     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
Contribution Name............:DR
         Title...............:Fast/flexible FMP directory list program
         File Names..........: 00. Rename file
                             : 01. 'DR     Submission file
                             : 02. &DR     Source code of DR
                             : 03. %DR     Relocatable of DR
                             : 04. ^DR     LOADR command file for DR
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Keywords................: 1. Directory 
                               2. Disc
                               3. List
                               4. Sort
     External Support Req'd..:None
     If Re-submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:DR is a higly efficient and flexible program
 to list FMP file directory entries.  In addition, the printed output is
 extremely compact.  DR can filter file namr's in much the same way as the
 FMGR 'DL' command, but allows the user to specify sorting options and
 attribute-display options in a very simple format.  A simple ':DR,<namr>'
 command works similarly to a ':DL,<namr>' command.  A ':DR,??' or 'DR,?1'
 explains all there is to know about DR.  DR  originated with Ellis Cohen 
 at U. of Calif and has been through several hands to its current version.
 Additional Documentation....:None
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
Contribution Name............:EPSON 
         Title...............:Bar-code and block characters on Epson
                             :MX-80 printer 
         File Names..........: 00. Rename file
                             : 01. 'EPSON  Submission file
                             : 02. &EPSON  Source code of EPSON 
                             : 03. %EPSON  Relocatable of EPSON 
                             : 04. ^EPSON  LOADR command file for EPSON 
                             : 05. "EPSON  Instructions for EPSON 
                             : 06. #EPSON  Test data file for EPSON 
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Keywords................: 1. Character 
                               2. Emulator
                               3. Plotter 
                               4. Printer 
     External Support Req'd..:$LIBHS - Haystack Relocatable Library 
                                       from contribution H004 this release
     If Re-submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
      EPSON essentially dumps an ASCII FMP file to an Epson MX-80 printer.
  Special escape sequences may be inserted into the file which EPSON
  processes as requests for bar-code generation and/or block character
      Bar-code generation is done in a manner which almost exactly emulates 
  bar-code generation on the HP2631G+option200 printer.  The user has 
  control over all parameters of bar-code generation, including automatic 
  generation of check characters and ASCII headers.  The quality of the 
  bar-code produced on the inexpensive Epson MX-80 printer far exceeds that 
  produced on the 10X-more-expensive HP2631G.  Currently only code 39 is
  supported, but only relatively simple modifications are needed to support 
  other types of bar code formats.
      Block-character generation is also specified by an escape sequence. 
  Much flexibility is allowed in character size, orientation, 
  and placement.  Windows, inverse windows, and outlines are also supported.
  The block-character capability is very valuable for making many types of
  labels and headers that need to be read at a distance and is great
  for making professional-looking mag tape labels.
 Additional Documentation....:None
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Program Name................:FSORT 
         Title...............:Fast/flexible FMP file sort program 
         File Names..........: 00. Rename file
                             : 01. 'FSORT  Submission file
                             : 02. &FSORT  Source code of FSORT 
                             : 03. %FSORT  Relocatable of FSORT 
                             : 04. ^FSORT  LOADR command file for FSORT 
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Keywords................: 1. ASCII 
                               2. Integer 
                               3. Files 
                               4. Sort
     External Support Req'd..:$LIBHS - Haystack Relocatable Library 
                                       from contribution H004 this release
     If Re-submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
  FSORT is an efficient general-purpose FMP file sorting program.  Sorts
  files in-place.  Most generally useful for sorting ASCII files, 
  but will work on any type of file.  The start and end columns (bytes) 
  for the sort may be specified, as well as the start and end record
  numbers over which the sort is to span.  Also supports a 'block-sort' 
  mode in which only lines with a key character in a specified column 
  are sorted, while the information following each key-character line 
  remains unchanged;  this mode is particularly useful for sorting
  name/address lists, etc.  See file &FSORT for details.
 Additional Documentation....:None
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........:SAVEM 
         Title...............:Efficient disc-to-tape archive program
         File Names..........: 00. Rename file
                             : 01. 'SAVEM  Submission file
                             : 02. &SAVEM  Source code
                             : 03. %SAVEM  Relocatable for SAVEM
                             : 04. ^SAVEM  LOADR command file for SAVEM 
                             : 05. &FILEM  Support program for SAVEM
                             : 06. %FILEM  Relocatable for FILEM
                             : 07. ^FILEM  LOADR command file for FILEM 
                             : 08. "SAVEM  Documentation file for SAVEM 
                             : Following files are from CSL/1000 Rev 2313 
                             : contribution G002 ($LIBHS has slight updates): 
                             : 09. $LIBHS  Haystack Relocatable Library 
                             : 10. $TATLB  TAT reloc lib for non-RTE-6 systems
                             : 11. %RP     Relocatable for program RP 
                             : 12. %OF     Relocatable for program OF 
     Operating System........:RTE-II/III/IV/IVB/6VM 
     Language(s).............:FTN4X & ASMB
     Keywords................: 1. Archive 
                               2. Disc
                               3. FMP Backups 
                               4. Magnetic Tape 
                               5. Save/Restore
     If Re-submission, Reason:Some bugs fixed since Rev 2313 release
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:SAVEM is the program used to create the 
 CSL/1000 tape, which then may be retrieved using program GOTEM or GETEM. 
 SAVEM saves FMP files to tape by specification of a list of selective
 namr's (for example, ------::20 will save all files on cartridge 20).
 The file order on tape may be alphabetized for convenience, if 
 desired.  Each time SAVEM is run, a 'Save' is created.  'Saves' may
 be stacked on a tape as desired.  All files are saved in a blocked 
 fashion to achieve highly efficient data storage on tape.
 SAVEM does all of its own FMP file directory management for
 extremely high speed in archiving large amounts of data. 
 A full directory is maintained at the beginning of each Save so
 that the contents of a Save may be easily and quickly examined 
 by GETEM.  SAVEM requires the availability of program FILEM
 for tape positioning management.  See file "SAVEM for full details on
 SAVEM operation and tape format. 
 Additional Documentation....:"SAVEM
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........:GETEM 
         Title...............:Restore data from SAVEM-format tapes
         File Names..........: 01. Rename file
                             : 01. 'GETEM  Submission file
                             : 02. &GETEM  Source code of GETEM 
                             : 03. %GETEM  Relocatable of GETEM 
                             : 04. ^GETEM  LOADR command file for GETEM 
                             : 05. "GETEM  Documentation and instructions 
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Keywords................: 1. Archive 
                               2. Disc
                               3. FMP Backups 
                               4. Magnetic Tape 
                               5. Save/Restore
     External Support Req'd..:Files $LIBHS,$TATLB from contribution H004
     If Re-submission, Reason:Some bugs fixed since Rev 2313 release
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:GETEM is a program to restore data from 
 SAVEM-format tapes (see program SAVEM as a separate contribution). 
 GETEM is a more sophisticated big brother of program GOTEM, which is 
 used to access data from the CSL/1000 distribution tapes.
 GETEM allows data to be restored from a SAVEM tape in much the same way
 that SAVEM operates, that is, by the specification of a list of
 selective namr's (i.e. &-----:XX:20 will restore all files within
 a Save which have '&' as the first character, 'XX' as their
 security code, and originated on cartridge 20).  Data may be 
 distributed to existing FMP cartridges in any desired manner.
 Full checking is done for duplicate-name files:  duplicate-name
 files may ignored, may replace the existing files, or may be 
 renamed by GETEM.  If the file order was alphabetized by SAVEM,
 GETEM will restore files in alphabetical order.  A global security 
 code may be assigned to all files restored by GETEM, so that they
 may be subsequently easily purged as a block by program PURGM (see 
 below).  GETEM may be allowed to do all of its own management of 
 FMP directories, in which case data is restored to disc at very
 high speed. See file "GETEM for full details on GETEM operation. 
 Additional Documentation....:"GETEM
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FMGSM
    Title....................: PHANTOM SESSION PROGRAM
    File Names...............: 00. Rename File
                             : 01. @FMGSM - Submission File 
                             : 02. 'FMGSM - COMPILE TRANSFER FILE 
                             : 03. #FMGSM - LOADER TRANSFER FILE
                             : 04. &FMGSM - MAIN SOURCE CODE
                             : 05. &LGON - PHANTOM LOGON SOURCE 
                             : 06. &LGOF - PHANTOM LOGOFF SOURCE
                             : 07. &LGCLS - LGCLS SOURCE
                             : 08. %FMGSM - RELOCATABLE 
                             : 09. %LGON - RELOCATABLE
                             : 10. %LGOF - RELOCATABLE
                             : 11. %LGCLS - RELOCATABLE 
                             : 12. %FMLIB - ADDITIONAL LIBRARY ROUTINES 
                             : 13. *DOALL - EXAMPLE HELLO FILE
                             : 14. "FMGSM - ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB,RTE-VI 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X,ASSEMBLER
    Keywords.................: 1. FMGR
                             : 2. SYSTEM
                             : 3. BACKGROUND
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: WAYNE JENNINGS / EDWARD HOLASEK
               Company.......: CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY
               Street........: 2065 ADELBERT ROAD 
               City..........: CLEVELAND
               State.........: OHIO 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44106
               Phone Number..: (216) 444-3610 
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....: "FMGSM 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: OUTSP
    Title....................: SCHEDULER-DOCUMENTER FOR PERIODIC RUNS.
    File Names...............: 01. @OUTSP - SUBMISSION FILE 
                             : 02. &OUTSP - MAIN SOURCE CODE
                             : 03. %OUTSP - RELOCATABLE 
                             : 04. %OULIB - ADDITIONAL LIBRARY ROUTINES 
                             : 05. #OUTSP - LOADR TRANSFER FILE 
                             : 06. PRTDOC - WOLF SCHEDULING EXAMPLE - DOC. FILE 
                             : 07. PRTLST - WOLF SCHEDULING EXAMPLE - LIST FILE 
                             : 08. BACDOC - BACKUP SCHEDULING EXAMPLE - DOC. FILE 
                             : 09. BKLIST - BACKUP SCHEDULING EXAMPLE - LIST FILE 
                             : 10. "OUTSP - ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB,RTE-VI 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords                 : 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. SCHEDULER 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: WAYNE JENNINGS / EDWARD HOLASEK
               Company.......: CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY
               Street........: 2065 ADELBERT ROAD 
               City..........: CLEVELAND
               State.........: OHIO 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44106
               Phone Number..: (216) 444-3610 
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....: "OUTSP 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution name...........: CONFR
         Title...............: Conference, Message & Mailbox Package
         File Names..........: 00. Rename file
                             : 01. 'CONFR  Submission file
                             : 02. "CONFR  Documentation file 
                             : 03. &CONFR  Source document, FTN77 
                             : 04. &XCHNG  Companion program source 
                             : 05. &FTNLB  3M Fortran Library sources 
                             : 06. &ASMLB  3M Assembler Library sources 
                             : 07. $LIBRY  Both libraries, indexed relo 
         Operating System....: RTE-6/VM only
         Language(s).........: FTN77, and ASMB or MACRO 
         Keywords            : 1. COMMUNICATIONS
                             : 2. CONFERENCE
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: 3M Company 
               Street........: 3M Center, Bldg. 236-1B-18 
               City..........: St. Paul 
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55144
               Phone Number..: 612/736-0248 
 Program Abstract............: October 14, 1983 
 CONFR is a highly-interactive message-exchange and conference facility 
 for RTE-6/VM systems.  It allows any number of users to "connect" to 
 it (RU,CONFR) at the same time, each having the feeling of being 
 closely linked to the other connected users. 
 A user may easily create single- or multi-line messages and send them
 as broadcasts to all other connected users, or as "arrows" to specific 
 other users whether connected or not.  The arrows are kept on disk and 
 will survive a system boot intact. 
 Messages are requested and received by simply pressing RETURN.  If a 
 message is waiting, it will be displayed immediately.  Then it may be
 listed to another device if desired, for a hard copy or a tape copy. 
 Edit commands are available for creating messages.  A RUN command
 (also an implied RUN) like that in FMGR may be used to pop out of CONFR
 to do other work, then return.  A comprehensive HELP command describes 
 eash command and function.  A HELP,ALL command creates the CONFR 
 operation manual.  In this contribution, that manual is combined with
 installation instructions into the file named "CONFR.
 CONFR is only for RTE-6/VM.  It cannot be used on RTE-4 because it 
 calls CLRQ, and it cannot be used on RTE-A because it makes references 
 to the +@CCT! accounts file. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: EMUL8
         Title...............: Terminal Emulator for RTE-6/VM Systems 
         File Names..........: 1. 'EMUDO  Submission file.
                             : 2. EMUDOC  Documentation file
                             : 3. EMUPPR  Paper given at 1982 IUG conf. 
                             : 4. &EMUL8  Source and subroutines, FTN77 
                             : 5. "EMUL8  Operator instructions (GENIX) 
                             : 6. &ANS00  Source, FTN66 
                             : 7. &ANSLB  Source, ASMB
                             : 8. &DVW00  Source, ASMB
                             : 9. %DVW00  Relocatable 
         Operating System....: RTE-6/VM only
         Language(s).........: FTN77, and ASMB or MACRO 
         Keywords............: 1. EMULATOR
                             : 2. TERMINAL
                             : 3. AUTODIAL
                             : 4. COMMUNICATIONS
                             : 5. 
    External, Support Req'd..:
    If Re-Submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: 3M Company 
               Street........: 3M Center, Bldg. 236-1B-18 
               City..........: St. Paul 
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55144
               Phone Number..: 612/736-0248 
 Program Abstract............: June 30, 1983
 This is a resubmission of a contribution which appeared on the 2240
 tape.  A few bugs have since been discovered, and are fixed here.
 Many computer systems have dial-in ports which allow connection from 
 remote terminals.  EMUL8 allows a user's session terminal to be connec-
 ted through the HP/1000 to another computer and emulate a remote 
 terminal.  These are some of the features: 
    1. Autodial (dial-out) capability, if desired.
    2. "Virtual" operation of the other computer. 
    3. Transmission of ASCII files either direction.
    4. Standard HP hardware, with commonly-available modems.
    5. The same modems may also be used for dial-in.
    6. Other sessions on the HP/1000 are unaffected.
    7. Simultaneous operation of several EMUL8 sessions.
    8. On-line configuration of handshaking protocols.
 EMUL8 uses class I/O and normal EXEC-call I/O extensively.  In 
 particular, it uses the CLRQ features (not available in RTE-4B) to 
 flush a class read on either the terminal or modem port when data has
 been received from the other.
 EMUL8 is compatible with terminals which use any standard HP driver
 (except DS or Multipoint), or any of the drivers DVW00, DVF00, or DVB00. 
 Hardware required to communicate with the external computer is, at 
 least, one standard 12966A BACI card driven by the contributed driver
 DVW00.  A modem is required if the connection is not hardwired.  A 
 specific type of Vadic modem is needed if the autodial capability is 
 desired.  Because of the specific need for a BACI card and DVW00, EMUL8
 cannot run as presently written on A-series cpu's. 
 DVW00 is derived from DVB00, originally written by Alan Whitney. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RP6CL
         Title...............: RP Programs & Clone ID Segments
         File Names..........: 1. 'RP6CL  Submission file.
                             : 2. &RP6CL  Source for RP6CL program
                             : 3. &IRUNP  Source for IRUNPROGRAM sbrt 
         Operating Systems...: RTE-6/VM, RTE-4, RTE-A 
         Language(s).........: FTN77
         Keywords............: 1. CLONE 
                             : 2. SPAWN 
                             : 3. SYSTEM
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
     External, Support Req'd :
     If Re-Submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: 3M Company 
               Street........: 3M Center, Bldg. 236-1B-18 
               City..........: St. Paul 
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55144
               Phone Number..: 612/736-0248 
 Program Abstract............: June 30, 1983
 RP6CL is a program which is used by several other 3M programs to RP
 type-6 files and clone ID segments.  Programs may invoke RP6CL to do 
 these tasks without incurring the size overhead of the necessary FMP 
 and other modules required to do them. 
 IRUNPROGRAM is a companion subroutine which accepts a runstring in a 
 character variable and, using RP6CL, schedules a copy of the program 
 named in the string in exactly the same way FMGR would.  IRUNPROGRAM 
 can be used to give any interactive program a full-capability RUN
 command with very little programming effort or program-space overhead. 
 It is very similar to the FMPRUNPROGRAM subroutine available in RTE-A. 
 Both are written in Fortran 77 and require the use of that compiler. 
 RP6CL creates clone names which are intentionally slightly different 
 from those created by FMGR and EDIT. 
 RP6CL must be RP'd in the system to be of value.  It may be loaded 
 by LINK (:RU,LINK,%RP6CL,RP6CL::2) and RP'd in the WELCOM file, or it
 may be made a permanent program by LOADR (:RU,LOADR:IH,,%RP6CL,,RP). 
 It may also be included in an RTE-6/VM generation (REL,%RP6CL).
 RP6CL is thoroughly tested in RTE-6/VM.  It will work in RTE-4, but
 is written in FTN7X so must be compiled in RTE-6.  It is designed to 
 work in RTE-A but has not yet been tested there. 
 Previous tapes have contained earlier versions of RP6CL.  This updated 
 version of RP6CL has not been distributed previously.
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........:  RELIA 
         Title...............:  Dis-assembler, works on RTE-6 
         File Names..........:  01. 'RELIA  Submission file 
                             :  02. &RELIA
                             :  03. %RELIA
         Operating System....:  RTE-IVB or RTE-6/VM 
         Language(s).........:  ASMB
         Keywords............: 1. ASSEMBLER 
                             : 2. FILE
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External, Support Req'd..:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  F. Stephen Gauss
               Company.......:  U. S. Naval Observatory 
               City..........:  Washington
               State.........:  D.C.
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  20390 
               Phone Number..:  202-653-1510
 Program Abstract............:  This is the relocateable dis-assembler
 from an earlier CSL, modified to work with RTE-6 (and still work with
 RTE-IVB).  It does not handle RTE-6 extended records and seems not to
 like files with extents. 
 Several of its global search functions do not work and they are
 documented at the beginning of the program.  So much for the bad news. 
 RELIA will list the modules within a file and can dis-assemble a module
 from within a file.
 Use ?? for a list of the commands. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........:  XRSYS 
         Title...............:  Cross refernece of system entry points
         File Names..........:  1. 'XRSYS  Submission file
                             :  2. &XRSYS 
                             :  3. %XRSYS 
                             :  4. $SGLIB - library for XRSYS 
                             :  5. #XRSYS - LOADR or LINK file for XRSYS
                             :  6. &ERRTN- Error handler, included in $XRSYS
         Operating System....:  RTE-6 VM
         Language(s).........:  FORTRAN 77, ASSMB 
         Keywords............: 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. ENTRY POINTS
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External, Support Req'd..:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  F. Stephen Gauss
               Company.......:  U.S. Naval Observatory
               Street........:  Astrometry Division 
               City..........:  Washington
               State.........:  D.C.
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  20390 
               Phone Number..:  202-653-1510
 Program Abstract............:  This program scans all type 5 files on a
 given disk LU and produces a sorted listing of all entry points versus 
 the files in which they appear.  An option is to request a search for
 all files in which a specific entry point appears. 
 Additional Documentation....:  RU,XRSYS for a helpful message. 
 The MSORT package contributed by Don Clapp is used and is included in
 $SGLIB for your convenience.  While this program is written in FORTRAN 77
 and must run as extended background under RTE-6, it can be re-written for
 FORTRAN 4X and RTE-IVB fairly easily.  Note that the large array in which
 the entry points are stored determines the size of the files that are
 later merged, so the array can be made smaller as necessary. 
 &ERRTN is my own error handler and uses HELP.  It is in $XRSYS but I have
 included the source code if you need it. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........:  BINEM 
         Title...............:  Pass Binary Files Through EMUL8 
         File Names..........:  1. 'BINEM  submission file
                             :  2. &BINEM  source 
                             :  3. %BINEM  relocatable
                             :  4. &ERRTN  source 
                             :  5. $SGLIB  library for BINEM
         Operating System....:  RTE-6/VM
         Language(s).........:  FORTRAN 77 AND ASMB 
         Keywords............: 1. FILES 
                             : 2. BINARY
                             : 3. ASCII 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External, Support Req'd..:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  F. Stephen Gauss
               Company.......:  U. S. Naval Observatory 
               City..........:  Washington
               State.........:  D.C.
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  20390 
               Phone Number..:  202-653-1510
 Program Abstract............:  This program is used to convert binary
 files to ASCII in hexadecimal.  Those files can then be passed to another
 computer through EMUL8.  This program is then run in the other computer
 to convert back to binary. 
 When run , the program asks for your file name and whether you want to 
 convert TO or FROM ASCII hexadecimal.  If TO, a new file is created with 
 the same name as the old one but ] as the last character.  You then use
 EMUL8 to transfer that file to the other computer.  On the other computer
 you run BINEM and provide the ORIGINAL file name and FROM.  It converts
 the file ending with ] back to a binary file with the correct file name. 
 Note that it takes a while to pass a large library file like $MLIB even
 at 7200 baud.
 The ERRTN routine is my own error handler and uses HELP.  It is included 
 in $SGLIB, but I have provided the source code if you need it. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SETTI
    Title....................: Set System Time via DS or a Terminal 
    File Names...............: 1. 'SETTI Submission file
                             : 2. &SETTI Source 
                             : 3. %SETTI Relocatable
                             : 4. ?SETTI Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and A-series
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Date
                             : 2. Time
                             : 3. DS
                             : 4. Boot-up 
    External Support Req'd...: A.83 PCO of RTE-6/VM (for SETTM) 
                             : $PLIB or =PLIB for PAS.TIMESTRING
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bob Desinger 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 SETTI asks the DS node named in its runstring for the idea of the
 time, and sets its (local) system time accordingly.  If DS chokes, 
 the time is asked from the invoking terminal in the form of "APRIL 15, 1983
 8:11:32 pm" or "Jan 13 83 4:15" or a variation of the theme. 
 Since resetting the system time screws up programs in the time-scheduled list
 (such as the DS monitors UPLIN and MATIC), these programs can be specified in
 the runstring.  SETTI will try to re-schedule them.
 Useful routines: 
      ASK_AND_SET_TIME() converts easy-to-type time to RTE format 
      MONTH_INDEX() converts an ASCII month to a number (1 to 12) 
      GETTOKEN() is a parser (ala SplitString) for Hollerith buffers
      FINIS() returns status and stops
      TYPE() types a message to the terminal
 Loading:   LINK, %SETTI    -- or --    LOADR,,%SETTI,,SS 
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file ?SETTI.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CLASS
    Title....................: Class Table Manipulator
    File Names...............: 1. 'CLASS Submission file
                             : 2. &CLASS Fortran 77 source
                             : 3. &GETCL ASMB source
                             : 4. %CLASS Merged relocatable 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM (and IVB?)
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77, ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Class Number
                             : 2. System Tables 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Royal Mittendorff
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 CLASS, from the SSK(Software Service Kit), displays and modifies the 
 system's class number table.  It allows you to:
      Display class table status (information) for class numbers. 
