ADL                                                                      L001 
                         CI DISC UTILIZATION SUMMARY
 Contribution Name...........: ADL
    Title....................: SUMMARY OF FILE STATISTICS FOR AN LU 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. ADL.SBMT
                             :02  ADL.FTN 
                             :03  ADL.REL 
                             :04. ADL.LOD 
                             :05. GET_NEXT_FILE.FTN 
                             :06. GET_NEXT_FILE.REL 
                             :07. GET_SPEC_CHARACT.FTN
                             :08. CHAR_LIB_NOCDS.FTN
                             :09. CHAR_LIB_NOCDS.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Data_mgmt 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ann McCormick
               Company.......: Intelsat 
               Street........: 2250 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite 750 
               City..........: El Segundo 
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90245
               Phone Number..: (213) 416-9102 
 Program Abstract............:
As a system manager, I have found no equivalent to the RTE-6 'QDL'
for the efficient management of the volumes on RTE-A.  Although it
is possible to see how much total space is used on an LU (via FREES)
you cannot tell how much space is used by each global directory.  To
supply my information gap in this and other areas I wrote 'ADL'.
A sample run would be as follows: 
CI> RU ADL 25 
adl: FILE 1625 /WILLIAMS/ORCAM/&ORCAM:::4:285:36
 LU/SC/Addr  Global           Total     Max       Total       % of Total
            Directory         Files     Size      Blocks        Blocks
 25/27/02  CMSAT_PROGS          25       82        663    .3% of   216480 
           DEBUG                10      936       2231   1.0% of   216480 
           GRAPHICSV2          219      620      15816   7.3% of   216480 
           HELP                 74       54        732    .3% of   216480 
           HPRC                  4       24         80    .0% of   216480 
           ITSP                 42      349       3611   1.7% of   216480 
           LIBRARIES           129     2184      23287   11.% of   216480 
           LISTR               131      126       1672    .8% of   216480 
           RTE-A               418     2184      24428   11.% of   216480 
           TDHS_MAIN          1274      900      52986   24.% of   216480 
           USER                486     2304      19908   9.2% of   216480 
           VCPLUS               70      861       3928   1.8% of   216480 
           WILLIAMS           1649     4608      48817   23.% of   216480 
In the above example one can quickly see that TDHS_MAIN and WILLIAMS
are the major users of the space on LU 25.  One can also see that if
the LIBRARIES directory needs to be moved elsewhere, it will need at
least 23287 blocks free on the destination LU.
Because the algorithm used (see source code) involves using a masked
search for all files on the LU, this is not a fast program.  It can 
process the data at about 6 files per second on a quiet system. 
 Additional Documentation....: See program code.
SPST                                                                     L002 
                         SHORT SPOOL STATUS DISPLAY 
 Contribution Name...........: SPST 
    Title....................: Short spool status display 
    File Names...............: 00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE
                             : 01 SPST.SBMT 
                             : 02 SPST.FTN
                             : 03 SPST.LOD
                             : 04 MOVEW.MAC 
                             : 05 CGET.MAC
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X,MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. SPOOLING
                             : 2. STATUS
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ann McCormick, contributor 
                               Jim Williams, author 
               Company.......: Intelsat 
               Street........: 2250 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite 750 
               City..........: El Segundo 
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90245
               Phone Number..: (213) 416-9102 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
This program accesses the internal spool status table to give a 
shortened version of the "SP ST" command.  A sample output would be:
     11:03 AM  WED., 20  AUG., 1986 
 printer 5
  sequence   file  terminal    owner       total      status
   number   number    lu                   lines
      1       58      32     USER             72  outputting to device
              59      41     TDHSLOG         200  actively inspooling 
 printer 6
  sequence   file  terminal    owner       total      status
   number   number    lu                   lines
              56      34     TOM             300  actively inspooling 
              60      43     TDHSLOG           0  actively inspooling 
 Additional Documentation....: See program code.
SP_LIB                                                                   L003 
                        PROGRAMMATIC SPOOLING LIBRARY 
 Contribution Name...........: SP_LIB 
    Title....................: Programmatic spooling library
    File Names...............:00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE 
                             :01 SPLIB.SBMT 
                             :02 SPLIB.CMD
                             :03 SPLIB.LIS --merge command file 
                             :04 SPLIB.FTN --subroutines called by INC files
                             :05 MBGET.MAC
                             :06 WFILL.MAC
                             :07 SPOOL_DECLARATIO.INC --variable declaration
                             :08 SPOOL_START_UP.INC --starts spooling 
                             :09 SPOOL_STOP.INC --stops spooling
                             :10 SPOOL_AUTO_PURGE.INC --stops spooling but
                                                     purges any empty file
                             :11 SPOOL_PURGE.INC --unconditional spool purge
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X,MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. SPOOLING
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ann McCormick, submittor 
                               Jim Williams, author 
               Company.......: Intelsat 
               Street........: 2250 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite 750 
               City..........: El Segundo 
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90245
               Phone Number..: (213) 416-9102 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
We have developed a library of spooling routines.  There is a 
subroutine call to start spooling and one to stop it.  For both, pass 
a logical value to the routine which will be used to return a flag
signifying if there was an error.  The error number and the actual spool
file name will be returned to the caller.  The spool file name is useful
if the user wishes to inquire about the status of the spool operation.
These routines will add 188 words to your program plus code in your 
main program.  The breakdown is as follows: 
          Spool_Start_File     103 words
          Spool_Stop_File      37 words 
          WFILL                48 words  (utility called by Spool_Start)
There is also a spool status routine which will return the spool status and 
the number of lines in the spool file still to be output. The status
value is important if the user is interested in knowing if his spool
is being output at the time he asks or if it is  waiting on another user
in the system, or if the printer is down.  The  number of lines will
show how long the file is at any time during the spool operation. 
 Additional Documentation....: See comments in the include files. 
BKUP                                                                     L004 
 Contribution Name...........: BKUP 
    Title....................: Nightly programmatic backup of disc files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. BKUP.SBMT 
                             :02. BKUP.FTN
                             :03. BKUP1.CMD 
                             :04. BKUP2.CMD 
                             :05. BKUP3.CMD 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. BACKUP
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ANTHONY W. BROWN 
               Company.......: BOBIER TOOL SUPPLY, INC. 
               Street........: G-4163 CORUNNA ROAD
               City..........: FLINT
               State.........: MI 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 48504
               Phone Number..: (313) 732-4030 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This program should be added to the welcome file so that each time
      the system is re-booted it is run.  The program schedules 
      itself to run at 8:30 PM each night.  Depending upon which night of the 
      week it is, determines which BKUP.CMD file is used by TF.  The command
      files sbmt'd do a partial full backup of the global directories on my 
      system on Monday, finish bkup'g globals on Tuesday, then the rest 
      of the week it uses BKUP3.CMD which does an incremental bkup.  Upon 
      completion of TF the program reschedules itself to run again at 
      8:30 PM.  More specifics can be found in source code.  Good luck! 
 Additional Documentation....:
LIB6                                                                     L005 
                         RTE-6/VM SUBROUTINE LIBRARY
 Contribution Name...........: LIB6 
    Title....................: Rte-6/Vm Subroutine Library
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !Lib6.Sbmt
                             :02. Lib6.Cmd
                             :03. Lib6.Cmpb 
                             :04. Lib6.Cmpl 
                             :05. Lib6.Doc
                             :06. Lib6.Mrg
                             :07. AbortIo.Mac 
                             :08. Clgof.Ftn 
                             :09. CloseSpool.Ftn
                             :10. GetIdAdr.Mac
                             :11. GetIdNum.Mac
                             :12. GetLogonString.Ftn
                             :13. GetMyIdNum.Mac
                             :14. GetProgramName.Ftn
                             :15. IdPlotter.Ftn 
                             :16. ModifySst.Mac 
                             :17. OpenSpool.Ftn 
                             :18. Priv.Mac
                             :19. ReadAccts.Ftn 
                             :20. TimedOut.Ftn
                             :21. TimeList.Mac
                             :22. Tstat.Ftn 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-6/Vm ONLY. 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
                             : 6. SPOOLING
                             : 7. SYSTEM
    External Support Req'd...: LibC 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This package contains a number of routines used by our application
    programs on the Rte-6/Vm Operating System in conjunction with LibC, 
    a separate contribution. A third contribution, LibA, is the counter-
    part of this library providing call-compatible routines for the 
    Rte-A Operating System only.
    These routines have been in use without problems for quite some time
    now with the exception of AbortIo and IdPlotter. AbortIo works with-
    out error, but can only abort Class I/O requests since Rte-6 does 
    not have the command CN,LU,AB like Rte-A. The routine IdPlotter is
    supposed to identify an Hp Plotter to allow our graphics programs 
    to setup the proper Agp WorkStation Program, but it fails in some 
    cases and/or performs inconsistently. When these problems have been 
    solved, these routines will be re-submitted.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
LIBA                                                                     L006 
                          RTE-A SUBROUTINE LIBRARY
 Contribution Name...........: LIBA 
    Title....................: Rte-A Subroutine Library 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !LibA.Sbmt
                             :02. LibA.Doc
                             :03. LibA.Mrg
                             :04. LibA_Cds.Cmd
                             :05. LibA_Cds.Cmpb 
                             :06. LibA_Cds.Cmpl 
                             :07. LibA_Std.Cmd
                             :08. LibA_Std.Cmpb 
                             :09. LibA_Std.Cmpl 
                             :10. Cds.Ftni
                             :11. Cds_Off.Ftni
                             :12. Cds_On.Ftni 
                             :13. AbortIo.Mac 
                             :14. CloseSpool.Ftn
                             :15. GetIdAdr.Mac
                             :16. GetIdNum.Mac
                             :17. GetLogonString.Mac
                             :18. GetMyIdNum.Mac
                             :19. GetProgramName.Ftn
                             :20. IdPlotter.Ftn 
                             :21. OpenSpool.Ftn 
                             :22. TimedOut.Ftn
                             :23. TimeList.Mac
                             :24  Tstat.Ftn 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A ONLY.
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...: LibC 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This package contains a number of routines used by our application
    programs on the Rte-A Operating System in conjunction with LibC,
    a separate contribution. A third contribution, Lib6, is the counter-
    part of this library providing call-compatible routines for the 
    Rte-6/Vm Operating System only. 
    These routines have been in use without problems for quite some time
    now with the exception of IdPlotter. The routine IdPlotter is 
    supposed to identify an Hp Plotter to allow our graphics programs 
    to setup the proper Agp WorkStation Program, but it fails in some 
    cases and/or performs inconsistently. When these problems have been 
    solved, this routine will be re-submitted.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
LIBC                                                                     L007 
                          COMMON SUBROUTINE LIBRARY 
 Contribution Name...........: LIBC 
    Title....................: Common Subroutine Library
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !LibC.Sbmt
                             :02. LibC.Doc
                             :03. LibC.Mrg
                             :04. LibC_Cds.Cmd
                             :05. LibC_Cds.Cmpb 
                             :06. LibC_Cds.Cmpl 
                             :07. LibC_Std.Cmd
                             :08. LibC_Std.Cmpb 
                             :09. LibC_Std.Cmpl 
                             :10. Cds.Ftni
                             :11. Cds_Off.Ftni
                             :12. Cds_On.Ftni 
                             :13. AsciiToReal.Mac 
                             :14. AutoDial.Ftn
                             :15. CheckFmpError.Ftn 
                             :16. CheckImageError.Ftn 
                             :17. CompareWords.Mac
                             :18. CrtCom.Ftni 
                             :19. Dspst.Ftn 
                             :20. ExitTest.Ftn
                             :21. FmpCom.Ftni 
                             :22. FormatTime.Ftn
                             :23. Formt.Mac 
                             :24. HelpTest.Ftn
                             :25. IdOpsystem.Ftn
                             :26. IdTerminal.Ftn
                             :27. ImageCom.Ftni 
                             :28. IntToAscii.Mac
                             :29. ListCom.Ftni
                             :30. ListLib.Ftn 
                             :31. LogCom.Ftni 
                             :32. MsgCom.Ftni 
                             :33. RealToAscii.Mac 
                             :34. SkipLines.Ftn 
                             :35. TimeStamp.Ftn 
                             :36. TimeToExec11.Ftn
                             :37. TruncateFile.Ftn
                             :38. WildMatch.Ftn 
                             :39. WriteCrt.Ftn
                             :40. WriteCrtLog.Ftn 
                             :41. WriteLog.Ftn
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...: LibA or Lib6 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This package contains a number of routines used by our application
    programs on the Rte-A and Rte-6/Vm Operating Systems in conjunction 
    with Lib6 and LibA, separate contributions. 
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
ASK                                                                      L008 
 Contribution Name...........: ASK
    Title....................: Prompt and Read from CI Command File 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !Ask.Sbmt  - submission file
                             :02. ?Ask       - on-line help file
                             :03. Ask.Ftn    - source 
                             :04. Ask.Lod    - LINK cmd file
                             :05. Ask.Rel    - reloc
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. INTERACTIVE 
                             : 3. COMMAND_FILES 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program displays a specified prompt string to the user and 
    then reads the response. It is intended to be invoked from a CI 
    command file and returns the user's response in the specified 
    CI global $Return1 thru $Return5 or $Return_S.
    Copy ?Ask to Ask::Help for on-line help.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
CALC                                                                     L009 
                       CALCULATOR FOR CI COMMAND FILES
 Contribution Name...........: CALC 
    Title....................: Calculator for CI Command Files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !Calc.Sbmt  - submission file 
                             :02. ?Calc       - on-line help file 
                             :03. Calc.Ftn    - source
                             :04. Calc.Lod    - LINK cmd file 
                             :05. Calc.Rel    - reloc 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Calculator
                             : 3. Command_files 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program provides the ability to perform calculations from
    a CI command file and returns the result in the global $Return1.
    Copy ?Calc to Calc::Help for on-line help.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
DIAL                                                                     L010 
                             AUTO-DIALER UTILITY
 Contribution Name...........: DIAL 
    Title....................: Auto-Dialer Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !Dial.Sbmt       - submission file
                             :02. Dial.Doc         - hardware doc 
                             :03. Dial.Ftn         - source 
                             :04. Dial.Rel         - reloc
                             :05. Dial_6.Lod       - LOADR cmd file 
                             :06. Dial_A.Lod       - LINK cmd file
                             :07. Load_Dial_6.Cmd  - CI cmd file for 6/Vm 
                             :08. Phone#.Dat       - sample data file 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. Modem 
                             : 3. RJE 
    External Support Req'd...: LibC (elsewhere on this CSL tape)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program provides an interactive user interface to one
    or more Automatic Calling Units (ACU's) for the purpose of
    dialing a remote computer.
    DIAL can be scheduled by the following run-string:
        CI> DIAL site [ mode ]
    Where: site    = A string of up to 4 characters which 
                     represents the remote site code. 
                     (No default).
           mode    = A string of up to 4 characters which 
                     specifies the mode of communication as 
                       mode = DS for DS/1000-IV communications. 
                       mode = MRJE for MRJE/1000 communications.
                 Note that 'mode' selects a physical modem
                 and autocall unit and therefore determines 
                 the System Logical Unit_#'s used to make the 
                 call. (Default = MRJE).
    When DIAL is used with DS/1000-IV, DIAL must be scheduled before
    any DS operations are initiated. A sample runstring might be as 
    shown below.
       CI> DIAL RSN DS
    Where: RSN = the 'site code' for the Motor Plant. 
           DS  = means that DS/1000-IV communications will be used. 
    When DIAL is used with MRJE/1000, the user must first run the 
    MRJE program and issue a SIGNON command:
       CI> MRJE 
        DSN/MRJE.  Type "?" for help. 
        Attempting to read default configuration file.
        Configuration file read.
        Please wait;  download in progress. 
        Configuration complete. 
        MRJE command : SIGNON 
        Signon initiated. 
    At this point, MRJE has raised DTR to the modem and initiated the 
    signon process. MRJE will wait for 2 minutes for the phone connection 
    to be made before aborting the signon operation. The user should now
    obtain a system break-mode prompt and run the DIAL program. 
        CM> RU,DIAL,RGO 
         /DIAL: AUTO-DIALER  Rev-3.0  [860716.1625] 
         /DIAL: Dialing "1234" at site "RGO" for "DS" communications. 
         /DIAL: Call completed successfully.
         /DIAL: Complete. 
    When the dial operation completes, MRJE completes the signon
    process and then issues a prompt for further MRJE commands. 
        Signon complete.
        MRJE command :
    The file Phone#.Dat::System contains the remote site and
    phone number information and therefore must be present. The 
    format of this file is critical; refer to the source code 
    comments for details. 
    This program is compatible with a UDS-801 Auto Call Unit
    connected via the 8-Chan Mux; see Dial.Doc for details. 
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
LIST                                                                     L011 
                         LIST FILE WITH LINE NUMBERS
 Contribution Name...........: LIST 
    Title....................: List File with Line Numbers
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !List.Sbmt  - submission file 
                             :02. ?List       - on-line help file 
                             :03. List.Ftn    - source
                             :04. List.Lod    - LINK cmd file 
                             :05. List.Rel    - reloc 
                             :06. ListCom.FTNi  - include file
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. LIST
    External Support Req'd...: LibC (elsewhere on this CSL tape)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program will list a file to the printer (default) or 
    to the specified output file/lu with page headings and
    line numbers. 
    LIST can be scheduled by the following run-string:
        CI> LIST srsfile output format firstline lastline 
            srsfile   = file to be listed 
            output    = output file/lu (default = 6)
            format    = A for ascii, B for binary 
            firstline = first line to list (default = 1)
            lastline  = last line to list  (default = 32767)
    Copy ?List to List::Help for on-line help.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
MTLBL                                                                    L012 
                          MAG TAPE LABEL GENERATOR
 Contribution Name...........: MTLBL
    Title....................: Mag Tape Label Generator 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !Mtlbl.Sbmt  - submission file
                             :02. ?Mtlbl       - on-line help file
                             :03. Mtlbl.Ftn    - source 
                             :04. Mtlbl.Lod    - LINK cmd file
                             :05. Mtlbl.Rel    - reloc
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. MAGNETIC_TAPE 
                             : 2. LABEL 
    External Support Req'd...: LibC (elsewhere on this CSL tape)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program generates and prints self-adhesive labels
    for Mag Tape reels. 
    MTLBL can be scheduled by the following run-string: 
        CI> MTLBL output
            output = output lu (default = 1)
    Copy ?Mtlbl to Mtlbl::Help for on-line help.
    This program is compatible with the Hp 2608 line printer
    and 1-3/4" x 4" self-adhesive labels on a 1-wide carrier. 
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
NSORT                                                                    L013 
                       GENERAL PURPOSE MULTI-KEY SORT 
 Contribution Name...........: NSORT
    Title....................: General Purpose Multi-Key Sort 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !Nsort.Sbmt  - submission file
                             :02. ?Nsort       - on-line help file
                             :03. Nsort.Ftn    - source 
                             :04. Nsort.Lod    - LINK cmd file
                             :05. Nsort.Rel    - reloc
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. SORT
    External Support Req'd...: LibC (elsewhere on this CSL tape)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program provides a generalized multi-key sort of any 
    disc file.
    NSORT can be scheduled by the following run-string: 
        CI> NSORT options infile outfile keylist
            options = A (ascending, default), D (descending), 
                      P (programatic schedule), Q (quiet mode), 
                      T (debug trace) 
            infile  = file to be sorted 
            outfile = sorted result 
            keylist = a series of number pairs which define the 
                      starting column and length of each key
    Nsort was modeled after the original Csl contribution MSORT.
    The changes include compatibility with the CI file system 
    and a faster in-memory sort (same technique as CI's DL cmd).
    Copy ?Nsort to Nsort::Help for on-line help.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
SPOLA                                                                    L014 
                             PROGRAMATIC SPOOLER
 Contribution Name...........: SPOLA
    Title....................: Programatic Spooler
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !SpolA.Sbmt  - submission file
                             :02. SpolA.Ftn    - source 
                             :03. SpolA.Lod    - LINK cmd file
                             :04. SpolA.Rel    - reloc
                             :05. D_Rvt.Mac    - sys com source 
                             :06. D_Rvt.Rel    - sys com reloc
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A ONLY 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. SPOOLING
    External Support Req'd...: LibC (elsewhere on this CSL tape)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program handles outspooling of temporary list files
    of an application program. SPOLA is needed ONLY when a single 
    program wants to spool more than one output to the same 
    physical output lu. 
    SPOLA is started at bootup time from the Welcome file and 
    remains dormant saving resources or class get suspended 
    when not in use.
    The application program must open and close spooling using
    the routines OpenSpool and CloseSpool from the library LibA.
    SPOLA is not used on an Rte-6/Vm system, but the OpenSpool
    and CloseSpool routines from Lib6 will provide the same 
    capabilities under Rte-6/Vm. Also, the program must be linked 
    with the LC option on Rte-A.
    The table D_RVT must be generated into the System in Labeled
    System Common (just before System Messages). The version
    supplied contains 6 words, but SPOLA only uses the first
    word to hold a class number for communications from the 
    CloseSpool routine. 
    Usage:    Integer*2 SpoolCntl1(37), SpoolCntl2(37)
              Ierr = OpenSpool(7,'6',SpoolCntl1)  ! for write to lu-7 
                                                  ! and output to lu-6. 
              Ierr = OpenSpool(8,'6',SpoolCntl2)  ! for write to lu-8 
                        :                         ! and output to lu-6. 
              Write(7,1000) some, data
              Write(8,2000) other, data 
              Call CloseSpool(0,SpoolCntl1,Ierr)
              Call CloseSpool(0,SpoolCntl2,Ierr)
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
TIME                                                                     L015 
                           RTE TIME SET & MONITOR 
 Contribution Name...........: TIME 
    Title....................: RTE Time Set & Monitor 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !Time.Sbmt  - submission file 
                             :02. ?Time       - on-line help file 
                             :03. Time.Ftn    - source
                             :04. Time.Lod    - LINK cmd file 
                             :05. Time.Rel    - reloc 
                             :06. Timer.Ftn   - monitor source
                             :07. Timer.Lod   - LINK cmd file 
                             :08. Timer.Rel   - monitor reloc 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. BOOT-UP 
                             : 2. DATE
                             : 3. TIME
    External Support Req'd...: LibC and (LibA or Lib6)
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Converted to Ftn7x, Rte-A compatibility, 
                               and CI file system. Original submission
                               was I026-- of Csl Rev-2433.
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    The TIME program is run at boot-up time from the Welcome file.
    It displays the most recent known system time/date in CI's TM 
    command format and then allows the user to edit the displayed 
    time and date using a "/", much like an EDIT/1000 line edit.
    The edited time/date is then used to set Rte's clock and is 
    also stored in the file $TIME$.DAT::SYSTEM which functions as 
    a push-down stack.
    The TIME program may also be executed at any time to report 
    the contents of the $TIME$.DAT file which reports a history 
    of boot-up, system up, and system down times. 
    The TIMER program is time-scheduled by TIME and runs as a 
    system program every 5 minutes (default). Each time it runs,
    it updates the top record in the $TIME$.DAT file with the 
    current date and time, but the boot-up time is unchanged. 
    The first time TIME is executed, it will create the file
    $TIME$.DAT::SYSTEM. The /System directory is normally 
    protected as rw/r, so the first run should be as follows: 
        CI> prot /system rw/rw
        CI> time se 
        CI> prot /system rw/r 
    Copy ?Time to Time::Help for on-line help.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
WHO                                                                      L016 
 Contribution Name...........: WHO
    Title....................: Session Activity Report Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. !Who.Sbmt          - submission file
                             :02. ?Where.Dat         - sample data file 
                             :03. ?Who               - sample data file 
                             :04. ?Who.Dat           - on-line help file
                             :05. IdSegment.Ftni     - Ftn include file 
                             :06. SessionTable.Ftni  - Ftn include file 
                             :07. Who.Ftn            - source 
                             :08. Who.Lod            - LINK cmd file
                             :09. Who.Rel            - reloc
                             :10. WhoCom.Ftni        - Ftn include file 
                             :11. WhoLib6.Mac        - Rte-6 lib source 
                             :12. WhoLib6.Rel        - Rte-6 lib reloc
                             :13. WhoLibA.Mac        - Rte-A lib source 
                             :14. WhoLibA.Rel        - Rte-A lib reloc
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. SESSION 
                             : 2. REPORTS 
    External Support Req'd...: LibC and (LibA or Lib6)
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Rte-A compatibility, CI file system, 
                               and display like Rte-A's WH program. 
                               Original submission was H088-- of
                               Csl Rev-2340.
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program will display on the user's terminal or the specified 
    device, the currently active sessions and the program activity
    of each session. Several options are available which tailor the 
    information displayed.
    The information displayed includes the terminal lu#, the logon
    string of the person logged on the terminal, the person's real
    name (from the ?Who.Dat::System file), the physical location of 
    the terminal and the number of the nearest telephone (from the
    ?Where.Dat::System file). 
    On Rte-6, the WHZAT program reports the state of a program as a 
    number such as 6 for Operator Suspended. On Rte-A the WH program
    is better in that a meaningful text discription is used. This 
    version of WHO was modeled after Rte-A's WH program, runs on
    both systems and uses the meaningful text approach. 
    Copy ?Who to Who::Help for on-line help.
    Edit ?Who.Dat and ?Where.Dat to be appropriate for your 
    installation and copy them to the /System directory.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code. 
DSASMB                                                                   L017 
 Contribution Name...........:    DSASMB
    Title....................:    Dis-assembler produces MACRO-acceptable files 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DSASMB.SBMT 
                             :02. DSASMB.FTN       main 
                             :03. DSASMB.COM       include file 
                             :04. DSABLK.FTN       block data 
                             :05. DSASL1.FTN       1st library
                             :06. DSASL2.FTN       2nd library
                             :07. DSASL3.FTN       3rd library
                             :08. DSASMB.LOD       LINK command file
                             :09. DSASMB.CMD       compiling and loading
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-6/VM, RTE-A etc.
    Language(s)..............:    FTN77 
    Keywords.................: Inverse
                             : Assembler
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Bill Fock 
               Company.......:    CSIRO 
                             :    Div. Materials Science & Technology 
               Street........:    Locked bag 33 
               City..........:    CLAYTON 
               State.........:    Victoria
               Country.......:    AUSTRALIA 
               Zip Code......:    3168
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:    DSASMB dis-assembles extended relocatable 
                                  files made by MACRO and FTN7X in a format 
                                  acceptable to MACRO.
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file DSASMB.FTN.
KPKEY                                                                    L018 
                           KEEP SOFT KEY IN BUFFER
 Contribution Name...........:    KPKEY 
    Title....................:    Keep soft key in buffer 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. KPKEY.SBMT  submit file 
                             :02. KPKEY.FTN   source file 
                             :03. KPKEY.REL   relocatable file
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A/6-VM
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Softkeys
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  This is a simple program to use as a 'front-end' to any other program.
  It takes the runstring and passes it to RTE as if the user typed
  in RU,<runstring>.  Just before passing the string to RTE, it 
  saves the softkeys in an array.  When the son program(s) are done 
  KPKEY then restores the softkeys and passes the returned params 
  back to the father of KPKEY.  Thus, KPKEY becomes a universal 
  softkey-saver that requires no programming changes...just use 
  KPKEY to schedule the user programs.
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
FORMGEN                                                                  L019 
                          BLOCK-MODE FORM GENERATOR 
 Contribution Name...........: FORMGEN
    Title....................: Block-mode form generator
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. FORMGEN.SBMT  - Submission file
                             : 02. FORMGEN.FTN   - FORM generation program
                             : 03. SOFTINV.FTN   - A sample FORM I/O program
                             : 04. BLOCK.FTN     - Library of subroutines 
                             : 05. FORMGEN.CMD   - Compile and link commands
                             : 06. FORMGEN.LOD   - FORMGEN link command file
                             : 07. SOFTINV.LOD   - SOFTINV link command file
                             : 08. README.DOC    - Documentation
                             : 09. SOFTWARE.FORM - Example FORM 
                             : 10. SOFTWARE.INV  - Inventory file for SOFTINV 
                             : 11. FORMGEN.REL   - Relocatable FORMGEN
                             : 12. SOFTINV.REL   - Relocatable SOFTINV
                             : 13. BLOCK.LIB     - Indexed BLOCK library
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM (DSD 4.0), RTE-A (DSD 4.0)
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. FORMS 
                             : 2. TERMINAL
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: C. Mark Yendt
               Company.......: Computernik Software Services
               Street........: 2253 Governors Rd.  Box 141
               City..........: Copetown 
               State.........: Ontario
               Country.......: CANADA 
               Zip Code......: L0R 1J0
               Phone Number..: (416) 628 4788 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 FORMGEN is an interactive program that allows the user to build FORMS
 that can be used by other programs.  The program builds a blank
 form on the screen and then allows the user to enter the appropriate 
 information.  The user indicates the start and stop of the protected 
 fields by using the '|' character on the screen.  The forms that are 
 generated are saved to DIRECT access disc files with the .FORM extension.
 Both these conditions must be met before the file will be re-read from the 
 disc to be used by another program.  Other programs can use the generated
 FORMS by using the utility subroutines in the BLOCK.FTN library. 
BEAR                                                                     L020 
 Contribution Name...........: BEAR 
    Title....................: Compute endpoint from bearing and distance 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. BEAR.SBMT - Submission file 
                             :02. BEAR.FTN
                             :03. BEAR.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Geodesy 
                             : 2. Geometry
                             : 3. Trigonometry
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Carl Winkler 
               Company.......: NTIA (Dept. of Commerce) 
               Street........: 179 Admiral Cochrane Drive 
               City..........: Annapolis
               State.........: MD 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 21401
               Phone Number..: (301)261-8002
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This program computes a path endpoint latitude/longitude when given 
 a starting point latitude/longitude and a bearing and distance from the
 starting point to the endpoint.
 Additional Documentation....:
ACCTS                                                                    L021 
 Contribution Name...........: ACCTS
    Title....................: ACCTS-file like description of RTE-A users 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. ACCTS.SBMT submission file
                             :02. ACCTS.FTN  source 
                             :03. ACCTS.HLP  help file (/HELP/ACCTS)
                             :04. ACCTS.LOD  LINK command file
                             :05. ACCTS.CMD  installation command file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. session 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Carlton W. Wilson
               Company.......: General Electric, Space Division 
               Street........: PO Box 8555
               City..........: Phila. 
               State.........: Pa.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 19101
               Phone Number..: (215) 354-2928 
 Contribution Abstract.......: ACCTS displays the info contained in the 
 /USERS/@ files in a readable format. 
 Additional Documentation....: See ACCTS.HLP
APL                                                                      L022 
                        APL-LIKE KEYBOARD CALCULATOR
 Contribution Name...........: APL
    Title....................: APL-like keyboard calculator 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. APL.SBMT (submission file)
                             :02. APL.FTN  source 
                             :03. APL.HLP  help file (/HELP/APL)
                             :04. APL.CMD  installation command file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. calculator
                             : 2. interactive 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Carlton W. Wilson
               Company.......: General Electric, Space Division 
               Street........: PO Box 8555
               City..........: Phila. 
               State.........: Pa.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 19101
               Phone Number..: (215) 354-2928 
 Contribution Abstract.......: APL is an interactive keyboard calculator that 
 parses from right to left, APL style.  All arithmetic is done in double
 Additional Documentation....: See APL.HLP
DP                                                                       L023 
 Contribution Name...........: DP 
    Title....................: Driver-parameter display/modify program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DP.SBMT  (submission file)
                             :02. DP.FTN   source 
                             :03. DP.HLP   help file (/HELP/DP) 
                             :04. DP.CMD   installation command file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM_TABLES 
                             : 2. MODIFY
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Carlton W. Wilson
               Company.......: General Electric, Space Divsion
               Street........: PO Box 8555
               City..........: Phila. 
               State.........: Pa.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 19101
               Phone Number..: (215) 354-2928 
 Contribution Abstract.......: DP displays driver parameters for a specified
 LU.  DP will also allow you to modify any of the parameters listed.
 Additional Documentation....: See DP.HLP.
TY                                                                       L024 
 Contribution Name...........: TY 
    Title....................: Device-type display/modify program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. TY.SBMT   (submission file) 
                             :02. TY.FTN    source
                             :03. TY.HLP    help file  (/HELP/TY) 
                             :04. TY.CMD    instalation command file
                             :05. TY.LIB    stub library for RTE-6
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM_TABLES 
                             : 2. MODIFY
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Carlton W. Wilson
               Company.......: General Electric, Space Division 
               Street........: PO Box 8555
               City..........: Phila. 
               State.........: Pa.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 19101
               Phone Number..: (215) 354-2928 
 Contribution Abstract.......: TY allows you display the device type for
 a given LU.  It will also allow you to change an LU's type.
 Additional Documentation....: See TY.HLP.
FFILE                                                                    L025 
 Contribution Name...........: FFILE
    Title....................: Fast file-access subroutine package
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'FFILE   -  submission file 
                             :02. &FFILE   -  FTN4X source
                             :03. [FFILE   -  FTN4X include file
                             :04. %FFILE   -  Relocatable 
                             :05. "FFILE   -  Documentation 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-4B, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN4X 
    Keywords.................: 1. FILES 
    External Support Req'd...:    Routines from ELIBS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Chris Egan
               Company.......:    Division of Survey & Mapping
               Company.......:    Department of Property & Services 
               Street........:    2 Treasury Place
               City..........:    Melbourne 
               State.........:    Victoria
               Country.......:    Australia 
               Zip Code......:    3002
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
       These subroutines provide fast read, and limited write, access to
 all files on the system.  They completely bypass HP'S FMP routines, by 
 accessing the file directories directly.  No open flag is created, and there 
 is no need to have the cartridge mounted to the user.  The location of each
 file extent is stored in a table, so that the file directory is read once
 only - unlike the FMP routines which schedule D.RTR every time a new extent
 is needed. 
       Full, or half, track buffers are used, and the unpacking of variable 
 length records is handled internally.  Records up to 512 words long can be 
 read.  As a file is read, the location of the first record in each extent
 is remembered, so that random access of a type 3/4 file can be almost as 
 fast as for a type 1/2 file. 
       Writing is limited to changing an existing record by overwriting it
 with a new record of the same length - a type 1/2 file may have any record 
 written, and an 'extend' subroutine will create a new extent, but you have 
 to manage the extents yourself.
       The structure of the tables used means that a program can have only
 one file "open" at a time, but there are many occasions where it is useful 
 to have fast, read-only access to a file. My programs TY, WRITE and MERG 
 all use these routines.
       As an example, WRITE takes 12 seconds to find the last record in a 
 24000 record, type 4 file. 
