TAR                                                                      Q001 
                       FAST TAR WRITER WITH DIRECTORY 
 Contribution Name...........: TAR
    Title....................: Fast TAR writer with directory 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. TAR.SBMT     submit file
                             :02. TAR.FTN 
                             :03. TAR.REL 
                             :04. TAR.LOD      link command file
                             :05. TAR.HLP      copy to /help/tar
                             :06. VDL.FTN      required support prog
                             :07. VDL.REL 
                             :08. VDL.LOD      link command file
                             :09. FTNSUBS.FTN  support lib
                             :10. FTNSUBS.LIB 
                             :11. MACSUBS.MAC  support lib
                             :12. MACSUBS.LIB 
                             :13. QSUBF.FTN    support lib
                             :14. QSUBF.LIB 
                             :15. QSUBM.MAC    support lib
                             :16. QSUBM.LIB 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. Archive 
                             : 2. Backup
                             : 3. Save/Restore
                             : 4. Unix
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:  MIT Haystack Observatory
               City..........:  Westford
               State.........:  MA
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  01886 
               Phone Number..:  508-692-4764  awhitney@bashful.haystack.edu 
 Program Abstract............:
TAR is a fast TAR tape writer with many features, including:
  1. Extremely fast -- much faster than TF or FST in writing tar tapes. 
  2. Alphabetizes file order within directories.
  3. Option to write an ASCII directory of saved files as the first tar 
     file saved.
  4. Option to write an ASCII log file of the tar execution as the last tar 
     file saved.
  5. Option to save ASCII files either in native HP disc-image format or
     converted to standard Unix file format.
  6. Supports tar appends after end of current data.
  7. Tested with Exabyte and DAT on A900, as well as standard mag tape. 
  8. Tapes written by TAR have been successfully read on both HP and Sun Unix 
 Additional Documentation....:  see TAR.HLP 
DINTTODECIMALU                                                           Q002 
                      CONVERT 32 BIT TO UNSIGNED ASCII
 Contribution Name...........: DintToDecimalU 
    Title....................: Convert 32 Bit to Unsigned ASCII 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DintToDecimalU.SBMT 
                             :02  DintToDecimalU.MAC       Source 
                             :03  DintToDecimalU.REL       Relocatable
                             :04. DintToDecimalU.DOC       Documentation
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. FORMATTING
                             : 2. CONVERSION
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: none 
 Contributor's Name..........: Alastair Reeves
               Company.......: Telesat Canada 
               Street........: 1601 Telesat Court 
               City..........: Gloucester 
               State.........: Ontario
               Country.......: CANADA 
               Zip Code......: K1B 5P4
               Phone Number..: (613) 748-0123 (X2631) 
               Telex.........: 053-4184 
               Telefax.......: (613) 748-8782 
 Program Abstract............:
This subroutine is similar to HP's DintToDecimal, except that this routine
treats the input double integer as a 32 bit UNSIGNED value. 
(e.g. 37777777777B is returned as 4294967295 instead of -1) 
GEDIT 1.2                                                                Q003 
 Contribution Name...........: GEDIT 1.2
    Title....................: Terminal Graphics Editing and Drawing Package
    File Names...............:00 Rename Transfer File (Interex Supplied)
                             :01 GEDIT.SBMT 
                             :02 IT.REL 
                             :03 IT.RUN 
                             :04 IT.LOD 
                             :05 ED.PAS 
                             :06 ED.REL 
                             :07 ED.RUN 
                             :08 ED.LOD 
                             :09 TGL_CDS.LIB
                             :10 TGL.FTN
                             :11 TGL.REL
                             :12 TGL_CDS.CMD
                             :13 GEDIT.MAKE 
                             :14 GEDIT.HLP  -- Help File
                             :15 CITY1.TGL  -- Sample TGL File
                             :16 CITY1.FTN  -- Sample File
                             :17 CITY1.REL  -- Sample File
                             :18 CITY1.RUN  -- Sample Picture Run File
                             :19 SHIP.TGL   -- Sample TGL File
                             :20 SHIP.FTN   -- Sample File
                             :21 SHIP.REL   -- Sample File
                             :22 SHIP.RUN   -- Sample Picture Run File
                             :23 SAMPLE_TGL.FTN   -- Help File
                             :24 SAMPLE_TGL.RUN   -- Help File Picture
                             :25 SAMPLE_TGL.HLP   -- TGL Help File
                             :26 RF.FTN 
                             :27 RF.REL 
                             :28 DK.FTN 
                             :29 DK.REL 
                             :30 IT.FTN 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN, Pascal
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Editor
    External Support Req'd...: FORTRAN Compiler 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Anthony G. Cicone, Doyle B. Stroup 
               Company.......: Chemical Research Development &
                               Engineering Center 
               Street........: Bldg E3549 
                             : Rm B137
               City..........: Aberdeen Proving Ground Edgewood Area
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 21010
               Phone Number..: (301) 671 - 5992 
 Program Abstract............:
This program is a combination of two programs, the first program
is IT.RUN. It has the following runstring : 
         RU IT <LU> <name of picture>.TGL 
IT.RUN is the graphical editor, it uses the TGL graphics library
to draw pictures and text on the screen.  The TGL graphics library
is a modified version of the TGL library contribution M064 CSL Rev
2830 submited by John L. Anderson in 1988.