      List class table contents in octal dump format. 
      Clear out pending class buffers on a class number.
      Release a class number if no buffers or requests are queued to it.
 Loading:   LINK, %CLASS        -- or --  LOADR,,%CLASS 
 or         LINK,%CLASS,%GETCL  -- or --  Loadr's RE,%CLASS ; RE,%GETCL ; EN
            if you recompile the sources. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LOOK 
    Title....................: Verify a Disc for Consistency
    File Names...............: 1. 'LOOK Submission file 
                             : 2. &LOOK Source
                             : 3. %LOOK Relocatable 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and IVB 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4 
    Keywords.................: 1. Disc
                             : 2. File
                             : 3. Verify
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig Chatterton 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 LOOK scans a disc to check for bad files.  All variable-length files are 
 read to ensure they're intact (not corrupt). This program is extremely 
 fast because it inspects a whole disc track at a time instead of individual
 Useful routines: 
      GTDSK() returns the LU associated with a CRN
      DRSCH() reads the directory and returns the information therein 
 Usage:  LOOK, disc [,listLu] 
      disc is the CRN or negative LU number to examine. 
      listLu is the destination for Look's output, defaulting to the terminal.
 Loading:  LINK, %LOOK    -- or --    LOADR,,%LOOK,,LB
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SEE
    Title....................: See Disc Files a Screen at a Time
    File Names...............: 1. 'SEE   Submission file
                             : 2. &SEE   Pascal source: main
                             : 3. &ULOCK Macro source: OPEN_LOCKED_FILE, RDIR 
                             : 4. &UNAMR Macro source: UPDATE_NAMR routines 
                             : 5. %SEE   Merged relocatable, 6/VM version 
                             : 6. =SEE   Merged relocatable, IVB version
                             : 7. ?SEE   Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, and A 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal, Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Scanner 
                             : 3. Display 
                             : 4. List
    External Support Req'd...: $PLIB and $MACLB only if you recompile/assemble
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Update to IVB "SHOW" program and previous
                             : version of SEE.  This version's =SEE will load 
                             : on IVB systems as well as 6/VM.
 Contributor's Name..........: Bob Desinger 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Data Systems Division
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 To see a file (or files) a screenful at a time on yur CRT, use:  SEE,
 file1 [,file2 [..., fileX]].  SEE tells you the full namr of your file 
 (even if you didn't specify it in the runstring).  You can also skip 
 around in the file, find strings, change files in midstream, and more. 
 Look in the help file or type a "?" in response to the SEE prompt. 
 Loading:  if you just want to load it up on 6/VM or A, use LINK,%SEE.
 If you just want to load it up on IVB systems, say LOADR,,=SEE,,LB.
 If you recompile and/or reassemble the sources, use LINK,%SEE,%UNAMR,%ULOCK. 
 Useful routines: 
   from &ULOCK:     [IVB reloc name]
   OPEN_LOCKED_FILE [ULOCK] recovers from Fmp locks and bad security codes
   RDIR()           [RDIR]  reads a directory entry 
   from &UNAMR: 
   UPDATE_NAMR()    [UNAMR] returns the true (full) namr of an open file
   LU_TO_CRN()      [LU2CR] convert an LU to its CRN
   NAMRTYPE()       [NTYPE] returns the "namr type" of an integer (0, 1, 3) 
   from &SEE: 
   BROKEN()                 checks if BR was entered
   GET_MEMORY_LINES()       returns number of lines in DVR05 terminal's memory
   FOUND(), ON_THIS_LINE(), GET_NEW_PATTERN_RANGE() finds patterns in files 
   GET_DRIVER()             finds out the driver for an LU
   CTOI()                   converts a character string to an integer value 
   ITOC()                   converts an integer to characters, left-justified 
   PAUSE(), WAIT()          pauses for a few seconds
   PROMPT_USER()            does a magic one-character read from the terminal 
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file ?SEE.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: IC 
    Title....................: 16-Bit Integer Calculator
    File Names...............: 1. 'IC Submission file 
                             : 2. &IC Pascal/1000 source
                             : 3. %IC Relocatable 
                             : 4. ?IC Help file 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM & RTE-IVB 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal/1000
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
                             : 2. Conversion
                             : 3. Integer 
                             : 4. Numeric 
                             : 5. Stack 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Gootherts 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Computer Language Lab
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 IC is a screen-oriented integer calculator that operates on 16-bit 
 integers using Reverse Polish Notation.  Ten registers are provided. 
 The stack, displayed at all times, is 18 entries deep.  Each entry is
 displayed in decimal, octal, hex and ASCII; data may be entered in any of
 these bases at your option.  IC is especially useful for converting numbers
 and/or characters to other representations.  Non-printing ASCII characters 
 are automatically converted to their <cntl> notation (such as the bell, ^G)
 and the presence of a sign bit is noted. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%IC,$PLIB  or the LOADR commands: 
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file ?IC. 
 IC can be run as "IC,commands" or interactively with just "IC".
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DLX
    Title....................: Deluxe Directory Lister/Manipulator
    File Names...............: 1. 'DLX   Submission file
                             : 2. &DLX.F Ftn7x source: main 
                             : 3. &DLX.M Macro and ASMB source: subroutines 
                             : 4. %DLX   Merged relocatable (IVB style) 
                             : 5. ?DLX   Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A, XL, L
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77, Macro, ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. Search
                             : 3. Files 
                             : 4. Scanning
                             : 5. Sort
    External Support Req'd...: $MACLB only if you reassemble
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 DLX, formerly an SSK utility, is a very powerful directory scanner/modifier. 
 Its simplest form shows you a sorted list of file names that match a mask
 or that are on a cartridge.  Other options can be combined to (for example): 
 purge all type 6 files that won't run on the current op system; look for 
 all type 4 files smaller than 24 blocks but that have extents; find out
 how much disc space is taken up by files with a specified security code; 
 and much more.  Use  :RU,DLX  for a command summary: 
    DLX, Namr filter [,options...]          (Rev.2250.1)
    Namr filter special characters: 
       -   Matches any character in that position 
       +XX Finds "XX" anywhere in the file name 
       ~   In front of any namr parameter will reverse it 
       |   Suppress implied trailing blanks 
       <   In front of the size parameter shows files less than 
    or >   or greater than the size given.
    Misc. options:
     -L, list_file_or_device
     -[PGSNA] = P(private) G(group) S(sys) N(non-ses),A(all)
                defaults to -PGS; any combination/any order OK
      M:msc     specifies master security code for privileged options.
    'NOVETO'    don't ask before purging files
                                                     NS no sort 
    Format control options:  DS  Disc usage summary  LF long form 
                             DI  Directory address   SF short form
                                                     OF list off
    Additional information options: 
      HE   Give heading with track/file usage 
      NU   Give number and size of files just listed
    Note: Only one option from each of the following groups may be chosen.
    Filtering options: (namr filter still in efect) 
      LA:# Show last "#" directory entries
      EN:# Show last "#" directory entries
   [~]RP   Show files that are [are not] transportable to this system 
      PU   Show purged files
      OP   Show open files
      EX   Show files with extents
    Privileged options:  (MSC required) 
      SC   Sort all entries by security code
      PU!  Purge all entries listed 
 Loading:  use LINK,%DLX,+EB,+SZ:xx where xx is the size of the largest 
 partition you want DLX to run in (it uses its space to sort file names). 
 Or use the LOADR commands: 
   OP,EB      { or LB for systems that can't use EB } 
   SZ,xx      { the larger, the better; see above } 
 Some systems run out of base page links when loading DLX.  If this happens 
 to you, use LOADR as above except say OP,CP before the OP,EB (or LB); or use 
 LINK with the +RO and +EB options. 
 DLX has its origins in antiquity, spanning several programmers and a couple
 of companies, and is pretty beat up.  To modify it, you'll need Ftn7x, Macro,
 and lots of undisturbed time.  Assemble it with the N option for RTE-IVB or
 6/VM; use the Z option for RTE-L, XL, or A.
 Useful routines: 
   from &DLX.F: 
   ASCII() converts a binary number to ASCII, left or right justified 
   TIME()  prints the time much nicer than FTIME can
   PAUSE() scrolls output a screenful at a time 
   from &DLX.M: 
   NAMCK() checks if file names match using the - and + notation
   ALPHA() does an alphabetic sort of the file names
   IFMGR() interprets and reports FMP errors
   ISOL8() isolates (right justifies) bits in an integer
   RPOK()  checks if a type 6 file will RP
   SHIFT() shifts words left one place
   KBLNK() kills all blanks from a Hollerith buffer 
   SETNF() does namrFilter preprocessing on ~, |, >, and < metacharacters 
   MKSTG() makes a character string descriptor from a Hollerith buffer
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file ?DLX.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: STIME
    Title....................: Set System Time from DS
    File Names...............: 1. 'STIME Submission file
                             : 2. &STIME Ftn7x source: main 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A (and 6/VM) 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. Time
                             : 3. Date
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Kusmer 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 STIME is a simple program that asks the named DS nodes what time it is 
 and, if a reasonable answer is returned, sets the system time accordingly. 
 If one of the nodes is down, STIME asks the next one named in the runstring
 (up to 5).  If all runstring-named nodes fail, STIME prints a diagnostic 
 and quits. 
 Example:  STIME, 111, 50, 43, 107, 108 
 Loading:  use LINK, STIME.REL, +LC  for RTE-A
               LINK, %STIME,    +SS  for RTE-6/VM 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LOGIN
    Title....................: Substitute User Without Logging Off and On 
    File Names...............: 1. 'LOGIN Submission file
                             : 2. &LOGIN Ftn4x source 
                             : 3. &XLGON ASMB source
                             : 4. &XLGOF ASMB source
                             : 5. %LOGIN Merged relocatable 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM
    Language(s)..............: Ftn4x, ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. FMGR
                             : 2. Session 
                             : 3. Logon 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bob Desinger (for lack of anyone else) 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 LOGIN "creates" a new session for you without forcing you to log off 
 and back on again.  The attributes of the new user are passed on to
 your new session, including cartridge list, capability, and station
 configuration.  The new session number is your terminal LU plus 100. 
 Because of program-cloning conventions under RTE, you cannot start up a new
 copy of a program already running under your old session; both clones would
 have the same name.  For instance, you cannot run LOGIN from EDIT and then 
 (in your new session) successfully run EDIT again, since both copies of EDIT 
 would be called EDIxx.  This is because the RTE program-cloner converts your 
 terminal LU to ASCII but only uses the last two digits.
 When you're finished with your new session, be sure to log out of it.
 Example:  LOGIN,USER                  (to get to USER.GENERAL's account) 
           LOGIN,MANAGER.SYS/PASSWORD  (to become the Manager)
 Loading:  use LINK,%LOGIN  -- or --  LOADR,,%LOGIN,,LB for just loading
 or        use LINK,%LOGIN,%XLGON,%XLGOF if you recompile; equivalent LOADR 
 commands are: OP,LB
 The XLGON and XLGOF routines were contributed by Craig Huff on the 2313 CSL
 tape.  The original LOGIN program was written by Bill Donahue (who called it 
 HELLO) but this version doesn't require the IMAGE entry point to do integer- 
 to-ASCII conversion. 
 Additional Documentation....: See the Communicator article (Vol. V, issue 6).
 It contains excellent coding and explanation of system internals.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FGETR
    Title....................: Get a File or Files from a WRITT/JSAVE Tape
    File Names...............: 1. 'FGETR Submission file
                             : 2. &FGE.F Ftn7x source: FGETR and HEADL
                             : 3. &FGE.A ASMB source: ASCII 
                             : 4. %FGETR Merged relocatables
                             : 5. ?FGETR Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM, XL, L, A.1, ....
    Language(s)..............: FTN4 and ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. JSAVE 
                             : 2. Save/Restore
                             : 3. Magnetic Tape 
                             : 4. Archive 
                             : 5. FMP Backups 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 FGETR pulls off a file (or files) from a JSAVE or WRITT tape.  Just run
 FGETR and it asks you for the necessary information.  It was previously
 SSK utility. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%FGETR  -- or --  LOADR,,%FGETR  to just load it up,
 or        use LINK,%FGE.F,%FGE.A (or the equivalent Loadr commands) if you 
 recompile and/or reassemble the sources. 
 Additional Documentation....: In the file ?FGETR.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MFGET
    Title....................: Get Many Files from a WRITT/JSAVE Tape 
    File Names...............: 1. 'MFGET Submission file
                             : 2. &MFG.F Ftn7x sources
                             : 3. &MFG.A ASMB source
                             : 4. %MFGET Merged relocatables
                             : 5. ?MFGET Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM, XL, L, A.1, ....
    Language(s)..............: FTN4 and ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. JSAVE 
                             : 2. Save/Restore
                             : 3. Magnetic Tape 
                             : 4. Archive 
                             : 5. FMP Backups 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 MFGET pulls off many files from a WRITT/JSAVE tape.  It's used primarily 
 when you want to get many files (rather than just a few, which is when 
 you'd use FGETR) from the tape.  Just run MFGET and it asks you for the
 necessary information.  It was previously an SSK utility.
 Loading:  use LINK,%MFGET  -- or --  LOADR,,%MFGET  to just load it up,
 or        use LINK,%MFG.F,%MFG.A (or the equivalent Loadr commands) if you 
 recompile and/or reassemble the sources. 
 Additional Documentation....: In the file ?MFGET.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DIAL 
    Title....................: Autodialer Call-Back Program 
    File Names...............: 1. 'DIAL Submission file 
                             : 2. &DIAL Source
                             : 3. %DIAL Relocatable 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Modem 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Kusmer, Tom Hirata 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 DIAL is an autodialer program useful with the 37214a Systems Modem Panel 
 (using a 37213A modem card) or 37222A Modem Card. Typical usage is:
 1.  Log onto the system via your modem.
 2.  Run DIAL, giving it your phone number. 
 3.  Follow DIAL's instructions (set the modem switch to "Voice").
 4.  DIAL calls you back and reconnects you automatically.
 Its runstring is:  DIAL, phonenumber [,delaySeconds] 
 delaySeconds is 10 if not specified; this gives you some time to set your
 modem's switch to voice and let the modem's CXR light go out.
 Example:  DIAL,415-555-1212    to disconnect you and call you back (10 
 seconds later) at area code 415, phone number 555-1212.
 Loading:  LINK, %DIAL   -- or --    LINK, DIAL.REL 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SAMSZ
    Title....................: Tell Size of SAM 
    File Names...............: 1. 'SAMSZ Submission file
                             : 2. &SAMSZ ASMB source
                             : 3. %SAMSZ Relocatable
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and probably IVB too
    Language(s)..............: ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. System Tables 
                             : 2. Status
                             : 3. Memory
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 SAMSZ, previously an SSK utility, simply tells you the amouint of SAM
 (System Available Memory) and the length of the largest contiguous block.
 It can be run several times using the FMGR IT and ON commands to sample
 SAM usage over the day so you can see when SAM becomes a bottleneck. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%SAMSZ  -- or --  LOADR,,%SAMSZ 
     H P1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P 
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F TW A R E   L I B R A R Y 
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: DUP
    Title....................: Tape-to-Tape Duplicator
    File Names...............: 1. 'DUP   Submission file
                             : 2. &DUP.F Ftn4 sources 
                             : 3. &DUP.A ASMB sources 
                             : 4. %DUP   Merged IVB-style relocatables
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM, XL, L, A.1, A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4, ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Archive 
                             : 2. Compare 
                             : 3. Copy
                             : 4. Magnetic Tape 
                             : 5. Save/Restore
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Gary Ericson 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 DUP duplicates a tape from one mag tape drive to another, such as from an
 800 BPI drive to a 1600 BPI drive.  Options can be specified to verify the 
 copy, rewind the tape drives or keep them where they are, and copy a 
 number (or all) files on the source tape.  Run DUP without any runstring 
 parameters for a sample runstring. 
 DUP sometimes has trouble when copying 800 BPI FC tapes to another drive;
 comments in &DUP.F tell more about this and provide a quick fix (written by
 the creator of FC!).  This fix isn't implemented yet.
 Loading:  use LINK,%DUP  -- or --  LOADR,,%DUP  to just load it up,
 or        use LINK,%DUP.F,%DUP.A (or the equivalent Loadr commands)
 if you recompile and/or reassemble the sources.
 Useful routines: 
    from &DUP.F:
    PARSS() parses a string multiple times
    RWND() does a useful "backspace one file" around EOFs on tape 
    CMPW() compares words in two records
    LULOK() intelligently locks an LU with other processing 
    from &DUP.A:
    FMER() prints an FMP call, error number, and file name to the terminal
    ISFB() is a scan-for-byte routine callable from Fortran 
    MOVW() moves words from one place to another (Fortran-callable) 
    ISOL8() extracts a field of bits right-justified
     H P1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P 
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F TW A R E   L I B R A R Y 
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: DXREF
    Title....................: Relocatable Cross-Referencer and Searcher
    File Names...............: 1. 'DXREF Submission file
                             : 2. &DXR.F Ftn7x sources: main
                             : 3. &DXR.A ASMB source: ISOL8 and NAMCK 
                             : 4. &DXR.P Pascal source: QSORT 
                             : 5. %DXREF Merged IVB-style relocatables
                             : 6. ?DXREF Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM, XL, L, A.1, A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, ASMB, Pascal
    Keywords.................: 1. Cross Reference 
                             : 2. Library 
                             : 3. Relocatable 
                             : 4. Subroutine
                             : 5. Entry Points
    External Support Req'd...: (only if recompiling) $PLIB
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 DXREF, the SSK utility, allows you to find out many things about a 
 relocatable file.  It can display the NAM record (including the type,
 priority, and comment field), whether the module is an extended record 
 (it's marked with a * if it is), and its entry points and externals. 
 You can also search for an entry point or external using a filter
 similar to DLX's - and + file name filter.  Its input can be one file or 
 (using the BA batch option) many files; thus a mass search of several
 relocatables and libraries, scanning for an entry point, is possible.
 Loading:  use LINK,%DXREF  -- or --  LOADR,,%DXREF  to just load it up,
 or        use LINK,%DXR.F,%DXR.A,%DXR.P (or the equivalent Loadr commands) 
 if you recompile and/or reassemble the sources.
 Useful routines: 
   from &DXR.F: 
   ASCII() converts a binary number to ASCII
   PAUSE() prints --more-- at the appropriate time
   from &DXR.A: 
   NAMCK() checks the filters using the + and - notation
   ISOL8() isolates and right justifies a bit field 
   from &DXR.P: 
   QSORT() quick sort routine 
 Additional Documentation....: In the file ?DXREF.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: POOL 
    Title....................: Print a Cartridge Pool Summary 
    File Names...............: 1. 'POOL Submission file 
                             : 2. &POOL Ftn7x sources 
                             : 3. %POOL Relocatable 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM, XL, L, A.1, A 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. System Tables 
                             : 2. Disc
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Ashcraft
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 Pool summarizes disc pool usage by user and group, in a form like: 
    pool  other   user/group         21 free, 25 in use.
    ----  ----    ----------
     10     0     joe.release 
      8     0     tools.general 
      2     2     manager.sys 
      4     0     pco.update
      2     0     user.ds 
      1     0     user.general
    Ds group has 2 cartridges.
    Hidden LUs:   4 10
 This shows how many pool discs and non-pool discs are being used by each user
 on the system.  The above runstring asks for a count of discs held by the
 group DS (the "Ds group has 2 cartridges" line) and asks for a showing of
 discs not in the pool and not mounted by anyone, which may be "lost" discs.
 Loading:  use LINK,%POOL  -- or --  LOADR,,%POOL  to just load it up.
 You may need to size it up (depending on the size of your system), but Pool
 will tell you if you need to do this.
 Useful routines: 
   GTNAM() returns a user or group name, given an ID number 
   SHIFT() shifts a character string to upper or lower case 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: HSORT
    Title....................: External Heapsorting Program 
    File Names...............: 1. 'HSORT Submission file
                             : 2. &HSORT Pascal sources 
                             : 3. %HSORT Relocatable
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and A but could become IVB easily 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Sort
    External Support Req'd...: $PLIB
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bob Desinger 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 Yet another sorting program, HSORT is the most popular sorting program 
 in the DSD lab because it can be invoked without specifying the kind 
 of runstring that most sorting programs demand (which usually sends you
 running for a manual).  Typical usage:  HSORT,input,output.  The input 
 file can be the same as the output to write the sorted results back
 to the same file!  Many options exist to tell the first column to sort on, 
 how many bytes to sort on, ignore blanks, sort only some of the file (with 
 outputting either all input lines or just the sorted ones at your option), 
 reverse sorting, separate same-key groups with blank lines (to produce a 
 book-type index), and others.  Just type "HSORT" to see options. 
 For you computer scientists, HSORT is a heapsort as described by Knuth, which
 uses a binary tree.  This version uses two scratch files to sort externally. 
 Note to modifiers: there is one alias in this version (PAS.PARAMETERS, known 
 as RSPAR in IVB Pascal) at line 129 which can be easily changed.  If %HSORT
 is too big to load on your system, change the BUFFERS option from 8 to a 
 smaller number (try 7 or less) until it fits.  The larger the buffers, the 
 faster HSORT runs. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%HSORT,$PLIB  -- or --  the Loadr commands: 
 Additional Documentation....: In prologue comments in the source and by
 running the program without any runstring arguments. 
 See also the UNIQ program on this tape.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: RNZ
    Title....................: Reasonable File Renaming 
    File Names...............: 1. 'RNZ   Submission file
                             : 2. &RNZ.F Ftn7x sources: main, CRNCK, DXEC 
                             : 3. &RNZ.A ASMB source: IOPSY 
                             : 4. %RNZ   Merged IVB-style relocatables
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM, XL, L, A.1, A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X, ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. Files 
                             : 3. Fmgr
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Gary Ericson 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Data Systems Division
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 RNZ is for systems using the old FMGR that won't let you rename security 
 codes or file types.  It renames the afore-mentioned things plus (of 
 course) file names.  You can also unpurge files with this command, 
 although you'll probably want to run DLX before using it this way. 
 (Run DLX using the PU option to show you purged files on the disc; 
 if there aren't any duplicated (purged) file names, use RNZ.)  This
 program is obsoleted by the new supported FMGR that allows all these 
 features via an improved RN command. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%RNZ  -- or --  LOADR,,%RNZ  to just load it up,
 or        use LINK,%RNZ.F,%RNZ.A (or the equivalent Loadr commands)
 if you recompile and/or reassemble the sources.  Load it EB or LB. 
 Useful routines: 
   from &RNZ.F: 
   CRNCK() checks to see if a CRN or LU is mounted
   DXEC() does an EXEC write to the disc (including LUs 2 and 3)
   from &RNZ.A: 
   IOPSY() returns the .OPSY operating system number
 Additional Documentation....: In the source code.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: XTRCT
    Title....................: Extract a Module From a Relocatable File 
    File Names...............: 1. 'XTRCT Submission file
                             : 2. &XTRCT Ftn4 source
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM, XL, L, A.1, A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4 
    Keywords.................: 1. Entry points
                             : 2. Relocatable 
                             : 3. Subroutine
    External Support Req'd...: none.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Craig Chatterton 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 XTRCT is a simple program to extract a relocatable module (between NAM 
 and END) from a file.  It's pretty old, so it doesn't understand extended
 (RTE-6 or -A style) relocatable records. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%XTRCT  -- or --  LOADR,,%XTRCT,,LB.  You can also load it
 EB if your system allows the option. 