 Additional Documentation....:  "FFILE
FL                                                                       L026 
                            FILE DIRECTORY LISTER 
 Contribution Name...........: FL 
    Title....................: File directory lister
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'FL     -  Submission file
                             :02. &FL     -  FTN4X source 
                             :03. [FL     -  FTN4X include file 
                             :04. %FL     -  relocatable
                             :05. *FL     -  loader command file
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-4B, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN4X 
    Keywords.................: 1. DIRECTORY 
                             : 2. FILES 
    External Support Req'd...:    Routines from ELIBS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Chris Egan
               Company.......:    Division of Survey & Mapping
               Company.......:    Department of Property & Services 
               Street........:    2 Treasury Place
               City..........:    Melbourne 
               State.........:    Victoria
               Country.......:    Australia 
               Zip Code......:    3002
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This is an enhanced version of the program which has been around
 for a long time - last seen on tape 2340.
      Bugs have been fixed so that open files, file sizes, and waste blocks 
 are all reported correctly, and the hard copy options automatically spool
 to a printer on LU 6.  Some options have changed their codes.
      Currently set up for 1023 files (2 directory tracks on 7925) which
 does not need a LB load.  Change this maximum if required. 
      Run   FL,?  for list of options 
 Additional Documentation....:
RENUM                                                                    L027 
                         RENUMBER A FORTRAN PROGRAM 
 Contribution Name...........: RENUM
    Title....................: Renumber a FORTRAN program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'RENUM   -  Submission file 
                             :02. &RENUM   -  FTN4X  source 
                             :03. [RENUM   -  FTN4X  include file 
                             :04. %RENUM   -  relocatable 
                             :05. *RENUM   -  loader command file 
                             :06. "RENUM   -  documentation 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-4B, RTE-6, at least 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN4X 
    Keywords.................: 1. FORTRAN 
    External Support Req'd...:    Routines from ELIBS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Chris Egan
               Company.......:    Division of Survey & Mapping
               Company.......:    Department of Property & Services 
               Street........:    2 Treasury Place
               City..........:    Melbourne 
               State.........:    Victoria
               Country.......:    Australia 
               Zip Code......:    3002
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This program will renumber all the statement numbers in a FORTRAN 
 program, so that in each subroutine/function the numbers start at 100, 
 and increment by 100 - these defaults can be changed.  All stetement 
 numbers are found, including those in ERR=, END= statements, and those 
 in alternate returns.
      It has been used with FTN4, and FTN4X, programs, and should work
 with FTN7X.  There are a few, very minor, limitations noted in "RENUM. 
      The new file normally replaces the original file, but can be given
 a new name if required.
      Run  RENUM  for instructions. 
 Additional Documentation....:    "RENUM
SALVG                                                                    L028 
                                 DISK EDITOR
 Contribution Name...........: SALVG
    Title....................: Disk editor
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'SALVG  -  Submission file
                             :02. &SALVG  -  FTN4X source 
                             :03. [SALVG  -  FTN4X include file 
                             :04. %SALVG  -  relocatable
                             :05. *SALVG  -  loader command file
                             :06. "SALVG  -  documentation file 
                             :07. ?SALVG  -  help file
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-4B, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN4X 
    Keywords.................: 1. EDITOR
                             : 2. SYSTEM
                             : 3. DISC
                             : 4. DIRECTORY 
                             : 5. FILES 
    External Support Req'd...:    Routines from ELIBS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Chris Egan
               Company.......:    Division of Survey & Mapping
               Company.......:    Department of Property & Services 
               Street........:    2 Treasury Place
               City..........:    Melbourne 
               State.........:    Victoria
               Country.......:    Australia 
               Zip Code......:    3002
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      Be WARNED !!!  -  this program needs to be treated with caution,
 as it can be used to change any location anywhere on the disk, and it can
 easily corrupt files, file directories, or system tables.
      However, used with care, it can be very useful.  You can use it to
 fix up corrupted length words in a file, clear invalid open flags in a 
 file directory, change passwords in a database root file or other program, 
 and patch system tables. 
      The user's capability level determines what can and cannot be done -
 change this test to suit your own requirements.
      The disk contents are displayed block by block, in octal (or decimal) 
 and ASCII.  You may display a specific disk address, a file directory, 
 or a file (even if purged).  You may change a single word, a string, or
 a whole block; and display, and enter, a real or double precision number.
 You can find a specific line in a file (even type 3/4 files), and dump the 
 display to a terminal printer, or spool it to a main printer (LU 6). 
      A help command will guide you through the program's capabilities, 
 and "SALVG contains a couple of examples.
 Additional Documentation....:    "SALVG
TRACE                                                                    L029 
 Contribution Name...........: TRACE
    Title....................: Trace execution of a FORTRAN program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'TRACE  -  Submission file
                             :02. &TRACE  -  FTN4X source 
                             :03. [TRACE  -  FTN4X include file 
                             :04. %TRACE  -  relocatable
                             :05. *TRACE  -  loader command file
                             :06. "TRACE  -  documentation file 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-4B, RTE-6, and probably others
    Language(s)..............:    FTN4X 
    Keywords.................: 1. FORTRAN 
                             : 2. DEBUG 
    External Support Req'd...:    Routines from ELIBS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Chris Egan
               Company.......:    Division of Survey & Mapping
               Company.......:    Department of Property & Services 
               Street........:    2 Treasury Place
               City..........:    Melbourne 
               State.........:    Victoria
               Country.......:    Australia 
               Zip Code......:    3002
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This program allows you to find out exactly what your program is up to. 
 It creates a new version of your FORTRAN program, with calls to a subroutine 
 which writes out a mesage each time it is called.  These calls can be
 inserted before all executable statements, or just those with statement
 numbers; and you can trace the whole file, or just selected subroutines
 or functions.  The LU for output defaults to 7, but can be specified.
      Very useful when your program runs amok - count the number of times 
 it executes a DO loop, or find out exactly when and where it branched. 
      The program has not been checked with FTN7X source files, but there 
 should be no major problems.  See  "TRACE  for more details, and other 
 problems which might arise.
      Run   TRACE   for instructions. 
 Additional Documentation....:    "TRACE
TY                                                                       L030 
                        LIST A FILE SCREEN BY SCREEN
 Contribution Name...........: TY 
    Title....................: List a file screen by screen 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'TY     -  Submission file
                             :02. &TY     -  FTN4X source 
                             :03. [TY     -  FTN4X include file 
                             :04. %TY     -  relocatable
                             :05. *TY     -  loader command file
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-4B, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN4X 
    Keywords.................: 1. LIST
    External Support Req'd...:    Routines from ELIBS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Chris Egan
               Company.......:    Division of Survey & Mapping
               Company.......:    Department of Property & Services 
               Street........:    2 Treasury Place
               City..........:    Melbourne 
               State.........:    Victoria
               Country.......:    Australia 
               Zip Code......:    3002
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This program has developed from the old SHELL TY, and the SEE program 
 on tape 8340, and includes a few enhancements. 
      Any file, anywhere on the system, may be listed - except type 5, 6, 7 
 which cause havoc with the screen display. 
      Options include truncating long lines, listing a specified field, 
 eg. columns 70-120, and displaying line numbers.  You can move backwards 
 or forwards in the file, or jump to a specified line.  The search facility 
 is fast, and includes FIND ALL option, as in EDIT. 
      Run  TY  for instructions.
 Additional Documentation....:
WRITE                                                                    L031 
                     LIST A FILE TO PRINTER OR TERMINAL 
 Contribution Name...........: WRITE
    Title....................: List a file to printer or terminal 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'WRITE  -  Submission file
                             :02. &WRITE  -  FTN4X source 
                             :03. [WRITE  -  FTN4X include file 
                             :04. %WRITE  -  relocatable
                             :05. *WRITE  -  loader command file
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-4B, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN4X 
    Keywords.................: 1. LIST
    External Support Req'd...:    Routines from ELIBS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Chris Egan
               Company.......:    Division of Survey & Mapping
               Company.......:    Department of Property & Services 
               Street........:    2 Treasury Place
               City..........:    Melbourne 
               State.........:    Victoria
               Country.......:    Australia 
               Zip Code......:    3002
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This program will list a file to a terminal, or a printer, or copy
 it to another file.  Any file, anywhere on the system, can be read, even 
 while open.  Maximum record length that can be handled is 512 words. 
      Output is automatically spooled to a printer on LU 6 or 7.  The listing 
 can be numbered, or have long lines truncated - and with a printer, it 
 can be double spaced, or in condensed mode.  The whole file, or just a 
 line range, can be listed. 
      Run  WRITE  for instructions. 
 Additional Documentation....:
DSST                                                                     L032 
 Contribution Name...........: DSST 
    Title....................: RTE-6VM & RTE-A Distributed System Monitors
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. DSST1.SBMT 
                             : 02. DSST1.FTN
                             : 03. DSST2.FTN
                             : 04. DSST3.FTN
                             : 05. DSSLB.FTN
                             : 06. IDSEGMENTINFO.MAC
                             : 07. DSST1.LOD
                             : 08. DSST2.LOD
                             : 09. DSST3.LOD
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6VM and RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. MONITOR 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: D.A. Thombs
               Company.......: DQA/TS 
               Street........: Royal Arsenal East 
                             : Woolwich 
               City..........: London 
               Country.......: U.K. 
               Zip Code......: SE18 6TD 
               Phone Number..: 01-854-2044 Ext 4091 
               Telex.........: 22210
 Contribution Abstract.......: DSST1 and DSST2 are dynamic distributed
                               system monitors which allow the user to
                               monitor system activity. The programs
                               and usage were described in a paper
                               presented at the 1986 Detroit
 Additional Documentation....:
LISP                                                                     L033 
                              LISP INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: LISP 
    Title....................: LISP interpreter 
    File Names...............: 000. Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 001. 'LISP - Submission File.
                             : 002. LISP.PAS Interpreter (rev-1.5)
                             : 003. LISP.INC Include file 
                             : 004. LISP.READ Read me file
                             : 005. LISP.DOC Printable document 
                             : 006. LISP.RUN type 6 file A-series/CDS 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: PASCAL 
    Keywords.................: 1. LANGUAGE
                             : 2. AI
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Fixes and Updates
 Contributor's Name..........: Dan Felman 
               Company.......: HP/ Rockville
               Street........: 2 Choke Cherry Rd. 
               City..........: Rockville
               State.........: Md.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20850
               Phone Number..: (301) 258-2000 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      LISP is a language used extensively by the Artificial Intelligence
      community. This version is a much extended version of the interpreter 
      submitted at the Washington DC. conference. 
      This version requires a CDS RTE-A operating system as it currently
      links into 3 code segments. It might also work under RTE-6 using
      SGMTR and MLLDR, albeit slower than a equivalent A-series machine.
      NOTICE -- You need to have PASCAL libraries in order to link the
      interpreter. The following is a sample .lod file: 
           li pascal_cds.lib
           st 18000 
           re lisp.rel
      A similar version is running on my VECTRA and should have been
      submitted to the Detroit swap tape. Maybe even a HP150 version. 
 Additional Documentation....: LISP.READ expalins some of the major changes 
                               done to the original contribution. 
      LISP.DOC is a manual (TEXED output) that is ready to be printed.
      This document is not finished but it should be enough to get you
SEARCHLIB                                                                L034 
                       BINARY-SEARCH LIBRARY ROUTINES 
 Contribution Name...........:  SEARCHLIB 
    Title....................:  Binary-search library routines
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. SEARCHLIB.SBMT    - This file 
                             :02. SEARCHLIB.FTN     - Library source. 
                             :03. SEARCHLIB.REL     - Relocatables. 
                             :04. SEARCH.LIB        - LINDX'ed Library. 
                             :05. SEARCHLIB.CMD     - Compile and LINDX.
    Operating System(s)......:  Any 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................:01. SEARCH
                             :02. LIBRARY 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This  contribution consists of a set of fast subroutines performing a binary 
 search for various types of variables: 
          -------------   ----------
          INTEGER*2       ISEARCH 
          INTEGER*4       JSEARCH 
          REAL*4          R4SEARCH
          REAL*8          R8SEARCH
          CHARACTER       CSEARCH 
 The  pointer will contain a positive location for a key present in the TABLE 
 or a negative number whose positive value is the point in  the  table  where 
 the  KEY  should  be  inserted.  This make these subroutine useful for tasks 
 beyond the usual search routines. Such tasks include the occasional addition 
 of  keys  to  an  already sorted table, small order interpolation in a large 
 table, cubic spline evaluation and differential equations. 
 Additional Documentation....:  See the article in TC-INTERFACE of Jan/Feb
HANOIFTN                                                                 L035 
 Contribution Name...........:  HANOIFTN
    Title....................:  Recursive Tower of Hanoi In FORTRAN 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. HANOIFTN.SBMT    - This file
                             :02. HANOI.FTN        - The game.
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-A A.85 and up. VC+ required.
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................:01. GAMES 
                             :02. DEMO
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution consists of the famous Tower of Hanoi game in FORTRAN.  As 
 the program is recursive, VC+ is necessary. The program demonstrate well the 
 power of recursion.
 Additional Documentation....:  None. 
CHANGERPL                                                                L036 
 Contribution Name...........:  CHANGERPL 
    Title....................:  Change RPL's for program transportability 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. CHANGERPL.SBMT    - This file 
                             :02. NVCCHANGERPL.FTN  - Non-VC+ version 
                             :03. CHANGERPL.FTN     - CDS recursive version 
                             :04. CHANGERPL.LOD     - CDS Link file 
                             :05. TEST.RUN          - Test file. May not load 
                             :06. X.CMD             - A  1-level test dir.
                             :07. Y.CMD             - A 10-level test dir.
                             :08. FOLOGO.CMD        - FOrtran LOad and GO 
                             :09. NVCLOADRUNALL.CMD - Command it & stand back 
                             :10. CDSLOADRUNALL.CMD - Command it & stand back 
                             :11. TEST.FTN          - Source for 5 above
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-A A.85 and up. Perhaps -6 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................:01. LINK
                             :02. TRANSPORTABLE 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This  contribution  consists  of  two utilities hitherto unsupported by HP.
 The fact that various RTE commands traverse the directory-tree in the wrong
 direction  or  not  at  all  hinders  some fast and furious disc management
 actions.  I develop programs on any A-series machines for running on any of
 the others.  RTE-A has the feature of sometimes refusing to run programs on
 a machine having a different SNAP file.  After  a  first  try  the  machine
 reports  "changed  RPL  checksum"  and  quits.  The second try will usually
 succeed.  Sometimes you have to relink the program on a target machine, but
 this  is  heralded by a message "illegal program file".  Any way, the first
 type of refusal is bad enough, and seems unnecessary, especially  when  you
 have a long chain of fathers running children and grandchildren. The method
 used by me is to have  all  the  new  programs  and  sources  in  a  global
 directory  called /UPDATE which contains a command file whose first command
 is CHANGERPL and the rest distribute the programs and the sources  etc.  to
 their  respective directories.  Thus CHANGERPL defaults to trying the @.RUN
 files in /UPDATE but will go to a directory supplied in the runstring.  The
 CDS version will go to all the subdirectories as well. 
 X.CMD  creates  a global directory /X and fills it with various files. This
 /X directory then provides exercising and demonstrating  opportunities  for
 the non-VC+ version. 
 Y.CMD  creates  a  global  directory /Y and fills it with various files and
 various  levels  of  subdirectories.  This  /Y  directory   then   provides
 exercising and demonstrating opportunities for the CDS version.
 FOLOGO.CMD compiles, loads and runs a program and NVCLOADRUNALL.CMD will do
 it for NVCCHANGERPL and X.CMD as well, while CDSLOADRUNALL.CMD will do  the
 same for CHANGERPL and Y.CMD.
 TEST.RUN  is a program linked with a funny SNAP file on an A600+, thus will
 force an RPL change. Do not run it, as you will change the RPL  before  the
 demonstration!   In  case  you are interested, or TEST refuses to load, you
 have the source. This you may recompile and  link  with  a  SNAP  file  not
 appropriate  to  your machine to get the full demonstration. Otherwise, and
 in case you loaded TEST.RUN inadvertently, CHANGERPL will still go  through
 the motions, but without issuing the "changing RPL" message. 
 A  word of apology:  The somewhat verbose names were chosen to eliminate an
 inadvertent initiation of drastic actions. You can always rename the files.
 Also,  in  order  to make all units stand alone, each contains all required
 subroutines, at the expense of some duplication. 
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be  found  on
 the back side of the title page to all their manuals. As all these programs
 go beyond the designs of HP you are really on your own when using  them.  I
 assume  no responsibility whatsoever for any damage that may ensue- direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 After having thus frightened the potential user, I hasten to  add  that  no
 damage was ever done by these programs in my installation. 
 Do  not  use  the  programs on a directory that contains these programs, as
 they will stop when trying to change their own RPL. Also beware of  running
 these  programs  on  /PROGRAMS/ as all the RP'd programs will be off'ed. If
 you do, remember  to  RP  the  important  ones  (PROMT  etc.)  again  after
 Additional Documentation....:  None. 
PATCHBITMAP                                                              L037 
 Contribution Name...........:  PATCHBITMAP 
    Title....................:  Change sense of bits in sector-allocation bitmaps 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. PATCHBITMAP.SBMT    - This file 
                             :02. PATCHBITMAP.FTN     - Source file 
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-A A.85 and up. Perhaps -6 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................:01. SYSTEM
                             :02. SYSTEM_TABLES 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This  contribution consists of a utility hitherto unsupported by HP. It may
 happen that a bitmap is corrupted to show free area as occupied or occupied
 area  as free.  Such a corruption will normally be discovered by FVERI. The
 usual method of recovery is to TF off the  disc  LU,  reinitialize  and  TF
 back, tedious at best. 
 This  program  will  change the sense of a contiguous set of bits on DISCLU
 starting at LOCATION for SIZE bits. On sets, (and the whole set has  to  be
 on) will be turned off and vice-versa. 
 Recover from wrongly specified parameters by running the program again with
 the same wrong parameters. 
 This  program  may be a very destructive time bomb type weapon in the hands
 of a careless user, therefore
              * Do not keep it on disc !   Keep it off-line ! * 
 But  when  you  TF this program back on, do not use the damaged LU since if
 the damage is showing occupied space as free, you  may  write  over  useful
 A  word  of  apology:  The somewhat verbose name was chosen to eliminate an
 inadvertent initiation of a drastic action. You can always rename the file.
 A  word  of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be found on
 the back side of the title page to all their manuals. As this program  goes
 beyond the designs of HP you are really on your own when using it. I assume
 no responsibility  whatsoever  for  any  damage  that  may  ensue-  direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 This program was tested up to an LU size of 120,000 sectors only.
 After  having  thus  frightened the potential user, I hasten to add that no
 damage was ever done by this program in my installations.
 Additional Documentation....:  None. 
HEAPSORT                                                                 L038 
 Contribution Name...........:  HEAPSORT
    Title....................:  Sorting subroutines - Heapsort and Insertion
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. HEAPSORT.SBMT     - This file 
                             :02. LONGHEAPSORT.FTN  - Including heap routines 
                             :03. HEAPSORT.FTN      - A combined fast version 
                             :04. HEAPSORT.DOC      - Some theory and timing. 
    Operating System(s)......:  All 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................:01. SORT
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Workhorse   sorting   subroutines  are  very  often  required  in  real-life 
 programming situations. There is usually a Hobson's choice between a  larger 
 sorting  package  or  writing  an  ad-hoc subroutine which gets the job done 
 albeit inefficiently.  The larger sorting  package  may  be  extravagant  in 
 their memory requirement or not particularly suitable for the job at hand. 
 The  LONGHEAPSORT  set  of three subroutines are good candidates to join the 
 library in the workhorse role. The familiar Insertion sort routine  is  fast 
 for  small  vectors and very fast for almost-sorted vectors of any size. The 
 Heap sort routine is of time complexity N*LOG(N) and  hence  very  fast  for 
 large  vectors.   Quicksort  may  be  faster  by  a  factor  of 2 under some 
 situations but may have a pathological behavior which will make it extremely 
 slow under some other situations.
 About 10% time may be gained by combining the heap subroutines thus avoiding 
 the CALL overheads. Omitting CDS will speed matters up by a further 20%. 
 The faster combined version of the subroutine appears as HEAPSORT.FTN. 
 Additional Documentation....:  See HEAPSORT.DOC
HP54201                                                                  L039 
                    HP54201 DIGITAL SCOPE DISPLAY CAPTURE 
 Contribution Name...........: HP54201
    Title....................: HP54201 Digital Scope Display Capture
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. HP54201.SBMT 
                             : 02. BELLMACLIB.CMP 
                             : 03. BELLMACLIB.LIB 
                             : 04. BELLMACLIB.MAC 
                             : 05. BELLQAXLIBRARY.CMP 
                             : 06. BELLQAXLIBRARY.FTN 
                             : 07. BELLQAXLIBRARY.LIB 
                             : 08. CS.FTN 
                             : 09. CS.LOD 
                             : 10. CS.REL 
                             : 11. DUMPTOSCOPE.FTN
                             : 12. DUMPTOSCOPE.REL
                             : 13. FILEFORMAT.DOC 
                             : 14. H5420GRF.FTN 
                             : 15. H5420GRF.REL 
                             : 16. H5420GRF23.LOD 
                             : 17. H5420GRF48.LOD 
                             : 18. H5420GRF50.LOD 
                             : 19. H5420GRF72.LOD 
                             : 20. H5420RE2623.LOD
                             : 21. H5420RE2648.LOD
                             : 22. H5420REGRF.FTN 
                             : 23. H5420REGRF.REL 
                             : 24. H5420REPLAY.FTN
                             : 25. H5420REPLAY.LOD
                             : 26. H5420REPLAY.REL
                             : 27. H5420RETERM.FTN
                             : 28. H5420RETERM.REL
                             : 29. HP54201.FTN
                             : 30. HP54201.LOD
                             : 31. HP54201.REL
                             : 32. HP54201CAP.FTN 
                             : 33. HP54201CAP.LOD 
                             : 34. HP54201CAP.REL 
                             : 35. HP54201LIB.CMP 
                             : 36. HP54201LIB.FTN 
                             : 37. HP54201LIB.LIB 
                             : 38. HP54201LIB.REL 
                             : 39. HP54201MOD.FTN 
                             : 40. HP54201MOD.LOD 
                             : 41. HP54201MOD.REL 
                             : 42. INSTALL.CMD
                             : 43. LINKS.FTN
                             : 44. LINKS.LOD
                             : 45. LINKS.REL
                             : 46. OS.FTN 
                             : 47. OS.LOD 
                             : 48. OS.REL 
                             : 49. PLOTLUFOR7550.FTN
                             : 50. PLOTLUFOR7550.REL
                             : 51. PLOTLUFOR9872.FTN
                             : 52. PLOTLUFOR9872.REL
                             : 53. PLOTLUFORSCREEN.FTN
                             : 54. PLOTLUFORSCREEN.REL
                             : 55. SCRATCH.DO1
                             : 56. SCRATCH.DO2
                             : 57. SCRATCH.DO3
                             : 58. SCRATCH.DO4
                             : 59. SCRATCH.DOT
                             : 60. SPOO5C 
                             : 61. SPOO5O 
                             : 62. SPOO7C 
                             : 63. SPOO7O 
                             : 64. SPOO9C 
                             : 65. SPOO9O 
                             : 66. SPOOLC 
                             : 67. SPOOLO 
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-6/VM, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............:  FORTRAN 77, requires C.83 or later
    Keywords.................: 1. ATS 
                             : 2. HPIB
                             : 3. DIGITIZER 
                             : 4. DATA_ACQUISITION
    External Support Req'd...: C.83 or later
                             : CI file system 
                             : DGL
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: David R. Rodgers 
               Company.......: Bell Canada (Quality Assurance)
               Street........: 316 - 2265 Roland Therrien 
               City..........: Longueuil
               State.........: Quebec 
               Country.......: Canada 
               Zip Code......: J4N 1C5
               Phone Number..: 514-647-5131 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      The HP54201 Digital Oscilloscope has a sample rate of up to 
      200 MHz, and is a very powerful instrument considering its price. 
      The programs in this contribution allow the oscilloscope waveform 
      information to be captured and stored in files.  This info can then 
      later be retrieved, plotted, analyzed etc.
      Take a quick look at the INSTALL.CMD file, and check to see 
      if everything matches your system.  Then type:  INSTALL 
      The entire system should automatically load.  There are 
      4 sample waveform files called SCRATCH.DOx. 
MD                                                                       L040 
                             EXTENDED WD COMMAND
 Contribution Name...........: MD 
    Title....................: Extended WD command
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. MD.SBMT    This file
                             :02. MD.FTN     Source 
                             :03. MD.DOC     Documentation
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. CI
                             : 3. Path
 Contributor's Name..........: Debra K. Wagner
    Company..................: Rockwell International 
    Street...................: P.O. Box 464   Rocky Flats Plant, Bldg 564 
    City.....................: Golden 
    State....................: CO 
    Country..................: USA
    Zip Code.................: 80402-0464 
    Phone Number.............: 303/966-7983 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program acts as an advanced substitute for the CI command WD.  All
 features of WD are implemented plus some extras.  MD is a combination of 
 two programs already submitted and a new subroutine which gives additional 
 features that are not in the previous two programs.  The programs are
 SD, submitted by Dan Felman, and UpDir, submitted by Christopher Nelson. 
 I have combined these functions into one so that the user doesn't have to
 remember all of the programs and their usages. 
 The expanded features are: 
    MD >BROTHER      will move the working directory to another directory 
                     on the same level in the hierarchy.  (This includes
                     global directory changes too.) 
    MD ^n            will move up "n" levels from current directory 
                     (If "n" is omitted, will move up 1 level)
    MD ^^            will move the working directory to the global level
                     from anywhere lower in the hierarchy 
    MD -SUBDIR       will move the working directory to a subdirectory
                     any number of levels lower in the same hierarchy 
 Additional Documentation....:
SET_LU                                                                   L041 
 Contribution Name...........: SET_LU 
    Title....................: Configure mux ports for 4.1 Serial Drivers 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SET_LU.SBMT  submission file
                             :02. SET_LU.FTN
                             :03. SET_LU.LOD
                             :04. SET_LU.REL
                             :05. SET_LU.HLP   documentatiion for /help/
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A  4.1 or later
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Multiplexor 
                             : 2. Configure 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Diane Pezick
               Company.......:    Aluminum Co. of America 
               Street........:    Hall Road 
               City..........:    Alcoa 
               State.........:    Tennessee 
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    37701 
               Phone Number..:    (615)977-3585 
 Contribution Abstract.......:    This utility may be used for configuring
 multiplexer ports on Serial I/O Drivers that support Special Status Reads. 
 Drivers ID801, ID800 and ID400 released at the 4.1 update are supported. 
 Through an interactive sequence the user answers questions about 
 configuring a mux port.  After all the questions have been answered, the 
 two CN commands necessary to reconfigure the channel are displayed.  The 
 user may choose to have them executed automatically by the Set_Lu program, 
 or just have them displayed for information or for later entry through 
 Additional Documentation....: See SET_LU.HLP and source code.
GET_MUXCONFIG                                                            L042 
 Contribution Name...........: GET_MUXCONFIG
    Title....................: Display Driver Parameters for a Mux Port 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. GET_MUXCONFIG.SBMT   submission file
                             :02. GET_MUXCONFIG.FTN 
                             :03. GET_MUXCONFIG.LOD 
                             :04. GET_MUXCONFIG.REL 
                             :05. GET_MUXCONFIG.HLP  documentatiion for /help/
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A  4.1 or later
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Multiplexor 
                             : 2. Status
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Diane Pezick
               Company.......:    Aluminum Co. of America 
               Street........:    Hall Road 
               City..........:    Alcoa 
               State.........:    Tennessee 
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    37701 
               Phone Number..:    (615)977-3585 
 Contribution Abstract.......:   Get_MuxConfig is a utility for displaying
 the driver parameters in effect for a chosen LU.  This utility supports
 only Serial Drivers that use the Special Status Reads (Drivers introduced
 at the 4.1 Rev.).  For more information including a list of the parameters 
 displayed, see the Help file: Get_MuxConfig.hlp
 Additional Documentation....: See GET_MUXCONFIG.HLP and source code. 
CKPROGSVSBGPRI                                                           L043 
 Contribution Name...........: CkProgsVsBGPri 
    Title....................: Check Program Priority vs BG and TS Priorities 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. CKPROGSVSBGPRI.SBMT   submission file 
                             :02. CKPROGSVSBGPRI.FTN
                             :03. CKPROGSVSBGPRI.LOD
                             :04. CKPROGSVSBGPRI.REL
                             :05. CKPROGSVSBGPRI.HLP  documentatiion for /help
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. status
                             : 2. id_segments 
                             : 3. system
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Diane Pezick
               Company.......:    Aluminum Co. of America 
               Street........:    Hall Road 
               City..........:    Alcoa 
               State.........:    Tennessee 
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    37701 
               Phone Number..:    (615)977-3585 
 Contribution Abstract.......:   CkProgsVsBGPri checks the program priority 
 of each .RUN program in the specified directory against the background(BG) 
 and timeslice(TS) priorities.  If the program's priority is higher than
 either the timeslice or background priorities, then a report line is written 
 to your terminal (LU 1).  Most useful during operating system update to
 verify that HP utilities and programs have proper priorities in relation 
 to real-time user programs. Once CkProgsVsBGPri identifies these higher
 priority programs, the user must decide if a priority change is required.
 Additional Documentation....: See CKProgsVSBGPri.HLP and source code.
USAGE                                                                    L044 
 Contribution Name...........: USAGE
    Title....................: Monitor and Report System Usage by User
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. USAGE.SBMT CSL  Submission file
                             : 02. MONITABLES.INCL Include for MONITOR
                             : 03. MONITOR.FTN     MONITOR source 
                             : 04. MONSCH          IMAGE schema 
                             : 05. PRUNS.INCL      Include for USAGE
                             : 06. USAGE.FTN       USAGE source 
                             : 07. USAGELISTS.INCL Include for USAGE
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. ACCOUNTING
                             : 2. MONITOR 
                             : 3. REPORTS 
    External Support Req'd...: IMAGE
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Wright 
               Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology
               Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North
               City..........: Lake Elmo
               State.........: MN 
               Zip Code......: 55042
               Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 
               Telex.........: 650 211 1023 (WUI) 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 MONITOR and USAGE provide a system manager with thorough reports about 
 how the system is used.  MONITOR runs in the system session and in the 
 time list, sampling user sessions at frequent intervals.  When a user
 logs off, MONITOR writes an IMAGE record describing the amount of use
 of every program run by that user.  In the record are dates and times, 
 CPU usage and elapsed time, the actual (generic) name of the program,
 and more.  USAGE can be invoked at any time to report on the usage for 
 any time period of interest.  It can report its results sorted by user 
 or by program or both, and in a summary or full-report format. 
 MONITOR requires less than 1% of the system's time.  USAGE sorts its 
 data as fast as it can read it from the IMAGE data base.  Since it 
 always reports a date span, it does not perform a serial search on the 
 detail data set but instead follows the date chains and is very quick. 
 The IMAGE data base was designed for IMAGE I and therefore may be used 
 with either IMAGE I or IMAGE II. 
 Additional Documentation....: Sources are self-documenting.
BTIME                                                                    L045 
                      SYSTEM UP AND DOWN TIME RECORDING 
 Contribution Name...........: BTIME
    Title....................: System up and down time recording
    File Names...............: 00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE
                             : 01 BTIME.SBMT      SUBMIT FILE 
                             : 02 BTIME.FTN        SOURCE 
                             : 03 UTIME.FTN        SOURCE 
                             : 04 BTIME.REL 
                             : 05 UTIME.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 AND RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. BOOT-UP 
                             : 2. ACCOUNTING
    External Support Req'd...: RTE AND CI FILES 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: BUG FIX
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY & CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 261-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......: These are two programs which keep track of 
   when a system is booted and when it is halted.  I was inspired by a
   previous contribution of Alan Tibbetts.  This version provides for 
   128 boots and calculates both uptime and down time.  The initialization
   program will also warn you if you set the system time to a value that
   is before the last time recorded in the history file.
 Additional Documentation....: SEE SOURCE CODE
PASS_CHECK                                                               L046 
                         PASSWORD AGING AND CHANGING
 Contribution Name...........: PASS_CHECK 
    Title....................: Password aging and changing
    File Names...............: 00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE
                             : 01 PASS_CHECK.SBMT 
                             : 02 PASS_CHECK.FTN
                             : 03 PASS_CHECK.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. SECURITY
                             : 2. SESSION 
                             : 3. Logon/Logoff
    External Support Req'd...:     NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY & CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 261-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will monitor when passwords 
  are changed.  When a user logs on, this program checks the current
  password against a file to determine when the password was changed. 
  If more than 60 days (easily configured) have elapsed then the user 
  is required to change their password.  This program is executed from
  a 'HI' file.
 Additional Documentation....:
DBUTILITY                                                                L047 
                            92069 IMAGE UTILITIES 
 Contribution Name...........: DBUTILITY
    Title....................: 92069 IMAGE utilities
    File Names...............: 00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE
                             : 01 DBUTL.SBMT
                             : 02 DBSPC.FTN 
                             : 03 DBSPB.FTN 
                             : 04 DBVFY.FTN 
                             : 05 DBSYN.FTN 
                             : 06 DBMVR.FTN 
                             : 07 DBMOV.FTN 
                             : 08 DBSEC.FTN 
                             : 09 DBITM.FTN 
                             : 10 DBCPM.FTN 
                             : 11 DBCPD.FTN 
                             : 12 DBSPC.REL 
                             : 13 DBSPB.REL 
                             : 14 DBVFY.REL 
                             : 15 DBSYN.REL 
                             : 16 DBMVR.REL 
                             : 17 DBMOV.REL 
                             : 18 DBSEC.REL 
                             : 19 DBITM.REL 
                             : 20 DBCPM.REL 
                             : 21 DBCPD.REL 
                             : 22 OPEN_LOCKED_FILE.MAC
                             : 23 OPEN_LOCKED_FILE.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE(ALL) 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN77 AND MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. IMAGE 
                             : 2. DATA_BASE 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS 
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY & CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 261-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This is a collection of IMAGE DATA BASE 
 (92069 ONLY!) utilities.  With these programs additional structural
 information can be obtained and the data base structure can be modified. 
 Most of these programs do require exclusive use of the data base and 
 none of them use IMAGE subroutines.  The system manager should restrict
 the availablity of all of these programs.
    This utility reports capacity information from the root file of an
 IMAGE data base.  The program will report capacities even if the data
 base is open exclusively to some other application.  The execution 
 time is usually less than five seconds and is NOT a function of the
 size of the data sets. 