The second program is ED.RUN. It has the following runstring :
               RU ED
ED.RUN takes the TGL picture created, and converts it to a FORTRAN
file and compiles and links it. 
The picture created can be displayed by this runstring :
             RU <name of picture> 
The pictures can be incorporated in any fortran program as long as
the program is linked with the TGL_CDS.LIB library. 
 Additional Documentation....: See source code and help file
BACKUP                                                                   Q004 
 Contribution Name...........: BACKUP 
    Title....................: Terminal Shutdown/Startup for Backup 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. BACKUP.SBMT 
                             :02. PROMX.FTN       - substitute for PMOMT
                             :03. PROMX.LOD       - LINK cmd file 
                             :04. PROMX.REL 
                             :05. SDLIB.FTN       - library 
                             :06. SDLIB.REL 
                             :07. SHUTDOWN.FTN    - SHUTDOWN utl srs
                             :08. SHUTDOWN.LOD    - LINK cmd file 
                             :09. SHUTDOWN.REL
                             :10. STARTUP.FTN     - STARTUP utl srs 
                             :11. STARTUP.LOD     - LINK cmd file 
                             :12. STARTUP.REL 
                             :13. BACKUP_70.CMD   - 7979E cmdfile 
                             :14. BACKUP_70.TXT     and text
                             :15. BACKUP_7078.CMD - 7970E+7978B cmdfile 
                             :16. BACKUP_7078.TXT   and text
                             :17. BACKUP_78.CMD   - 7978B cmdfile 
                             :18. BACKUP_78.TXT     and text
                             :19. BACKUP_A78.CMD  - 7879B w/ASAVE cmdfile 
                             :20. BACKUP_A78.TXT    and text
                             :21. IMAGE_DOWN.UTL  - DBUTL cmd file
                             :22. IMAGE_UP.UTL    - DBUTL cmdfile 
                             :23. *HLOPS          - sample HELLO file 
                             :24. ?WHERE.DAT      - sample data file
                             :25. DOWNPROMPT.TXT  - sample msg file 
                             :26. FSTFULL.FST     - FST cmd file
                             :27. BACKUP.DOC      - README
                             :28. PROBLEMS.DOC    - Operator notes
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A ONLY.
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. BACKUP
                             : 2. MANAGEMENT
                             : 3. SESSION 
                             : 4. TERMINAL
    External Support Req'd...: LibA (separate contribution) 
                             : LibC (separate contribution) 
                             : ASK  (Csl/1000 Rev-2730 L008)
                             : WHO  (Csl/1000 Rev-3030 P008)
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fixes
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 6065 Parkland Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44124-8020 
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution replaces the like-named contribution that appeared 
 in the 1989 San Francisco Swap Tape and the Csl/1000 Rev-3030 Tape.
 This contribution consists of the utilities, command files,
 and documentation used for System Backup. The backup process 
 provides an orderly shutdown of the user terminals, a shutdown 
 of the system databases, logical backup via FST, physical
 backup via ASAVE, a startup of the system databases, and finally,
 a startup of the user terminals. 
 The changes made since the last submission are:
    1. Operator message timing was changed so that the message
       about action on an lu appears before the action is 
       attempted. If the shutdown/startup stalls on an lu, the
       operator will now know which lu is causing the wait. 
    2. Some implementation changes were made to prevent hanging 
       on a locked lu.
 Additional Documentation....:
SETKEY                                                                   Q005 
                             SOFTKEY SET UTILITY
 Contribution Name...........: SETKEY 
    Title....................: Softkey Set Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SETKEY.SBMT 
                             :02. SETKEY.FTN   - SETKEY source
                             :03. SETKEY.HLP   - Help file
                             :04. SETKEY.LOD   - LINK cmd file
                             :05. SETKEY.REL
                             :06. SOFTKEYS.CMD - Invoke softkeys
                             :07. EDIT.KEYS    - sample key def file
                             :08. MAIN.KEYS    - sample key def file
                             :09. NCMGR.KEYS   - sample key def file
                             :10. RMOTE.KEYS   - sample key def file
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A, Rte-6(untested) 
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. SOFTKEYS
                             : 2. TERMINAL
    External Support Req'd...: LibC (separate contribution) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 6065 Parkland Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44124-8020 
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This utility will program 1 to 8 of the terminal softkeys based
 on a key definition file. SETKEY can be used in the user's HELLO 
 file to setup user-specific softkeys at logon time. Also, a soft-
 key can invoke additional sets of softkeys to implement somewhat 
 of a menu tree structure. Refer to SETKEY.HLP and the source code
 for addtional details. 
 Additional Documentation....:
LIBA                                                                     Q006 
                          RTE-A SUBROUTINE LIBRARY
 Contribution Name...........: LIBA 
    Title....................: Rte-A Subroutine Library 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. LIBA.SBMT 
                             :02. LIBA.DOC
                             :03. LIBA.MRG
                             :04. LIBA_CDS.CMD
                             :05. LIBA_STD.CMD
                             :06. COMPILE.CMD 
                             :07. CDS.FTNI
                             :08. CDS_OFF.FTNI
                             :09. CDS_ON.FTNI 
                             :10. ABORTIO.MAC 
                             :11. ACCSYSCOM.FTN 
                             :12. CLOSESPOOL.FTN
                             :13. DEVICESTAT.FTN
                             :14. GETCONFIG.FTN 
                             :15. GETIDADR.MAC
                             :16. GETIDNUM.MAC
                             :17. GETLOGONSTRING.FTN
                             :18. GETMYIDNUM.MAC
                             :19. GETPROGRAMNAME.FTN
                             :20. OPENSPOOL.FTN 
                             :21. TIMEDOUT.FTN
                             :22. TIMELIST.MAC
                             :23. $LIBA_CDS.LIB - merged & lindx'd Cds Lib. 