 Additional Documentation....: Its runstring is:
      RU,XTRCT, module_to_get, source_file, dest_file [,option] 
 An option of OV overwrites the destination file; an AP option appends to the 
 destination file (useful for building up a library); the default is to create
 the dest_file. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: METER
    Title....................: RTE System Activity Monitor
    File Names...............: 1. 'METER Submission file
                             : 2. &METER Ftn4x/7x source
                             : 3. %METER Relocatable
                             : 4. ?METER Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM & RTE-IVB 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Accounting
                             : 2. Activity
                             : 3. Meter 
                             : 4. Monitor 
                             : 5. System Tables 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Gootherts 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Computer Language Lab
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 METER is a system activity monitor for RTE-6/VM (and IVB) systems.  It 
 allows you to watch CPU usage by session, and shows other system and 
 session parameters.  If the DS/1000 program IOMAP exists, METER auto-
 matically interrogates it to track down forms of remote access to the
   LINK,%METER  -- or --  LOADR,,%METER 
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file ?METER.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FL 
    Title....................: RTE File Lister
    File Names...............: 1. 'FL  Submission file
                             : 2. &FL  Ftn4x source: original 
                             : 3. %FL  Relocatable: original
                             : 4. ?FL  Help file: original
                             : 5. &FL2 Ftn4x source: Modified 
                             : 6. &FL3 Ftn4x source: EMA version
                             : 7. ?FL2 Changes from &FL in &FL2 
                             : 8. &FL4 Ftn4x source: RTE-IVB EMA version
                             : 9  %FL4 Relocatable: RTE-IVB EMA version 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM & RTE-IVB & RTE-L 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn4x or Ftn4
    Keywords.................: 1. File
                             : 2. Directory 
                             : 3. List
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Gootherts 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Computer Language Lab
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 FL is a directory listing utility for RTE systems to display files on a
 particular cartridge packed many per line.  FL options display other 
 information like file size, type, and much more.  The file list is 
 normally sorted, but can be generated in actual disc order at your option. 
 Directory entries for purged files can also be seen. 
 The original FL is in &FL above.  &FL2 is a version also called FL, enhanced 
 by Stayton Chock, that fixed a few bugs and added a few features at the cost 
 of some of the file space used for sorting names.  See ?FL2 for a summary. 
 &FL3, also modified by Stayton Chock, is an EMA version (likewise called FL) 
 useful for looking at ridiculously large cartridges with 12,000 file entries 
 or less.  Maximum file entries for the &FL2 program is 2900; the original &FL
 can sort 3700 files. 
   LINK,%FL   -- or --   LOADR,,%FL 
   (You can substitute %FL2 or %FL3 for %FL above, but the program will be
   named FL regardless of the particular source file.)
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file ?FL.  ?FL2 is merely a "delta
 document" telling additional features offered by &FL2 and &FL3, so you'll
 want to keep the original ?FL (perhaps edited to reflect your locally-loaded 
 version) around for help info. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: TREE 
    Title....................: AVL Tree Manipulator 
    File Names...............: 1. 'TREE Submission file 
                             : 2. &TREE Wrapper sources 
                             : 3. &AVL1 Tree-manipulator sources
                             : 4. %TREE Merged relocatables 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, 6/VM, XL, L, A.1, A 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
    Keywords.................: 1. Search
                             : 2. Sort
                             : 3. Pascal
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John Stafford
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Computer Language Lab
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 A binary tree provides one of the faster ways to access a lot of data. 
 If the input list is already sorted, however, the binary tree degenerates
 into a special form of singly-linked list which is slower than what you
 want.  An AVL tree (mentioned around page 450 or 455 in Knuth's "Art of
 Computer Programming" vol.3) is a special height-balanced binary tree, 
 readjusted on the fly, which provides VERY quick access.  The code in
 &AVL1 is based on algorithms published in "Communications of the ACM"
 The TREE program provides an example of the AVL-routines declarations
 and calling sequences.  Modified versions of the AVL routines are in current 
 DSD-supported products.
 Loading:  use LINK,%TREE  -- or --  LOADR,,%TREE  to just load it up,
 or        use LINK,%TREE,%AVL1 (or the equivalent Loadr commands)
 if you recompile the sources.  Load it EB or LB if you use Loadr.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DS3K Troubleshooting Tools 
    Title....................: For 1000-3000 DS-1000/IV Links 
    File Names...............: 1. 'DS3K  Submission file
                             : 2. &TRACE PSI/Bisync tool source: Fortran
                             : 3. %TRACE Relocatable
                             : 4. &NLG3K New LOG3K source: Fortran
                             : 5. &STLOG Subroutine source: ASMB
                             : 6. %NLG3K Merged relocs (NLG3K + STLOG)
    Operating System.........: RTE
    Language(s)..............: Fortran and ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. DS1000
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Lissa Martin Sesek 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Information Networks Division
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 This is a collection of two programs to help troubleshoot 1000-t0-3000 
 DS links.  The first one, TRACE, gets a low-level trace from the PSI 
 card (using Bisync firmware).  The second one, NLG3K, is an alternative
 to LOG3K to trace DS/3000-1000 messages and deposit them in a 1000 disc
 file without spooling. 
 Additional Documentation....: See the source files.  These programs assume a 
 familiarity with DS/1000-3000 and that you basically know what you're doing. 
 There is no warranty of merchantability nor any warranty of fitness for a
 particular purpose nor any other warranty, either express or implied, as to
 the accuracy of the enclosed materials or as to their suitability for any
 particular purpose.  (You get the idea.) 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: DISCS
    Title....................: Print a System-Wide Disc Summary 
    File Names...............: 1. 'DISCS Submission file
                             : 2. &DISCS Ftn7x sources
                             : 3. %DISCS Relocatable
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A.1 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. System Tables 
                             : 2. Disc
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Royal Mittendorff
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Computer Language Lab
                             : 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 DISCS shows you all of the discs on a system. It tells whether someone 
 owns them (reporting the User.Group name), or if they're in the pool but 
 but no one currently has them allocated (a "free pool" disc), or if
 they're not mounted to anyone and not in the pool (a "hidden" disc).  It 
 shows LU, CRN, number of available tracks and used tracks, and the sectors 
 per track. 
 Unfortunately, HP-IB devices like clocks have a driver number that can be
 construed as a disc device.  DISCS tries to show the disc title even in
 this case, but the result is a string of numbers and commas that are easily
 recognizable as a non-disc device.  (A possible enhancement....) 
 Loading:  use LINK,%DISCS  -- or --   LOADR,,%DISCS to just load it up.
 You may need to size it up (depending on the size of your system), but DISCS 
 will tell you if you need to do this.
 Useful routines: 
   GTNAM() returns a user or group name, given an ID number 
   UPPERCASE() shifts a character string to all capitals
   LOWERCASE() shifts a character string down to all small letters
 Additional Documentation....: The runstring is:  [ru,] discs [,output] 
 The output can be a file or LU; if not given, it is sent to your terminal. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: KWIC 
    Title....................: KeyWord-In-Context Indexing Program
    File Names...............: 1. 'KWIC  Submission file
                             : 2. &KWIC  Pascal source
                             : 3. %KWIC  Relocatable
                             : 4. KWIC.I List of ignored words
                             : 5. ?KWIC  Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and A but could become IVB easily 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
    Keywords.................: 1. Documentation 
                             : 2. Word Processing 
                             : 3. Text
    External Support Req'd...: $PLIB
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bob Desinger 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 KWIC generates a KeyWord-In-Context index, also known as a permuted index. 
 (This is similar to the Unix "ptx" program, which generates the index
 used at the beginning of the Unix Programmer's Manual.) A KWIC index is
 most useful when you have a large accumulation of unrelated (or loosely- 
 related) pieces of information and you want to cross-reference them.  For
 example, the CSL tapes would benefit from a KWIC index because you could 
 find an entry listed under many keywords instead of a few. 
 &KWIC is based on the code explained in Kernighan & Plauger's book Software
 Tools in Pascal (published by Addison-Wesley) and has a few I/O enhancements 
 for speed freaks.  This code is a rough draft; hooks are in there to add 
 your own version of Pas.ErrorCatcher, although the program compiles and runs 
 fine now.
 Loading:  use LINK, %KWIC, %AVL1, $PLIB, +EB, +SZ:32  or the equivalent Loadr
 commands.  See below for the whereabouts of %AVL1. 
 Additional Documentation....: Run it without any runstring arguments to get
 a quick summary of commands.  More info is in the help file ?KWIC. 
 KWIC runs (via XQPRG) the program HSORT, also included as a separate entry on
 this CSL tape.  Additionally, it uses the AVL package on this tape to do AVL 
 tree-handling; the routines are in &AVL1 (relocatables found in %TREE).  You 
 can SE,%TREE when loading or linking to get the externals quickly. 
 Another file included in this entry called KWIC.I.  This is a list of words
 for KWIC to ignore when indexing (such as a, an, the, etc.), and must be 
 available whenever KWIC runs.  Put it on a cartridge mounted to all users of 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: TAB
    Title....................: HP Terminal Tab Reading/Setting/Clearing 
    File Names...............: 1. 'TAB  Submission file 
                             : 2. &TAB  Ftn7x source
                             : 3. [TAB  Include file
                             : 4. %TAB  Relocatable 
                             : 5. ?TAB  Help file 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and A 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Display 
                             : 2. Tabs
                             : 3. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...: none.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bob Desinger 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 TAB handles tabs on HP terminals -- reading, setting, and clearing them. 
 Pre-defined tab sets are available for Asmb, C, Fortran, Macro, Pascal,
 and general text-editing work.  If you want to roll your own, tell TAB 
 the columns you want set (which includes a runstring like "every 5"),
 or use a pre-defined set and clear unwanted stops.  TAB also reads and 
 reports your current tab stops, telling in a graphic-like display or (at 
 your option) telling the current tab column-numbers. 
   TAB           Tell options 
   TAB,f         Set Fortran tabs (7 and then every 3 up to 72) 
   TAB,7,e,4     First tab is at column 7, then every 4 thereafter
   TAB,5,10,15   Clear current tabs, then set stops at columns 5, 10, and 15
   TAB,+40       Keep current tab stops but add one at column 40
   TAB,every,5   Set tabs 5 columns apart (at 6, 11, 16, 21, ...) 
   TAB,p,+40,-73 Use Pascal tabs but add a tab at column 40 and clear 73
 Loading:  use LINK,%TAB   or   LOADR,,%TAB,,EB (or LB if you don't have EB). 
 Useful routines: 
   CTOI() converts Ftn77 characters to integer
   ITO2H() statement function converts an integer to 2H (Hollerith) format
   NUKETERMTABS() physically blows away tabstops
   READTABS() reads tab stops 
   DOTERMTABS() physically sets and clears tabs 
   REMARK() types a Fortran string to the terminal
   FINIS() returns status and gives up the ghost
 Additional Documentation....: Run it without any runstring arguments to get
 a quick summary of commands.  More info is in the help file ?TAB.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: RLOG, RLOGX, and TPROM 
    Title....................: Remote Logon To Another DS Node
    File Names...............: 1. 'RLOG  Submission file
                             : 2. &RLOGF Ftn4 source: RLOG etc. 
                             : 3. &RLOGA Asmb source: RLOG routines 
                             : 4. %RLOG  Merged relocatable for RLOG
                             : 5. &RLOGX Ftn4 source: RLOGX etc.
                             : 6. &RLO.A Asmb source: RLOGX routines
                             : 7. %RLOGX Merged relocatable for RLOGX 
                             : 8. &TPROM Ftn4 source: TPROM 
                             : 9. %TPROM Merged relocatable for TPROM 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A.1, XL, L
    Language(s)..............: Ftn4 and Asmb
    Keywords.................: 1. DS1000
                             : 2. Terminal
                             : 3. Session 
                             : 4. Simulator 
    External Support Req'd...: Standard DS-1000 support (LU mapping, etc.)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Lyle Weiman
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Information Networks Division
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 RLOG (and its DS P-to-P program RLOGX) allow interactive access to sessions
 on remote systems.  This lets you log on to any other system on the DS 
 network, provided you know an account and password on that system, without 
 leaving your terminal.  The file "RLOG is a very extensive treatment of
 RLOG's theory of operation, telling how the programs use DS/1000 services
 to accomplish their mission.  TPROM toggles the DS node-number prompt; 
 it's discussed in "RLOG. 
 To log on to another node, use:  [RU,]RLOG,node  or  RLOG,node,IH
 where node is the remote DS node you want to log onto (a number, or else a 
       node name set up in the file NONAME; see "RLOG for details), and 
       IH is an optional keyword to inhibit the DS node-number prompt.
If you don't put a node in the runstring, RLOG will ask you for one.
Loading:  Use LINK,%RLOG   or   LOADR,,%RLOG,,SS   for RLOG  (DS PtoP master) 
          Use LINK,%RLOGX  or   LOADR,,%RLOGX,,SS  for RLOGX (DS PtoP slave)
          Use LINK,%TPROM  or   LOADR,,%TPROM      for TPROM (normal program) 
 You may have to force load RLOG (using the FO command); see "RLOG for the
 reason why.  Don't worry, it's safe.  If you recompile TPROM, you'll need the
 NMSC subroutine from &RLO.A (which can also be obtained by searching %RLOGX).
 Additional Documentation....: Look in "RLOG for extensive help.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: MAKE, MERF, and MERP 
    Title....................: Make a Large Program from Many Source Files
    File Names...............: 1.  'MAKE Submission file
                             : 2.  &MAKE Ftn7x source: MAKE program 
                             : 3.  %MAKE Relocatable
                             : 4.  ?MAKE Help file
                             : 5.  &MERF Ftn7x source: MERF program 
                             : 6.  %MERF Relocatable
                             : 7.  ?MERF Help file
                             : 8.  &MERP Ftn7x source: MERP program 
                             : 9.  %MERP Relocatable
                             : 10. ?MERP Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A, A.1, XL, L 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Compiler
                             : 2. Engineering 
                             : 4. Merge 
                             : 4. Programming 
    External Support Req'd...: none.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Stayton Chock
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 MAKE eases the labor associated with making a large proram which is
 spread across several source/relocatable files and a LINK command file.
 Given a list of files, it ensures that the relocatables are at least 
 as fresh as the sources (and if not, looks in the source to find the 
 language to use, and runs the appropriate processor), then LINKs all the 
 files together.  Each source can be in a different language. 
 Occasionally, if all sources are in a single language, you'll want to merge
 them together to make some global editing changes or searches.  This can be
 done (and then the files re-divided up again) using MERF or MERP.  MERF
 merges and splits Fortran files; MERP works the same magic over Pascal.
 Unfortunately, Pascal/1000 demands more of its subprogram files than Ftn7x 
 ($SUBPROGRAM statements, EXTERNAL declarations, a terminating period, etc.), 
 so the process for Pascal is more complex.  A suggestion if you want to use
 MERP: digest the help file for MERF first, then take a stab at MERP's. 
 Neither MERF nor MERP are necessary to use MAKE; they're supporting tools to 
 aid globally looking at all the files as a whole.
 Loading:  Use LINK,%MAKE,+EB   or   LOADR,,%MAKE,,EB   for MAKE
           Use LINK,%MERF,+EB   or   LOADR,,%MERF,,EB   for MERF
           Use LINK,%MERP,+EB   or   LOADR,,%MERP,,EB   for MERP
 Additional Documentation....: See the help files ?MAKE, ?MERF, ?MERP.
 They're mentioned in recommended order of reading (if you want all three). 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: TIMEX
    Title....................: Time a Program's Execution 
    File Names...............: 1. 'TIMEX Submission file
                             : 2. &TIMEX Ftn7x source 
                             : 3. %TIMEX Relocatable
                             : 4. ?TIMEX Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, A, IVB, A.1, XL, L 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Scheduling
                             : 2. Time
    External Support Req'd...: none.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Stayton Chock
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 TIMEX is a quick and dirty program to tell you how long running a particular 
 program took.  Its code is primarily a guide or algorithm for getting this 
 kind of job done; you'll want to modify it if you plan on using it heavily 
 or for production purposes.
 It uses two routines from $SCLIB, which is created from &SCLIB.  This library
 is included in the routines from the DSD (grab bag) package on this tape.
 Loading:  use LINK,%TIMEX,$SCLIB,+EB or the equivalent LOADR commands: 
 Additional Documentation....: Look in the help file ?TIMEX.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: SPLIT
    Title....................: Split a Large File into Many Smaller Ones
    File Names...............: 1. 'SPLIT Submission file
                             : 2. &SPLIT Ftn7x source 
                             : 3. %SPLIT Relocatable
                             : 4. ?SPLIT Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A.1, A, XL, L 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Copy
                             : 2. Files 
    External Support Req'd...: none.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Stayton Chock
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 SPLIT splits up a large file into several smaller ones named #$0001 thru 
 #$9999 (if the original file is big enough).  You can tell it how many 
 lines to put in each smaller file and tell it where to put the files 
 Loading:  use LINK,%SPLIT or LOADR,,%SPLIT,,EB (or LB if you don't have EB). 
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file ?SPLIT.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: MERST
    Title....................: Merge Two Already-Sorted Files into a Third
    File Names...............: 1. 'MERST Submission file
                             : 2. &MERST Ftn7x source 
                             : 3. %MERST Relocatable
                             : 4. ?MERST Help file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A.1, A, XL, L 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Merge 
                             : 3. Sort
    External Support Req'd...: none.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Stayton Chock
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 MERST merges two already-sorted files into a third sorted file.  You can 
 specify the location and size of the key to sort on, and optionally
 reverse-sort the destination file. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%MERST or LOADR,,%MERST,,EB (or LB if you don't have EB). 
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file ?MERST.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: VIEW 
    Title....................: View Another Terminal Screen's Contents
    File Names...............: 1. 'VIEW  Submission file
                             : 2. &VIEW  Ftn7x source 
                             : 3. %VIEW  Relocatable
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A.1, A, XL, L 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Display 
                             : 2. Dump
                             : 3. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...: none.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Kurt Bigler
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 VIEW dumps the contents of the specified CRT LU to your terminal.  (This 
 is often useful if you start up a transfer file or program on your terminal
 at work, then go home and dial up on a modem, and want to see what's on
 your screen at work....) 
 Caution: VIEW is rather simple.  In particular, it cannot show you a remote
 screen if there is a read pending on it (like if a program is waiting for
 input).  It should be modified to check if there's a read pending and say so 
 rather than just wait until that read is satisfied.
 Loading:  use LINK,%VIEW or LOADR,,%VIEW,,EB (or LB if you don't have EB). 
 Additional Documentation....: Its runstring is:
 VIEW, terminalLU [,#lines] 
   where terminalLU is the system LU of the terminal you want to look at
     (which doesn't have to be in your SST) 
   #lines is the number of lines to get from the remote screen (defaulting
     to 10 if not given)
 VIEW stops looking when it finds 10 zero-length lines in a row.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: SY 
    Title....................: Do a System Command
    File Names...............: 1. 'SY  Submission file
                             : 2. &SY  Ftn7x source 
                             : 3. %SY  Relocatable
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A.1, A, XL, L 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Scheduling
                             : 2. Shell 
                             : 3. System
    External Support Req'd...: none.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Kurt Bigler
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 SY is useful if your favorite command interpreter (such as SH) doesn't 
 have a SY macro and you're constantly typing "SY" to do some system
 command.  The simplest of three runstring flavors is SY< <system 
 command>; see the others below.
 Loading:  use LINK,%SY or LOADR,,%SY,,EB (or LB if you don't have EB). 
 Additional Documentation....:
 SY can be used in 3 different ways, depending on your preference:
 1.  Use the SY program alone, like:
     SY <command> <parameters>    as in     SY PR PROG1 90
 2.  Or, copy the SY program file into a number of different files, 
     one for each system command.  Then run any of them like this:
     <systemCommand> <parameters> 
     For instance, copy SY into a file named EQ, then use:
     EQ 16     (to see the SYEQ report for EQT 16)
 3.  Or, if you are used to the way the SY command works in FMGR, 
     copy the SY program file into a number of files with names like
     SYxx (one for each command, like SYPR or SYTO) so you can use: 
     SYTO 16 32767
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: SHEMA
    Title....................: On-Line Shareable EMA Partition Reconfigurator 
    File Names...............: 1. 'SHEMA Submission file
                             : 2. &SHEMA Ftn7x source 
                             : 3. [SHEMA Include file 
                             : 4. &PRIV  Macro subroutines LIBR, LIBX 
                             : 5. %SHEMA Merged relocatable 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM only
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. EMA 
                             : 2. Generation
                             : 3. Privileged
                             : 4. System Labels 
                             : 5. System Tables 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Kurt Bigler
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: Data Systems Division
                             : 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 SHEMA allows you to define or delete shareable EMA partitions without
 re-genning your system.  You can add, delete, or see shareable EMA labels
 in any valid partition.
    SHEMA is only for use on RTE-6/VM.  It isn't needed on RTE-A, where EMA 
 partitions are dynamically allocated and deleted as necessary. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%SHEMA or LOADR,,%SHEMA to just load it up.  If you 
 recompile, use LINK,%SHEMA,%PRIV or the LOADR commands:
 Useful routines: 
    CREATE_LABEL() does the CR command
    PURGE_LABEL() does the PU command 
    FIND_LABEL() does what you think it does
    INIT_GET_NEXT_LONG_ID() [package of entries] searches the ID segments 
    MSG() types a message at the terminal 
    GETTOKEN() is a parser that stops at blanks or commas 
    CTOI() converts Ftn7x characters to an integer
    PRIV() is a high-level interface to $LIBR and $LIBX 
 Additional Documentation....: SHEMA functions like GASP in that it can either
 do one runstring command and then quit, or (for longer conversations) be used
 interactively.  To run it interactively, just use [RU,]SHEMA.  To do only one
 command, use [RU,]SHEMA,command. 
   create shareable ema label:  CR label partition# 
   purge shareable ema label:   PU label
   list shareable ema labels:   LI
   exit:                        EX
   help:                        ? 
 Parameters can be separated with blanks or commas, and all lowercase letters 
 are folded to upper case.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: ZOT
    Title....................: Zot (Wake Up) a Terminal 
    File Names...............: 1. 'ZOT Submission file
                             : 2. &ZOT Ftn7x source 
                             : 3. %ZOT IVB and 6/VM relocatable 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. EQT 
                             : 2. System Tables 
                             : 3. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Gootherts 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Computer Language Lab
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 ZOT is used on terminals that have gotten stuck (where there's an
 undesired read pending on the terminal's EQT).  ZOT clears this read by
 forcing it to time-out immediately, but without changing the terminal's
 time-out value.  This occasionally awakens unresponsive Mux and BACI 
 terminals.  ZOT can also be used on non-terminal devices.