    This program reads all the records in all the sets of a data
 base.  It reports all the values that 'DBSPA' reports and in addition
 gives set usage in percent, counts the synonyms in the master sets and 
 identifies set type by name (manual,auto., detail).  The execution 
 speed is 2 - 5 times faster than 'DPSPA'.
    This utility examines all of the chains in one or all of the
 detail sets of a data base.  Any pointers or key values that are not 
 consistant are reported.  With this information the data base could
 be repaired with QUERY or for the brave, 'CMM6'. 
    This utility allows the investigation of the results of capacity
 changes or hashing algorithm changes on the synonym content of an
 existing master data set.  The data base is opened shared and the
 program does not write into the set. 
    This program moves a data base root file to a different cartridge.
    This program moves a set to a different cartridge.
    This utility allows the changing of level words and item level
    This program allows changing an items name or type. 
    This program allows changing the capacity of a master set.
    This program allows changing the capacity of a detail set.
    This subroutine is used by 'DBSPC' if the root file open fails
 with a -8 error.  Read the source before you use it elsewhere. 
 Additional Documentation....: See the source files for calling sequence. 
CTOME                                                                    L048 
 Contribution Name...........: CTOME
    Title....................: Copy console display to my terminal
    File Names...............: 00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE
                             : 01 CTOME.SBMT
                             : 02 CTOME.FTN 
                             : 03 CTOME.REL 
                             : 04 LYLIB.LIB    NEEDS ONE ROUTINE FROM HERE
                                               SEE CSL-1000 REV. 2625 
    Operating System(s)......: TESTED ON RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. COPY
                             : 3. TERMINAL
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY & CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 261-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will read back the current
 contents of the display memory of a crt.  It is hard coded to read 
 system lu 1 but could be made variable.  The output lu is variable.
 Additional Documentation....: See source 
MAIL                                                                     L049 
 Contribution Name...........: MAIL 
    Title....................: Mail for all systems and across DS network 
    File Names...............: 00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE
                             : 01 MAIL.SBMT 
                             : 02 MAIL.FTN     MAJOR PROGRAM
                             : 03 MAIL.REL
                             : 04 NEWMAIL.FTN  CHECK MAILBOX
                             : 05 NEWMAIL.REL 
                             : 06 REPORT.FTN   SHOW ALL ACTIVITY
                             : 07 REPORT.REL
                             : 08 PSTDS.FTN    DS DELIVERY
                             : 09 PSTDS.REL 
                             : 10 MAILMAINT.FTN  CLEAN UP MAILBOX 
                             : 11 MAILMAINT.REL 
                             : 12 USER6.FTN      USERS FILES ON RTE-6 
                             : 13 USER6.REL 
                             : 14 HELPFILE.HLP
                             : 15 UTILHELP.HLP
                             : 16 STARTUP6.CMD   LOAD ON RTE-6
                             : 17 STARTUPA.CMD   LOAD ON RTE-A
                             : 18 README.TXT
                             : 19 BUGS.TXT      Changes and enhancements
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 & RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. MAIL
                             : 2. MESSAGE 
                             : 3. DS
    External Support Req'd...:  CI File System
    If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENTS AND BUG FIXES 
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY & CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  To the best of my knowledge this
 package originated with Pete Gulotta of HP Valley Forge.   A very early
 version can be found on the CSL-1000 tape of 2625 as K195--.  I have added 
 several enhancements to this package.   MAIL now works on both 
 RTE-A and RTE-6.  The package now delivers mail across a DS network
 with the receivers newmail counter being incremented.  The form
 of the distribution list was changed and is more flexible.  The senders
 REAL name is included in the "FROM:" line.  REPORT was revised and 
 is much faster.  Some additional routines were added for compatability 
 with RTE-6.   I added some documentation and installation files. 
 This package encrypts the mail such that only the receiver (and MANAGER) 
 can read it.  If anyone needs a file encryption-decryption package,
 take a look at the routines in here. 
 Additional Documentation....:  See README.TXT,HELPFILE.HLP,UTILHELP.HLP
DBEXPLAIN                                                                L050 
                       EXPLAIN IMAGE DATA-BASE ERRORS 
 Contribution Name...........: DBEXPLAIN
    Title....................: Explain IMAGE data-base errors 
    File Names...............: 00 Rename Transfer File
                             : 01 DBEXPLAIN.SBMT   Submission file
                             : 02 DBHLP.FTN    CONTAINS THE TEXT
                             : 03 DBHLP.REL 
                             : 04 DBEXPLAIN.MAC     SUB. FOR APPLICATION
                             : 05 DBEXPLAIN.REL 
                             : 06 DBEXPLAIN.SMPL    SAMPLE OUTPUT 
                             : 07 DBEXPLAIN_SHORT.FTN  PRINTS ONLY #'s
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A   SHOULD BE ALL
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MACRO
    Keywords.................: 01. IMAGE
                             : 02. ERROR
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD L. CLAPP
               Company.......: ELI LILLY & CO.
               Street........: 307 E. MCCARTY ST. 
               City..........: INDIANAPOLIS 
               State.........: INDIANA
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......:    These routines save space in your 
 application programs by putting the text of data base error messages 
 in a separate program.  More information is also displayed than
 most programmers provide for in their code.  The program with the
 error text in it can also be used interactively to decode error
 Additional Documentation....:  See DbExplain.smpl for examples.
AMP                                                                      L051 
                            ANOTHER MAIL PROGRAM
 Contribution Name...........:    AMP 
    Title....................:    Another Mail Program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. Amp.sbmt        This file 
                             :02. LOAD_MAIL.CMD 
                             :03. MAIL.LOD        .LOD file for LINK
                             :04. COMMAND.HELP    help for Commands 
                             :05. EXIT.HELP       help for EXIT 
                             :06. EXPRESS.HELP    help for EXPRESS
                             :07. FILE.HELP       help for FILE 
                             :08. HELP.HELP       help for HELP 
                             :09. LIST.HELP       help for LIST 
                             :10. MAIL.HELP       help for MAIL 
                             :11. NEXT.HELP       help for NEXT 
                             :12. PREV.HELP       help for PREV 
                             :13. PRINT.HELP      help for PRINT
                             :14. PURGE.HELP      help for PURGE
                             :15. READ.HELP       help for READ 
                             :16. SEND.HELP       help for SEND 
                             :17. SORT.HELP       help for SORT 
                             :18. MAIL_INSTAL.DOC 
                             :19. MAIL_USER.DOC 
                             :20. EXPRESS.DEL 
                             :21. EXPRESS.PRNT
                             :22. EXPRESS.READ
                             :23. MAIL.FTN
                             :24. NO_DS_MAIL.FTN  mail without DS 
                             :25. POST.FTN        receiving mail over DS
                             :26. DS_MAIL.FTN     mail with DS
                             :27. UTIL_MAIL.FTN   both POST and MAIL
                             :28. DS_MAIL.REL 
                             :29. MAIL.REL
                             :30. NO_DS_MAIL.REL
                             :31. POST.REL
                             :32. UTIL_MAIL.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A, VCPLUS, CDS
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. MAIL
                             : 2. MESSAGE 
                             : 3. DS
    External Support Req'd...:    DS is optional. 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Donald L. Pipkin
               Company.......:    Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:    3840 S. 103rd E. Ave. 
               City..........:    Tulsa 
               State.........:    Oklahoma
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    74146 
               Phone Number..:    (918)665-3300x31
 Contribution Abstract.......:    I wanted to create a Mail program that
    had the best features of UN*X's xmail and the HP 3000's HPDESK. 
    Mail lets you send files to a user by name and over DS to user name 
    and node name.  It has online help and is very simple to use. 
 Additional Documentation....:    See the .DOC and .HELP files. 
GC                                                                       L052 
 Contribution Name...........: GC 
    Title....................: Gas Chromotography Data Acquisition with the 3497A 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01 GC.SBMT
                             :02 LOAD.DOC 
                             :03 RUN.DOC
                             :04 ALL.CMD
                             :05 ALLLOAD.CMD
                             :06 CHANCTRLCOMMON.FTN 
                             :07 CHANNEL_CONTROL.FTN
                             :08 CHANNEL_CONTROL.LOD
                             :09 COLUMN.FORM
                             :10 DATA_MGT.CMD 
                             :11 DATA_MGT.FTN 
                             :12 DATA_MGT.LOD 
                             :13 GCINL.FTN
                             :14 GC_ADDRS.DATA
                             :15 GC_ADDRS.FORM
                             :16 GC_ADDRS.FTN 
                             :17 GC_COMMONBKS.FTN 
                             :18 GC_DECLAR.FTN
                             :19 GC_SETUP.CMD 
                             :20 GC_SETUP.DATA
                             :21 GC_SETUP.FORM
                             :22 GC_SETUP.FTN 
                             :23 GC_SETUP.LOD 
                             :24 GC_SETUP_PART1.FTN 
                             :25 GC_SETUP_PART2.FTN 
                             :26 GC_SETUP_PART3.FTN 
                             :27 LOOP.FORM
                             :28 MONITOR.CMD
                             :29 MONITOR.LOD
                             :30 MONITOR_PART1.FTN
                             :31 MONITOR_PART2.FTN
                             :32 MONITOR_PART3.FTN
                             :33 MONITOR_PART4.FTN
                             :34 MONITOR_PART5.FTN
                             :35 SORPTION.FORM
                             :36 SRQ_SERVICE.CMD
                             :37 SRQ_SERVICE.FTN
                             :38 SRQ_SERVICE.LOD
                             :39 WORKUP.CMD 
                             :40 WORKUP.LOD 
                             :41 WORKUP_COMMONBKS.FTN 
                             :42 WORKUP_DECLAR.FTN
                             :43 WORKUP_PART1.FTN 
                             :44 WORKUP_PART2.FTN 
                             :45 WORKUP_PART3.FTN 
                             :46 WORKUP_PART4.FTN 
                             :47 WORKUP_PART5.FTN 
                             :48 WORKUP_PART6.FTN 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Data_acquisition
                             : 2. Chemistry 
    External Support Req'd...: HP3054C Library
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Doyle Stroup 
               Company.......: Chemical Research & Development Engineering Center 
                               Collective Protection Division 
               City..........: Aberdeen Proving Ground
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 21010
               Phone Number..: 301-671-3488/3311/3050 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  The Gas Chromatography data Acquisition system written by J. Thomas Lynn
  requires that an HP 3497A be the control and data acquisition device for
  the GC. The system consist of 8 programs that work togrther to control the
  GC, acqire analog outputs, and store the data on disc. The data can be listed 
  and worked up with the post processing modules. Read the source code as it
  is documented fairly well.
 Additional Documentation....: HP 3497A manual, HP 3054C manuals
DIFF                                                                     L053 
                            SOURCE FILE COMPARER
 Contribution Name...........: Diff 
    Title....................: Source File Comparer 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. diff.sbmt - Submission file. 
                             : 02. diff.help - Help file for Diff 
                             : 03. diff.r    - Ratfor source file 
                             : 04. diff.ftn  - Fortran 77 source file 
                             : 05. diff.rel  - relocatable file 
                             : 06. fcl.r     - diff library in Ratfor 
                             : 07. argsfc.incl  - include file for fcl.r
                             : 08. fcl.ftn   - diff library in Fortran 77 
                             : 09. fcl.rel   - diff library relocatable 
                             : 10. diff.lod  - link command file
                             : 11. fcl.lib   - diff library 
                             : 12. create_diff.cmd - creates diff.run 
                             : 13. rat77.cmd - Ratfor command file
                             : 14. spooldiff.cmd - spools diff output 
                             : 15. diff.map  - contributor's link map 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: sources provided both in Ratfor and Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. compare 
                             : 2. tools 
    External Support Req'd...: EMA
    If Re-submission, Reason.: (1) now using all Fmp I/O for efficiency 
                             : (2) new features including: EDIT/1000
                             :     command files, and screen fill pausing.
 Contributor's Name..........: Ed McCabe
               Company.......: Singer-Kearfott Division 
               Street........: 30 Continental Drive, #15A76 
               City..........: Wayne
               State.........: N.J. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07470
               Phone Number..: (201)-633-4664 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Diff  compares two source files and clearly shows the differences 
 between them, without getting lost at times, as many source comparers do.
  If you don't have Ratfor (really Rat77), you can compile the Fortran 77 
 instead, and use the source in Ratfor as documentation.
 Additional Documentation....: diff.help
CMMA                                                                     L054 
                            RTE-A SYSTEM ANALYZER 
 Contribution Name...........: CMMA 
    Title....................: RTE-A System Analyzer
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. CMMA.SBMT -  Submission file 
                             : 02. CMMA.DOC - documentation 
                             : 03. CMMA.LOD -  LINK command file
                             : 04. CMMA.R - source in Rat77 
                             : 05. CMMA.FTN - source in Fortran 77
                             : 06. CMMA.REL - relocatable 
                             : 07. ACCESS.MAC - access to system entries
                             : 08. ACCESS.REL - access to system entries
                             : 09. CREATE_CMMA.CMD - creates CMMA.run 
                             : 10. RAT77.CMD - Ratfor command file
                             : 11. CMMA.MAP  - contributor's link map 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: in both Ratfor and Fortran 77, some MACRO
    Keywords.................: 01. System 
                             : 02. System_tables
                             : 03. Diagnostic 
                             : 04. Tools
    External Support Required:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Converted from C to Rat77 (Fortran 77) 
                             : Derived from J033 by David A. Boskey 
 Contributor's Name..........: Ed McCabe
               Company.......: Singer-Kearfott Division 
               Street........: 30 Continental Drive, #15A76 
               City..........: Wayne
               State.........: N.J. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07470
               Phone Number..: (201)-633-4664 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
          CMMA is a program which facilitates the analysis of problems
          in an RTE-A  system.  CMMA is  a  stripped-down  version  of
          previous versions of CMMx.    This version does not have the
          facility to run  in  a different  computer; i.e.  you cannot
          examine a  remote  RTE-A from  another  node  in  a  DS/1000
 Additional Documentation....: CMMA.DOC (somewhat dated; same as "CMMA 2533)
 Notes.......................: Block/sector & time conversion commands added
                             : Could eliminate MAC by $ALIAS; see SuperU 2533 
RAT77                                                                    L055 
                      EASY-TO-INSTALL VERSION OF RATFOR 
 Contribution Name...........: RAT77
    Title....................: Easy-to-install version of Ratfor
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. RAT77.SBMT - Submission file.
                             : 02. AA_RUN_ME_FIRST.CMD - Compiles from FTN7X
                             : 03. RAT77.R - RAT77 in Rat77 
                             : 04. RAT77.HELP - help file 
                             : 05. ARGS.INCL - labeled common 
                             : 06. DS.FTN 
                             : 07. DS.R      - table routines 
                             : 08. DS.REL 
                             : 09. IO.INCL   - labeled common 
                             : 10. IO_FTN.INCL - labeled common 
                             : 11. PRIMER.DOC - introduction to Ratfor
                             : 12. R77_F77.EDIT - special editing aid 
                             : 13. RAT77.cmd - Ratfor command file
                             : 14. RAT77.ftn  - RAT77 in Fortran 77 
                             : 15. RAT77.LIB  - collection of lower routines
                             : 16. RAT77.lod - link command file
                             : 17. RAT77.map - contributor's linker map 
                             : 18. RAT77.MGIN - merge command file
                             : 19. RAT77.rel  - RAT77 relocatable 
                             : 20. RAT77_COMMON.INCL - defines common blocks
                             : 21. RATDEF  - assortment of define statement 
                             : 22. RCL.FTN - Ratfor character library 
                             : 23. RCL.R
                             : 24. RCL.REL
                             : 25. UPDATE_RAT77.CMD - for modifying Rat77 
                             : 26. UTILITY_FTN.FTN - basic I/O speeded up 
                             : 27. UTILITY_FTN.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: source provided in both Rat77 and Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Compiler
                             : 2. Pre-processor 
                             : 3. Language
                             : 4. C 
    External Support Req'd...: uses EMA 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: J012 with only Rat77, and improved I/O 
 Contributor's Name..........: Ed McCabe
               Company.......: Singer-Kearfott Division 
               Street........: 30 Continental Drive, #15A76 
               City..........: Wayne
               State.........: N.J. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07470
               Phone Number..: (201)-633-4664 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    Rat77 is an enhanced version of a Fortran pre-processor called
 Ratfor (Rational Fortran).  The control statements are almost the
 same as those in C .  Rat77 can be useful for compiling C programs 
 to run on an RTE system.  This later version, Rat77 "Beta" also
 has text macro facilities that can make data structures in Fortran 77
 look like those of C or Pascal.
    Ratfor first came out in 1976 in the book, "Software Tools" by
 Kernighan & Plauger.  You could also order a magnetic tape from
 Addison Wesley publishing company with all the software tools
 sources on it.  Since the advent of Pascal and C, Ratfor has 
 started to die out, but it's still a great language when used with 
 Fortran 77 character strings, especially on an HP. 
 Additional Documentation....: RAT77.r
                             : "Software Tools" by Kernighan & Plauger
                             : there's a good section on Ratfor in one
                             :  of the Bell system Unix user's manuals
 User's Group................: Software Tools User's Group
                             : 140 Center St.  (might be an old address)
                             : El Segundo, CA 90245 
                             : (213) 322-2574 
SORT                                                                     L056 
 Contribution Name...........: SORT 
    Title....................: Unix-style sort-merge package for RTE-A in Fortran 77
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. sort.sbmt   - Submission file. 
                             : 02. sort.r - Sort in Rat77 
                             : 03. csort.comn  - labeled common 
                             : 04. flist.comn  - labeled common 
                             : 05. select.comn  - labeled common
                             : 06. sort.ftn  - Sort in Fortran 77 
                             : 07. sort.rel  - Sort relocatable 
                             : 08. sort.help - help file
                             : 09. sort.lod - link command file 
                             : 10. sort.map - contributor's linker map
                             : 11. fcl.r     - utility library in Rat77 
                             : 12. argsfc.incl  - include file for fcl.r
                             : 13. fcl.ftn   - utility library in Fortran 77
                             : 14. fcl.rel   - utility library relocatable
                             : 15. fcl.lib   - utility library lindexed 
                             : 16. fmp.r     - Fmp I/O library in Rat77 
                             : 17. iofmp.incl  - include file for fmp.r 
                             : 18. fmp.ftn   - Fmp I/O library in Fortran 77
                             : 19. fmp.rel   - Fmp I/O library relocatable
                             : 20. fmp.lib   - Fmp I/O library lindexed 
                             : 21. qisort.ftn - qisort (in Fortran 77)
                             : 22. qisort.rel - qisort relocatable
                             : 23. qisort.lib - qisort library lindexed 
                             : 24. create_sort.cmd - creates sort.run 
                             : 25. rat77.cmd - Ratfor command file
                             : 26. flatten_dl.edit - makes something to sort
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: both Ratfor and Fortran 77 provided. 
    Keywords.................: 1. sort
                             : 2. merge 
                             : 3. Unix
    External Support Req'd...: none (no EMA used) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: J015 rewritten for Fortran 77 strings. 
                             : Ratfor I/O routines converted to Fmp calls.
                             : optimized
 Contributor's Name..........: Ed McCabe
               Company.......: Singer-Kearfott Division 
               Street........: 30 Continental Drive, #15A76 
               City..........: Wayne
               State.........: N.J. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07470
               Phone Number..: (201)-633-4664 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    A sort/merge package with Unix style options.  Very fast for files
 small enough for in-memory sorting (under 32,000 characters).  Uses
 polyphase merge to sort larger files, limited only by size of
 scratch disk area. 
    This contribution is based on SMERGE (J015) by Rich Drescher. 
 Ratfor character by character I/O has been replaced by Fmp calls,
 and Fortran 77 character strings are used.  User interface revamped. 
 Additional Documentation....: sort.help, sort.r, see Unix user manuals 
TYPER REV. 7.24                                                          L057 
                           WORD PROCESSING PROGRAM
 Contribution Name...........: TYPER Rev. 7.24
    Title....................: TYPER- Word Processing Program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. 'TYPER  submission file 
                             :02. &TYP7A  main source 
                             :03. &TYP7B  segment 0 
                             :04. &TYP7C  segment 1 
                             :05. &TYP7D  segment 2 
                             :06. &TYP7E  segment 3 
                             :07. &TY7LB  library of Fortran srtns
                             :08. &TYPLC  library of assembler srtns
                             :09. *TYPER  include file for TYP7A-E and LB 
                             :10. %TYP7A  main relocatable
                             :11. %TYP7B  segment 0 rel 
                             :12. %TYP7C  segment 1 rel 
                             :13. %TYP7D  segment 2 rel 
                             :14. %TYP7E  segment 3 rel 
                             :15. $TYPLB.LIB &TY6LB relocatable library file
                             :16. $TYPLC.LIB  &TYPLC relocatable library file 
                             :17. $HSLIB.LIB  Haystack Library
                             :18. $CHAR.LIB  Character string library 
                             :19. #TYPER  Link command file 
                             :20. "TYPER  the manual for TYPER
                             :21. ?TYPER  quick help file of commands 
                             :22. TYP$TE  Terminal printer driver table 
                             :23. TYP$DI  Diablo 630/HP2601 print driver table
                             :24. TYP$PA  Panasonic 1091/1092 print driver table
                             :25. TYP$LA  LaserJet print driver table (no cart) 
                             :26. CARTB   LaserJet print driver table (92286B)
                             :27. CARTD   LaserJet print driver table (92286D)
                             :28. CARTF   LaserJet print driver table (92286F)
                             :29. CARTG   LaserJet print driver table (92286G)
                             :30. CARTJ   LaserJet print driver table (92286J)
                             :31. CARTR   LaserJet print driver table (92286R)
                             :32. CARTT   LaserJet print driver table (92286T)
                             :33. PR2934  HP2934 print driver table (printer) 
                             :34. WP2934  HP2934 print driver table (wp mode) 
                             :35. TYP$SP  NEC Spinwriter print driver table 
                             :36. TAPE8   printer driver table for tape 
                             :37. &FONTS   easy entry of font esc sequences 
                             :38. DEMO_J   demo of the J cartridge
                             :39. DEMO     demo of TYPER
                             :40. CHARF.FTN  Source for $CHAR.LIB 
                             :41. CHARM.MAC  Source for $CHAR.LIB 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 and RTE-A (must have C.83) 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 and MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. WORD_PROCESSING 
    External Support Req'd...: Some sort of printer 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: TYPER is the son of TYPE, grandson of
                               TYPO and is continually being upgraded.
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th St. and Mass. Ave.
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392 (new zip code) 
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Program Abstract............: This is the program TYPE revised to
 run under RTE-6 and RTE-A, to drive all kinds of printers including
 dot matrix (Panasonic, Epson, etc.), and LaserJet, and add a few new 
 commands.  It can be run through any driver including the multiplexor. 
 Before you try it, PLEASE read Appendix J and K.  Specifically, check
 Appendix J to see how to set the printer LU and scratch disk defaults. 
 Using the J cartridge and CARTJ printer driver table, math and Greek 
 symbols are available on the LaserJet (see DEMO_J) 
 Appendix K is a history of the revisions.  You should review it, since 
not all changes have been backwards compatible (that is, you may need to
change some parameters in your printer driver tables).
 Additional Documentation....:  "TYPER is the complete manual.
It is in TYPER format, ready for printing.  While it may look intimidating, 
a quick scan of the appendices will show that TYPER usually defaults to 
what you want (at least, when you are just starting). 
 To use LaserJet+ soft fonts, see contribution FONTEDIT.
WARNING: at REV. 7.00 the printer driver tables for the LaserJet were changed 
to accomodate proportional spacing.  Either use these new tables or change
the old ones as shown in the "TYPER file under REV. 7.00. 
FONTEDIT                                                                 L058 
                     LOAD AND EDIT LASERJET+ SOFT FONTS 
 Contribution Name...........: FONTEDIT 
    Title....................: Load and Edit LaserJet+ Soft Fonts 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. FONTEDIT.SBMT  submission file
                             :02. FONTEDIT.DOC  documentation file
                             :03. FONTEDIT.FTN  source file 
                             :04. FONTEDIT.REL  relocateable file 
                             :05. FONTEDIT.LOD  link file 
                             :06. FIXFONT.FTN  source file
                             :07. FIXFONT.REL  relocatable file 
                             :08. FIXFONT.LOD  link file
                             :09. SETJET.FTN  source file 
                 CAUTION- change stmnt 100 in SETJET.FTN and re-compile 
                             :10. SETJET.REL  reloacatable file 
                             :11. SETJET.LOD  link file 
                             :12. $HSLIB.LIB  Haystack library
                             :13. $CHAR.LIB  character handling library 
                             :14. CHARM.MAC macro source for $CHAR.LIB
                             :15. CHARF.FTN fortran source for $CHAR.LIB
                             :16. MATHFONT   sample soft fonts for DEMO_F 
                             :17. FONTEDIT.FONT     soft font for DEMO_F
                             :18. DEMO_F  sample Greek and math for TYPER 
                             :19. ?FONTS  help file for SETJET (copy to /HELP)
                             :20. FT12R10.USPM block         \
                             :21. HW12R06.USPM hollow         \  fonts from 
                             :22. LR12R06.USPM large           > Interex
                             :23. OE18RPN.USPM Old English    /  BBS
                             :24. SC18RPN.USPM Script        /
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 and RTE-A (CI supported) 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 and MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. WORD_PROCESSING 
                             : 2. LaserJet
    External Support Req'd...: 01. HP LaserJet Plus 
                               02. HP LaserJt soft fonts
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th St. and Mass. Ave.
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392 (new zip code) 
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Program Abstract............: FONTEDIT is a program to load HP's soft fonts
 for the LaserJet Plus from the HP1000 into the LaserJet.  It can delete
 existing fonts, load new fonts and edit a font file to create new
 characters.  FIXFONT is required to convert the fonts as received from HP
 to a useable format.  See the documentation in FONTEDIT.DOC.  SETJET can 
 be used to select a given font once it is loaded into the Laserjet, or 
 you can use any other program that allows font selection (such as
 TYPER).  Font selection by ID number is supported by SETJET and
 TYPER Rev. 6.33 and later.  SETJET contains the LU of your LaserJet at 
 statement 100 and should be re-compiled. 
 To demonstrate the programs, use FONTEDIT to load MATHFONT into the
 Laserjet with ID number 22 and FONTEDIT.FONT with ID 124.
 Then use TYPER to print the DEMO_F file. 
 Additional Documentation....: see FONTEDIT.DOC 
SPELR                                                                    L059 
                              SPELLING CHECKER
 Contribution Name...........:  SPELR 
    Title....................:  Spelling checker
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'SPELR   Submission file 
                             : 02. "SPELR   documentation and hints 
                             : 03. #SPELR   link command file 
                             : 04. &SPELR   source code in FTN7X
                             : 05. %SPELR   relocateable
                             : 06. &SPELB    library of required srtns
                             : 07. %SPELB    relocatable
                             : 08. &IBTWN    required subroutine
                             : 09. %IBTWN    relocatable
                             : 10. EDITDC  dictionary in unloaded form
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-6/VM, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............:  FORTRAN 77, requires C.83 or later
    Keywords.................: 1. WORD_PROCESSING 
    External Support Req'd...: C.83 or later, EMA 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  Continuing updates
 Contributor's Name..........:  F. Stephen Gauss
               Company.......:  U.S. Naval Observatory
               Street........:  34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW
               City..........:  Washington
               State.........:  DC
               Country.......:  U.S.A.
               Zip Code......:  20392 
               Phone Number..:  (202) 653-1510
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This is a fast spelling checker.  It allows 
                                you to correct words interactively and
                                to add them to the dictionary.  A 
                                dictionary of over 3000 words is supplied 
                                and space is allocated for over 10000 words.
                                EMA and C.83 are required.  The program 
                                reads the dictionary into EMA and then
                                processes text at about 250 words per 
                                second on an A-900. 
                                This release adds the capability to see similar 
                                words to the mis-spelled one. 
 Additional Documentation....:  See the "SPELR file.
                                See &SPELR for the revision history.
SPACE                                                                    L060 
                          REPORT CI DISC FREE SPACE 
 Contribution Name...........: SPACE
    Title....................: Report CI disc free space
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SPACE.SBMT
                             :02. SPACE.FTN 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Data_mgmt 
    External Support Req'd...: CI, CS-80
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: D.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20390
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Like FREES, but reports in blocks, tracks
   or megabytes and allows output to an LU. 
 Additional Documentation....:
DFIND                                                                    L061 
                            DISPLAY CI FILE SIZES 
 Contribution Name...........: DFIND
    Title....................: Display CI file sizes
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DFIND.SBMT submission file
                             :02. DFIND.FTN  main source
                             :03. DFIND1.FTN  library of Fortran srtns
                             :04. DFIND2.MAC  library of assembler srtns
                             :05. DFIND.REL  main relocatable 
                             :06. DFIND1.REL relocatable  file
                             :07. DFIND2.REL relocatable file 
                             :08. DFIND.LOD  Link command file
                             :09. DFIND     help file for /HELP/ directory
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 and RTE-A (must have C.83) 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 and MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. FILES 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Added ability to clear backup bits on files
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th St. and Mass. Ave.
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Move the file DFIND to the /HELP/
 directory and then ? DFIND 
  This program operates on a directory or set of files as determined by 
the file mask.  It can
 1. show the total size 
 2. show all files greater than a given size
 3. show what LU the files are on 
 4. show what files are open on a directory 
 5. clear backup bits 
 Additional Documentation....:
SKELJ                                                                    L062 
 Contribution Name...........: SKELJ
    Title....................: Operator/System/Application/FMGR/CI Interface Skeleton 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SKELJ.SBMT
                             :02. SKELJ.DOC   - Help file (ASCII).
                             :03. SKELJ.FTN   - Source Code.
                             :04. [CPARS      - Include file. 
                             :05. [SKELF      - Include file. 
                             :06. [SKELJ      - Include file. 
                             :07. [SKELP      - Include file. 
                             :08. !SKELJ      - Help file (type 1 Dir acc). 
                             :09. SKELJ.LOD   - LINK/LOADR command file.
                             :10. SKELJ.REL   - Relocatable code. 
                             :11. SKELJ.LIB   - Relocatabe library. 
                             :12. SKLIB.FTN   - FORTRAN library sources.
                             :13. SKLIB.MAC   - ASMB library sources. 
                             :14. CPARS.TXT   - Subroutine usage document.
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Interface 
                             : 2. Shell 
                             : 3. Tools 
    External Support Req'd...: $FMP6 and other RTE-6 system software. 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: George (Jeff) Wynne
               Company.......: USN Ordanance Station
               Street........: Code 6041
               City..........: Indian Head
               State.........: Maruyland
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20640
               Phone Number..: (301) 743-4153 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 SKELJ is a skeleton program which makes use of a number of features
 which are included in most of our locally developed software for HP-1000 
 computers.  Specifically SKELJ is an interactive program which:
    - Has natural command parsing        - Handles command substrings 
    - Interfaces with FMGR and CI        - Is parameter controlled
    - Gets file names from runstring     - Is command driven
    - Clones & schedules other progarms  - Has command stacking 
    - Can Pass commands to RTE           - Has a help file interface
    - Has code for EMA interface         - Has code to open files 
    - Does I/O error reporting           - Alters/displays parameters 
 SKELJ doesnt have any useful function other than to demonstrate its
 features and provide a skeleton for starting a new program.  Its a 
 lot easier to delete the parts you don't want than to try to pull
 them all together from several different places.  With these system
 interface functions out of the way you can concentrate on the job
 at hand. 
 I have included some subroutines from various sources (several from
 Alan Whitney via prior CSL/1000 releases. Thanks Alan.)  You may 
 find these useful, but if not modify SKELJ to work with your 
 own software and I think you will find new Interactive, Command driven,
 Parameter controlled programs getting off the ground quicker than
 starting from scratch. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 See the help file SKELJ.DOC.  Documentation on programmar usage of 
 command -parsing-retrieval-stacking-etc and system inteface subroutines
 is found in CPARS.TXT. 
 To link SKELJ on a current RTE-6/VM system.  You need SKELJ.LOD, 
 NOTE that the cloning features assumes you have the program RP 
 as an active program ('genned in' or 'RPd').  RP was a part of 
 the Haystack Library Submission from a previous CSL 1000.
CROSS                                                                    L063 
 Contribution Name...........: CROSS
    Title....................: Cross-check that all variables are declared
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. CROSS.SBMT  (submission file) 
                             :02. CRLIST.FTN
                             :03. CROSS.CMD 
                             :04. INSTALL.CMD 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. CROSS-REFERENCE 
                             : 2. COMPILER
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Gertrud Rosskamp
               Company.......:  Lehrgebiet fuer Wasser-Energie-Wirtschaft 
                             :  RWTH Aachen 
               Street........:  Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1
               City..........:  Aachen
               State.........:  Nordrhein-Westfalen 
               Country.......:  West-Germany
               Zip Code......:  5100
               Phone Number..:  0241-805279 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  Using the cross reference list, the CRLIST
                                program checks whether all variables are de-
                                clared, i.e. whether no implicite type decla
                                rations exist. It also checks if the variabl
                                which are declared are actually used. The 
                                variables, which are either only declared or
                                used, are written to an output-file (the
                                default name is 'filename.out').
                                CRLIST requires an LIST-file, which is gene-
                                rated by the command-file CROSS, since the
                                program is compiled with QTC-Option.
                                CALL :  CROSS filename (without extension)
 Additional Documentation....:
TED                                                                      L064 
                                 TEXT EDITOR
 Contribution Name...........: TED
    Title....................: Text EDitor
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. TED.SBMT        Submit file
                             : 02. TED.CMD         Command file 
                             : 03. TED.LOD         LINK commands for TED
                             : 04. TED.HLP         Help file
                             : 05. TED.MNL         TED manual (WOLF format) 
                             : 06. TEDERRORS.DOC   List of detected bugs
                             : 07. TEDPLANS.DOC    List of future plans 
                             : 08. TED.REL         TED main program 
                             : 09. TED.LIB         TED subroutine library 
                             : 10. TEDLIBA.REL     TED's RTE-A library
                             : 11. TEDLIB6.REL     TED's RTE-6 library
                             : 12. FMASK.FTN       File mask program
                             : 13. FMASK.REL       File mask program
                             : 14. FMASK_CDS.REL   File mask program, CDS 
                             : 15. FMASK.LOD       Link commands
                             : 16. FMASK.HLP       Help file
                             : 17. SED.LOD         Link file for SED
                             : 18. SED.REL         SED main 
                             : 19. TTY.REL         Block data for SED 
                             : 20. DATA.REL               ''
                             : 21. TABS.REL               ''
                             : 22. FLAGS.REL              ''
                             : 23. TABLES.REL             ''
                             : 24. MAINEDIT.REL    Main edit routine
                             : 25. EDITLINE.REL    Edit one line
                             : 26. SEDLIB1.REL     SED lib 1
                             : 27. SEDLIB2.REL     SED lib 2
                             : 28. SEDLIB3.REL     SED lib 3
                             : 29. SEDLIB4.REL     SED lib 4
                             : 30. MACROLIB.REL    SED macro lib
                             : 31. FTNLIBA.REL     SED's RTE-6 library
                             : 32. FTNLIB6.REL     SED's RTE-A library
                             : 33. LS.REL          LS main program
                             : 34. LS.LOD          Link file for LS 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A with CI file system
                             : 12792B/C or 12040B/C MUX required
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. EDITOR
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Inge Vabekk
               Company.......: -----------
               Street........: Hamangskogen 108 
               City..........: N-1300 SANDVIKA
               Country.......: NORWAY 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 47 / 2 / 54 63 96 (private)
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  TED is a completely interactive text editor program.  It operates 
  in screen mode, but without having to read back from the screen.
