CRYPT                                                                    N001 
                         ENCRYPT/DECRYPT DATA-BUFFER
 Contribution Name...........: CRYPT
    Title....................: Encrypt/Decrypt Data-Buffer
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. 'CRYPT
                             :02. &CRYPT
    Operating System.........: RTE-A (should work with any RTE) 
    Uses hierarchical files?.: No 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77 (any FORTRAN)
    Keywords.................: 1. Encryption
                             : 2. Security
    External Support Req'd...: (none) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: A. Marvin McInnis, Jr. 
               Company.......: (consultant) 
               Street........: 5250 W. 94th Terrace, #114 
               City..........: Prairie Village
               State.........: KS 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 66207
               Phone Number..: (913) 649-3762 
 Program Abstract............:
      This subroutine uses a simple-minded public key scheme to 
      encode or decode INTEGER*2 data.  It can easily be modified 
      for other data types. 
      If the KEY is zero upon entry, CRYPT will generate a new
      KEY value derived from the RTE system clock.  The key value 
      is then used to seed the FTN77 random number intrinsics.
      Finally, the buffer is exclusive-ORed with the sequence 
      of random numbers generated by the URAN() intrinsic.
      Since this sequence is always the same for any given seed 
      value, we can always decrypt a buffer as long as we have
      the KEY.  The encrypted buffer, however, will not be
      characterized by a uniform or repeated encoding pattern 
      which could be recognized by a casual intruder. 
      Note that this routine is called in exactly the same way
      to encode or decode a buffer. 
 Additional Documentation....: (none) 
GSORT                                                                    N002 
                      FAST MULTIPLE-KEY SORT FOR FILES
 Contribution Name...........: GSORT
         Title...............: Fast Multiple-Key Sort for Files 
         File Names..........: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. GSORT.SBMT 
                             : 02. GSORQ.PAS
                             : 03. GSORQ.REL
                             : 04. GSORT.FTN
                             : 05. GSORT.LOD
                             : 06. GSORT.MAKE 
                             : 07. GSORT.REL
                             : 08. GSUBS.MAC
                             : 09. GSUBS.REL
                             : 10. INITS.FTN
                             : 11. INITS.REL
                             : 12. UTLB.LIB (from CSL/1000 Rev 2830 M202/203) 
   Operating System(s).......: RTE-A, RTE-6, New File System
   Language(s)...............: FTN7X, Pascal
   Keywords..................: 1. Sort
   External Support Req'd....: Standard HP Pascal library 
   If Re-Submission, Reason..: CSL/1000 Rev 2830 M230; Bugs fixed, enhanced 
 Contributor's Name..........: Alan R. Whitney
               Company.......: MIT Haystack Observatory 
               Street........: Off Rt. 40 
               City..........: Westford 
               State.........: MA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 01886
               Phone Number..: (508) 692-4764 
               Telex Number..: 948149 
 Program Abstract............:
 This is a resubmission of CSL/1000 Release 2830 contribution M230, which 
 has had a few bugs fixed and several enhancements made.
 Of all the various sorting programs that I have seen or used over the
 past ten years, this is certainly among the best and fastest.
 Options have been added to force to stable sort, and to allow duplicate- 
 removal only.
 To run:
  where <parameters> can be any combination of <key> and <opt>
   <key> = key field used for sorting; up to 8 keys allowed 
           syntax: <byte#>:<#bytes> 
           order: left-to-right most to least significant 
   <opt> = options; identified by a leading '+' or '-'
           possible options:
             Q         - (quiet) don't report sorting time
             OK        - okay to overlay existing output file 
             D[:file]  - remove duplicates, i.e., keep only 
                         first occurrence (AFTER sort) of 
                         duplicate keys 
             DA[:file] - like D, except remove all occurrences
                         of duplicate keys
             L:[n]:[m] - sort only lines n to m (inclusive) 
                         in file; n defaults to 1, m to EOF;
                         remaining lines are copied unsorted
             I         - invert the sort (descending sort)
             S         - force stable sort (i.e. keep duplicate 
                         keys in same order as original file) 
             P         - inhibit sorting (useful if only
                         duplicate-removal desired) 
           For both D and DA, records removed are (optionally)
           placed into the file 'file'
 Example: Sort file LIST1 into file LIST2 (overlaying LIST2 if
    it exists) sorting by columns 3-17, column 2, columns 25-27 
    in order most-to-least significant; if duplicate key
    fields are found, keep the record with the first occurrence 
    and put the others into the file DUPS.  We also want to 
    start the sort at line 5 and only sort up to line 74. 
XXTBL                                                                    N003 
                         ACTIVE BLOCK-COMMON MANAGER
 Contribution Name...........: XXTBL
    Title....................: Active Block-Common Manager
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. XXTBL.SBMT
                             :02. XXTBL.FTN 
                             :03. XXTBL.REL 
                             :04. XXTBL.LOD 
                             :05. XXTBL.make
                             :06. TABLE_MAINT.FTN 
                             :07. TABLE_MAINT.REL 
                             :08. QDM_BLOCK_DATA.DEFN 
                             :09. QDM_BLOCK_DATA.DATA 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6 (possibly other RTE)
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Common
                             : 2. Data_Mgmt 
    External Support Req'd...: (none) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Anonymous
               Company.......: (submitted by Marvin McInnis)
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
     XXTBL is another flavor of active block-common manager. It is a
     good alternative to RTE system common, especially in those 
     applications where common is used to store global data that is 
     not accessed very frequently.  XXTBL also maintains a transparent
     write-through backing store file, making it ideal for those
     systems where volatility of common data is a problem.
     Any number of copies of XXTBL can be running simultaneously
     in a system (substitute a 2-letter block name for the 'XX' in
     XXTBL), yielding multiple named system-common blocks which are 
     protected from each other. 
     Data items in a common block are accessed by a parameter number, 
     as defined in a XXXXX.DEFN file.  Data items can be single items 
     or arrays, in any combination. 
     Files included in this submission are: 
          'XXTBL              - this file 
          XXTBL.FTN           - block common manager program
          XXTBL.LOD           - LINK command file 
          TABLE_MAINT.FTN     - interactive block common QUERY program
          QDM_BLOCK_DATA.DEFN - sample common block definition file 
          QDM_BLOCK_DATA.DATA - sample common block backing store 
 Additional Documentation....: (see programs) 
CALLS                                                                    N004 
                       HELP FILE FOR SUBROUTINE CALLS 
 Contribution Name...........:  CALLS 
    Title....................: Help File for Subroutine Calls 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. calls.sbmt
                             :02. BASE_RTE_CALLS.TXT
                             :03. CALLM.FTN 
                             :04. CALLM.LOD 
                             :05. CALLM.REL 
                             :06. CALLS.FTN 
                             :07. CALLS.LOD 
                             :08. CALLS.MAKE
                             :09. CALLS.REL 
                             :10. COMMENTLINE.MAC 
                             :11. COMMENTLINE.REL 
                             :12. FMGR_COMMANDS.TXT 
                             :13. FMP_CALLS.TXT 
                             :14. HPCRT.CALL
                             :15. INSERT.MAC
                             :16. INSERT.REL
                             :17. OTHER_RTE_CALLS.TXT 
                             :18. RTE.CMRG
                             :19. VIS_CALLS.TXT 
                             :20. ANTLB.LIB 
                             :21. INSTALL.DOC 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Keywords.................: 1. Help
                             : 2. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  ANT 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:   CALLS is an interactive help program for 
 standard HP subroutines and system calls.  It gives you the format,
 parameter list, etc. for most calls. 
  For, example, CALLS,EXEC(3 shows how to use an EXEC control call. 
 Additional Documentation....:  see Install.Doc 
DISPLAY                                                                  N005 
 Contribution Name...........: DISPLAY
    Title....................: Convert LAS Data-Files to GRAFIT Files 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transferfile 
                             :01. 'DISPL  Submission File 
                             :02. &DISPL  Source File 
                             :03. %DISPL  Relocatable File
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. LAS 
                             : 2. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...: LAS, GRAFIT
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Anthony J. Pecora
               Company.......: Carter-Wallace 
               Street........: Half Acre Rd.
               City..........: Cranbury 
               State.........: New Jersey 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 08512
               Phone Number..: (609)655-6623
 Program Abstract............:
 This program converts an LAS raw data file and optionally the
 processed(baseline) file into an ASCII file readable by GRAFIT of
 Graphicus, Inc. The raw curve will be black and the baseline will be 
 red but no other values are written to the GRAFIT file. Some error 
 checking is performed in the file. 
 Additional Documentation....:
PTREE                                                                    N006 
                       TREE 3.00 - DIRECTORY TREE LIST
 Contribution Name...........: PTREE
    Title....................: Tree 3.00 - Directory Tree List
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. Ptree.Sbmt
                             :02. Ptree.Doc    - READ ME FIRST !! 
                             :03. ?Ptree       - /Help/ file. 
                             :04. Ptree.Lod    - LINK cmd file, Rev-4.1 
                             :05. Ptree.Pas    - Source,        Rev-4.1 
                             :06. Ptree.Mac    - Source,        Rev-4.1 
                             :07. Ptree.Rel    - Reloc,         Rev-4.1 
                             :08. Ptree5.Lod   - LINK cmd file, Rev-5.0 
                             :09. Ptree5.Pas   - Source,        Rev-5.0 
                             :10. Ptree5.Mac   - Source,        Rev-5.0 
                             :11. Ptree5.Rel   - Reloc,         Rev-5.0 
                             :12. PtreeLib.Ftn - Source Subs. 
                             :13. PtreeLib.Rel - Reloc Subs.
                             :14. Sample.Lst   - Sample Output. 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm. 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
                             : Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Directory 
    External Support Req'd...: Hp's Pascal.Lib
                             : CI File System 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Csl Swap '87 TREE contribution rewritten 
                             : in Pascal for recursion on Rte-6/Vm. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: Usa
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   This contribution is a companion to the TREE contribution that 
   appeared on the 1987 San Jose Swap Tape. 
   This utility will print the directory tree structure under a 
   specific CI directory or under all mounted CI directories. It
   also displays the number of blocks consumed by user files in 
   each directory, max block available, and %used/%free space.
   Since the program requires recursion, this PASCAL version can
   be run on an Rte-6/Vm System or an Rte-A System without Vc+. 
   The FORTRAN version is a better choice for an Rte-A System 
   with Vc+ because it is smaller and faster. 
 Additional Documentation....:
GENERIC_MENU                                                             N007 
                            GENERIC MENU-BUILDER
Contribution name............: GENERIC_MENU 
         Title...............: Generic Menu-Builder 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. GMENU.SBMT     Submission file. 
                             :02. GMENU.DOC      Documentation, instr.
                             :03. GMENU.FRM      GMENU template (FORMS/1000)
                             :04. GMENU_INSL.CMD Installation file
                             :05. GMENU.FTN      Fortran source (main)
                             :06. GMENU_SUB.FTN  Fortran source (subroutine)
                             :07. GMENU.HLP      GMENU help file (FORMS)
                             :08. GMENU.LOD      Link command file
                             :09. GMENU.REL      GMENU relocatable file 
                             :10. GMENU_SUB.REL  GMENU_SUB relocatable file 
                             :11. BRENT.MENU     Sample menu
                             :12. JOHN.MENU      Sample menu
                             :13. STAT.MENU      Sample menu
    Operating System.........: RTE-A (up to DSD 5.0)
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Menu
                             : 2. Forms 
    External Support Req'd...: FORMS/1000 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Brent Burkholder, John Price 
               Company.......: Hershey Foods Corp.
               Street........: 1025 Reese Ave.
               City..........: Hershey
               State.........: PA 
               Country.......: U.S.A. 
               Zip Code......: 17033-0805 
               Phone Number..: 717-534-5251, 717-534-5239 
 Program Abstract............: This is a program to display a menu form and 
                               accept the user's selection.  The program will 
                               run the requested program, which may be GMENU
                               to display a sub menu. The program builds menus
                               from a generic FORMS/1000 template and ascii 
                               files containing the menu selections.  This
                               ascii file may be created or modified using
                               EDIT/1000, allowing change without recompiling 
                               the program. 
 Additional Documentation....: source files 
GREP/1000                                                                N008 
                     UNIX/EGREP FOR THE HP-1000  REV 2.0
 Contribution Name...........: GREP/1000
    Title....................: UNIX/EGREP for the HP-1000  Rev 2.0
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. GREP.SBMT 
                             :02. LOAD.CMD
                             :03. GREP.LOD
                             :04. GREP.FTN
                             :05. GREP.rel
                             :06. LIB_BUILD_PAT.FTN 
                             :07. LIB_BUILD_PAT.rel 
                             :08. LIB_FILES.FTN 
                             :09. LIB_FILES.rel 
                             :10. LIB_GET_RUN_STRI.FTN
                             :11. LIB_GET_RUN_STRI.rel
                             :12. LIB_GREP.FTN
                             :13. LIB_GREP.rel
                             :14. LIB_SEARCH_PAT.FTN
                             :15. LIB_SEARCH_PAT.rel
                             :16. GREP.COM
                             :17. USER.DOC
                             :18. PROGRAMMERS.DOC 
                             :19. GREP.help 
                             :20. GREP.make 
                             :21. LIB_BUILD_PAT.LIB 
                             :22. LIB_FILES.LIB 
                             :23. LIB_GET_RUN_STRI.LIB
                             :24. LIB_GREP.LIB
                             :25. LIB_SEARCH_PAT.LIB
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 4.1, 5.0 (Others with modifications) 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Unix
                             : 2. Search
                             : 3. Strings 
    External Support Req'd...: CDS, HPCRT.LIB 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements and bug fixes.
 Contributor's Name..........: Brian Gray 
               Company.......: General Tire, Inc
               Street........: 1 General St 
               City..........: Akron
               State.........: Ohio 
               Zip Code......: 44329
               Phone Number..: 216-798-2026 
 Contribution Abstract.......: GREP IS AN IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNIX
 Details of enhancements to program:
    Corrected errors in the file LOAD.CMD.
    Corrected bug in option +L with option -NO. 
    Added option +/-Q.  When option is on, GREP/1000 will quit looking
      for matches in a file after the first match is found.  (Useful for
      making a list of files containing some text). 
      Added option +/-T.  When option is on (default), GREP/1000 will print 
      the number of matches,the number of files with matches, and 
      the number of files tested. 
      Added a second search algorithm for simple patterns (i.e., those
      which do not contain meta-characters).  Reduces search time by 75%. 
      The change is transparent to the user.  GREP/1000 will select the 
      appropriate algorithm.
FILE_CALC                                                                N009 
 Contribution Name...........: File_Calc
    Title....................: Perform Calculations on/to Files 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. File_calc.sbmt
                             :02. File_calc.ftn 
                             :03. File_Calc.rel 
                             :04. File_Calc.lod 
                             :05. File_Calc.make
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
                             : 2. Graphics
                             : 3. Statistics
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: No 
 Contributor's Name..........: Bruce K Swope
               Company.......: Intermedics Inc. 
               Street........: 240 West Second Street 
               City..........: Freeport 
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: U.S.A. 
               Zip Code......: 77541
               Phone Number..: (409)-233-8611 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will do math on two columns 
      of a file and append to the file a new column with the results. This
      was written to help using GRAFIT on data. For example, to plot
      the Delta between two columns of data. The program will also do 
      simple statistics on a file (Standard devations, means, etc.) Regression
      coefficients can be calculated for a column of data also. 
 Additional Documentation....:none
FACTER                                                                   N010 
                       SOFTWARE SOURCE-CONTROL SYSTEM 
 Contribution Name...........: FACTER 
    Title....................: Software Source-Control System 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. FACTER.SBMT submission file 
                             :02. FACTER.PAS  main source 
                             :03. FACTER.SCH  IMAGE schema for FACTER 
                             :04. FACTER.REL  main relocatable
                             :05. FACTER.LOD  Link command file 
                             :06. FACTER.DOC  Documentation on FACTER 
                             :07. FACTER.NAME File of FACTER user names 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: PASCAL 
    Keywords.................: 1. Management
                             : 2. Documentation 
                             : 3. Tools 
    External Support Req'd...: IMAGE 1000/II
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Charles R. Arbogast
               Company.......: D. O. D. 
               Street........: 9800 Savage Rd.
               City..........: Ft. Meade
               State.........: MD 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20755
               Phone Number..: 301-688-6838 
 FACTER Designers............: Brian J. Lynch and Nancy J. Reavis 
               Company.......: AGS / Genasys
               Street........: 9710 Patuxent Woods Dr.
               City..........: Columbia 
               State.........: MD 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 21046
               Phone Number..: 301-596-7410 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program controls the access of files in a multi-user environment,
only one user can have access to a file at one time.  Each version of a file
is stored with a sequential version number appended to the file name, this
ensures accurate tracking of each modification to a file. 
 Additional Documentation....:
USAGE                                                                    N011 
 Contribution Name...........: USAGE
    Title....................: Monitor and Report System Usage by User
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied)
                             : 01. USAGE.SBMT       Submission File 
                             : 02. MONITABLES.INCL  Include for MONITOR 
                             : 03. MONITOR.FTN      MONITOR Source
                             : 04. MONITOR.REL      MONITOR relocat.
                             : 05. MONITOR.lod
                             : 06. MONSCH           IMAGE Schema
                             : 07. PRUNS.INCL       Include for USAGE 
                             : 08. USAGE.FTN        USAGE source
                             : 09. USAGE.REL        USAGE relocat.
                             : 10. USAGE.lod
                             : 11. USAGE.make 
                             : 12. USAGE.tran 
                             : 13. USAGELISTS.INCL  Include for USAGE 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Accounting
                             : 2. Monitor 
                             : 3. Reports 
    External Support Req'd...: Image ( I or II )
    If Re-submission, Reason.: BUG FIX
 Contributor's Name..........: Christopher Dow
               Company.......: Raytheon Company 
               Street........: Hartwell Road
               City..........: Bedford
               State.........: Ma.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 01730
               Phone Number..: (617) 274-5414 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 MONITOR and USAGE provide a system manager with thorough reports about 
 how the system is used. MONITOR runs in the system session and in the
 time list, sampling user sessions at frequent intervals. When a user 
 logs off, MONITOR writes an IMAGE record describing the amount of use
 of every program run by that user. In the record are dates and times,
 CPU usage and elapsed time, the actual (generic) name of the program,
 and more. USAGE can be invoked at any time to report on the usage for
 any time period of interest. It can report its results sorted by user
 or by program or both, and in a summary or full-report format. 
 MONITOR requires less than 1% of the system's time. USAGE sorts its
 data as fast as it can read it from the IMAGE data base. Since it
 always reports a data span, it does not perform a serial search on the 
 detail data set but instead follows the data chains and is very quick. 
 The IMAGE data set was designed for IMAGE I and therefore may be used
 with either IMAGE I or IMAGE II. 
 This submission is a bug fix of the original contribution on release 
 tape 2730 by Don Wright of Interactive Computer Technology. The fix
 solves the problem of EXEC I/O 07 errors that occur when running 
 this program on a system with H/P 7925 Disc Drives or a 7920 disc that 
 is one large CI Volume.
 Additional Documentation....: Sources are self-documenting.
UTILITIES                                                                N012 
 Contribution Name...........: UTILITIES
    Title....................: Utilities from TC Interface System Management Column 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. UTILITIES.SBMT
                             :02. README
                             :03. APPLY.FTN 
                             :04. APPLY.HLP 
                             :05. APPLY.LOD 
                             :06. APPLY.REL 
                             :07. BACKUP.CMD
                             :08. CLRKEYS.CMD 
                             :09. CLS.CMD 
                             :10. CPC_TIME.FTN
                             :11. CPC_TIME.rel
                             :12. CPC_UTL.FTN 
                             :13. CPC_UTL.rel 
                             :14. CRUNCH.CMD
                             :15. DATE.FTN
                             :16. DATE.HLP
                             :17. DATE.LOD
                             :18. DATE.REL
                             :19. DLOPL.CMD 
                             :20. DLOPL.HLP 
                             :21. DLTAPE.CMD
                             :22. DLTAPE.HLP
                             :23. FCOUNT.FTN
                             :24. FCOUNT.LOD
                             :25. FCOUNT.REL
                             :26. FLIP.CMD
                             :27. FNAME.HLP 
                             :28. FST_PATCH.CMD 
                             :29. FTN.CMD 
                             :30. VISIT.CMD 
                             :31. VISIT.HLP 
                             :32. HOME.CMD
                             :33. HOME.HLP
                             :34. INC.FTN 
                             :35. INC.LOD 
                             :36. INC.REL 
                             :37. INSTALL.CMD 
                             :38. ISV.CMD 
                             :39. KID.CMD 
                             :40. KID.HLP 
                             :41. LEAVE.CMD 
                             :42. LEAVE.HLP 
                             :43. LEFT_S.FTN
                             :44. LEFT_S.HLP
                             :45. LEFT_S.LOD
                             :46. LEFT_S.REL
                             :47. LIB.CMD 
                             :48. LIB.HLP 
                             :49. MAKE.CMD
                             :50. MAKE.HLP
                             :51. MAYBE.CMD 
                             :52. MGD.CMD 
                             :53. MGD.HLP 
                             :54. MID_S.FTN 
                             :55. MID_S.HLP 
                             :56. MID_S.LOD 
                             :57. MID_S.REL 
                             :58. MODE_KEYS.FTN 
                             :59. MODE_KEYS.HLP 
                             :60. MODE_KEYS.LOD 
                             :61. MODE_KEYS.REL 
                             :62. NEWTREE.CMD 
                             :63. NEWTREE.HLP 
                             :64. RAND.FTN
                             :65. RAND.LOD
                             :66. RAND.REL
                             :67. RIGHT_S.FTN 
                             :68. RIGHT_S.HLP 
                             :69. RIGHT_S.LOD 
                             :70. RIGHT_S.REL 
                             :71. STRLEN.FTN
                             :72. STRLEN.HLP
                             :73. STRLEN.LOD
                             :74. STRLEN.REL
                             :75. TEST_PLOTTER.FTN
                             :76. TEST_PLOTTER.LOD
                             :77. TEST_PLOTTER.REL
                             :78. TIME.FTN
                             :79. TIME.HLP
                             :80. TIME.LOD
                             :81. TIME.REL
                             :82. TIMETHEN.FTN
                             :83. TIMETHEN.LOD
                             :84. TIMETHEN.REL
                             :85. TIME_S.FTN
                             :86. TIME_S.LOD
                             :87. TIME_S.REL
                             :88. TREE.FTN
                             :89. TREE.INC
                             :90. TREE.HLP
                             :91. TREE.LOD
                             :92. TREE.REL
                             :93. USERNAME.FTN
                             :94. USERNAME.LOD
                             :95. USERNAME.REL
                             :96. ?P.CMD
                             :97. POSN.FTN
                             :98. POSN.REL
                             :99. POSN.HLP
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN, CI
    Keywords.................: 1. Miscellaneous 
                             : 2. Library 
    External Support Req'd...: POWER-FAIL BATTERY OPTION
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Christopher Nelson 
               Company.......: General Foods USA
               Street........: 250 North Street 
               City..........: White Plains 
               State.........: NY 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 10625
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
A set of command files, programs, and routines taken from the TC Interface
System Management Column authored by the contributor: 
APPLY:    Apply a program or command file to a list of arguments
BACKUP.CMD:  CI command file to backup one or more sub-systems using FST
CLRKEYS.CMD: Transfer file to clear user function keys
CLS.CMD: Command file to clear user screen
CPC_UTL: Contains following utility routines -- 
             ClearScreen clears a 26xx text screen
       (ccs) ItoAZ       integer to ascii with optional zero suppression
             NumPad      enables/disables a 26xx numeric pad
             Parse1      to parse runstring for Units 
       (ccs) RtoA        real to ascii with specification of decimal place
             Tabxy       cursor control 
             Units       returns ten units from run string
             Wait        wait specified number of seconds 
       (ccs) AtoI        valdiated ascii string to signed integer 
       (ccs) AtoR        valdiated ascii string to real number
             FCount      count files matching a mask
             IVal        integer of non-decimal radix string
             Session     user session (rename of USNUM system util
             Val         integer of decimal string
             IVal_S      non-decimal radix string rep of integer
             Val_S       decimal radix string rep of integer
CRUNCH.CMD: Create partition-summary file from RTE-A sysgen answer file 
DATE: Return year, month and day to CI command file 
DLOPL: List files in a directory into a file, one name per line 
DLTAPE: Prints a Directory Listing of a CTD or reel-to-reel tape
FCOUNT: Count files matching a file mask
FLIP.CMD: Randomly return string '-- HEADS --' or '-- TAILS --' 
FNAME.HLP: Description of CI and FMGR file descriptors
FST_PATCH.CMD: Resolves nested transfer files for FST 
FTN.CMD: Command file to compile a list of source files 
HOME: Takes you to the directory defined in user variable $HOME.