                             :24. $LIBA_STD.LIB - merged & lindx'd Std Lib. 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A ONLY.
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...: LibC (separate contribution) 
                             : SpolA (Csl/1000 Rev-2730 L014) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fix
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 6065 Parkland Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44124-8020 
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution replaces the like-named contribution that appeared 
 in the 1989 San Francisco Swap Tape and the Csl/1000 Rev-3030 Tape.
 This package contains a number of routines used by our application 
 programs on the Rte-A Operating System in conjunction with LIBC and
 SPOL, separate contributions. Another companion library, /LIB6,
 which supported Rte-6/Vm systems has been discontinued.
 The supplied command files require that this contribution be stored
 in a global directory called /LibA.Dir and that two sub-directories, 
 Cds.Dir and Std.Dir exist. Also, the command files reference the 
 programs MERGE and LINDX located on the Fmgr Disc Lu-2 (somewhere
 other than /Programs/) so that the library can be generated on the 
 current system for use on the next revision of the system. 
 The following changes have occurred since the '89 San Francisco Swap 
 Tape and Csl/1000 Rev-3030:
     Modified:  GETCONFIG.FTN 
 Additional Documentation....:
LIBC                                                                     Q007 
                          COMMON SUBROUTINE LIBRARY 
 Contribution Name...........: LIBC 
    Title....................: Common Subroutine Library
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. LIBC.SBMT 
                             :02. LIBC.DOC
                             :03. LIBC.MRG
                             :04. LIBC_CDS.CMD
                             :05. LIBC_STD.CMD
                             :06. COMPILE.CMD 
                             :07. CDS.FTNI
                             :08. CDS_OFF.FTNI
                             :09. CDS_ON.FTNI 
                             :10. ASCIITOREAL.MAC 
                             :11. AUTODIAL.FTN
                             :12. CHECKDSERROR.FTN
                             :13. CHECKFMPERROR.FTN 
                             :14. CHECKIMAGEERROR.FTN 
                             :15. COMPAREBYTES.MAC
                             :16. COMPAREWORDS.MAC
                             :17. CRTCOM.FTNI 
                             :18. DSCOM.FTNI
                             :19. DSPST.FTN 
                             :20. EXITTEST.FTN
                             :21. FMPCOM.FTNI 
                             :22. FORMATTIME.FTN
                             :23. FORMT.MAC 
                             :24. FREESPACE.FTN 
                             :25. HELPTEST.FTN
                             :26. IDOPSYSTEM.FTN
                             :27. IDPLOTTER.FTN 
                             :28. IDTERMINAL.FTN
                             :29. IMAGECOM.FTNI 
                             :30. INTTOASCII.MAC
                             :31. INTTOBINARY.MAC 
                             :32. LISTCOM.FTNI
                             :33. LISTLIB.FTN 
                             :34. LOADBYTE.MAC
                             :35. LOGCOM.FTNI 
                             :36. MOVEBYTES.MAC 
                             :37. MSGCOM.FTN
                             :38. MSGCOM.FTNI 
                             :39. REALTOASCII.MAC 
                             :40. SETDIRPATH.FTN
                             :41. SKIPLINES.FTN 
                             :42. STOREBYTE.MAC 
                             :43. TIMESTAMP.FTN 
                             :44. TIMETOEXEC11.FTN
                             :45. WILDMATCH.FTN 
                             :46. WRITECRT.FTN
                             :47. WRITECRTLOG.FTN 
                             :48. WRITELOG.FTN
                             :49. $LIBC_CDS.LIB - merged & lindx'd Cds Lib. 
                             :50. $LIBC_STD.LIB - merged & lindx'd Std Lib. 
    Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro 
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...: LibA (separate contribution) 
                             : Lib6 (Csl/1000 Rev-2730 L005)
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancement, new routines
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 6065 Parkland Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44124-8020 
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This contribution replaces the like-named contribution that appeared 
 in the 1989 San Francisco Swap Tape and the Csl/1000 Rev-3030 Tape.
 This package contains a number of routines used by our application 
 programs on the Rte-A Operating System in conjunction with LIBA, a 
 separate contribution. Another companion library, /LIB6, which 
 supported Rte-6/Vm systems has been discontinued.
 The supplied command files require that this contribution be stored
 in a global directory called /LibC.Dir and that two sub-directories, 
 Cds.Dir and Std.Dir exist. Also, the command files reference the 
 programs MERGE and LINDX located on the Fmgr Disc Lu-2 (somewhere
 other than /Programs/) so that the library can be generated on the 
 current system for use on the next revision of the system. 