  TED  is  perfect for  editing  plain  text, but  has some  useful 
  functions for editing program sources as well.
  Some features are:
     1. Several files can be edited in one run. If program FMASK
        is available you can use wildcard characters in filenames.
     2. Line length up to 160 characters with horisontal scroll 
        (requires 2626x terminal) 
     3. Uses the terminal's editing keys for functions like:
        - move cursor up/down, left/right 
        - roll up/down, left/right (2626 only)
        - go "home"/"home down" 
        - go to previous/next page
        - insert/delete lines, characters 
        - restore deleted lines, characters 
     4. Uses control characters for functions like: 
        - break a line in two 
        - joining lines 
        - move words up/down
        - delete/restore words
        - yank lines into a special buffer
        - duplicate a line
        - exchange lines, words 
        - setting margins 
        - casefold characters 
        - select primary/secondary character sets 
        - enter command mode
     5. Uses softkeys for functions like: 
        - get help
        - start/end display enhancement 
        - go to a line (prompted for line number) 
        - list lines   (prompted for parameters)
        - justify lines (4 modes available) 
        - set various flags (in command mode) 
     6. All softkeys are reset to their original contents 
        when the TED session is done. 
  And there's more! 
  There is extensive protection against program or system crashes;
  no more will be lost than the last edits in the current line. 
  Any previously deleted lines may also be restored after a crash.
  The program supports 8-bit character sets with the 23xx terminals.
  TED requires (or places) no special symbols in the file to be edited. 
  Thus the program can be used to edit program sources as well as 
  files for text formatting programs (WOLF, TEXED, TYPER etc.). 
 Additional Documentation....: To link TED: 
                             : Select the directory containing the
                             : submitted files. 
                             : CI> &dDTR, TED.CMD&d@
                             : Wait till 4 programs are linked. 
                             : (TED, SED, FMASK, LS)
                             : TED will be run, specifying the
                             : file TESTFILE. 
                             : To get a copy of manual: 
                             : WOLF /TED/TED.MNL <printer>
                             : Note:
                             : No sources are supplied for TED, 
                             : because of plans for restructuring 
                             : the program (faster start/end and
                             : other enhancements). 
                             : When this has been done I'll supply
                             : them to the following CSL/1000 revision. 
                             : Read the file /TED/TEDPLANS.DOC !
ROBRES                                                                   L065 
 Contribution Name...........: ROBRES 
    Title....................: System accounting & user monitoring utilities
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. ROBRES.SBMT 
                             :02. RM101.FTN   - Disc/Cpu monitor program
                             :03. RM101.REL   - 
                             :04. RMREAD.FTN  - Reports data collected by 
                             :05. RMREAD.REL  -    Rm101 program
                             :06. DIRECTORYSIZE.FTN  - Reports directory
                             :07. DIRECTORYSIZE.REL  -  ownership & sizes 
                             :08. PLOTBITMAP.FTN     - Plots Lu BitMap
                                                       to calcomp plotter 
                             :09. BUILDENCRYPT.CMD   - NBS data 
                             :10. MDES.MAC           -   encryption 
                             :11. MDES.REL           -    routines
                             :12. ENCODE.FTN         - Fortran drivers
                             :13. ENCODE.REL         -  for above 
                             :14. DECODE.FTN         -
                             :15. DECODE.REL         -
                             :16. BUILDKEY.FTN       -
                             :17. BUILDKEY.REL       -
    Operating System(s)......: RTE A
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. ENCRYPTION
                             : 2. ACCOUNTING
                             : 3. DISC
    External Support Req'd...: Calcomp plotter/libraries for PLOTBITMAP!
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: J Daley
               Company.......: Robertson Research International 
               Street........: Ty'n'y'Coed
               City..........: Llandudno
               State.........: Gwynedd
               Country.......: Wales
               Zip Code......: LL30 1SA 
               Phone Number..: (0492) 81811 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  These are some routines thrown together to help in deciding user charges, 
   depending on HP Cpu/Logon times and calculated disc useage.
  DES encryption routines were originally developed at DQA(TS) and are
   simple examples of use of the American NBS Data Encryption Standard in 
   software - these are included for general interest!
 Additional Documentation....:
   System programs can be simply linked - see source for run information
   DES routines built with command file - .. .. .. .... ... ... ... 
LIST                                                                     L066 
                         LINE NUMBERED LIST UTILITY 
 Contribution Name...........: LIST 
    Title....................: Line numbered list utility 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'LIST - Submission file
                             : 02. &LIST - Source code
                             : 03. %LIST - Relocatable code 
                             : 04. HLIST - Help file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A, RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. List
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jack D. Ferguson & Theodore B. Massey
               Company.......: AMP, Inc.
               Street........: P.O. Box 55
                             : Mail Pt. 79-39 
               City..........: Winston-Salem
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: U.S.A. 
               Zip Code......: 27102
               Phone Number..: (919) 727-5819 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
          This program will provide a line numbered file listing of a file
      on a CI volume.  It will :
          1. Recognize and execute the $PAGE directive as used in FTN77 
          2. Provide a page numbered header line with date, time and
             file name. 
          The file HLIST is meant to be placed in the /HELP directory.
          Limitations : 
              1. Lu 6 is the only recognized output LU
              2. Line length's greater than 122 characters will be trunc- 
              3. File names exceeding 39 characters will not be printed.
 Additional Documentation....:  See the file HLIST. 
WDD                                                                      L067 
 Contribution Name...........:WDD 
    Title....................:Change directories via function keys
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. wdd.sbmt - submission file
                             :02. wdd.c    - source 
                             :03. wdd.rel  - relocatable
                             :04. wdd.lod  - LINK file
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-6VM 
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. DIRECTORY 
                             : 3. SOFTKEYS
    External Support Req'd...:HP/C Libraries Rev. 2533 Cont. No. J031 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: James B. Sheffler
               Company.......: General Dynamics 
                             : P.O. Box 2507
               City..........: Pomona 
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 91769
               Phone Number..: (714) 598-0848 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program works similiar to the WD command to the extent of setting 
 a users working directory.  In addition, subdirectories of the working 
 directory are displayed and function keys set to allow a user to easily
 move through a directory tree by simply using the function keys. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 The program limits the number of subdirectories in a working directory 
 to 21 (others being ignored) and requires a session variable to be set 
 to the users log-on directory in order to reclimb the directory tree.
 This variable is named HOME and should be set in a users WELCOM file.
 For example, 
                    SET HOME = /USR 
 WDD usage is as follows: 
 WDD [directory name] [option]
      directory name - The name of the new working directory. May be
                       a subdirectory 
      option         = 0 - subdirectories 1-7 displayed 
                     = 1 - subdirectories 8-14 displayed
                     = 2 - subdirectories 15-21 displayed 
 If WDD is run without any parameters, the display is refreshed using 
 the current working directory. 
 The f8 function key is either used to return back to the HOME directory
 or used to display more subdirectories within the current working directory. 
STIME                                                                    L068 
                       SYNCHRONIZE SYSTEM TIME VIA DS 
 Contribution Name...........: STIME
    Title....................: Synchronize System Time via DS 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'STIME Submission File
                             :02. &STIME Source 
                             :03. *STIME Compile Transfer File
                             :04. %STIME Relocatable
                             :05. #STIME Loadr File 
                             :06. &TMLIB Time Library Source
                             :07. $TMLIB Time Library Relocatable 
                             :08. &INIT  Init DS Source 
                             :09. %INIT  Init DS Relocatable
                             :10. *INIT  Init DS Compile Transfer File
                             :11. #INIT  Init DS Loadr File 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77, Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. BOOT-UP 
                             : 2. DS
                             : 3. TIME
    External Support Req'd...: DS/1000-IV 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jeffrey Sweet
               Company.......: Air Force Avionics Lab 
               Street........: AFWAL/AARI-3 
               City..........: Wright-Patterson, AFB
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 45433
               Phone Number..: (513) 255-6361 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 The two system utilites STIME and INIT are very useful in large
 DS/1000-IV HP 1000 networks. 
 STIME will syncronize all DS nodes to a master node.  This will
 insure that all system clocks are set the same, and stay the same. 
 This is very useful in remote data collection environments.  The 
 master node may set its time via an external reference clock.
 If a program is on the time list with an absolute scheduled time,
 and the time is reset to past this time, the program will not
 be executed.  STIME is very careful not to let this happen.  The 
 time is adjusted in small intervals that will permit scheduled 
 programs to execute without being passed over. 
 INIT will initialize a DS node.  The program contains several
 tables with all of the DS initialization information for the 
 network.  The program will adjust the initialization information 
 based on the passed node number. 
 STIME and INIT should both be run the the WELCOM file. 
 Additional Documentation....:
TERM                                                                     L069 
 Contribution Name...........: TERM 
    Title....................: Terminal self-test and strap setting 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. 'TERM 
                             :02. &TERM 
                             :03. %TERM 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM and others? 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Terminal
                             : 2. Test
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jim Becker 
               Company.......: ICI Americas Inc.
               Street........: 5757 Underwood Rd. 
               City..........: Pasadena 
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 77507
               Phone Number..: (713) 474-5151 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program causes the terminal to run its self-test.  Strap settings 
 and internal configuration are reported.  This program has been tested 
 on 2621, 2648, and 239X terminals. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 Use Link or Loadr.  This program uses no libraries.
TRIMF                                                                    L070 
                      REMOVE EXTENTS FROM CI/FMGR FILES 
 Contribution Name...........: TRIMF
    Title....................: Remove extents from CI/FMGR files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. TRIMF.SBMT  submission file 
                             :02. TRIMF.CMD   installation command file 
                             :03. TRIMF.LOD 
                             :04. TRIMF.FTN 
                             :05. TRIMF.COM   common include file 
                             :06. TRIMF.REL 
                             :07. STRNG.MAC   string routines 
                             :08. STRNG.LIB 
                             :09. MASKSECURITY.FTN
                             :10. MASKSECURITY.REL
                             :11. TRIMF.WLF   source for documentation
                             :12. TRIMF.HELP  documentation for /help/
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Extents 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fixes
 Contributor's Name..........:    Jim Lewis 
               Company.......:    Reynolds Metals Co. 
               Street........:    4th & Canal Sts.
               City..........:    Richmond
               State.........:    Virginia
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    23219 
               Phone Number..:    (804)788-7410 
 Contribution Abstract.......:    This utility will go through directories
 and will recover unused space from type 3,4,5 files.  It removes extents 
 on files that have them. Trimf also works on FMGR files, but is slow 
 scanning FMGR directories.  The command file TRIMF.CMD will link the 
 program, put it on ::programs and put the help file on ::help.  The
 mini-library of string routines may be of use.  Check the source.
 Additional Documentation....: See TRIMF.HELP and source code.
TYPE                                                                     L071 
                       PRINT FILES ON SERIAL PRINTERS 
 Contribution Name...........: type 
    Title....................: Print files on serial printers 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. type.sbmt 
                             :02. type.ftn
                             :03. type.com
                             :04. type.rel
                             :05. typez.ftn 
                             :06. typez.com 
                             :07. typez.rel 
                             :08. mux_6.ftn      Mux functions
                             :09. mux_6.rel 
                             :10. mux_a.ftn 
                             :11. mux_a.rel 
                             :12. type.cmd       Installation command file
                             :13. type.lod
                             :14. typez.lod 
                             :15. type.wlf       help file source 
                             :16. type.help      help file document 
                             :17. strng.lib      String routines
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. list
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Jim Lewis 
               Company.......:    Reynolds Metals Co. 
               Street........:    4th & Canal Sts.
               City..........:    Richmond
               State.........:    Virginia
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    23219 
               Phone Number..:    (804)788-7410 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 TYPE is a pair of programs that implement a subset of PRINT commands.
 The main difference is that TYPE/TYPEZ will print a file with standard 
 printer carriage control to a serial printer connected to a mux port and 
 configured as a type 0 device.  TYPE will also print to printers attached
 to port 2 of some terminals (2623,2393).  Full carriage control features 
 are supported ( 1, 0, * in column 1).  WOLF output files, and other files
 without printer carriage control, are also supported with a carriage 
 control suppression feature similar to PRINT.  Some special printer features 
 are included for 2631 type printers, ThinkJets, Okidata 182, and NEC.
 There are several "warts" on the program TYPEZ that will need alteration 
 for your installation.  Look at "ifmux" (mux_6.ftn), line 471 in "do_lu" 
 (typez.ftn), line 820 in "ext_printer" (typez.ftn), and change 
 Additional Documentation....:
 See the help file for usage notes. 
JIMLB                                                                    L072 
 Contribution Name...........: JIMLB
    Title....................: Terminal and String-Handling Library 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. jimlb.sbmt
                             :02. jimlb.cmd 
                             :03. jimlb.mrg 
                             :04. jimlb.lib      lindex'ed lib
                                      ftn7x source code 
                             :05. elapsed.ftn 
                             :06. hp2623.ftn
                             :07. hp2623.com
                             :08. menu.ftn       for the fainthearted 
                                      macro source code 
                             :09. comparewords.mac
                             :10. equ_parms.mac 
                             :11. gettime.mac 
                             :12. movewords.mac 
                                      documentation sources 
                             :13. appendstring.wlf
                             :14. ask.wlf 
                             :15. clearstring.wlf 
                             :16. clear_dsply.wlf 
                             :17. clear_line.wlf
                             :18. clear_lines.wlf 
                             :19. clear_screen.wlf
                             :20. clear_user_keys.wlf 
                             :21. comparestring.wlf 
                             :22. comparewords.wlf
                             :23. copystring.wlf
                             :24. copystringr.wlf 
                             :25. decimaltoreal.wlf 
                             :26. display_user_key.wlf
                             :27. dump_screenbuf.wlf
                             :28. elapsed.wlf 
                             :29. fillstring.wlf
                             :30. function_key.wlf
                             :31. gettime.wlf 
                             :32. get_char.wlf
                             :33. get_integer.wlf 
                             :34. get_regs.wlf
                             :35. home_down.wlf 
                             :36. home_up.wlf 
                             :37. init_menu.wlf 
                             :38. init_screenbuf.wlf
                             :39. jimlb.wlf           main doc source.
                             :40. leftjustify.wlf 
                             :41. memory_lock_off.wlf 
                             :42. memory_lock_on.wlf
                             :43. menu.wlf
                             :44. misc.wlf
                             :45. movefromema.wlf 
                             :46. movetoema.wlf 
                             :47. nullstoblanks.wlf 
                             :48. position_cursor.wlf 
                             :49. prompt.wlf
                             :50. read_status.wlf 
                             :51. read_string.wlf 
                             :52. realtodecimal.wlf 
                             :53. scanforbyte.wlf 
                             :54. set_screensize.wlf
                             :55. set_terminal_lu.wlf 
                             :56. softkey.wlf 
                             :57. splitcommand.wlf
                             :58. string.wlf
                             :59. stringfmpread.wlf 
                             :60. stringfmpwrite.wlf
                             :61. stringxluex.wlf 
                             :62. stringxreio.wlf 
                             :63. term.wlf
                             :64. terminal_write.wlf
                             :65. timeout.wlf 
                             :66. trimstring.wlf
                             :67. typestring.wlf
                             :68. type_ahead_off.wlf
                             :69. type_ahead_on.wlf 
                             :70. write_line.wlf
                             :71. write_scroll.wlf
                             :72. write_string.wlf
                             :73. yesno.wlf 
                                      document output (2631 printable)
                             :74. jimlb.doc 
                             :75. strng.mac 
    Operating System(s)......: rte6, rtea 
    Language(s)..............: ftn7x, macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. library 
                             : 2. terminal
                             : 3. strings 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Jim Lewis 
               Company.......:    Reynolds Metals Co. 
               Street........:    4th & Canal Sts.
               City..........:    Richmond
               State.........:    Virginia
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    23219 
               Phone Number..:    (804)788-7410 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This library contains routines for doing various terminal functions. 
 These functions include things like defining softkeys, menu processing,
 cursor positioning, video enhancements, etc.  The library also contains
 some string routines used in other contributions.  There are also some 
 miscellaneous routines that may or may not be useful to you.  If you are 
 going to use "menu" in anything important, please use the replacement
 version (menu.ftn).
 Additional Documentation....: See the documentation file.
COLOR_GRAPH                                                              L073 
                           COLOR GRAPHICS PICTURES
 Contribution Name...........: COLOR_GRAPH
    Title....................: Color Graphics Pictures
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. COLOR_GRAPH.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. COLOR_GRAPH.FTN - FORTRAN Source 
                             : 03. COLOR_GRAPH.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. COLOR_GRAPH.LOD - LINK Command 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Demo
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program will output nice color pictures to a HP 2627A or 2393A Graphics 
 terminals. At the present there are 5 sets of pictures. Random numbers are 
 used to generate some of the pictures so no two runs are alike.  An A-900
 using a terminal running at 19.2k baud works best. 
 Additional Documentation....:
GAMES                                                                    L074 
                              BASIC/1000D GAMES 
 Contribution Name...........: GAMES
    Title....................: BASIC/1000D Games
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. GAMES.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. *GAMES - FMGR command file 
                             : 03. ABAGEL - Guess a three letter word 
                             : 04. ABASE  - Play a number base game 
                             : 05. AMAZE  - Draw a maze 
                             : 06. BAGLES - Guess a three digit number
                             : 07. BASE   - Play in other base
                             : 08. BATNUM - Battle of number game 
                             : 09. BIORTM - Outputs your Biorythm 
                             : 10. BLACKJ - The game of Black Jack
                             : 11. BLUFF  - Numbers bluffing game 
                             : 12. BUTTON - Who's got the button
                             : 13. CALNDR - Julian calender generator 
                             : 14. CASINO - Betting game
                             : 15. CHASE  - Chase the rabbit
                             : 16. CHEKRS - Game of checkers
                             : 17. CHOMP  - Bite the cookie 
                             : 18. CIVIL  - Civil War game
                             : 19. CIVLW3 - Another Civil War game
                             : 20. CLOCKS - Guess the time
                             : 21. CRASH  - Land your space capsule 
                             : 22. DANGLE - The dangling string 
                             : 23. DRAG   - Who's the best drag racer 
                             : 24. FACTRL - Compute factorials
                             : 25. FBALL  - Texas A&M football
                             : 26. FOOTBL - Hewlett-Packard football
                             : 27. GENIUS - Test of Genius
                             : 28. GOLF   - PGA handicap golf 
                             : 29. GOMOKU - Game of five-in-a-row 
                             : 30. GRNPRX - Race in the Grand Prix
                             : 31. HAMURA - Be the king of Hamarabi 
                             : 32. HANGFL - Create hangman file 
                             : 33. HANGMN - Get yourself hanged 
                             : 34. HIGHLO - Play numbers with computer
                             : 35. HOCKEY - Hockey game 
                             : 36. HORSE  - Going to the horse races
                             : 37. HURKLE - Go hunt them Hurkles
                             : 38. JULIAN - Generate JULIAN calender
                             : 39. KENO   - Keno, lose it all style 
                             : 40. KING   - Be the king of Setats Detinu
                             : 41. KING1  - Be the king of Euphoria 
                             : 42. KING3  - Be the king of Setats 
                             : 43. LANDR  - Rocket lander 
                             : 44. LETERS - Outputs large letters 
                             : 45. LETTER - Guess some letters
                             : 46. LIFE   - Play with a living cell 
                             : 47. LOANS  - Find out what you owe 
                             : 48. LUNAR  - Moon landing simulation 
                             : 49. LUNAR2 - Another version of LEM
                             : 50. MADLIB - Madness in add libing 
                             : 51. MANDAL - Draw some pretty designs
                             : 52. MAZE1  - Make a maze, version 1
                             : 53. MAZE2  - Make a maze, version 2
                             : 54. MAZE3  - Make a maze, version 3
                             : 55. MTCH23 - Pick up 23 matches
                             : 56. MUGWMP - Hunt a Mugwhump 
                             : 57. NIM    - Game of Nim 
                             : 58. PILE   - Some type of stack game 
                             : 59. POLICY - Decide international policy 
                             : 60. POLUT  - A polution control study
                             : 61. PUZZLE - Long division problems
                             : 62. QUBIC  - Three-D tic-tac-toe 
                             : 63. RACE   - Car racing
                             : 64. REVERS - Reverse the numbered string 
                             : 65. ROULET - Play the roulet wheel 
                             : 66. ROVER  - Guide the moving robot
                             : 67. SALVO  - Fire salvos at computer 
                             : 68. SNARK  - Hunt the snark
                             : 69. STAR   - Another Startrek game 
                             : 70. STARS  - Guess the number
                             : 71. STOCKS - Pay the stock market
                             : 72. TAXMAN - Get that Taxman 
                             : 73. TICKER - Label paper tape
                             : 74. TICTAC - Good old Tic-tac-toe
                             : 75. TICTOE - Another Tic-tac_toe 
                             : 76. TRADER - Space trader
                             : 77. TRADES - Another star trader 
                             : 78. TREK   - Another Startrek
                             : 79. TREK1  - Startrek version 1
                             : 80. TREK6  - Startrek version 6
                             : 81. TREK8  - Startrek version 8
                             : 82. VALENT - Create a valentine
                             : 83. WIN    - Number game 
                             : 84. WUMPUS - Watch out for the Wumpus
                             : 85. ZOT    - Zot some stars
                             : 86. *COMMANDS - BASIC command listing
                             : 87. STAR.INST - Startrek instructions
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-4B, RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: BASIC/1000D
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
                             : 2. BASIC 
    External Support Req'd...: FMPLB.LIB for new file system
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD, Code 344l
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 The above listed programs all run under BASIC/1000D or BASIC/1000L. If 
 the new CI file system is to be used, load BASIC using $FMPLB. Set the 
 working directory to /GAMES/BASIC and just run the program from BASIC
 without specifying a cartridge. For old RTE-4B systems, use the BASIC
 as it comes from HP and load from FMGR cartridges. Not all of the
 programs have been tested. If you have a fix, send it in for updating. 
 Some of these programs are very old. Most of them came from the old
 HP 2000F Timeshare System. If you convert any of these to work with
 the new BASIC/1000C compiler, please send them in. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 See program listings and *COMMANDS files.
TERMINAL                                                                 L075 
                           HP 264X TERMINAL GAMES 
 Contribution Name...........: TERMINAL 
    Title....................: HP 264x Terminal Games 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. TERMINAL.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. CAT_MOUSE.ABS
                             : 03. DRIVER.ABS 
                             : 04. HACMAN.ABS 
                             : 05. INVADERS.ABS 
                             : 06. MAZED.ABS
                             : 07. PONG.ABS 
                             : 08. SHOOT.ABS
                             : 09. SPACE.ABS
                             : 10. INFORMATION
    Operating System(s)......: None 
    Language(s)..............: Terminal Assembly
    Keywords.................: 1. Terminal
                             : 2. Games 
    External Support Req'd...: 8 to 12k terminal memory 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This set of files can be downloaded into a HP 2645 terminal and be executed
 there. Some of them need lots of memory or other special strapping. Just 
 do a copy command from the file to your terminal Lu and follow the 
 instruction given. 
 Additional Documentation....:
CHESS                                                                    L076 
                            REAL TIME CHESS GAME
 Contribution Name...........: CHESS
    Title....................: Real Time Chess Game 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. CHESS.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. CHESS.FTN - Main program source
                             : 03. TRY.FTN   - Try a move 
                             : 04. TYPEB.FTN - Type board 
                             : 05. BUMP.FTN  - Bump tree pointer
                             : 06. PUSHM.FTN - Push move on tree
                             : 07. CHECK.FTN - Test if castling allowed 
                             : 08. CAS.FTN   - Stack castling moves 
                             : 09. CASTL.FTN - Castle processing
                             : 10. KINGN.FTN - King-Night processing
                             : 11. BPRKQ.FTN - Bishop,Rook,Queen processing 
                             : 12. PAWNC.FTN - Pawn capture 
                             : 13. PROMO.FTN - Promote pawn 
                             : 14. PLACE.FTN - Place move on tree 
                             : 15. INCHK.FTN - In check test
                             : 16. FIND.FTN  - Find opposing piece
                             : 17. CENCN.FTN - Center control bonus 
                             : 18. SORT.FTN  - Sort moves 
                             : 19. MDGAM.FTN - Bonus points for midgame 
                             : 20. MOBIL.FTN - Test mobility
                             : 21. KINGC.FTN - King in check
                             : 22. OPENB.FTN - Bonus points for opening 
                             : 23. MDBON.FTN - Assign midgame bonus points
                             : 24. POSIT.FTN - Positionial analysis 
                             : 25. BKUP1.FTN - Backup alpha value 
                             : 26. BKUP2.FTN - Backup beta value
                             : 27. MOVES.FTN - Generate moves 
                             : 28. MOVER.MAC - Move to or from
                             : 29. ISWR.MAC  - Read switch register 
                             : 30. BOARD.FTN - Get piece from board 
                             : 31. DUMPN.FTN - Dump node
                             : 32. CHES2.MAC - Save/Restore board 
                             : 33. ECUTE.MAC - Execute move 
                             : 34. SBITF.MAC - Set bit
                             : 35. CBITF.MAC - Clear bit
                             : 36. GLOBL.FTN - Global data
                             : 37. TIMER.FTN - Second timer 
                             : 38. GAME.REL  - Relocatables 
                             : 39. CHESS.LOD - LINK command file
                             : 40. CHESS.CMD - Compile file 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-4B, RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN, ASSEMBLER 
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...: Switch register
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD, Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This chess program will play chess by generating a 'best move' from
 a minimax game tree. The method used is brute force. Although alpha-beta 
 pruning is utilized, no heuristics are embedded in the program. The game 
 needs an endgame analysis section and lots of other improvements, but
 this program one method of approaching the problem.
 Additional Documentation....:
 Run the transfer file CHESS.CMD to compile everything or LINK,GAME.REL 
 if you don't want to recompile. Watch out for switch register settings 
 which will cause a large amount of data to dumped to the lineprinter.
DUNGEON                                                                  L077 
                         CDS DUNGEON & DRAGONS GAME 
 Contribution Name...........: DUNGEON
    Title....................: CDS Dungeon & Dragons Game 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. DUNGEON.SBMT 
                             : 02. DUNGA_CDS.FTN
                             : 03. DUNGA_CDS.REL
                             : 04. DUNGB_CDS.FTN
                             : 05. DUNGB_CDS.REL
                             : 06. DUNGC_CDS.FTN
                             : 07. DUNGC_CDS.REL
                             : 08. DUNGD_CDS.FTN
                             : 09. DUNGD_CDS.REL
                             : 10. DUNGE_CDS.FTN
                             : 11. DUNGE_CDS.REL
                             : 12. DUNGL_CDS.FTN
                             : 13. DUNGL_CDS.LIB
                             : 14. DUNGN_CDS.LOD
                             : 15. DUNGEON.TEXT 
                             : 16. DUNGEON.INIT 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A VC+
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...: CDS & VC+
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Converted to A-Series
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This game was converted to run on the A-series machines using a data base
 that is entirely memory resident. The eliminates all disc accesses durning 
 the game but uses lots of memory (which is cheap nowdays). The program is
 much to big to fit except using CDS. The game has not been tested very 
 much so let me know if you find any problems. No assembly language is
 used, so it should be a easy port to the HP 9000 Unix systems. All I/O 
 is done with FORTRAN read/write statements. The file DUNGEON.INIT must 
 be in the current working directory before running the program.
 Additional Documentation....:
 If you have not played this game before, try typing OPEN MAILBOX and 
 READ LEAFLET. Lower case letters can be used at anytime. Wizards can do
 lots of things that mortals cannot do. HELP and INFO are also useful 
ORCAM                                                                    L078 
                        INVERSE RELOCATABLE ASSEMBLER 
 Contribution Name...........: ORCAM
    Title....................: Inverse Relocatable Assembler
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. ORCAM.SBMT  Submissiom file
                             : 02. ORCAM.FTN - Source file
                             : 03. ORCAM.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. OLD_RECORDS.FTN
                             : 05. OLD_RECORDS.REL
                             : 06. NEW_RECORDS.FTN
                             : 07. NEW_RECORDS.REL
                             : 08. DBL_SUBS.FTN 
                             : 09. DBL_SUBS.REL 
                             : 10. UTIL_SUBS.FTN
                             : 11. UTIL_SUBS.REL
                             : 12. IO_SUBS.FTN
                             : 13. IO_SUBS.REL
                             : 14. FORMAT_TIME.MAC
                             : 15. FORMAT_TIME.REL
                             : 16. ABSOL.MAC - Assembly source
                             : 17. ABSOL.REL - Relocatable
                             : 18. ORCAM.LOD - LINK command 
                             : 19. ORCAM.TXT - Program Notes
                             : 20. ORCAM.COM - Include file 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM , RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Inverse 
                             : 2. Assembler 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Major rewrite
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 None of the inverse assemblers have worked very well and none of them
 handled CDS properly. I took the 2533 contribution by John Evans and gave
 it a major overhaul. It now handles CDS, FORTRAN II, IV, 77, ALGOL, PASCAL,
 C and MACRO code properly. Files can also have DEBUG, INDXR and LINDX
 records without problems. ORCAM can also handle large files (i.e. 6000 
 lines of FORTRAN in a single subroutine). It uses EMA for storage and
 runs about as fast as FORTRAN 77 for small files. Symbolic debug records 
 slows it down with all the extra table searching. You can have multiple
 modules in the same file but you should not mix old and new style
 relocatables together. The list output looks just like the output from 
 the MACRO assembler. The source code generated can be used by MACRO but
 not by ASMB. A little editing may be needed to assemble without errors.
 For example FORTRAN 77 puts slashes around the block common names which
 MACRO will not accept. Also MSEG gets pulled out of ALLOCATE records.
 See ORCAM.TXT for more details.
 Additional Documentation....:
 Run the program as follows:
   CI> ORCAM <Relocatable> <List lu> <Source output> <Flags>
 where flags are: T gives ENT/EXT tables
                  I gives assembler ,I for indirects (default)
                  M gives MACRO @ for indirects 
                  D uses DEBUG symbol records (ignored if not set)
                  C for CDS relocatables (set automatically)
                  A for A series machine (for base page references) 
ASUBS&FMPLB                                                              L079 
 Contribution Name...........: ASUBS&FMPLB
    Title....................: Misc Libraries (same as Rel 2533 J024/J044) except no sources
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. ASUBS&FMPLB.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. ASUBS.LIB  - Assembly subroutines
                             : 03. FMPLB.LIB  - FMP emulation routines
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-4B, RTE-6/VM ,RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X, ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 These libraries are used by a number of other contributions. The sources 
 have been submitted on past tapes (Rev 2533 contributions J024 and J044) 
 so only the LINDXed versions are included here. The FMPLB can be loaded with 
 BASIC/1000 so it can use the new CI file system. 
 Additional Documentation....:
MMM                                                                      L080 
                        MYSTERY MANSION (REVISION 16) 
 Contribution Name...........: MMM
    Title....................: Mystery Mansion (Revision 16)
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. MMM.SBMT  - Submission file
                             : 02. MMM.FTN   - FORTRAN Source 
                             : 03. MMM.REL   - Relocatable
                             : 04. SEGMM.MAC - Segment loader 
                             : 05. SEGMM.REL - Relocatable
                             : 06. MMM.LOD   - LINK Commands
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Lower case letters, LINK compatible
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This is revision 16 of the Mystery Mansion game. SEGLD is used to load 
 the segments so LINK can be used. To play the game just run MMM.  Lower
 case lettering is used throughout and few spelling corrections were made.
 Use two ASCII letters for cartridge when suspending or restoring game. 
 See if you can find out who the killer is, how they did it and where.
 This game was written by Bill Wolpert. The code is segmented and very
 hard to port over to another system. But if you convert it to use CDS, 
 then please resubmit it. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 See source code listing for use of additional parameters on run string.
CMD                                                                      L081 
 Contribution Name...........: CMD
    Title....................: Generate MS-DOS File-Transfer Commands 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. CMD.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. CMD.FTN - FORTRAN source 
                             : 03. CMD.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. CMD.LOD - LINK command 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM & RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. IBM 
                             : 2. PC
                             : 3. File-transfer 
    External Support Req'd...: 8 Channel Mux and PC2622 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program generates a list of receive commands for the PC 2622 file 
 transfer program by Walker, Richer and Quinn, Inc. This makes it easy
 to transfer a group of files from an RTE system to an IBM PC or Vectra.
 Run CMD with a file mask specified and all the commands for transfering
 those files found will be generated. You can edit this command and then
 download it to the PC's disc. Then you just enter the command file name
 to run it on the PC. Run CMD as follows: 
    CI> CMD,<File mask>,<Output command file> 
 Additional Documentation....:
 See PC 2622 documentation on run command files on the PC.
COLOR_DEMO                                                               L082 
                         2397A COLOR GRAPHICS DEMOS 
 Contribution Name...........: COLOR_DEMO 
    Title....................: 2397A Color Graphics Demos 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. COLOR_DEMO.SBMT - Submission file
                             : 02. DART.FTN    - Dart board 
                             : 03. DART.REL    - Relocatable
                             : 04. DART.LOD    - LINK command 
                             : 05. MATH.FTN    - Math curves
                             : 06. MATH.REL    - Relocatable
                             : 07. MATH.LOD    - LINK command 
                             : 08. PONG.FTN    - Pong display 
                             : 09. PONG.REL    - Relocatable
                             : 10. PONG.LOD    - LINK command 
                             : 11. SPACE.FTN   - 2001 demo
                             : 12. SPACE.REL   - Relocatable
                             : 13. SPACE.LOD   - LINK command 
                             : 14. SETUP.FTN   - Setup routine
                             : 15. SETUP.REL   - Relocatable
                             : 16. CIRCLE.FTN  - Draw circle
                             : 17. CIRCLE.REL  - Relocatable
                             : 18. LINE.FTN    - Draw line
                             : 19. LINE.REL    - Relocatable
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Demo
    External Support Req'd...: ASUBS.LIB library
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This set of programs is used for demos on a color 2397A Graphics Terminal. 