INC: Increment first run parameter and return 
INSTALL.CMD: Command file to install many utilities in this contribution
ISV.CMD: Set up CI variables for user sessions
KID.CMD: Purge a directory and all subordinate files (including sub-directories)
LEAVE.CMD: Returns to your previous directory after VISITing another
LEFT_S: Return the first N characters of a string to a command file.
LIB.CMD: Compiles and indexes a library from source code
MAKE.CMD: Compiles and links a program
MAYBE.CMD: Randomly return 0 or 1 
MGD.CMD: Move Global Directory from LU to LU
MID_S: Return characters from the middle of a string
MODE_KEYS: Disable configuration and mode change keys on 262x terminal
NEWTREE.CMD: Create a new descriptions file or edit an existing one 
POSN: Return the position of one string within another
RAND: CI command file utility to return a random number in $RETURN1 
RIGHT_S: Return the last N characters of a string to a command file.
STRLEN: Return the length of a string to a command file.
TEST_PLOTTER: LU communications test
TIME: Return hour, minute and second to a CI command file 
TIMETHN: Interactive time utility 
TIME_S: Time string utility 
TREE: Directory tree and file description utility 
USERNAME: Return user name to command file
VISIT.CMD: Temporarily set working directory
?P.CMD: Command file to print a help file from this contribution
GURU                                                                     N013 
 Contribution Name...........: GURU 
    Title....................: Dispenser of Sage `Cookie-Monster' Advice
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. GURU.SBMT 
                             :02. GURU.FTN
                             :03. GURU.REL
                             :04. GURU.TXT
                             :05. GURU.DAT
                             :06. CONVERT.FTN 
                             :07. CONVERT.REL 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. Miscellaneous 
                             : 2. Message 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Christopher Nelson 
               Company.......: General Foods USA
               Street........: 250 North Street 
               City..........: White Plains 
               State.........: NY 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 10625
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Everytime GURU is run, it dispenses another pearl of wisdom from its 
 semi-infinite store of `Cookie-monsterisms'.  Program CONVERT
 converts the flat text file GURU.TXT into the data-base GURU.DAT,
 which must be squirreled away on /SYSTEM.
DOCUM                                                                    N014 
 Contribution Name...........: DOCUM
    Title....................: Program-Structure Identifier/Analyzer
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. DOCUM.SBMT 
                             : 02. DOCUM.FTN
                             : 03. DOCUM.LOD
                             : 04. DOCUMSUBS.INC
                             : 05. DOCUMSTACK.INC 
                             : 06. DOCUMFILES.INC 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6VM and RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Analyzer
                             : 2. Map 
                             : 3. Flowchart 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: D.A. Thombs
               Company.......: DQA/TS 
               Street........: Royal Arsenal East 
                             : Woolwich 
               City..........: London 
               Country.......: U.K. 
               Zip Code......: SE18 6TD 
               Phone Number..: 01-854-2044 Ext 4091 
               Telex.........: 22210
 Program Abstract............: DOCUM is a program which allows the user 
                               to untangle the most complex of nested 
                               routines and to produce a map of the 
                               tree structure found.
                               It will run on a program (+ associated 
                               libraries) or on a library alone.
 Additional Documentation....:
GETLU                                                                    N015 
                    PRINT IFT, DVT IN GEN-REC-LIKE FORMAT 
 Contribution Name...........: GETLU
    Title....................: Print IFT, DVT in GEN-Rec-like Format
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. GETLU.SBMT
                             :02. GETLU.FTN 
                             :03. GETLU.REL 
                             :04. GETLU.lod 
                             :05. GETLU.make
                             :06. GETLU.help
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Status
                             : 2. Driver
    External Support req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Dan Felman 
               Company.......: HP 
               Street........: 2 Choke Cherry Rd
               City..........: Rockville
               State.........: MD 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20850
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 GETLU prints information about an LU. It lists in GEN record format, 
 the IFT, and DVT entries corresponding to that LU, as well as a
 listing of all Driver Parameters in octal, integer, and ASCII. 
PATCHBITMAP                                                              N016 
 Contribution Name...........:  PATCHBITMAP 
    Title....................:  Change Sense of Bits in Disc-LU Sector-Allocation Bitmaps 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. PATCHBITMAP.SBMT    - This file.
                             :02. PATCHBITMAP.FTN     - Source file.
                             :03. PATCHBITMAP.CMD     - Compile and link. 
                             :04. PATCHBITMAP.LOD     - LINK command file.
                             :05. PATCHBITMAP.REL     - 
                             :06. MAKEPATCHBITMAP.CMD - Invokes MAKE. 
                             :07. patchbitmap.MAKE
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-A D4.0 and up (including 5.0). Perhaps -6 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  Tested to 430k blocks. Cosmetic changes.
                                Tested on discs with various sectors/track. 
                                Version on CSL2830 incorrect. 
    Keywords.................:01. System
                             :02. System_tables 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This  contribution  consists  of a utility hitherto unsupported by HP. It may
 happen that a bitmap is corrupted to show free area as occupied  or  occupied
 area  as  free.   Such a corruption will normally be discovered by FVERI. The
 usual method of recovery is to TF off the disc LU, reinitialize and TF  back,
 tedious at best. 
 This  program  will  change  the  sense of a contiguous set of bits on DISCLU
 starting at LOCATION for SIZE bits. On sets, (and the whole set has to be on)
 will be turned off and vice-versa. 
 Recover  from  wrongly specified parameters by running the program again with
 the same wrong parameters. 
 This program may be a very destructive time bomb type weapon in the hands  of
 a careless user, therefore 
              * Do not keep it on disc !   Keep it off-line ! * 
 But when you FST this program back on, do not use the damaged LU since if the
 damage is showing occupied space as free, you may write over useful data.
 A word of apology:  The somewhat verbose name  was  chosen  to  eliminate  an
 inadvertent initiation of a drastic action. You can always rename the file.
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be found on the
 back side of the title page to all their manuals. As this program goes beyond
 the  designs  of  HP  you  are  really on your own when using it. I assume no
 responsibility  whatsoever  for  any   damage   that   may   ensue-   direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 After  having  thus  frightened  the  potential user, I hasten to add that no
 damage was ever done by this program in my installations.
 For example, the command   PATCHBITMAP,17,25000,10  results in the following:
  Total number of tracks     : 932
  Total number of blocks     : 44736
  Blocks per allocation unit : 1
  Volume Header address at   : 44688
  Bitmap        address at   : 0
  Global Dirs.  address at   : 22 
 Block# +0        10        20        30        40        50        60
 _______ |         |_________|         |_________|         |_________|
   24960 ****************************************          ************** 
                    BITMAP AFTER MODIFICATION 
 Block# +0        10        20        30        40        50        60
 _______ |         |_________|         |_________|         |_________|
   24960 **************************************************************** 
  NOTE: * equals the allocation unit. | is the end of the LU
 This  is  a  re-submission  of  the CSL2730 contribution which was limited by
 testing to a disc size of 128k with an allocation  unit  of  1.  The  current
 contribution  was tested with an allocation unit of 4,  and hence is suitable
 for all sizes. There are also several cosmetic changes of the displays.  Also
 testing was carried out on various sectors/track configurations. 
 The files on  2830  were an earlier version,  mysteriously introduced instead
 of the correct files,  and  I  apologize for any  inconvenience caused,  even
 though  I consider myself innocent.
 Since the current policy of  INTEREX  is to include REL files and MAKE files,
 this were added as well. 
 Additional Documentation....:  None. 
FINITEELEMENT                                                            N017 
Contribution Name............:  FINITEELEMENT 
   Title.....................:  Finite-Element Programs and Library - Double-Precision
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. FINITEELEMENT.SBMT  - This file 
                             :02. FINITELIB.FTN       - Non-EMA Lib src 
                             :03. FINITE.LIB          - Non-EMA Lib 
                             :04. EMAFINITELIB.FTN    - EMA Lib source. 
                             :05. EMAFINITE.LIB       - EMA Lib 
                             :06. CHAPTER4.AR         - Arc chapter 4 
                             :07. CHAPTER5.AR         - Arc chapter 5 
                             :08. CHAPTER6.AR         - Arc chapter 6 
                             :09. CHAPTER7.AR         - Arc chapter 7 
                             :10. CHAPTER8.AR         - Arc chapter 8 
                             :11. CHAPTER9.AR         - Arc chapter 9 
                             :12. CHAPTER10.AR        - Arc chapter 10
                             :13. CHAPTER11.AR        - Arc chapter 11
                             :14. CHAPTER12.AR        - Arc chapter 12
                             :15. LIB.CMD             - Compile / LINDX 
                             :16. FTNCO.CMD           - Non-EMA comp+link 
                             :17. ETNCO.CMD           -     EMA comp+link 
                             :18. UNARCHIVE.CMD       - Unpacks .AR files 
                             :19. FINITEELEMENT.DOC   - Programs and status 
                             :20. ARCHIVER.DOC
                             :21. ARCHIVER.FTN
                             :22. ARCHIVER.HELP 
                             :23. ARCHIVER.LIB
                             :24. ARCHIVER.LOD
                             :25. ARCHIVER.REL
                             :26. ARCHIVERLIB.FTN 
                             :27. ARCHIVERLIB.REL 
   Operating System..........:  ANY 
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:
   Keywords..................:01. Engineering 
                             :02. Matrix
                             :03. Mathematics 
                             :04. Linear_eqns 
                             :05. Fourier 
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (01) 486 9590 
Program Abstract.............:
 This  contribution consists of programs and utilities contained in the second
 edition of the book  PROGRAMMING  THE  FINITE  ELEMENT  METHOD  by I.M. Smith
 and D.V. Griffith published by J. Wiley & Sons, 1988.
 Professor  Smith  has  graciously  given  his  permission  to  distribute the
 the software to the HP1000 community.
 The version included herein is the double-precision one.  There are many very
 useful subroutines in the library  FINITE.LIB,  and these may be used in many
 other applications involving matrices, linear equations and FFT. The programs
 are packed in files named after their respective chapters, together with test
 data and results.  These may be unpacked by using the  UNARCHIVE.CMD  and the
 ARCHIVER  program. 
 Alternatively, the programs and data files may be extracted by EDIT. 
 The chapter names, and the areas of interest are as follows: 
        CHAPTER  4: Static Equilibrium of Structures. 
        CHAPTER  5: Static Equilibrium of Linear Elastic Solids.
        CHAPTER  6: Material Non-Linearity
        CHAPTER  7: Steady State Flow 
        CHAPTER  8: Transient Problems: First Order (Uncoupled) 
        CHAPTER  9: 'Coupled' Problems
        CHAPTER 10: Eigenvalue Problems 
        CHAPTER 11: Forced Vibrations 
        CHAPTER 12: Analysis of Piles and Pile Groups 
 The following should be noted: 
 1.  Where necessary  EMA was used together with the  'E ' compiler option and
     the EMA library. 
 2.  The input-output section is very rudimentary,  assuming input coming from
     PNAME.DAT going to PNAME.RES.  The whole idea of pre- and post processing
     is not recognized.  If anybody out there has some useful programs to this
     end, kindly rework them in conformity with this contribution,  and submit
     same to CSL or to me for incorporating in the next version.
 3.  Further work should make use of the vector instruction set of the HP1000.
     Again, let us hear from anybody who cares to contribute. 
 4.  The .DOC file contains the program names and current status. 
 5.  The LIB.CMD file compiles and LINDXs the libraries. Invoke it as follows:
                 LIB LIBNAME
     The SQUEEZE program squeezes the LINDXed file. You should substitute your
     own squeezer's name. 
 6.  FTNCO.CMD compiles and links non-EMA programs. Invoke it as follows: 
                 FTNCO PNAME
 7.  ETNCO.CMD compiles and links EMA programs. Invoke it as follows: 
                 ETNCO PNAME
 8.  The programs were slightly modified by omitting the CONTINUE  statements.
     DO loops were ended with  END DO,  IMPLICIT NONE added and all variables 
     declared, etc. 
 9.  The PNAME.DAT files follow the book.  The  PNAME.RES files will show some
     machine-precision differences, especially for the zero value. HP1000 will
     appear to be more accurate than the book values. 
 10. Program 61 fails to work at present with the book data.  It might be that
     the  Cholesky  method fails on a  matrix  which is not  positive-definite
 Additional Documentation....:  Get the book. Make sure it is the 2nd edition.
SYSUT                                                                    N018 
Contribution Name............: SYSUT
   Title.....................: Miscellaneous System Utilities for RTE-A 
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01 SYSUT.SBMT      - This file
                             :02 ARCHIVER.FTN    - AR from CSL2533 J011.
                             :03 ARCHIVER.HELP   -
                             :04 ARCHIVER.LOD    -
                             :05 ARCHIVER.REL    -
                             :06 ARCHIVERLIB.FTN - Consolidated library.
                             :07 ARCHIVER.LIB    -
                             :08 EXTINGUISH.FTN  - Extinguish terminals.
                             :09 EXTINGUISH.LOD  -
                             :10 EXTINGUISH.REL  -
                             :11 FREE.FTN        - Dynamic FREES. 
                             :12 FREE.LOD 
                             :13 FREE.REL 
                             :14 MULTISCOM.FTN   - Masked SCOM. 
                             :15 MULTISCOM.LOD
                             :16 MULTISCOM.REL
                             :17 sysut.MAKE      - MAKE command file. 
                             :18 MAKESYSUT.CMD   - Invokes MAKE.
                             :19 LOADRUNALL.CMD  - Command it and stand back. 
                             :20 FOCOLI.CMD      - FOrtran COmpile and LInk.
                             :21 ARCHIVE.CMD     - Read my lips.
                             :22 UNARCHIVE.CMD
                             :23 LOGOFF.CMD      - An example for EXTINGUISH. 
   Operating System..........:  RTE-A A.85 and up including 5.0. Perhaps -6 
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:
   Keywords..................:01. System
                             :02. Archive 
                             :03. Terminal
                             :04. Copy
                             :05. Compare 
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (01) 486 9590 
Program Abstract.............:
 This contribution consists of various utilities. 
 ARCHIVER is a rehash of AR from the CSL2533 software tools. It is used in the
 FINITEELEMENT contribution elsewhere on this tape,  but is also useful on its
 own.   ARCHIVE.CMD  and  UNARCHIVE.CMD  are command files to ease the pain of
 using ARCHIVER. They are invoked as follows: 
 EXTINGUISH  is a program that clears the screen thus extending its life.  The
 sample  LOGOFF.CMD  should be entered via  GRUMP  to clear any terminal after
 logging off. Add XQ EXTINGUISH before the RETURN  at the end of the WELCOMExx
 file to clear the system terminal. Local LOGOFF.CMDs will always take charge.
 Adjust the waiting time to suit your taste, inclination and installation.
 FREE is a dynamic  FREES program.  Use it during copying from tape or disc to
 disc thus avoiding the potentially destructive '..out of disc space' message.
 It will give you the biggest hole size at time intervals  proportional to the
 hole size and will beep when the hole size is less then ~4000 blokes.  If the
 hole size is not getting smaller it will not write to the screen.   Invoke it
 by XQ FREE before starting to copy, or simply FREE from CM during copying. 
 MULTISCOM does a masked SCOM on directories or other FMP masks. This comes in
 useful when there are a lot of text files to be compared, invoked as follows:
   Usage :MULTISCOM,MASK1,MASK2,[LIST],[Options],[LM],[NC]
          Use `BR` to stop. 
   MASK1   is any legal FMP mask. 
   [MASK2] is /GLOBAL/SUBDIR/.../ or @ (default is @ e.g. WD).
   [LIST]  is the output listing file/LU# (default is terminal).
   [Options] can be any combination of the following: 
      F1   prints the lines unique to file 1} - DEFAULTS
      F2   prints the lines unique to file 2} 
      BO   prints the lines common to both files
      NN   suppresses line numbering
      TB   trailing blanks on a line are significant
      Dx   "x" is a line match do not care character
      Cx   ignore blank lines with "x" in col. 1 on rematch 
      AO   append to the output file
      NH   no heading is output 
      NT   no tail is output
      NF   no form feed is written at the end of the output 
   [LM] specifies the number of consecutive lines which must
   match in input files before a mismatch is ended. Default=3.
   [NC] maximum record size (chars) in input files. Default=156 
 List the other command files to see their function.
 Additional Documentation....:  None. 
 any kind.
FINDPAT                                                                  N019 
                      FAST PATTERN-FINDER VERSION 5.11
 Contribution Name...........:  FINDPAT 
    Title....................:  Fast Pattern-Finder Version 5.11
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. FINDPAT.SBMT    - This file.
                             :02. FINDPAT.FTN     - The source. 
                             :03. FINDPAT.REL 
                             :04. FINDPAT.HELP    - Help file.
                             :05. FINDPAT.DOC     - Write-up file.
                             :06. IGETC.MAC       - From HAYSTACK.LIB.
                             :07. IGETC.REL 
                             :08. FINDPAT.CMD     - Compile and link. 
                             :09. FINDPAT.LOD     - LINK command file.
                             :10. findpat.MAKE    - MAKE command file.
                             :11. MAKEFINDPAT.CMD - Invokes MAKE. 
                             :12. F20.DAT         - Output sample speed file. 
                             :13. R20.DAT         - Raw reading speed file. 
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A (including 5.0) and perhaps 6.
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X and MACRO.
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  The contribution on 2830 was wrong version. 
    Keywords.................:01. Tools 
                             :02. Search
                             :03. Filter
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Program Abstract............:
 FINDPAT  is  a very fast pattern finder.  It usually runs at about 80% of the
 file raw reading speed. It easily achieves speeds of more then 130,000  bytes
 per  second on the A900 when running as the sole job. This makes it very much
 faster then previous pattern finders contributed to CSL. 
 The  algorithm  used is the Boyer-Moore one, to be found in subroutine BOYER.
 This algorithm is one of those pearls that give great pleasure to programmers
 accustomed, at  best, to  NlogN  speeds. It actually performs at close to M/N
 speeds, where M is the record size and N is the pattern size.
                   A:  List matching lines and count
                   C:  List count of matching lines only
                   F:  List filenames only (count=1)
                   I:  Casefold lower case letters - implies A
                   M:  Count multimatches on same line - implies A
                   Q:  Quiet - no listing to terminal - implies A 
                   T:  List lines matched in total only - implies A 
                   Y:  Directory files allowed with text files - implies A
                   Z:  Non-text files allowed - implies Y 
                   OPTIONS  :  F - Filename  only 
                   MASK     :  @
                   LIST     :  Terminal only
                   LIST FILE:  FINDPAT.DAT if Q option
 The output includes the number of files matching the  mask,  as well as the
 number of records and bytes read.  So by specifying a non-existent  pattern
 one gets just these statistics.
 The files on 2830 were an earlier version,  mysteriously introduced instead
 of the correct files,  and  I apologize for any inconvenience caused,  even
 though  I consider myself innocent.  In any case, the present version is an
 improvement over that intended for 2830, since casefolding carries no speed
 penalty (virtually). 
 Since the current policy of INTEREX  is to include REL files and MAKE files, 
 this were added as well. 
 Additional Documentation....:  see FINDPAT.DOC and FINDPAT.HELP files. 
ADISCU                                                                   N020 
Contribution Name............: ADISCU 
   Title.....................: Disc Utilities for RTE-A, Version 5.0. Non-CDS 
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. ADISCU.SBMT 
                             :02. ADISCU.DOC        - Documentation file. 
                             :03. ADISCU.LOD        - Common LINK file. 
                             :04. CSLMAKEDIR.FTN    - CSL tape manipulator. 
                             :05. CSLMAKEDIR.LOD
                             :06. CSLMAKEDIR.REL
                             :07. DIDI.FTN          - Single DIr DIsplay. 
                             :08. DIDI.LOD
                             :09. DIDI.REL
                             :10. DISCMAPS.FTN      - Generation Disc DVT's.
                             :11. DISCMAPS.LOD
                             :12. DISCMAPS.REL
                             :13. MAP.FTN           - Bitmap display. 
                             :14. MAP.LOD 
                             :15. MAP.REL 
                             :16. PUNLEVELDIR.FTN   - Purge   N-level subdirs.
                             :17. PUNLEVELDIR.LOD 
                             :18. PUNLEVELDIR.REL 
                             :19. UNPUNLEVELDIR.FTN - Unpurge N-level subdirs.
                             :20. UNPUNLEVELDIR.LOD 
                             :21. UNPUNLEVELDIR.REL 
                             :22. UNPUSUBDIR.FTN    - Unpurge 1-level subdirs.
                             :23. UNPUSUBDIR.LOD
                             :24. UNPUSUBDIR.REL
                             :25. FOLOGO.CMD        - FOrtran LOad and GO.
                             :26. LOADRUNALL.CMD    - Command it & stand back.
                             :27. MAKEADISCU.CMD    - MAKE all command. 
                             :28. adiscu.MAKE       - MAKE command file.
                             :29. X.CMD             - An N-level test subdir. 
   Operating System..........:  RTE-A A.85 and up including 5.0. Perhaps -6 
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:  Tested to 430k blocks. Operating system change
                                forced algorithm changes. Cosmetic changes. 
                                Fixed some bugs in corner cases.
                                Version on CSL2830 incorrect. 
   Keywords..................:01. System
                             :02. System_tables 
                             :03. Disc
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (01) 486 9590 
Program Abstract.............:
 This  contribution consists of various disc utilities hitherto unsupported by
 HP. The fact that various RTE commands traverse  the  directory-tree  in  the
 wrong  direction  or not at all hinders some fast and furious disc management
 actions. Basically the purging program uses only FMP routines. The  unpurging
 program  uses  absolute disc read/write orders to unpurge subdirectories, and
 FMPUNPURGE to unpurge files. Unpurging subdirectories is not supported by  HP
 and  in any case it is a very drastic operation. The purging/unpurging should
 only be undertaken by people who know what they are doing. MAP and  DIDI  are
 support  programs  to  display  the results of purging and unpurging, but are
 also very useful on their own. CSLMAKEDIR is a program that takes a CSL  tape
 TF/FST'ed into a global directory and creates subdirectories named Jxxx where
 J stands for the tape letter and xxx for the contribution number. It then re-
 names  all  the file in accordance with the Xxxx00 file in each subdirectory.
 See the writeup for DISCMAPS in the Jan/Feb 1986 issue of TC INTERFACE.
 X.CMD creates a global directory  /X  and fills it  with  various  files  and
 10 levels of subdirectories.   This /X directory then provides exercising and
 demonstrating opportunities. 
 FOLOGO.CMD  compiles,  loads and runs a program and LOADRUNALL.CMD will do it
 for all the programs and X.CMD as well.
 A word of apology: The somewhat verbose names were  chosen  to  eliminate  an
 inadvertent  initiation  of drastic actions. You can always rename the files.
 Also, in order to make all units stand  alone,  each  contains  all  required
 subroutines, at the expense of some duplication. 
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be found on the
 back side of the title page to all their manuals. As all  these  programs  go
 beyond the designs of HP you are really on your own when using them. I assume
 no  responsibility  whatsoever  for  any  damage  that  may  ensue-   direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 After  having  thus  frightened  the  potential user, I hasten to add that no
 damage was ever done by these programs in my  installation.  Read  ADISCU.DOC
 documentation, and follow the instructions given there.
 This  is  a  re-submission  of  the CSL2625 contribution which was limited by
 testing to a disc size of 128k with an allocation  unit  of  1.  The  current
 contribution  was tested with an allocation unit of 4,  and hence is suitable
 for all sizes. There are also several cosmetic changes of the displays.
 Modified CSLMAKEDIR xxx00 filenames to xxxx00.CMD to conform to any PATH's.