 The following changes have occurred since the '89 San Francisco Swap 
 Tape and Csl/1000 Rev-3030:
     Added:     FREESPACE.FTN 
     Modified:  CHECKFMPERROR.FTN 
 Additional Documentation....:
TIMER                                                                    Q008 
                         A TIMING SHELL VERSION 5.20
Contribution Name............: TIMER
   Title.....................: A timing shell Version 5.20
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. TIMER.SBMT      - This file 
                             :02. TIMER.FTN       - 
                             :03. TIMER.LOD       - 
                             :04. TIMER.REL       - 
                             :05. MAKEFILE.MAKE   - MAKE command file.
                             :06. MAKETIMER.CMD   - Invokes MAKE. 
                             :07. LOADANDRUN.CMD  - Command it and stand back.
                             :08. FOCOLI.CMD      - FOrtran COmpile and LInk. 
   Operating System..........:  RTE-A maybe 6.
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:  Enhancements, including last lap time.
   Keywords..................:01. SYSTEM
                             :02. TOOLS 
                             :03. PERFORMANCE 
                             :04. SHELL 
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (071) 486 9590
              Fax............:  (071) 224 3159
Program Abstract.............:
TIMER  is a timing shell that can be used around any process to give running
time in seconds and fractions thereof. There are several other such programs
in the CSL tapes, such as  CSL2830/M033  by Donald A. Wright.  However, this
version may be tuned to remove its own  overhead,  instructions  being given
below and in the source file. Between invocation, TIMER is terminated saving
resources. The present version is tuned to my A900, but see below.
         Usage       : TIMER [ON][IN][OFF]
                              ON to start the timer.
                                  IN to get intermediate times. 
                                      OFF to get final time.
         Examples    : TIMER ON; RU ANYPROGRAM; TIMER OFF 
                       TIMER ON; PR1; TIMER IN; PR2; TIMER OFF
         Tuning check: TIMER ON; TIMER IN; TIMER OFF
                       Tuning must be done as the sole job. 
TIMER  should be fine-tuned to each system,  since there may be some effects
caused by the way the system was generated, and the  CPU  may have different
characteristics. The source file contains the right overheads for two  CPU's
which are fine-tuned to my installations. Unless the tuning run produces the
following display on your installation -
                    TIMER ON ;TIMER IN;TIMER OFF
           Elapsed time =      0.00  last lap     0.00 seconds. 
the overhead value should be changed. The method is given in the source file. 
List the command files to see their function. 
The transition from D5.1 to D5.2 speeded-up TIMER. For the A900, the overhead 
went from 92 milliseconds to 36, down by a factor of 2.55.  The corresponding 
values for the A700 are from 268 to 107, down by about the same factor. 
Another enhancement in this version is the addition of the last lap time. 
Additional Documentation....:  None.
FREE                                                                     Q009 
                    A DYNAMIC FREES PROGRAM VERSION 5.20
Contribution Name............: FREE 
   Title.....................: A dynamic FREES program Version 5.20 
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. FREE.SBMT          -This file 
                             :02. FREE.FTN           -
                             :03. FREE.LOD           -
                             :04. FREE.REL           -
                             :05. MAKEFILE.MAKE      -MAKE command file.
                             :06. MAKEFREE.CMD       -Invokes MAKE. 
                             :07. COMPILEANDLINK.CMD -Compiles and links FREE 
                             :08. FOCOLI.CMD         -FOrtran COmpile and LInk
   Operating System..........:  RTE-A D5.0 onwards. 
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:  Enhancements. 
   Keywords..................:01. SYSTEM
                             :02. TOOLS 
                             :03. DISC
                             :04. ANALYZER
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (071) 486 9590
              Fax............:  (071) 224 3159
Program Abstract.............:
FREE is a dynamic  FREES program.  Use it during copying from tape or disc to 
disc thus avoiding the potentially destructive '..out of disc space' message. 
It will give you the biggest hole size at time intervals  proportional to the 
hole size and will beep when the hole size is less then ~4000 blocks.  If the 
hole size is not changing it will not write to the screen. Invoke it by:
                                  XQ FREE 
before starting to copy, or simply by:
from  CM  during copying.  A display taken while first copying into LU 17 and 
then purging the copied files (last line) looks as follows: 
     LU 17  free 23555  max hole 23508  blocks
     LU 17  free 22799  max hole 22752  blocks
     LU 17  free 22123  max hole 22076  blocks
     LU 17  free 22115  max hole 22068  blocks
     LU 17  free 23555  max hole 23508  blocks
List the other command files to see their function. 
Enhancements include increased robustness by detaching from session.
Additional Documentation....:  None.
CSLMAKEDIR                                                               Q010 
                     A CSL TAPE MANIPULATOR VERSION 5.20
Contribution Name............: CSLMAKEDIR 
   Title.....................: A CSL tape manipulator Version 5.20
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. CSLMAKEDIR.SBMT    - This file
                             :02. CSLMAKEDIR.FTN     -
                             :03. CSLMAKEDIR.LOD     -
                             :04. CSLMAKEDIR.REL     -
                             :05. MAKEFILE.MAKE      - MAKE command file. 
                             :06. MAKECSLMAKEDIR.CMD - Invokes MAKE.
                             :07. LOADANDRUN.CMD     - Command it and see.
                             :08. FOCOLI.CMD         - FOrtran COmpile & LInk.
   Operating System..........:  RTE-A maybe 6.
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:  Enhancements, including latest CSL practice.