 MATH draws some nice functions you don't see too often. DART makes use of
 the polygonal area fill if parameter 2 is non zero. PONG and SPACE are very
 slow and were designed to run with 92100B TV graphics display system. All
 programs use escape sequences for speed instead of DGL or some other 
 library so nothing is very portable. I think these may also work on a HP 
 2627A Graphics Terminal but they have not been tested. 
 Additional Documentation....: See listings.
FTNXREF                                                                  L083 
                      FORTRAN 77 SYMBOL CROSS REFERENCE 
 Contribution Name...........: FTNXREF
    Title....................: FORTRAN 77 Symbol Cross Reference
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. FTNXREF.SBMT  Submission file. 
                             : 02. FTNXREF.FTN - FTN7x Source.
                             : 03. FTNXREF.REL - Relocatable. 
                             : 04. FTNXREF.LOD - LINK command.
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Cross-reference 
                             : 2. Fortran 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program is helpful in telling you every place a variable is used
 in FORTRAN 77 programs. It gives the symbol type, usage and location.
 The program uses the FTN7X compiler to create cross reference tables 
 which are sorted together in a big linked list. For each symbol, a 
 list of modules and file names are printed. The symbol is decribed 
 by type (integer, real, etc.), usage (variable, array, function etc.), 
 and location (local, common, EMA etc.). Symbols may appear several times 
 if any of these parameters are different. This helps identify problems 
 of using a variable as integer in one module and as a real in another. 
 The program cannot tell you if a variable in an equivalence statement
 is used in the code if it only appears in non-executable code. Common
 labels that appear only in $EMA statements show up differently from
 modules where a labeled common statement appears. For block common 
 modules, the last labeled common block is used for the module name.
 This appears to be a feature of FTN7X. A large program (10000 lines) 
 took about an hour to run under RTE-6/VM printed about 500 pages of
 cross reference tables. You can increase the table sizes by changing 
 the parameter statements. This program really helps in figuring out
 a new program that's been ported from another machine. You should also 
 use the FTN7X crossref listings in conjunction with this program. Run
 the program as follows:
   CI> FTNXREF,<Command file>,<List lu> 
 The command file is a list of FORTRAN files and list lu is the output
 device. Both default to Lu 1.
 Additional Documentation....:
 Possible enhancements would be to check the type and number of parameters
 in subroutine calls but this would require a parser. The names of the
 labeled common blocks could be added to the variables used in it but 
 there was no room on the line and it would take some messy pointers. 
 Also formal parameters of internal functions are ignored.
INVOKE                                                                   L084 
                       INVOKE A PROGRAM WITH FILE MASK
 Contribution Name...........: INVOKE 
    Title....................: Invoke a Program with File Mask
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. INVOKE.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. INVOKE.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. INVOKE.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. INVOKE.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Scheduling
                             : 2. Batch 
                             : 3. Filter
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program will run the specified program every time a file is found 
 matching the file mask. Only the first parameter can be masked. Up to
 five parameters are allowed. Example runs: 
      CI> Invoke Ftn7x @.ftn 0 -
      CI> Invoke Link @.lod +ma +de 
      CI> Invoke Oldre @.rel
 Additional Documentation....:
MSDOS                                                                    L085 
                           EMULATE MS-DOS COMMANDS
 Contribution Name...........: MSDOS
    Title....................: Emulate MS-DOS Commands
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. MSDOS.SBMT - Submission file 
                             : 02. DIR.FTN
                             : 03. DIR.REL
                             : 04. DIR.LOD
                             : 05. CLS.FTN
                             : 06. CLS.REL
                             : 07. CLS.LOD
                             : 08. CHDIR.CMD
                             : 09. COMP.CMD 
                             : 10. COPY.CMD 
                             : 11. DEL.CMD
                             : 12. MKDIR.CMD
                             : 13. PROMPT.CMD 
                             : 14. REN.CMD
                             : 15. TYPE.CMD 
                             : 16. INSTALL.CMD
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. IBM 
                             : 2. PC
                             : 3. Emulator
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 These programs and command files allow you to use MS DOS syntax for
 common operations. It helps reduce the number of commands you need 
 to remember when going form system to system. You could also put 
 batch commands in MS DOS for RTE emulation. In DIR the wild card 
 characters are changed for you (ie. * to @, ? to -). There are no
 volumes in RTE and directory paths must use the / because CI uses
 the \. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 Transfer to INSTALL.CMD to load the programs.
ODDBYTE                                                                  L086 
                           FIX UP ODD BYTE RECORDS
 Contribution Name...........: ODDBYTE
    Title....................: Fix up Odd Byte Records
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. ODD_BYTE.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. ODD_BYTE.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. ODD_BYTE.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. ODD_BYTE.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. FMGR
                             : 2. Transportable 
                             : 3. CI
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program will take type 3 and 4 source files and convert any records 
 with an odd number of bytes to an even number of blanks. A single blank
 is appended from the end of a line with an odd byte count. This program
 is useful for porting files back to older RTE systems. The file conversion 
 is done in place. Run the program as follows:
   CI> Oddbyte,<Filemask> 
 Example: Oddbyte,@.@::LABtec:4 fixes up all type 4 files in /LABTEC/ 
 Additional Documentation....:
SCB                                                                      L087 
                        DISPLAY SESSION CONTROL BLOCK 
 Contribution Name...........: SCB
    Title....................: Display Session Control Block
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. SCB.SBMT - Submission file 
                             : 02. SCB.FTN  - Source file 
                             : 03. SCB.REL  - Relocatable 
                             : 04. ISCB.MAC - Subroutine
                             : 05. ISCB.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 06. SCB.LOD  - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
    External Support Req'd...: ASUBS.LIB library
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program displays detailed information about all active session control
 blocks in a RTE-6/VM system. Just run SCB,<lu for output> to see how it
 works. The program requires a revision of A.85 or later. 
 Additional Documentation....:
SD                                                                       L088 
                          SWITCH WORKING DIRECTORY
 Contribution Name...........: SD 
    Title....................: Switch Working Directory 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. SD.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. SD.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. SD.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. SD.LOD - LINK command
                             : 05. SD.HLP - HELP file 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program is an enhanced version of the WD command. It allows you 
 to go up and down directory paths to change the working directory. It
 is very flexible and checks for all kinds of errors. A few sample runs 
        SD ^^/path1/path2    moves up two paths and down two others 
        SD -1 path3          moves up one path and down another 
        SD ...               moves up three paths 
        SD /                 moves to global directory
Another enhancement is being able to set your working directory to any
user defined search path (UDSP). Examples are:
        SD 0 0               set WD to UDSP 0 [Home directory]
        SD 3 2               set WD to UDSP 3, entry 2
        SD 0                 set no working directory 
 Additional Documentation....:
T2397                                                                    L089 
                           TEST 2627/2397 GRAPHICS
 Contribution Name...........: T2397
    Title....................: Test 2627/2397 Graphics
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. T2397.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. T2397.FTN - Source file
                             : 03. T2397.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. T2397.LOD - LINK command 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Terminal
                             : 3. Diagnostic
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program displays a pretty pattern on a HP 2627 or 2397 graphics 
 terminal in color. Run T2397 and watch it go. Use BR to terminate. 
 Additional Documentation....:
ADVENTURE                                                                L090 
                         ADVENTURE GAME, VERSION 2.1
 Contribution Name...........: ADVENTURE
    Title....................: Adventure Game, Version 2.1
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. ADVENTURE.SBMT 
                             : 02. ADVENT.FTN 
                             : 03. ADVENT.REL 
                             : 04. AINIT.FTN
                             : 05. AINIT.REL
                             : 06. AMAIN.FTN
                             : 07. AMAIN.REL
                             : 08. ASUB.FTN 
                             : 09. ASUB.REL 
                             : 10. AIOSUB.FTN 
                             : 11. AIOSUB.REL 
                             : 12. ABUILD.FTN 
                             : 13. ABUILD.REL 
                             : 14. ALPHAS.INCL
                             : 15. ARYCOM.INCL
                             : 16. IOCCOM.INCL
                             : 17. LINCOM.INCL
                             : 18. MAGCOM.INCL
                             : 19. MISCOM.INCL
                             : 20. PLACOM.INCL
                             : 21. TRVCOM.INCL
                             : 22. TXTCOM.INCL
                             : 23. VOCCOM.INCL
                             : 24. ADVENT.LOD 
                             : 25. ABUILD.LOD 
                             : 26. ADVENTURE.TXT
                             : 27. ADVENTURE.DAT
                             : 28. ADVENTURE.DOC
                             : 29. MESSAGE.TXT
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM and RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Major rewrite
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Old games never die, they just get bigger. There have been many changes
 made to this game summarized as follows: 
   - No segmentation or LOADR 
   - No assembly language routines
   - Data base stored in EMA memory 
   - Lower case letters used everywhere 
   - Expanded cave and magic mode 
   - Optional hours cave is open
   - Save/restore game to disc file 
   - Command echo back with full spelling 
   - Every game is different using random numbers 
   - Use FORTRAN I/O for all files
   - Easily ported to HP-UX systems 
   - Messages to users
   - Fast response time 
   - Low usage of system resources
 Additional Documentation....:
 See ADVENTURE.DOC for installation. See MAGIC subroutine for details 
 on becoming a wizard. There probably are a few bugs with all the changes 
 made. If you find any, please send me a report. It takes much too long 
 to test everything.
DI                                                                       L091 
 Contribution Name...........: DI 
    Title....................: List directory tree/ Change working directory
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DI.sbmt (Submission File) 
                             :02. DI.ftn  (FTN7X Source Code) 
                             :03. DI.doc  (Documentation) 
                             :04. DI.lod  (Link Command File) 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...: $FMP6
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Original version of DI (CSL Rev. 2533 #J131) 
                               was meant to run under RTE-A with CDS. The 
                               program was modified to run under RTE-6 (or
                               RTE-A without CDS?) and enhanced slightly to 
                               work with either 26XX or "dumb" terminals. 
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Lillibridge
               Company.......: University of Rhode Island / 
                               Graduate School of Oceanography
               Street........: S. Ferry Road
               City..........: Narragansett 
               State.........: Rhode Island 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 02882
               Phone Number..: (401)792-6520
               Telex.........: 258232 
 Contribution Abstract.......: DI lists the entire directory tree under 
         the current global directory, or under the directory root
         specified in the runstring.  The current working directory is
         indicated if it's within the display.  For dumb terminals
         only a display of the tree is printed.  For 26XX terminals, the
         cursor control keys are used to select the new working directory 
         by placing the cursor on the appropriate line.  The program then 
         uses terminal screen reads to reconstruct the user's selection.
         After the new working directory is set via FMP calls, program DL is
         run to list the contents of the new directory.  Auto-Linefeed must 
         be OFF at the terminal.
 Additional Documentation....: "DI
DIALIN                                                                   L092 
 Contribution Name...........: DIALIN 
    Title....................: Mux port terminal or modem logon with security 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. dialin.sbmt 
                             :02. dialin.pas
    Operating System(s)......:RTEA a.84, a.85 
    Keywords.................: 1. security
                             : 2. modem 
                             : 3. multiplexor 
                             : 4. Logon/Logoff
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John W. McCain 
               Company.......: Dundee Cement Company
               Street........: Hwy 79 
               City..........: Clarksville
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 63336
               Phone Number..: 314-242-3571 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  Solves logon's security problem.  When you
   logon via rte standard software, a fast c/r can get CM running, thus you 
   are on with no security at all.  This merely asks for two (long) passwords 
   then schedules CI for a session.  There is also some additional code 
   to spoof the naive intruder. 
 Additional Documentation....:  See the source code.
SCHEDPGM                                                                 L093 
 Contribution Name...........: Schedpgm 
    Title....................: Automatic program scheduler for cold starts
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. schedpgm.sbmt This File 
                             :02. schedpgm.pas  Source in Pascal
                             :03. schedpgm.rel  Relocatable 
                             :04. auto.cmd      Companion run-time commands 
    Operating System(s)......:RTEA all current versions 
    Keywords.................: 1. Boot-up 
                             : 2. Scheduling
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John W. McCain 
               Company.......: Dundee Cement Company
               Street........: Hwy 79 
               City..........: Clarksville
               State.........: Mo 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 63336
               Phone Number..: 314-242-3571 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  Schedules programs at intervals at bootup 
 Additional Documentation....:  This program reads the auto.cmd file and
   schedules listed programs at the listed times.  It has some flexible 
   features that are very nice.  Such as... scheduling at the next
   even X minutes to repeat every Y minutes. (or hours,seconds, etc.).
   Scheduling at preset times to repeat every so often, etc.  It reads
   the system time, calculates the next even X increments and then
   schedules the programs.  I use this at boot-up to start many logging 
   and report programs.  For details see the auto.cmd  file.  I wrote this
   because none of the boot-up programs had the flexibility I needed. 
FILES                                                                    L094 
 Contribution Name...........: FILES
    Title....................: Count number of files on all mounted FMGR cartridges 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. 'FILES - submission file
                             :02. &FILES - count files on FMGR CRN's
                             :03. %FILES - relocatable
                             :04. #FILES - LINK command file
                             :05. *LFILE - procedure file to compile and link 
                             :06. $NEPLB - LINDX'd library for #FILES 
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-6/VM rev.2340 
    Keywords.................:01. FMGR
                             :02. DIRECTORY 
                             :03. FILES 
    External Support Req'd...:just $NEPLB 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:Jonathan P. Hohmann 
               Company.......:Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 
               Street........:PO Box 191
               Zip Code......:13815 
               Phone Number..:(607) 335-2527
               Telex Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:count the number of files on all mounted FMGR 
 Additional Documentation....:
DLICI                                                                    L095 
 Contribution Name...........: DLICI
    Title....................: Directory list between two times 
    File Names...............: 000. Rename Transfert File 
                             : 001. DLICI.SBMT     Program submission 
                             : 002. DLICI.FTN      Source program 
                             : 003. DLICI.TXT      User documentation 
                             : 004. MSRT.FTN       Sort program 
                             : 005. DLICI.REL 
                             : 006. MSRT.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. DIRECTORY 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Joseph de Jamblinne
               Company.......: Trimetal Paint Co. 
               Street........: Emmanuellaan 1 
               City..........: Machelen 
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: B-1830 
               Phone Number..: (322) 251 29 91
               Telex.........: 23259 Trimet-B 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
         This program allows the system manager to know which are the new 
 and the deleted files in a directory between two times.
 Additional documetation: In source file. 
CURVEPLOT                                                                L096 
                         CURVE PLOTTING SUBROUTINES 
 Contribution Name...........: CURVEPLOT
    Title....................: Curve plotting subroutines 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. CURVEPLOT.SBMT  - This file 
                             :02. AXES.FTN
                             :03. AXES.INC
                             :04. AXES.REL
                             :05. CURVEPLOT.CMD   - Builds CURVEPLOT.LIB
                             :06. CURVEPLOT.FTN 
                             :07. CURVEPLOT.HLP 
                             :08. CURVEPLOT.LIB 
                             :09. CURVEPLOT.MRG 
                             :10. CURVEPLOT.REL 
                             :11. DEMO.FTN        - An example of usage 
                             :12. DEMO.REL
                             :13. DEMO.LOD
                             :14. DRAWAXES.FTN
                             :15. DRAWAXES.REL
                             :16. LEAVESPACE.FTN
                             :17. LEAVESPACE.REL
                             :18. ROTATION.FTN
                             :19. ROTATION.INC
                             :20. ROTATION.REL
                             :21. SOFTTEXT.FTN
                             :22. SOFTTEXT.REL
                             :23. UTILS.FTN 
                             :24. UTILS.REL 
                             :25. WINDVIEW.FTN
                             :26. WINDVIEW.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A (VC+)
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...: AGP
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jukka Knuutila 
    Company..................: Low Temperature Laboratory 
                             : Helsinki University of Technology
    Street...................: Rakentajanaukio 2
    City.....................: Espoo
    Country..................: FINLAND
    Zip Code.................: 02150
    Phone Number.............: +358-0-455 4122
    Telex....................: 125 161 htkk sf
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      CurvePlot  is  a  general  purpose  subroutine  library  for easy 
      generation of x-y plots from user-written application programs. 
        - max 10 curves to a single plot
        - labeled axes with header, grid optional 
        - curves drawn either with lines or data points only
        - line/marker styles & colors of curves user-selectable 
        - color of axes user-selectable 
        - text size and font user-selectable
        - currently only linear-linear plots supported
 Additional Docmentation.....:    See file CURVEPLOT.HLP
REG_723                                                                  L097 
                        723 REGULATOR IC CALCULATIONS 
 Contribution Name...........: REG_723
    Title....................: 723 Regulator IC calculations
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. REG_723.SBMT  - Submission file
                             : 02. REG_723.PAS   - Source file
                             : 03. REG_723.REL   - Relocatable
                             : 04. REG_723.LOD   - LINK command 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 1000
    Keywords.................: 1. Engineering 
                             : 2. Calculator
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Karl W. Haner
               Company.......: General Dynamics Pomona Division 
               Street........: P.O. Box 2507
               City..........: Pomona 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 91769
               Phone Number..: (714) 868-1908 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    Calculates the resistor values for a 723 type voltage regulator IC
 given desired output voltage, desired current limit, measured reference
 voltage, and desired voltage divider current.
    Refer to manufactures data reference sheet for circuit description. 
 Additional Documentation....:
TIMER_555                                                                L098 
 Contribution Name...........: TIMER_555
    Title....................: 555 Timer component-value calculator 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. TIMER_555.SBMT - Submission file 
                             : 02. TIMER_555.PAS  - Source file 
                             : 03. TIMER_555.REL  - Relocatable 
                             : 04. TIMER_555.LOD  - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 1000
    Keywords.................: 1. Engineering 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Karl W. Haner
               Company.......: General Dynamics Pomona Division 
               Street........: P.O. Box 2507
               City..........: Pomona 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 91769
               Phone Number..: (714) 868-1908 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    Calculate resistor values for a given capacitor value and frequency,
 or calculate on/off time and frequency given the component values for a
 555 timer IC.
 Additional Documentation....:
SHOWM                                                                    L099 
                           DISPLAY CPU UTILIZATION
 Contribution Name...........: SHOWM
    Title....................: Display CPU utilization
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SHOWM.SBMT
                             :02. SHOWM.FTN 
                             :03. SAMPLE.MAC
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X,MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. ANALYZER
                             : 3. DISPLAY 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: KENNETH CORNETET 
               Company.......: NAVAL ORDNANCE STATION 
               Street........: SOUTHSIDE DRIVE
               City..........: LOUISVILLE 
               State.........: KY 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 40214-5001 
               Phone Number..: 502-364-5756 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Program SHOWM schedules program SAMPL to sample the state 1 program 
  list at given intervals.  SHOWM then gives a graphic display of 
  how much CPU time each program is using.  This program is similar 
  to METER execept this program shows CPU use of ALL programs, not
  just session programs.
 Additional Documentation....:
RAMDISC                                                                  L100 
                          RAM-DISC DRIVER FOR RTE-6 
 Contribution Name...........: RAMDISC
    Title....................: RAM-DISC driver for RTE-6
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. RAMDISC.SBMT
                             :02. DVX33.MAC 
                             :03. RINIT.FTN 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X,MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. Emulator
                             : 3. Disc
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: KENNETH CORNETET 
               Company.......: NAVAL ORDNANCE STATION 
               Street........: SOUTHSIDE DRIVE
               City..........: LOUISVILLE 
               State.........: KY 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 40214-5001 
               Phone Number..: 502-364-5756 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
        DVX33 is an RTE-6/VM driver that utilizes free memory 
        as a 64 sector/track disk drive.
        GOOD NEWS:
        This driver seems to be completely compatable with
        FMGR and CI file calls.  There isn't really any 
        information supplied by HP on what is expected of 
        a disk driver.
        BAD NEWS: 
        This driver WILL NOT handle system IO requests. 
        You cannot run programs from a cartridge or directory 
        which resides in ram.  The problem is that RTE assumes
        that programs coming in off a disk are doing so by DMA. 
        Since this driver doesn't use the DCPC maps or DCPC 
        interrupts, system IO will not work. Also, DVX33 will 
        not work on privileged systems. 
 Additional Documentation....:
MACLIB                                                                   L101 
 Contribution Name...........: Maclib 
    Title....................: MACRO Library for Writing Structured MACRO Code
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. Maclib.Sbmt  (Submission File)
                             :02. Maclib1.Mac  (Source code)
                             :03. Maclib1.Mlb  (Library file) 
                             :04. Maclib2.Mac  (Source code)
                             :05. Maclib2.Mlb  (Library file) 
                             :06. Maclib3.Mac  (Source code)
                             :07. Maclib3.Mlb  (Library file) 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Macro 
                             : 2. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Kevin West 
               Company.......: TDC
               Street........: 621 6 Flags Drive
               City..........: Arlington
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 76011
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 A collection of useful macros, originally written by Dale Garcia of TDC, 
 which allow the user to write MACRO code in a more structured manner.
 The following macros are available in MACLIB1: 
  DO.UNTIL        Perform a block of code until given condition 
  END.DO.UNTIL    becomes true. Test is at end of loop. 
  DO.WHILE        Perform a block of code while a condition is true.
  END.DO.WHILE    Test for condition is at beginning of loop. 
  DO.FOR          Perform a block of code a specified number of 
  DO.NEXT         of times with optional step size. 
  DO.REPEAT       Repeat a block of code a specified number of times. 
  END.DO.REPEAT   Increment and test is at end of loop. 
  CYCLE.DO        Cycle through to next iteration of loop.
  BREAK.DO        Break from DO.UNTIL, DO.WHILE, FOR, or REPEAT loop. 
  DO.CASE.OF  \   These routines implement the CASE structure found 
  CASE.OF      \  in higher level languages. Nested CASE statements 
  OTHERWISE    /  are supported to a depth of 10 and does not effect
  END.DO.CASE     the IF statement nesting. 
  GLOBAL          This macro defines global values used in the macro
                  routines used in this library. It should be used
                  before using any macro that may use them. 
 The following macros are available in MACLIB2: 
  IF.TRUE         Test if value of a variable is .TRUE. (MSB one) 
  IF.FALSE        Test if value of a variable is .FALSE. (MSB zero) 
  IF.ZERO         Test if value of a variable is zero 
  IF.NOT.ZERO     Test if value of a variable is non-zero 
  IF.POSITIVE     Test if value of a variable is positive (MSB zero)
  IF.NEGATIVE     Test if value of a variable is negative (MSB one) 
  IF.EVEN         Test if value of a variable is even (LSB zero)
  IF.ODD          Test if value of a variable is odd (LSB one)
  ELSEIF.ODD      ELSEIF form of IF.ODD 
  IF.BITS         Test if all bits in mask are set
  IF.NOT.BITS     Test if all  bits in mask are clear 
  IF.FLAG.SET     Test if I/O card FLAG is Set for Select Code
  IF.FLAG.CLEAR   Test is I/O card FLAG is Clear for Select Code
  IF.TRUE         Test a variable to see if the value is a logical
  ELSEIF.TRUE     .TRUE. (MSB = 1). 
  IF.FALSE        Test a variable to see if the value is a logical
 The following macros are available in MACLIB3: 
  DO              Invoke subroutine (without parmameters) 
  BEGIN           Retains entry point of routine for EXIT 
  RETURN          Return from subroutine (must use macro to invoke) 
  COPY            Copy word(s) from location to location
  INCR            Increment a variable
  DECR            Decrement a variable
  TRUE            Set variable to a .TRUE. value (-1) 
  FALSE           Set variable to a .FALSE. value (0) 
  CLEAR           Set variable to a zero value
  SET.BITS        Set bits as specified in mask 
  CLEAR.BITS      Clear bits as specified in mask 
  CALC            Perform Arithmetic/Logical Operations 
  TABLE           Create Table Entries
  DO              Invoke specified routine (No parameters)
  BEGIN           This macro is used to enter a subroutine that has 
                  no parameters and does not need the return address
                  resoved. It Generates a NOP to store the return 
                  address and retains the entry point name in order 
                  for the RETURN macro to generate the code to return 
                  from the routine. Used with DO. 
  RETURN          Return from subroutine that has been entered with 
                  a BEGIN or ENTRY. 
 Additional Documentation....:
CLR                                                                      L102 
 Contribution Name...........:  CLR 
    Title....................:  Clear Terminal Screen after logoff
    File Names...............:  00. Rename transfer file
                             :  01. 'Clr  Submission file 
                             :  02. &Clr  Source code file
                             :  03. %Clr  Relocatable code file 
    Operating System(s)......:  Rte-4B, Rte-6 
    Language(s)..............:  Ftn4x 
    Keywords.................:  1. Session
                             :  2. Logon/Logoff 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  Modified version ( Bob Desinger's pgm ) 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Larry Richardson
               Company.......:  CNVEO 
               City..........:  Fort Belvoir
               State.........:  Virginia
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  22060-5677
               Phone Number..:  (703) 664-4913
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This program cleans the Crt screen after
 logoff,( & softkey labels ) and may be used under Rte-4B and Rte-6. It 
 was adapted from Bob Desinger's CLR program Vol. 5 issue 5 of the HP 
 Communicator Magazine ( page 27 ). 
 Additional Documentation....: See Source code
PRT                                                                      L103 
                          ASCII FILE PRINT PROGRAM
 Contribution Name...........:  PRT 
    Title....................:  ASCII File print program
    File Names...............:  00. Rename transfer file
                             :  01. 'Prt  Submission file 
                             :  02. &Prt  Source code file
                             :  03. %Prt  Relocatable code file 
                             :  04. ^Prt  LOADR command file
                             :  05. &Movb Character Manipulation pgm
                             :  06. %Movb     "         "         "  Relocat. 
                             :  07. &Uplc Case Conversion source code 
                             :  08. %Uplc  "      "         "    Relocatable
    Operating System(s)......:  Rte-4B, Rte-6 
    Language(s)..............:  Ftn4x, Asmb 
    Keywords.................:  1. List 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Larry Richardson
               Company.......:  CNVEO 
               City..........:  Fort Belvoir
               State.........:  Virginia
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  22060-5677
               Phone Number..:  (703) 664-4913
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This program prints an ASCII file to a user 
 specified print Lu, with a double wide heading that has the date and time. 
 The file printed includes line numbers. Lower case input is converted to 
 UPPER case, the screen is not scrolled, and multiple files may be printed. 
          The program utilizes REIO calls; and blinking inverse video to keep 
 the user's interest. Try it, you'll like it !!!! 
 Additional Documentation....: See Source code
SCAN                                                                     L104 
 Contribution Name...........:  SCAN
    Title....................:  Dump Terminal Screen to line printer
    File Names...............:  00. Rename transfer file
                             :  01. 'Scan  Submission file
                             :  02. &Scan  Source code file 
                             :  03. %Scan  Relocatable code file
                             :  04. ^Scan  LOADR command file 
    Operating System(s)......:  Rte-4B, Rte-6 
    Language(s)..............:  Ftn4, Ftn4x 
    Keywords.................:  1. Terminal 
                             :  2. List 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Larry Richardson
               Company.......:  CNVEO 
               City..........:  Fort Belvoir
               State.........:  Virginia
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  22060-5677
               Phone Number..:  (703) 664-4913
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This little program allows all of your poor 
 overworked, underpaid users to dump their Terminal's screen to either of 
 several printers. This not only helps to educate them to proper terminal 
 usage but also works as a training aid (keeps a record of THEIR mistakes so
 that they can't point an ugly finger at YOUR wonderful SYSTEM and Scream ....
  " I don't understand it, I KNOW that I didn't misuse that command !!!!! ) 
  But seriously, folks.. I have always wanted to keep from writing down the 
 various and never-ending comments from Rte; so when I stumbled upon David
 Liu's PSCRN program ( Vol. IV Issue 3 page 15 ) I was OVERJOYED !!!!  I just 
 reworked it to work with my system and I hope you may find it helpful to you.
 Additional Documentation....: See Source code
PASSW                                                                    L105 
                             PASSWORD VALIDATION
 Contribution Name...........: passw
    Title....................: Password validation
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. passw.sbmt     - Submission file. 
                             :02. passw.ftn      - Source Code Main 
                             :03. read_cct.ftn   - Source Code Subroutine 
                             :04. read_pwd.ftn   - Source Code Subroutine 
                             :05. reset_pwd.ftn  - Source Code Subroutine 
                             :06. make_pw.ftn    - Source Code Main Init
                             :07. fix_pw.ftn     - Source Code Main Utility 
                             :08. passw.rel      - Relocatable of passw.ftn 
                             :09. read_cct.rel   - Relocatable of read_cct.ftn
                             :10. read_pwd.rel   - Relocatable of read_pwd.ftn
                             :11. reset_pwd.rel  - Relocatable of reset_pwd.ft
                             :12. make_pw.rel    - Relocatable of make_pw.ftn 
                             :13. fix_pw.rel     - Relocatable of fix_pw.ftn
                             :14. compile.cmd    - Compiles all source code 
                             :15. passw.lod      - Link file for passw.ftn
                             :16. make_pw.lod    - Link file for make_pw.lod
                             :17. fix_pw.lod     - Link file for fix_pw.lod 
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Security
                             : 2. Session 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Les Troyer 
               Company.......: Exxon Nuclear, Inc.
               Street........: 2101 Horn Rapids Rd
               City..........: Richland 
               State.........: Wa 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 99352
               Phone Number..: (509) 375-8695 
 Contribution Abstract.......: The program enhances security for RTE-6VM
 by adding password aging and minimum password length requirements. 
 The program works in conjunction with a command structure within the 
 Hello file.  Command structures for both CI and FMGR are given in the
 PASSW.FTN listing. 
 Passwords must be changed at least every 30 days.  Password length 
 must be a minimum of 5 characters.  If these two conditions are not met
 the hello file will schedule accounts. The  user is then allowed to change 
 his/her password.  After exiting accounts the user is logged off.
 In order to assist the SE's  HP "hard coded" a standard password into
 every RTE-6VM system.  This makes it easy for HP engineers to access your
 machine but also presents grave security risks if dial in lines are
 installed on your system.  A program is also given to "scramble" the 
 standard HP support password.  The user should make a backup of +@CCT! 
 before running this program. 
 Additional Documentation....: See the program listings.
LLL-GOODIES                                                              L106 
 Contribution Name...........: LLL-GOODIES
    Title....................: Variable Initializing Subroutines and Class Finding Sub
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. LLL.SBMT              Submission file 
                             :02. ZEROARRAY.MAC         SOURCE
                             :03. ZEROARRAY.REL         RELOCATABLE 
                             :04. FILL_BLANKS.MAC       SOURCE
                             :05. FILL_BLANKS.REL       RELOCATABLE 
                             :06. FIND_CLASS.FTN        SOURCE
                             :07. FIND_CLASS.REL        RELOCATABLE 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7, MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
                             : 2. Class_number
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Lowe, Larry L. 
               Company.......: 3M 
               Street........: 610 County Rd. 19 N. 
               City..........: Aberdeen 
               State.........: SD 
               Country.......: U.S.A. 
               Zip Code......: 57401
               Phone Number..: (605) 229-5002 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   The subroutine FILL_BLANKS is used to initialize character variables - 
single or multidemensional to blanks
   The subroutine ZEROARRAY is used to initialize real or integer variables - 
single or multidemensional to zeros 
   The subroutine FIND_CLASS is used to locate a class number of another
program without passing the information 
   For further information check the source on each 
EDIT&COMPILE                                                             L107 
                               EDIT & COMPILE 
 Contribution Name...........: Edit&Compile 
    Title....................: Edit & Compile 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. Edit&Compile.sbmt 
                             :02. Edit&Compile.cmd
                             :03. Yesno.ftn 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A
    Language(s)..............: n/a
    Keywords.................: 1. Command_files 
                             : 2. Procedures
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Michael David Green
               Company.......: Dept. Aerospace Engineering
               Street........: University of Maryland 
               City..........: College Park 
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20742
               Phone Number..: (301) 454 2922 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Command file to allow editing of a file
                               with option of creating a back-up copy.
                               Option to compile and then link with 
                               supplied libraries and/or files. 
                               If no errors run the program.
                               Demonstrates use of CI's if-then structure,
                               set, echo and $return parameter. 
 Additional Documentation....:
MENU                                                                     L108 
 Contribution Name...........: MENU 
    Title....................: Build menu/command scheduler from user-built menu
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. MENU.SBMT
                             : 02. MENU.FTN 
                             : 03. MENU.LOD 
                             : 04. MENU.DOC 
                             : 05. DL.PNL 
                             : 06. SP.PNL 
                             : 07. menu.inst
                             : 08. WH.PNL 
                             : 09. SUB.PNL
                             : 10. C&L.PNL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A,RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 01. Procedures 
                             : 02. Scheduling 
                             : 03. Shell
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements 
 Contributor's Name..........: Michael Johnson & Tom Penninga 
               Company.......: Rochester Product Division 
               Street........: 2100 Burlingame
               City..........: Grand Rapids 
               State.........: Michigan 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 49501
               Phone Number..: (616) 247-5969 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This utility will take a user built menu 
 and build a menu/command scheduler from it.  User defines if system
 returns to menu or to CI.  Utility allows easy operation of similar tasks
 such as spooling, dl, edit/link/compile, etc.  See Menu.Doc for several
 examples. Several sample menu panels are included.  Simply enter MENU WH 
 or MENU DL for a quick scan of how it works. Enhancements allow sub-menus, 
 CI commands from the menu, global variables to be pasted into the menu, and
 immediate return from menu.
 Additional Documentation....:
 See Menu.DOC for examples of how to use it.
STRING                                                                   L109 
 Contribution Name...........:  STRING
    Title....................:  String Manipulation in CI Command Files 
    File Names...............:00. Renaming command file.
                             :01. STRING.SBMT  This file. 
                             :02. READ.ME      Installation instructions. 
                             :03. INSTALL.CMD  Installation command file. 