 D5.0 forced some changes, mainly caused by undocumented features of D.RTR. 
 PUNLEVELDIR  is a new program,  removed from VDISCU,  and not requiring  VC+.
 UNPUNLEVELDIR  is a new program,  as above.  Both algorithms are new,   as is
 For D5.0 your D.RTR should have an EMA size of less than 41 pages. 
 The files on  2830  were an earlier version,  mysteriously introduced instead
 of the correct files,  and  I  apologize for any  inconvenience caused,  even
 though  I consider myself innocent.
 Since the current policy of  INTEREX  is to include REL files and MAKE files,
 this were added as well. 
 Additional Documentation....:  ADISCU.DOC. 
VDISCU                                                                   N021 
                  DISC UTILITIES FOR RTE-A VC+ VERSION 5.0
 Contribution Name...........:  VDISCU
    Title....................:  Disc Utilities for RTE-A VC+ Version 5.0
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. VDISCU.SBMT       - This file.
                             :02. VDISCU.DOC        - Documentation file. 
                             :03. DIAL.FTN          - DIsplay ALl dirs. 
                             :04. DIAL.LOD          - 
                             :05. DIAL.REL          - 
                             :06. PUNLEVELDIR.FTN   - Purge   N-level subdirs.
                             :07. PUNLEVELDIR.LOD   - 
                             :08. PUNLEVELDIR.REL   - 
                             :09. UNPUNLEVELDIR.FTN - Unpurge N-level subdirs.
                             :10. UNPUNLEVELDIR.LOD - 
                             :11. UNPUNLEVELDIR.REL - 
                             :12. FOLOGO.CMD        - FOrtran LOad and GO.
                             :13. LOADRUNALL.CMD    - Command it & stand back.
                             :14. MAKEVDISCU.CMD    - MAKE all command. 
                             :15. vdiscu.MAKE       - MAKE command file.
                             :16. Y.CMD             - An N-level test subdir
    Operating System.........: RTE-A A.85 and up including 5.0. VC+ only
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Tested to 430k blocks. Operating system changes
                               forced algorithm changes. Cosmetic changes.
                               Fixed some bugs in corner cases. 
                               Version on CSL2830 incorrect.
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    Keywords.................:01. System
                             :02. System_tables 
                             :03. Disc
                             :04. Map 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Program Abstract............:
 This  contribution consists of various disc utilities hitherto unsupported by
 HP. The fact that various RTE commands traverse  the  directory-tree  in  the
 wrong  direction  or not at all hinders some fast and furious disc management
 actions. Basically the purging program uses only FMP routines. The  unpurging
 program  uses  absolute disc read/write orders to unpurge subdirectories, and
 FMPUNPURGE to unpurge files. Unpurging subdirectories is not supported by  HP
 and  in any case it is a very drastic operation. The purging/unpurging should
 only be undertaken by people who know what they are doing. MAP and  DIAL  are
 support  programs  to  display  the results of purging and unpurging, but are
 also very useful on their own. MAP is to be found in contribution ADISCU.
 VC+  is  required  since  DIAL  is  recursive.  The  power and the economy of
 programming effort afforded by recursion as available with CDS is well  worth
 the  ownership of VC+. The recursion was removed from the other programs, and
 they are copies of those in ADISCU, repeated here for historical reasons.
 Y.CMD creates a global directory /Y and fills it with various files  and  ten
 levels  of  subdirectories.  This  /Y  directory then provides exercising and
 demonstrating opportunities. 
 FOLOGO.CMD compiles, loads and runs a program and LOADRUNALL.CMD will  do  it
 for all the programs and Y.CMD as well.
 A  word  of  apology:  The somewhat verbose names were chosen to eliminate an
 inadvertent initiation of drastic actions. You can always rename  the  files.
 Also,  in  order  to  make  all units stand alone, each contains all required
 subroutines, at the expense of some duplication. 
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be found on the
 back  side  of  the title page to all their manuals. As all these programs go
 beyond the designs of HP you are really on your own when using them. I assume
 no   responsibility  whatsoever  for  any  damage  that  may  ensue-  direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 After having thus frightened the potential user, I  hasten  to  add  that  no
 damage  was  ever  done by these programs in my installation. Read VDISCU.DOC
 documentation, and follow the instructions given there.
 This is a re-submission of the CSL2625  contribution  which  was  limited  by
 testing  to  a  disc  size  of 128k with an allocation unit of 1. The current
 contribution was tested with an allocation unit of 4,  and hence is suitable 
 for all sizes. There are also several cosmetic changes of the displays.
 D5.0 forced some changes, mainly caused by undocumented features of D.RTR. 
 PUNLEVELDIR is a new program, not requiring VC+. 
 UNPUNLEVELDIR is a new program, as above. Both algorithms are new. 
 For D5.0 your D.RTR should have an EMA size of less than 41 pages. 
 The files on  2830  were an earlier version,  mysteriously introduced instead
 of the correct files,  and  I  apologize for any  inconvenience caused,  even
 though  I consider myself innocent.
 Since the current policy of  INTEREX  is to include REL files and MAKE files,
 these were added as well.
 Additional Documentation....:  VDISCU.DOC. 
SINFINELEMENT                                                            N022 
Contribution Name............:  SINFINELEMENT 
   Title.....................:  Finite-Element Programs - Single-Precision
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File - INTEREX supplied 
                             :01. SINFINELEMENT.SBMT  - This file 
                             :02. FINITELIB.FTN      - Non-EMA Lib src
                             :03. FINITE.LIB         - Non-EMA Lib
                             :04. EMAFINITELIB.FTN   - EMA Library src
                             :05. EMAFINITE.LIB     - EMA Library 
                             :06. CHAPTER4.AR      - Archived chap 4
                             :07. CHAPTER5.AR      - Archived chap 5
                             :08. CHAPTER6.AR      - Archived chap 6
                             :09. CHAPTER7.AR      - Archived chap 7
                             :10. CHAPTER8.AR      - Archived chap 8
                             :11. CHAPTER9.AR      - Archived chap 9
                             :12. CHAPTER10.AR     - Archived chap 10 
                             :13. CHAPTER11.AR     - Archived chap 11 
                             :14. CHAPTER12.AR     - Archived chap 12 
                             :15. LIB.CMD          - Compile / LINDX
                             :16. FTNCO.CMD       - Non-EMA compile+link
                             :17. ETNCO.CMD       -     EMA compile+link
                             :18. UNARCHIVE.CMD   - Unpacks .AR files 
                             :19. SINFINELEMENT.DOC - Prgms / status
   Operating System..........:  ANY 
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:
   Keywords..................:01. Engineering 
                             :02. Matrix
                             :03. Mathematics 
                             :04. Linear_eqns 
                             :05. Fourier 
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (01) 486 9590 
Program Abstract.............:
 This  contribution consists of programs and utilities contained in the second
 edition of the book  PROGRAMMING  THE  FINITE  ELEMENT  METHOD  by I.M. Smith
 and D.V. Griffith published by J. Wiley & Sons, 1988.
 Professor  Smith  has  graciously  given  his  permission  to  distribute the
 the software to the HP1000 community.
 The version included herein is the single-precision one.  There are many very
 useful subroutines in the library  FINITE.LIB,  and these may be used in many
 other applications involving matrices, linear equations and FFT. The programs
 are packed in files named after their respective chapters, together with test
 data and results. The programs and data files may be extracted using Edit. 
 The chapter names, and the areas of interest are as follows: 
        CHAPTER  4: Static Equilibrium of Structures. 
        CHAPTER  5: Static Equilibrium of Linear Elastic Solids.
        CHAPTER  6: Material Non-Linearity
        CHAPTER  7: Steady State Flow 
        CHAPTER  8: Transient Problems: First Order (Uncoupled) 
        CHAPTER  9: 'Coupled' Problems
        CHAPTER 10: Eigenvalue Problems 
        CHAPTER 11: Forced Vibrations 
        CHAPTER 12: Analysis of Piles and Pile Groups 
 The following should be noted: 
 1.  Where necessary  EMA was used together with the  'E ' compiler option and
     the EMA library. 
 2.  The input-output section is very rudimentary,  assuming input coming from
     PNAME.DAT going to PNAME.RES.  The whole idea of pre- and post processing
     is not recognized.  If anybody out there has some useful programs to this
     end, kindly rework them in conformity with this contribution,  and submit
     same to CSL or to me for incorporating in the next version.
 3.  Further work should make use of the vector instruction set of the HP1000.
     Again, let us hear from anybody who cares to contribute. 
 4.  The .DOC file contains the program names and current status. 
 5.  The LIB.CMD file compiles and LINDXs the libraries. Invoke it as follows:
                 LIB LIBNAME
     The SQUEEZE program squeezes the LINDXed file. You should substitute your
     own squeezer's name. 
 6.  FTNCO.CMD compiles and links non-EMA programs. Invoke it as follows: 
                 FTNCO PNAME
 7.  ETNCO.CMD compiles and links EMA programs. Invoke it as follows: 
                 ETNCO PNAME
 8.  The programs were slightly modified by omitting the CONTINUE  statements.
     DO loops were ended with  END DO,  IMPLICIT NONE added and all variables 
     declared, etc. 
 9.  The PNAME.DAT files follow the book.  The  PNAME.RES files will show some
     machine-precision differences, especially for the zero value. HP1000 will
     appear to be more accurate than the book values. 
 10. Program 61 fails to work at present with the book data.  It might be that
     the  Cholesky  method fails on a  matrix  which is not  positive-definite
 Additional Documentation....:  Get the book. Make sure it is the 2nd edition.
CCSCLIB                                                                  N023 
                       CCS/C 1000 CDS RUNTIME LIBRARY 
 Contribution Name...........: CCSCLIB
    Title....................: CCS/C 1000 CDS Runtime Library 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. CCSCLIB.SBMT
                             :02. $CCSC.LIB         CDS 
                             :03. $CCSC_NR.LIB      NON-CDS 
                             :04. $CCSC_MEF.LIB     NON-CDS MEF 
                             :05. $CCSC_E.LIB       CDS EMA 
                             :06. $CCSC_NRE.LIB     NON-CDS EMA 
                             :07. $CCSC_MEFE.LIB    NON-CDS MEF EMA 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6/VM
    Language(s)..............: C, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. C 
                             : 2. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: David A. Boskey
               Company.......: Corporate Computer Systems, Inc. 
               Street........: 33 West Main Street
               City..........: Holmdel
               State.........: New Jersey 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07733
               Phone Number..: (201) 946-3800 
               Telex.........: 642672CCSHOLM
               Fax...........: (201) 946-7167 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   This  contribution  contains  the runtime  library  that  is 
   distributed as part of Corporate  Computer  Systems,  Inc.'s 
   ANSI standard-compatible  compiler  product, CCS/C 1000, for 
   the  C programming  language.  Its  inclusion in the  CSL is 
   necessary since  other  contributions,  such  as  the  EMACS 
   editor, reference  it  in  LINK  command files.  The library 
   contains the  functions that have  been  documented  in  the 
   library  section of the  ANSI standard for C and is directly 
   callable  from  C.    With  some work, it may be usable from 
   MACRO as well. 
 Additional Documentation....:
   Available upon purchase of the CCS/C 1000 C compiler product.
WHO                                                                      N024 
                              WHO IS LOGGED ON? 
 Contribution Name...........: WHO
    Title....................: Who is Logged On?
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. WHO.sbmt
                             :02. WHO.C 
                             :03. WHO.rel 
                             :04. WHO.lod 
                             :05. WHO.make
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: C
    Keywords.................: 1. Status
                             : 2. Session 
                             : 3. Logon/logoff
    External Support Req'd...: CCSCLIB - CCS/C 1000 LIBRARIES 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: David A. Boskey
               Company.......: Corporate Computer Systems, Inc. 
               Street........: 33 West Main Street
               City..........: Holmdel
               State.........: New Jersey 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07733
               Phone Number..: (201) 946-3800 
               Telex.........: 642672CCSHOLM
               Fax...........: (201) 946-7167 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   WHO  will  display the currently logged on users by name and 
   session  number  along with the capability level and current 
   working directory.  This was  originally  built to find  out 
   who had  a working directory on a disk volume that needed to 
   be dismounted or MPACK'ed.  By implementing the L (for Long) 
   flag,  WHO was  then expanded to include the logon time, cpu 
   time, user and group numbers, number of programs attached to 
   the  session, the primary program name (usually CI or a copy 
   thereof) and the type of session.
   CI> who
    lu user             cap current working directory 
     0 SYSTEM           31* 0 
    55 DAB              31* /DAB.DIR
    57 TIM              31* /TRAXXL.DIR 
   CI> who l
    lu user             cap current working directory 
       logon time                    cpu time  uid.gid  #pgm prmry status 
     0 SYSTEM           31* 0 
       Thu Jan  1, 1970 12:00:00 am      1315    2.2       3       programmatic 
    55 DAB              31* /DAB.DIR
       Tue Apr 18, 1989  8:09:43 am     14695    8.0       3 CI    active 
    57 TIM              31* /TRAXXL.DIR 
       Tue Apr 18, 1989  8:58:09 am        23    5.0       2 CI    active 
 Additional Documentation....:
TIMER/ALARM                                                              N025 
                      ALARM FUNCTIONS FOR HP1000 USERS
 Contribution Name...........: TIMER/ALARM
    Title....................: Alarm Functions for HP1000 Users 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. TIMER_ALARM.SBMT
                             :02. $TMLB6
                             :03. $TMLBA
                             :04. &$TMLB
                             :05. %$TMLB
                             :06. &ADTIM
                             :07. %ADTIM
                             :08. &APRNT
                             :09. %APRNT
                             :10. &DATSC
                             :11. %DATSC
                             :12. &FMER 
                             :13. %FMER 
                             :14. &IGET1
                             :15. %IGET1
                             :16. &ISOL8
                             :17. %ISOL8
                             :18. &ISRCH
                             :19. %ISRCH
                             :20. &JULDT
                             :21. %JULDT
                             :22. &JULDY
                             :23. %JULDY
                             :24. &MOVBT
                             :25. %MOVBT
                             :26. &PARSD
                             :27. %PARSD
                             :28. &PARSP
                             :29. %PARSP
                             :30. &QREAD
                             :31. %QREAD
                             :32. &SECDT
                             :33. %SECDT
                             :34. &TERR 
                             :35. %TERR 
                             :36. &TMLB6
                             :37. %TMLB6
                             :38. &TMLBA
                             :39. %TMLBA
                             :40. ?TIMER
                             :41. ALARM.FTN 
                             :42. ALARM.LOD 
                             :43. ALARM.REL 
                             :44. ALARM.FTNI
                             :45. SESS6.LIB 
                             :46. SESSA.LIB 
                             :47. TIMEDIFF.FTN
                             :48. TIMEDIFF.rel
                             :49. TIMER.FTN 
                             :50. TIMER.LOD 
                             :51. TIMER.REL 
                             :52. TIMER_BLOCK_DATA.FTN
                             :53. TIMER_BLOCK_DATA.REL
                             :54. TIMER1_COMM.FTNI
                             :55. TIMER1_DATA.FTNI
                             :56. TIMER_INSTALL 
                             :57. TMLB.MRG
                             :58. TMLB6.MRG 
                             :59. TMLBA.MRG 
                             :60. TPRNT.FTN 
                             :61. TPRNT.REL 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Scheduling
                             : 2. Time
                             : 3. Date
    External Support Req'd...: Session Library Routines 
                               (from following contribution)
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: 1266 Kifer Rd. 
               City..........: Sunnyvale
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94086
               Phone Number..: (408) 746-5145 
 Program Abstract............:
      Provides users the ability to set alarms (for users or LU's)
      for messages and tasks to be done at some future date/time. 
      See the ?timer file for a complete description. 
 Additional Documentation....: TIMER_INSTALL
SESSION CALLS                                                            N026 
                          SESSION LIBRARY ROUTINES
 Contribution Name...........: Session Calls
    Title....................: Session Library Routines 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. SESS.SBMT 
                             :02. MAKEFILE
                             :03. SESS.MAC
                             :04. SESS.REL
                             :05. SESS6.LIB 
                             :06. SESS6.MAC 
                             :07. SESS6.MRG 
                             :08. SESS6.REL 
                             :09. SESSA.LIB 
                             :10. SESSA.MAC 
                             :11. SESSA.MRG 
                             :12. SESSA.REL 
                             :13. SESSCALLS.TXD 
                             :14. SESSINFO.FTN
                             :15. SESSINFO.LOD
                             :16. SESSINFO.REL
                             :17. TEST.FTN
                             :18. TEST.LOD
                             :19. TEST.REL
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
                             : 2. Library 
    External Support Req'd...: N/A
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: 1266 Kifer Rd. 
               City..........: Sunnyvale
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94086
               Phone Number..: (408) 746-5145 
 Program Abstract............:
      Library routines to return the various conversions from session 
      number to name and vice versa.
      Used by the TIMER and ALARM programs. 
 Additional Documentation....: SESSCALLS.TXD
TIMER                                                                    N027 
                      TIMER, ALARM AND MESSAGE PACKAGE
 Contribution Name...........: TIMER
    Title....................: Timer, Alarm and Message Package 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01 TIMER.SBMT 
                             :02  "TIME 
                             :03  "TIME2
                             :04  $TMLB 
                             :05  $TMLB6
                             :06  $TMLB?
                             :07  $TMLBA
                             :08  %$TMLB
                             :09  %ADTIM
                             :10  %APRNT
                             :11  %DATSC
                             :12  %FMER 
                             :13  %IGET1
                             :14  %ISOL8
                             :15  %ISRCH
                             :16  %JULDT
                             :17  %JULDY
                             :18  %MOVBT
                             :19  %PARSD
                             :20  %PARSP
                             :21  %QREAD
                             :22  %SECDT
                             :23  %TERR 
                             :24  %TMLB6
                             :25  %TMLBA
                             :26  %TMLBA2 
                             :27  %TMLBX
                             :28  %TPARS
                             :29  &TPARS
                             :30  ?TIMER
                             :31  ?TIMER.ROY
                             :32  ALARM.DBS 
                             :33  ALARM.LOD 
                             :34  ALARM.REL 
                             :35  ALARM_REMOTE.LOD
                             :36  BUGS
                             :37  CHECKSTRAPS.MAC 
                             :38  COPY.CMD
                             :39  COPY_REMOTE.CMD 
                             :40  DUMP.FTN
                             :41  DUMP.REL
                             :42  FREELU.TXT
                             :43  INSTALL_TIMER.CMD 
                             :44  JK_TIMER_BUGS 
                             :45  MAKEFILE
                             :46  MAKET.MAKE
                             :47  MOVE_TMLB.CMD 
                             :48  SESS6.LIB 
                             :49  SESSA.LIB 
                             :50  SHIP.CMD
                             :51  STARTUP_REMOTE.CMD
                             :52  T.FTN 
                             :53  T.LOD 
                             :54  TEMP
                             :55  TIMEDIFF.REL
                             :56  TIMER.LOD 
                             :57  TIMER.REL 
                             :58  TIMERT.LOD
                             :59  TIMERT_BLOCK_DAT.FTN
                             :60  TIMERT_BLOCK_DAT.REL
                             :61  TIMER_BLOCK_DATA.FTN
                             :62  TIMER_BLOCK_DATA.REL
                             :63  TIMER_CONFIG.FTNI 
                             :64  TIMER_INSTALL 
                             :65  TIMER_INSTALL.DCT 
                             :66  TIMER_LOCAL.LOD 
                             :67  TIMER_REMOTE.LOD
                             :68  TLARM.LOD 
                             :69  TMLB?.MRG 
                             :70  TPRNT.REL 
                             :71  UPDATE_SHIP.CMD 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Message 
                             : 2. Mail
                             : 3. Time
    External Support Req'd...: N/A
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: 1266 Kifer Rd. 
               City..........: Sunnyvale
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94086
               Phone Number..: (408) 746-5145 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
This potentially-useful contribution contains an untried and untested 
(by Interex) timer, alarm, and message package by a well-known and
respected contributor.  See files ?TIMER and ?TIMER.ROY for many
details of usage and installation.  Why not try your hand at putting
it all together and getting it working, and then re-contribute it as a
coherent, tested package?!
 Additional Documentation....:  See ?TIMER and ?TIMER.ROY 
EXEC_REPORT                                                              N028 
 Contribution Name...........: EXEC_REPORT
    Title....................: Report EXEC Calls Made by any Program
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File (INTEREX supplied)
                             : 01. EXEC_REPORT.SBMT 
                             : 02. EXEC.MAC 
                             : 03. EXEC.REL 
                             : 04. EXEC.SNP 
                             : 05. MAKE_EXEC_SNP.CMD
                             : 06. ORLANDO_PAPER
                             : 07. XREPORT.FTN
                             : 08. XREPORT.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: MACRO and FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Debug 
                             : 3. Diagnostic
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology
               Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North
               City..........: Lake Elmo
               State.........: MN 
               Zip Code......: 55042
               Country.......: USA
               Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 
               Telex.........: 650 211 1023 (WUI) 
               Date..........: 88 July 30 
 Program Abstract............:
 EXEC_REPORT provides the capability of reporting in detail the EXEC
 calls made by any program.  With a suitable modification of the SNAP 
 file (pre-rev 5000), the subroutine called EXEC can be linked with the 
 program in place of the real EXEC.  The new EXEC reports all parameters
 of all EXEC calls to the XREPORT subroutine.  XREPORT is written in
 Fortran 77 and may easily be modified.  XREPORT in turn displays its 
 report/analysis to any specified device or, through spooling, to a 
ADL                                                                      N029 
 Contribution Name...........: ADL
    Title....................: Detailed Listing of CI Global Directories
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. ADL.SBMT
                             :02. ADL.FTN 
                             :03. ADL.REL 
                             :04. ADL.LOD 
                             :05. ADL.make
                             :06. GET_NEXT_FILE.FTN 
                             :07. GET_NEXT_FILE.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A & RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Directory 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This program displays the amount of disc
  space occupied in each global directory on an Lu or the system.  This 
  version now totals the number of files and accounts for the space lost
  due to large allocation units.   The subroutine 'get_next_file' is an 
  easy way to implement directory searches using the FMP calls. 
 Additional Documentation....:
CLASM                                                                    N030 
 Contribution Name...........: CLASM
    Title....................: Class and Resource-number Monitor
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. CLASM.SBMT
                             :02. CLASM.FTN 
                             :03. CLASM.REL 
                             :04. CLASM.lod 
                             :05. CLASM.make
                             :06. LOCKCOMMON.FTN
                             :07. LOCKCOMMON.REL
                             :08. CLASM.help
    Operating System(s)......: RTE (ANY)
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Class_number
                             : 2. Resource_number 
                             : 3. Monitor 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENTS  (bug)
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......: These routines provide a centralized 
    method of sharing class and resource numbers. 
 Additional Documentation....: See source & help file.
LA                                                                       N031 
                        RTE-A LU RE-DIRECTION PROGRAM 
 Contribution Name...........: LA 
    Title....................: RTE-A LU Re-direction Program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. LA.SBMT 
                             :02. LA.FTN
                             :03. LA.REL
                             :04. LA.lod
                             :05. LA.make 
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-A ONLY
    Language(s)..............:  FORTRAN 77
    Keywords.................: 1. System
    External Support Req'd...:  NONE
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  ENHANCEMENT 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:   This was submitted in 1986 by Dan
 Felman.   I have added an 'OK' parameter so that the program will
 not ask for a confirmation if you want to run from the WELCOME file. 
 Additional Documentation....:
DP                                                                       N032 
 Contribution Name...........: DP 
    Title....................: Display Driver Parameters for RTE-A
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DP.SBMT 
                             :02. DP.FTN
                             :03. DP.REL
                             :04. DP.lod
                             :05. DP.make 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A  ONLY
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. System_tables 
                             : 2. Driver
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENT
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program was originally submitted
  by Dan Felman on the 2730 Tape.   Works fine, I added an 'OK' 
  parameter to allow use in the WELCOMEnn.CMD file. 
 Additional Documentation....: The code makes interesting reading.