 Loading:  Use LINK,%ZOT  or  LOADR,,%ZOT 
 Additional Documentation....: For help, run ZOT without parameters.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TALK 
    Title....................: Talk With Another User 
    File Names...............: 1. 'TALK Submission file 
                             : 2. &TALK Ftn7x source
                             : 3. %TALK 6/VM relocatable
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM (and RTE-IVB) 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. DS1000
                             : 2. Communication 
                             : 3. Interactive 
                             : 4. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...: DS/1000
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Gootherts 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Computer Language Lab
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 TALK is an interactive program designed for RTE-6/VM systems (it also
 runs on RTE-IVB).  TALK allows you to write to another user at some
 other terminal on a (possibly remote) system.  Lines you type are
 buffered until you type a zero-length line, at which time the buffer 
 is sent and you are prompted for more.  Several additional features
 are provided, including editing the buffer (with EDIT/1000) before sending 
 Loading:  Use LINK,%TALK  or  LOADR,,%TALK 
 Additional Documentation....: For help, run TALK without parameters. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: TM33 
    Title....................: CS80 Track Map Reader
    File Names...............: 1. 'TM33 Submission file 
                             : 2. &TM33 Ftn7x source
                             : 3. %TM33 Relocatable 
    Operating System.........: Any RTE with a CS80 disk 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. CS80
                             : 2. Driver
                             : 3. Generation
                             : 4. System Tables 
                             : 5. Track Map 
    External Support Req'd...: $TM33 (CS80 driver), and see below 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Kurt Bigler
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Data Systems Division
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 TM33 gives you a look at your system's CS80 driver table ($TM33) as it 
 exists in memory.  It formats and comments the table also.  It's useful
 as a driver/disk diagnostic, especially after a gen or other change of 
 the track map table. 
    TM33 uses external functions provided by the CI file system to convert
 its data -- specifically Trimlen() to return the blank-trimmed length of a 
 CHARACTER string, IntToDecimal() to convert an integer to a CHARACTER string,
 and DIntToDecimal() to convert a double integer to a CHARACTER string.  You
 can use these under RTE-6/VM, but you'll need to either get them from an A or
 (if you don't have any A-series handy) rewrite the code to use your own
 handcrafted routines.
    Also, TM33 doesn't report any LUs covered by $TM33 since that's kept in 
 another part of the system, not the track map table.  A useful enhancement...
 Loading:  use LINK,%TM33 or LOADR,,%TM33 to load it up.
 Additional Documentation....: Its runstring is simply "TM33".
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: UNIQ 
    Title....................: Cast Out Duplicate Adjacent Lines
    File Names...............: 1. 'UNIQ   Submission file 
                             : 2. &UNIQ   Ftn7x source
                             : 3. &MOVEW  Macro source for movewords()
                             : 4. %UNIQ   Merged relocatable
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, A, XL
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Compare 
                             : 2. Files 
                             : 3. Filter
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Kurt Bigler
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Data Systems Division
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 UNIQ is typically used after using your favorite sorting program (see
 HSORT on this tape).  It discards adjacent lines that are the same.
 Trailing blanks are not significant. 
 Loading:  use LINK,%UNIQ or LOADR,,%UNIQ,,EB (or LB if you don't have EB). 
 If you recompile, use LINK,%UNIQ,%MOVEW or the equivalent LOADR commands:
   OP,EB     (or LB)
 Additional Documentation....: Type just "UNIQ" to see the runstring, which is
   UNIQ, input, output [,firstCol [,lastCol]] 
   input and output are files or LUs used to read and write the data. 
   firstCol is the number of the first character to compare on the input line,
      defaulting to 1 if not given. 
   lastCol is the number of the last character to compare on the input line,
      defaulting to the end of the line if not given. 
 For comparison, shorter lines are padded with blanks.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: CF 
    Title....................: Copy Files Across Accounts and/or DS Nodes 
    File Names...............: 1. 'CF   Submission file 
                             : 2. &CF.P Pascal source 
                             : 3. &CF.A Asmb source 
                             : 4. %CF   Merged 6/VM relocatables
                             : 5. ?CF   Short help file 
                             : 6. "CF   Complete tutorial introduction
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, A (FMGR files only), IVB (see below) 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
    Keywords.................: 1. Copy
                             : 2. DS1000
                             : 3. Files 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John Stafford
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Computer Language Lab
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 CF copies files across DS nodes, session monitor accounts, and disc-to-disc
 very swiftly and powerfully.  It is the most heavily-used file transfer
 utility within the Lab and Technical Marketing.  You'll notice that its
 syntax is quite similar to the A-series remote file descriptors (the 
 designer of the file system knew CF).  Its runstring syntax is:
    CF, sourceFile, destFile [,options] 
 Both sourceFile and destFile look something like:
 or filenamr@node[user.group/password]
 where filenamr is the standard FMGR descriptor (name:sec:crn:etc...), the
 account logon and password is in brackets, and the node name or number is
 given after an @ character.  The user, group, password, and node default to
 something reasonable; ?CF tells more about it.  Options allow you to move
 (copy, then purge) files, control the data flow, check the progress of the 
 transfer, and more.  "CF is a tutorial that explains CF from the ground up.
 Loading:  Use LINK,%CF,+LB,+SZ:28,$PLIB  or the LOADR commands:
 Size up CF to as large as you can; more size = more speed. 
 If you recompile, replace %CF references with both %CF.P and %CF.A.
 Additional Documentation....: In the tutorial "CF or the quick-help file ?CF.
 CF is useful on the A-series to move FMGR files only; use CO for hierarchical
 Random Comments to Possible CF Modifiers:
    CF uses its freespace for DCB buffers.  Larger DCBs are possible by 
 trimming some of the ASCII it holds for messages.  In particular, you may
 want to substitute the help message (produced when you type "CF" with no 
 parameters) for a few lines of usage information.
    CF could be a bit smarter in handling DS errors.  For instance, when CF 
 gets long timeout errors, it still does a DS close request (which will also
 time out); it should special-case the timeout error and avoid the close then.
    You won't be able to use CF on A.1 systems because of its non-session 
 operation, but the Macro code contains commented-out lines to handle non-
 session.  You'll need two versions of the program -- one session, the other
 non-session -- for each type of operating system.  Caveat hacker:  you need
 to uncomment some code and to comment out other equivalent code, but this
 should only be done by someone who knows what he or she is doing.
    Likewise about the code in general:  CF is very smart in some areas,
 particularly regarding class requests and high (DS) LU numbers used to log on
 to a remote system.  CF also forces files to type-1 access, then upon EOF
 errors (that signal EOF of type-1 files) backs off and shortens the buffer 
 space used until all the file is transferred.  Don't change the code around
 arbitrarily unless you know exactly what you're doing and why. 
    To convert CF to a IVB system:  recompile both source files.  Use RELIB to
 merge them, then to search for and extract the appropriate $PLIB externals 
 (RELIB is on this tape), then to Update your new merged reloc.  Edit the 
 )ALTER file (shipped with the Pascal compiler....you should probably copy
 )ALTER to a private cartridge and edit that instead) to add the new CF entry 
 points.  (Use RELIB's LC command if you aren't sure which entries to add.) 
 Then run ALTER (shipped with Pascal) as in "ALTER,%CF".  Your resulting file 
 will be suitable to run on IVB!
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                           C S L / 1 0 0 0
                       PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM
 Contribution Name...........: RELIB
    Title....................: Relocatable Librarian
    File Names...............: 1. 'RELIB Submission file
                             : 2. &RELIB Main source
                             : 3. [RELIB Globals for main & segments
                             : 4. &RELI0 Segment 0 source 
                             : 5. &RELI1 Segment 1 source 
                             : 6. &RELI2 Segment 2 source 
                             : 7. %RELIB Merged 6/VM relocatables 
                             : 8. ?RELIB Command help file
                             : 9. "RELIB Command/runstring explanation plus 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, A (FMGR files only)
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
    Keywords.................: 1. Entry points
                             : 2. Library 
                             : 3. Relocatable 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John Stafford
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Computer Language Lab
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 725-8111 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 RELIB is a tool to help manage groups of relocatables, typically (but not
 necessarily) in a library.  It can be used to create, modify, and update 
 modules in relocatables, as well as: 
   Show the nam comment fields
   Search for routines from a library that are called by a relocatable
   Combine, delete, and search for particular modules in a relocatable/library
   Re-order nams for faster searching by LOADR or LINK
 and more.  One handy use for it is to ease program distribution -- you can 
 combine your program with all of its library-called routines (such as in 
 $PLIB or %DECAR) so that it can be loaded on systems that don't have those 
 libraries.  From there, you can also convert your programs from 6/VM to IVB
 using the HP-supported programs ALTER and/or OLDRE (look in the entry for CF 
 on this tape for an example of that).  Rather than copying every routine from
 a library (as MERGE would do), RELIB can copy one or more selectively, or
 copy only those called by your program.  RELIB is a sophisticated manager of 
 both old- and extended-format relocatables.
 Loading:  Look in "RELIB for a description of linking it.  You'll need LINK
 because of the segmentation scheme.
 Additional Documentation....: In the tutorial "RELIB.  The help file ?RELIB
 is in EDIT/1000 help-file format (entries to be shown under a particular key 
 are flagged with a leading "~~", and the lines before the first ~~ are to be 
 shown if no key is given).  This is similar to GENIX/CMD/HELP format.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DSD Routines 
    Title....................: Useful routines for programmers
    File Names...............: 1. 'DSD          Submission file 
                             : 2. &CATCH Pascal Pas.ErrorCatcher replacement
                             : 3. &DEFPR ASMB   Works with &CATCH 
                             : 4. &CHARS Macro  Getch and Putch routines
                             : 5. &TMOUT Ftn4x  Time-out vs. RETURN sensor
                             : 6. &CLR   Ftn4x  Clear CRT screen AFTER logoff 
                             : 7. &RMLBF Ftn7x  Royal's Fortran library 
                             : 8. &RMLBM Macro  Royal's Macro library 
                             : 9. &CTOI  Pascal Character to integer convert
                             : 10.&SCLIB Ftn7x  Stayton Chock's library 
                             : 11.&CRS   Ftn4   Directory verifier
    Operating System.........: Various; typically IVB and 6/VM and A
    Language(s)..............: (see descriptions above) 
    Keywords.................: 1. Grab bag
                             : 2. Goodies 
                             : 3. Library 
                             : 4. Miscellaneous 
                             : 5. Subroutines 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: C. Chatterton, B. Desinger, R. Mittendorff,
                             : S. Chock, K. Bigler
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Data Systems Division
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 This is miscellaneous source code from DSD people to make life easier for
 programmers.  These are routines not in other programs on this tape but
 which may prove helpful.  Documentation is typically provided in the 
 source code file itself. 
 Additional Documentation....: &CATCH is a Pascal PAS.ERRORCATCHER that traces
 back through the subroutines that invoked it.  It's most useful when you're
 debugging your Pascal program, since it reaches back through its subroutine
 addresses (with the help of &DEFPR) in an attempt to tell you the routines 
 that it went through before blowing up.  It adds about 1000 words to the 
 program size, so it's most useful when debugging and in other cases where
 size is not a consideration. 
      &CHARS contains two routines in Macro, callable from Fortran: GETCH to
 get a character at a specified place in an ASCII (Hollerith) array, and PUTCH
 to put a character into a Hollerith array.  Only ASMB instructions are used. 
      &TMOUT senses whether the user typed a carriage return or if the
 terminal timed out.  It's useful in interactive applications where you'd like
 to find out: did the user really type RETURN, or did his terminal just time
 out on him?  (Both will generate a zero-length input.)  BACI and MUX (DVR05) 
 terminals are handled by this routine. 
      &CLR clears your softcopy (CRT) screen AFTER you log off by detaching 
 from session and talking directly to the system LU of your terminal.  This 
 program also appeared in a Communicator article. 
      &RMLBF is a library of several routines in Ftn7x.  One of the most
 useful is a routine to find out the HP model number (2600, 2640, 2645, 
 2648, 2621, 2626) of the invoking terminal.
      &RMLBM is a library of several Macro routines, callable from Pascal and 
 Fortran, that allow access to several system entry points: scratch cartridge,
 accounts file LU and security, and spooling disc.  One fascinating routine 
 returns the name of the calling program's parent (or the caller's name if it 
 is an "orphan" running detached or in the background). 
      &CTOI converts an ASCII ("packed array of chars") buffer to an integer, 
 stopping at the end of the string or upon the first non-digit.  Numbers can
 have a leading + or - sign.  It is NOT an error for a non-digit to be in the 
 buffer; CTOI just returns the number so far and tells you where it stopped.
 (This source is Pascal and the relocatable works with Pascal, Fortran, and 
 Macro/ASMB programs.  See the TAB program for a similar Ftn7x version.)
      &SCLIB contains various routines.  Among others, Timer() is useful for
 doing a stopwatch function, Lcase() is yet another Hollerith casefolder, and 
 LeftJustifyChar() strips off leading blanks.  Timer() and Lcase() are needed 
 for the TIMEX program on this tape.
      &CRS is an interface to the undocumented FMGR routine CRSTS, added to 
 all FMGRs at revision 2121 for FC support.  CRSTS verifies a disc directory
 (ensuring no file pointers overlap) and also returns status info about its 
 directory (first, next available, and last directory entry numbers), plus
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MUX
    Title....................: Various Mux Hack Drivers 
    File Names...............: 1. 'MUX   Submission file
                             : 2. %DDA05 DVR05 device driver emululator 
                             : 3. %DDP05 Device driver for HP 7221 plotter
                             : 4. %DDV00 Dumb teletype device driver
                             : 5. %DVM05 Two-page MUX w/CTUs kludge driver
                             : 6. ?DVM05 Genning DVM05 info 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB
    Language(s)..............: Not applicable 
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. Mux 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: (See below)
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Roseville Networks Division
               Street........: 8000 Foothills Blvd. 
               City..........: Roseville
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95678
               Phone Number..: (916) 786-8000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 These are a few mux drivers that may come in handy, particularly DVM05.
 Consider these mux drivers as a baby left on your doorstep: no support is
 expressed or implied, no enhancements are ever planned, and no bug fixes 
 will ever be made by HP.  Greg Dolkas submitted them to the CSL through
 THEM -- not your SE, CE, On-Line Support, nor anyone in any HP division
 anywhere.  (You get the picture.)  Enjoy your drivers. 
 Additional Documentation....: DVM05 is a mux driver similar to DVM00 (the
 real thing) except that it supports CTUs on your 264x terminals and even fits
 in a two-page driver partition.  You may not gen in any device drivers (like 
 DDV12) if you use DVM05 as your mux driver since DVM05 won't use the device
 drivers; RTxGN will throw them into the op system area instead of the driver 
 partitions, never to be used, and your OS will grow needlessly.  You can hang
 8 EQTs off DVM05 (just like the normal mux) and you'll still need %PVM00, the
 mux predriver supplied by HP.  The help file ?DVM05 tells how to generate
 it into your system and initialize DVM05 terminals in the WELCOM file. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SHELL
    Title....................: Command Interpreter
    File Names...............:  1. 'SHELL Submission file 
                             :  2. &SHELL Command interpreter source
                             :  3. &CA    Command (program) source
                             :  4. &CL    Command (program) source
                             :  5. &CN    Command (program) source
                             :  6. &CR    Command (program) source
                             :  7. &DP    Command (program) source
                             :  8. &DU    Command (program) source
                             :  9. &EQT   Command (program) source
                             : 10. &IDLE  Command (program) source
                             : 11. &LI    Command (program) source
                             : 12. &OFF   Command (program) source
                             : 13. &PU    Command (program) source
                             : 14. &RN    Command (program) source
                             : 15. &RP    Command (program) source
                             : 16. &XL    Command (program) source
                             : 17. &XP    Command (program) source
                             : 18. &TIMOT Command (program) source
                             : 19. %CA    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 20. %CL    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 21. %CN    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 22. %CR    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 23. %DP    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 24. %DU    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 25. %EQT   IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 26. %IDLE  IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 27. %LI    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 28. %OFF   IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 29. %PU    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 30. %RN    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 31. %RP    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 32. %XL    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 33. %XP    IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 34. %TIMOT IVB & 6/VM reloc
                             : 35. %SHELL IVB and 6/VM relocatable
                             : 36. "SHELL Help file 
                             : 37. *SHELL Master loading transfer file
                             : 38. ?SHELL Quick reference card
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB (and XL/L/A, conceivably)
    Language(s)..............: Ftn4 
    Keywords.................: 1. Shell 
                             : 2. DS1000
                             : 3. EQT 
                             : 4. List
                             : 5. Miscellaneous 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Greg Dolkas
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Roseville Networks Division
               Street........: 8000 Foothills Blvd. 
               City..........: Roseville
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95678
               Phone Number..: (916) 786-8000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 SHELL is an early version command interpreter that began under RTE-IVA 
 to make life with RTE easier to bear.  Like most command interpreters, 
 this one is a package:  the interpreter plus several useful utilities. 
 The utilities can be run from other command interpreters and even from 
   SHELL is not SH (a previous CSL program).  SHELL was written earlier and 
 isn't as polished as SH in some areas, but it does show you its source code. 
 The code for SHELL is rather straightforward, and may give you a running 
 headstart if you'd like to roll your own command interpreter.
   IDLE isn't strictly a SHELL utility, but is contributed by Greg Dolkas 
 (the father of SHELL).  This ASMB program is a CPU monitor that tells how
 much you're utilizing.  Think of it as the CU,ON command in RTE-6/VM that
 also works on -IVB, -III, and probably even -II. 
 Loading:  Use the transfer file *SHELL to load SHELL and his pals.  You'll 
 want to edit the file before using it to put in the correct CRNs and add 
 a security code to the type-6 files.  For backwards compatibility, *SHELL
 uses the LOADR; if you've got LINK, you'll prefer using it instead.
 Useful concepts embedded in the code:
   Casefolded input and blank-to-comma conversion 
   Multiple commands per line, separated with a semicolon 
   Command stack (that, at last check, worked even on multipoint) 
   Redirection of I/O to/from the correct terminal over DS
   Trapping and automatic rerouting of system commands (like TI, ON, etc.)
   Command files invoked exactly like a command/program 
   Parameter substitution ($0 thru $9) in command files 
   Nifties covered in individual commands (number conversion in CA, etc.) 
 Additional Documentation....: In ?SHELL and "SHELL.  The revision code for 
 the documentation is earlier than the rev for the software, so you may notice
 minor enhancements or differences in actual usage. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DVD00
    Title....................: Driver to Handle Pipes (LU-to-LU)
    File Names...............: 1. 'DVD00 Submission file
                             : 2. &DVD00 ASMB source
                             : 3. %DVD00 Relocatable
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB ...
    Language(s)..............: ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. EQT 
                             : 3. Unix
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Greg Dolkas
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Roseville Networks Division
               Street........: 8000 Foothills Blvd. 
               City..........: Roseville
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95678
               Phone Number..: (916) 786-8000 
 Program Abstract............: This submission is a part of HP GJOB/1000. 
 DVD00 is a driver that implements a Unix-like pipeline under RTE:  data
 written down one end of the pipe (the write LU) can be read from the 
 other end (the read LU).  Write requests to an LU on this driver can be
 directed to another LU on the driver and picked up with a read request.
 Each LU may be used for both reading and writing, although (of course) 
 not simultaneously.  If no read request is outstanding on the EQT
 written to, the driver can be directed to schedule a program.
 Loading:  Generate this driver into your system.  It doesn't need any EQT
 extensions, but you will need pairs of EQTs for it (one read and one write). 
 Additional Documentation....: In the prologue to the source code in &DVD00.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH: A Great Graphics/1000-II Demo
    File Names...............: 1. 'SKTCH Submission file
                             : 2. &DSUBS
                             : 3. %DSUBS
                             : 4. &D_ATT
                             : 5. %D_ATT
                             : 6. &ISEG0
                             : 7. %ISEG0
                             : 8. &JSEG1
                             : 9. %JSEG1
                             :10. &JSEG2
                             :11. %JSEG2
                             :12. &JSEG3
                             :13. %JSEG3
                             :14. &JSEG4
                             :15. %JSEG4
                             :16. &JSEG5
                             :17. %JSEG5
                             :18. &JSEG6
                             :19. %JSEG6
                             :20. &JSEG7
                             :21. %JSEG7
                             :22. &JSEG8
                             :23. %JSEG8
                             :24. &JSEG9
                             :25. %JSEG9
                             :26. &JSEGA
                             :27. %JSEGA
                             :28. &JSEGB
                             :29. %JSEGB
                             :30. &JSEGC
                             :31. %JSEGC
                             :32. &JSEGD
                             :33. %JSEGD
                             :34. &JSEGE
                             :35. %JSEGE
                             :36. &JSEGF
                             :37. %JSEGF
                             :38. &JSEGG
                             :39. %JSEGG
                             :40. &JSEGH
                             :41. %JSEGH
                             :42. &LSUBS
                             :43. %LSUBS
                             :44. &MAIN 
                             :45. %MAIN 
                             :46. &MSUBS
                             :47. %MSUBS
                             :48. &NSUBS
                             :49. %NSUBS
                             :50. &OSUBS
                             :51. %OSUBS
                             :52. &PSEG1
                             :53. %PSEG1
                             :54. &PSEG2
                             :55. %PSEG2
                             :56. ------ Intentionally left blank 
                             :57. %PSUBS
                             :58. &QSUBS
                             :59. %QSUBS
                             :60. &RSUBS
                             :61. %RSUBS
                             :62. &SSUBS
                             :63. $SSUBS
                             :64. &SKPLO
                             :65. %SKPLO
                             :66. &SPSUB
                             :67. %SPSUB
                             :68. &TSUBS
                             :69. %TSUBS
                             :70. &USUBS
                             :71. %USUBS
                             :72. ------ Intentionally left blank 
                             :73. &ZAPF 
                             :74. #SKET6
                             :75. #SKETA
                             :76. #SKPT6
                             :77. #SKPTA
                             :78. .DGTZR
                             :79. .DISC 
                             :80. .FIG01
                             :81. .HSBRD
                             :82. .TERM 
                             :83. HPLOGO
                             :84. PORTST
                             :85. SKDEVS
                             :86. SKWSPS
                             :87. 'MANUL
                             :88. [AGP
                             :89. [ATTR 
                             :90. [BUFFR
                             :91. [DATA6
                             :92. [DATA7
                             :93. [DATA8
                             :94. [DATAB
                             :95. [DRWG 
                             :96. [DTYPE
                             :97. [ECHO 
                             :98. [[FLAGS 
                             :99. [GRID 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Demo
                             : 3. FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Phil Walden and Zenia Latoff 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Data Systems  Division 
               Street........: Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Having troubles demonstrating GRAPHICS/1000-II?  Would you like something
 linke "BRUNO", only much better?  You bet you would, and it is now avail-
 able in the form of SKETCH.