                             :04. POS.FTN      Source for POS$
                             :05. MID.FTN      Source for MID$
                             :06. LEFT.FTN     Source for LEFT$ 
                             :07. RIGHT.FTN    Source for RIGHT$
                             :08. POS.REL      Relocatable for POS$ 
                             :09. MID.REL      Relocatable for MID$ 
                             :10. LEFT.REL     Relocatable for LEFT$
                             :11. RIGHT.REL    Relocatable for RIGHT$ 
                             :12. POS.LOD      Link file for POS$ 
                             :13. MID.LOD      Link file for MID$ 
                             :14. LEFT.LOD     Link file for LEFT$
                             :15. RIGHT.LOD    Link file for RIGHT$ 
                             :16. STRING.HLP   /HELP file for package.
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 and RTE-A (must have C.83) 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Command_files 
                             : 2. Strings 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Nick Seidenman 
               Company.......: McDonnell/Douglas Corp.
               Street........: 6935 Wisconsin Avenue
                             : Suite 600
               City..........: Bethesda 
               State.........: MD 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20815
               Phone Number..: 301-961-1885 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      These four programs operate similarly to string functions found 
      in APPLESOFT(c) BASIC.  They can be used for string manipulation
      in CI transfer files, or scheduled by other programs.  Below is 
      a list of these programs and their respective functions:
         POS$ <s1> <s2> - Returns the starting position in <s1> of
               <s2>.  The first position in <s1> is assumed to be 
         MID$ <s> <b> <l> - Extract the substring of <s> beginning
               at <b> of length <l>.
         LEFT$ <s> <l> - Extracts the leftmost <l> characters from
         RIGHT$ <s> <l> - Extracts the rightmost <l> characters from
 Additional Documentation....:  See STRING.HLP
LOGON                                                                    L110 
                      LOG-ON PACKAGE FOR REMOTE SYSTEMS 
 Contribution Name...........:    LOGON 
    Title....................:    Log-on Package for Remote Systems 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. LOGON.SBMT
                             :02. READ_ME.LST 
                             :03. ATIDT.MAC 
                             :04. LOGON.$ALS
                             :05. LOGON.COM 
                             :06. TRMID6.LOD
                             :07. TRMIDA.LOD
                             :08. TRMID.FTN 
                             :09. SFKEY6.LOD
                             :10. SFKEYA.LOD
                             :11. SFKEY.FTN 
                             :12. SETKE.LOD 
                             :13. SETKE.FTN 
                             :14. SOFTKEYS.HLP
                             :15. RLOG6.LOD 
                             :16. RLOGA.LOD 
                             :17. RLOGF.FTN 
                             :18. RLOGM.MAC 
                             :19. $LUTA.MAC 
                             :20. RLOGX6.LOD
                             :21. RLOGXA.LOD
                             :22. RLGXF.FTN 
                             :23. RLGXM.MAC 
                             :24. NMSC.MAC
                             :25. CLGF.MAC
                             :26. LOAD_BREAK.CMD
                             :27. #BREAK6 
                             :28. BREAKA.LOD
                             :29. BREAK.MAC 
                             :30. BRK_6.FTN 
                             :31. BRK_A.FTN 
                             :32. CLSCR.LOD 
                             :33. CLSCR.FTN 
                             :34. LIBS.CMD
                             :35. SFKEYLB.MRG 
                             :36. UTFLB.MRG 
                             :37. IDTER.FTN 
                             :38. IRAM.REL
                             :39. KSHFT.REL 
                             :40. JCBT.REL
                             :41. MDEQT.MAC 
                             :42. SLCOD.FTN 
                             :43. LENG.FTN
                             :44. WRITEFILE.FTN 
                             :45. READFILE.FTN
                             :46. WRERR.FTN 
                             :47. CVNUM.MAC 
                             :48. IEQTP.MAC 
                             :49. ISWAP.MAC 
                             :50. IOPSY.MAC 
                             :51. WF.HI 
                             :52. A9.HI 
                             :53. RLO900.CMD
                             :54. EXIT.CMD
                             :55. DVF05_2141.MAC
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-6/VM, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN77,ASSEMBLER 
    Keywords.................:01. SESSION 
                             :02. SOFTKEYS
                             :03. DS
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:   Norm Kay & Bill Fock 
               Company.......:   CSIRO
                             :   Div. Materials Science & Technology
               Street........:   Locked bag 33
               City..........:   CLAYTON
               State.........:   Victoria 
               Country.......:   AUSTRALIA
               Zip Code......:   3168 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:   LOGON logs on to a remote systems and sets 
                                  softkeys in accordance with a file located
                                  at the remote system. 
 Additional Documentation....:   See file READ_ME.LST and source files. 
DAS                                                                      L111 
                      DATUM SHIFT / GEODETIC CALCULATOR 
 Contribution Name...........: DAS
    Title....................: Datum Shift / Geodetic Calculator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DAS.SBMT      - Submit file 
                             :02. DAS.LOD       - Command file
                             :03. DAS.DOC       - User manual 
                             :04. DAS.FTN       - DAS main program
                             :05. DAS.REL       - 
                             :06. DAS_LIB.FTN   - DAS subroutine library
                             :07. DAS_LIB.REL   - 
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-A with CI file system 
    Keywords.................:01. CALCULATOR
                             :02. GEODESY 
                             :03. REGRESSION
    External support req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:Ornulf C. Moen
               Company.......:GECO a/s
               City..........:N-1300 SANDVIKA 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:47 / 2 / 475602 
               Telex.........:78623A GECO N 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  DAS is an interactive  program that deals with some of the most 
  common problems in geodesy, particularly those related to 
  offshore surveying. 
  Much effort is put into making DAS a user-friendly tool.
  Erroneus input will not crash the program, instead a descriptive
  error message is presented and the user can continue with the 
  program and data in the same state as before the accident.
  Included features : 
  - Five parameter datum shift of coordinates 
  - Conversion to/from grid (UTM) coordinates 
  - Distance and bearing from two given points. 
  - Point computation given a start point, distance and bearing.
   DAS_LIB also contains some general routines for cursor controlled
   writing on the screen of a HP 2626A terminal (or similar). 
 Additional Documentation....:
VLIST                                                                    L112 
                     PRINT LIST OF CI VOLUMES AND SIZES 
 Contribution Name...........:    VLIST 
    Title....................:    Print list of CI volumes and sizes
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. VLIST.SBMT  submit file 
                             :02. VLIST.FTN   source file 
                             :03. VLIST.REL   relocatable file
                             :04. VLIST.CMD   command file
                             :05. VLIST.LOD   link file 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A900
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Directory 
    External Support Req'd...: CI file system 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Abell 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program is the CI version of CLIST. 
 CLIST was originally written for FMGR files. This version works only 
 with CI files. It will print out a list of CI volumes and their sizes. 
 It is obsolete as of version 4.0 of RTE-A and RTE-6VM. You can now use 
 FREES to get the same information. 
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
EXTENT                                                                   L113 
                            CLEAR CI-FILE EXTENTS 
 Contribution Name...........:    EXTENT
    Title....................:    Clear CI-file extents 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. EXTENT.SBMT  submit file
                             :02. EXTENT.FTN   source file
                             :03. EXTENT.REL   relocatable file 
                             :04. EXTENT.CMD   command file 
                             :05. EXTENT.LOD   link file
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A 900, RTE-6VM
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Extents 
    External Support Req'd...: CI file system 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Abell 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program is the CI version of CLEXT. 
 CLEXT was originally written for FMGR files. This version works only 
 with CI files. It is similar in operation to two submissions, on rev. 2625 
 of the INTEREX Library Tape, called SHRINK and TRIMF.
 EXTENT will skip over the /PROGRAMS and /SCRATCH directories.
       CI> extent /rtea       directory specified 
       CI> extent             default 
       CI> extent,,6          default, print to LU 6
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
OPENC                                                                    L114 
                           PRINT OPEN-CI-FILE INFO
 Contribution Name...........:    OPENC 
    Title....................:    Print open-CI-file info 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. OPENC.SBMT  submit file 
                             :02. OPENC.FTN   source file 
                             :03. OPENC.REL   relocatable file
                             :04. OPENC.CMD   command file
                             :05. OPENC.LOD   link file 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A900 V4.0, RTE-6VM V4.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Directory 
                             : 3. Files 
    External Support Req'd...: CI file system 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Abell 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program is the CI version of OPENF. 
 OPENF was originally written for FMGR files. This version prints the 
 same information about CI files in the same format as OPENF. The only
 difference is the source file LU is not printed, but the source file 
 directory is. Example: 
                    RU,OPENC <filedescriptor> <prt> 
                     9:58 AM  MON.,  8  SEPT, 1986
                        RTEA-900 Open CI files                     Page  1
 File descriptor                            Om  Open to/ LU  Address  ID #
 -----------------------------------------  --  -----------  -------  ----
 TELACCOUNT.LOG::SYSTEM:3:22:35                 TELAC /   0   064573   14 
 +DBCON::IMAGE2:1:512:128                       DBMON /   0   064361   11 
 +BIF::IMAGE2:1:1000:128                        DBMON /   0   064361   11 
 OPENC finished 
 A word about Om in the header. Om stands for OPEN MODE. If a file is 
 opened exclusively to a program, this column will have Ex in it to 
 designate it is opened exclusively to that program. Otherwise the Om 
 column will always be blank. 
 OPENC will work on RTE-6 as it has been tested. You might want to modify 
 it to be a little more correct on the 6 system. IE, "A" uses the program 
 name as it was called, "6" replaces the last two characters of the program 
 with the terminal LU number so the LU number in the display for the "6"
 version is redundant.
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
BAKUP                                                                    L115 
                          BACKUP FILES AFTER HOURS
 Contribution Name...........:    BAKUP 
    Title....................:    Backup files after hours
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. BAKUP.SBMT  submit file 
                             :02. BAKUP.FTN   source file 
                             :03. BAKUP.REL   relocatable file
                             :04. BAKUP.CMD   command file
                             :05. BAKUP.LOD   link file 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A900 V4.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Backup
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements 
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Abell 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will schedule programs FC and TF
 to run using transfer files after hours. It will create a daily TF transfer
 file automatically picking up newly created directories. 
 BAKUP is used to do daily and weekly backups of our system, consisting 
 of three 7914 disk drives. 
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
STUDY                                                                    L116 
                      PRINT USAGE INFO FOR SET OF LU'S
 Contribution Name...........:    STUDY 
    Title....................:    Print usage info for set of lu's
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. STUDY.SBMT  submit file 
                             :02. STUDY.FTN   source file 
                             :03. STUDY.REL   relocatable file
                             :04. STUDY.CMD   command file
                             :05. STUDY.LOD   link file 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A900 V4.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Status
                             : 2. Terminal
                             : 3. Monitor 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Abell 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will do a usage study on a
 set of LU's and store the information in a file. The LU's are hard coded 
 in the program along with the scan rate. Scan rates used are, 1, 10, and 
 100 seconds. The usage information is converted to CCS on output. Up to
 16 LU's can be studied at one time. This is a restraint of the 80 column 
 display of your terminal. The LU count could be raised to 24 or maybe 30 
 LU's if desired to print on 132 column paper terminals. Additional minor 
 program changes would be necessary to accomplish this. Usage information 
 is summarized horizontally and vertically. EX: 
                        RTE-A 900 LU Usage Study
 Study starting @ Sun Sep 14, 1986  1:25:16 pm
 Scan rate =   1 sec. 
 Study LUs type = MUX ports 
 Study lus:  50  51  52  53  62  63  64  65  66  67  68   0   0   0   0   0 
                   ---------------- LU/CCS ---------------- 
         50  51  52  53  62  63  64  65  66  67  68   0   0   0   0   0 
 Hour   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Tot 
 14:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 15:25    3   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   3 
 16:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 17:25  **********************MISSED DATA, file open******************* 
 18:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 19:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 20:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 21:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 22:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 23:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 00:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 01:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 02:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 03:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 04:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 05:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 06:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 07:25    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 08:25   12   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  12 
 09:25   33   0   0   0  15   4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  52 
 10:25   13  23   3   0  36  14   4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  93 
 11:25   29  36  12  13   8  29  17   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 144 
 12:25   17  33   3   0   0  25  18   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  96 
 13:25   36  20  22   6  10  25   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 119 
        === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === 
 Total= 143 112  40  19  69  97  39   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 519 
 Total group ccs =   519 for 24 hours 
 Study finished @ Mon Sep 15, 1986  1:25:26 pm
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
SRCL                                                                     L117 
 Contribution Name...........:    SRCL
    Title....................:    Print number of code lines in source
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. SRCL.SBMT  submit file
                             :02. SRCL.FTN   source file
                             :03. SRCL.REL   relocatable file 
                             :04. SRCL.CMD   command file 
                             :05. SRCL.LOD   link file
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A900 V4.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Documentation 
                             : 2. Analyzer
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Abell 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will scan a FTN7X source program
 and print the number of lines in the file, number of comments, number of 
 blank lines, other code and the total number of executable code lines.*
 Where executable code lines is debatable, but for this program, they do not
 include set up code, such as data statements, dimension statements, etc. 
 Run example: 
 Source file SRCL.FTN contains: 
 Source  lines     121
 Comment lines  -   32
 Blank   lines  -    5
 Other code     -    6
 Code    lines      78     64% of source file 
 SRCL done! 
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
MANH                                                                     L118 
 Contribution Name...........:    MANH
    Title....................:    Estimate time needed to program a project 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. MANH.SBMT  submit file
                             :02. MANH.FTN   source file
                             :03. MANH.REL   relocatable file 
                             :04. MANH.CMD   command file 
                             :05. MANH.LOD   link file
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A900 V4.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
                             : 2. Management
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Abell 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will calculate the lines of 
 code needed for a program and then predict how long it will take you to
 code it! The formula used is the Putnam Estimation Model, from the 
 following book.
                        SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: 
                        A practioners approach     ISBN:0-07-050781-3 
                        Published by: McGraw-Hill 
                                    p + 4*l +o
                   Lines of code =  ----------
                               /   loc**3       \  1/4
                   Man years = |-----------------|
                               \   c**3 * k     / 
                   Man hours = man years * 12mo * 4.3wk * 40hr
      Results: This formula seems to work out best in our shop when:
               K is 12 for 1000 lines of code and under.
               K is  6 for 1001-2000 lines of code. 
               K is  2 for 2001-4000 lines of code. 
               K is  1 for 4001 lines of code and up. 
               K is the effort in person/manhours.
               C is the programming environment, with:
                 6500 being a POOR envirnonment.
                10000 being a GOOD envirnonment.
                12500 being a EXECELLENT envirnonment.
 Run example: 
                Computer Programming Project Time calculations
                                   /   LOC**3      \  1/4 
                      Man years = |-----------------| 
                                   \   C**3 * K    /
         Lines of code             Environment               Effort 
         LOC =   517               C = 10000                 K =     12 
Man years         =      .06
Man hours         =   120.18
Total 25hr wks    =     4.81     Est. Comp.   Apr. 18, 1987      Cost  $  3605
Lines of code     =   516.67
Lines of code/Hr. =     4.30
Lines of code/day =    34.39
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
PA                                                                       L119 
                            PAUSE COMMAND FOR CI
 Contribution Name...........: PA 
    Title....................: Pause Command for CI 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PA.SBMT 
                             :02. PA.FTN
                             :03. PA.REL
                             :04. PA.DOC
                             :05. PA.HLP
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Command_files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul F. Gerwitz
               Company.......: Eastman Kodak Co.
               Street........: 1669 Lake Ave
               City..........: Rochester
               State.........: New York 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 14650
               Phone Number..: 716-477-3067 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program  is  used  to  provide a  pause capability for  CI 
    transfer files much like the equivalent capability in FMGR. 
 Additional Documentation....:
CA                                                                       L120 
                          CALCULATE COMMAND FOR CI
 Contribution Name...........: CA 
    Title....................: Calculate Command for CI 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. CA.SBMT 
                             :02. CA.FTN
                             :03. CA.REL
                             :04. CA.DOC
                             :05. CA.HLP
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Calculator
                             : 3. Command_files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul F. Gerwitz
               Company.......: Eastman Kodak Co.
               Street........: 1669 Lake Ave
               City..........: Rochester
               State.........: New York 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 14650
               Phone Number..: 716-477-3067 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program  is  used  to  provide a calculate capability for CI 
    transfer files much like the equivalent capability in FMGR. 
 Additional Documentation....:
SPOOLUTIL                                                                L121 
 Contribution Name...........: Spoolutil
    Title....................: A Collection of RTE-A Spooling utilities 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SPOOLUTIL.SBMT  Submission file 
                             :02. GETSPOOL.FTN    Program obtains spool name
                             :03. SETSPOOL.CMD    Cmd-file starts spooling
                             :04. RESPOOL.CMD     Release, then restart spool 
                             :05. KSPOOL.CMD      Kill (purge) current spool
                             :06. HELLO           Standard user startup cmds
                             :07. HELLO.CMD       More startup commands 
                             :08. SPOOL           Help for the above cmd-files
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X and CI (command-file stuff)
    Keywords.................: 1. Spooling
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Schumann
               Company.......: E-Systems, Inc.
               Street........: P. O. Box 1056 CBN 101 
               City..........: Greenville 
               State.........: TX 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 75401
               Phone Number..: (214) 457-5358 
 Contribution Abstract.......: If you tire of typing "OUTSPOOLnn.SPL::SPOOL,
      this will ease the problem.  GETSPOOL returns spool information to CI 
      about the passed LU, and SET-/RE-/KSPOOL deal with that information to
      start, release and restart, or kill spooling, respectively.  As our 
      users log on, they ALL execute "HELLO" (in some directory besides the 
      user's working-directory or CMDFILES), and if the individual user lacks 
      his own HELLO.CMD (in their working-directory), the HELLO.CMD file is 
      executed (from the CMDFILES directory).  In our environment, this makes 
      spooling almost as easy (for new users) as it is under RTE-6. 
 Additional Documentation....: See GETSPOOL.FTN 
KERMIT                                                                   L122 
 Contribution Name...........: KERMIT 
    Title....................: KERMIT 1.99 - Machine-to-machine file transfer 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. KERMIT.SBMT    Submission file
                             :02. *COPY          Copyright info about KERMIT
                             :03. *INFO          Other KERMITs available
                             :04. ADDENDUM       KERMIT-RTE user info 
                             :05. PROTO.DOC      KERMIT Protocol Manual 
                             :06. USER.DOC       KERMIT User's Manual 
                             :07. KCMNDS.IFTN    Common include-file
                             :08. KCONCW.IFTN    Common include-file
                             :09. KERCMD.IFTN    Common include-file
                             :10. KERCNF.IFTN    Common include-file
                             :11. KERCOM.IFTN    Common include-file
                             :12. KERDBG.IFTN    Common include-file
                             :13. KERFIL.IFTN    Common include-file
                             :14. KERSTA.IFTN    Common include-file
                             :15. KERMIT.ISTL    Installation instructions
                             :16. K6SUBS.FTN     RTE-6 KERMIT-library source
                             :17. KASUBS.FTN     RTE-A KERMIT-library source
                             :18. KERMIT.FTN     KERMIT source
                             :19. $K6SUBS.LIB    KERMIT library for RTE-6 
                             :20. $KASUBS.LIB    KERMIT library for RTE-A 
                             :21. KERMIT.LOD     Link command file for KERMIT 
                             :22. KERMIT.REL     KERMIT object (A or 6) 
                             :23. KERMIT.HLP     Indexed help fileource 
                             :24. KERMIT.TEXT    "Source" for KERMIT.HLP
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 or RTE-A, revision c.83 and later
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. File-transfer 
                             : 2. Data_comm 
                             : 3. Network 
    External Support Req'd...: 12792B/C (RTE-6) or 12040B/C/D (RTE-A) mux 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fixes and enhancements 
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Schumann
               Company.......: E-Systems, Inc.
               Street........: P. O. Box 1056 CBN 101 
               City..........: Greenville 
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 75401
               Phone Number..: (214) 457-5358 
 Contribution Abstract.......: KERMIT-RTE transfers files between an HP-1000
  and any other machine equipped with a KERMIT program over RS-232 lines (on
  a 12040B/C/D or 12792B/C mux), and also provides basic terminal-emulation.
  In this version, terminal-emulation is improved (hopefully, no more mux 
  lockups!), transportable code (between like systems), partial support for 
  the "D" mux under RTE-A (not fully tested yet!).
 Additional Documentation....: See KERMIT.ISTL for installation instructions. 
IMREL                                                                    L123 
 Contribution Name...........: ImRel
    Title....................: ImRel 1.1: An absolute/relocatable disassembler
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. IMREL.SBMT       Submission file
                             :02. Controls.iftn    Common include-file
                             :03. DBLInfo.iftn     Common include-file
                             :04. DebugInfo.iftn   Common include-file
                             :05. Files.iftn       Common include-file
                             :06. ImRel.ftn        Main source file 
                             :07. MiniFormat.iftn  Common include-file
                             :08. Symbols.iftn     Common include-file
                             :09. Symbol_Format    A documentation aid
                             :10. ImRel.lod        Link command-file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 or RTE-A, revision c.83 and later
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Inverse 
                             : 2. Macro 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fixes and enhancements 
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Schumann
               Company.......: E-Systems, Inc.
               Street........: P. O. Box 1056 CBN 101 
               City..........: Greenville 
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 75401
               Phone Number..: (214) 457-5358 
 Contribution Abstract.......: ImRel was originally contributed at the
  Interex Detroit conference in 1986 as revision 0.9.  This version has 
  all known bugs fixed, is faster, and can disassemble absolute files!
 Additional Documentation....: The "symbol_format" file explains the symbol-
  table format used by ImRel, and has a few other things to which I required
  fast access during the development of ImRel.  ImRel.lod contains some info
  about linking under RTE-6 and run-time errors under RTE-6 and -A which may
  be affected by the manner in which ImRel was linked.
PRETTY                                                                   L124 
 Contribution Name...........:    PRETTY
    Title....................:    Allows use of shading on LaserJet Plus
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. PRETTY.SBMT  submit file
                             :02. PRETTY.FTN   source file
                             :03. PRETTY.REL   relocatable file 
                             :04. PRETTY.CMD   command file 
                             :05. PRETTY.LOD   link file
                             :06. PRETTY.HELP  help file
                             :07. ADDIX.FTN    source 
                             :08. ADDIX.REL    relocatable
                             :09. LIST.FTN     source 
                             :10. LIST.REL     relocatable
                             :11. LEFTJUSTIFY.MAC source
                             :12. LEFTJUSTIFY.REL relocatable 
                             :13. README       documemtation
                             :14. ADDIX.LOD 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A900 V4.0, RTE-6VM V4.0 
                             :    Only tested on RTE-A
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. LaserJet
                             : 2. Text
    External Support Req'd...: CI file system, addix, list, 
                             : leftjustify, LaserJet+ printer 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Phil Shryock 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5085 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 The pretty program allows the shading of characters on a particular
 line of text when using the Laserjet Plus printer.  Refer to your Laserjet 
 Plus reference manual for details on patterns and shadings.
 Note: The area to be shaded matches the character size as output by
       Laser Jet Font number 92286G (Legal Elite Pitch=12 Point=10) 
       See readme file for linking information. 
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. On line help. Readme file 
LPRT                                                                     L125 
                    PRINT FILE ON LASER JET IN 2 COLUMNS
 Contribution Name...........:    LPRT
    Title....................:    Print file on laser jet in 2 columns
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. LPRT.SBMT  submit file
                             :02. LPRT.FTN   source file
                             :03. LPRT.REL   relocatable file 
                             :04. LPRT.CMD   command file 
                             :05. LPRT.LOD   link file
                             :06. ENH.FTN    source file
                             :07. ENH.REL    relocatable
                             :08. TERM_SETUP.FTN source file
                             :09. TERM_SETUP.REL relocatable file 
                             :10. TERM_SETUP.INC include file 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A900 V4.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Laserjet
                             : 2. List
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Phil Shryock 
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5085 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will print out a file on the
 laser jet in landscape mode in two columns compressed and optionally shade 
 comment lines. This will produce a listing with fewer pages and some think,
 easier to read.
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
FOR                                                                      L126 
 Contribution Name...........: FOR
    Title....................: General-purpose wildcard CI command generator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. FOR.SBMT  submission file 
                             :02. FOR.FTN 
                             :03. FOR.REL 
                             :04. FOR.HELP
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6,RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Procedures
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Phil Walden
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Given a file mask, this program generates a CI command file
 containing a specified command string. For each match of the 
 mask the command string is written to the file with parts of 
 the matched file name substituted into the command string. 
 See for.help for instructions. Move for.help to the help 
 directory for general access. E.g. co for.help @.::help
 Additional Documentation....: See file FOR.HELP
FMP                                                                      L127 
 Contribution Name...........: FMP
    Title....................: General-purpose file manipulator for CI command files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. FMP.SBMT  submission file 
                             :02. FMP.FTN 
                             :03. FMP.FTNI
                             :04. FMP.REL 
                             :05. FMP.HELP
                             :06. FMP.TXD 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6,RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Procedures
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Phil Walden
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      FMP is a general purpose file manipulation program intended for 
      use in CI command files.  It allows command files to open, read,
      write, close and otherwise do things to files much the way a
      programmer can using Fmp procedure calls.  In general, a file is
      opened by Fmp and assigned a unit number.  Fmp terminates saving
      resources.  Subsequent schedules of Fmp manipulate the file 
      attached to the unit number.  When all units are closed, Fmp
      terminates absolutely.
 Additional Documentation....: See file FMP.HELP
PSWD                                                                     L128 
                     CHANGE RTE-6 PASSWORDS OVER DS LINK
 Contribution Name...........: PSWD 
    Title....................: Change RTE-6 passwords over DS link
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. ds_pswd.sbmt       * Submission file
                             :02. ds_pswd.ftn 
                             :03. ds_pswd.rel 
                             :04. ds_pswd.lod 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6VM   A.85 and up
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. Security
                             : 3. Logon/Logoff
    External Support Req'd...: DS/1000 IV, Accounts 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Update for DSD4.0 DS/1000
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: 19th Floor   1100 Walnut 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 654-2446 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Resubmit to handle DSD4.0 release of DS/1000 
   and requirement for a logon ID to access files on LU2. 
 Additional Documentation....: Run string is now: 
                 pswd,out lu,id/password,node 1, node 2, ... node n 
ADVENTURE                                                                L129 
                               ADVENTURE GAME 
 Contribution Name...........: ADVENTURE
    Title....................: Adventure game 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. adventure.sbmt    * Submission File 
                             :02. advencom.ftn      * Common block
                             :03. advendata.dat     * Database
                             :04. advensubs.lib     * LINDX'ed library sub
                             :05. advensubs1.ftn    * LIB part 1 source 
                             :06. advensubs1.rel
                             :07. advensubs2.mac    * LIB part 2 source 
                             :08. advensubs2.rel
                             :09. adventext.dat     * Text database 
                             :10. adventure.ftn     * Main
                             :11. adventure.rel 
                             :12. adventure.lod     * LINK command file 
                             :13. adven_seg1.ftn    * Segment 1 
                             :14. adven_seg1.rel
                             :15. adven_seg2.ftn    * Segment 2 
                             :16. adven_seg2.rel
                             :17. adven_seg3.ftn    * Segment 3 
                             :18. adven_seg3.rel
                             :19. adven_seg4.ftn    * Segment 4 
                             :20. adven_seg4.rel
                             :21. adven_seg5.ftn    * Segment 5 
                             :22. adven_seg5.rel
                             :23. install.cmd       * Install command file
                             :24. lib.cmd           * Create LINDX file 
                             :25. libsource         * Use with LIB.CMD
                             :26. advencomm.dat     * may not be needed 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6VM  A.85 and up 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77 & MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. games 
    External Support Req'd...: CI file system 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: n/a
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: Rm 1903-3    1100 Walnut 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 654-2446 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is ADVENTURE for the HP1000, re-
   written for the CI file system.  I have not tested it on one, but, 
   *should* run on RTE-A also.
 Additional Documentation....: Fairly well documented.  Other than the
   game statagy itself, fairly easy to follow and modify if needed. 
MYSTERY                                                                  L130 
                            MYSTERY MANSION GAME
 Contribution Name...........: MYSTERY
    Title....................: Mystery Mansion game 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. mystery.sbmt         * Submission File
                             :02. mystery.lod          * LINK command file
                             :03. mystery.ftn          * Main 
                             :04. mystery.rel 
                             :05. mystery_seg1.ftn     * Segment 1
                             :06. mystery_seg1.rel
                             :07. mystery_seg2.ftn     * Segment 2
                             :08. mystery_seg2.rel
                             :09. mystery_seg3.ftn     * Segment 3
                             :10. mystery_seg3.rel
                             :11. mystery_seg4.ftn     * Segment 4
                             :12. mystery_seg4.rel
                             :13. mystery_seg5.ftn     * Segment 5
                             :14. mystery_seg5.rel
                             :15. mystery_seg6.ftn     * Segment 6
                             :16. mystery_seg6.rel
                             :17. mystery_seg7.ftn     * Segment 7
                             :18. mystery_seg7.rel
                             :19. mystery_seg8.ftn     * Segment 8
                             :20. mystery_seg8.rel
                             :21. mystery_seg9.ftn     * Segment 9
                             :22. mystery_seg9.rel
                             :23. mystery_seg10.ftn     * Segment 10
                             :24. mystery_seg10.rel 
                             :25. mystery_seg11.ftn     * Segment 11
                             :26. mystery_seg11.rel 
                             :27. mystery_seg12.ftn     * Segment 12
                             :28. mystery_seg12.rel 
                             :29. mystery_subs.ftn     * Library
                             :30. mystery_subs.rel
                             :31. mystery_subs.lib     * LINDXed library
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6VM  A.85 and up 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. games 
    External Support Req'd...: CI file system 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: n/a
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: Rm 1903-3    1100 Walnut 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 654-2446 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is Mystery Mansion for the HP1000, re-
   written for the CI file system.  I have not tested it on one, but, 
   *should* run on RTE-A also.
 Additional Documentation....: Fairly well documented.  Other than the
   game statagy itself, fairly easy to follow and modify if needed. 
   Several bugs from the original version have been fixed and a few new 
   suprises added.
BBS                                                                      L131 
                               BULLETIN BOARD 
 Contribution Name...........: BBS
    Title....................: Bulletin Board 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. bbs.sbmt          * Submission File 
                             :02. bbs.ftn           * Main
                             :03. bbs.rel 
                             :04. bbs.lod 
                             :05. files.ftn         * Handle BBS files sub
                             :06. files.rel 
                             :07. install.cmd       * Installation file 
                             :08. scramble.ftn      * File encryptor
                             :09. scramble.rel
                             :10. today.ftn         * Date sub
                             :11. today.rel 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6VM  A.85 and up 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. mail
                             : 2. message 
    External Support Req'd...: CI file system 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: n/a
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: 19th Floor   1100 Walnut 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 654-2446 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a crude and rude BBS I started 
   writting a year or so ago and have never had the time to finish it up
   properly.  It needs ALOT of work, but since I got it started, maybe
   someone out there has the time to finish it up.  The message bases 
   all work as does the file encryption.  Still needs file transfer.
 Additional Documentation....: A single system ID of BBS.GENERAL is needed
   to have non system user access to the board.  Each user, wether a
   system user or not is allowed to assign themselves a BBS "handle" and
   password.  The board also stores such info as location, telephone no., 
   interests, etc. and allows searches on those fields.  Like I said, it's
   crude, but a start!
CAPS                                                                     L132 
 Contribution Name...........: CAPS 
    Title....................: Returns user account info to CI command Files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. CAPS.SBMT 
                             :02. CAPS.FTN
                             :03. CAPS.REL
                             :04. CAPS.HLP
                             :05. ASK.FTN 
                             :06. ASK.REL 
                             :07. ASK.HLP 
                             :08. YN.FTN
                             :09. YN.REL
                             :10. YN.HLP
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6,RTE-A(may be)
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Command_files 
    External Support Req'd...: CI 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Randy Brzoskowski
               Company.......: Johnson Wax
               Street........: 1525 Howe Street   m/s 273 
               City..........: Racine 
               State.........: Wis. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 53403-5011 
               Phone Number..: (414) 631-3479 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    Caps is a program used to return system information to CI command files 
          It returns  Accounts capablity level (1-63)   $return1
                      Manager.sys (superuser flag)      $return2
                      DS-1000 local node number         $return5
                      User name w/o .group extension    $return_s 
     ASK will write a user supplied prompt and return the users 
         response in $return_s
     YN  will write the prompt '(YES/NO)' to the users terminal 
         and set $return1 to 1 for NO or 0 for Yes
         This require the KSHFT (H147) for the 2340 CSL tape
       See the source code or the .HLP files for more information 
 Additional Documentation....:
AESOP                                                                    L133 
                        GRAPHICS APPLICATION PROGRAM
 Contribution Name...........: Aesop
    Title....................: Graphics Application Program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :1.  'AESOP   Submission file
                             :2.  &LINAR   Line/arc module
                             :3.  &PLOTT   Plot module
                             :4.  &AREA    Area module (Dummy module) 
                             :5.  &HHELP   Help module
                             :6.  &AESOP   AESOP main 
                             :7.  ACOMPL   Command file to compile and index
                             :8.  \AESOP   Command file to install AESOP
                             :9.  #AINDX   INDXR command file for $ASUBS
                             :10.  #APIDX   INDXR command file for $AESOP 
                             :11.  &ASPLO   ASPLOT main 
                             :12.  #ASPLO   MLLDR command file for ASPLOT 
                             :13.  &TEXT    Text module 
                             :14.  \ASPLO   Command file to load ASPLOT 
                             :15.  &SAVE    Slide save module 
                             :16.  #AESOP   MLLDR command file for AESOP
                             :17.  &AIDS    Aid module
                             :18.  &ASUBS   Common subroutines
                             :19.  &FIGUR   Figure module 
                             :20.  "AESOP   GENIX input file for HELP fuction 
                             :21.  !AESOP   Help file indexed for CMD 
                             :22.  #W23     link command file for A2623 
                             :23.  #W50     link command file for W7550 
                             :24.  &W23     A2623 source file 
                             :25.  &W50     W7550 source file 
                             :26.  *W23     Command file to load A2623
                             :27.  *W50     Command file to load W7550
                             :28.  AESOP    AESOP program type 6 MLLDR file 
                             :29.  ASPLO    ASPLOT program type 6 file
                             :30.  &FLNAM   Create SDA file name. 
                             :31.  [AESOP   Soft key doc. file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...: Graphics/1000-II(AGP,DGL),Fortran 77 (FTN7X) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
                                This is a re-submission of the AESOP program
      which was on CSL-1000 Rev. 2433 orginal submitted by Bellevue Technical 
      SEO of Hewlett Packard Co..  This version has been updated to work
      with GRAPHICS-1000 version 2.0. Also, a help module was added and some
      other minor modifications were made.