DNUMD                                                                    N033 
 Contribution Name...........: DNUMD
    Title....................: Convert I*4 to ASCII; I*2 to printable-binary
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DNUMD.SBMT
                             :02. DNUMD.MAC 
                             :03. DNUMD.REL 
                             :04. DNUMD.make
                             :05. BINOUT.MAC
                             :06. BINOUT.REL
                             :07. D_TEST.FTN     TEST PROGRAM 
                             :08. D_TEST.REL
                             :09. D_TEST.lod
    Operating System(s)......: ANY  HP 1000 CPU 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Formatting
                             : 2. Conversion
    External Support Req'd...:  NONE
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  The subroutine DNUMD is the I*4 equivalent to CNUMD:
            INTEGER A(5)
            INTEGER*4 J 
            CALL DNUMD(J,A) 
            CALL EXEC(2,1,A,5)
  BINOUT converts a I*2 word to 16 1's & 0's in a similar fashion:
            CHARACTER*16 OUT_STRING 
            INTEGER*2 I 
DS_INIT                                                                  N034 
                       DS-INITIALIZATION USING CI FILE
 Contribution Name...........: DS_INIT
    Title....................: DS-initialization Using CI File
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DS_INIT.SBMT
                             :02. DS_INIT.FTN 
                             :03. DS_INIT.REL 
                             :04. DS_INIT.lod 
                             :05. DS_INIT.make
                             :06. DS_MOD.FTN
                             :07. DS_MOD.REL
                             :08. DS_MOD.lod
    Operating System(s)......: RTE(any) 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. INITIALIZE
    External Support Req'd...:  DS -- 91750 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:   This program will allow the use
 of a CI file for the DS initialization commands.   You will
 still need the `real` DINIT but no longer need a FMGR lu just
 to initialize DS.   I have also included a similar program 
 for DSMOD. 
 Additional Documentation....:
EXTIME                                                                   N035 
 Contribution Name...........: EXTIME 
    Title....................: Retrieve Execution Time of a Program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. EXTIME.SBMT 
                             :02. EXTIME.MAC
                             :03. EXTIME.REL
                             :04. EXTIME.make 
                             :05. XSONTIME.MAC
                             :06. XSONTIME.REL
                             :07. T_TEST.FTN
                             :08. T_TEST.REL
                             :09. T_TEST.lod
                             :10. T2_TEST.FTN 
                             :11. T2_TEST.REL 
                             :12. T2_TEST.lod 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE- A ONLY
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Accounting
                             : 3. Performance 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Here are two pair of subroutines for 
  finding the execution time of a program.   One pair(ExTime) can be
  called around any section of code for which you have the source.
  The other can find the execution time of a son program. 
 Additional Documentation....:
LSAM                                                                     N036 
                        SAM LISTING PROGRAM FOR RTE-A 
 Contribution Name...........: LSAM 
    Title....................: SAM Listing Program for RTE-A
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. LSAM.SBMT 
                             :02. LSAM.FTN
                             :03. LSAM.REL
                             :04. GETSAM.MAC
                             :05. GETSAM.REL
                             :06. LSAM.LOD
                             :07. LSAM.make 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A  only
    Uses hierarchical files?.: NO 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...: HpCrtLib 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENTS 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Program Abstract............:   LSAM lists the contents of SAM and 
     can be run on RTE-A only.   Users must read the warning in the 
     source (GETSAM) regarding the use of DEBUG on this program.
     This program was found on the Orlando SWAP tape (88) submitted 
     by D. A. Thombs.  I changed the output formatting to use the 
     HpCrtLib.  This made the output more compact and if the
     style of the output doesn't suit you, its easy to change.
 Additional Documentation....:
OOPS                                                                     N037 
                              A VCP LOOK-ALIKE
 Contribution Name...........: OOPS 
    Title....................: A VCP Look-Alike 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. OOPS.SBMT 
                             :02. OOPS.FTN
                             :03. OOPS.REL
                             :04. OOPS.lod
                             :05. OOPS.make 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A ONLY 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Games 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This program only LOOKS like VCP. 
  Be sure your system manager or other victim is good natured.
 Additional Documentation....:
SAM_MON                                                                  N038 
                              SAM-USAGE MONITOR 
 Contribution Name...........: SAM_MON
    Title....................: SAM-Usage Monitor
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SAM_MON.SBMT
                             :02. SAM_MON.FTN 
                             :03. SAM_MON.REL 
                             :04. SAM_MON.LOD 
                             :05. SAM_MON.make
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A only 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Monitor 
    External Support Req'd...:  %SAMON --  (part of RTE-A)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:    This program can be put into the
   time list to report on SAM usage at some interval.   The program 
   totals SAM usage and if its beyond a limit(now 2500 words) 
   then SAM_MON schedules SAM,AL. 
 Additional Documentation....:
SKED                                                                     N039 
 Contribution Name...........: SKED 
    Title....................: Time-Scheduled Program Scheduler 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SKED.SBMT 
                             :02. SKED.FTN
                             :03. SKED.REL
                             :04. SKDFL.FTN 
                             :05. SKDFL.REL 
                             :06. SKED.DAT
                             :07. SKED.LOD
                             :08. SKED.make 
                             :09. SKED_TEST1.FTN
                             :10. SKED_TEST1.REL
                             :11. SKED_TEST1.lod
                             :12. SKED_TEST2.FTN
                             :13. SKED_TEST2.REL
                             :14. SKED_TEST2.lod
    Operating System(s)......: TESTED ON RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Scheduling
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENTS 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program was on the 2830 release of the CSL-1000 as M056nn.
 This program is used to schedule programs that run on a time-scheduled basis.
 Programs do not need to be RP'ed.  Programs are run without wait so any
 number of programs can be run at a given time. 
 A list of programs with the start time, frequency and run string are in
 Sked.dat.  SKED is self-scheduling so keep it as the first entry in Sked.dat 
 and set the frequency at which you want it to run. 
 All you need to do to use SKED is to set up Sked.dat and copy it to the
 system directory.  Then you can run SKED from your session.  SKED detaches 
 itself from your session so it will continue after you log off.
 To change the schedule, edit Sked.dat and then set SKED's break flag.  The 
 next time SKED executes it will reread Sked.dat. This way you can change the 
 schedule and not have to go to the system console. 
 To turn SKED off, edit Sked.dat to set its frequency to 0 and then set SKED's
 break flag.  This will cause SKED to stop. 
 To run SKED from your welcom file RP it and then RUN it. 
 SKED also prints a time message on the system console each hour to make it 
 easier to tell about when a non-time stamped system error occured. 
Additional Documentation:  See SKED.DAT 
TEST_DBOPN                                                               N040 
 Contribution Name...........: TEST_DBOPN 
    Title....................: Report Number of DCB's and Run-Table Size
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. TEST_DBOPN.SBMT 
                             :02. TEST_DBOPN.FTN
                             :03. TEST_DBOPN.REL
                             :04. TEST_DBOPN.LOD
                             :05. TEST_DBOPN.make 
                             :06. SET_DCB_SIZE.MAC
                             :07. SET_DCB_SIZE.REL
                             :08. DB_RUN_SIZE.MAC 
                             :09. DB_RUN_SIZE.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE -- ALL 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Image 
                             : 2. Data_base 
                             : 3. Performance 
    External Support Req'd...:  IMAGE-I  92069 ONLY 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This program demonstrates the use 
   and the results of SET_DCB_SIZE.   The actual run table size is
   reported.   The program will need to be edited for your data base. 
 Additional Documentation....:
TREE                                                                     N041 
 Contribution Name...........: TREE 
    Title....................: Display Directory-Tree Structure 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. TREE.SBMT 
                             :02. TREE.FTN
                             :03. TREE.REL
                             :04. TREE.lod
                             :05. TREE.make 
                             :06. TREE_SUB.FTNI 
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-A & RTE-6 (CI FILES)
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Directory 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENTS 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:   This program displays the
  directory structure of a CI file system.   This version does
  not require RTE-A(CDS).   The original was M098-- on the 2830 
  tape.   I added a variable list device. 
 Additional Documentation....:
UACCTS                                                                   N042 
                        USAGE-ACCOUNTING INFORMATION
 Contribution Name...........: UACCTS 
    Title....................: Usage-Accounting Information 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. UACCTS.SBMT 
                             :02. UACCTS.FTN
                             :03. UACCTS.REL
                             :04. UACCTS.lod
                             :05. UACCTS.make 
                             :06. MSORT.mac 
                             :07. MSORT.rel 
                             :08. LYLIB.mrg 
                             :09. LYLIB.help
                             :10. LYLIB.lib 
                             :11. LYLIB.rel 
                             :12. LYLIB1.mac
                             :13. LYLIB1.rel
                             :14. LYLIB2.ftn
                             :15. LYLIB2.rel
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A only 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
                             : 2. Accounting
    External Support Req'd...: rev. 5.0 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This program produces an alphabetized 
  list of users of the system.   The list contains: log on, super user
  status, users real name, current connect time in minutes, & last
  log off time.    There is also a flag on users that haven't used the
  system in 30 days.
 Additional Documentation....:
ULIST                                                                    N043 
                      ALPHABETIZED USER-LIST FOR RTE-A
 Contribution Name...........: ULIST
    Title....................: Alphabetized User-List for RTE-A 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. ULIST.sbmt
                             :02. ULIST.ftn 
                             :03. ULIST.rel 
                             :04. MSORT.mac 
                             :05. MSORT.rel 
                             :06. LYLIB.lib 
                             :07. LYLIB.rel 
                             :08. LYLIB.mrg 
                             :09. LYLIB.help
                             :10. LYLIB1.mac
                             :11. LYLIB1.rel
                             :12. LYLIB2.ftn
                             :13. LYLIB2.rel
                             :14. ULIST.lod 
                             :15. ULIST.make
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A ONLY 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
                             : 2. Accounts
    External Support Req'd...: REV. 5.0 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENTS 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  This program produces an alphabetized list of users of the system.
  The list contains:  log on, super user status, users real name, 
  logon command and logoff command. 
 Additional Documentation....:
VCP_NOW                                                                  N044 
                            HALT AN RTE-A SYSTEM
 Contribution Name...........: VCP_NOW
    Title....................: Halt an RTE-A System 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. VCP_NOW.SBMT
                             :02. VCP_NOW.MAC 
                             :03. VCP_NOW.REL 
                             :04. VCP_NOW.DOC 
                             :05. VCP_NOW.lod 
                             :06. VCP_NOW.make
                             :07. REBOOT.MAC
                             :08. REBOOT.REL
                             :09. REBOOT.lod
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A only 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Boot-up 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This program will halt an RTE-A system. 
  There is also a program to Re-Boot the system.
 Additional Documentation....:  See VCP_NOW.DOC 
WHR                                                                      N045 
 Contribution Name...........: WHR
    Title....................: Session-Activity Report Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. WHR.SBMT
                             :02. WHR.FTN   For Rev. 5.0
                             :03. WHR.REL 
                             :04. WHR.FTNI
                             :05. WHR.LOD 
                             :06. WHR.help
                             :07. WHR.make
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A   ONLY 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
                             : 2. Status
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancment 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program was on the CSL-1000 Rev. 2830.
  It is a more friendly, flexible WH.    Some system addresses were 
  hard coded in the source.  I have made them self configuring. WHR can 
  be put in the time list and its output can go to a file.
 Additional Documentation....:
DEDIT                                                                    N046 
 Contribution Name...........: DEDIT
    Title....................: Form-Mode Universal Database Editor
    File Names...............: 00. RENAME TRANSFER FILE 
                             : 01. DEDIT.SBMT 
                             : 02. DEDIT.FTN      MAIN PROGRAM
                             : 03. DEDIT.rel
                             : 04. KJCLIB1.FTN    SUPPORT ROUTINES
                             : 05. KJCLIB1.rel
                             : 06. KJCLIB1.lib
                             : 07. KJCLIB1_CDS.FTN  SUPPORT ROUTINES
                             : 08. KJCLIB1_CDS.rel
                             : 09. KJCLIB1_CDS.lib
                             : 10. KJCLIB1.FTNI   SUPPORT ROUTINES (CODE) 
                             : 11. DEDIT.LOD      LINK COMMAND FILE 
                             : 12. DEDIT.make 
                             : 13. DEDIT_CDS.LOD      LINK COMMAND FILE 
                             : 14. DEDIT.MAN      USER'S MANUAL 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6 & RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Image 
                             : 2. Editor
    External Support Req'd...:  IMAGE-I and IMAGE-II
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  ENHANCEMENTS-- CDS
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-7543 
 Program Abstract............: This program was designed to allow easy, user
 friendly editing of IMAGE data-bases.  It gets the structure of the desired
 database and creates a form on the terminal.  Data is read from the screen 
 in block mode allowing a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get type of editing.  DEDIT
 can add/delete/update serially or by key fields.  This was originally
 submitted by Ken Cornetet. 
 Additional Documentation....:  See DEDIT.MAN 
DBUTILITY                                                                N047 
                        IMAGE UTILITIES (92069 ONLY)
 Contribution Name...........: DBUTILITY
    Title....................: IMAGE Utilities (92069 only) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DBUTILITY.SBMT
                             :02. DBCPD.FTN 
                             :03. DBCPD.REL 
                             :04. DBCPM.FTN 
                             :05. DBCPM.REL 
                             :06. DBMOV.FTN 
                             :07. DBMOV.REL 
                             :08. DBDCB.FTN 
                             :09. DBDCB.REL 
                             :10. SET_DCB_SIZE.MAC
                             :11. SET_DCB_SIZE.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE   (ANY THAT CAN RUN IMAGE) 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X,MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Image 
                             : 2. Modify
    External Support Req'd...: IMAGE (92069 ONLY) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  ENHANCEMENTS AND ADDED ROUTINES 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-7543 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  These routines allow some changes 
  to an IMAGE data base to be made on-line. 
  These routines use FMGR routines to directly modify the database. 
  By using large dcb's they are very fast compared to DBUNL-DBLOD.
  DBCPM -- This program does use the HASH routine found in the
       standard IMAGE library.  This program will change the capacity 
       of an automatic or manual master set.
  DBCPD -- This program will change the capacity of a detail set.  The
       actual number of records in the resulting set will generally be
       a few more than requested.   The file size is rounded up and the 
       additional space made available. 
  DBMOV -- This program will move a set to a different Lu.
  DBDCB -- This program will change the value of word 4 of the root file. 
       Word 4 determines the number of dcb's allocated by DBOPN.  If
       you have the space, more is generally better.  The maximum that
       DBOPN will allow is 17.
  SET_DCB_SIZE -- This subroutine will set the dcb size for DBOPN 
       to allocate when opening a database.   For serial searchs and
       large records, more is better. 
 Additional Documentation....: See sources. 
DI                                                                       N048 
 Contribution Name...........: DI 
    Title....................: List Directory Tree / Change Working Directory 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DI.sbmt 
                             :02. DI.ftn
                             :03. DI.rel
                             :04. DI.doc
                             :05. DI.lod
                             :06. DI.make 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...: $FMP6
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements / upgrade 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald Leslie
               Company.......: Raytheon Company 
                               White Sands Missle Range 
               Street........: P O Box B
               City..........: WSMR 
               State.........: New Mexico 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 88002
               Phone Number..: (505) 678-9181 
 Contribution Abstract.......: DI lists the entire directory tree under 
         the current global directory, or under the directory root
         specified in the runstring.  The current working directory is
         indicated if it's within the display.  For dumb terminals
         only a display of the tree is printed.  For 26XX terminals, the
         cursor control keys are used to select the new working directory 
         by placing the cursor on the appropriate line.  The program then 
         uses terminal screen reads to reconstruct the user's selection.
         After the new working directory is set via FMP calls, program DL is
         run to list the contents of the new directory.  Auto-Linefeed must 
         be OFF at the terminal.
 Additional Documentation....: DI / yields all directory trees. 
                   The LU for the directory is also displayed.
                   Original version of DI (CSL Rev. 2533 #J131) 
                   was meant to run under RTE-A with CDS. The 
                   program was modified to run under RTE-6 (or
                   RTE-A without CDS?) and enhanced slightly to 
                   work with either 26XX or "dumb" terminals. 
SEARCH                                                                   N049 
 Contribution Name...........:SEARCH
    Title....................:Search for String Across Directory
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SEARCH.SBMT 
                             :02. SEARCH.REL
                             :03. SEARCH.LOD
                             :04. SEARCH.HLP
                             :05. SEARCH.make 
                             :06. SEARCH.FTN
                             :07. SEARCH_OPTS.FTN 
                             :08. SEARCH_OPTS.REL 
                             :09. MAKEDATA.FTN
                             :10. MAKEDATA.REL
                             :11. MAKEDATA.LOD
                             :12. BIGLB.LIB 
    Operating System.........:RTE-6,RTE-A 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:YES 
    Keywords.................: 01. Directory
                             : 02. Search 
                             : 03. Strings
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:Improvements and bug fixes
         Will now match on stings of length 1.
         A delimiter is now any non alpha-numeric character.
         The DCB is larger to speed up searching. 
         The options are no longer positional.
         New option C. -C surpresses casefolding. 
 Contributor's Name..........:DONALD LESLIE 
               Company.......:RAYTHEON MSD
               Street........:PO BOX B
               State.........:NEW MEXICO
               Zip Code......:88002 
               Phone Number..:505-678-9181
 Program Abstract............:
 Usage:  SEARCH  Filemask  String1[:String2 ] [ Option(s) ] 
         Search opens all type 4 (ASCII) files which fit "Filemask" 
         and searches line by line for a match with "String". When a
         match is found the line number and line are printed on the output
         device and the search continues. 
         A match is declared only if the specified string is delimited by 
         a non alpha numerical character. 
         i.e. the string is IJK 
         IJK   and  IJK(   are delimited matches
         IJKL  and  IJK_L  are not delimited matches
         Options must be be preceeded by + or - to enable or disable the
         The options are :
            D          Delimiter check. 
            L[Output]  Listing control. If -L then only the names of
                       files containing a match are displayed.
                       Output may be an Lu or Filename. If nothing is 
                       specified LU 1 is assumed. 
                       A non-numeric LU is treated as a file name which 
                       will contain the output. 
            X          String1 is replaced by String2 ( may be combined with
                       -D to do a non delimited exchange ). +X schedules EDIT 
                       to do the exchange. Note SEARCH does not treat _ as
                       a delimiter but EDIT does. 
            C          Casfolding of compared strings.
           The defaults are +L1 , +D , -X , +C. 
 The program excepts Break. Type EX to exit anything else to continue.
 The program Makedata will produce test data. 
 Usage :  Makedata,Lines,Filename  i.e  Makedata,1000,Test.txt will write 
            1000 lines to Test.txt. 
 Additional Documentation....:
SRCL                                                                     N050 
 Contribution Name...........:    SRCL
    Title....................:  Print number of code lines in source
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. SRCL.SBMT 
                             :02. SRCL.FTN
                             :03. SRCL.REL
                             :04. SRCL.CMD
                             :05. SRCL.LOD
                             :06. SRCL.make 
                             :07. SAME.CMD
                             :08. DIFF.CMD
                             :09. SAME_SUB.CMD
                             :10. DIFF_SUB.CMD
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE/6,RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Documentation 
                             : 2. Analyzer
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald Leslie
               Company.......: Raytheon Company 
               Street........: White Sands Missle Range 
                               P O Box B
               City..........: WSMR 
               State.........: New Mexico 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 88002
               Phone Number..: (505) 678-9181 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program will scan a FTN7X source program
 and print the number of lines in the file, number of comments, number of 
 blank lines, other code and the total number of executable code lines.*
 Where executable code lines is debatable, but for this program, they do not
 include set up code, such as data statements, dimension statements, etc. 
 Run example: 
 Source file SRCL.FTN contains: 
 Source  lines     121
 Comment lines  -   32
 Blank   lines  -    5
 Other code     -    6
 Code    lines      78     64% of source file 
 SRCL done! 
 Additional Documentation....:
   The following parameters can now be passed 
   in the run string :
      Total count 
      Total comment 
      Total blank 
      Total include 
      Total other 
   This allows for cumulative totals across 
   several modules .
   The input can now be a mask i.e @.ftn .
   Command files Same and Diff which will count 
   the lines for all files in two directories , 
   where the modules are the same/different . 
   These command files also use the csl program 
   'For' ( Entry L126 - release 2730 )
   Invoked as follows : 
 i.e. Same,@.ftn,/x/source,/y/source
PLOT_1                                                                   N051 
                     GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 1 OF 3) 
 Contribution Name...........:  PLOT_1
    Title....................:  General Plot Program (Part 1 of 3)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PLOT_1.SBMT 
                             :02. #NAMES_PLOTLIB
                             :03. A0801 
                             :04. ADD_FN.FTN
                             :05. ADD_FN.REL
                             :06. ADD_PRM.FTN 
                             :07. ADD_PRM.REL 
                             :08. ANG_ADJUST.FTN
                             :09. ANG_ADJUST.REL
                             :10. AZ_ADJUST.REL 
                             :11. BIGLB.LIB 
                             :12. BLOCK2_DATA.FTN 
                             :13. BLOCK2_DATA.REL 
                             :14. BLOCK_DATA.FTN
                             :15. BLOCK_DATA.REL
                             :16. C0101 
                             :17. C0103 
                             :18. C0104 
                             :19. C0108 
                             :20. C010B 
                             :21. CAGP
                             :22. CFORM 
                             :23. CGET_VALUE
                             :24. CHK_VALUE.FTN 
                             :25. CHK_VALUE.REL 
                             :26. CINIT 
                             :27. CMOVE 
                             :28. CNEXTFILE 
                             :29. COMEMA
                             :30. COMPUTE.FTN 
                             :31. COMPUTE.REL 
                             :32. CONV_SYMB.FTN 
                             :33. CONV_SYMB.REL 
                             :34. CPFLG 
                             :35. CPLOT 
                             :36. CPRM
                             :37. CREPLT
                             :38. CSETR 
                             :39. CTEMP 
                             :40. CY_AXI
                             :41. DESCRIP 
                             :42. F0013 
                             :43. TDATA 
                             :44. FORM.FTN
                             :45. FORM.REL
                             :46. FORM2.FTN 
                             :47. FORM2.REL 
                             :48. FORM_DUMP.FTN 
                             :49. FORM_DUMP.REL 
                             :50. FRAM1.FTN 
                             :51. FRAM1.REL 
                             :52. FRAM2.FTN 
                             :53. FRAM2.REL 
                             :54. FRAM3.FTN 
                             :55. FRAM3.REL 
                             :56. GET_DEVICE.FTN
                             :57. GET_DEVICE.REL
                             :58. GET_NEXT.FTN
                             :59. GET_NEXT.REL
                             :60. GET_NEXT_HDR.FTN
                             :61. GET_NEXT_HDR.REL
                             :62. GET_PTRS.FTN
                             :63. GET_PTRS.REL
                             :64. GET_VALUE.FTN 
                             :65. GET_VALUE.REL 
                             :66. GLIM.FTN
                             :67. GLIM.REL
                             :68. HANDLER.FTN 
                             :69. HANDLER.REL 
                             :70. INIT_PTRS.FTN 
                             :71. INIT_PTRS.REL 
                             :72. LIM1.TXT
                             :73. LOOP.FTN
                             :74. LOOP.REL
                             :75. MOREF.FTN 
                             :76. MOREF.REL 
                             :77. MOVE_REC.FTN
                             :78. MOVE_REC.REL
                             :79. PREDEF2 
                             :80. MY_FLAG.REL 
                             :81. MY_FORM.FTN 
                             :82. MY_FORM.REL 
                             :83. #MERGE_PLOT 
                             :84. PARAMETERS
                             :85. PREDEF
                             :86. VARIABLES 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:AGP 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD LESLIE
               Company.......: RAYTHEON MSD 
               Street........: PO BOX B 
               City..........: WSMR 
               State.........: NEW MEXICO 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 88002
               Phone Number..: 505-678-9181 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
Plot is a program to plot radar data . It is designed to provide flexibility
for the user with data which is relatively constant in content .
The program is table driven . All message formats are in tables external to 
the program . These tables contain the field names and associated type . User 
input is through menus . All responses are symbolic . The menus display the 
possible parameters . No knowledge is required of the physical layout of the
file once the messaage descriptions have been created . 
The program can do rectangular , polar and circular plots .The output can be
to a graphics terminal , 7550 plotter or 25xx printer ( 2608S ).