 SKETCH is a powerful graphics editor that can be used to create demo screen
 displays, floor plan layouts, schematics, and yes, even overhead slides. 
 In addition, SKETCH fully demonstrates Graphics 1000-II AGP (Advanced
 Graphics Package). 
 Virtually all AGP functions are used by and demonstratable by SKETCH.
 AGP features such as multiple text fonts, color modeling, polygon
 primitives, and interactive picking are easily shown with no programming.
 SKETCH runs on RTE-6/VM and RTE-A systems.  Hardwarewise, all that is
 needed is a graphics terminal, but you probably will want an HP 2627A
 color terminal with an HP 17623A graphics tablet to really take off
 SKETCH's functionality includes: 
 - Lines, arcs, text and polygons 
 - Ability to group together lines, arcs and text so that the collection
   is treated as a single object
 - Optional grids and snapping
 - Merging drawins into drawins (not slides and figures)
 - Cloning, scaling, rotating, stretching objects 
 - User defined area operations 
 - User selected color, line style, six high quality text fonts, text 
   slant, text direction
 - User modifiable color table and polygon fill table 
 - Zooming and pan capability 
 Additional Documentation....:
 This contribution is continued on the next contribution of this tape.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SKTCH2 
    Title....................: SKETCH: A Great Graphics/1000-II Demo
                             : Continued
    File Names...............: 1. 'SKTH2 Submission file
                             : 2. [MENU 
                             : 3. [SCREE
                             : 4. [SEGMT
                             : 5. [UNITS
                             : 6. [WSDAT
                             : 7. ]ARC
                             : 8. ]DATA 
                             : 9. ]ECHO 
                             :10. ]FIELD
                             :11. ]FUNC 
                             :12. ]LINE 
                             :13. ]MACRO
                             :14. ]NODE 
                             :15. ]POLY 
                             :16. ]ROOT 
                             :17. ]TEXT 
                             :18. ]TYPES
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Demo
                             : 3. FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Phil Walden and Zenia Latoff 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Data Systems  Division 
               Street........: Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....:
 This contribution is a continuation of the previous contribution of this tape
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TBCHG
    Title....................: $TB32 Track Map Table Modify/Print 
    File Names...............: 00. 'TBCHG  Submission file
                             : 01. &TBCHG - Modify $TB32
                             : 02. &TBDUM - Print $TB32 
                             : 03. #TBCHG - LINK command file 
                             : 04. #TBDUM - LINK command file 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVA, RTE-IVB, RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: HP/C 
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. Track map table 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: HP/C I/O and Runtime libraries 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: David A. Boskey
               Company.......: Corporate Computer Systems, Inc. 
               Street........: 33 West Main Street
               City..........: Holmdel
               State.........: New Jersey 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07733
               Phone Number..: (201) 946-38000
 Program Abstract............:
 From time to time, it is necessary to be able to access a disc cartridge that
 is not configured the same as any of the disc subchannels that are generated 
 into your RTE system.  For example, the standard format for the removable
 cartridge of a 7906 disc in an RTE-XL or RTE-A.1 system is two disc
 subchannels of 406 tracks each.  To read one of these discs in an RTE-6/VM 
 system, a system generation would need to be performed involving at least
 two hours effort.
 The TBCHG program enables a knowing individual to temporarily modify the 
 $TB32 (DVR32) track map table to allow thhe access of "non-standard" 
 disc layouts.  The logical unit corresponding to the disc subchannel 
 being modified should not be mounted until after the modification is 
 complete.  Remember that this is a temporary modification which will 
 disappear when the system is re-booted, so the disc logical unit should
 be dismounted after work is completed or before the system is re-booted. 
 The TBDUM program prints out the current $TB32 track map table for 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: UPROJ
    Title....................: Project Accountability Reporter
    File Names...............: 00. Rename file
                             : 01. 'UPROJ   Submission file 
                             : 02. &UPROJ   Source code 
                             : 03. "UPROJ   Documentation file for UPROJ
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1.Project accounting 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External, Support Req'd..:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Dick Johnston
               Company.......: Trinity Forge, Inc.
               Street........: 947 Trinity Drive
               City..........: Mansfield
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 76063
               Phone Number..: (817)473-1515
 Program Abstract............:
 UPROJ ia a utility which produces a report for accountability of the time
 spent in various projects by the members of a project group.  It is driven 
 by an editor text file.
 Additional Documentation....:
 See "UPROJ for instructions, sample input, and sample report.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CLIST
    Title....................: DISC USAGE DISPLAY
    File Names...............: 00. RENAME FILE
                             : 01. #CLIST   -SUBMISSION FILE
                             : 02. &CLIST   -SOURCE   (FTN4)
                             : 03. &MOPSY   -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 04. $CLIST   -RELOC.   BOTH FILES
    Operating System.........: RTE-II --- RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 4, ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. DIRECTORY 
                             : 2. DISC
                             : 3. LIST
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: FEATURES ADDED, RTE-6 COMPATABLITY 
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY AND CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: 317-261-4458 
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....: SEE CODE FOR CALLING SEQUENCE
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TRKCK
    Title....................: CHECK DISC MAP FOR MAC AND ICD DISCS 
    File Names...............: 00. RENAME FILE
                             : 01. #TRKCK   -SUBMISSION FILE
                             : 02. &TRKCK   -SOURCE   (FTN7X) 
                             : 03. %TRKCK   -RELOC.    (OLDRE)
    Operating System.........: RTE-II --- RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 4
    Keywords.................: 1. TRACK MAP 
                             : 2. DISC
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY AND CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: 317-261-4458 
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CSDEF
    Title....................: DEFINE CS/80 DISC TRACK MAP
    File Names...............: 00. RENAME FILE
                             : 01. #CSDEF   -SUBMISSION FILE
                             : 02. &CSDEF   -SOURCE   (FTN7X) 
                             : 03. %CSDEF   -RELOC.    (OLDRE)
    Operating System.........: RTE-II --- RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. TRACK MAP 
                             : 2. DISC
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY AND CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: 317-261-4458 
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DSCAN
    File Names...............: 00. RENAME FILE
                             : 01. #DSCAN   -SUBMISSION FILE
                             : 02. &DSCAN   -SOURCE   (FTN4)
                             : 03. &MSORT   -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 04. &.XWRD   -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 05. &MOPSY   -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 06. &NSCOM   -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 07. &MOVEW   -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 08. &LSHFT   -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 09. &DATE    -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 10. &IDRCT   -SOURCE   (ASMB)
                             : 11. $DSCAN   -RELOC.   ALL 9 FILES 
    Operating System.........: RTE-II --- RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 4, ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. DIRECTORY 
                             : 2. DISC
                             : 3. LIST
                             : 4. SORT
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: FEATURES ADDED, RTE-6 COMPATABLITY 
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY AND CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: 317-261-4458 
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....: SEE CODE FOR CALLING SEQUENCE
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CLEAN
    Title....................: FMGR cartridge clean up program. 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename file 
                             : 1. 'CLEAN  Submission file 
                             : 2. &CLEAN  Source file.
                             : 3. &IFMGR  FMGR error processor. 
                             : 4. #CLEAN  Link command file.
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. EXTENTS 
                             : 2. FILES 
                             : 3. FMGR
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: 32k extended background parttion.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program will perform the following disc clean-up operations 
 from the options selected from the run string: 
 1. Purge files with zero security codes. 
 2. Purge compiler list files. (Starts with single quote) 
 3. Remove extents from type 3 and up files.
 4. Reclaim unused disc space in type 3 & 4 files.
 5. Change the file size of type 3 and up for speed.
 All mounted cartridges will be processed unless a negative logical 
 unit number is given in the run string.
 Additional Documentation....:
 Example run string:
 The 'PU' option will ask if you want to purge the file name displayed. 
 Answer 'Y' or 'N' or /E to terminate the option for that cartridge.
 The 'AP' will purge all files with zero security codes without asking. 
 'PU' and 'AP' are mutually exclusive.
 Compiler list files are purged with the 'PL' option if a corresponding 
 source file is found (i.e. starting with an &). If files beginning with
 a single quote are found without a matching source file, an informative
 message is printed out so you can find those list files created by 
 mistake from errors in the run string when compiling.
 The 'RE' option allows you to reclaim unused disc space in type 3 & 4
 files by reading the file and releasing used space at the end. The final 
 number of blocks in the file is rounded up to be disvisable by 4 or 5 for
 more efficient access using larger DCB's. Processing is very fast taking 
 less than a second to handle a 100 block file. 
 The 'UN' option removes extents from files by copying them into a file 
 that is the original size times the number of extents. Unused disc is
 released as in the 'RE' option.
 The 'EX' option will round a file size up like the unextend option until 
 it is divisable by 4 or 5. If the file size is divisable by 4 or 5 already 
 nothing is done to the file. 'EX' and 'UN' are mutually exculsive. 
 The program accepts both lower and upper case letters. The break command 
 can be given at any time and will stop processing the file it was currenting 
 working on. Also options can be disabled for a given cartridge and 
 re-enabled for the next cartridge. 
 The program is very efficient making use of multiple track reads of both 
 the directory tracks and data tracks. FMGR DCB's are about 100 blocks in 
 size. Extensive use of system MACROS are used making it very difficult to
 try to use the program with RTE-4B. I plan to convert it to run on RTE-A 
 but only with the old file system. The new file system doesn't need this 
 kind of utility. 
 The file subroutine IFMGR has been updated for use with RTE-6/VM with
 an expanded set of calls including EMA/VMA. It also puts the error 
 message in the SCB for use by the HELP program.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: GETBK
    Title....................: Get back lost source code. 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename file 
                             : 1. 'GETBK  Submission file 
                             : 2. &GETBK  Program source. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B or RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Source
                             : 2. FMGR
                             : 3. File
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program allows the user to retrieve source code from anywhere on a
 disc lu without needing a directory or even knowing what tracks the code 
 is on. It is a life saver when when the disc directory has been wiped out
 but the source code is still there. The source code must be in FMGR format 
 (Type 4) and must not have extents. The first four characters of a keyword 
 are used in searching for for the type of data. For example if the keyword 
 is 'FTN4' then all blocks beginning with that keyword in words 2 & 3 will
 match. When a match is found, the source lines (with the program name) of
 the block are displayed. If it looks like the file you want you may enter
 a file name to copy the data into or look for another file. The range
 of tracks to searched may be specified in you know about where the file
 or files are located on the disc Lu. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 The program is interactive. Just run 'GETBK' and answer the questions. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SPLUM
    Title....................: User access to system SPOOL files. 
    File Names...............: 1. Submission file.
                             : 2. &SPLUM  Spool Control Program.
                             : 3. &SPOLU  Spool setup program.
                             : 4. &SPLOT  Spool output program. 
                             : 5. &IFMGR  FMGR error processor. 
                             : 6. *SPLUM  LOADR command file. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Spool 
                             : 3. Files 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: Spool system must be in system generation. 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Updated to work with RTE-6/VM. 
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Program Abstract............:
 This set of routines allows the user to access the system SPOOL files
 through simple program calls. All security checking is bypassed so any 
 user may access the SPOOL files. The units to be spooled must be setup 
 by GASP when the system is initialized for the first time. 'SPLUM' must
 be loaded as a permanent program by 'LOADR'. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 Program calls: 
  SPOLU schedules program SPLUM which sets up a spool request for 
  a spool pool file.
  Calling sequence: 
     Call SPOLU (Crt,LU,Lun)
         Crt = Operator error message lun.
         LU  = Logical unit to be spooled.
               (set bit 15 to hold spool until closed)
         Lun = LU # of spool file if successful or 0 if unsuccessful
               (return parameter).
  SPLOT makes a call to EXEC to schedule SMP for a close spool
  and pass operation. 
  Calling sequence: 
     Call SPLOT (Lun) 
  Where: Lun is the spool lu assigned by the set up request, parameter
         returned from SPOLU. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TYPE6
    Title....................: Display Type 6 file information. 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename file 
                             : 1. 'TYPE6  Submission file 
                             : 2. &TYPE6  Program source. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. Executable
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program allows the user to display information about type 6 files 
 created by LINK. It gives program bounds, types and segment information. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 The program is interactive. Just run 'TYPE6' and answer the questions. 
 Example run: 
 Program FC    created 11:03 am  May 10, 1983 
 Extended background,  Priority  90 
 Base page bounds for main 0002, 0154 
 Highest address+1 of largest segment 61030 
 Program size is 32 pages 
 EMA Size is   0 pages
 Segment Directory Block   57  Word offset 062
 Segment table address 15553, no. of segments   7 
 Path No.    Name      Low address   High address    Entry point
             FC           02000          15662          03251 
    1        FC000        15663          42644          15663 
    2        FC001        15663          50072          15663 
    3        FC002        15663          61030          15663 
    4        FC003        15663          56542          15663 
    5        FC004        15663          24713          15663 
    6        FC005        15663          42206          15663 
    7        FC006        15663          33603          15663 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TYPE8
    Title....................: Create Type 8 Sysgen answers.
    File Names...............: 0.  Rename file
                             : 1. 'TYPE8  Submission file 
                             : 2. &TYPE8  Program source. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Generation
                             : 3. Answer file 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program allows the user to create answers for the parameter phase 
 of an RTE-6/VM answer file. The program does this by reading a set of
 relocatable files and creating an answer file that changes type 7 routines 
 into type 8 routines. This allows the use to delete library subroutines
 that are only needed for the generation but aren't needed on-line. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 The program is interactive. Just run 'TYPE8' and answer the questions. 
 Example of output: 
  Output file name: OUTPUT::SP
  Input file name or return: $ACCLB::UT 
  ACMND,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACALT,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACALU,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACAST,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACWRH,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACLIU,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACGTG,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACGID,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACFDF,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACXFR,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACTIN,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  ACLCK,8                        * Used only with $ACCLB::UT
  Input file name or return:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TYPEN
    Title....................: Display Type n relocatable files.
    File Names...............: 0. Rename file 
                             : 1. 'TYPEN  Submission file 
                             : 2. &TYPEN  Program source. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Relocatable 
                             : 3. Header
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program allows the user to display name records of type n relocatable 
 files on crt on output device. Both old and new record formats are handled.
 The routine name and the comment line are listed for each module in a file.
 Additional Documentation....:
 The program is interactive. Just run 'TYPEN' and answer the questions. 
 Example of output: 
  Displaying type  7 modules
  Output file name: OUTPUT::SP
  Input file name or return: $SNLIB::UT 
  FETCHSNAP         Fetch snap table, util.     831003.09:48
  MAPSNAP           Map snap table user map     831003.09:48
  GETSNAP           Transpose snap to buffer    831003.09:48
  CPUUSE            Get CPU utilization value   831003.09:48
  BLUPA             Return upper buffer limit   831003.09:48
  BLLOA             Return lower buffer limit   831003.09:48
  SPRIA             Return timeslice priority   831003.09:48
  STIMA             Return swap delay           831003.09:48
  SVALA             Return timeslice interval   831003.09:48
  AG2A              Return system aging value   831003.09:48
  SN2A              Return snap interval        831003.09:48
  TBGA              Return TBG select code      831003.09:48
  TIMEA             Return $TIME from system    831003.09:48
  REVCODE           Is system new enough        831003.09:48
  Input file name or return: /E 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MOVEF
    Title....................: Move a group of files. 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename file 
                             : 1. 'MOVEF  Submission file 
                             : 2. &MOVEF  Program source. 
                             : 3. &IFMGR  File manager error processor. 
                             : 4. #MOVEF  Link command file.
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X & MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Move
                             : 3. Cartridge 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program moves a group of files from one cartridge to another or 
 on the same cartridge changing the security code if desired. The first 
 character of the file name may be a 'wildcard' so that your source,
 relocatable and command files may grouped together at the end of the 
 cartridge without any extents. If the first character is not a 'wildcard'
 then only that one file is moved.
 Additional Documentation....:
 Run 'MOVEF' without parameters for instructions. Sample: 
 Enter run String as follows: 
     Name - File name of single file or a dash
            followed by last 5 characters of name 
     Sc   - Security code (two ASCII letters) 
     Crn1 - Source cartridge number 
     Crn2 - Destination cartridge number
            (Defaults to Crn1)
     Newsc- New security code 
            (Defaults to Sc)
 Example run: 
 /MOVEF: Copying files from Crn UT to Crn UT
         Changing security code from JA to JA 
 /MOVEF: Working on type    4 file, Name: &MOVEF
 /MOVEF: Working on type    5 file, Name: %MOVEF
 /MOVEF: Working on type    4 file, Name: #MOVEF
 /MOVEF: 3 Files moved,  0 errors.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: Goodies from Art Gentry
    Title....................: Goodies
    File Names...............: 01. '$SCLS  Submission file
                             : 02. &$SCLS   Misc. stor. area in Table Area II 
                             : 03. &CLAGT   Get things from $SCLS 
                             : 04. &CLAPT   Put things in $SCLS 
                             : 05. &DATE    Interactive Gregorian Date Conv.
                             : 06. &DEATS   Detach/Attach program to/from Sess
                             : 07. &EJECT   Universal page ejector
                             : 08. &EQUAL   Test to buffers for equal 
                             : 09. &GDATE   Gregorian Date conversion 
                             : 10. >SID   Get Sesson ID number
                             : 11. &INPUT   Input routine 
                             : 12. &ISORT   Integer array sort
                             : 13. &NEWS    News program
                             : 14. $NLIB    News program support routines 
                             : 15. &REPL    Replace characters in a buffer
                             : 16. &SCAN    Scan a buffer for a given char. 
                             : 17. &SDIAL   Dialer formatter for DVR51 (12589 
                             :              (12589 Dialer Card) 
                             : 18. &SERCH   Search for a string in an array 
                             : 19. &STRIP   Strip parity bits in a buffer 
                             : 20. &WAIT    Terminal staller
                             : 21. &YN      Yes/No answer function tester 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4, RTE-4B, RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X, FTN7X, ASMB, MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. CHARACTER 
                             : 2. SORT
                             : 3. SYSTEM
                             : 4. DEMOS 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: Rm 1040
                             : 811 Main St. 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 391-2446 
 Program Abstract............: This is a collection of usefull functions, 
         subroutines, and programs.  They all work!!
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FILES
    Title....................: A Library of FMP Interface Routines. 
    File Names...............: 00. *FILES - Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 01. 'FILES - Submission File.
                             : 02. &FILES - Source. 
                             : 03. %FILES - Relocatable.
                             : 04. (OPNFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 05. (REDFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 06. (WRTFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 07. (RWDFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 08. (CLSFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 09. (DELFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 10. (FREFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 11. (NAMFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 12. (PSHFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 13. (POPFL - Module Docum. 
                             : 14. (MAPDB - Module Docum. 
                             : 15. )FILES - FILES Ref Manual Docum. 
                             : 16. (FILES - FILES Ref Manual Docum. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B,RTE-6/VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. FILES 
                             : 2. I/O 
                             : 3. INTERFACE 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
     FILES is a set of utility subroutines to eliminate the drudgery
 of FMP file manipulations such as error detection, DCB handling, 
 error message printing, etc. 
     The FILES package consists of ten standard user-callable 
 routines and one special purpose routine for advanced applications.
 Each routine is responsible for a particular file function such as 
 open, close, read, etc.
     Documentation for the FILES package is a programmer's reference
 manual, contained in the file )FILES, from which a hardcopy can be 
 obtained by the command ":DU,)FILES,6". This manual was generated
 using the utility RNOFF (a separate submission) with the file (FILES 
 as the input.
     The other documentation files, (OPNFL,etc, are similar to FMGR 
 transfer files or Fortran INCLUDE files and are referenced by the
 main documentation file (FILES.
     If you wish to change the manual (such as the name on the front
 cover), use EDIT/1000 to change the appropriate documentation input
 file (xxxxx. Then, use RNOFF to generate a new output. 
     Refer to the FILES reference manual for details on the 
 requirements of your application program and loading of the FILES
 Additional Documentation....: 16. )FILES - FILES Ref Manual (dumpable).
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: L.SB 
    Title....................: Library of Subroutines.
    File Names...............: 000. *L.SB  - Rename Transfer File.
                             : 001. 'L.SB  - Submission File. 
                             : 002. (ACCAC - Module Docum.
                             : 003. &ACCAC - Access the ACCTS file. 
                             : 004. (ACCRD - Module Docum.
                             : 005. &ACCRD - Read ACCTS file block. 
                             : 006. (ACSSG - Module Docum.
                             : 007. &ACSSG - Access SSGA variable table.
                             : 008. (BNCN  - Module Docum.
                             : 009. &BNCN  - Binary to ASCII conversion.
                             : 010. (CASFL - Module Docum.
                             : 011. &CASFL - Casefold Int*2 word. 
                             : 012. (CFBFR - Module Docum.
                             : 013. &CFBFR - Casefold Int*2 buffer. 
                             : 014. (CFCHR - Module Docum.
                             : 015. &CFCHR - Casefold Char*n string.
                             : 016. (CFNAM - Module Docum.
                             : 017. &CFNAM - Casefold "namr" buffer.
                             : 018. (CHSST - Module Docum.
                             : 019. &CHSST - Change user's SST. 
                             : 020. (DATCV - Module Docum.
                             : 021. &DATCV - RTE Date to ASCII. 
                             : 022. (DISP  - Module Docum.
                             : 023. &DISP  - Test if bytes displayable. 
                             : 024. (ERLST - Module Docum.
                             : 025. &ERLST - Formatted error msg output.
                             : 026. (FORMT - Module Docum.
                             : 027. &FORMT - Text Formatter.
                             : 028. (FSKPL - Module Docum.
                             : 029. &FSKPL - File Skip Lines. 
                             : 030. (GTENT - Module Docum.
                             : 031. >ENT - Get System ENT pt address. 
                             : 032. (IASCN - Module Docum.
                             : 033. &IASCN - ASCII to binary conversion.
                             : 034. (ICBT  - Module Docum.
                             : 035. &ICBT  - Compare bytes. 
                             : 036. (ICHSC - Module Docum.
                             : 037. &ICHSC - Change file's security.
                             : 038. (ICMW  - Module Docum.
                             : 039. &ICMW  - Compare words. 
                             : 040. (IDSKD - Module Docum.
                             : 041. &IDSKD - Disc definition file.
                             : 042. (IDTER - Module Docum.
                             : 043. &IDTER - Identify Terminal. 
                             : 044. (IFEXI - Module Docum.
                             : 045. &IFEXI - Test for exit commands.
                             : 046. (IFHLP - Module Docum.
                             : 047. &IFHLP - Test for help commands.
                             : 048. (IFMGR - Module Docum.
                             : 049. &IFMGR - Test for/report FMP errors.
                             : 050. (ILBT  - Module Docum.
                             : 051. &ILBT  - Load byte. 
                             : 052. (IMBT  - Module Docum.
                             : 053. &IMBT  - Move bytes.
                             : 054. (IMGER - Module Docum.
                             : 055. &IMGER - IMAGE/1000 Error rtn.
                             : 056. (IMVW  - Module Docum.
                             : 057. &IMVW  - Move words.