 Contributor's Name..........: Randy Brzoskowski
               Company.......: Johnson Wax
               Street........: 1525 Howe Street   m/s 273 
               City..........: Racine 
               State.........: Wisconsin
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 53403
               Phone Number..: (414) 631-3479 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   The primary function of the Aesop software package is a replacement
   for the BRUNO package on the HP1000 computer.  This package provides 
   a tool for the development of overhead slides.  Aesop allows for the 
   manufacture of general presentation posters and flyers.  The basic 
   printing mechanisms for the slides and posters are the HP plotters.
   The current version of Aesop can only be run on an E or F series 
   HP1000 computer.  The software package requires RTE-6/VM operating 
   system to provide large program capability.  The software utilizes the 
   Advanced Graphics package of GRAPHICS/1000-II for supportable graphics 
   and device independence.  At least a 61 page memory partition is required
   to run this program as is (disc nodes and VMA) more will be needed if
   EMA and memory nodes are used. 
               There are several known omissions in this program. 
   1)  Currently there is no area fill or area move, delete or clone. 
   2)  The LINE/ARC module was originally intended to utilize forms and 
       and block mode, time constraints did not allow this
       to happen. 
   3)  AESOP will only acess FMGR type files. To acess CI and FMGR files
       the method of passing the runstrings must be changed and some
       internal arrays may need to be enlarged. 
   Aesop is a softkey driven system with some functions incorporated into a 
   forms mode of operation.  The following run command should be used;
     RU,AESOP,crt,plotter,digitizer,term LU,plot LU,digit LU
          crt = crt WSP name
          plotter = plotter WSP name
          digitizer = digitizer WSP name
     Defaults are:
     The program ASPLOT does the actual plotting of the slide and can be
     run independently from AESOP.  The following run command should be 
          RU,ASPLO,namr,flag,plotter lu 
          namr = slide or batch file namr 
          flag = 1 or 2 for slide or batch file 
          plotter = plotter WSP name
          plotter lu = logical unit number of plotter 
 Additional Documentation....:
     Loading Aesop: 
     AGP of GRAPHICS/1000-II must be loaded as required for the supported 
     graphics devices attached to the system.  For example: module ZMNTR
     and all necessary WSP's must be loaded as shown in the AGP 
     documentation.  If a 2508 line printer is to be utilized, then RTRAN 
     program must be loaded as defined in the Device Handlers documentation.
     The program DLX(from the Software Service Kit for SE's) and CMD
     must be loaded.
     The complete AESOP system can be complied and loaded using the 
     command file \AESOP. This file as well as all other command files
     will need the Crn references modified. At present they are looking 
     for crn 60.
     The source code may be recomplied and indexed using the FMGR 
     command file ACOMPL. 
     The file "AESOP contains an explanation of the softkeys to be used as
     an input file for GENIX so the !AESOP help fule can be created. See
     &HHELP source for more info. 
SETTIME                                                                  L134 
                       AUTOMATIC-TIME SETTING UTILITY 
 Contribution Name...........: SETTIME
    Title....................: Automatic-time setting utility 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. SETTIME.SBMT 
                             : 02. SETTIME.FTN
                             : 03. Settime.Rel
                             : 04. TIMELOG.FTN
                             : 05. Timelog.Rel
    Operating System(s)......: RTE A, 6 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................: 1. TIME
                             : 2. BOOT-UP 
 Contributor's Name..........: Rich Mirdas
               Company.......: GM-HUGHES ELECTRONICS CORPORATION
               Street........: 6155 El Camino Real
               City..........: Carlsbad 
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 92008
               Phone Number..: (619) 931-3000 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Automatically sets system time on bootup 
                               from HP59309A HPIB clock. Maintains a
                               timelog file on disk to prevent time ever
                               being accidently set backwards.
 Additional Documentation....: Source code is heavily commented.
MUXA                                                                     L135 
 Contribution Name...........: MUXA 
    Title....................: Display/set 12040 multiplexor port status
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. MUXA.SBMT Submission File 
                             :02. MUXA.FTN  Source file 
                             :03. MUXA.REL  Relocatable file
                             :04. MUXA.LOD  Link command file 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. MULTIPLEXOR 
                             : 2. STATUS
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Richard Dreze
               Company.......: Universite Catholique de Louvain 
                               Laboratoire du Genie Civil 
               Street........: Place du Levant, 1 
               City..........: B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: 1348 
               Phone Number..: (10) 432112
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program allows the operator to
 interactively set the parameters of a mux LU such as, baud rate, parity, 
 handshake, type-ahead mode, and so on. 
 It also displays the current configuration of a mux LU.
 Calling sequence : RU MUXA 
 Additional Documentation....: -
SPS                                                                      L136 
 Contribution Name...........: SPS
    Title....................: Current spool status report (like SP,ST) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SPS.SBMT Submission File
                             :02. SPS.FTN  Source file
                             :03. SPS.REL  Relocatable file 
                             :04. SPS.LOD  Link command file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. SPOOLING
                             : 2. STATUS
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Richard Dreze
               Company.......: Universite Catholique de Louvain 
                               Laboratoire du Genie Civil 
               Street........: Place du Levant, 1 
               City..........: B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: 1348 
               Phone Number..: (10) 432112
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program reports the current status
 of the spool system in a more compact presentation than the standard 
 SP,ST command.  Outspool files are also grouped by outspool LU.
 Calling sequence : RU SPS
 Additional Documentation....: -
DBCRN                                                                    L137 
 Contribution Name...........: DBCRN
    Title....................: Change cartref of IMAGE data sets and root file
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DBCRN.SBMT Submission File
                             :02. DBCRN.FTN  Source file
                             :03. DBCRN.REL  Relocatable file 
                             :04. DBCRN.LOD  Link command file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A (probably RTE-6) 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN, IMAGE/1000-II 
    Keywords.................: 1. IMAGE 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Richard Dreze
               Company.......: Universite Catholique de Louvain 
                               Laboratoire du Genie Civil 
               Street........: Place du Levant, 1 
               City..........: B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: 1348 
               Phone Number..: (10) 432112
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program changes the CRN of IMAGE/1000-II
 data sets without using the standard DBULD/DBDS/DBLOD procedure. 
    Calling sequence : RU,DBCRN 
                         where DATA-BASE = DB name
                                           (e.g. INVENT:3334:12)
                               NEW_CRN   = new crn for ALL the data sets
                                           and root file
    Notes : the program does not work with DB distributed on more than
            one cartridge, but it can be easily adapted if needed.
            the program does not work with the revison 4.0 of 
 Additional Documentation....: -
RTE-A UTILITIES                                                          L138 
                        MISCELLANEOUS RTE-A UTILITIES 
 Contribution Name...........: RTE-A Utilities
    Title....................: Miscellaneous Rte-A Utilities
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. RTEA_UTIL.SBMT 
                             : 02. LASER.FTN
                             : 03. LASER.REL
                             : 04. MESSAGE.FTN
                             : 05. MESSAGE.REL
                             : 06. REBOOT.FTN 
                             : 07. REBOOT.LOD 
                             : 08. REBOOT.REL 
                             : 09. REBOOT_VCP.MAC 
                             : 10. REBOOT_VCP.REL 
                             : 11. SEND.FTN 
                             : 12. SEND.REL 
                             : 13. SETUPDLLIST.FTN
                             : 14. SETUPDLLIST.REL
                             : 15. SETUSERS.DOC 
                             : 16. SETUSERS.FTN 
                             : 17. SETUSERS.REL 
                             : 18. SWEEP.FTN
                             : 19. SWEEP.LOD
                             : 20. SWEEP.REL
                             : 21. VCP.FTN
                             : 22. VCP.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A , RTE-6 ?? 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77, Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. Laserjet
                             : 2. Boot-up 
                             : 3. Logon/Logoff
                             : 4. Directory 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Richard E. Alm 
               Company.......: Singer / Kearfott
               Street........: 30 Continential Drive
                             : Mail Stop 15A03
               City..........: Wayne
               State.........: NJ 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07470
               Phone Number..: 201-633-4581 
 Contribution Abstract.......: System Management Utilities
 Additional Documentation....:
 LASER.FTN        - Print 2 Pages on same Physical Page 
 LASER.REL          Needs Legal Elite Cartridge for Laserjet
 MESSAGE.FTN      - Send user a message on Function key lines 
 MESSAGE.REL        262X of 239X series only
 REBOOT.FTN       - Reboot A series computer from any port
 SETUSERS.DOC     - Change Limit of # of users what can logon untill next boot
 SWEEP.FTN        - Adapted from NSWEEP on CP/M 
 SWEEP.LOD          Utility to organize Directories 
 VCP.FTN          - Disable Use of VCP on A series while maintaining
 VCP.REL            a back door for Manager to logon
SKD_DBSAVE                                                               L139 
 Contribution Name...........: SKD_DBSAVE 
    Title....................: Save an Image/1000-I Data Base in DBBLD format 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer Files
                             : 01. IMAGE_I_UTIL.SBMT
                             : 02. SKD_DBSAVE.FTN 
                             : 03. SKD_DBSAVE.REL 
                             : 04. SKD_DBSAVE_SUBS.FTN
                             : 05. SKD_DBSAVE_SUBS.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A , RTE-6 ???
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. IMAGE 
                             : 2. BACKUP
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Richard E. Alm & Lew Metzger 
               Company.......: Singer / Kearfott
               Street........: 30 Continential Drive
                             : Mail Stop 15A03
               City..........: Wayne
               State.........: NJ 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07470
               Phone Number..: 201-633-4581 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This program will take an existing Image/1000-I Data Base and save it to
 a file in a format that can then be edited and reloaded into Image through 
ORCAM                                                                    L140 
 Contribution Name...........: ORCAM
    Title....................: Dis-assembler for files in new format
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. ORCAM.SBMT Submission file
                             :02. ORCAM.FTN 
                             :03. ORCAM.REL 
                             :04. ABSOL.MAC 
                             :05. ABSOL.REL 
                             :06. FF4F.REL
                             :07. ORCAM.LOD    LINK COMMAND FILE
                             :08. ORCAM.INCF   COMMON BLOCK 
                             :09. ORCAM.CMD    COMPILE AND LOAD 
                             :10. ORCAM        ORCAM HELP FILE
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. INVERSE 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: With the original contributor's permission,
                               bugs were corrected, and the program 
                               was modified to handle CI files. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Robert Meldrum 
               Company.......: Telesat Canada 
               Street........: 333 River Road 
               City..........: Ottawa 
               State.........: Ontario
               Country.......: Canada 
               Zip Code......: K1N 8A9
               Phone Number..: 613-746-5920(X699) 
 Contribution Abstract.......: To use 
         ORCAM relocatable_filedesc list_lu  pseudo_source-filedesc flags 
               where flags are
                  T Flag gives ENT/EXT Tables 
                  I Flag gives Macro ,I instead of @ for indirect 
                  D Flag gives DEBUG mnemonic tables
                    (Flags may be in any order) 
 Additional Documentation....:
                  See ORCAM help file 
COMMON MANAGER                                                           L141 
                        MULTIPLE COMMON-AREA MANAGER
 Contribution Name...........: COMMON MANAGER 
    Title....................: Multiple common-area manager 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. '**COM
                             :02. &**COM
                             :03. &XXCOM
                             :04. &COMIO
                             :05. ^LIB
                             :06. ]SPCOM
                             :07. ]NGCOM
                             :08. &HEX2 
                             :09. &FNAME
                             :10. &REQST
                             :11. &SPOOL
                             :12. &SPLLU
                             :13. &NGF
                             :14. &NGBRK
                             :15. &NGTRC
                             :16. &NGLOG
                             :17. AACOM 
                             :18. AAVAR 
                             :19. &AACOM
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. COMMON
                             : 2. MANAGEMENT
    External Support Req'd...: DECIMAL STRING LIBRARY (%DECAR)
                             : SPOOLER
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: ROBERT NIEKAMP 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: 1001 E. 101 ST. TERR.
               City..........: KANSAS CITY
               State.........: MISSOURI 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64131
               Phone Number..: (816) 941-0411 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Additional Documentation....: FILES: &AACOM, AACOM, AND AAVAR ARE
                               PROVIDED AS AN EXAMPLE.
      &NGF    - NO.GO ERROR CHECK 
                    EDIT TO CHANGE THE CARTRIDGE
QUIP                                                                     L142 
                     BATCH JOB PROCESSING FOR RTE-A VC+ 
 Contribution Name...........: QUIP 
    Title....................: Batch job processing for RTE-A VC+ 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. QUIP.SBMT 
                             :02. TX_QUIP.DOC 
                             :03. TX_EXMP.DOC 
                             :04. QU_RELO.CMD 
                             :05. QU_LIBR.CMD 
                             :06. QU_LMRG.CMD 
                             :07. QU_PROG.CMD 
                             :08. QU_MOVE.CMD 
                             :09. QUIP.HELP 
                             :10. QUIP.FTN
                             :11. IQUIP.FTN 
                             :12. TQUIP.FTN 
                             :13. QUEJB.FTN 
                             :14. QUEJB.COM 
                             :15. EXCJB.FTN 
                             :16. EXCJB.COM 
                             :17. PRTJB.FTN 
                             :18. JOBJB.FTN 
                             :19. UHELP.FTN 
                             :20. INDXH.FTN 
                             :21. LOGJB.FTN 
                             :22. PUTMP.FTN 
                             :23. QF_SUBR.FTN 
                             :24. QM_SUBR.MAC 
                             :25. QUIP.REL
                             :26. IQUIP.REL 
                             :27. TQUIP.REL 
                             :28. QUEJB.REL 
                             :29. EXCJB.REL 
                             :30. PRTJB.REL 
                             :31. JOBJB.REL 
                             :32. UHELP.REL 
                             :33. INDXH.REL 
                             :34. LOGJB.REL 
                             :35. PUTMP.REL 
                             :36. QF_SUBR.REL 
                             :37. QM_SUBR.REL 
                             :38. $*QUIP.LIB
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A VC+
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x and Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. BATCH 
                             : 2. SPOOLING
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Robert R. Miller 
               Company.......: Martin Marietta
               Street........: PO Box 29304 
               City..........: New Orleans
               State.........: LA 
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 70189
               Phone Number..: (504) 255 2122 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   Complete batch job processing sub-system for RTE-A VC+ systems.
     Up to four jobs may be active at the same time 
        Two processing
        Two printing   (If you have two printers) 
     Up to 40 jobs may be queued at one time
     Job prioritizing 
     Time scheduling of processing and/or printing allowed
     Printer output re-direction
     Translates RTE-6 FMGR command files to RTE-A CI command files
           (Although some FMGR commands are restricted.)
     Permits concurrent scheduling of jobs requiring printer forms
       change (like 1 part to 4 part paper) 
     Aids in dynamic programmatic construction of job control files 
       at user request time.
           (It'll take some time to get the hang of this part.) 
     Complete control over jobs with interactive management program 
       1: Job processing control
            Hold, Abort, De-queue, and Re-start 
       2: Job printing control
            Hold, Abort, De-queue, Re-Start 
            Page reprint, Report Reprint, and Print suspend 
       3: Job parameter change capabilities 
            Priority, printer, forms, and reset process / print times 
       4: Job queueing for processing or printing 
       5: Complete status information display 
       6: On-line help command help 
       7: Command stack 
   Cost to your system: 
     Two dummy LUs
     CI directory /QUIP 
     Some space on an FMGR LU 
     Two days (max) to install  (Should only take a couple of hours)
 Additional Documentation....: See file TX_QUIP.DOC 
BLDSCRN                                                                  L143 
 Contribution Name...........: BLDSCRN
    Title....................: Screen/Softkey Handler for 2627/2397 Terminals 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. BLDSCRN.SBMT
                             :02. bldscrn1.pas
                             :03. bldkey1.pas 
                             :04. bldscrn1.rel
                             :05. bldkey1.rel 
                             :06. readme.doc
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
    Keywords.................: 1. SOFTKEYS
                             : 2. TERMINAL
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Roger Arbogast
               Company.......:  DOD 
               Street........:  9800 Savage Rd. 
               City..........:  Ft. Meade 
               State.........:  MD
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  20755 
               Phone Number..:  301-688-7806
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    Programs to handle HP2627 and HP2397 screen formatting and softkey
definitions : uses color capabilities og these terminals. 
 Additional Documentation....:  Readme.doc
HIDE                                                                     L144 
 Contribution Name...........: HIDE 
    Title....................: 3-Dimensional Plots with Hidden-Line Removal 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. HIDE.SBMT
                             : 02. HIDE_PLOT10.FTN
                             : 03. PDATA_PLOT10.FTN 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6VM RTE-6CI
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. GRAPHICS
                             : 2. PLOTTING
    External Support Req'd...:    TEKTRONICS PLOT10 LIBRARY 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: S.L. Chazanoff 
               Company.......: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
               Street........: 4800 Oak Grove Dr. 
               City..........: Pasadena 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 91109
               Phone Number..: (818) 354-2134 
 Contribution Abstract.......: HIDE plots 3 dimentional plots along lines 
 of constant Z with hidden lines removed.  At the user option HIDE will 
 shift the X axis left  right or not at all for each new Z line plotted.
 That is the good news.  The bad news is after much fighting with AGP etc.
 I was forced to use Plot10 for the graphics.  The original program was 
 lifted from the ACM Collected Algorithms and had Univac Calcomp calls. 
 HIDE includes a demonstration mainline program.
 Additional Documentation....: Due to the origin of the program it is 
 extremely well documented. 
SPACE                                                                    L145 
                             SPACE INVADERS GAME
 Contribution Name...........: SPACE
    Title....................: Space Invaders Game
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. SPACE_INVADERS.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. SPACE_INVADERS.FTN - FORTRAN Source
                             : 03. SPACE_INVADERS.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. SPACE_INVADERS.LOD - LINK Command
                             : 05. SPHELP             - Help file 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-4B, RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
                             : 2. Graphics
                             : 3. Demo
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program is an implimentation of space invaders on a HP 2647A or 2648A 
 Graphics Terminal.  The original version was written in HP 2647A BASIC and 
 would only run on that terminal. 
 The concept of this game came from that of the BASIC program but version 
 was written in Fortran 4X and was designed from the ground up. One can 
 win this game by shooting down all invaders (400 of them). There are 10
 levels of skill and as the games progresses the invaders get smaller,
 move faster and faster, and shoot faster and faster. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 Copy SPACE.HLP to a FMGR cartridge and call it SPHELP. 
WARP                                                                     L146 
                                GAME OF WARP
 Contribution Name...........: WARP 
    Title....................: Game of Warp 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. WARP.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. WARPMAIN.REL - Main program
                             : 03. WARPSUB1.REL - Subroutines 
                             : 04. WARPSUB2.REL - Subroutines 
                             : 05. WARPSUB3.REL - Subroutines 
                             : 06. WARPSUB4.REL - Subroutines 
                             : 07. WARPSUB5.REL - Subroutines 
                             : 08. WARPSUB6.REL - Subroutines 
                             : 09. WARPSUB7.REL - Subroutines 
                             : 10. WARPSUB8.REL - Subroutines 
                             : 11. WARP.LOD     - LINK command
                             : 12. WARPMOD.LOD  - Relink command
                             : 13. WARPLOAD.CMD - Load command
                             : 14. WARP.DAT     - Data file 
                             : 15. WARPDATA.ASC - ASCII database
                             : 16. WARPDATA.BIN - Binary database 
                             : 17. WARPNOTE.TXT - Information 
                             : 18. WARPSAVE     - Data file 
                             : 19. MESSAGE      - Data file 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A VC+
    Language(s)..............: PASCAL 
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...: CDS PASCAL library 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This is some kind of fancy adventure game. It requires a lot of memory 
 on a A-series computer (350+ pages) It works ok with DSD 4.0. You must 
 have the VC+ package installed. Read the file WARPNOTE.TXT for more
 Additional Documentation....:
CONSOLE                                                                  L147 
                           LOG ONTO SYSTEM SESSION
 Contribution Name...........: CONSOLE
    Title....................: Log onto System Session
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. CONSOLE.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. CONSOLE.FTN - Source file
                             : 03. CONSOLE.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. CONSOLE.LOD - LINK command 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
                             : 2. Logon/Logoff
    External Support Req'd...: VC+
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program allows a superuser to log onto a system session at the
 system console. It should normally be used by the system manager.
 Additional Documentation....:
CRPATH                                                                   L148 
                            CREATE DIRECTORY PATH 
 Contribution Name...........: CRPATH 
    Title....................: Create Directory Path
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. CRPATH.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. CRPATH.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. CRPATH.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. CRPATH.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. Path
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program creates all directories along a specified path. 
        Syntax:  CRPATH path
   If 'path' does not begin with '/' then create the path from
   current working directory
   else create path starting from /.
   1. Get working directory.
   2. FOR each directory in the path do 
        try to create the directory 
        ignore error = -208 (duplicate directory) 
 Additional Documentation....:
CRYPT                                                                    L149 
                           ENCRYPT/DECRYPT A FILE 
 Contribution Name...........: CRYPT
    Title....................: Encrypt/Decrypt a File 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. CRYPT.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. CRYPT.FTN - Source file
                             : 03. CRYPT.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. CRYPT.LOD - LINK command 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Encryption
                             : 2. Security
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program will encrypt or decrypt a file using a key. The program can 
 be run multiple times using different keys.  The process is reversed 
 to restore the original file. WARNING: The original file is destroyed
 and replaced with the encrypted version. If you forget the key, there
 is no way to restore the original data! Run the program as follows:
   CI> Crypt <File> <{key1} {key2} {key3} 
 Additional Documentation....:
   CO,CRYPT.HLP,CRYPT::HELP for on line help. 
EDIT_KEYS                                                                L150 
                      SET UP FUNCTION KEYS AND RUN EDIT 
 Contribution Name...........: EDIT_KEYS
    Title....................: Set up Function Keys and Run EDIT
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. EDIT_KEYS.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. EDIT_KEYS.FTN - Source file
                             : 03. EDIT_KEYS.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. EDIT_KEYS.LOD - LINK command 
                             : 05. OFF_EDIT.FTN  - Remove EDITKEYS
                             : 06. OFF_EDIT.REL  - Relocatable
                             : 07. OFF_EDIT.LOD  - LINK command 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Editor
                             : 2. Softkeys
    External Support Req'd...: 262x terminal
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 EDITKEYS (ED) sets up the function keys on a 262x terminal and runs
 EDIT/1000. The most frequently used functions can be entered by pressing 
 a single key. See source listing for a list of keys available. The OFF 
 program removes ED from an ID segment. 
 Additional Documentation....:
FLUSH                                                                    L151 
                          FORCE SWAPOUT OF PROGRAMS 
 Contribution Name...........: FLUSH
    Title....................: Force Swapout of Programs
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. FLUSH.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. FLUSH.FTN - Source file
                             : 03. FLUSH.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. FLUSH.LOD - LINK command 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Partition 
                             : 3. DS
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program forces all programs in dynamic memory to be swapped out 
 to the SWAP file. It is mainly for DS monitors.
 Additional Documentation....:
KILL                                                                     L152 
                          KILL A GROUP OF SESSIONS
 Contribution Name...........: KILL 
    Title....................: Kill a Group of Sessions 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. KILL.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. KILL.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. KILL.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. KILL.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program will kill any session (either active or orphaned). A session
 is orphaned if there are no active processes associated with the session.
 The session numbers are passed as run parameters. Kill does a 'soft' 
 kill, i.e., it will make the session non-interactive if there are
 any active programs, unless the second or third parameter is '!'.
 If the second parameter is a session number, then kill is attempted
 on all sessions in the INCLUSIVE range.
 SYNTAX : KILL  session1 [session2] [!] 
 options:  !   do a hard kill on specified session; 
           session2 implies a range of sessions (session1..session2)
 Additional Documentation....:
NUSERS                                                                   L153 
                           DISPLAY NUMBER OF USERS
 Contribution Name...........: NUSERS 
    Title....................: Display Number of Users
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. NUSERS.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. NUSERS.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. NUSERS.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. NUSERS.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program displays the number of users currently logged on the system.
 Additional Documentation....:
REMOTE_LOG                                                               L154 
                        DS/1000-IV REMOTE LOG STATUS
 Contribution Name...........: REMOTE_LOG 
    Title....................: DS/1000-IV Remote Log Status 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. REMOTE_LOG.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. REMOTE_LOG.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. REMOTE_LOG.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. REMOTE_LOG.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. Status
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program gives you the status of a remote node on a DS/1000-IV 
 network via IOMAP. Run as follows: 
    CI> RLOG <Remote node> <Security code> <Remote mapping Lu>
 Additional Documentation....:
UP                                                                       L155 
                           MOVE UP DIRECTORY PATH 
 Contribution Name...........: UP 
    Title....................: Move Up Directory Path 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. UP.SBMT  - Submission file 
                             : 02. UP.FTN   - Source file 
                             : 03. UP.REL   - Relocatable 
                             : 04. UP.LOD   - LINK command
                             : 05. HOME.FTN - Source file 
                             : 06. HOME.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 07. HOME.LOD - LINK command
                             : 08. HOME.HLP - On-line help
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. Path
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Beattie
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Program UP (^) moves you up to the parent directory. Program HOME (^^) 
 moves you up two directories. It saves you some typing.
 Additional Documentation....:
 CO,HOME.HLP,^^::HELP for on-line help. 
DYMEM                                                                    L156 
                               REAL-TIME WH,PA
 Contribution Name...........: DYMEM
    Title....................: Real-time WH,PA
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DYMEM.SBMT  Submission file 
                             :02. DYMEM.FTN   Source
                             :03. DYMEM.REL   Relocatable 
                             :04. DYMEM.CMD   CI command file 
                             :05. DYMEM.LOD   LINK command file 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A only ! 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. MEMORY
                             : 3. PERFORMANCE 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steve Kidgell
               Company.......: Rolls - Royce plc
               Street........: PO Box 31 Raynesway
               City..........: Derby
               State.........: Derbyshire 
               Country.......: UK 
               Zip Code......: DE2 8BJ
               Phone Number..: 0332 662441 ext 005
 Contribution Abstract.......:
          This program gives a real-time  display of up to 20 programs in 
 memory.    It was originally written to display just the programs in the 
 dynamic area of memory (hence the name) but has been enhanced to display 
 reserved partitions as well.  It is a sort of real-time WH,PA. 
          Note that it will not run under RTE-IV  or RTE-6 as they do not 
 have dynamic memory allocation.
 Additional Documentation....:
          See RTE-A System Design Manual Chapter 11 for details of the
 memory descriptors and ID segment. 
ACT6                                                                     L157 
                        DYNAMIC SYSTEM STATUS MONITOR 
 Contribution Name...........: ACT6 
    Title....................: Dynamic System Status Monitor
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. ACT6.SBMT - Submission file
                             : 02. ACT6.LOD  - LINK loader command file 
                             : 03. ACT6.REL  - Main relocatable code
                             : 04. GENT6.REL - Subroutine relocatable code
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: ?? - Relocatable supplied, source not available
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Monitor 
    External Support Req'd...: PASCAL Library 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Steven R. Carter 
               Company.......: Eyring Computer Systems, Inc.
               Street........: 1450 West 820 North
               City..........: Provo
               State.........: Utah 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 84604
               Phone Number..: 801-375-2434 
               Telex.........: 882-000
 Contribution Abstract.......:
     This program provides a dynamic picture of the computer system.  Status
     of each memory partition is shown, along with the amount of SAM, the 
     number of id segments, the number of "jobs", etc.  A very useful utility.
 Additional Documentation....:
     This program was contributed to Interex by Eyring Computer Systems, Inc. 
     1450 West 820 North  Provo, UT  84601 (801) 375-2434 through Scott Hill
     of Pitt-Des Moines, Inc., Des Moines, IA.
     A much enhanced version is available from Eyring Computer Systems, Inc.
     for the HP1000-A series computer.
ADVENTURE                                                                L158 
                               ADVENTURE GAME 
 Contribution Name...........: ADVENTURE
    Title....................: Adventure game 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. 'ADVEN
                             :02.  &ADV01 MAIN PROGRAM SEGMENT OF ADVENTURE 
                             :03.  &ADVX2 COMMAND DECODE SEGMENT
                             :04.  &ADVY2 1ST COMMAND ACTION SEGMENT
                             :05.  &ADV03 INITIALISATION SEGMENT
                             :06.  &ADV04 SUBROUTINES 
                             :07.  &ADV05 SUBROUTINES 
                             :08.  &ADV06 MAGIC MODE SEGMENT
                             :09.  &ADASM ASSEMBLER ROUTINES
                             :10.  &RANDM RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR 
                             :11.  ADVFTN FORTRAN COMPLIATION TRANSFER FILE 
                             :12.  LADVEN LOADER TRANSFER FILE
                             :13.  ^ADVEN LOADER COMMAND FILE 
                             :14.  #ADVZZ DATABASE AND TEXT FILE FOR ADVENTURE
                             :15.  $LIBHS HAYSTACKS LIBRARY (SOME ROUTINES NEE
                             :16.  %ADV01 
                             :17.  %ADVX2 
                             :18.  %ADVY2 
                             :19.  %ADV03 
                             :20.  %ADV04 
                             :21.  %ADV05 
                             :22.  %ADV06 
                             :23.  %ADASM 
                             :24.  %RANDM 
                             :25.  ADVCOM COMMON SECTION INCLUDED IN NEW SEGME
                             :26.  ADVALL 
                             :27.  &ADV07 NEW COMMANDS SEQMENT
                             :28.  %ADV07 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE 4B 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X,ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. GAMES 
    External Support Req'd...:   NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:   FACILITIES ADDED AND CAVE EXPANDED 
 Contributor's Name..........:   T LONDON 
               Company.......:   UKSL 
               Street........:   KEMBLE HOUSE 
                             :   KEAN STREET
               City..........:   LONDON 
               Country.......:   ENGLAND
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:   01-836-8751
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Additional Documentation....:
RNSTATUS                                                                 L159 
                        CHECK RESOURCE# AND LU USAGE
 Contribution Name...........: Rnstatus 
    Title....................: Check Resource# and Lu Usage 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. rnstatus.sbmt 
                             :02. rnstatus.ftn
                             :03. getrn.mac 
                             :04. rnstatus.rel
                             :05. getrn.rel 
                             :06. rnstatus.lod
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x,macro
    Keywords.................: 1. resource_number 
                             : 2. status
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: T.V. Gill
               Company.......: R.J. Reynolds
               Street........: QA 26-1
               City..........: Winston-Salem
               State.........: NC 
               Zip Code......:  27102 
               Phone Number..: 919/777-5953 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Program to check rte-a resource # status 
 Additional Documentation....: None 
LOCKEDBY?                                                                L160 
                      SHOW LU AND RESOURCE-NUMBER LOCKS 
 Contribution Name...........: Lockedby?
    Title....................: Show LU and Resource-Number Locks
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. lockedby.sbmt 
                             :02. lockedby.ftn
                             :03. left_justify.ftn
                             :04. fblnk.ftn 
                             :05. lockedby.rel
                             :06. left_justify.rel
                             :07. fblnk.rel 
                             :08. lockedby.lod
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. resource_number 
                             : 2. system_tables 
                             : 3. status
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: T.V. Gill
               Company.......: R.J. Reynolds
               Street........: QA 26-1
               City..........: Winston-Salem
               State.........: NC 
               Zip Code......:  27102 
               Phone Number..: 919/777-5953 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Two programs to check system 
                               resource# and lu locking status. 
 Additional Documentation....: None 
BRUNO                                                                    L161 
                       GRPAHICS DESIGN PROGRAM REV 3.1
 Contribution Name...........: BRUNO
    Title....................: Grpahics design program Rev 3.1
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. BRUNO.SBMT
                             :02. SPACE.FTN 
                             :03. BSUBS.FTN 
                             :04. BRUN0.FTN  - Put font data in EMA 
                             :05. BRUN1.FTN  - User interface and plotting
                             :06. BRUN2.FTN  - Save slide on disc 
                             :07. BRUN4.FTN  - Control lines and arc
                             :08. BRUN3.FTN  - Control text inputs
                             :09. BRUN7.FTN  - Digitize on the 2648 
                             :10. BRUN5.FTN 
                             :11. ESTNG.FTN 
                             :12. BRUNO.FTN  - Main segment 
                             :13. BRUN6.FTN  - Control figure placing 
                             :14. ESCPE.FTN 
                             :15. COMMON.FTN
                             :16. SK0.MAC 
                             :17. EDKEY.MAC 
                             :18. SK2A.MAC
                             :19. FORM.MAC
                             :20. SKTL.MAC
                             :21. UPSHF.MAC 
                             :22. SKLNE.MAC 
                             :23. SKHV.MAC
                             :24. SK2.MAC 
                             :25. SK1A7.MAC 
                             :26. SK1A.MAC
                             :27. SKCIR.MAC 
                             :28. SKFIG.MAC 
                             :29. EDSFT.MAC 
                             :30. SKMAK.MAC 
                             :31. SKDEG.MAC 
                             :32. SKDIG.MAC 
                             :33. SKYN.MAC
                             :34. BRUNO.LOD  - Linker file
                             :35. SKLIB.CMP 
                             :36. BRUNO.CMP  - FTN77 compiler transfer file 
                             :37. BSUBS.CMP 
                             :38. SKLIB.MRG  - Merge command file 
                             :39. SK2A.REL
                             :40. UPSHF.REL 
                             :41. SKTL.REL
                             :42. SKMAK.REL 
                             :43. SKLNE.REL 
                             :44. BRUN5.REL  - Control, refresh and merge 
                             :45. SKFIG.REL 
                             :46. BRUN1.REL 
                             :47. BRUN2.REL 
                             :48. BRUN7.REL 
                             :49. SK1A.REL
                             :50. SKDEG.REL 
                             :51. BRUN4.REL 
                             :52. SK2.REL 
                             :53. COMMON.REL
                             :54. BRUN6.REL 
                             :55. SKCIR.REL 
                             :56. FORM.REL
                             :57. BRUN3.REL 
                             :58. BRUNO.REL 
                             :59. DLTBL.REL 
                             :60. SPACE.REL 
                             :61. SK1A7.REL 
                             :62. SKDIG.REL 
                             :63. ESCPE.REL 
                             :64. ESTNG.REL 
                             :65. SKHV.REL
                             :66. SK0.REL 
                             :67. EDKEY.REL 
                             :68. BRUN0.REL 
                             :69. EDSFT.REL 
                             :70. SKYN.REL
                             :71. $SKLIB.LIB
                             :72. $BSUBS.LIB - Bruno indexed library
                             :73. SKLIB.LIB 
                             :74. $GPS.LIB
                             :75. EMCLB.LIB 
                             :76. $EMCLB.LIB
                             :77. BSUBS.LIB 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, MAY BE RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: MACRO, FTN77, Requires C.83 or later 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Interactive 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas Alkatib/David Delisle 
    Company..................: Naval Ship Weapon Systems Eng. Station 
    Street...................: NSWSES, CODE 4R20, BLDG 1220 
    City.....................: PORT HEUNEME 
    State....................: CA 
    Country..................: USA
    Zip Code.................: 93043
    Phone Number.............: 805/982-3303 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 BRUNO is a graphics program originally designed by Hewllet Packard. Rev 3.1
 include the following enhancements:
  1. Bruno can access files on both CI and FMGR volumes.
  2. You can run the program from any graphics terminal connected to either baci
  I/F card or mux channel.