   Keywords..................:01. CSL 
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (071) 486 9590
              Fax............:  (071) 224 3159
Program Abstract.............:
CSLMAKEDIR is a program that takes a CSL tape that has been  TF/FST'ed into a 
global directory and creates subdirectories named Jxxx where J stands for the 
tape letter and xxx for the contribution number. It then renames the files in 
accordance with the Xxxx00 file in each subdirectory. 
List the command files to see their function. 
This program was originally in  CSL2625 and resubmitted with enhancements in
CSL2830 and CSL2930, mainly due to operating system changes.  Those versions
were able to manipulate all the variations in the Xxxx00 files until the CSL
committee changed the rules of the game as of CSL3030. The new command files
included in that last tape, were very wasteful in disk usage and time.  This
version of the program does the conversion in place, plus the space required
for the subdirectories. It will also deal correctly with subsets of the tape
while for each such subset the *TOCI.CMD files must be modified.
Additional Documentation....:  None.
MULTISCOM                                                                Q011 
                          MASKED SCOM  VERSION 5.20 
Contribution Name............: MULTISCOM
   Title.....................: Masked SCOM  Version 5.20
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. MULTISCOM.SBMT    -This file
                             :02. MULTISCOM.FTN     -Masked SCOM. 
                             :03. MULTISCOM.LOD     - 
                             :04. MULTISCOM.REL     - 
                             :05. MULTISCOM.HELP    -Help file. 
                             :06. MAKEFILE.MAKE     -MAKE command file. 
                             :07. MAKEMULTISCOM.CMD -Invokes MAKE.
                             :08. LOADANDRUN.CMD    -Command it and watch.
                             :09. FOCOLI.CMD        -FOrtran COmpile and LInk.
   Operating System..........:  RTE-A D5.1 onwards. 
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:  Enhancements, changes in D5.10 SCOM.
   Keywords..................:01. FILES 
                             :02. TOOLS 
                             :03. COMPARE 
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (071) 486 9590
              Fax............:  (071) 224 3159
Program Abstract.............:
MULTISCOM does a masked SCOM on directories or other FMP masks. This comes in 
useful when there are a lot of text files to be compared, invoked as follows: 
 MULTISCOM mask1 mask2 [[+]listfl][options][rematchlns][maxchars][difflimit]
See   MULTISCOM.HELP  for the meaning of the various parameters.  Differences 
from SCOM.HELP are marked by !!.
DSO may consider to add the functionality of MULTISCOM to  SCOM itself.  This 
trivial addition will make SCOM much more versatile.  (Do DSO persons look at 
CSL contributions?).
List the command files to see their function. 
Additional Documentation....:  MULTISCOM.HELP.
RTE-ANSWERS                                                              Q012 
 Contribution Name...........: RTE-ANSWERS
    Title....................: Code Snippets from RTE-Answers Column
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. RTE_ANSWERS.SBMT
                             :02. RWPHYSICAL.MAC    May 1989
                                  Readwrite physical pages
                             :03. READVAR.FTN       December 1989 
                                  Pre-read variable length file 
                             :04. TYPE6.C           January 1990
                                  Display type 6 file information 
                             :05. FIND_SHEMA.C      March 1990
                                  Find SHEMA partition location 
                             :06. PRINT_ITEMS.C     April 1990
                                  Format image dataset entry items
                             :07. TMSG.C            May 1990
                                   Storing data in code segment 
                             :08. MESSAGES.MAC      May 1990
                                  Code segment data module
                             :09. SWAPFREE.C        June 1990 
                                  Free swap file display
                             :10. SWAPFILE.C        July 1990 
                                  Swap file usage display 
                             :11. SWAP.C            September 1990
                                  Byte and word swaps for PC
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6/VM
    Language(s)..............: C, FORTRAN, Assembly 
    Keywords.................: 1. Documentation 
                             : 2. Demo
                             : 3. Code
    External Support Req'd...: C Runtime Library
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: David Boskey 
               Company.......: Corporate Computer Systems, Inc. 
               Street........: 33 West Main Street
               City..........: Holmdel
               State.........: NJ 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07733
               Phone Number..: (908) 946-3800 
               Fax Number....: (908) 946-7167 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   This contribution contains the snippets of code as well as the 
   full programs discusses in the RTE-Answers column that has been
   appearing in HP Design and Automation and the HP Chronicle over
   the past two years.
 Additional Documentation....:
   See the columns referenced in the file list above. 
CROSS                                                                    Q013 
 Contribution Name...........: CROSS
    Title....................: Cross-check that all variables are declared
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. CROSS.SBMT  (submission file) 
                             :02. CROSS.FTN 
                             :03. CROSS.REL 
                             :04. CROSS.LOD 
                             :05. TABLES.FTNI 
                             :06. INSTALL.CMD 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6,RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. CROSS-REFERENCE 
                             : 2. COMPILER
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Don Leslie
               Company.......:  Raytheon
               Street........:  P.O. Box B
               City..........:  White Sands Missile Range 
               State.........:  N.M.
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  88002 
               Phone Number..:  505-678-9791
 Contribution Abstract.......:
This program used the CSL contribution Crlist (Release 2730,
contribution L063) as a baseline. CROSS checks whether all variables
are declared and if they are referenced. If the variables are in a
labled common the listing gives the common block name along with the
variable name. The output gives as a summary the common block names 
and how many variables in the block are referenced. A sample program
and CROSS ouput are shown below.