The user can specify static or dynamic for the limits for the axes to be
plotted . In addition other parameters in the message can be given to provide 
additional filtering .
The program sorts the input data into an EMA file . This data can be replotted
from memory . A replot can change the output device and format (i.e. change 
from polar to rectangular ) . In addition , the axis limits can be reduced to 
change the scaling .
 Additional Documentation....: See Interex San Jose proceedings 
  Bug fixes and enhancements .
    Menus will now run on terminals connected to MUX .
    XY plots now run correctly ( i.e. AZ vs. EL ) . 
    Supports multiple copies and multiple files . 
PLOT_2                                                                   N052 
                     GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 2 OF 3) 
 Contribution Name...........:  PLOT_2
    Title....................:  General Plot Program (Part 2 of 3)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PLOT_2.SBMT 
                             :02. PARAMETERS
                             :03. PARSE.FTN 
                             :04. PARSE.REL 
                             :05. PFLG1.FTN 
                             :06. PFLG1.REL 
                             :07. PFLG2.FTN 
                             :08. PFLG2.REL 
                             :09. PLOT.CMD
                             :10. PLOT.FTN
                             :11. PLOT.LIB
                             :12. PLOT.LOD
                             :13. PLOT.MAP
                             :14. PLOT.REL
                             :15. PLOT1.FTN 
                             :16. PLOT1.REL 
                             :17. PLOT.DOC
                             :18. PREDEF
                             :19. PREDEF2 
                             :20. CPLOT 
                             :21. CAGP
                             :22. CINIT 
                             :23. CY_AXI
                             :24. CGET_VALUE
                             :25. CSETR 
                             :26. CMOVE 
                             :27. CPFLG 
                             :28. COMEMA
                             :29. CREPLT
                             :30. CFORM 
                             :31. CPRM
                             :32. CTEMP 
                             :33. CNEXTFILE 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 or RTE-A 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:AGP 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD LESLIE
               Company.......: RAYTHEON MSD 
               Street........: PO BOX B 
               City..........: WSMR 
               State.........: NEW MEXICO 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 88002
               Phone Number..: 505-678-9181 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
Plot is a program to plot radar data . It is designed to provide flexibility
for the user with data which is relatively constant in content .
The program is table driven . All message formats are in tables external to 
the program . These tables contain the field names and associated type . User 
input is through menus . All responses are symbolic . The menus display the 
possible parameters . No knowledge is required of the physical layout of the
file once the messaage descriptions have been created . 
The program can do rectangular , polar and circular plots .The output can be
to a graphics terminal , 7550 plotter or 25xx printer ( 2608S ).
The user can specify static or dynamic for the limits for the axes to be
plotted . In addition other parameters in the message can be given to provide 
additional filtering .
The program sorts the input data into an EMA file . This data can be replotted
from memory . A replot can change the output device and format (i.e. change 
from polar to rectangular ) . In addition , the axis limits can be reduced to 
change the scaling .
 Additional Documentation....: See Interex San Jose proceedings 
                               See PLOT.DOC 
PLOT_3                                                                   N053 
                     GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 3 OF 3) 
 Contribution Name...........:  PLOT_3
    Title....................:  General Plot Program (Part 3 of 3)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PLOT_3.SBMT 
                             :02. PLOT_3.REL
                             :03. PLOT_ANG.FTN
                             :04. PLOT_ANG.REL
                             :05. PLOT_C.FTN
                             :06. PLOT_C.REL
                             :07. PLOT_DESC 
                             :08. PLOT_LOOP.FTN 
                             :09. PLOT_LOOP.REL 
                             :10. PLT_FLG.FTN 
                             :11. PLT_FLG.REL 
                             :12. POP.FTN 
                             :13. POP.REL 
                             :14. PRADI.FTN 
                             :15. PRADI.REL 
                             :16. PREDEF
                             :17. PREDEF2 
                             :18. PRING.FTN 
                             :19. PRING.REL 
                             :20. PRM.TXT 
                             :21. PSCAN.FTN 
                             :22. PSCAN.rel 
                             :23. CMOVE 
                             :24. PTIME.FTN 
                             :25. PTIME.rel 
                             :26. CGET_VALUE
                             :27. PTITLE.FTN
                             :28. PTITLE.REL
                             :29. RDFIL.FTN 
                             :30. RDFIL.REL 
                             :31. REPLOT.TXT
                             :32. REPLT.FTN 
                             :33. REPLT.REL 
                             :34. RESET.FTN 
                             :35. RESET.REL 
                             :36. SAVETN.FTN
                             :37. SAVETN.REL
                             :38. SERR.FTN
                             :39. SERR.REL
                             :40. SET.FTN 
                             :41. SET.rel 
                             :42. CNEXTFILE 
                             :43. SET1.FTN
                             :44. SET1.REL
                             :45. SET1.TXT
                             :46. SET3.FTN
                             :47. SET3.REL
                             :48. SETR.FTN
                             :49. SETR.REL
                             :50. SETSRC.FTN
                             :51. SETSRC.REL
                             :52. SETUP.FTN 
                             :53. SETUP.REL 
                             :54. SET_LIMITS.FTN
                             :55. SET_LIMITS.REL
                             :56. SET_PRM.FTN 
                             :57. SET_PRM.REL 
                             :58. SFLG.FTN
                             :59. SFLG.REL
                             :60. SMAX.FTN
                             :61. SMAX.REL
                             :62. SMIN.FTN
                             :63. SMIN.REL
                             :64. SORTR.FTN 
                             :65. SORTR.REL 
                             :66. SRC.TXT 
                             :67. STRK.FTN
                             :68. STRK.REL
                             :69. SUMMARY.FTN 
                             :70. SUMMARY.REL 
                             :71. SUMMARY.TXT 
                             :72. SWITCH.FTN
                             :73. SWITCH.REL
                             :74. S_LIM1.TXT
                             :75. TAG.FTN 
                             :76. TAG.REL 
                             :77. TEST_FN.FTN 
                             :78. TEST_FN.REL 
                             :79. TITLE.TXT 
                             :80. UTILITY.FTN 
                             :81. UTILITY.REL 
                             :82. VARIABLES 
                             :83. V_AXI.FTN 
                             :84. V_AXI.REL 
                             :85. WHERE.FTN 
                             :86. WHERE.REL 
                             :87. XAXISR.FTN
                             :88. XAXISR.REL
                             :89. X_AXI.FTN 
                             :90. X_AXI.REL 
                             :91. Y_AXI.FTN 
                             :92. CY_AXI
                             :93. PLOT_3.FTN
                             :94. CAGP
                             :95. PARAMETERS
                             :96. CPLOT 
                             :97. CREPLT
                             :98. COMEMA
                             :99. CSETR 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE/6
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Plotting
                             : 2. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...: AGP
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: DONALD LESLIE
               Company.......: RAYTHEON MSD 
               Street........: PO BOX B 
               City..........: WSMR 
               State.........: NEW MEXICO 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 88002
               Phone Number..: 505-678-9181 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
Plot is a program to plot radar data . It is designed to provide flexibility
for the user with data which is relatively constant in content .
The program is table driven . All message formats are in tables external to 
the program . These tables contain the field names and associated type . User 
input is through menus . All responses are symbolic . The menus display the 
possible parameters . No knowledge is required of the physical layout of the
file once the messaage descriptions have been created . 
The program can do rectangular , polar and circular plots .The output can be
to a graphics terminal , 7550 plotter or 25xx printer ( 2608S ).
The user can specify static or dynamic for the limits for the axes to be
plotted . In addition other parameters in the message can be given to provide 
additional filtering .
The program sorts the input data into an EMA file . This data can be replotted
from memory . A replot can change the output device and format (i.e. change 
from polar to rectangular ) . In addition , the axis limits can be reduced to 
change the scaling .
 Additional Documentation....: See Interex San Jose proceedings 
                               See PLOT.DOC 
SL                                                                       N054 
                        SESSION SWITCH TABLE EMULATOR 
 Contribution Name...........: SL 
    Title....................: Session Switch Table Emulator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SL.SBMT 
                             :02. SL.FTN    sl source 
                             :03. SL.REL    sl relocatable
                             :04. SL.LOD    sl link file
                             :05. SL.help   move to HELP directory
                             :06. SL.make   sl make file
                             :07. GETSAM.MAC  SAM handler source
                             :08. GETSAM.REL  SAM handler relocatable 
                             :09. SPOOL.CMD  sample command file
                             :10. REDIRECT.LIST sample
                             :11. PAPER      Orlando paper (Typer format) 
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A only
    Uses hierarchical files?.:  yes 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X, MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
                             : 2. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...: RTE-A Spooling System
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U. S. Naval Observatory
               Street........: 34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: D.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Program Abstract............: SL is a program and a few associated routines
 that uses the RTE-A spooling system LU redirection capability to emulate 
 the Session Switch Table functionality of RTE-6.  The spooling system
 allows LU redirection.  This program makes it look like the SL command 
 and provides an LUTRU subroutine to allow the TRUE lu to be determined.
 A sample command file, SPOOL.CMD, shows how even spooling to a re-directed LU
 can be emulated by checking the re-directed LU, saving it, and restoring 
 Type SL,? for the list of commands.
 Additional Documentation....:  Updates since the original submission:
     REV 1.1  - changed LUTRU to not excede $LUT# 10/11/88
     REV 1.2  - check SL,m,n for illegal value of n  4/17/89
     REV 1.3  - moved CLCUC to prevent m,n from being altered 4/18/89 
     REV 1.4  - SL,m now displays lu relation of LU m like RTE-6 4/24/89
XIOER                                                                    N055 
                           FORTRAN ERROR REPORTER 
 Contribution Name...........: XIOER
    Title....................: FORTRAN Error Reporter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. XIOER.SBMT
                             :02. XIOER.MAC 
                             :03. XIOER.REL 
                             :04. F7XER.FTN 
                             :05. F7XER.REL 
                             :06. XIOER.MAKE
                             :07. test.ftn
                             :08. test.rel
                             :09. test.lod
                             :10. test.doc
    Operating System.........: RTE-A (should work on RTE-6) 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN, ASSEMBLER 
    Keywords.................: 1. Error 
                             : 2. Fortran 
                             : 3. Help
    External Support Req'd...: ERR program from Orlando SWAP tape 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Program Abstract............: Two subroutines that can be used to report 
a real error message instead of a FORTRAN run time error number.
Simply link XIOER.REL and F7XER.REL with your program and RP the ERR program
from the Orlando SWAP or CSL 2840 tape. 
 Additional Documentation....: see F7XER.FTN
ERR                                                                      N056 
 Contribution Name...........: ERR
    Title....................: An Error-Reporting Program for Most HP Errors
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. err.sbmt
                             :02. err.ftn 
                             :03. err.rel 
                             :04. err.lod 
                             :05. Flist.ftn 
                             :06. Flist.rel 
                             :07. Lparse.ftn
                             :08. Lparse.rel
                           copy err to /help/err
                             :09. err 
                           copy lparse to /help/lparse
                             :10. lparse
                           copy errors to /help/error/errors
                             :11. errors
                             :12. erndx.ftn   Indexer 
                             :13. erndx.rel 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, etc 
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. error 
                             : 2. reports 
                             : 3. help
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: added an index to Tom Goff's err program 
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392-5100 
               Phone Number..: (202) 653-1510 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is an error decoding routine which will 
 print an explanation of most HP error codes. The user enters up to four
 error key words or numbers, the program permutes these keys into 19 possible 
 key words, then searches an error file for a match with up to 8 keys for 
 each error message. This message is then displayed on the user terminal. 
 The error file is presently applicable to RTE-A and RTE-6/VM. Errors and 
 helpful hints are included for all the common HP errors and the not so 
 easily found errors such as halt codes and VCP.
 Additions by S. Gauss: DS/NS errors added.  Also added ERNDX program to
index the error message file.  ERR will still run without it.  However, 
running erndx will add an index which speeds things up considerably.
Simply run erndx and it will create the index files automatically.
 Additional Documentation....: in the help file: /HELP/ERR
MASTER                                                                   N057 
 Contribution Name...........:   MASTER 
    Title....................: Get Master Security Code & Manager's Password
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. MASTER.sbmt 
                             :02. MASTER.FTN
                             :03. MASTER.REL
                             :04. MASTER.lod
                             :05. MASTER.make 
                             :06. cldir.mac 
                             :07. cldir.rel 
                             :08. obsrv.ftn 
                             :09. obsrv.rel 
                             :10. obsrv.lod 
                             :11. master_sec.ftn
                             :12. master_sec.rel
                             :13. master_sec.lod
                             :14. super_on_a.ftn
                             :15. super_on_a.rel
                             :16. super_on_a.lod
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM OR OLDER
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Security
                             : 2. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  FREDDY ZAPATA 
               Company.......:  MARTIN MARIETTA AEROSPACE 
               Street........:  PO BOX 5837 
               City..........:  ORLANDO 
               State.........:  FL
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  32855 
               Phone Number..:  407-356-4231
 Contribution Abstract.......:  Running this program will convert a user
                                of any capability to become the system
                                manager for as long as he stays logged on 
                                and will also display the master security 
                                code for the system using display function. 
 Additional Documentation....:
WHAT                                                                     N058 
 Contribution Name...........: WHAT 
    Title....................: Monitor System Tables (supplements WH utility) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. WHAT.SBMT 
                             :02. WHAT.PAS
                             :03. WHAT.REL
                             :04. WHAT.LOD
                             :05. WHAT.make 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Pascal/1000
    Keywords.................: 1. System_tables 
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. ID_segments 
                             : 4. Resource_number 
                             : 5. Monitor 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Added "program list by state" feature
 Contributor's Name..........: George Robinson
               Company.......: James River Corp.
               Street........: Harbison Road
               City..........: Lexington
               State.........: Ky 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 40511
               Phone Number..: (606) 259-9159 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    WHAT provides information you would expect but don't get from WH, 
    such as number of ID segments, used/free ID segments, shared program
    table entries, resource number usage, and a program/session masking 
    capability similar to WHZAT,PL on RTE-6.  Other functions include 
    monitoring selected words of a program's ID segment, program list by
    state, and monitoring values relative to time-scheduled programs. 
 Additional Documentation....:
    See source code or use on-line help via ?? option.
RECON                                                                    N059 
                        READ SYSTEM-CONSOLE CONTENTS
 Contribution Name...........: RECON
    Title....................: Read System-Console Contents 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. RECON.SBMT
                             :02. RECON.PAS 
                             :03. RECON.REL 
                             :04. RECON.LOD 
                             :05. RECON.make
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Pascal/1000
    Keywords.................: 1. Status
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: George Robinson
               Company.......: James River Corp.
               Street........: Harbison Road
               City..........: Lexington
               State.........: Ky 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 40511
               Phone Number..: (606) 259-9159 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    RECON allows a user from any terminal to read the screen contents 
    of the system console, by performing a "screen read" on the console 
    similar to an EDIT/1000 screen read.  The console screen is restored
    to it's original state, and the data is displayed to the user one 
    page at a time. 
 Additional Documentation....:
    See source code 
GRID                                                                     N060 
                              GRID GAME PROGRAM 
 Contribution Name...........: GRID 
    Title....................: GRID Game Program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. GRID.sbmt 
                             :02. GRID.ftn
                             :03. GRID.rel
                             :04. GRID.lod
                             :05. grid.make 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Harold Engstrom
               Company.......: McDonnell Douglas
               Street........: 3855 Lakewood Ave. 
               City..........: Long Beach 
               State.........: Calif. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90648
               Phone Number..: 714-952-6125 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Purpose: This is a game that we played at Cara's house but I
           don't know what it's called. A player can move from
           his last position in any straight or diagonal direction. 
           A player cannot jump over any filled boxes. The first
           player who is unable to move loses the game. 
MAKE                                                                     N061 
                          UNIX-LIKE 'MAKE' UTILITY
 Contribution Name...........: MAKE 
    Title....................: Unix-Like 'MAKE' Utility 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. MAKE.SBMT 
                             :02. MAKE_CDS.PAS
                                  Source for MAKE 
                             :03. MAKE_CDS.LOD
                             :04. MAKE_CDS.REL
                             :05. MAKE_NONCDS.PAS 
                                  Stripped-down version to run in 
                                  non-CDS systems 
                             :06. MAKE_NONCDS.LOD 
                             :07. MAKE_NONCDS.REL 
                             :08. MAKE.HELP 
                                  Help file for the runstring 
                             :09. MAKEFILE.HELP 
                                  Help file on the makefile syntax
                             :10. MAKETUTORIAL.HELP 
                                  General tutorial on MAKE
                             :11. MAKE_RC.HELP
                                  Help file for MAKE.rc file
                             :12. MAKE_SUPERDEBUG.HELP
                                  Help file for super-debug options 
                             :13. VARIABLES.HELP
                                  Help file for variables 
                             :14. MAKEFILE.MAKE 
                                  Sample makefile 
                             :15. EFFECTS.PAS 
                                  Makefile "inverter" 
                             :16. EFFECTS.LOD 
                             :17. EFFECTS.HELP
                             :18. EXPANDMAKEFILE.CMD
                                  Makefile expander (CI command file) 
                             :19. EXPANDMAKEFILE.HELP 
                             :20. FMP.PAS 
                                  Pascal MODULE that declares all the 
                                  FMP routines
                             :21. FMP.REL 
                             :22. RC.PAS
                                  Pascal MODULE that looks in MAKE.rc 
                             :23. RC.LIB
                             :24. RC.REL
                             :25. RC.HELP 
                             :26. RC_CDS.LIB
                             :27. RC_CDS.REL
                             :28. TOUCH.PAS 
                                  Auxiliary to MAKE- change update time 
                             :29. TOUCH.REL 
                             :30. TOUCH.HELP
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Data_Mgmt 
                             : 3. Unix
    External Support Req'd...: Pascal libraries, CDS for CDS version
                             : Hierarchical file system 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jack Repenning 
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard, Info. Networks Div. 
               Street........: 19420 Homestead Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: MAKE is a program to help in managing sets 
 of files.  Its job is to transform files into other files through
 commands contained in a description file called the "makefile".  Through 
 the information contained in the makefile, and the file-system's time
 stamps, MAKE ensures that only the minimum necessary files are remade
 in response to changes in sources. 
   By far the most common use of MAKE is in program development, where
 MAKE can manage the compilation, merging, indexing, and loading of 
 interrelated files.  Another common use is for document preparation, 
 where MAKE can manage the "compilation" of documents through programs
 like RUNOF, RUNEM, and TEXED, and their printing.
   This version of MAKE has capabilities and syntax very similar to 
 those of the UNIX (TM AT&T Bell Labs) program of the same name.
   ExpandMakeFile.Cmd is a CI command file which expands a makefile,
 making variable substitutions, casefolding names, and breaking apart 
 multiple-target productions.  This makes it possible to write tools
 that work off of a makefile, while only parseing a simplified subset 
 of the full makefile syntax and semantics. 
   Effects.run is a tool built on the makefile syntax (as simplified
 by ExpandmakeFile.Cmd).  Effects, in essence, "inverts" the makefile:
 a makefile clearly tells what files, by changing, may affect a given 
 file, but only implicitly what files are affected by changing a given
 file.  Effects inverts this information, so that you can easily see
 which files will be directly and indirectly affected by a change to
 a single file.  This becomes very useful when the makefile grows 
 beyond a few files.
   TOUCH.run changes the update time-stamp of a file (the time-stamp
 used by MAKE for its decisions) to the current time.  This makes the 
 file "look changed" to MAKE, causing the same recompilations as if 
 the file had been edited and changed.  TOUCH is also used directly 
 by MAKE, when the "-t" option ("TOUCH the files instead of executing 
 the commands") is specified. 
   FMP.PAS is a Pascal MODULE which declares all the FMP routines.  It
 may be imported into any Pascal program, effectively predeclaring all
 FMP, and giving Pascal users access to these external routines almost
 as ready as in less strongly typed languages such as FORTRAN and MACRO.
 FMP.PAS is used by MAKE. 
   RC.PAS is a Pascal MODULE (also useable as an external routine, for
 users of other languages) which implements a simple means of providing 
 default values to programs which can be customized for individual users. 
 The defaults are contained in a file named <program name>.rc, in the 
 user's home directory (path 0).  (If your system doesn't support UDSP's, 
 the RC looks in your current working directory.)  MAKE uses RC.
 Additional Documentation....: Help files are provided on all the pieces. 
 Several help files are also provided on details of MAKE and the Makefile,
 and a tutorial on its use in general.
MODIFY_FORM                                                              N062 
                    262X FORMS-CREATE AND MODIFY PROGRAM
 Contribution Name...........: MODIFY_FORM
    Title....................: 262x Forms-Create and Modify Program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. modify_form.sbmt
                             :02. modify_form.ftn 
                             :03. modify_form.rel 
                             :04. modify_form.lod 
                             :05. jcbt.mac
                             :06. jcbt.rel
                             :07. wait.ftn
                             :08. wait.rel
                             :09. cierr.ftn 
                             :10. cierr.rel 
                             :11. asint.ftn 
                             :12. asint.rel 
                             :13. exec_codes.ftn
                             :14. exec_codes.rel
    Operating System.........: RTE-A  Rev. 4.0 or later 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Forms 
                             : 2. Tools 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Joe Boswell
               Company.......: Federal Aviation Administration
               Street........: 5400 Davis Highway 
               City..........: Anchorage
               State.........: Alaska 
               Zip Code......: 99506
               Phone Number..: 907-269-1157 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Additional Documentation....:
      This routine will allow easy creation and modification of 
      forms used for any 262X or 264x terminals. Most attributes are
      loaded under softkeys and you are not required to remember the
      codes needed to generate a form.
DYSTAT                                                                   N063 
                       RTE-A REAL-TIME STATUS DISPLAY 
 Contribution Name...........: DYSTAT 
    Title....................: RTE-A Real-Time Status Display 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DYSTAT.SBMT 
                             :02. DYPATCH.FTN 
                             :03. DYPATCH.REL 
                             :04. DYSTAT.FTN
                             :05. DYSTAT.REL
                             :06. DYSUB.MAC 
                             :07. DYSUB.REL 
                             :08. DYUPDATE.FTN
                             :09. DYUPDATE.REL
                             :10. DYUPDATE.FTNI 
                             :11. DYSTAT.make 
                             :12. DYSTAT.lod
                             :13. SYSOVERHEAD.MAC 
                             :14. SYSOVERHEAD.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Analyzer
                             : 3. Performance 
    External Support Req'd...: Module %SPSLG must be Gen'ed in. 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Derived from DYMEM on CSL rev 2730.
 Contributor's Name..........: John D. Johnson
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 1266 Kifer Road,  MS/101R
               City..........: Sunnyvale
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94086
               Phone Number..: (408) 746-5263 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
DYSTAT repeatedly displays information about system utilization 
and user processes. It: 
* Displays bar graph of User, System and Idle time. 
* Number of Exec and Driver calls per second. 
* Displays status of (up to 18) processes in memory.
* Requires SPS module be gen'ed in. 
* MODIFIES THE SYSTEM to install it's counters! 
 Additional Documentation....: Source is documented.