                             : 058. (IROT  - Module Docum.
                             : 059. &IROT  - INT*2 R/L rotate.
                             : 060. (ISBIT - Module Docum.
                             : 061. &ISBIT - INT*2 set bit. 
                             : 062. (ISBT  - Module Docum.
                             : 063. &ISBT  - Store byte.
                             : 064. (ISCAN - Module Docum.
                             : 065. &ISCAN - Scan while/until byte. 
                             : 066. (ISSFD - Module Docum.
                             : 067. &ISSFD - Sub-string search. 
                             : 068. (ITBIT - Module Docum.
                             : 069. &ITBIT - INT*2 test bit.
                             : 070. (LETTR - Module Docum.
                             : 071. &LETTR - Generate block letters.
                             : 072. (LISTF - Module Docum.
                             : 073. &LISTF - Formatted list output. 
                             : 074. (MATCH - Module Docum.
                             : 075. &MATCH - String match w/ wildcards. 
                             : 076. (MOVEF - Module Docum.
                             : 077. &MOVEF - Move bytes and fill. 
                             : 078. (MOVWF - Module Docum.
                             : 079. &MOVWF - Move words and fill. 
                             : 080. (MSGFR - Module Docum.
                             : 081. &MSGFR - Message Formatter. 
                             : 082. (PCAPS - Module Docum.
                             : 083. &PCAPS - Program Capability Check.
                             : 084. (PRIV  - Module Docum.
                             : 085. (UNPRV - Module Docum.
                             : 086. &PRIV  - Enter/exit priviledge mode.
                             : 087. (RASCN - Module Docum.
                             : 088. &RASCN - Real*4 ASCII to bin. 
                             : 089. (RBNCN - Module Docum.
                             : 090. &RBNCN - Real*4 bin to ASCII. 
                             : 091. (SKDSP - Module Docum.
                             : 092. &SKDSP - Softkey Display. 
                             : 093. (SKSET - Module Docum.
                             : 094. &SKSET - Softkey Setup. 
                             : 095. (SKIPL - Module Docum.
                             : 096. &SKIPL - Skip lines on LU.
                             : 097. (TIMCV - Module Docum.
                             : 098. &TIMCV - RTE Time to ASCII. 
                             : 099. (TRUNC - Module Docum.
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B,RTE-6/VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X, FTN7X, ASMB, MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY 
                             : 2. MISCELLANEOUS 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
     L.SB is a library of commonly used Fortran-callable subroutines
 and functions. These routines have been generated over the years to
 provide operations which were either impossible or difficult to do 
 in a standard Fortran program. They were originally developed under
 RTE-IV, but are also compatible with RTE-6/VM. 
     Each subroutine or function consists of three files, &xxxxx, 
 %xxxxx (not submitted), and (xxxxx. The '&' and '%' files are the
 source and object code, respectively. The '(' file is the
 documentation for the routine and is used by the file (L.SB in a 
 manner similar to a FMGR transfer file or a Fortran INCLUDE
 statement. (L.SB is used as the input to the manual generator RNOFF
 (a separate submission) which produces the printable manual file 
 )L.SB. To produce a hardcopy of the reference manual for the 
 Subroutine Library, simply dump )L.SB to your printer using the
 command ":DU,)L.SB,6". 
 If you wish to change the manual (such as the name and company on the
 front cover), used EDIT/1000 to change the appropriate documentation 
 input file (xxxxx. Then, use RNOFF to generate a new output as shown 
           :RNOFF,(L.SB,)L.SB    or    :RNOFF,(L.SB,6 
     Refer to the reference manual for details on the requirements of 
 your application program and loading of the Subroutine Library.
     One of the subroutines (IDSKD) requires a data file ($D.DSK) on
 LU-2. IDSKD reads the file $D.DSK to retrieve the characteristics
 of a particular disc cartridge so that an application program can
 mount that disc using the FMGR routine DCMC. We use this technique 
 in our mag tape backup utility so that all of our disc cartridges
 cartridges can be backed up by one operator command (a transfer
 file which runs the backup utility for each mag tape volume) making
 the operation totally automatic and it even works with users logged
 on the system. If you want to use IDSKD, you will have to make your
 own version of $D.DSK since it is site-specific and you will have
 to use EDITR since EDIT/1000 won't edit type-1 or type-2 files (the
 pits). Make sure that your version is a type-2 file, that the record 
 length is 16, and that there is data (or *'s) in every record. The 
 documentation for IDSKD details the strict format of $D.DSK. 
     Two of the subroutines (ACSSG and PCAPS) require that a table
 be generated into your system. The routine ACSSG uses the SSGA 
 table D.SSG which is simply a collection of unrelated variables. We
 use it to hold class numbers for cooperating programs and the LU 
 numbers of dedicated discs, such as a global scratch disc. The 
 routine PCAPS requires the table P.ACS in Table Area-II. Together, 
 PCAPS and P.ACS provide the same protection for permanently loaded 
 programs that the FMGR SP command provides for type-6 programs,
 namely user, group, and capability level security (why doesn't HP
 provide things like this???).
     Finally, an explanation behind the rationale used for the
 routines ERLST, LISTF, and TYPEF is needed. These routines are an
 attempt at providing a general approach to different types of
 output (error messages, list device messages, and user terminal
 messages) to the same or different devices. Some messages should 
 go only to the user's terminal, some only to the list device, and
 some to both places. In addition, some programs will want the list 
 device to be the same as the user's terminal. More detail about
 the routines is contained in the documentation, but here is a
   - TYPEF contains the named common block /MSGCM/ which the
     user's program can access. It contains the lu#, MLU, (XLUEX
     format) where TYPEF will print (plus other msg related info).
   - TYPEF is typically used to output messages which will only 
     go to the user's terminal. 
   - LISTF contains the named common block /LSTCM/ which the
     user's program can also access. It contains the lu#, LLU,
     (XLUEX format) where LISTF will print. 
   - LISTF is typically used to output messages which will only 
     go to the list device. Unfortunately, LISTF won't output to
     a disc file, but that could be easily added. 
   - ERLST is used to output messages which are to go to both 
     the user's terminal and the list device, if they are different.
 In addition to being a standard part of a program, TYPEF provides a
 quick and easy way to add temporary debug output without dragging
 in HP's formatter. 
 Additional Documentation....: 122. )L.SB - L.SB Ref Manual (dumpable). 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: L.SB2
    Title....................: Library of Subroutines.
    File Names...............: 000. *L.SB2 - Rename Transfer File.
                             : 001. 'L.SB2 - Submission File. 
                             : 002. &TRUNC - Truncate Blanks. 
                             : 003. (TYPEF - Module Docum.
                             : 004. &TYPEF - Formatted Terminal output. 
                             : 005. (DTACH - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 006. (GTSCB - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 007. (IGET  - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 008. (IPUT  - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 009. (ISMVE - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 010. (ITLOG - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 011. (IXGET - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 012. (IXPUT - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 013. (MT1OK - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 014. (NAMR  - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 015. (NMCHK - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 016. (PNAME - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 017. (XFTTY - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 018. (XLUEX - HP Module Docum. 
                             : 019. &D.SSG - SSGA table model.
                             : 020. &P.ACS - Program Cap lve tbl model. 
                             : 021. $D.DSK - Disc Def file model. 
                             : 022. /L.SB  - MERGE cmd file for %L.SB.
                             : 023. (L.SB  - L.SB Manual (RNOFF input). 
                             : 024. @L.SB  - L.SB Manual (RNOFF input). 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B,RTE-6/VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X, FTN7X, ASMB, MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY 
                             : 2. MISCELLANEOUS 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
     L.SB is a library of commonly used Fortran-callable subroutines
 and functions. These routines have been generated over the years to
 provide operations which were either impossible or difficult to do 
 in a standard Fortran program. They were originally developed under
 RTE-IV, but are also compatible with RTE-6/VM. 
     Each subroutine or function consists of three files, &xxxxx, 
 %xxxxx (not submitted), and (xxxxx. The '&' and '%' files are the
 source and object code, respectively. The '(' file is the
 documentation for the routine and is used by the file (L.SB in a 
 manner similar to a FMGR transfer file or a Fortran INCLUDE
 statement. (L.SB is used as the input to the manual generator RNOFF
 (a separate submission) which produces the printable manual file 
 )L.SB. To produce a hardcopy of the reference manual for the 
 Subroutine Library, simply dump )L.SB to your printer using the
 command ":DU,)L.SB,6". 
 If you wish to change the manual (such as the name and company on the
 front cover), used EDIT/1000 to change the appropriate documentation 
 input file (xxxxx. Then, use RNOFF to generate a new output as shown 
           :RNOFF,(L.SB,)L.SB    or    :RNOFF,(L.SB,6 
     Refer to the reference manual for details on the requirements of 
 your application program and loading of the Subroutine Library.
     One of the subroutines (IDSKD) requires a data file ($D.DSK) on
 LU-2. IDSKD reads the file $D.DSK to retrieve the characteristics
 of a particular disc cartridge so that an application program can
 mount that disc using the FMGR routine DCMC. We use this technique 
 in our mag tape backup utility so that all of our disc cartridges
 cartridges can be backed up by one operator command (a transfer
 file which runs the backup utility for each mag tape volume) making
 the operation totally automatic and it even works with users logged
 on the system. If you want to use IDSKD, you will have to make your
 own version of $D.DSK since it is site-specific and you will have
 to use EDITR since EDIT/1000 won't edit type-1 or type-2 files (the
 pits). Make sure that your version is a type-2 file, that the record 
 length is 16, and that there is data (or *'s) in every record. The 
 documentation for IDSKD details the strict format of $D.DSK. 
     Two of the subroutines (ACSSG and PCAPS) require that a table
 be generated into your system. The routine ACSSG uses the SSGA 
 table D.SSG which is simply a collection of unrelated variables. We
 use it to hold class numbers for cooperating programs and the LU 
 numbers of dedicated discs, such as a global scratch disc. The 
 routine PCAPS requires the table P.ACS in Table Area-II. Together, 
 PCAPS and P.ACS provide the same protection for permanently loaded 
 programs that the FMGR SP command provides for type-6 programs,
 namely user, group, and capability level security (why doesn't HP
 provide things like this???).
     Finally, an explanation behind the rationale used for the
 routines ERLST, LISTF, and TYPEF is needed. These routines are an
 attempt at providing a general approach to different types of
 output (error messages, list device messages, and user terminal
 messages) to the same or different devices. Some messages should 
 go only to the user's terminal, some only to the list device, and
 some to both places. In addition, some programs will want the list 
 device to be the same as the user's terminal. More detail about
 the routines is contained in the documentation, but here is a
   - TYPEF contains the named common block /MSGCM/ which the
     user's program can access. It contains the lu#, MLU, (XLUEX
     format) where TYPEF will print (plus other msg related info).
   - TYPEF is typically used to output messages which will only 
     go to the user's terminal. 
   - LISTF contains the named common block /LSTCM/ which the
     user's program can also access. It contains the lu#, LLU,
     (XLUEX format) where LISTF will print. 
   - LISTF is typically used to output messages which will only 
     go to the list device. Unfortunately, LISTF won't output to
     a disc file, but that could be easily added. 
   - ERLST is used to output messages which are to go to both 
     the user's terminal and the list device, if they are different.
 In addition to being a standard part of a program, TYPEF provides a
 quick and easy way to add temporary debug output without dragging
 in HP's formatter. 
 Additional Documentation....: 122. )L.SB - L.SB Ref Manual (dumpable). 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name.........:CNCTL 
         TITLE.............:CLASS NUMBER CONTROL
         FILE NAMES........: 00. Rename file
                           : 01. 'CNCTL  submission file
                           : 02. &CNCTL  class#control
                           : 03. &CNERR  error reporting
                           : 04. &CNMST  master for maintenance 
                           : 05. &CNINT  initialize system
                           : 06. &CNGET  class# get 
                           : 07. &CNRLS  class# release 
                           : 08. ARTCLE  article describing this system 
    Operating System.......: RTE-4B 
    Language(s)............: FORTRAN 4X 
    Keywords...............: 1. Class 
                           : 2. System
                           : 3. Initialize
                           : 4. 
                           : 5. 
  External, Support Req'd..:
  If Re-submission, Reason.:
          COMPANY..........: BLH ELECTRONICS
          STREET...........: 42 FOURTH AVE. 
          CITY,STATE.......: WALTHAM, MA
          ZIP CODE.........: 02254
          PHONE NUMBER.....: (617) 890-6700 
         This package is a set of programs and subroutines used for 
         controlling the allocation and deallocation of class numbers 
         so that numbers hung by aborted programs can be recovered. 
         The package includes a system description in article form
         which may appear in a future issue of TC Interface.
         I am presently working for BLH Electronics on a consultaing
         basis, so anyone with questions sholud contact me at:
                  Ed Prochak
                  24 Millville Street 
                  Salem, New Hampshire  03079.
         You may also call at (603) 893-6346, but I am usually working
         The programs and subroutines are all well documented, so there 
         should be few problems.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FL 
    Title....................: File List Utility
    File Names...............: 0. Rename File.
                             : 1. 'FL - Submission File.
                             : 2. @FL - LOADR command file. 
                             : 3. &FL - Program source. 
                             : 4. %FL - Program relocatable.
                             : 5. [FL - Prog Docum (RNOFF input). 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. DIRECTORY 
                             : 2. FILES 
                             : 3. LIST
                             : 4. DISC
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
 This utility displays the filenames in a given directory in a
 paged format. The display generated is normally 10 (ten) filenames 
 per line, and is sorted alphabetically. There are options which
 can be used to display the filenames in their natural order (as in 
 FMGR DL), to display filesize, filetype, and number of extents. It 
 is also possible to display the directory entries for files which
 have been purged since the last cartridge pack or to display only
 the filenames which match a user-specified filter. Statistics on 
 the cartridge utilization are displayed in the output heading. 
 Finally, the output can be sent to a printer if desired. 
 Further information regarding loading and use of this utility
 can be found in the documentation file [FL. To produce 
 printable documentation, the program RNOFF and the Utilities 
 Reference Manual file [L.UTL are needed (both are separate 
 The Subroutine Library, L.SB, (a separate submission) is required
 to load this program.
 Additional Documentation....:
 To the best of my knowledge, this contributed program is free of any 
 proprietary information belonging to any person or organization and
 is not licensed by any person or organization.  I am making this 
 program information available to the HP 1000 International Users 
 Group.  I hereby agree that the HP 1000 International Users Group
 may reproduce, publish, and use this program, and authorize others 
 to do so without obligations or liability of any kind. 
 --------------------------------         ----------------------- 
          (SIGNATURE)                             (DATE)
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: WHO
    Title....................: Session Activity Report Utility
    File Names...............: 0.  Rename File. 
                             : 1. 'WHO   - Submission File. 
                             : 2. @WHO   - LOADR command file.
                             : 3. &WHO   - Program Source.
                             : 4. %WHO   - Program Relocatable. 
                             : 5. ?WHO   - Data File. 
                             : 6. ?WHERE - Data File. 
                             : 7. [WHO   - Prog Docum (RNOFF input).
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SESSION 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program will list on the user's terminal, or the specified
 list device, the currently active sessions and the program 
 activity of each session. Several options are available which
 tailor the information displayed.
 The information displayed includes the terminal LU#, the 
 user.group ID of the person logged on the terminal, the person's 
 real name (from the ?WHO file), the physical location of the 
 terminal and number of the nearest telephone (from the ?WHERE
 Further information regarding loading and use of this utility
 can be found in the documentation file [WHO. To produce
 printable documentation, the program RNOFF and the Utilities 
 Reference Manual file [L.UTL are needed (both are separate 
 The Subroutine Library, L.SB, (a separate submission) is required
 to load this program.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: INSTL
    Title....................: On-Line Driver Installer 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'INSTL Submission File 
                             : 02. %INSTL 
                             : 03. %CPUT4 
                             : 04. &CPUT4 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               City..........: Santa Clara
               State.........: CA 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 INSTL is what we've all been waiting for ever since they said you
 could write your own drivers in RTE!!!!  You asked for it, you got 
 it!!!  An on-line driver installer!  All you have to do is write your
 new driver in "absolute" assembly language, then provide the addresses 
 for your particular system, and run this program.  It picks up your
 absolute code, and installs it on the physical page you specify in the 
 the code.... 
 All right you system programmers... GOFER IT!! 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: ANTLB
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'ANTLB Submission File 
                             : 02. SANTLB 
                             : 03. $ANTLB 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Hassell
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 "$ANTLB" is a relocatable library file that will contain most of the 
          external routines called by a large majority of the contributed 
          programs in this goodies tape.
 "&ANTLB" is the source of the library -- the code is documented. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: JULIA
    Title....................: Time and Date Formatter
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'JULIA Submission File 
                             : 02. &JULIA 
                             : 03. %JULIA 
                             : 04. %JULIS 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Hassell
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Time and date formatter, see source code for calling sequence and
 compile options. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CALLS
    Title....................: Search Data Files
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'CALLS Submission File 
                             : 02. %CALLS 
                             : 03. "CALLS 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 CALLS is a helpful utility that gives you a pocket guide on-line in
 your computer!  The data file ("CALLS) is in a simple format so you
 can add more calls that are unique to your system. 
 RUN CALLS,OPEN  or  CALLS,EXEC11  to get an idea of how it works.
 NOTE:  The data file must be on the same disc LU as the accounts file! 
 "CALLS is the data file searched by CALLS.  If you find that a call is 
 missing or incorrect, please help us out by editing a file that is in a
 compatible format and send it to us.  Thanks!
 Additional Documentation....:
 >>>>>  This file must be on the same disc as +@CCT!  <<<<< 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DUM4X
    Title....................: Small Library
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'DUM4X Submission File 
                             : 02. SDUM4X 
                             : 03. %DUM4X 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 DUM4X is a very small library to satisfy the FTN4X externals when no 
 no formatted I/O has been done in the program.  If a program calls 
 .FIOI or .EXIT but never calls FMTIO, it is probably safe to use DUM4X.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: XQ 
    Title....................: Schedule program without wait
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'XQ    - Submission File 
                             : 02. &XQ
                             : 03. %XQ
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 XQ is a program which will execute a program without wait.  It does all
 the nice things like RP the type 6 file, or clone the ID segment and 
 rename, jsut like the FMGR RU command. 
 When you are in the file manager, use it just like a new command 
 (because of implied RUN).
 EXAMPLE:  :XQ,FTN4,&SOURCE,'LIST,%BRFIL   will schedule a copy of the
           compiler and schedule it without wait, then return to FMGR,
           so you will get your prompt back almost immediately. 
 You can also load XQ permanent, don't copy, and use it from break mode 
 to run things that are in type 6 files.
 Load it with ANTLB and DUM4X.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FIND5
    Title....................: Entry point search program 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FIND5 - Submission File 
                             : 02. %FIND5 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FIND5 is an entry point "search for" program that allows you to browse 
 throught selected relocatable files to find an external or entry point 
 you are looking for. 
 Uses ANTLB and DUM4X.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: GETBR
    Title....................: Separate Relocatable Module
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'GETBR - Submission File 
                             : 02. %GETBR 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 GETBR is what you might consider a reverse of the RTE-IVB supported
 program "MERGE", but only for relocatable files.  In other words, if 
 you have a relocatable file that is a concatenation of several 
 relocatable files, GETBR will allow you to separate the individual 
 Uses ANTLB and DUM4X.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: XMIT 
    Title....................: Save screen information
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'XMIT  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %XMIT
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Did you ever have an event occur while working on the system, that 
 caused some real peculiar print out to the terminal?  Sure!  So, you 
 went to the system manager, and said "I've got something I want you
 to see".  But, by the time you get back to your terminal, somebody 
 has claimed squatter's rights to it, and, the evidence to the crime
 is gone forever.  Voila!  The program XMIT will save the current 
 screen contents in a file or dump it to an alternate L.U.!  Use it 
 to copy anything you can see on a 264X terminal...must be on an
 interface that can handle block mode though. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FCON4
    Title....................: Mag-Tape to file translator
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FCON4 - Submission File 
                             : 02. &FCON4 
                             : 03. &CODEC 
                             : 04. &FIGRP 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FCON4 is a mag-tape to file translator for converting EBCDIC to ASCII. 
 It will also unblock tape records into "editor useable" record lengths.
 See also ETAP4 and RDIBM/WTIBM programs in this tape.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SPEED
    Title....................: Shift modem baud rates 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SPEED - Submission File 
                             : 02. &SPEED 
                             : 03. %SPEED 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 SPEED is an example program that demonstrates how to shift modem baud
 rates after line connection has been made.  This program works with a
 12966 card connected using DVA05 only.  It has been tested on RACAL-VADIC
 triple modems, but will allow speed changing with any connection.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: JFORMS 
    Title....................: Designing screen form
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'JFORM - Submission File 
                             : 02. &JFORM 
                             : 03. &JSUB
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 "JFORM" is a utility that will ease user difficulty in designing screen
 forms on a 264x terminal.  It's result becomes a FTN4 user callable
 subroutine that the application program calls to build the form on a 
 screen.  This program is not well-written and does not understand how
 to handle the terminal straps.  The output from JSUB is not 100% 
 compatible with all loaders.  To use a JSUB routine:  CALL NAME(LU)
 where NAME is a name you assign to the routine by running JSUB and 
 LU is the LU the output will be EXEC written to. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SAM
    Title....................: System Available Memory
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SAM   - Submission File 
                             : 02. %SAM 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 SAM is a useful utility for systems programmers who are trying to figure 
 out where all of their system memory went to, and/or who's using it. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CLASS
    Title....................: Class table examing program
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'CLASS - Submission File 
                             : 02. %CLASS 
                             : 03. %CLASA 
                             : 04. %GETCL 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 CLASS is a utility provided for examining the system class tables and
 activity.  It also provides the capability to clean up completed class 
 buffers linked to a class number, and deallocate the class.  CLASA works 
 in A-series. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: XPTCH
    Title....................: Install absolute assembly language 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'XPTCH - Submission File 
                             : 02. &XPTCH 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 XPTCH is another systems programmer utility designed to easily install 
 absolute assembly language code (as output from the assembler ) into the 
 designated memory address (org location) in the system map.  Let's say 
 you write a patch to the operating system in absolute assembly source
 format, assemble it into file resident object code, and then you can 
 run "XPTCH,NAMR" to check it out.  This one's dangerous, but good for
 you RTE-IV op-system guru's!!
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FREE 
    Title....................: Disc space reporting utilities 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FREE  - Submission File 
                             : 02. &FREE
                             : 03. &FILES 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FREE and FILES are two disc space reporting utilities!  Try 'em, you'll
 like 'em!! 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FLUSH
    Title....................: Force a swap of programs 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FLUSH - Submission File 
                             : 02. &FLUSH 
                             : 03. &SWAPT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FLUSH is the program that was presented in a recent communicator article.