                        Program a 
                        Common /b/ b1,b2
                        Common /c/ c1,c2
                        b1 = c2 
                    Output of variables 
        File Name      :     A.FTN
        Program Name   :     A
        Common name(s) and number of variables referenced 
        ! B               -   1  ! C               -   1  ! 
        ! Variable-Name      ! Common-Name   ! Declaration       ! Statement !
        !                    !               !         ! Include !           !
        !                    !               !         !         !           !
        ! B1                 ! B             !    *    !         !     *     !
        ! B2                 ! B             !    *    !         !           !
        ! C1                 ! C             !    *    !         !           !
        ! C2                 ! C             !    *    !         !     *     !
 CROSS requires a .LST-file, which is generated by compiling with the QTC 
 options. If there is no LST file CROSS will run Fortran to build one. For
 this to work FTN7X must be rp'ed.
         CALL :  CROSS filename (without extension) 
 Additional Documentation....:
EVENT                                                                    Q014 
 Contribution Name......(16).: EVENT
    Title...............(64).: Calendar With Time-Scheduled Terminal Display
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. EVENT.SBMT    This file
                             : 02. EVENT.FTN     Main program source
                             : 03. EVENT.REL     Relocatable
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6/VM
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: CALENDAR 
                             : SCHEDULING 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Correct SUBMIT file and add features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology
               Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North
               City..........: Lake Elmo
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55042
               Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 
               Fax Number....: 612/770-5986 
               Date..........: 91 May 13
 Program Abstract............:
 EVENT is another calendar program.  It keeps track of several  users'
 Calendar  Files, which are ordinary ASCII files maintained by EDIT or
 CCWORD.  When an event in one of those files is due, EVENT displays a
 message on that user's screen. 
 EVENT is useful not only for defining the  calendar  format  but  for
 reminding the user when a calendar event has come due. 
 It is documented further in the  source  EVENT.FTN.   Link  it  as  a
 System Utility (SU) on RTE-A, or Don't Copy (DC) on RTE-6/VM.
 EVENT was originally submitted on the Boston Swap Tape.  This  resub-
 mission corrects a badly screwed-up SUBMIT file  (wrong  contribution
 name and title!) and also adds a couple of minor enhancements. 
EXPORT                                                                   Q015 
 Contribution Name......(16).: EXPORT 
    Title...............(64).: RP and Export Program to Another Session 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. EXPORT.SBMT   This file
                             : 02. EXPORT.FTN    Main program source
                             : 03. EXPORT.REL    Relocatable
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: SYSTEM 
                             : SESSION
                             : TOOLS
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology
               Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North
               City..........: Lake Elmo
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55042
               Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 
               Fax Number....: 612/770-5986 
               Date..........: 91 May 13
 Program Abstract............:
 EXPORT RP's a program from a user session  and  exports  it  to  some
 other  session,  optionally  also running it.  If no other session is
 specified, it exports the program to the system  session.   Typically
 it  may  be used to conveniently replace a system program from a user
 session without requiring that the system program incur the  overhead
 and extra size involved in a DTACH call. 
 Execute EXPORT as follows: 
    RU EXPORT ProgName [, Session [, XQ/RU runstring ]] 
    ProgName is the name of the Type-6 file to be RP'd and exported.
       It may be a full file descriptor.  If the RP fails because the 
       resulting program name already exists in the user's session, 
       the existing program will be exported instead.  If the RP fails
       because the program name exists in the system session and it is
       a system utility (not clonable), that error will be reported.
    Session is the destination session to which the program will be 
       exported.  The program's terminal LU ($CON) will also be set to
       the destination session number, or 1 for the system session. 
       If not supplied, the default destination is the system session.
    XQ/RU runstring is a run string which may be used to kick off and 
       run the RP'd program in its new session.  If not supplied, the 
       program is RP'd but not scheduled. 
 It is documented further in the  source  EXPORT.FTN. 
SYS_DUMP                                                                 Q016 
 Contribution Name...........: SYS_DUMP 
    Title....................: COPY BOOTABLE SYSTEM TO STREAMING TAPE 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SYS_DUMP.SBMT 
                             :02. SYS_DUMP.FTN
                             :03. SYS_DUMP.REL
                             :04. SYS_DUMP.MAKE 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE_A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. BACKUP
                             : 3. MAGNETIC_TAPE 
                             : 4. COPY
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: Lilly Corporate Center 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This program will copy any type 1 file
  to a 9-track tape drive.   The newer "smarter" drives are buffered and
  work best if operated in streaming (immediate return) mode.  There is 
  not yet a control request to tell the driver to use this mode for all 
  subsequent requests.  You must set a bit in each exec call.   Thus it 
  is not possible to use the 'CO' command to produce a bootable tape
  in a reasonable amount of time on a 7978 - 7980.