FGREP                                                                    N064 
                        FAST PATTERN-FINDER ALA UNIX
 Contribution Name...........: fgrep
    Title....................: Fast Pattern-Finder ala UNIX 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. FGREP.SBMT 
                             : 02. FGREP.FTN
                             : 03. FGREP.REL
                             : 04. FGREP.DOC
                             : 05. FGREP.lod
                             : 06. FGREP.make 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE, CI
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. Unix
                             : 2. Search
                             : 3. Strings 
    External Support Req'd...: CI 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Faster version of Fgrep from CSL Rev.2625
 Contributor's Name..........: John D. Johnson
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 1266 Kifer Road,  MS/101R
               City..........: Sunnyvale
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94086
               Phone Number..: (408) 746-5263 
 Program Abstract............:
  This is equivalent to the FGREP program available in UNIX (with luck) 
  usage: fgrep [-opt] pattern fileMask
 Additional Documentation....: See file Fgrep.doc 
DO                                                                       N065 
 Contribution Name...........: DO 
    Title....................: Generate and Execute a Series of Commands
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DO.SBMT 
                             :02. $CRLIB
                             :03. %CI 
                             :04. %CISU6
                             :05. %CISUB
                             :06. DO.DOC
                             :07. DO.FTN
                             :08. DO.REL
                             :09. DO6.LOD 
                             :10. DOA.LOD 
                             :11. DOCMD.FTN 
                             :12. DOCMD.REL 
                             :13. DODMP.FTN 
                             :14. DODMP.REL 
                             :15. DODUM.FTN 
                             :16. DODUM.REL 
                             :17. DOMIS.FTN 
                             :18. DOMIS.REL 
                             :19. DOMSK.FTN 
                             :20. DOMSK.REL 
                             :21. DOSCN.FTN 
                             :22. DOSCN.REL 
                             :23. DOTRE.FTN 
                             :24. DOTRE.REL 
                             :25. ONLY.FTN
                             :26. ONLY.REL
                             :27. WILD.FTN
                             :28. WILD.REL
                             :29. DOBUF.FTNI
                             :30. DOMSK.FTNI
                             :31. DOOPT.FTNI
                             :32. DOTRE.FTNI
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Procedures
                             : 2. Command_files 
                             : 3. Pre-processor 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John D. Johnson
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 1266 Kifer Road,  MS/101R
               City..........: Sunnyvale
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94086
               Phone Number..: (408) 746-5263 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  DO generates and executes a series of command lines derived from a single 
  abbreviated command line typed by the user, optionally asking the user
  to approve each command line before it is executed. 
 Additional Documentation....: See file DO.DOC for usage documentation. 
  To load on RTE-6/, use DO6.LOD, on RTE-A use DOA.LOD.  There is no source 
  for $CRLIB, %CI, %CISU6 and SUB as these are derived from HP products.
BC                                                                       N066 
                              BROADCAST UTILITY 
 Contribution Name...........: BC 
    Title....................: Broadcast Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. bc.sbmt 
                             :02. bc.ftn
                             :03. bc.rel
                             :04. bc.lod
                             :05. bc.help 
                             :06. bc.make 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A 4.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FORTRAN 77
    Keywords.................: 1. Mail
                             : 2. Message 
    External Support Req'd...: no 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: revised, enhanced
 Contributor's Name..........: Jon Wetherbee
               Company.......: City National Bank 
               Street........: 1730 W Olympic Blvd  Suite 200 
               City..........: Los Angeles
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90015
               Phone Number..: (213) 480-7364 
               Telex.........: -- 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    Broadcast Utility, like the HP3000's TELL utility.
 Additional Documentation....:    See source code and .HLP file.
FILE                                                                     N067 
                       CI OPERATONS WITH FILE-MASKING 
 Contribution Name...........: FILE 
    Title....................: CI Operatons with File-Masking 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01.  FILE.SBMT
                             :02.  FILE.help
                             :03.  FILE.FTN 
                             :04.  FILE.make
                             :05.  FILE.IFTN
                             :06.  FILE.LOD 
                             :07.  FILE.REL 
                             :08.  FMPWD_CDS.FTN
                             :09.  FMPWD_CDS.REL
                             :10.  FTNMBT.FTN 
                             :11.  FTNMBT.REL 
                             :12.  GET_BLOCK.FTN
                             :13.  GET_BLOCK.REL
                             :14.  HELP_cds.FTN 
                             :15.  HELP_cds.REL 
                             :16.  MEMCPY.MAC 
                             :17.  MEMCPY.REL 
                             :18.  ^NONCDSMAC.MAC 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A 4.0 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Pre-processor 
                             : 2. Filter
                             : 3. Files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: For updates
 Contributor's Name..........:    Jon Wetherbee 
               Company.......:    City National Bank
               Street........:    1801 W Olympic Bl 
               City..........:    Los Angeles 
               State.........:    CA
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    90006 
               Phone Number..:    (213) 480-7548
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      FILE is a general file processing utility created primarily to
      provide file masking and quiet operations for several CI command
      functions.  FILE can be used in .CMD files in place of CI commands
      to keep the process quiet and hide aspects of the it from the user. 
      This is not possible with several CI commands.  FILE is also a file 
      masking preprocessor for all of its functions which include CI
      functions which do not support file masking.
 Additional Documentation....:    See sources.
MAIL                                                                     N068 
                           ELECTRONIC-MAIL UTILITY
 Contribution Name...........: mail 
    Title....................: Electronic-Mail Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. mail_2.sbmt 
                             :02. !SUPER.MAC
                             :03. !SUPER.REL
                             :04. APPENDTO.FTN
                             :05. APPENDTO.REL
                             :06. BC.ftn
                             :07. BC.rel
                             :08. BC.lod
                             :09. BC.help 
                             :10. FMPCHECKRTN.FTN 
                             :11. FMPCHECKRTN.REL 
                             :12. FMPWD_CDS.FTN 
                             :13. FMPWD_CDS.REL 
                             :14. HELP.FTN
                             :15. HELP.REL
                             :16. help_cds.ftn
                             :17. help_cds.REL
                             :18. MAIL.help 
                             :19. MAIL.ftn
                             :20. MAIL.rel
                             :21. MAIL.lod
                             :22. MAIL.make 
                             :23. MEMCPY.MAC
                             :24. MEMCPY.REL
                             :25. ^NONCDSMAC.MAC
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A  4.0
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. mail
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: For updates
 Contributor's Name..........:    Jon Wetherbee 
               Company.......:    City National Bank
               Street........:    1801 W Olympic Bl 
               City..........:    Los Angeles 
               State.........:    CA
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    90006 
               Phone Number..:    (213) 480-5548
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      MAIL is derived and has substantially evolved from a contribution 
      by Seppo Pietikainen of Hewlett-Packard, Finland of a few years 
      ago.  This version includes many new features including replies,
      forwarding, filing, printing, and file transmission.
 Additional Documentation....:    See sources and help file.
VERSN                                                                    N069 
 Contribution Name...........: VERSN
    Title....................: Software-Version Tracking Utilities
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. versn.sbmt
                             :02. versn.ftn 
                             :03. versn.rel 
                             :04. FmpDirectRead.ftn 
                             :05. FmpDirectRead.rel 
                             :06. Stamp.ftn 
                             :07. Stamp.rel 
                             :08. FmpCheckRtn.ftn 
                             :09. FmpCheckRtn.rel 
                             :10. CheckSum.ftn
                             :11. CheckSum.rel
                             :12. mvw.mac 
                             :13. mvw.rel 
                             :14. versn.lod 
                             :15. versn.make
                             :16. stamp.lod 
                             :17. versn.help
                             :18. stamp.help
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A 4.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FORTRAN 77
    Keywords.................: 1. Relocatable 
                             : 2. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    no
    If Re-submission, Reason.:    new 
 Contributor's Name..........:    Jon Wetherbee 
               Company.......:    City National Bank
               Street........:    1730 W. Olympic Blvd  Suite 200 
               City..........:    Los Angeles 
               State.........:    CA
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    90015 
               Phone Number..:    (213) 480-7364
               Telex.........:    --
 Contribution Abstract.......:
These programs provide a means of installing release/revision information 
into relocatables which will appear in the executable file and for displaying 
the rel/rev information in an executable file, permitting tracking of rel/rev 
levels to the actually executed code. 
 Additional Documentation....:    See source code and .HELP files 
NOCM                                                                     N070 
                            CM-PROMPT PREVENTION
 Contribution Name...........: NOCM 
    Title....................: CM-Prompt Prevention 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. NOCM.SBMT 
                             :02. NOCM.FTN
                             :03. NOCM.REL
                             :04. NOCM.LOD
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............:    FORTRAN 77
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
                             : 2. Security
                             : 3. Logon/Logoff
    External Support Req'd...:    NONE
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Mark Bornemann
               Company.......:    Rockwell-Collins
               Street........:    400 Collins Road N.E. 
               City..........:    Cedar Rapids
               State.........:    Iowa
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    52498 
               Phone Number..:    319-395-4334
 Contribution Abstract.......:    This program can be set up as the 
                  primary interrupt instead of PROMT on an LU. On an
                  interrupt, it checks the LU to see if a session is
                  active and if the user is a Superuser. If there is
                  no session active, or if they are a Superuser, PROMT
                  will be scheduled either to LOGON or to initiate a
                  CM prompt. A user who is not a Superuser will not 
                  get the CM prompt on unsolicited interrupts, since
                  PROMT will not be executed after they are logged on.
 Additional Documentation....:
USERLOCK                                                                 N071 
 Contribution Name...........: Userlock 
    Title....................: User Interface to Unlock LAS Data Files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. Userlock.Sbmt 
                             :02. Userlock.Ftn
                             :03. Userlock.Rel
                             :04. Userlock.Lod
                             :05. Userlock.Cmd
                             :06. Userlock.Hlp
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A 4.1,Aries C.0.0 (LAS)
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. LAS 
    External Support Req'd...: Las.Lib
                               Unlock.Run (A LAS Utility Program) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Michael H. Spence
               Company.......: Tennessee Eastman Co.
               Street........: P.O. Box 1972
               City..........: Kingsport
               State.........: Tennessee
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 37662
               Phone Number..: (615) 229-2220 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program was written as an aid to system 
 managers who are using the Aries II or III (LAS) software.  This program 
 allows users to unlock their own LAS files without having to have access 
 into CI.  The user need not know the full CI path name of their file; they 
 only need to know the local name and file type.  The user input is then
 parsed to a runstring that is passed to the LAS utility program "Unlock",
 that is supplied with the LAS software package.
 Additional Documentation....: See Source Code and Help Files for 
                               additional information.
RPIT                                                                     N072 
                    RP PROGRAMS VIA DS/1000 REMAT PROGRAM 
 Contribution Name...........: RPIT 
    Title....................: RP Programs via DS/1000 REMAT Program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. RPIT.SBMT (submission file) 
                             :02. RPIT.FTN  (Source File) 
                             :03. RPIT.REL  (Relocatable file)
    Operating System.........:RTE-6, RTE-A, (rev 2340 or later) 
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. Network 
    External Support Req'd...: DS or NS with DS Services
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul F. Gerwitz
               Company.......: Eastman Kodak Co.
               Street........: MSD, Bldg 56/3, KP 
               City..........: Rochester
               State.........: New York 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 14652-3302 
               Phone Number..: 716-477-3067 
 Program Abstract............:
  When using the REMAT to run a remote program, the remote program must be
  RP'd to be executable.  REMAT does not provide the capability to RP programs
  by itself.  This program should be RP'd at bootup, and will provide this
  capability.  Example: 
 #RW,RPIT,PROGX                                       <--rp the program 
   000000  041501  020040  020040  000000        PROGX<--response from RPIT 
 #RW,PROGX                                            <--run the program
   If an error is incountered, RPIT will return the FMP error code
   in the first parameter 
     i.e.  177421  000000  000000  000000  000000   is FMP -239, program
                                                    already RP'd
 Additional Documentation....: See source file
SHIFT                                                                    N073 
 Contribution Name...........: SHIFT
    Title....................: Shift Strings to Upper/Lower Case in CI
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. SHIFT.SBMT
                             :02. SHIFT.FTN 
                             :03. SHIFT.REL 
                             :04. SHIFT.HELP
                             :05. SHIFT.lod 
                             :06. SHIFT.make
    Operating System.........:RTE-A, RTE-6 (2340 or later)
    Keywords.................: 1. Strings 
                             : 2. Tools 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul F. Gerwitz
               Company.......: Eastman Kodak Co.
               Street........: MSD, Bldg 56/3 Kodak Park
               City..........: Rochester
               State.........: NY 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 14652-3302 
               Phone Number..: 716-477-3067 
 Program Abstract............:
     This program takes an input string and converts it's case depending
     on the input option.  The resulting string is returned via EXEC 14.
     program is great for CI command files. 
       The runstring is:
          SHIFT, option, string 
            option -  -u for lower to uppercase 
                      -l for upper to lowercase 
            string -  string to convert (max 80 characters) 
 Additional Documentation....:
PLU1                                                                     N074 
                        PRINT SYSTEM-CONSOLE MESSAGES 
 Contribution Name...........:    PLU1
    Title....................:    Print System-Console Messages 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. PLU1.SBMT  submit file
                             :02. PLU1.FTN   source file
                             :03. PLU1.REL   relocatable file 
                             :04. PLU1.CMD   command file 
                             :05. PLU1.LOD   link file
    Operating System.........:    RTE-A900 V4.0 - 5.0, maybe all
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Printer 
                             : 2. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul G. Abell
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Program Abstract............: This program will scan the system console
 and print the contents on your terminal so you can see what is happening 
 on the system console from your terminal. If you are the system manager, 
 you will need to do this from time to time. I modified an old CSL program
 to do this MY WAY. Check out Rev. 2340 entry H047, program VIEW. 
 PLU1 will let you see as many lines of the system console as you like. IE, 
 you can list out the last xxx lines and or erase the whole screen. 
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
RESIZ                                                                    N075 
                                IMAGE UTILITY 
 Contribution Name...........: RESIZ
    Title....................: IMAGE Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. resiz.sbmt      - This file 
                             :02. resiz.cmd       - Command file
                             :03. resiz.ftn       - Source file 
                             :04. resiz.rel       - Relocatable file
                             :05. resiz.lod       - Link file 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, perhaps more
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Image 
                             : 2. Analyzer
    External Support req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul G. Abell
    Company..................: GTE South
    Street...................: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
    City.....................: Durham 
    State....................: NC 
    Country..................: USA
    Zip Code.................: 27704
    Phone Number.............: 919/471-5825 
 Program Abstract............:
 RESIZ is a program that uses the output of IMAGE utility program DBSPA 
 to analyze dataset capacities and suggest new prime number capacities
 for each dataset over 80% full. The suggested capacity will reduce the 
 percent used to 80% or less. I use this utility to analyze a very large
 database with many large master datasets. It is updated once a month 
 and usually the capacities change. This utility makes it easier for me to
 manage my dataset capacities and keep them around 80% full or less 
 without having to do a lot of math. I even added a feature that creates
 an editor file you can transfer to, to edit the schema for you with the
 new capacity values. In my case I have to completely reload all of my
 datasets each month with updated information, so this process works for
 me nicely. The first step is to create your input file with DBSPA as 
 This procedure will cause the output from DBSPA  to go to the file 
 named in the 2nd. run line parameter. This file is what RESIZ uses 
 to analyze the capacity statements. The output from RESIZ would look 
 something like this: 
 Set name= A80301  Capacity= 151553  % used= 81 New capacity= 153071
 Set name= A60601  Capacity= 289559  % used= 81 New capacity= 292459
 Set name= A20501  Capacity= 139201  % used= 81 New capacity= 140593
 Set name= A205ZZ  Capacity=   4637  % used= 87 New capacity=   4967
 Set name= A304ZZ  Capacity=   4423  % used= 81 New capacity=   4481
 Set name= A40401  Capacity= 111211  % used= 81 New capacity= 112327
 Set name= A40402  Capacity=  13649  % used= 82 New capacity=  13921
 Set name= A404ZZ  Capacity=  11197  % used= 85 New capacity=  11777
 Set name= A50201  Capacity=  71089  % used= 81 New capacity=  71807
 Set name= A502ZZ  Capacity=   7717  % used= 90 New capacity=   8501
 Set name= A61501  Capacity=  46327  % used= 81 New capacity=  46807
 Set name= A615ZZ  Capacity=   3209  % used= 92 New capacity=   3607
 Set name= A70301  Capacity=  34721  % used= 81 New capacity=  35069
 Set name= A70401  Capacity=  20749  % used= 82 New capacity=  21163
 Set name= A91201  Capacity= 106531  % used= 85 New capacity= 111857
 Set name= A91202  Capacity=  10903  % used= 85 New capacity=  11467
 Set name= A912ZZ  Capacity=   5077  % used= 85 New capacity=   5333
 Set name= A91901  Capacity= 111043  % used= 81 New capacity= 112153
 To use the transfer file created, run edit like this:
 Additional Documentation....:   In source file.
MODRIVE                                                                  N076 
                        MODIFY DVT DRIVER-TYPE ONLINE 
 Contribution Name...........:    MODRIVE 
    Title....................:    Modify DVT Driver-Type Online 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. MODRIVE.SBMT  submit file 
                             :02. MODRIVE.FTN   source file 
                             :03. MODRIVE.REL   relocatable file
                             :04. MODRIVE.CMD   command file
                             :05. MODRIVE.LOD   link file 
    Operating System.........:    RTE-A900 V4.0-5.0 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. Modify
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul G. Abell
               Company.......: GTE of the South 
               Street........: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
               City..........: Durham 
               State.........: N.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 27704
               Phone Number..: (919) 471-5825 
 Program Abstract............: This program will modify the DVT driver type 
 while online of any LU. This can be very dangerous, so BE CAREFUL, or you
 will have to reboot your system. We use it to change the driver type of
 LASER JET printers on "C" and "D" muxs'. It also works nicely for modifying
 "C" mux LU's so they will work with EDIT-1000 whenever they are set up 
 without ENQ/ACK protocol, to work with NON-STANDARD HP terminals.
 Additional Documentation....:    In source file. 
PORTNS                                                                   N077 
                           NS-1000 BUSY-LU MONITOR
 Contribution Name...........: PORTNS 
    Title....................: NS-1000 Busy-LU Monitor
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. portns.sbmt     - This file 
                             :02. portns.ftn      - Source file 
                             :03. portns.rel      - Relocatable file
                             :04. portns.cmd      - Command file
                             :05. portns.lod      - Link file 
                             :06. porns.ftn       - Source file 
                             :07. porns.rel       - Relocatable file
                             :08. porns.cmd       - Command file
                             :09. porns.lod       - Link file 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A 4.1, 5.0, perhaps more 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Monitor 
                             : 2. DS
                             : 3. Network 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul G. Abell
    Company..................: GTE South
    Street...................: 3007 Roxboro Rd. 
    City.....................: Durham 
    State....................: NC 
    Country..................: USA
    Zip Code.................: 27704
    Phone Number.............: 919/471-5825 
 Program Abstract............:  PORTNS and PORNS are examples of NS-1000
 "P" to "P" programs. They communicate with each other over NS-1000. Each 
 program monitors busy LU's on its own system. PORTNS is the master program 
 and schedules PORNS to run on the slave system. PORNS has to be RP'd on
 the slave system before it will work. Below is an example of the output
 of the program PORTNS. You will have to customize the LU list with your
 own LU's and system entry points. Two system entry points are hard coded 
 into the LU busy subroutine. CMMA will list them for you or you can search 
 your system generation list file for them. 
 NODE:  1002
   49  50  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  44  45  46  47  48   1   7 
 NODE:   100
   46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  75  76  77  62  63  64  65  66  67  68 
 Additional Documentation....:   In source file.
SPAWN                                                                    N078 
                       SPAWN - NESTED LOGON FOR RTE-A 
 Contribution Name...........: Spawn
    Title....................: Spawn - Nested Logon for RTE-A 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. SPAWN.SBMT  Submission file 
                             :02. SPAWN.FTN   Spawn source
                             :03. SPAWN.LOD   Link command file for Spawn 
                             :04. SPAWN.REL   Spawn object
                             :05. SPAWN.MAKE  "MAKE" rules to build Spawn 
                             :06. SPAWN.HELP  How to use Spawn
    Operating System.........: RTE-A/VC+ only 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Session 
                             : 2. Logon/Logoff
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Schumann
               Company.......: E-Systems, Inc.
               Street........: P. O. Box 1056 CBN 101 
               City..........: Greenville 
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 75401
               Phone Number..: (214) 457-5358 
 Contribution Abstract.......: I developed Spawn while I was investigating
      Security/1000 as a topic for a paper at the Interex 1989 conference 
      in San Francisco.  I elected not to do the paper after I learned
      the a tutorial would be given there by Hewlett-Packard folks.  The
      reason for the program is that I needed a way to quickly alter my 
      own capability level (as in a new logon) and environment and then 
      return to my original environment and capability just as quickly. 
 Additional Documentation....: See program source and Spawn.help
TUTOR_0                                                                  N079 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_0
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_0.sbmt - this file
                             :02. Catalog - a DL of the directory structure 
                             :03. Hellofiles.info - top-level documentation 
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    Re-compile if not on 5.0 revision!
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    This is a complete Computer-Aided Training
                                  package including a Pilot interpreter, a
                                  few courseware modules, support utilities,
                                  and a lot of documentation which supports 
                                  the courseware.  This is the "HELLO" that 
                                  runs on the primary systems!  I have been 
                                  allowed to distribute it in this form.
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_1                                                                  N080 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_1
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_1.sbmt  - this file 
                             :02. Buggy.dbg 
                             :03. Buggy.ftn 
                             :04. Buggy.lst 
                             :05. Buggy.pas 
                             :06. Buggy.rel 
                             :07. Cmplnk.cmd
                             :08. Cmplnk.sol
                             :10. Como.text 
                             :11. copier
                             :12. copyfile
                             :13. dfile.text
                             :14. dlfile
                             :15. easy.text 
                             :16. exzec.pas 
                             :17. exzec.rel 
                             :18. find&ex.text
                             :19. fmgrlist
                             :20. ho
                             :21. idxiDx
                             :22. inventory 
                             :23. junk.ftn
                             :24. line
                             :25. lineintro1.text 
                             :26. lineintro2.text 
                             :27. linenums
                             :28. listfile
                             :29. long.ftn
                             :30. long.lst
                             :31. long.rel
                             :32. loop.ftn
                             :33. loop.rel
                             :34. myfile
                             :35. myprog.ftn
                             :36. myprog.lst
                             :37. myprog.pas
                             :38. myprog.rel
                             :39. mystery 
                             :40. new.text
                             :41. newcommands 
                             :42. numbers 
                             :43. phonebook 
                             :44. printfile 
                             :45. prshant.junk
                             :46. ritz.ftn
                             :47. ritz.rel
                             :48. runnr.ftn 
                             :49. runnr.rel 
                             :50. screenintro.text
                             :51. twrite.ftn
                             :52. twrite.lst
                             :53. twrite.pas
                             :54. twrite.rel
                             :55. wordsp
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    These files are the files which are to be 
                                  copied to each user's directory to be used
                                  by that student in the course of using the
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_2                                                                  N081 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_2
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_2.sbmt - this file
                             :02. !cours - pascal include file for COURSE 
                             :03. $zmntl.lib - extracted from graphics/1k-2 
                             :04. convt.ftn - .pil file generator 
                             :05. convt.rel 
                             :06. course.lod - links the tutor
                             :07. course0.pas - Tutor Main source 
                             :08. course0.rel - Tutor Main object 
                             :09. course1.pas - 1st overlay source
                             :10. course1.rel - 1st overlay object
                             :11. course2.pas - 2nd overlay source
                             :12. course2.rel - 2nd overlay object
                             :13. course3.pas - 3rd overlay source
                             :14. course3.rel - 3rd overlay object
                             :15. deconvt.ftn - .pil to source converter
                             :16. deconvt.rel 
                             :17. hello.pas - scheduler for tutor 
                             :18. mopsy.ftn - supplies opsy to pre a.85 
                             :19. mopsy.rel 
                             :20. mtch.pasx - match routine from course1
                             :21. setup.cmd - copies labfiles to user dir 
                             :22. test - Pilot demonstration courseware 
                             :23. test.pil - Tutor-ready version of "test"
                             :24. tutor.snf - software-numbering file 
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    Re-compile if not on 5.0 revision!
