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Add enhancements and fix bugs
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is the 2nd part in a three-part contribution of BRUNO.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................: BRUNO
    Title....................: Graphics program version 4.0 (Part 3)
    File Names...............: 01. Submission file
                               02. >LINS5 
                               03. >LINS6 
                               04. >LINS7 
                               05. >LOGO
                               06. >LUCY
                               07. >LUCY1 
                               08. >LUCY2 
                               09. >LUCY6 
                               10. >MAN1
                               11. >MAN2
                               12. >MAPS0 
                               13. >MAPS1 
                               14. >MAPS2 
                               15. >MAPS3 
                               16. >MAPSF 
                               17. >MAPWC 
                               18. >MODEM 
                               19. <MOUS1 
                               20. >OVAL
                               21. >OWL 
                               22. >PATY1 
                               23. >PATY2 
                               24. >PATY3 
                               25. >PHONE 
                               26. >PNUTS 
                               27. >PROF
                               28. >PULSE 
                               29. >RIBN
                               30. >SALY1 
                               31. >SFO 
                               32. >SNOP! 
                               33. >SNOP" 
                               34. >SNOP# 
                               35. >SNOP% 
                               36. >SNOP3 
                               37. >SNOP5 
                               38. >SNOP7 
                               39. >SNOP8 
                               40. >SOSIC 
                               41. >SPRMA 
                               42. >STREK 
                               43. >TANK
                               44. >TIGER 
                               45. >TSE 
                               46. >VINC1 
                               47. >W.US
                               48. >WALKR 
                               49. >WEATH 
                               50. >WOOD2 
                               51. ^FRAM1 
                               52. ^FIGS3 
                               53. ^SFO2
                               54. ^BDIPL 
                               55. ^BOSS
                               56. ^HFRM2 
                               57. ^FRAM2 
                               58. ^FRIDY 
                               59. ^FIGS5 
                               60. ^FIGS9 
                               61. ^WHACK 
                               62. ^VFRAM 
                               63. ^FIG10 
                               64. ^FIGS8 
                               65. ^HFRM1 
                               66. ^HFRAM 
                               67. ^HFRM3 
                               68. ^VFRM1 
                               69. ^DSLNK 
                               70. ^FIGS1 
                               71. ^FIGS2 
                               72. ^FIGS4 
                               73. ^FIGS6 
                               74. ^FIGS7 
                               75. ^HFRM4 
                               76. ^VFRM2 
                               77. EXAMP1 
                               78. EXAMP2 
                               79. EXAMP3 
                               80. EXAMP4 
                               81. EXAMP5 
                               82. EXAMP6 
                               83. BALOON 
                               84. HP1000 
                               85. BANDL
                               86. LOGO 
                               87. TERM 
                               88. FRIEND 
                               89. HELIO
                               90. >VETTE 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Add enhancements and fix bugs
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is the 3rd part in a three-part contribution of BRUNO.