 Additional Documentation....:
COPYCS80DISC                                                             Q017 
                        COPY ONE CS80 DISC TO ANOTHER 
 Contribution Name...........: CopyCS80Disc 
    Title....................: Copy one CS80 disc to another
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. CopyCS80Disc.Sbmt (Submission file) 
                             :02. CopyCS80Disc.Ftn  (Source code) 
                             :03. CopyCS80Disc.Rel  (Relocatable) 
                             :04. CopyCS80Disc.Lod  (Link command file) 
                             :05. Elaps.Mac         (Subroutine source) 
                             :06. Elaps.Rel         (Subroutine reloc)
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CS80
                             : 2. Copy
                             : 3. Disc
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhanced, tested on RTE-A
 Contributor's Name..........: Eric Allaert 
               Company.......: European Southern Observatory
               Street........: Casilla 19001
               City..........: Santiago 19
               Country.......: Chile
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: [56]-(2)-6988757 ext 4374
               Telex.........: 240881 ESOGO CL
 Contribution Abstract.......:
     This program will copy one CS80 disc to another.  The only system
     requirement is that each disc should have at least one LU referencing
     the correct interface card and HP-IB address.  The actual number 
     of blocks copied is the minimum of the two real physical sizes: the
     sizes as known to the operating system via the track map table / DVT 
     are of no concern, as a DESCRIBE command is issued to the drives to
     retrieve their actual size.  This is a clear step ahead on RTE-A's 
     COPYL and RTE-6's PCOPY programs for disc-mirroring and disc-
     initialization applications. 
     Schedule this program as follows:
          CoypCS80Disc InputLu OutputLu 
     with InputLu  = any lu of the CS80 disc to copy (source) 
          OutputLu = any lu of the CS80 disc to overwrite (destination) 
     This program has proven to be very useful to initialize virgin discs.
     It takes on an HP1000F with RTE-6/VM 5.0 only ~40 minutes to copy one
     570MB (model 7937) disc to another, with both discs on the same
     interface card.  On an A900 this took somewhat longer. 
     ELAPS is a very fast routine for timing between 2 events.  It is much
     faster than the HP ElapsedTime and Exec 11 routines, and also more 
     flexible.  Look into the source for additional documentation.
     WARNING: as this programs completely overwrites the destination disc,
     access to this program should be restricted to you gurus only. 
 Additional Documentation....:
EMICRO                                                                   Q018 
                       E-SERIES MICROCODED SIN-COS-TAN
 Contribution Name...........: EMicro 
    Title....................: E-series microcoded sin-cos-tan
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. Emicro.Sbmt       (Submission file) 
                             :02. Emicro.Doc        (Documentation file)
                             :03. SCMXE.Mic         (Source code) 
                             :04. SCMXE.Obj         (Object code) 
                             :05. SnCos.Mac         (Source code) 
                             :06. SnCo2.Mac         (Source code) 
                             :07. SCTst.Ftn         (Source code) 
                             :08. DlMic.Ftn         (Source code) 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO, MICRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Microcode 
                             : 2. PROM
                             : 3. Trigonometry
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fixes
 Contributor's Name..........: Eric Allaert 
               Company.......: European Southern Observatory
               Street........: Casilla 19001
               City..........: Santiago 19
               Country.......: Chile
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: [56]-(2)-6988757 ext 4374
               Telex.........: 240881 ESOGO CL
 Contribution Abstract.......:
     This microcode is for use on the HP 21-MXE or HP 1000 E computer 
     series.  It contains fundamentally the microcode for SIN and COS,
     while the TAN is calculated using these two functions.  This was 
     originally a contribution from John Morris (CSL 2001, 2.1-6).  It
     had 2 serious bugs that have been removed now. 
     The microcoded SIN and COS are only slightly faster than their 
     software library counterpart, while the TAN executes at about the
     same speed.  The best reason however to use this microcode is its
     accuracy: the library routines suffer from an inaccuracy of several
     percents for certain angles, which is unacceptable for many of our 
     SCMXE.OBJ is the microcode in object format, as output by HP's micro-
     assembler.  The downloading of this file into a commercial PROM
     programmer is handled by the program DLMIC.  SNCOS is the firmware 
     interface library, while SCTST and SNCO2 are included for test-
 Additional Documentation....:
     See the Emicro.Doc file. 
WHZUP                                                                    Q019 
                        DYNAMIC SYSTEM STATE DISPLAY
 Contribution Name...........: WHZUP
    Title....................: Dynamic system state display 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. WHZUP.SBMT  submit file 
                             :02. WHZUP.FTN 
                             :03. WHZUP.REL 
                             :04. WHZUP.HLP   copy to /help/whzup 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. monitor 
                             : 2. system_tables 
                             : 3. system
                             : 4. status
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  F. Stephen Gauss
               Company.......:  U.S. Naval Observatory
               Street........:  34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW
               City..........:  Washington
               State.........:  DC
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  20392 
               Phone Number..:  202-653-1510    fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil 
 Program Abstract............:  Program dynamically displays number of
 system resources in use versus available, including ID segs, resource
 and class numbers and memory blocks.  Also shows ID segment usage and
 state of each active program.  Can also display map registers in use.
 Additional Documentation....:  ru,whzup,?
MAKEDVT                                                                  Q020 
                         MAKE DVT GENERATOR ENTRIES 
 Contribution Name...........: MAKEDVT
    Title....................: Make DVT generator entries 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. MAKEDVT.SBMT
                             :02. MAKEDVT.FTN 
                             :03. MAKEDVT.REL 
                             :04. MAKEDVT.TBL   (move to ::SYSTEM)
                             :05. MAKEDVT.HELP
                             :06. MAKEDVT.ANS    (sample input file)
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. Generation
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th St. and Mass. Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
                             : fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil
 Program Abstract............: Using the list of disk drives in MAKEDVT.TBL 
and an input file of the required disk configurations, this program creates 
a list of DVT records suitable for inclusion in the generation answer file. 