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    These are the sources and objects that
                                  make the tutor work, plus some utilities
                                  that convert human-readable courseware
                                  into the form Tutor uses (and back again) 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_3                                                                  N082 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_3
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_3.sbmt - this file
                             :02. answers.wkbk
                             :03. articles.wkbk 
                             :04. civars.wkbk 
                             :05. exec11.wkbk 
                             :06. exec2.wkbk
                             :07. exzec.wkbk
                             :08. fmpopen.wkbk
                             :09. fmpwrite.wkbk 
                             :10. instal.wkbk 
                             :11. quizzes.wkbk
                             :12. snd.cmd 
                             :13. subjects.wkbk 
                             :14. workbook.wkbk 
                             :15. workout.ljrf
                             :16. workout.wkbk
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    These are some documentation files and
                                  training aids for both the student and the
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_4                                                                  N083 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_4
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_4.sbmt - this file
                             :02. etime.rel 
                             :03. lu1_lu2.ctd 
                             :04. lu1_lu2.mag 
                             :05. rndfil
                             :06. tf.ctd
                             :07. tf.mag
                             :08. vm11.ftn
                             :09. vm112.ftn 
                             :10. vm113.rel 
                             :11. yazz.mam
                             :12. yes.bbb 
                             :13. yes.txt 
                             :14. yess.aaa
                             :15. yess.blah 
                             :16. yess.erie 
                             :17. yupp.ftn
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    These files are general support for the 
                                  structured lab exercises. 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_5                                                                  N084 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_5
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_5.sbmt - this file
                             :02. lab14 
                             :03. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    This is one of 17 labs' information 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_6                                                                  N085 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_6
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_6.sbmt - this file
                             :02. lab15 
                             :03. s2.ans
                             :04. s3.ans
                             :05. s4.ans
                             :06. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    This is one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_7                                                                  N086 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_7
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_7.sbmt
                             :02. lab16 
                             :03. s3.boot 
                             :04. s3.cmd
                             :05. s4.boot 
                             :06. s4.cmd
                             :07. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    One of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_8                                                                  N087 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_8
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_8.sbmt - this file
                             :02. lab17 
                             :03. s1.cmd
                             :04. s2.cmd
                             :05. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    One of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_9                                                                  N088 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_9
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_9.sbmt - this file
                             :02. lab18 
                             :03. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_10                                                                 N089 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_10 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_10.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab7
                             :03. s1a.ftn 
                             :04. s1a.pas 
                             :05. s1b.ftn 
                             :06. s1b.pas 
                             :07. s2.ftn
                             :08. s2.pas
                             :09. s3.ftn
                             :10. s3.pas
                             :11. s4c.ftn 
                             :12. s4c.pas 
                             :13. s4m.ftn 
                             :14. s4m.pas 
                             :15. s4s.ftn 
                             :16. s4s.pas 
                             :17. s4t.ftn 
                             :18. s4t.pas 
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    One of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_11                                                                 N090 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_11 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_11.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab1
                             :03. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_12                                                                 N091 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_12 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_12.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab2
                             :03. s3.ftn
                             :04. s3.pas
                             :05. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_13                                                                 N092 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_13 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_13.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab3
                             :03. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_14                                                                 N093 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_14 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_14.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab4
                             :03. s4.ftn
                             :04. s4.pas
                             :05. s5.ftn
                             :06. s5.pas
                             :07. s7.cmd
                             :08. s8.cmd
                             :09. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_15                                                                 N094 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_15 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_15.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab5
                             :03. s1.ftn
                             :04. s1.pas
                             :05. s2.ftn
                             :06. s2.pas
                             :07. s3.ftn
                             :08. s3.pas
                             :09. s4.ftn
                             :10. s4.pas
                             :11. s5.ftn
                             :12. s5.pas
                             :13. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_16                                                                 N095 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_16 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_16.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab6
                             :03. s3.ftn
                             :04. s3.pas
                             :05. s4.ftn
                             :06. s4.pas
                             :07. text
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_17                                                                 N096 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_17 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_17.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab8
                             :03. s1a.ftn 
                             :04. s1a.pas 
                             :05. s1b.ftn 
                             :06. s1b.pas 
                             :07. s2a.ftn 
                             :08. s2a.pas 
                             :09. s2b.ftn 
                             :10. s2b.pas 
                             :11. s3a.ftn 
                             :12. s3m.pas 
                             :13. s3s.ftn 
                             :14. s3s.pas 
                             :15. s4a.ftn 
                             :16. s4a.pas 
                             :17. s4b.ftn 
                             :18. s4b.pas 
                             :19. s5.ftn
                             :20. s5.pas
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_18                                                                 N097 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_18 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_18.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab9
                             :03. s1.ftn
                             :04. s1.pas
                             :05. s2.ftn
                             :06. s2.pas
                             :07. s3.ftn
                             :08. s3m.pas 
                             :09. s4a.ftn 
                             :10. s4a.pas 
                             :11. s4b.ftn 
                             :12. s4b.pas 
                             :13. s5.ftn
                             :14. s5.pas
                             :15. s6.ftn
                             :16. s6.pas
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_19                                                                 N098 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_19 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_19.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. include 
                             :03. lab10 
                             :04. s1.ftn
                             :05. s1.pas
                             :06. s2.ftn
                             :07. s3c.ftn 
                             :08. s3c.pas 
                             :09. s3m.ftn 
                             :10. s3m.pas 
                             :11. s3s.ftn 
                             :12. s3s.pas 
                             :13. s3t.ftn 
                             :14. s3t.pas 
                             :15. s4.txt
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_20                                                                 N099 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_20 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_20.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab11 
                             :03. s1a.ftn 
                             :04. s1b.ftn 
                             :05. s2.ftn
                             :06. s2a.ftn 
                             :07. s3.ftn
                             :08. s4.pas
                             :09. s5a.ftn 
                             :10. s5a.pas 
                             :11. s5b.ftn 
                             :12. s5b.pas 
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_21                                                                 N100 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_21 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_21.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. lab12 
                             :03. s1.ftn
                             :04. s1.pas
                             :05. s2a.ftn 
                             :06. s2a.pas 
                             :07. s2b.ftn 
                             :08. s2b.pas 
                             :09. s2c.ftn 
                             :10. s2d.ftn 
                             :11. s3a.ftn 
                             :12. s3a.pas 
                             :13. s3b.ftn 
                             :14. s3b.pas 
                             :15. s4a.ftn 
                             :16. s4a.pas 
                             :17. s4b.ftn 
                             :18. s4b.pas 
                             :19. s5.ftn
                             :20. s5.pas
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    one of 17 labs' information files 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
TUTOR_22                                                                 N101 
                      TUTOR - A PILOT/1000 INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Tutor_22 
    Title....................: Tutor - a Pilot/1000 Interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Tutor_22.sbmt - this file 
                             :02. adfimod - advance CI module 
                             :03. cntlmod - program-control module
                             :04. comdmod - commands module 
                             :05. editmod - edit/1000 module
                             :06. filemod - CI file-management module 
                             :07. fmgrmod - FMGR module 
                             :08. intrmod - introductory module 
                             :09. progmod - programming module
                             :10. pwedmod - PoWer-EDiting module
                             :11. rteamod - RTE-A module
                             :12. systmod - system module 
                             :13. utilmod - utilities module
    Operating System.........:    RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:    Yes 
    Language(s)..............:    Pascal, Ftn7x, and Pilot
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. Help
                             : 3. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:    To be used, these must be CONVT-ed and
                                  placed in the /Hello directory
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Paul Schumann 
               Company.......:    E-Systems, Inc. 
               Street........:    P. O. Box 1056
                             :    CBN 101 
               City..........:    Greenville
               State.........:    Texas (TX)
               Country.......:    U. S. A.
               Zip Code......:    75401 
               Phone Number..:    (214) 457-5358
 Program Abstract............:    These are the human-readable courseware 
                                  files.  To be useable, they must be run 
                                  thru CONVT (default output file is .pil)
                                  and placed in the /hello directory. 
 Additional Documentation....:    This submission is riddled with additional
                                  documentation - in all subdirectories.
DBESSEL                                                                  N102 
 Contribution Name...........: DBESSEL
    Title....................: Double-Precision Bessel Functions
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. DBESSEL.sbmt
                             :02. DBESSEL.rel 
                             :03. DBESSEL.ftn 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A or else
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Mathematics 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: NA 
 Contributor's Name..........: RAYMOND MERCIER
               Street........: BP 43
               Country.......: FRANCE 
               Zip Code......: 91406 ORSAY CEDEX
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......: DBESSEL0(X), DBESSEL1(X) and DBESSELN(X,N) 
                             : are the Bessel functions J0, J1 and JN computed
                             : in double precision : X et result REAL*8, N is 
                             : integer*2. DBESSELN is computed from DBESSEL0
                             : and DBESSEL1. Time and precision depends on N. 
 Computation precision and time (on A700 with FPP)
          interval    [0,3]   [3,6[   [6,9[  [9,infinit[
  Precision :         2.E-16  2.E-16  2.E-16  1.E-15
  Time :               142     185     197      670    micro-secondes 
  Precision :         2.E-16  2.E-16  2.E-16  1.E-15
  Time :               154     194     202      675    micro-secondes 
RAMDISC                                                                  N103 
                          RAM-DISC DRIVER FOR RTE-A 
 Contribution Name...........: RAMDISC
    Title....................: RAM-DISC Driver for RTE-A
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. RAMDISC.SBMT
                             :02. RAMDISC.ISTL
                             :03. RAMDISC.make
                             :04. ID^33.REL 
                             :05. GEN33.REL 
                             :06. GERRAM.REL
                             :07. RAMMAC.REL
                             :08. ID^33.MAC 
                             :09. GEN33.MAC 
                             :10. GERRAM.FTN
                             :11. RAMMAC.MAC
                             :12. GERRAM.LOD
                             :13. RAMNIT.CMD
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X,MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. Emulator
                             : 3. Disc
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: RAYMOND MERCIER
               Street........: Bat. 503 
               State.........: BP 43
               Zip Code......: 91406 ORSAY Cedex
               Country.......: FRANCE 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
        RAMDISC is an RTE-A driver that simulates a disk lu in free 
        memory. This driver "seems" to answer all RTE-A calls and may be
        used to house command files, data files or program files. 
 Additional Documentation....:  RAMDISC.ISTL
HP-SPICE                                                                 N104 
 Contribution Name...........: HP-SPICE 
    Title....................: SPICE Circuit-Simulation Package 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SPICE.SBMT
                             :02. SPICE.ISTL
                             :03. SPICE.REL 
                             :04. SPICESUP.REL
                             :05. COMMS.REL 
                             :06. ERRCD.REL 
                             :07. GRAPH.REL 
                             :08. HELPR.REL 
                             :09. PARSR.REL 
                             :10. SYSTM.REL 
                             :11. UTIL1.REL 
                             :12. UTIL2.REL 
                             :13. SIMSP.REL 
                             :14. SYNTX.REL 
                             :15. EXPLORELIB.REL
                             :16. ACAN.REL
                             :17. DCOP.REL
                             :18. DCTR1.REL 
                             :19. DCTR2.REL 
                             :20. ERRCK.REL 
                             :21. HPUTL.REL 
                             :22. OVTPT.REL 
                             :23. READN.REL 
                             :24. SETUP.REL 
                             :25. UTILA.REL 
                             :26. UTILF.REL 
                             :27. [GLOBS
                             :28. [XTRNL
                             :29. SPICE.PAS 
                             :30. SPICESUP.FTN
                             :31. COMMS.PAS 
                             :32. ERRCD.PAS 
                             :33. GRAPH.FTN 
                             :34. HELPR.PAS 
                             :35. PARSR.PAS 
                             :36. SYSTM.PAS 
                             :37. UTIL1.PAS 
                             :38. UTIL2.PAS 
                             :39. SIMSP.FTN 
                             :40. SYNTX.FTN 
                             :41. EXPLORELIB.FTN
                             :42. ACAN.FTN
                             :43. DCOP.FTN
                             :44. DCTR1.FTN 
                             :45. DCTR2.FTN 
                             :46. ERRCK.FTN 
                             :47. HPUTL.FTN 
                             :48. OVTPT.FTN 
                             :49. READN.FTN 
                             :50. SETUP.FTN 
                             :51. UTILA.MAC 
                             :52. UTILF.FTN 
                             :53. SPICELIBGEN.CMD 
                             :54. SPICE.MERG
                             :55. SPICESUPLIBGEN.CMD
                             :56. SIMSPLIBGEN.CMD 
                             :57. SIMSP.MERG
                             :58. SIMSP.LOD 
                             :59. SPICE.LOD 
                             :60. SYNTX.LOD 
                             :61. DEMO1.CIRC
                             :62. DEMO1.EXE 
                             :63. DEMO2.CIRC
                             :64. DEMO2.EXE 
                             :65. EMITR.CIRC
                             :66. EMITR.EXE 
                             :67. TTL.CIRC
                             :68. VERIF.CIRC
                             :69. TSTLBS.CIRC 
                             :70. TSTLBS.EXE
                             :71. SPICE.LBS 
                             :72. SPICE.LIB 
                             :73. SPICESUP.LIB
                             :74. SIMSP.LIB 
    Operating System(s)......: HP-1000/RTE-A with VC+ 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN,PASCAL,MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Emulator
                             : 2. Simulator 
                             : 2. Tools 
    External Support Req'd...: VC+,PASCAL LIBRARIES, DGL
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Convertion to RTE-A VC+, added circuit library 
 Contributor's Name..........: Raymond MERCIER
               Street........: Bat. 503 
               City..........: Centre Universitaire 
               Zip Code......: 91406 ORSAY Cedex
               Country.......: FRANCE 
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............: HPSPICE is a general purpose circuit 
                             : simulation program that serves as a
                             : computer aid for use the analysis and
                             : verification of electronic circuits. 
                             : The simulation program is based upon 
                             : the circuit simulator known as SPICE2
                             : (version 2G.5),developed at the Univer-
                             : sity of California at Berkeley. An inter-
                             : active user interface with graphical out-
                             : put defined by Hewlett-Packard, has
                             : been added to improve engineering
                             : productivity while designing and testing 
                             : analog circuits, or analog and digital 
                             : IC's.
                             : The original program, from a previous CSL tape,
                             : has been converted to the CI hierarchical file 
                             : system. A subcircuit library exploration has 
                             : also been added. 
 Additional Documentation....: see SPICE.ISTL 
GREP                                                                     N105 
                          SCAN FILES FOR TEXT MATCH 
 Contribution Name...........: GREP 
         Title...............: Scan Files for Text Match
         File Names..........: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. GREP.SBMT
                             : 02. GREP.FTN 
                             : 03. GREP.REL 
                             : 04. grep.lod 
                             : 05. grep.make
   Operating System(s).......: RTE-A, RTE-6, New File System
   Language(s)...............: FTN7X
   Keywords..................: 1. Unix
                             : 2. Search
                             : 3. Strings 
   External Support Req'd....:
   If Re-Submission, Reason..:
 Contributor's Name..........: Robert C. Combs/Mark S. Domalewski 
               Company.......: C&L Systems
               Street........: 886 Blemont Avenue 
               City..........: North Haledon
               State.........: NJ 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07508-2550 
               Phone Number..: (201) 427-9292 
               Telex Number..: 510 600 2155 
 Program Abstract............:
 GREP is a file search utility.  It scans through a file or all files 
 on a specified directory that match a supplied file mask.  Once GREP 
 is run, it will scan through the requested file(s) locating and logging
 the line on which it found them.  The output created by GREP can be sent 
 to the screen (default) or to a file or an LU.  If output is sent to a 
 a destination other than your display terminal, you can monitor the oper-
 ation as well.  However, monitoring the information considerably slows 
 down GREP's pace, and is usually not recommended.
 Additional Documentation....:
 To run GREP:  GREP filename search [output] [monitorlu]
               filename  = the file or files (using a mask) to search 
               search    = the text to search for 
               output    = a file or LU where the search results will go
                           default to 1 
               monitorlu = an lu where search information can be displayed
                           defaults to not used 
FILTR                                                                    N106 
                    A DIGITAL FILTER FOR HP3357 LAS DATA
 Contribution Name...........: FILTR
    Title....................: A Digital Filter for HP3357 LAS Data 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. FILTER.SBMT 
                             :02. FILTER.DOC
                             :03. FILTER.FTN
                             :04. FILTER.REL
                             :05. FILTER.LOD
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. Filter
                             : 2. LAS 
    External Support Req'd...: HP3357 LAS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Robert Dwyer 
               Company.......: Berlex Laboratories, Inc.
               Street........: 110 E. Hanover Ave.
               City..........: Cedar Knolls 
               State.........: NJ 
               Zip Code......: 07927
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......: FILTR is a program which provides a digital
 filter function for smoothing chramatographic data on an HP3357 LAS.  It 
 utilizes a modified 2nd-degree Savitzky-Golay polynomial smoothing filter
 which is characterized by high noise suppression while minimizing signal 
 deformation, and it is computationally efficient.  Though designed for 
 the HP3357, the algorithm could be adapted for other kinds of applications 
 where noise suppression is desired.
 Additional Documentation....:
AUTOR                                                                    N107 
                         POWERFAIL RESTART FOR MUX'S
 Contribution Name...........: AUTOR
    Title....................: Powerfail Restart for Mux's
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. 'SUBMT
                             :02. &AUTOR
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Multiplexor 
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. I/O 
    External Support Req'd...: POWER-FAIL BATTERY OPTION
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: ROBERT NIEKAMP 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: 6601 WINCHESTER AVENUE, P.O.BOX 18230
               City..........: KANSAS CITY
               State.........: MISSOURI 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64133
               Phone Number..: (816) 737-0071 
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....: INTERNAL 
TRANSLATORS                                                              N108 
 Contribution Name...........:  Translators 
    Title....................:  Translators (ASCII, EBCDIC, Hex, Integer) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. TRANSLATOR.SBMT 
                             :02. EATST.FTN    ! Test and demonstraton
                             :03. EATST.rel 
                             :04. ATOE.FTN     ! ASCII to EBCDIC
                             :05. ATOE.rel
                             :06. ETOA.FTN     ! EBCDIC to ASCII
                             :07. ETOA.rel
                             :08. IHEX.FTN     ! Hexadecimal to Integer 
                             :09. IHEX.rel
                             :10. HEX.FTN      ! Integer to Hexadecimal 
                             :11. HEX.rel 
                             :12. EATST.LOD    ! LINK command file
                             :13. EATST.make
                             :14. TEST.TXT     ! EATST output 
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-6 or RTE-A
    Language(s)..............:  FORTRAN-77
    Keywords.................: 1. Conversion
                             : 2. Translator
                             : 3. EBCDIC
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Robert Reavis 
               Company.......:  Warm Springs Computer Works 
               Street........:  44840 Camellia Drive
               City..........:  Fremont 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94539-6525
               Phone Number..:  (415) 657-8421
               Telex.........:  None
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This is a set of data translation subroutines and a function.
 ATOE translates ASCII in A2 format to EBCDIC in A2 format. 
 ETOA translates EBCDIC in A2 format to ASCII in A2 format. 
 HEX translates a 16-bit binary integer into four ASCII characters
 in 2A2 format that represent the value in hexadecimal form.
 IHEX is the reverse of HEX.
HW                                                                       N109 
                         HARDWARE SYSTEM INFORMATION
 Contribution Name...........: HW 
    Title....................: Hardware System Information
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. HW.SBMT 
                             :02. HW.FTN
                             :03. HW.REL
                             :04. HW.LOD
                             :05. HW.make 
                             :06. HWINFO.MAC
                             :07. HWINFO.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.0
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Status
                             : 2. Interface 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ruedi Keller 
               Company.......: Rittmeyer AG 
               Street........: Grienbachstrasse 
               City..........: Zug
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Zip Code......: 6300 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......: List the hardware configuration... 
 Hardware System Information
  CPU Identification:   A400
  MEMORY Installed:     4.0MB 
  BOOT Select:          HP-IB disc loader, BREAK enable, no Enq/Ack 
  IO-Cards:    ( Card Identification )
   SC= 77B     12100A 4-channel OBIO   <---- VCP
   SC= 27B     12009A HPIB
   SC= 37B     12009A HPIB
   SC= 23B     12040D 8-channel MUX 
   SC= 24B     12040D 8-channel MUX 
   SC= 40B     12065A Video Interface 
 Additional Documentation....:
MERLIN                                                                   N110 
                       LOAD/UNLOAD CARTRIDGE ON 35401A
 Contribution Name...........: MERLIN 
    Title....................: Load/Unload Cartridge on 35401A
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. MERLIN.SBMT 
                             :02. MERLIN.FTN
                             :03. MERLIN.REL
                             :04. MERLIN.LOD
                             :05. MERLIN.make 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.0
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Magnetic_tape 
                             : 2. Cassette
    External Support Req'd...: $DTCLB 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ruedi Keller 
               Company.......: Rittmeyer AG 
               Street........: Grienbachstrasse 
               City..........: Zug
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Zip Code......: 6300 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......: Program for loading and unloading tape 
                               cartridges on 35401A tape changer. 
 Additional Documentation....: Run MERLIN without parameters
DLONG                                                                    N111 
                        LIST LONG FILENAMES (SORTED)
 Contribution Name...........: DLONG
    Title....................: List Long Filenames (sorted) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DLONG.SBMT
                             :02. DLONG.FTN 
                             :03. DLONG.REL 
                             :04. DLONG.LOD 
                             :05. DLONG.HLP 
                             :06. DLONG.make
                             :07. FILESORT.FTN
                             :08. FILESORT.REL
                             :09. ICOMPARE.MAC
                             :10. ICOMPARE.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.0
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Filter
                             : 2. List
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ruedi Keller 
               Company.......: Rittmeyer AG 
               Street........: Grienbachstrasse 
               City..........: Zug
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Zip Code......: 6300 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program creats a sorted list of file
                               names, one per line, that match a file mask. 
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file
BUILDPATH                                                                N112 
                              BUILDPATH FOR CI
 Contribution Name...........: Buildpath
    Title....................: Buildpath for CI 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. BUILDPATH.sbmt
                             :02. BUILDPATH.ftn 
                             :03. BUILDPATH.rel 
                             :04. BUILDPATH.lod 
                             :05. BUILDPATH.help
                             :06. BUILDPATH.make
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.0
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Command_files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ruedi Keller 
               Company.......: Rittmeyer AG 
               Street........: Grienbachstrasse 
               City..........: Zug
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Zip Code......: 6300 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......: Build new filedescriptor from a given
                               filedescriptor for CI command file.
 Additional Documentation....: See the help file
LSM_UTILS ET AL                                                          N113 
                        LABSAM MAINTAINENCE PROGRAMS
 Contribution Name...........: Lsm_utils et al
    Title....................: Labsam Maintainence Programs 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. Lsm_utils.sbmt 
                             : 02. Lsm_utils.doc
                             : 03. Lsm_utils.make 
                             : 04. Idc_lister.doc 
                             : 05. Idc_lister.ftn 
                             : 06. Idc_lister.rel 
                             : 07. Idc_lister.lod 
                             : 08. Ifile_rpr.doc
                             : 09. Ifile_rpr.ftn
                             : 10. Ifile_rpr.rel
                             : 11. Ifile_rpr.lod
                             : 12. Tapecopy.doc 
                             : 13. Tapecopy.ftn 
                             : 14. Tapecopy.rel 
                             : 15. Tapecopy.lod 
                             : 16. Dbg_cmplnk.cmd 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A, Rte-6 (some programs) 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77, CI 
    Keywords.................: 1. Magnetic_tape 
                             : 2. Maintenance 
                             : 3. Data_base 
    External Support Req'd...: Labsam for Labsam utils
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Repair bugs found in Tapecopy
                               & in Ifile_rpr & added some
                               enhancements to dbg_cmplnk.cmd 
 Contributor's Name..........: Ted Schroeder
               Company.......: The Coca-Cola Company
               Street........: 1 NW Coca-Cola Plaza 
               City..........: Atlanta
               State.........: Georgia
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 30313
               Phone Number..: 404-676-3771 
 Program Abstract............: These utilities were either written or 
 modified in order to repair the archived Labsam database inverted
 result file Ixxxxx where xxxxx is the julian date of the archived
 file set. Tapecopy is used to dump archived tape files to disc.
 Ifile_rpr Repairs the Ixxxx file. Idc_lister lists out the Idc number, 
 the Main & Alternate Idc name, The Idc type & Inversion status 
 Dbg_cmplnk.cmd is a cmd file to run edit,ftn7x,link & debug with a 
 file name w/o ext or prefix (&,#,etc)
 Additional Documentation....: See additional docs or programs
APPT                                                                     N114 
 Contribution Name...........: APPT 
    Title....................: An Appointment-Reminder Program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. appt.sbmt 
                             :02. appt.ftn
                             :03. appt.rel
                             :04. appt.lod
                             :05. appt.bug
                             :06. btach.ftn 
                             :07. btach.rel 
                             :08. btach.lod 
                             :09. lparse.ftn
                             :10. lparse.rel
                             :11. appt.help 
                             :12. btach.help
                             :13. lparse.help 
                             :14. appt.appt 
                             :15. appt.make 
                             :16. valentine.pic      (co to ::system) 
                             :17. Happy_New_Year.pic (co to ::system) 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses Hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Calendar
                             : 2. Date
                             : 3. Time
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Added a time scheduling facility and allowed 
   a user image to be accessed indirectly. Added the ability to display a 
   "pretty" image if desired. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a user non-friendly (intensionally)
 appointment reminder program. The user enters a file listing appointments
 to be reminded of and this program will produce the reminder at a user 
 specified interval before the appointment. It will also continue to remind 
 the user of important appointments at a selectable interval. If you allow
 others to have accesses to your appointment file, then this program can
 be used for meeting announcements. 