 It's purpose is to force a swap out of all programs that are occupying a 
 partition, but are in state 3 (Gn'l wait) or, state 0 (dormant).  A good 
 example of such programs are the DS/1000 monitors (i.e. EXECM, PTOPM,
 RFAM,... etc.).  This action will free up these partitions for other 
 user programs use.  I tried it, and it's really a neat thing.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SKEYS
    Title....................: Soft-key defining program
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SKEYS - Submission File 
                             : 02. &SKEYS 
                             : 03. %SKEYS 
                             : 04. %KSCAN 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a neat little soft-key defining program for menu-driven appli- 
 cations...  And, it doesn't take up near the screen room as some others
 like it...  As written, it works with any 264x or 262x terminal on BACI
 cards...  The 8-ch mux creates some problems.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FL 
    Title....................: Directory listing
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FL    - Submission File 
                             : 02. ?FL
                             : 03. %FL
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Does a better directory listing. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: T!ME 
    Title....................: Force setting of time at boot-up 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'T!ME  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %T!ME
                             : 03. &T!ME
                             : 04. &TIMUP 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 T!ME is a program that, if run in the WELCOM file at boot-up time, will
 force the user to correctly se the system clock prior to proceeding with 
 boot-up.  The time is entered in DD MMM YY format versus the impossible
 ordinal day of year.  Makes it much easier to use!!  It also keeps a 
 small file on the disc that the last dozen boot-up times are saved in it.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: HTIME
    Title....................: HPIB time set
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'HTIME - Submission File 
                             : 02. &HTIME 
                             : 03. %HTIME 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 HTIME is a program that uses the HPIB clock to set the system clock. 
 Try it... it is interactive. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LIST 
    Title....................: List disk file records 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'LIST  - Submission File 
                             : 02. &LIST
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 LIST is a real handy little record-print-out utility that will allow 
 you to list out records longer than 128 words in either ASCII, OCTAL,
 or hexadecimal format.  It also can take into account the size char- 
 acteristics of the list device (i.e. column and lines-per-page 
 considerations).  The ASCII list option will even show you what keys 
 to press for non-displayable characters! 
 In RTE-IVB (with implied RUN), you will have to use RUN,LIST.
 FMGR thinks LIST means LI. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: ABSPK
    Title....................: Pack LU on mag taperds 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'ABSPK - Submission File 
                             : 02. %ABSPK 
                             : 03. &ABSPK 
                             : 04. @ABSPK 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 ABSPK is for the offline user that needs maximum data on minimum amount
 of tape.  It will compact any absolute LU/file on input and produce an 
 exact equivalent on output to LU/file.  The difference is that record
 sizes can be up to 258 words long for a 10:1 reduction in tape used. 
 For example, by compacting !disk, instead of 90' required, it needs only 
 8' using the maximum fill and record size available.  It is heavily
 commented and can be batch or interactive.  Similar reductions in tape 
 usage is available for ctu's.  Be sure to read the restrictions on 
 using record sizes greater than 127 words.  RU,ABSPK,?? for quick info.
 Shows illegal starting addresses (i.e., 0 or 1), zero-length records 
 (wasted tape), and doubly defined cells (also wasted tape).
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: ASUB 
    Title....................: Assembler routines 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'ASUB  - Submission File 
                             : 02. #ASUB
                             : 03. $ASUB
                             : 04. *ASUB
                             : 05. MASUB
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 $ASUB is a merged library of assembler routines.  To use, just issue the 
 loader command: SE,$ASUB  or  LI,$ASUB 
 *ASUB is a FMGR transfer file to prepare a copy of $ASUB.  It uses the 
 utility MERGE. 
 MASUB is the list of files to be merged.  You'll need to change the cr's 
 in *ASUB and MASUB.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: BL 
    Title....................: FMGR BL command
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'BL    - Submission File 
                             : 02. %BL
                             : 03. &BL
                             : 04. @BL
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 At rev 2026 and higher, FMGR now supports implied RU, command.  Thus, any
 user may effectively add new FMGR commands.  There are several 2-letter
 programs here.  They also have some nifty extensions.  This one is the 
 BL command.  To use on 2026 or higher,   :BL,100,200   and it will run 
 BL and set the parameters.  Prior to 2026, you'll have to supply the 
 RU, portion. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: BLOCK
    Title....................: Block mag tapes
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'BLOCK - Submission File 
                             : 02. %BLOCK 
                             : 03. &BLOCK 
                             : 04. "BLOCK 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a nifty program to block tapes fro subsequent printing on other
 systems like the HP3000 or IBM, Burroughs, etc.  It differs from PRNTR 
 in that it will fixup printer carriage controls to match more common 
 industry standards, and it is normally driven by a logical driver similar
 to spooling.  In this tape, look at &DVD00 and compare comments to &BLOCK
 comments.  It allows spooling output from multiple programs onto a single
 tape without modifying the original programs at all. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: BOUNC
    Title....................: Bouncing lights program
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'BOUNC - Submission File 
                             : 02. &BOUNC 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 One of the endless bouncing ball routines for the front panel.  It does
 give a good indication of just how compute-bound the CPU is getting. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: BR 
    Title....................: Break command (FMGR) 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'BR    - Submission File 
                             : 02. %BR
                             : 03. &BR
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 The BR command for FMGR (see notes for BL).
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: BSIGN
    Title....................: Large letters on printer 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'BSIGN - Submission File 
                             : 02. %BSIGN 
                             : 03. &BSIGN 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This large-background program prints V E R Y large letters on a line 
 printer (132 columns).  The letters are 15" tall and a typical HAPPY 
 BIRTHDAY sign is 7 feet long!  The lettering is super-quality with 
 lower and upper case letters.  Not all numbers are available yet, and
 just a few special characters. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CHGLU
    Title....................: Change error message LU
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'CHGLU - Submission File 
                             : 02. %CHGLU 
                             : 03. &CHGLU 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 CHGLU is an assembler routine to put error messages from the formatter,
 pause/stop messages, and math functions on the LU of your choice.
 (FORTRAN, PASCAL callable).
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CLSCR
    Title....................: Clear CRT screen after logout
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'CLSCR - Submission File 
                             : 02. %CLSCR 
                             : 03. &CLSCR 
                             : 04. @CLSCR 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Ever wish for a way to clear the screen after you logout?  CLSCR will
 do just that.  Since RTE-IVB does not have the goodbye file equivalent 
 to a hello file, you can use a TR file like this to accomplish the screen
          :RP,CLSCR         (Need an active ID segment) 
          :EX,SP            (Or EX,RP as needed)
 CLSCR detaches itself from session, waits about 3 seconds and then sends 
 the clear message back to the user's true-LU terminal. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CNODE
    Title....................: Orginating Node value for DS 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'CNODE - Submission File 
                             : 02. %CNODE 
                             : 03. &CNODE 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 CNODE will get the value of #CNODE from a DS system for a FORTRAN user.
 #CNODE is the originating node fro an EXECW call.  This allows a user's
 program to figure out which node was it scheduled from.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CRTID
    Title....................: Identify any HP terminal 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'CRTID - Submission File 
                             : 02. %CRTID 
                             : 03. &CRTID 
                             : 04. @CRTID 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 CRTID will identify any HP terminal that has status readback capability
 (i.e., 264x, 262x, and 263x terminals) and tell you what type they are,
 memory size, hardcopy, softkeys, and other nifty info.  The routine IDTER
 is the key and may be called by other user programs.  Well documented, 
 it locks the keyboard to prevent inadverent user input while it looks
 at the various terminal status returns.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: D2AD 
    Title....................: Convert double integer to ASCII
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'D2AD  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %D2AD
                             : 03. &D2AD
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 D2AD is a simple assembler routineto convert double integer to ASCII 
 without the formatter. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DCODE
    Title....................: Decode numerical values
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'DCODE - Submission File 
                             : 02. %DCODE 
                             : 03. &DCODE 
                             : 04. @DCODE 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 So you're sitting there trying to figure out what an octal 17422B
 translates into ASCII?  Or what kind of opcode is a 105054B?  How
 about a few hexadecimal values into decimals?  DCODE is the answer.
 Run DCODE with the parameters you want to see and octal, decimal,
 hex, ASCII, and symbolic opcodes are all shown.  This program also 
 finds out if the terminal supports display functions, and if .TRUE., 
 all ASCII chars are shown except RUBOUT, NUL, and CR.  DCODE handles 
 1-word integers and up to 6-byte ASCII strings (namr routine limited). 
 RU,DCODE for quick information.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DTIME
    Title....................: Double integer system time 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'DTIME - Submission File 
                             : 02. %DTIME 
                             : 03. &DTIME 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 DTIME returns the system time value as a double integer for FORTRAN
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DUPER
    Title....................: Super Duper Tape Duplicator
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'DUPER - Submission File 
                             : 02. #DUPER 
                             : 03. %DUPER 
                             : 04. &DUPER 
                             : 05. @DUPER 
                             : 06. %DUP1S 
                             : 07. &DUP1S 
                             : 08. %DUP2S 
                             : 09. &DUP2S 
                             : 10. %DUP3S 
                             : 11. &DUP3S 
                             : 12. %DUPDB 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Super DUPER tape duplicator.  How do you duplicate a WRITT or LSAVE
 tape?  FMGR only gets the first 128 words...DUPER to the rescue! 
 Duplicates and verifies any record size up to the max size of program
 (28 pages > 10K words) and allows duplicating from a run string request. 
 It computes tape used, allows 'tacking on' files in the middle of a tape 
 and comparing the add-on plus just doing a compare-only run.  Just 
 RU,DUPER,?? to see the commands and capabilities.  DUPER is 3 segments 
 and will need a SZ override fpr larger record sizes.  It may be loaded 
 as RT,BG,LB,EB and re-sized as big as needed.  Error messages will 
 inform user if not enough memory is available. 
 ?DUPER can be used to direct the loader, but @DUPER is all set as is.
 %DUPER is an extract from $MLIB that contains the double integer 
 routines:  .JTOI, .JTOJ, and .DMOD.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: END
    Title....................: Loader directive for $FSUB and $ASUB 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'END   - Submission File 
                             : 02. #END 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a loader directive file for most programs that are contributed 
 by Bill Hassell.  It searches $FSUB and then $ASUB.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: ENTLS
    Title....................: Show relocatable entry points
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'ENTLS - Submission File 
                             : 02. %ENTLS 
                             : 03. &ENTLS 
                             : 04. @ENTLS 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 ENTLS will quickly show the ENT points in a relocatable. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: ERTAP
    Title....................: Erase mag tape 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'ERTAP - Submission File 
                             : 02. %ERTAP 
                             : 03. &ERTAP 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Need to erase a tape but don't have a demagnetizer...ERTAP will do it
 for you on your own tape drive.  You may wish to restrict this program.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FBLOK
    Title....................: ASCII file blocker 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FBLOK - Submission File 
                             : 02. %FBLOK 
                             : 03. &FBLOK 
                             : 04. @FBLOK 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FBLOK is a general purpose ASCII file blocker.  It will accept LU or 
 file input, and write out fixed-length records blocked as specified
 by the user.  Files may be concatenated if needed, and may also be 
 translated to EBCDIC for IBM compatibility.  For blocking printer
 output tapes, an option exists to change the * to a + char for HP3000
 and other system compatibility.  Or it can be used to just reduce the
 amount of tape needed to store large amounts of data.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FSUB 
    Title....................: FORTRAN subroutine library 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FSUB  - Submission File 
                             : 02. $FSUB
                             : 03. %FSUB
                             : 04. &FSUB
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FORTRAN subroutine library which contains goodies collected from 
 everwhere.  Just list them out and pick what you need. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FMUI 
    Title....................: FTN4 interfaces to the formatter 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FMUI  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %FMUI
                             : 03. &FMUI
                             : 04. %FMUO
                             : 05. &FMUO
                             : 06. %FMUR
                             : 07. &FMUR
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 These are FTN4 interfaces to the formatter routines in $MLIB1 for FTN4X
 formatter.  They are used for input or output of any numeric value.
 Since all 3 routines are less than 700 words, they provide a mini- 
 formatter capability for reals, double integers, and regular integers. 
 The documentation is taken from the relocatable library manual, update 
 #5.  NOTE:  Older versions of $MLIBX and $RLIBX do not contain the 
 .FMUX routines.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FRSEQ
    Title....................: FORTRAN source program resequencer 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FRSEQ - Submission File 
                             : 02. %FRSEQ 
                             : 03. &FRSEQ 
                             : 04. @FRSEQ 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 These are FTN4 interfaces to the formatter routines in $MLIB1 for FTN4X
 Modified from the PLUS/1000 version to left-justify the statement numbers. 
 Will not handle all FTN4X statements, especially ERR= options in read/ 
 write statements and alternate returns from subroutines. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: HFTN4
    Title....................: FORTRAN error messages explained 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'HFTN4 - Submission File 
                             : 02. "HFTN4 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FTN4 (not FTN4X) doesn't explain the error numbers for you.  This is a 
 simple help program that you may merge into your "HELP file.  Error 32 
 in FTN4 can be shown by:  HE,FTN4 32.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: HP35 
    Title....................: HP35 emulator
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'HP35  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %HP35
                             : 03. &HP35
                             : 04. @HP35
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 HP35 is an emulator for the HP35 on a 1000 system.  It's handy when you
 need some quick number crunching.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: IDENT
    Title....................: Line Printer Banner
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'IDENT - Submission File 
                             : 02. %IDENT 
                             : 03. &IDENT 
                             : 04. @IDENT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 IDENT will title your programs so myopic programmers can pick out a
 listing at 20 paces.  It also has a nice revision block option.  It
 uses the LGCHR library.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: INCLU
    Title....................: $INCLUDE for FORTRAN 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'INCLU - Submission File 
                             : 02. %INCLU 
                             : 03. &INCLU 
                             : 04. @INCLU 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FTN4X AND FTN7X are sure nifty with that $INCLUDE statement...oops,
 no nesting of $INCLUDES!  So maintenance of software libraries can 
 be only 1 level down.  So along comes INCLU that nests to 20 levels! 
 listing at 20 paces.  It also has a nice revision block option.  It
 uses the LGCHR library.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: IDLEX
    Title....................: Another bouncing ball for the front panel
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'IDLEX - Submission File 
                             : 02. %IDLE4 
                             : 03. &IDLE4 
                             : 04. %IDLE5 
                             : 05. &IDLE5 
                             : 06. @IDLE5 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Another bouncing ball for the front panel...IDLE4 looks like 2 
 pendulums hitting each other while IDLE5 is random...makes the CPU 
 look important...You know, like those Star Trek CPU's... 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: INVRS
    Title....................: Convert integer into opcode
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'INVRS - Submission File 
                             : 02. %INVRS 
                             : 03. &INVRS 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Borrowed from CMM4, it is used to turn an integer into its equivalent
 opcode.  This subroutine can be called from FORTRAN. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: IRAM 
    Title....................: Integer rotate and mask
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'IRAM  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %IRAM
                             : 03. &IRAM
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Integer rotate and mask, which combines 2 bit manipulators into 1 call.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: JCBT 
    Title....................: Compare subroutines
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'JCBT  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %JCBT
                             : 03. &JCBT
                             : 04. %JCMW
                             : 05. &JCMW
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Say pardner, has DECAR's JSCOM routine got you down?  You say it won't 
 compare some characters?...Or it takes this dumb error branch?...And 
 it's too slow?  JCBT to the rescue!  No errors, just compares...And it 
 works on 2100's, L-Series.  In the MX CPU's, it can use the hardware 
 CBT instruction (assuming that .CBT was RP'd in the sysgen). 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: KBCNT
    Title....................: Count the 1 bits in a word 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'KBCNT - Submission File 
                             : 02. %KBCNT 
                             : 03. &KBCNT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Count the 1 bits in a word, which is used for parity computations. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: KSHFT
    Title....................: FTN4 callable bit shifter
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'KSHFT - Submission File 
                             : 02. %KSHFT 
                             : 03. &KSHFT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FTN4 callable bit shifter, where the shift value is reversed from
 FTN4X's ISHFT, but it seems to make more sense.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LGCHR
    Title....................: Large character routines 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'LGCHR - Submission File 
                             : 02. %LGCHR 
                             : 03. &LGCHR 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 LGCHR is a library of large character routines.  There is a 12x12
 routine, a 5x5 routine, some example routines to write block letters 
 out to the printer.  LGCHR is used by IDENT and PAGID.  Now you can
 write block letters on your listings.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LMES 
    Title....................: Return address of login string 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'LMES  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %LMES
                             : 03. &LMES
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 LMES is an assembler routine to return the address of the current
 login string in SAM.  Used in LOGCH program. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LOGBT
    Title....................: Start logging on CRT terminals 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'LOGBT - Submission File 
                             : 02. %LOGBT 
                             : 03. &LOGBT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Here's a simple program to enable 262X terminals with buit-in printers 
 to start (or stop) logging at the bottom of the screen.  RU,LOGBT,?? 
 for info.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LOGCH
    Title....................: LOGIN prompt string change 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'LOGCH - Submission File 
                             : 02. %LOGCH 
                             : 03. &LOGCH 
                             : 04. @LOGCH 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Wnat a quick way to chage the prompt string wihtout going through ACCTS? 
 This will change both the memory copy as well as the ACCTS file.  It 
 shows the workarea of 20 chars so you can tell how much room you have, 
 and will not allow changing unless you have write-access to the disk LU
 with the ACCTS file.  Uses LMEM to track down the memory location of the 
 current LOGIN prompt string. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LOGCK
    Title....................: LOGON special check
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'LOGCK - Submission File 
                             : 02. %LOGCK 
                             : 03. &LOGCK 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Strange users infiltrating your MANAGER.SYS account?  Want to make the 
 1000 harder to get into?  LOGCK is a program that requires a variable
 password to get in.  By placing it into the HELLO file for LOGON, the
 unwary user can be immediately logged off without the correct response.
 Some examples are shown in the listing.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MYADR
    Title....................: Address of any variable
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MYADR - Submission File 
                             : 02. %MYADR 
                             : 03. &MYADR 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a nifty assembler routine that returns to the user the address 
 of any variable passed to MYADR.  Nifty for hackers that insist on 
 messing around in memeory. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MTEST
    Title....................: Magtape test program 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MTEST - Submission File 
                             : 02. %MTEST 
                             : 03. &MTEST 
                             : 04. @MTEST 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 The start of a magtape test program...Allows online test and some
 adjustment exercisers. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MTROM
    Title....................: Substitute mag tape loader 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MTROM - Submission File 
                             : 02. !MTROM 
                             : 03. &MTROM 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 MTROM is a substitute laoder program for systems without a mag tape
 loader robut with magtapes.  It is almost identical to !MTLDR
 except that bits 14,13 are used to signify a P=2 of P=100B startup 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MT816
    Title....................: Determine density of magtape drive 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MT816 - Submission File 
                             : 02. %MT816 
                             : 03. &MT816 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Did you ever need to know the density of a 7970 magtape?  The driver 
 should tell you but it don't.  So this simple routine will tell you. 
 And the tape doesn't even have to be turned on!  It asks the interface 
 card for the secret.  To use, J=MT816(LU) where LU is a magtape in 
 the system.  J will be 0 for NOT-A-TAPE or not SL'd into the session,
 1=800, 2=1600. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MVW
    Title....................: Move words for FTN4
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MVW   - Submission File 
                             : 02. %MVW 
                             : 03. &MVW 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This routine for move words is very fast when RP'd in the sysgen.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MXENB
    Title....................: Enable multiplexer 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MXENB - Submission File 
                             : 02. %MXENB 
                             : 03. &MXENB 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 That old 12790 multiplexer taking too much time in the WELCOM file 
 getting enabled?  MXENB will do the job for up to 16 ports in less 
 than a second.  Allows decoding the parameters into english. 
 Generally a good time saver. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MX8CH
    Title....................: Enable new 8-channel multiplexer 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MX8CH - Submission File 
                             : 02. %MX8CH 
                             : 03. &MX8CH 
                             : 04. @MX8CH 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 And for the new8-channel MUX, a quick enable program that can be run 
 in the WELCOM file instead of all those CT commands.  Allows 
 specifying the two BRG speeds, which LU's are attached to BRG0/1 
 and specifying the 33B control word.  LU's must be in numerical
 order however (if, LU 90-97).  May also specify a startup message in 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MYREV
    Title....................: Returns RTE data code
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MYREV - Submission File 
                             : 02. %MYREV 
                             : 03. &MYREV 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 RTE now contains it's own date code, $DATC.  MYREV will send it up to
 the FORTRAN programmer.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MYFMP
    Title....................: RTE rev code location
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'MYFMP - Submission File 
                             : 02. %MYFMP 
                             : 03. &MYFMP 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 The FMP routines now (rev 2101) has its own rev code location.  This 
 value will indicate the current revcode of the FMP package and will
 always change when FMP has some major changes such as extendable type
 1/2 files or a new directory layout.  MYFMP returns $FREV to the FORTRAN 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: NAMCK
    Title....................: Name validity check
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'NAMCK - Submission File 
                             : 02. %NAMCK 
                             : 03. &NAMCK 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 NAMCK will ask FMGR about the validity of a 2-char or 6-char name.  It 
 will be true if the chars constitute a valid FMP name.  Since the FMP
 package is always asked, any future changes will track FMGR's validity 
 checks.  Useful in determining if a CR or SC can be shown as a number
 or 2 letters.  (Part of $ASUB library).
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: NEWID
    Title....................: Create copies of FMGR
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'NEWID - Submission File 
                             : 02. %NEWID 
                             : 03. &NEWID 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 You old RTE3 and RTE4A users tired of waiting for all those copies of
 FMGxx to get duplicated and RP'd?  NEWID will create up to 20 copies 
 of FMGR in less than a second!  Take a look at the technique...It's
 not very complicated.  IDDUP is the secret.  This program must have an 
 existing ID segment to replicate.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: NEWSC
    Title....................: Create new security code 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'NEWSC - Submission File 
                             : 02. *NEWSC 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 New security code needed?  *NEWSC will do it, and eliminate extents at 
 the same time. (A FMGR TR file). 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: NDYNM
    Title....................: Dynamic memory manager 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'NDYNM - Submission File 
                             : 02. %NDYNM 
                             : 03. &NDYNM 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 FORTRAN needs a ggod dynamic memory manager...NDYNM does a ggod job in 
 handling this without any other special calls.  The FORTRAN caller can 
 now manipulate the area behind the program as easily as any array. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: NOEXT
    Title....................: No file extents
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'NOEXT - Submission File 
                             : 02. *NOEXT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Simple transfer file to eliminate a file's extents.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: OPSY 
    Title....................: Define op system 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'OPSY  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %OPSY
                             : 03. &OPSY
                             : 04. %OPSYS 
                             : 05. &OPSYS 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Where am I? RTE2, RTE3, RTEL?...$OPSY knows but FTN4 can't get to it.
 Call OPSY(J) and find out where I am as a single number. 