  3. This program has been broken down into multiple segments which will enable 
  the user to load it by using the LINK program.
  4. Bruno is much faster than the old versions due to the small size of all
  the segments. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 Each subroutine is sufficiently documented within its source code, Also
 BRUNO.FTN has some description of the main bruno routines. 
APPT                                                                     L162 
 Contribution Name...........: APPT 
    Title....................: An appointment reminder program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. appt.sbmt 
                             :02. appt.ftn
                             :03. appt.rel
                             :04. appt.lod
                             :05. lparse.ftn
                             :06. lparse.rel
                             :07. appt
                             :08. lparse
                             :09. appt.appt 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, etc w/ CI 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Calendar
                             : 2. Scheduling
                             : 3. Help
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a user non-friendly (intensionally)
 appointment reminder program. The user enters a file listing appointments
 to be reminded of and this program will produce the reminder at a user 
 specified interval before the appointment. 
 Additional Documentation....: in the help file: /HELP/APPT 
ERR                                                                      L163 
 Contribution Name...........: ERR
    Title....................: An error reporting program for all HP errors 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. err.sbmt
                             :02. err.ftn 
                             :03. err.rel 
                             :04. err.lod 
                             :05. Flist.ftn 
                             :06. Flist.rel 
                             :07. Lparse.ftn
                             :08. Lparse.rel
                             :09. err 
                             :10. lparse
                             :11. errors
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, etc w/ CI 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. error 
                             : 2. help
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is an error decoding routine which will 
 print an explanation of all HP error codes. The user enters up to four 
 error key words or numbers, the program permutes these keys into 19 possible 
 key words, then searches an error file for a match with up to 8 keys for 
 each error message. This message is then displayed on the user terminal. 
 The error file is presently applicable to RTE-A and RTE-6 but will be
 separated into separate files for RTE-A, RTE-6, RTE-IV, RTE-II in the
 Additional Documentation....: in the help file: /HELP/ERR
SUM                                                                      L164 
 Contribution Name...........: SUM
    Title....................: A simple two-column spread-sheet sum totalizer 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. sum.sbmt
                             :02. sum.ftn 
                             :03. sum.rel 
                             :04. sum.lod 
                             :05. Lparse.ftn
                             :06. Lparse.rel
                             :07. sum 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, etc w/ CI 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. calculator
                             : 2. spread_sheet
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a simple program to add up lists of
 numbers, ignoring headers and all non-numeric words. Very useful for adding
 a table of quantities with associated prices. Sub totals can be displayed. 
 key words, then searches an error file for a match with up to 8 keys for 
 each error message. This message is then displayed on the user terminal. 
 Additional Documentation....: in the help file: /HELP/SUM
ELZAP                                                                    L165 
                          A COMPUTERIZED BOARD GAME 
 Contribution Name...........: ELZAP
    Title....................: A computerized board game
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. elzap.sbmt
                             :02. elzap.ftn 
                             :03. elzap.rel 
                             :04. elzap.lod 
                             :05. elzap 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-IV through RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. games 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a board type of game played against
 the computer. The object is to complete a continuous line across the terminal
 screen in a horizontal direction while the computer tries to do the same 
 in a vertical direction. 
 Additional Documentation....: in the help file: /HELP/ELZAP
CALC                                                                     L166 
 Contribution Name...........: CALC 
    Title....................: A computerized interactive calculator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. calc.sbmt 
                             :02. calc.ftn
                             :03. calc.rel
                             :04. calc.lod
                             :05. stretch.ftn 
                             :06. stretch.rel 
                             :07. lparse.ftn
                             :08. lparse.rel
                             :09. hex.mac 
                             :10. hex.rel 
                             :11. calc
                             :12. lparse
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, etc 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. calculator
                             : 2. interactive 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Many enhancements: file reading capability,
      multiple equations, more error checking, CI command file interaction. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a user friendly computerized calculator
    using a normal equation format (not reverse polish). It has the ability 
    to save and use 8 user definable parameters, to utilize all Fortran 
    intrinsics, to perform number base conversion including hex and character 
    equivalents, to edit equations on the terminal screen, and to read
    equations from a disc file. It may also be used in CI command files 
    to perform branches, in addition to running other programs and includes 
    an on-line help file. 
 Additional Documentation....: in the help file: /HELP/CALC 
LOAN                                                                     L167 
 Contribution Name...........: LOAN 
    Title....................: A mortgage-loan analysis program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. loan.sbmt 
                             :02. loan.ftn
                             :03. loan.lod
                             :04. stretch.ftn 
                             :05. stretch.rel 
                             :06. calc_sub.ftn
                             :07. calc_sub.rel
                             :08. lparse.ftn
                             :09. lparse.rel
                             :10. loan
                             :11. lparse
                             :12. loanpay.ftn 
                             :13. loanpay.rel 
                             :14. loanpay.lod 
                             :15. loanpay 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, etc 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. Finance 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements for period determinations 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is an update to my original Loan program. 
   It uses a subroutine version of my CALC program to allow more flexibility
   in entering payment periods, loan duration, etc. You can now perform 
   loan calculations like most Banks do!!  Also: on-line help and other 
   program running capability. I have included an update to an early Interex
   loan payment program referenced in the LOAN documentation. 
 Additional Documentation....: The help file /HELP/LOAN 
DF                                                                       L168 
                    AN EDIT, COMPILE, LINK, & GO FACILITY 
 Contribution Name...........: DF 
    Title....................: An edit, compile, link, & go facility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. df.sbmt 
                             :02. df.ftn
                             :03. df.rel
                             :04. df.lod
                             :05. df
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Procedures
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: More enhancements
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This utility is a program that will run
   EDIT/1000 selectively, run the appropriate compiler, link the result if
   it is not a subroutine, and possibly run it. This is a fast method for 
   developing programs - either small ones or modules of larger programs. 
 Additional Documentation....: the help file /HELP/DF 
SHOOTING_STARS                                                           L169 
                         STARS AND BLACK HOLES GAME 
 Contribution Name...........: Shooting_stars 
    Title....................: Stars and black holes game 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. Shooting_stars.sbmt 
                             :02. Shooting_stars.ftn
                             :03. Shooting_stars.rel
                             :04. Shooting_stars.lod
                             :05. touch.ftn 
                             :06. touch.rel 
                             :07. lparse.ftn
                             :08. lparse.rel
                             :09. shooting_stars
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6, etc. 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. games 
                             : 2. touch 
    External Support Req'd...: HP150 or HP2393 with touch screen desirable
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a touch screen game (can also be 
   played without a touch screen) in which stars are destroyed thereby
   creating black holes and optionally, more stars. Illustrates the use 
   of the touch facility and contains a complete touch screen library.
 Additional Documentation....: on-line and help file: /HELP/SHOOTING_STARS
MDUPE                                                                    L170 
                          MAGNETIC TAPE DUPLICATOR
 Contribution Name...........: MDUPE
    Title....................: Magnetic tape duplicator 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. mdupe.sbmt
                             :02. mdupe.ftn 
                             :03. mdupe.rel 
                             :04. mdupe.lod 
                             :05. mdupe 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. magnetic_tape 
                             : 2. copy
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Another magnetic tape duplicator. This is an 
   older program that has been is use for many years to duplicate mag tapes 
   with file limits, record limits, pre-positioning, error checking, and
   selective rewinding. A more capable updated version is in the mill.
 Additional Documentation....: /HELP/MDUPE
PRINTS                                                                   L171 
 Contribution Name...........: PRINTS 
    Title....................: Contents of a terminal screen to line printer
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. prints.sbmt 
                             :02. prints.ftn
                             :03. prints.rel
                             :04. prints.lod
                             :05. prints
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. printer 
                             : 2. terminal
                             : 3. copy
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: update from an older contribution
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program transfers the contents of terminal
   memory to the line printer. Very useful when run from EDIT/1000. 
 Additional Documentation....: /HELP/PRINTS 
BTDMP                                                                    L172 
 Contribution Name...........: BTDMP
    Title....................: Another magnetic dumping program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. btdmp.sbmt
                             :02. btdmp.ftn 
                             :03. btdmp.rel 
                             :04. btdmp.lod 
                             :05. hpint.ftn 
                             :06. hpint.rel 
                             :07. ftibm.mac 
                             :08. ftibm.rel 
                             :09. bin.mac 
                             :10. bin.rel 
                             :11. hex.mac 
                             :12. hex.rel 
                             :13. dec.mac 
                             :14. dec.rel 
                             :15. ebcdh.ftn 
                             :16. ebcdh.rel 
                             :17. ftdec.mac 
                             :18. ftdec.rel 
                             :19. hptst.mac 
                             :20. hptst.rel 
                             :21. btdmp 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. dump
                             : 2. magnetic_tape 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program is a general purpose magnetic 
   tape dumping utility. It will position a tape, then dumb user selected 
   record sizes to any LU. The formats dumbed are: ASCII; EBCDIC; HP ,DEC 
   or IBM Floating point or integer; hex; binary; octal; byte swap. 
   It is an older but functioning program that needs a cleaner user 
 Additional Documentation....: /HELP/BTDMP
MAZE                                                                     L173 
                            A RAT IN A MAZE GAME
 Contribution Name...........: MAZE 
    Title....................: A rat in a maze game 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. maze.sbmt 
                             :02. maze.ftn
                             :03. maze.rel
                             :04. maze
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, etc 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. games 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will generate a maze in character 
 form on any character oriented output device (terminals, line printers,
 LaserJet, etc). The user specifies the size of the maze. Very large mazes
 can be generated on devices that support compressed printing. There is 
 only one path through the maze.
CALENDAR                                                                 L174 
 Contribution Name...........: CALENDAR 
    Title....................: A calendar producing program with pictures 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. calendar.sbmt 
                             :02. calendar.ftn
                             :03. calendar.rel
                             :04. calendar.lod
                             :05. calendar
                             :06. AIR_PLANE.PIC 
                             :07. ANDY_CAP.PIC
                             :08. ANNIE.PIC 
                             :09. COYOTE.PIC
                             :10. DANCING_FEET.PIC
                             :11. LOVE.PIC
                             :12. MONA.PIC
                             :13. NICE_DAY.PIC
                             :14. PIC24.PIC 
                             :15. PS_CAT.PIC
                             :16. ROAD_RUNNER.PIC 
                             :17. RUDE_AWAKE.PIC
                             :18. SNOOPY.PIC
                             :19. SPOOK.PIC 
                             :20. TURTLE.PIC
                             :21. TWEETY.PIC
                             :22. XMAS.PIC
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, etc w/ CI 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. calendar
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is an old program that will print onto a
 line printer, a calendar for either a year or a month. Each calendar has 
 a picture, then the calendar itself. Each block in the monthly calendar
 may contain the day number in large or small sizes and the Julian day. 
 The source file must be changed to include the directory name for the
 picture files. 
 Additional Documentation....: in the help file: /HELP/CALENDAR 
SCRAMBLE                                                                 L175 
 Contribution Name...........: SCRAMBLE 
    Title....................: Scrambler/unscrambler for Type 3/4 files 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SCRAMBLE.SBMT 
                             :02. $MACRO
                             :03. ASHLB.LIB 
                             :04. RANDOM.MAC
                             :05. RANDOM.REL
                             :06. README
                             :07. SCRAMBLE.FTN
                             :08. SCRAMBLE.LOD
                             :09. SCRAMBLE.REL
                             :10. UNSCRAMBLE.FTN
                             :11. UNSCRAMBLE.LOD
                             :12. UNSCRAMBLE.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Encryption
                             : 2. Security
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: UK User's Group
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
This contribution consists of two programs, SCRAMBLE and UNSCRAMBLE.
File types 3/4 are scrambled into file type 1003/1004, respectively.
There is a description in Italian at the head of SCRAMBLE.FTN 
Brief instructions are:-
  CI> SCRAMBLE (or UNSCRAMBLE) <Filename or Filemask>,[<OK>]
where the 'OK' may be used to suppress CI-style asking on each file.
Respond to Password? with 8 alpha characters. 
The program then prompts in a similar manner to HP PU 
Don't forget the password! Dont spend too long typing it in (you only 
have 3 seconds!). 
DIGRAF1                                                                  L176 
 Contribution Name...........: DIGRAF1
    Title....................: Graphics routines for HPSPICE/DGL (Part 1/5) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DiGraf1.SBMT  submission file 
                             :02. %D0001
                             :03. %D0002
                             :04. %D0006
                             :05. %D0019
                             :06. %D0026
                             :07. %DIDD 
                             :08. %DIDD2
                             :09. %M0FIL
                             :10. %M0FIN
                             :11. %M0GFS
                             :12. %M0I00
                             :13. %M0I01
                             :14. %M0I02
                             :15. %M0I03
                             :16. %M0IOT
                             :17. %M0NAM
                             :18. %M0NUM
                             :19. %M0PLT
                      `      :20. %MASIN
                             :21. %MASOC
                             :22. %MBADD
                             :23. %MBFLS
                             :24. %MBYTS
                             :25. %MCLSF
                             :26. %MCREF
                             :27. %MDBEG
                             :28. %MDEND
                             :29. %MDRED
                             :30. %MDWRT
                             :31. %MERR 
                             :32. %MFADD
                             :33. %MFERR
                             :34. %MFWRT
                             :35. %MGETC
                             :36. %MID00
                             :37. %MID01
                             :38. %MID02
                             :39. %MID03
                             :40. %MID08
                             :41. %MIFIL
                             :42. %MINAS
                             :43. %MLOCK
                             :44. %MOPNF
                             :45. %MOPSY
                             :46. %MPURF
                             :47. %MREAF
                             :48. %MREAS
                             :49. %MSEKF
                             :50. %MSETC
                             :51. %MSETN
                             :52. %MSPCK
                             :53. %MULCK
                             :54. %MVWRD
                             :55. %MWRIF
                             :56. %MXYA1
                             :57. %MXYA2
                             :58. %MXYB1
                             :59. %MXYB3
                             :60. %MXYF1
                             :61. %T0INT
                             :62. %T0MAP
                             :63. %TAPCO
                             :64. %TAPRW
                             :65. %TAPRX
                             :66. %TBEG1
                             :67. %TBEGE
                             :68. %TBESC
                             :69. %TBMPN
                             :70. %TCOLA
                             :71. %TCORD
                             :72. %TDLIM
                             :73. %TDPAT
                             :74. %TDRED
                             :75. %TDTOW
                             :76. %TECHO
                             :77. %TEDRW
                             :78. %TENDE
                             :79. %TFILL
                             :80. %THCLP
                             :81. %TICTB
                             :82. %TINPG
                             :83. %TIPTB
                             :84. %TIQCP
                             :85. %TITOA
                             :86. %TIVER
                             :87. %TLLIM
                             :88. %TLTOD
                             :89. %TMVZE
                             :90. %TPGCP
                             :91. %TPHPR
                             :92. %TPLIM
                             :93. %TPRPH
                             :94. %TPTOD
                             :95. %TREX 
                             :96. %TWTOD
                             :97. %Z0BFI
                             :98. %Z0BUF
                             :99. %Z0CAT
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: University of Colorado 
               Company.......: Academic Computing Center
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution is the complete graphics package for HPSPICE, which
 is basically the same as HP1000 Graphics/1000-II DGL, written originally 
 at University of Colorado under the direction of Prof. Mary Jo Coogan. 
 HP modified the code for HPSPICE/DGL; the HP-modified version is 
 the contained here (current through Rev. 2540).
DIGRAF2                                                                  L177 
 Contribution Name...........: DIGRAF2
    Title....................: Graphics routines for HPSPICE/DGL (Part 2/5) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DiGraf2.SBMT  submission file 
                             :02. %Z0CON
                             :03. %Z0COR
                             :04. %Z0CPA
                             :05. %Z0CT4
                             :06. %Z0CT8
                             :07. %Z0CTB
                             :08. %Z0DC1
                             :09. %Z0DC3
                             :10. %Z0DCD
                             :11. %Z0DD1
                             :12. %Z0DD3
                             :13. %Z0DDV
                             :14. %Z0DI1
                             :15. %Z0DI3
                             :16. %Z0DIN
                             :17. %Z0DL1
                             :18. %Z0DL3
                             :19. %Z0DLM
                             :20. %Z0DPA
                             :21. %Z0DT4
                             :22. %Z0DT8
                             :23. %Z0ERR
                             :24. %Z0EVS
                             :25. %Z0EXT
                             :26. %Z0FBF
                             :27. %Z0FBI
                             :28. %Z0I00
                             :29. %Z0I01
                             :30. %Z0I02
                             :31. %Z0I03
                             :32. %Z0I05
                             :33. %Z0I08
                             :34. %Z0I09
                             :35. %Z0NA1
                             :36. %Z0NA3
                             :37. %Z0NAT
                             :38. %Z0NC1
                             :39. %Z0NCA
                             :40. %Z0NPA
                             :41. %Z0PTB
                             :42. %Z0SYS
                             :43. %Z0WRK
                             :44. %ZASPK
                             :45. %ZBEGN
                             :46. %ZBMOD
                             :47. %ZCOL1
                             :48. %ZCOLM
                             :49. %ZCOLR
                             :50. %ZCSIZ
                             :51. %ZDCOL
                             :52. %ZDEND
                             :53. %ZDIN1
                             :54. %ZDINT
                             :55. %ZDLIM
                             :56. %ZDPMM
                             :57. %ZDPST
                             :58. %ZDRAW
                             :59. %ZEND 
                             :60. %ZIACS
                             :61. %ZICOL
                             :62. %ZIES1
                             :63. %ZIES3
                             :64. %ZIESC
                             :65. %ZIPST
                             :66. %ZIWS 
                             :67. %ZLLIM
                             :68. %ZLOCP
                             :69. %ZLPMM
                             :70. %ZLSTL
                             :71. %ZMARK
                             :72. %ZMCUR
                             :73. %ZMOVE
                             :74. %ZNEWF
                             :75. %ZOES1
                             :76. %ZOES3
                             :77. %ZOESC
                             :78. %ZPGDD
                             :79. %ZPGDI
                             :80. %ZPICL
                             :81. %ZPIKP
                             :82. %ZPILS
                             :83. %ZPLIM
                             :84. %ZPOLY
                             :85. %ZPPMM
                             :86. %ZPSTL
                             :87. %ZTEX2
                             :88. %ZTEXT
                             :89. %ZVIEW
                             :90. %ZWIND
                             :91. &D0001
                             :92. &D0002
                             :93. &D0006
                             :94. &D0019
                             :95. &D0026
                             :96. &DIDD 
                             :97. &DIDD2
                             :98. &M0FIL
                             :99. &M0FIN
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: University of Colorado 
               Company.......: Academic Computing Center
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution is the complete graphics package for HPSPICE, which
 is basically the same as HP1000 Graphics/1000-II DGL, written originally 
 at University of Colorado under the direction of Prof. Mary Jo Coogan. 
 HP modified the code for HPSPICE/DGL; the HP-modified version is 
 the contained here (current through Rev. 2540).
DIGRAF3                                                                  L178 
 Contribution Name...........: DIGRAF3
    Title....................: Graphics routines for HPSPICE/DGL (Part 3/5) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DiGraf3.SBMT  submission file 
                             :02. &M0GFS
                             :03. &M0I00
                             :04. &M0I01
                             :05. &M0I02
                             :06. &M0I03
                             :07. &M0IOT
                             :08. &M0NAM
                             :09. &M0NUM
                             :10. &M0PLT
                             :11. &MASIN
                             :12. &MASOC
                             :13. &MBADD
                             :14. &MBFLS
                             :15. &MBYTS
                             :16. &MCLSF
                             :17. &MCREF
                             :18. &MDBEG
                             :19. &MDEND
                             :20. &MDRED
                             :21. &MDWRT
                             :22. &MERR 
                             :23. &MFADD
                             :24. &MFERR
                             :25. &MFWRT
                             :26. &MGETC
                             :27. &MID00
                             :28. &MID01
                             :29. &MID02
                             :30. &MID03
                             :31. &MID08
                             :32. &MIFIL
                             :33. &MINAS
                             :34. &MLOCK
                             :35. &MOPNF
                             :36. &MOPSY
                             :37. &MPURF
                             :38. &MREAF
                             :39. &MREAS
                             :40. &MSEKF
                             :41. &MSETC
                             :42. &MSETN
                             :43. &MSPCK
                             :44. &MULCK
                             :45. &MVWRD
                             :46. &MWRIF
                             :47. &MXYA1
                             :48. &MXYA2
                             :49. &MXYB1
                             :50. &MXYB3
                             :51. &MXYF1
                             :52. &T0INT
                             :53. &T0MAP
                             :54. &TAPCO
                             :55. &TAPRW
                             :56. &TAPRX
                             :57. &TBEG1
                             :58. &TBEGE
                             :59. &TBESC
                             :60. &TBMPN
                             :61. &TCOLA
                             :62. &TCORD
                             :63. &TDLIM
                             :64. &TDPAT
                             :65. &TDRED
                             :66. &TDTOW
                             :67. &TECHO
                             :68. &TEDRW
                             :69. &TENDE
                             :70. &TFILL
                             :71. &THCLP
                             :72. &TICTB
                             :73. &TINPG
                             :74. &TIPTB
                             :75. &TIQCP
                             :76. &TITOA
                             :77. &TIVER
                             :78. &TLLIM
                             :79. &TLTOD
                             :80. &TMVZE
                             :81. &TPGCP
                             :82. &TPHPR
                             :83. &TPLIM
                             :84. &TPRPH
                             :85. &TPTOD
                             :86. &TREX 
                             :87. &TWTOD
                             :88. &Z0BFI
                             :89. &Z0BUF
                             :90. &Z0CAT
                             :91. &Z0CON
                             :92. &Z0COR
                             :93. &Z0CPA
                             :94. &Z0CT4
                             :95. &Z0CT8
                             :96. &Z0CTB
                             :97. &Z0DC1
                             :98. &Z0DC3
                             :99. &Z0DCD
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: University of Colorado 
               Company.......: Academic Computing Center
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution is the complete graphics package for HPSPICE, which
 is basically the same as HP1000 Graphics/1000-II DGL, written originally 
 at University of Colorado under the direction of Prof. Mary Jo Coogan. 
 HP modified the code for HPSPICE/DGL; the HP-modified version is 
 the contained here (current through Rev. 2540).
DIGRAF4                                                                  L179 
 Contribution Name...........: DIGRAF4
    Title....................: Graphics routines for HPSPICE/DGL (Part 4/5) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DiGraf4.SBMT  submission file 
                             :02. &Z0DD1
                             :03. &Z0DD3
                             :04. &Z0DDV
                             :05. &Z0DI1
                             :06. &Z0DI3
                             :07. &Z0DIN
                             :08. &Z0DL1
                             :09. &Z0DL3
                             :10. &Z0DLM
                             :11. &Z0DPA
                             :12. &Z0DT4
                             :13. &Z0DT8
                             :14. &Z0ERR
                             :15. &Z0EVS
                             :16. &Z0EXT
                             :17. &Z0FBF
                             :18. &Z0FBI
                             :19. &Z0I00
                             :20. &Z0I01
                             :21. &Z0I02
                             :22. &Z0I03
                             :23. &Z0I05
                             :24. &Z0I08
                             :25. &Z0I09
                             :26. &Z0NA1
                             :27. &Z0NA3
                             :28. &Z0NAT
                             :29. &Z0NC1
                             :30. &Z0NCA
                             :31. &Z0NPA
                             :32. &Z0PTB
                             :33. &Z0SYS
                             :34. &Z0WRK
                             :35. &ZASPK
                             :36. &ZBEGN
                             :37. &ZBMOD
                             :38. &ZCOL1
                             :39. &ZCOLM
                             :40. &ZCOLR
                             :41. &ZCSIZ
                             :42. &ZDCOL
                             :43. &ZDEND
                             :44. &ZDIN1
                             :45. &ZDINT
                             :46. &ZDLIM
                             :47. &ZDPMM
                             :48. &ZDPST
                             :49. &ZDRAW
                             :50. &ZEND 
                             :51. &ZIACS
                             :52. &ZICOL
                             :53. &ZIES1
                             :54. &ZIES3
                             :55. &ZIESC
                             :56. &ZIPST
                             :57. &ZIWS 
                             :58. &ZLLIM
                             :59. &ZLOCP
                             :60. &ZLPMM
                             :61. &ZLSTL
                             :62. &ZMARK
                             :63. &ZMCUR
                             :64. &ZMOVE
                             :65. &ZNEWF
                             :66. &ZOES1
                             :67. &ZOES3
                             :68. &ZOESC
                             :69. &ZPGDD
                             :70. &ZPGDI
                             :71. &ZPICL
                             :72. &ZPIKP
                             :73. &ZPILS
                             :74. &ZPLIM
                             :75. &ZPOLY
                             :76. &ZPPMM
                             :77. &ZPSTL
                             :78. &ZTEX2
                             :79. &ZTEXT
                             :80. &ZVIEW
                             :81. &ZWIND
                             :82. DIGRAF.CMD  Command file to compile FTN7X routines
                             :83. DIGRAF2.CMD Command file to edit file 'INCLUDE's
                             :84. DIGRAF3.CMD Command file to compile MACRO routines
                             :85. HPHPHP
                             :86. NN0001
                             :87. NN0002
                             :88. NN0003
                             :89. NN0004
                             :90. NN0005
                             :91. NN0006
                             :92. NN0007
                             :93. NN0008
                             :94. NN0009
                             :95. NN0010
                             :96. NN0011
                             :97. NN0012
                             :98. NN0013
                             :99. NN0014
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: University of Colorado 
               Company.......: Academic Computing Center
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution is the complete graphics package for HPSPICE, which
 is basically the same as HP1000 Graphics/1000-II DGL, written originally 
 at University of Colorado under the direction of Prof. Mary Jo Coogan. 
 HP modified the code for HPSPICE/DGL; the HP-modified version is 
 the contained here (current through Rev. 2540).
DIGRAF5                                                                  L180 
 Contribution Name...........: DIGRAF5
    Title....................: Graphics routines for HPSPICE/DGL (Part 5/5) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DiGraf5.SBMT  submission file 
                             :02. NN0015
                             :03. NN0016
                             :04. NN0017
                             :05. NN0018
                             :06. NN0019
                             :07. NN0020
                             :08. NN0021
                             :09. NN0022
                             :10. NN0023
                             :11. NN0024
                             :12. NN0025
                             :13. NN0026
                             :14. NN0027
                             :15. NN0028
                             :16. NN0029
                             :17. NN0030
                             :18. NN0031
                             :19. NN0032
                             :20. NN0033
                             :21. NN0034
                             :22. NN0035
                             :23. NN0036
                             :24. NN0037
                             :25. NN0038
                             :26. NN0039
                             :27. NN0040
                             :28. NN0041
                             :29. NN0042
                             :30. NN0043
                             :31. NN0044
                             :32. NN0045
                             :33. NN0046
                             :34. NN0047
                             :35. NN0048
                             :36. NN0049
                             :37. NN0050
                             :38. NN0051
                             :39. NN0052
                             :40. NN0053
                             :41. [M0FIL
                             :42. [M0FIN
                             :43. [M0GFS
                             :44. [M0I00
                             :45. [M0I01
                             :46. [M0I02
                             :47. [M0I03
                             :48. [M0IOT
                             :49. [M0NAM
                             :50. [M0NUM
                             :51. [M0PLT
                             :52. [T0INT
                             :53. [T0MAP
                             :54. [Z0AIN
                             :55. [Z0BFI
                             :56. [Z0BIN
                             :57. [Z0BUF
                             :58. [Z0CAT
                             :59. [Z0CON
                             :60. [Z0COR
                             :61. [Z0CPA
                             :62. [Z0CTB
                             :63. [Z0DC1
                             :64. [Z0DCD
                             :65. [Z0DCT
                             :66. [Z0DDV
                             :67. [Z0DIN
                             :68. [Z0DLM
                             :69. [Z0DPA
                             :70. [Z0ERR
                             :71. [Z0EVS
                             :72. [Z0EXT
                             :73. [Z0FBF
                             :74. [Z0FBI
                             :75. [Z0I00
                             :76. [Z0I01
                             :77. [Z0I02
                             :78. [Z0I03
                             :79. [Z0I05
                             :80. [Z0I08
                             :81. [Z0I09
                             :82. [Z0KIN
                             :83. [Z0LIN
                             :84. [Z0LLM
                             :85. [Z0NAT
                             :86. [Z0NCA
                             :87. [Z0NPA
                             :88. [Z0PIN
                             :89. [Z0PLM
                             :90. [Z0PTB
                             :91. [Z0PTS
                             :92. [Z0SYS
                             :93. [Z0VIN
                             :94. [Z0WRK
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: University of Colorado 
               Company.......: Academic Computing Center
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution is the complete graphics package for HPSPICE, which
 is basically the same as HP1000 Graphics/1000-II DGL, written originally 
 at University of Colorado under the direction of Prof. Mary Jo Coogan. 
 HP modified the code for HPSPICE/DGL; the HP-modified version is 
 the contained here (current through Rev. 2540).
CHRISTMAS                                                                L181 
 Contribution Name...........: CHRISTMAS
    Title....................: Draw a Christmas Tree with Blinking Lights 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. CHRISTMAS_TREE.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. CHRISTMAS_TREE.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. CHRISTMAS_TREE.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. CHRISTMAS_TREE.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE4-B, RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Demo
                             : 2. Display 
                             : 3. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Vickie Spayth
               Company.......: City of Hope 
               Street........: 1450 East Duarte Road
               City..........: Duarte 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 91010
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program draws a Chrsitmas tree with blinking lights on any terminal.
 It would be nice if someone adds color and maybe does a graphics version.
 Additional Documentation....:
TOOLS                                                                    L182 
 Contribution Name...........: TOOLS
    Title....................: Helpful Little Programs for MUX and Printer
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. TOOLS.SBMT
                             :02. CN6.FTN 
                             :03. CN6.REL 
                             :04. PRCON.FTN 
                             :05. PRCON.REL 
                             :06. BLKOF.FTN 
                             :07. BLKOF.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-6/VM
    Keywords.................: 1. PRINTER 
                             : 2. MULTIPLEXOR 
                             : 3. CONFIGURE 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:William L. Steele 
               Company.......:Tobacco Institute Testing Laboratory
               Street........:Suite 201, 2 Taft Court 
               Zip Code......:20850 
               Phone Number..:(301)-294-8582
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 CN6 is a revised, menu driven version of CN6 from CSL release 2140.
 Program  sets and clears a printer's auto page eject mode.  PRCON sets 
 2365A printer to and from compressed mode (an other  modes too).  BLKOF
 resets a designated terminal from block  to character mode and  informs
 the driver.  For programs aborting leaving terminal in block mode, 
 running BLKOF along with ZOT (CSL release 2340)  and/or  CLRDV (release
 2625) will usually wake up a terminal on a B-MUX running under RTE-6/VM. 
 Additional Documentation....:
CINFO                                                                    L183 
 Contribution Name...........: CINFO
    Title....................: Show current session information 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. CINFO.SBMT (submission file)
                             :02. CINFO.FTN  (source) 
                             :03. CINFO.REL  (relocatable)
                             :04. CINFO.LOD  (link commands)
                             :05. ?CINFO     (help file)
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A DSD 4.0 VC+
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SESSION 
                             : 2. STATUS
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Y. T. Chuang 
               Company.......: CSM, Inc.
               Street........: P. O. Box 534
               City..........: Akron
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44309
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program displays user's current 
                               session information such as session number,
                               logon name, logon time and cpu time usage
                               since log on.
                               The program should be installed into the 
                               /PROGRAMS.DIR directory as CINFO.RUN and 
                               the help file ?CINFO should be placed in 
                               the /HELP.DIR directory as CINFO.
 Additional Documentation....: none 
SAVEM                                                                    L184 
 Contribution Name...........: SAVEM
    Title....................: Hi-speed Disc-to-Tape Archive w/Streaming (CSL/1000 Format)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. 'SAVEM  Submission file 
                             :02. &SAVEM  Source code 
                             :03. %SAVEM  Relocatable 
                             :04. #SAVEM  LINK command file 
                             :05. &FILEM  Source - tape positioning program 
                             :06. %FILEM  Relocatable 
                             :07. #FILEM  LINK command file 
                             :08. "SAVEM  Documentation and instructions
                             :09. $LIBHS  Relocatable library 
                                          (sources in CSL/1000 Rev 2625)
                             :10. $DUMY6  Dummy lib for RTE-6 
                             :11. $DUMYA  Dummy lib for RTE-A 
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-6VM,RTE-A 
    Keywords.................: 1. Archive 
                             : 2. Backup
                             : 3. Save/Restore
 External Support Req'd......:None
 If Re-submission, Reason....:Updated to support streaming on 7974/7978 
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Contribution Abstract.......: SAVEM is the program used to create the
 CSL/1000 tape, which then may be retrieved using programs GOTEM or 
 GETEM (on Release 2625 CSL/1000 tape).  SAVEM saves FMGR files (only) to tape
 by specification of a list of selective namr's (for example, ------::20
 will save all files on FMGR cartridge 20).  The file order on tape may be
 alphabetized according to any combination of name, cartridge, or security
 code.  Each time SAVEM is run, a 'Save' is created.  Multiple 'Saves' may
 be stacked on a single tape; conversely, a single 'Save' may cross tape
 volumes.  All files are saved in a blocked binary format to achieve
 highly-efficient data storage on tape.  SAVEM does all of its own FMGR 
 file directory management for extremely high speed in archiving large
 amounts of data.  A full directory is maintained at the beginning of each
 Save so that the contents of a Save may be quickly examined by GETEM.
 Multiple-volume Saves create a full directory at the beginning of each 
 volume, so that each volume may stand alone. 
  SAVEM requires the availability of program FILEM for tape positioning 
 management.  See file "SAVEM for full details. 
  This verson supports streaming mode on the 7974/7978 tape drives for very 
 fast operation (roughly same as FST).  If streaming mode is desired, verify
 option should be declined for efficient operation. 
 Additional Documentation....:"SAVEM