 Additional Documentation....: in the help file: APPT.help
CALC REV 2815                                                            N115 
                          A COMPUTERIZED CALCULATOR 
 Contribution Name...........: CALC rev 2815
    Title....................: A Computerized Calculator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. calc.sbmt 
                             :02. calc.ftn
                             :03. calc.rel
                             :04. calc.lod
                             :05. stretch.ftn  expand input string
                             :06. stretch.rel 
                             :07. lparse.ftn   logical parsing routine
                             :08. lparse.rel
                             :09. hex.mac      convert to hex format
                             :10. hex.rel 
                             :11. mint.ftn     mathematical trunc (~INT)
                             :12. mint.rel
                             :13. calc.help 
                             :14. lparse.help 
                             :15. cns.cmd      multiple CN commands 
                             :16. calc.make 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, etc 
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77, Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Many enhancements: file reading/writing
 capability, multiple equations, more error checking, CI command file 
 interaction, additional two function intrinsics, user selectable output
 formats. Now encluding larger 32 bit numbers in hex, octal, and integer. 
 Useful for CI functions (see cns.cmd). 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a user friendly computerized calculator
    using a normal equation format (not reverse polish). It has the ability 
    to save and use 8 user definable parameters, to utilize all Fortran 
    intrinsics, to perform number base conversion including hex and character 
    equivalents, to edit equations on the terminal screen, to read equations
    from a disc file, and to write results to a disc file. Several user 
    selectable output formats are provided. It may also be used in CI command 
    files to perform branches, in addition to running other programs. An
    extensive on-line help file is included.
 Additional Documentation....: CALC.help
CHAR                                                                     N116 
                       PRODUCE A CHARACTER-SET DISPLAY
 Contribution Name...........: CHAR 
    Title....................: Produce a Character-Set Display
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. char.sbmt 
                             :02. char.ftn
                             :03. char.rel
                             :04. char.lod
                             :05. char.make 
                             :06. char.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Character 
                             : 2. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program outputs all combinations of 
  characters to a specified output LU (default is your terminal) with 
  display functions on. It is useful for determining which characters are 
  displayable on any HP device. It is also handy for printimg the current 
  character set on the LaserJet printer. It is quite informative to run 
  this program on various terminals to see the differences in their responses 
  to the same output characters.
 Additional Documentation....: Even with display functions on, strange things 
  can happen - such as a <c/r> (carrage return) will produce a carrage return 
  but a line feed will not line feed. Several characters do nothing on a
  terminal: not even a space holder. This is normal for a null character
  but occurs for other characters depending upon the terminal type. 
             See also: /help/char 
DVT                                                                      N117 
                         GET DVT AND IFT INFORMATION
 Contribution Name...........: DVT
    Title....................: Get DVT and IFT Information
    File Names...............:00. rename Transfer File
                             :01. dvt.sbmt
                             :02. dvt.ftn 
                             :03. dvt.rel 
                             :04. dvt.lod 
                             :05. get_dvt.mac 
                             :06. get_dvt.rel 
                             :07. bin.mac 
                             :08. bin.rel 
                             :09. dvt.help
                             :10. dvt.make
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Added information and bit organization.
 Originally contributed by Seppo Pietikainen, HP Finland
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program will print the RTE-A DVT and IFT
  tables to the user terminal of an output device. It is very useful to 
  I/O driver writers and to verify the default driver parameters from HP
  supplied drivers, especially those that are incorrect in the System 
  Generation Manual.
 Additional Documentation....: dvt.help 
IOP                                                                      N118 
                            FANCY CI `IO' COMMAND 
 Contribution Name...........: IOP
    Title....................: Fancy CI `IO' command
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. iop.sbmt
                             :02. iop.ftn 
                             :03. iop.rel 
                             :04. iop.lod 
                             :05. iop.make
                             :06. iop.help  (co to /help/@.@) 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:
    Keywords.................: 1. I/O 
                             : 2. System
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Updated version for D-mux and SPORT
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: Here is an alternative tothe system program IO 
  which gives much more information about the port that is connected to the 
  LU or LU's specifed in the run string. This is an update to Dan Feldman's 
  original contribution.
 Additional Documentation....: /help/iop
DE_TAB                                                                   N119 
 Contribution Name...........: DE_TAB 
    Title....................: Replace Tab Characters with Spaces 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. de_tab.sbmt 
                             :02. de_tab.ftn
                             :03. de_tab.rel
                             :04. de_tab.lod
                             :05. de_tab.make 
                             :06. lparse.ftn
                             :07. lparse.rel
                             :08. de_tab.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Formatting
                             : 2. Conversion
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: Technology USA 
               Street........: 7085 Mink Hollow RD. 
               City..........: Highland 
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20777-9771 
               Phone Number..: (301) 854-3420 
 Program Abstract............: This program will read a disc file that uses 
 tab characters to position text into columns and produces an output file 
 that has no tabs. The user may choose the tab columns with the default 
 set to the VAX editor. 
 Additional Documentation....: /help/de_tab 
F_DUMP                                                                   N120 
 Contribution Name...........: F_DUMP 
    Title....................: A Multi-Purpose File/Tape Dumping Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. f_dump.sbmt 
                             :02. f_dump.ftn
                             :03. f_dump.rel
                             :04. f_dump.lod
                             :05. f_dump.make 
                             :06. lparse.ftn
                             :07. lparse.rel
                             :08. hpint.ftn 
                             :09. hpint.rel 
                             :10. ftibm.mac 
                             :11. ftibm.rel 
                             :12. bin.mac 
                             :13. bin.rel 
                             :14. hex.mac 
                             :15. hex.rel 
                             :16. dec.mac 
                             :17. dec.rel 
                             :18. ebcdh.ftn 
                             :19. ebcdh.rel 
                             :20. ftdec.mac 
                             :21. ftdec.rel 
                             :22. hptst.mac 
                             :23. hptst.rel 
                             :24. f_dump.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Dump
                             : 2. Files 
                             : 3. Magnetic_tape 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Periodic maintenance 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: Technology USA 
               Street........: 7085 Mink Hollow RD
               City..........: Highland 
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20777-971
               Phone Number..: (301) 854-3420 
 Program Abstract............: This program is used to dump (in great detail) 
 the contents of either a disc file or a magnetic tape. The dump can occur at 
 a user specified file and/or record. The output form of the dump can be in 
 any combination of hex, octal, binary, integer, ASCII, EBCDIC, byte swap,
 Integer*2, Integer*4, HP real*4, HP real*8, IBM real*4, IBM real*8, DEC
 real*4, DEC real*8, etc
 Additional Documentation....: f_dump.help
M_DUPE                                                                   N121 
                          MAGNETIC-TAPE DUPLICATOR
 Contribution Name...........: M_DUPE 
    Title....................: Magnetic-Tape Duplicator 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. m_dupe.sbmt 
                             :02. m_dupe.ftn
                             :03. m_dupe.rel
                             :04. m_dupe.lod
                             :05. lparse.ftn
                             :06. lparse.rel
                             :07. m_dupe.help 
                             :08. m_dupe.make 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Magnetic_tape 
                             : 2. Copy
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: A periodic maintenance update
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: Technology USA 
               Street........: 7085 Mink Hollow RD
               City..........: Highland 
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20777-9771 
               Phone Number..: (301) 854-3420 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Another magnetic tape duplicator. This is a
   program that we use many times daily to duplicate mag tapes with file
   limits, record limits, pre-positioning, error checking, and selective
   rewinding. An attempt to make the program user friendly is incorporated
 Additional Documentation....: M_DUPE.help
PHONE                                                                    N122 
                            A PHONE-NUMBER FINDER 
 Contribution Name...........: PHONE
    Title....................: A Phone-Number Finder
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. phone.sbmt
                             :02. phone.ftn 
                             :03. phone.rel 
                             :04. phone.lod 
                             :05. flist.ftn 
                             :06. flist.rel 
                             :07. lparse.ftn
                             :08. lparse.rel
                             :09. phone.help
                             :10. phone.make
                             :11. phone.lst        ( co to /system/ ) 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Search
                             : 2. Help
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: Technology USA 
               Street........: 7085 Mink Hollow RD
               City..........: Highland 
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20777-9771 
               Phone Number..: (301) 854-3420 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a program similar to my ERR program
 but instead of finding error messages, it finds phone numbers placed by
 the user in a file named: PHONE.LST in the users home directory, defined 
 as the global directory with the user's name.
 Additional Documentation....: PHONE.help 
TERM_INIT                                                                N123 
 Contribution Name...........: Term_init
    Title....................: A Terminal Soft-Key Initialization Program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Term_init.sbmt
                             :02. Term_init.ftn 
                             :03. Term_init.rel 
                             :04. Term_init.lod 
                             :05. Term_init.help
                             :06. Term_init.make
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Softkeys
                             : 2. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Periodic maintenance 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program is used to set the soft keys
 and tabs on HP terminals to default values useful for EDIT/1000 and FORTRAN. 
 It is smart enough to program old terminals in the 264x series as well as the
 newer 262x, 239x, and 700/ series. 
 Additional Documentation....: /help/term_init
ZAPIO                                                                    N124 
                          AN I/O INFORMATION FINDER 
 Contribution Name...........: ZAPIO
    Title....................: An I/O Information Finder
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. zapio.sbmt
                             :02. zapio.mac 
                             :03. zapio.rel 
                             :04. zapio.lod 
                             :05. zapio.make
                             :06. zapio.help
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. I/O 
                             : 2. Status
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: Technology USA 
               Street........: 7085 Mink Hollow RD
               City..........: Highland 
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20777-9771 
               Phone Number..: (301) 854-3420 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program prints system specific information
 on IO parameters. It is a superset of the HP IO command and also will run
 the HP utility SPORT for even more information. I hear rumors that rev 5.1 
 may make this program obsolete but this one is already here! 
 Additional Documentation....: ZAPIO.help 
PRINTS                                                                   N125 
 Contribution Name...........: PRINTS 
    Title....................: Contents of Terminal-Screen to Line-Printer
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. prints.sbmt 
                             :02. prints.ftn
                             :03. prints.rel
                             :04. prints.lod
                             :05. prints.make 
                             :06. prints.help  (co to /help/@.@)
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. Printer 
                             : 2. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: added optional output LU 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program transfers the contents of terminal
   memory to the line printer or other optional LU. Very useful when run from 
   EDIT/1000 or obtaining hard copies of system errors. 
 Additional Documentation....: PRINTS.help
PRT                                                                      N126 
 Contribution Name...........: PRT
    Title....................: A File-Printing Facility with Escape Codes 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. prt.sbmt
                             :02. $oldprint.lib 
                             :03. prt.ftn 
                             :04. prt.rel 
                             :05. prt.lod 
                             :06. prt.make
                             :07. ffl.ftn 
                             :08. ffl.rel 
                             :09. oldp0.ftn 
                             :10. oldp0.rel 
                             :11. oldp0.lod 
                             :12. bin.mac 
                             :13. bin.rel 
                             :14. hex.mac 
                             :15. hex.rel 
                             :16. prt.help
                             :17. oldp0.help
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Printer 
                             : 2. Formatting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program is a very much modified version of
  the first release of HP's PRINT program. This program gives more flexibility
  in the form of the printout by searching for escape codes in the original 
  file and turning on display functions on the output device to print all 
  characters - not just the normal ASCII ones. In addition, the output form 
  may be specified as hex, octal, etc; and may be directed to any LU with 
  several options such as on/off line numbering and on/off titles. If you 
  want file masking, use the new HP utility PRINT.
 Additional Documentation....: prt.help & oldp0.help
SET_WD                                                                   N127 
 Contribution Name...........: Set_WD 
    Title....................: Retain Working Directory After Sign-off
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Set_WD.sbmt 
                             :02. Set_WD.ftn
                             :03. Set_WD.rel
                             :04. Set_WD.lod
                             :05. Set_WD.help  (co to /help/) 
                             :06. Set_WD.make 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A rev 5.0 or greater 
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Directory 
                             : 3. Logon/Logoff
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program is used in the rev 5.0 sign-off 
  transfer file to put a WD /<old directory> command into the user sign-on
  file. It allows the user to continue working in the same working directory
  that was in effect when the user signed off.
 Additional Documentation....: set_wd.help
SET_TIME                                                                 N128 
 Contribution Name...........: SET_TIME 
    Title....................: Automatically Set System Time from Hayes Clock 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. time.sbmt 
                             :02. time.ftn
                             :03. time.rel
                             :04. time.lod
                             :05. time.make 
                             :06. set_time.ftn
                             :07. set_time.rel
                             :08. set_time.lod
                             :09. lparse.ftn
                             :10. lparse.rel
                             :11. time       (co to /help/) 
                             :12. set_time        (co to /help/)
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Time
                             : 2. System
    External Support Req'd...: Hayes Chronograph
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: A less expensive method for setting the RTE-A
  system clock at boot-up time by using the Hayes Chronograph instead of the
  HP external clock on HPIB. The program: Set_Time allows the user to set the 
  Hayes chronograph from a user friendly dialog.
 Additional Documentation....: time.help and set_time.help. Execute the 
  program Time in your welcome file. The chronograph is interfaced to the 
  computer via the 12040 mux card (including the D-mux).
WHOLOCK                                                                  N129 
                            WHO LOCKED THE LU'S?
 Contribution Name...........: WHOLOCK
    Title....................: Who Locked the LU's? 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. wholock.sbmt
                             :02. wholock.ftn 
                             :03. wholock.rel 
                             :04. wholock.lod 
                             :05. wholock.make
                             :06. lparse.ftn
                             :07. lparse.rel
                             :08. wholock.help (co to /help/) 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. I/O 
                             : 2. Status
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Updated and cleaner version of another CSL prgm
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This little program tells you who the LU 
  locker is on your computer. It is nice to have when your program won't
  run and WH says it is device suspended waiting for a LU unlock. This
  program tells you who the offender is.
 Additional Documentation....: wholock.help 
MAIL                                                                     N130 
                 A MAILBOX - ELECTRONIC MAIL FACILITY (1/2) 
 Contribution Name...........: MAIL 
    Title....................: A Mailbox - Electronic Mail Facility (1/2) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01 mail1.SBMT 
                             :02 ?_HELP 
                             :03 ?_HELP.TXD 
                             :04 ACK_INCLUDE.FTN
                             :05 A_HELP 
                             :06 A_HELP.TXD 
                             :07 BUILD_FILE.FTN 
                             :08 BUILD_FILE.REL 
                             :09 CAT_FILE.FTN 
                             :10 CAT_FILE.REL 
                             :11 CHECKFORERROR.FTN
                             :12 CHECKFORERROR.REL
                             :13 CLASSFILE
                             :14 CODE1.FTN
                             :15 CODE2.FTN
                             :16 CODE3.FTN
                             :17 CODE4.FTN
                             :18 CODE56.FTN 
                             :19 COPY_FILE.FTN
                             :20 COPY_FILE.REL
                             :21 CREATE_ACK.FTN 
                             :22 CRLIB_CDS.CMD
                             :23 CRLIB_NCDS.CMD 
                             :24 DATE.FTN 
                             :25 DATE.REL 
                             :26 DATEJA.FTN 
                             :27 DATEJA.REL 
                             :28 DELETE.FTN 
                             :29 DELETE.REL 
                             :30 DELETE_SHELL.FTN 
                             :31 D_HELP 
                             :32 D_HELP.TXD 
                             :33 ENCRIPT.MAC
                             :34 ENCRIPT.REL
                             :35 ENCRIPT_CDS.MAC
                             :36 ENCRIPT_CDS.REL
                             :37 E_HELP 
                             :38 E_HELP.TXD 
                             :39 FILLINOUTBOX.FTN 
                             :40 FILLINOUTBOX.REL 
                             :41 FIND_NUM.FTN 
                             :42 FIND_NUM.REL 
                             :43 GETFREEREC.FTN 
                             :44 GETKEY.FTN 
                             :45 GETKEY.REL 
                             :46 GIDTBL.MAC 
                             :47 GIDTBL.REL 
                             :48 HELP.FTN 
                             :49 HELP.REL 
                             :50 INOUT.FTN
                             :51 INOUT.REL
                             :52 INSTALL.CMD
                             :53 IN_HELP
                             :54 IN_HELP.TXD
                             :55 LASER_ALL.CMD
                             :56 LINKBACKTOFREE.FTN 
                             :57 LINKRECINOUT.FTN 
                             :58 LIST_INFO.FTN
                             :59 LIST_INFO.REL
                             :60 MAIL.BUG 
                             :61 MAIL.FTN 
                             :62 MAIL.LOD 
                             :63 MAIL.MAN 
                             :64 MAIL.MAP 
                             :65 MAIL.NODS
                             :66 MAIL.OUT 
                             :67 MAIL6.LOD
                             :68 MAILA.LOD
                             :69 MAILC6AB8C23754
                             :70 MAILDIR.LST
                             :71 MAILE1D0FE26D61
                             :72 MAILGK.CMD 
                             :73 MAILGK.LOD 
                             :74 MAILLB_CDS.LIB 
                             :75 MAILLB_CDS.MRG 
                             :76 MAILLB_CDS.SAV 
                             :77 MAILLB_NCDS.LIB
                             :78 MAILLB_NCDS.MRG
                             :79 MAILM.CMD
                             :80 MAILM.DOC
                             :81 MAILM.FTN
                             :82 MAILM.MAP
                             :83 MAILM6.LOD 
                             :84 MAILMA.LOD 
                             :85 MAILMGK.CMD
                             :86 MAILMGK.LOD
                             :87 MAILMLB.MRG
                             :88 MAILMLB_CDS.LIB
                             :89 MAILMLB_NCDS.LIB 
                             :90 MAILM_CDS.RELM 
                             :91 MAILM_MERGE.CMD
                             :92 MAILM_ROUTINES.DOC 
                             :93 MAIL_CDS.REL 
                             :94 MAIL_MERGE.CMD 
                             :95 MAIL_ROUTINES.DOC
                             :96 MASK.FTN 
                             :97 MODACK.FTN 
                             :98 NEW.FTN
                             :99 NEW.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6/VM
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Mail
                             : 2. Network 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This is the interactive mail facility that was 
written by Ricky Young and Russ Butler at the HP Rockville office and has been
disseminated in relocatable form to many users. This version has been enhanced
to work in RTE-A rev 5.0 with the new formatter and a few other minor changes 
have been incorporated. Contributed with permission of the above authors. 
 The program maintains encoded mail letters, acknowlege files, and in/out 
baskets. Letters may be sent to individuals or groups of people, they may 
be saved in addition to being mailed, they can be sent urgently, and you may
be prompted that mail is present at log-on time.
MAIL                                                                     N131 
                 A MAILBOX - ELECTRONIC MAIL FACILITY (2/2) 
 Contribution Name...........: MAIL 
    Title....................: A Mailbox - Electronic Mail Facility (2/2) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01 mail2.SBMT 
                             :02 OUTPUT_RECORD.FTN
                             :03 OUTPUT_RECORD.REL
                             :04 OUT_HELP 
                             :05 OUT_HELP.TXD 
                             :06 PM.FTN 
                             :07 PM.LIB 
                             :08 PM.LOD 
                             :09 PM.REL 
                             :10 PMGK.CMD 
                             :11 PMGK.LOD 
                             :12 PM_CDS.LIB 
                             :13 PM_CDS.REL 
                             :14 PM_HELP.FTN
                             :15 PM_HELP.REL
                             :16 PM_LIB.MRG 
                             :17 PM_NCDS.LIB
                             :18 PM_RUN.FTN 
                             :19 PM_RUN.REL 
                             :20 POSTRECINFO.FTN
                             :21 PRINTARCHIVE.FTN 
                             :22 PRINTARCHIVE.REL 
                             :23 P_HELP 
                             :24 P_HELP.TXD 
                             :25 READ.FTN 
                             :26 READ.REL 
                             :27 READDISTFILE.FTN 
                             :28 READDISTFILE.REL 
                             :29 READLINKLIST.FTN 
                             :30 READLINKLIST.REL 
                             :31 README_GREG.TXT
                             :32 READRECINFO.FTN
                             :33 READ_ACKRECORD.FTN 
                             :34 READ_ACKRECORD.REL 
                             :35 READ_MAILFILE.FTN
                             :36 READ_MAILFILE.REL
                             :37 REQUIREMENTS.DOC 
                             :38 RL_HELP
                             :39 RR_HELP
                             :40 RUN.FTN
                             :41 RUN.REL
                             :42 RU_HELP
                             :43 RU_HELP.TXD
                             :44 R_HELP 
                             :45 R_HELP.TXD 
                             :46 SEND.FTN 
                             :47 SEND.REL 
                             :48 SET_USER_ID.FTN
                             :49 SET_USER_ID.REL
                             :50 SE_HELP
                             :51 SUBJECT_PROMPT.FTN 
                             :52 SUBJECT_PROMPT.REL 
                             :53 S_HELP 
                             :54 S_HELP.TXD 
                             :55 TELL_USER6.FTN 
                             :56 TELL_USERA.FTN 
                             :57 TELL_USERA.REL 
                             :58 TEXED_ALL.CMD
                             :59 TEXT_PROMPT.FTN
                             :60 TEXT_PROMPT.REL
                             :61 TO_PROMPT.FTN
                             :62 TO_PROMPT.REL
                             :63 UIDSUB.MAC 
                             :64 UIDSUB.REL 
                             :65 UPDATEMAIL.CMD 
                             :66 UPDATEPM.CMD 
                             :67 USER_NAMES.FTN 
                             :68 USER_NAMES.REL 
                             :69 VERIFY_USER.FTN
                             :70 VERIFY_USER.REL
                             :71 VU_HELP
                             :72 N_HELP 
                             :73 N_HELP.TXD 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6/VM
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Mail
                             : 2. Network 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This is the interactive mail facility that was 
written by Ricky Young and Russ Butler at the HP Rockville office and has been
disseminated in relocatable form to many users. This version has been enhanced
to work in RTE-A rev 5.0 with the new formatter and a few other minor changes 
have been incorporated. Contributed with permission of the above authors. 
 The program maintains encoded mail letters, acknowlege files, and in/out 
baskets. Letters may be sent to individuals or groups of people, they may 
be saved in addition to being mailed, they can be sent urgently, and you may
be prompted that mail is present at log-on time.
JETSET                                                                   N132 
 Contribution Name...........: JETSET 
   Title.....................: Send LaserJet Series II Commands from Terminal 
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. JETSET.SBMT Submission File 
                             :02. JETSET.FTN  Source File 
                             :03. JETSET.REL  Relocatable File
                             :04. JETSET.LOD  Link File 
                             :05. JETSET.DOC Information File 
 Operating System(s).........: RTE-6, RTE-A?
   Language(s)...............: FORTRAN 77 (Rev 5.0) 
   Keywords..................: 1. Laserjet
                             : 2. Printer 
  External Support Req'd.....: CI 
                             : C-Mux (Maybe B or D) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: William L. Steele
               Company.......: Tobacco Institute Testing Laboratory 
               Street........: 2 Taft Court, Suite 201
               City..........: Rockville
               State.........: MD 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20850
               Phone Number..: (301)-294-8582 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
       This program will issue those printer control commands inaccessible
 from the front panel of a LaserJet Series II.  It is especially useful when
 you want to send a form feed from your terminal; when some other user leaves 
 your printer with its 'Perforation Skip' turned OFF; and when you need to
 list a program containing imbedded control and escape characters.  You can 
 also select line spacing, built in pitches and orientations, left and right
 margins, tray or manual feed, and printer reset.