 Call OPSY(JBUF) and the name comes back as a 6 char ASCII. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: P2621
    Title....................: Handshaking for a 2621 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'P2621 - Submission File 
                             : 02. %P2621 
                             : 03. &P2621 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Are you on a port without handshaking (i.e., 12531 or 12880 card)
 running at more than 600 baud and you want to print directly on the
 printer of a 2621.  As you well know then, 1200 baud or higher will
 overrun the printer and give you garbage.  P2621 will put time delays
 into those listings so you don't have to kick the computer for no
 handshaking with the terminal. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PAGID
    Title....................: Line printer listing identifier
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'PAGID - Submission File 
                             : 02. %PAGID 
                             : 03. &PAGID 
                             : 04. *PAGID 
                             : 05. @PAGID 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 At last...A line printer listing identifier.  Big block letters, 
 medium size letters, multiple overstrike for emphasis, time/date 
 options, multiple copies so the paper fold doesn't matter...PAGID
 can run from a file, or via program-to-program communication thru
 class I/O.  Well documented, uses LGCHR library. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PAKLU
    Title....................: Fast LU checker for packing
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'PAKLU - Submission File 
                             : 02. %PAKLU 
                             : 03. &PAKLU 
                             : 04. @PAKLU 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Refer to PK23 for info.  PAKLU is a very fast LU checker for packing 
 requirements.  By running PAKLU in the WELCOM file a lot of unneeded 
 time can be saved by not packing when no files have been purged. 
 PAKLU can emulate PK23 by: 
 PAKLU will accept any number of CRN's or -LU numbers as candidates 
 to pack.  They must be mapped to the user's session though.  Non-disk
 or unmounted LU's are ignored. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PK23 
    Title....................: Fast LU checker for packing of LU's 2&3
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'PK23  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %PK23
                             : 03. &PK23
                             : 04. @PK23
                             : 05. *PKLU2 
                             : 06. *PKLU3 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Evertime we boot, we pack LU2 and LU3.  Why does it take so long when
 there's nothing to pack?  Only the shadow knows.  But PK23 will tell 
 a FMGR WELCOM file...thereby allowing you to bypass a clean LU2 or LU3 
 in less than a second!  *PKLU2 and *PKLU3 are examples of packing TR 
 files that reserve free space by creating filler files.
 PAKLU will accept any number of CRN's or -LU numbers as candidates 
 to pack.  They must be mapped to the user's session though.  Non-disk
 or unmounted LU's are ignored. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: POSNT
    Title....................: Position mag tape
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'POSNT - Submission File 
                             : 02. %POSNT 
                             : 03. &POSNT 
                             : 04. @POSNT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This tape has several hundred files on it.  How would you like to
 position to file 76, record 224 with one command?  RU,POSNT,?? and 
 see how easy it is.
 PAKLU will accept any number of CRN's or -LU numbers as candidates 
 to pack.  They must be mapped to the user's session though.  Non-disk
 or unmounted LU's are ignored. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PR 
    Title....................: PR command for FMGR
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'PR    - Submission File 
                             : 02. %PR
                             : 03. &PR
                             : 04. @PR
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 One of the 2-char programs for FMGR is the PR command. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PRNTR
    Title....................: List files 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'PRNTR - Submission File 
                             : 02. %PRNTR 
                             : 03. &PRNTR 
                             : 04. @PRNTR 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Looking for a simple yet versatile utility to list files?  PRNTR can 
 emulate FMGR listings but has options such as lines per page, EBCDIC 
 and ASCII translation, multiple records per block on output, column
 and width specs, etc.  And niftiest of all, the IN/OUT namrs and 
 options can be in the runstring.  RUN,PRNTR,?? for info. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PRN3K
    Title....................: Send files over DS link
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'PRN3K - Submission File 
                             : 02. %PRN3K 
                             : 03. &PRN3K 
                             : 04. @PRN3K 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 A simple example of using the DS1000 link to a 3000 to send files
 over for printing.  Note that it uses RFAM calls and is somewhat slow
 The new 91750 DS product eliminates the need for this program (via 
 MO command), but some users still run old software.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: P2601
    Title....................: List files on a 264x or 262x terminal
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'P2601 - Submission File 
                             : 02. %P2601 
                             : 03. &P2601 
                             : 04. @P2601 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a quick program that takes files/LU's and lists them to a
 peripheral printer on a 264X/262X terminal where the driver (i.e., 
 8 channel MUX) does not have subchannel capability.  It inserts the
 escape sequence necessary to trigger the terminal's peripheral write 
 capability.  it also checks the single character return from the 
 terminal indicating success/failure of the operation.  This could
 also be the basis for a simple ctu handler...However, P2601 (and 
 no other similar program) can access the terminal in binary mode.
 Thus, relocatables and files containing escape sequence equivalents
 cannot be sent via this type of program.  Instead the driver must be 
 modified appropriately.  This is due to the lack of user control over
 the ENQ/ACK protocol needed for binary data. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PSCRN
    Title....................: HP300 PSCREEN equivalent 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'PSCRN - Submission File 
                             : 02. %PSCRN 
                             : 03. &PSCRN 
                             : 04. @PSCRN 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 PSCRN is the 100-equivalent to PSCREEN on the 3000 only better.  It
 will copy your CRT (by default) to a file or an LU like a printer. 
 You may also copy another CRT if desired.  The LU output has top/bottom
 page headers (which may be deleted by specifying IH as the 3rd 
 parameter).  PSCRN works on DV.05 and DV.07 drivers (including 8/16
 channel MUX).  Will not work on DV.00 terminals since block mode is
 used to transmit screen contents.  The terminal being copied must
 support ESC D to read the current line (i.e., 2635 won't work too
 well).  Lots of comments and easy to read structure.  May be scheduled 
 completely in batch to copy the screen to disk long after the tired
 users are gone.  PSCRN may also append the screen to a file such as
 "SLOG.  This allows operators to save their 'funny' messages for 
 CE's or SE's to decode and tell them what is not working.  Just
 RU,PSCRN for information.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: QDL
    Title....................: Disk directory listing 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'QDL   - Submission File 
                             : 02. %QDL 
                             : 03. &QDL 
                             : 04. @QDL 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Is that ridiculous DL command in FMGR got you bugged?  Is that what's
 troubling you boobie?  QDL eliminates all unnecessary output, gives
 more info and runs about 5-10 times faster.  It will even put the
 results of a DL command directly into a file.  It will also do a 
 quick analysis of your mounted disk LU's.  RU,QDL,?? for some info.
 It will handle the RTE6 62 disk subchannel capability. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: QSUBS
    Title....................: Substitute formatter functions 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'QSUBS - Submission File 
                             : 02. $QSUBS 
                             : 03. %QSUBS 
                             : 04. &QSUBS 
                             : 05. &QSBCM 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 QSUBS is a collection of related routines that perform substitute
 formatter functions.  Rather than call the 4-5,000 words needed by 
 a single write statement, these small routines do a cleaner job and
 with lots less code.  QSUBS should be searched as a library when using 
 so that only the routines needed are called.  They make extensive use
 of SPUT/SGET/SMOVE/SFILL so these should come from the $RSLIB library
 for fast speed and small size.  See the source code for a description
 of each call.  &QSBCM is the source for the labeled common block and is
 $included by each QSUBS routine.  FTN4X is needed if user-modifications
 are made due to use of IF-THEN-ELSE and INTEGER*4 constructs in the
 packages.  The externals .FMUI and .FMUR aronly found in 2126+ 
 libraries ($MLIB1) and will be needed if QDINT or QDINR are called.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RAND 
    Title....................: Random number generator
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'RAND  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %RAND
                             : 03. &RAND
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 A random number generator. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RMSES
    Title....................: Remote DS node logon 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'RMSES - Submission File 
                             : 02. %RMSES 
                             : 03. &RMSES 
                             : 04. @RMSES 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 So you're trying to logon to a remote DS node using IOMAP and SYSAT? 
 What a pain...RMSES will do it all and even get the remote system's
 attention for you...All by just typing:  RU,RMSES,NODE,NMSC
 (where node is where you'd like to logon to, and nmsc is the network 
 manager's security code.  A rather simple solution to an unnecessary 
 complex idea.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RPL
    Title....................: Replicates missed in a sysgen
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'RPL   - Submission File 
                             : 02. %RPL*F 
                             : 03. &RPL*F 
                             : 04. %RPL.E 
                             : 05. &RPL.E 
                             : 06. %RPL.M 
                             : 07. &RPL.M 
                             : 08. %RPLEM 
                             : 09. &RPLEM 
                             : 10. %RPLVI 
                             : 11. &RPLVI 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Oops...You forgot all thos RP's in your sysgen?  All is not lost.  Use 
 these files whenever you run the LOADR and the RP's are magically re-
 placed.  RPL.M is for the 21MX-M, RPL.E is for the 21MX-E, and RPL.F is
 for the old F-processors, RPL*F is for the new F-processors (rev 1920+). 
 RPLEM is for EMA, and RPLVI is for VIS opcodes.  Note that since 2026, 
 RTE contains a library of these entry points.  This list is for older
 rev users. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RTE6T
    Title....................: New firmware for the RTE VI system 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'RTE6T - Submission File 
                             : 02. %RTE6T 
                             : 03. &RTE6T 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 RTE-6 has some new firmware for the opsystem.  One of the selftest 
 features is the ability to read the RPL switches and also the LOADR
 rom contents.  This is a simple ASMB routine to allow FTN4/PASCAL
 users to get the results programatically.  See &TEST6 for an example.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SETP 
    Title....................: Use SETP instruction wTo interrupt 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SETP  - Submission File 
                             : 02. %SETP
                             : 03. &SETP
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is an equivalent FORTRAN routine that allows the use of the SETP
 microcode instruction without the interrupt limitation.  (Oh, you
 didn't know? $SETP - also known as .SETP - cannot be interrupted 
 and continue...This means that a SETP instruction takes more than 10ms 
 (typically 5-7K words) will never complete since it keeps starting over).
 This routine is slower but works for everything. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SEEKR
    Title....................: Check disc LU for errors 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SEEKR - Submission File 
                             : 02. %SEEKR 
                             : 03. &SEEKR 
                             : 04. @SEEKR 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Psssst!  Want to check your disk LU quickly for any errors?  Use SEEKR.
 It will find any bad tracks before you start using them.  Then you can 
 run FORMT to fix them before its too late.  SEEKR does not check spares
 and will not write.  RU,SEEKR will give you the runstring requirements.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name............: SFILL 
     Title....................: Replacement routines for DECAR
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SFILL - Submission File 
                             : 02. %SFILL 
                             : 03. &SFILL 
                             : 04. %SGET
                             : 05. &SGET
                             : 06. %SPUT
                             : 07. &SPUT
                             : 08. %SMOVE 
                             : 09. &SMOVE 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 DECAR is not too bad, but it was written before the MX CPU's were
 available.  These are the DECAR equivalents using the MX hardware
 microcode.  SFILL runs 20 times faster than the DECAR library
 (assuming your sysgen contains RP's for the entry points .LBT, .SBT, 
 .MBT).  This set of routines is also a part of $RSLIB (READR/SAVER)
 library introduced at rev 2101.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SP2
    Title....................: Automatic purging from LU 2 or 3 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SP2   - Submission File 
                             : 02. *SP2 
                             : 03. *SP3 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Users are constantly saving and replacing files on LU 2 & 3.  This 
 simple transfer file allows automatic purging of old filler file 
 (to keep temp files off LU 2 & 3), purging the old type 6 file 
 (if any) and SP'g the new file plus filling the rest of the disk 
 LU with a filler file. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SS 
    Title....................: Suspend FMGR 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SS    - Submission File 
                             : 02. %SS
                             : 03. &SS
                             : 04. @SS
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 How do you suspend FMGR cleanly?  (Use SS)  Just type SS (2026+) or
 RU,SS (any rev) and FMGR will wait forever until you GO,SS.  SS is 
 also one the 2-char command extensions.  SS,PROG will do the same as 
 SYSS,PROG with a little more class.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: STATS
    Title....................: LU status and info check 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'STATS - Submission File 
                             : 02. %STATS 
                             : 03. &STATS 
                             : 04. @STATS 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 A quick status and info check on an LU.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SUB4X
    Title....................: FTN4X externals
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SUB4X - Submission File 
                             : 02. %SUB4X 
                             : 03. &SUB4X 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 SUB4X is used to satisfy FTN4X externals that are not needed when a
 programmer doesn't call the formatter or use any of the $FILE
 capabilities in FTN4X.  It reduces the size of the loaded program
 and speeds up load time. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SZ 
    Title....................: RTE size commands
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SZ    - Submission File 
                             : 02. %SZ
                             : 03. &SZ
                             : 04. @SZ
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 The 2-char command for SZ.  It shows the RTE SZ command with headers 
 and has several built-in defaults.  Works on all RTE's including 6.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: T2608
    Title....................: Test 2608 printer
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'T2608 - Submission File 
                             : 02. %T2608 
                             : 03. &T2608 
                             : 04. @T2608 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Want to test your 2608?  This will check out most everything, including
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: T2648
    Title....................: Pretty pattern for 2648
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'T2648 - Submission File 
                             : 02. %T2648 
                             : 03. &T2648 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Pretty pattern for 2647 or 2648 graphics terminal. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TEST6
    Title....................: Test RTE6 RPL switches 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'TEST6 - Submission File 
                             : 02. %TEST6 
                             : 03. &TEST6 
                             : 04. @TEST6 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 RTE-6 has a nifty opsystem rom that allos reading the RPL switches 
 and also the loader roms.  By using the routine RTE6T, TEST6 will
 show the RPL info (decoded for ease in understanding) and also read
 the loader roms, identify the HP part number and usage, and then 
 reerse assemble the opcodes for comparison to loader listings. 
 Just RU,TEST6,?? for info. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TFR
    Title....................: Transfer a file
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'TFR   - Submission File 
                             : 02. *TFR 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Transfer a file...Basically a fancy ST and PU command file with error
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TI 
    Title....................: An expanded TI command 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'TI    - Submission File 
                             : 02. %TI
                             : 03. &TI
                             : 04. @TI
                             : 05. %TIME
                             : 06. &TIME
                             : 07. @TIME
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 An expanded TI command...Shows a fully formatted date.  Can be used to 
 enable terminals at bootup and will return time back to FMGR to be used
 in global computations for elapsed time.  The time program is similar
 except that it contains a CN,<LU>,20B to enable terminals. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TRKCK
    Title....................: A simple track map checker 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'TRKCK - Submission File 
                             : 02. %TRKCK 
                             : 03. &TRKCK 
                             : 04. @TRKCK 
                             : 05. %TRKMP 
                             : 06. &TRKMP 
                             : 07. @TRKMP 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 A simple track map checker and lister.  Shows details on the disk LU 
 layout including where the spares are located.  The TRNMP program can
 be used to convert a given track to cylinder, head for diagnostic
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: YESNO
    Title....................: Get YES or NO response 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'YESNO - Submission File 
                             : 02. %YESNO 
                             : 03. &YESNO 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 You say that FMGR doesn't understand even a simple yes or no?  Well, 
 YESNO does.  And it returns the result back in 1P global.  Now your
 FMGR tansfer files can talk ad listen! 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: XTIME
    Title....................: Set RTE's time directly
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'XTIME - Submission File 
                             : 02. %XTIME 
                             : 03. &XTIME 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Here's the secret to setting RTE's time directly...This will work in 
 RTE4/6/L/A computers.  It is a subroutine that you call to update RTE's
 current date/time value.  There is ample info on how to create the values
 before calling XTIME.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: BMGR1
    Title....................: Background File Manager
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'BMGR1 - Submission file 
                             : 02. %.RENM 
                             : 03. &.RENM 
                             : 04. %??..
                             : 05. &??..
                             : 06. BADEF
                             : 07. BAEXT
                             : 08. BAHEAD 
                             : 09. BAPRG
                             : 10. BAPRT
                             : 11. %ASMLB 
                             : 12. BATR00 
                             : 13. %BA
                             : 14. ?BA
                             : 15. "BA
                             : 16. &BA
                             : 17. "BACPK 
                             : 18. %BAKIL 
                             : 19. &BAKIL 
                             : 20. %BARUN 
                             : 21. &BARUN 
                             : 22. %BASES 
                             : 23. &BASES 
                             : 24. %BCVT
                             : 25. &BCVT
                             : 26. %BLDTR 
                             : 27. &BLDTR 
                             : 28. %BMGR
                             : 29. /BMGR
                             : 30. ?BMGR
                             : 31. "BMGR
                             : 32. &BMGR
                             : 33. %BMGR0 
                             : 34. &BMGR0 
                             : 35. %BMGR1 
                             : 36. &BMGR1 
                             : 37. &BMGR2 
                             : 38. %BMGR2 
                             : 39. %BMGR3 
                             : 40. &BMGR3 
                             : 41. %BMGR4 
                             : 42. &BMGR4 
                             : 43. &BMGR5 
                             : 44. %BMGR5 
                             : 45. &BMGR6 
                             : 46. %BMGR6 
                             : 47. %BMGR7 
                             : 48. &BMGR7 
                             : 49. &BMGR8 
                             : 50. %BMGR8 
                             : 51. &BMGR9 
                             : 52. %BMGR9 
                             : 53. &BMGRA 
                             : 54. %BMGRA 
                             : 55. &BMGRB 
                             : 56. %BMGRB 
                             : 57. %BMPG1 
                             : 58. %BMPG3 
                             : 59. &EE..
                             : 60. %EE..
                             : 61. ?FDL 
                             : 62. &FDL 
                             : 63. "FDL 
                             : 64. %FDL 
                             : 65. /FDLL
                             : 66. %FM.CM 
                             : 67. &FM.CM 
                             : 68. &GETID 
                             : 69. %GETID 
                             : 70. &GETOP 
                             : 71. %GETOP 
                             : 72. %GLGOF 
                             : 73. &GLGOF 
                             : 74. &GLGON 
                             : 75. %GLGON 
                             : 76. &GSHED 
                             : 77. %GSHED 
                             : 78. %IFBKG 
                             : 79. &IFBKG 
                             : 80. %IFMSC 
                             : 81. &IFMSC 
                             : 82. TIMEH
                             : 83. &IN.IT 
                             : 84. %IN.IT 
                             : 85. %INDEX 
                             : 86. &INDEX 
                             : 87. &ISON
                             : 88. %ISON
                             : 89. &KILL
                             : 90. "KILL
                             : 91. %KILL
                             : 92. ?KILL
                             : 93. CLIB1
                             : 94. CLIB2
                             : 95. %LOCTM 
                             : 96. &LOCTM 
                             : 97. &LSACT 
                             : 98. "LSACT 
                             : 99. ?LSACT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Duane Rettig 
               Company.......: Amdahl 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This package was part of presentation at the Fort Worth conference but 
 there is nothing with it to explain the package.  It is a background file
 manager that created much interest at the conference.  Files beginning 
 with ? are Loader command files that should help.  This is part of two 
 contributions as the one following is also part of this. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: BMGR2
    Title....................: Background File Manager
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'BMGR2 - Submission file 
                             : 02. %LSACT 
                             : 03. $LSUB1 
                             : 04. $LSUB2 
                             : 05. "MYID
                             : 06. ?MYID
                             : 07. &MYID
                             : 08. %MYID
                             : 09. "NOTIF 
                             : 10. ?NOTIF 
                             : 11. &NOTIF 
                             : 12. %NOTIF 
                             : 13. TR 
                             : 14. &REA.C 
                             : 15. %REA.C 
                             : 16. $RSLIB 
                             : 17. &RU..
                             : 18. %RU..
                             : 19. &SENDA 
                             : 20. "SENDA 
                             : 21. ?SENDA 
                             : 22. %SENDA 
                             : 23. &SLU1
                             : 24. %SLU1
                             : 25. &SYCRT 
                             : 26. %SYCRT 
                             : 27. &TRCLS 
                             : 28. %TRCLS 
                             : 29. &VL..
                             : 30. %VL..
                             : 31. &WOPEN 
                             : 32. %WOPEN 
                             : 33. "WTTIL 
                             : 34. &WTTIL 
                             : 35. ?WTTIL 
                             : 36. %WTTIL 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Duane Rettig 
               Company.......: Amdahl 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This package is part 2 of the Background File Manager and follows part 1 
 in this release tape.  For descriptions see the previous contribution. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution name...........: LUG Data Base
         Title...............: Data Base For Use By Local Users Groups
         File Names..........: 00.  Rename Transfer File
                             : 01.  'LUGDC  Submission file 
                             : 02.  LUGDOC - Documentation File 
                             : *****  Schema: 
                             : 03.  SCHUG  - Schema for data base 
                             : 04.  SCHUGL - Example DBDS listing 
                             : *****  QUERY procedure (XEQ) files:
                             : 05.  LUGQU  - Select the LUG data base 
                             : 06.  RUSERS - Report users alphabetically
                             : 07.  RORGS  - Report users by organization 
                             : 08.  OKUSER - Report LISTOK users by name
                             : 09.  OKORGS - Report LISTOK users by org 
                             : 10.  RSTEER - Report steering committee
                             : 11.  RINTST - Report users interests 
                             : 12.  RPRDCT - Report users product exper 
                             : *****  Other:
                             : 13.  &LABEL - LABEL-printing prog source 
                             : 14.  #LABEL - LABEL prog LINK cmd file 
                             : 15.  "QUEST - Questionnaire for LUG mtgs 
         Operating System....: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A.1, RTE-A, and IMAGE
         Language(s).........: FTN77, QUERY 
         Keywords............: 01.  LUG 
                             : 02.  LOCAL 
                             : 03.  USER
                             : 04.  GROUP 
                             : 05.  DATA-BASE 
    External, Support Req'd..:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: 3M Company 
               Street........: 3M Center, Bldg. 236-1B
               City..........: St. Paul 
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55144
               Phone Number..: 612/736-0248 
 Program Abstract............:
 LUG is a data base package used by the Upper Midwest Local Users Group 
 to manage its membership roll and provide a convenient means for 
 generating mailing labels.  It contains the following information about
 each user (all items optional except name):
  * Name, organization (e.g. company), address, and phone number. 
  * Title.
  * Date of data-base entry.
  * Systems used by the member (e.g. RTE-6/VM, etc.). 
  * This user's name can go on externally-distributed lists (yes/no). 
  * This user is on the steering committee (yes/no).
  * This user is willing to make presentations to the group (yes/no). 
  * Special interests expressed by the user.
  * Out-of-the-ordinary products with which the user has experience.
 Because the information is all kept in an IMAGE data base, it is 
 possible to manipulate it conveniently (sort of conveniently) with 
 QUERY.  One can select a list of just the steering-committee members,
 for example, or print the entire list sorted by organization first and 
 then by name, or create a sorted list excluding those who do not wish
 to have their names given to vendors requesting the membership list. 
 Additionally, the program named LABEL can be used to print mailing 
 labels on a 2608 or 2631 printer.  This does not require using special 
 label stock in the printer.  The special stock is instead used in a
 copy machine and the printer output is copied to it.  Labels sets may
 be printed in 3 versions:
  * All users in the data base. 
  * Only users willing to release name to vendors requesting the list.
  * Steering committee only.
 The LOGDOC file contains further documantation about the package's 
 files, how it is installed, and how it may be used.  The &LABEL source 
 contains information on how to use that program.