Disk space can be allocated in tracks, bytes or percent of the disk.
To see how it works, type 
      makedvt makedvt.ans makedvt.out 
and examine the makedvt.out file. 
 Additional Documentation....: See MAKEDVT.HELP 
MFILE                                                                    Q021 
                          MAIL/1000 MESSAGE TO FILE 
 Contribution Name...........: MFILE
    Title....................: MAIL/1000 message to file
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. MFILE.SBMT
                             :02. MFILE.FTN 
                             :03. MFILE.REL 
                             :04. MFILE.HELP  copy this to /help/mfile
    Operating System.........: RTE-A (should also work on RTE-6)
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. Mail
                             : 2. Network 
                             : 3. Message 
    External Support Req'd...: Mail/1000 (>=Rev. 5.2 of RTE)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U. S. Naval Observatory
               Street........: 34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
               Internet......: fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil
 Program Abstract............: MFILE is used with the filter feature of 
 Mail/1000 to intercept mail and divert it to a file whose name and 
 directory can be determined from the parameter string. 
 Additional Documentation....: See MAIL.HELP. 
LPRINT                                                                   Q022 
                          REMOTE PRINTING OVER LAN
 Contribution Name...........: LPRINT 
    Title....................: Remote printing over LAN 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. LPRINT.SBMT 
                             :02. LPRINT.FTN
                             :03. LPRINT.REL
                             :04. LPRINT.DOC
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A, RTE-6
    Language(s)..............:  FORTRAN 
    Keywords.................: 1. PRINTER 
                             : 2. NETWORK 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  F. Stephen Gauss
               Company.......:  U.S. Naval Observatory
               Street........:  34th St. & Massachusetts Ave. NW
               City..........:  Washington
               State.........:  DC
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  20392 
               Phone Number..:  202-653-1510  fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil 
 Program Abstract............:  Allows the HP1000 to act as a remote print
server.  Any mechanism that will move a file to the 1000 can cause that file
to be printed on any printer attached to the 1000.
 Additional Documentation....:  See LPRINT.DOC
CLINK                                                                    Q023 
 Contribution Name...........: CLINK
    Title....................: Compile and LINK all files in directory
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. clink.sbmt
                             :02. beep.ftn
                             :03. beep.rel
                             :04. check_break.ftn 
                             :05. check_break.rel 
                             :06. check_general.ftn 
                             :07. check_general.rel 
                             :08. check_includes.ftn
                             :09. check_includes.rel
                             :10. check_library.ftn 
                             :11. check_library.rel 
                             :12. check_lod.ftn 
                             :13. check_lod.rel 
                             :14. check_merg.ftn
                             :15. check_merg.rel
                             :16. check_relocatabl.ftn
                             :17. check_relocatabl.rel
                             :18. clink.ftn 
                             :19. clink.help            - HELP file 
                             :20. clink.lod 
                             :21. clink.rel 
                             :22. clink_parms.incl
                             :23. compile_general.ftn 
                             :24. compile_general.rel 
                             :25. expand_filename.ftn 
                             :26. expand_filename.rel 
                             :27. filename_util.ftn     - General file name 
                                                          manipulation routines 
                             :28. filename_util.incl
                             :29. filename_util.lib 
                             :30. filename_util.merg
                             :31. filename_util.rel 
                             :32. file_mask_util.ftn   - Easy to use file mask
                             :33. file_mask_util.lib
                             :34. file_mask_util.merg 
                             :35. file_mask_util.rel
                             :36. fmp_mask_util.incl
                             :37. get_yes_no.ftn
                             :38. get_yes_no.rel
                             :39. make_makefile.incl
                             :40. make_subs.ftn 
                             :41. make_subs.rel 
                             :42. recreate_lib.ftn
                             :43. recreate_lib.rel
                             :44. relink.ftn
                             :45. relink.rel
                             :46. setup_options.ftn 
                             :47. setup_options.rel 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Compiler
                             : 2. Link
                             : 3. Procedures
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Greg Long
               Company.......: General Motors Research Laboratories 
               Street........: 30500 Mound Rd.
               City..........: Warren 
               State.........: MI 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 48090-9055 
               Phone Number..: (313) 986-0083 
               Fax Number....:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  CLINK was designed to perform all operations necessary to make all programs 
'current'.  CLINK does this by checking the update timestamps on all.FTN, 
.PAS, .MAC, .C, .MERG and .LOD files and all of their corresponding output
files (.REL, .LIB and .RUN).  CLINK will compile any source file, merge and 
index any libraries, and link any programs that are "out of date".  CLINK 
will optionally open all source files, search for include directives, and 
check their update times as well.  If a compile or link error is detected,
CLINK will ask if you want to edit the file, either EDIT/1000 or EMACS may
be used.  After editing, the compile or link will be attempted again. 
  CLINK also has an option to build a makefile instead of actually performing 
the commands. 
 Additional Documentation....: CLINK.HELP 
DO                                                                       Q024 
 Contribution Name...........: DO 
    Title....................: Generate and Execute a Series of Commands
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DO.SBMT 
                             :02. $CRLIB
                             :03. %CI 
                             :04. %CISU6
                             :05. %CISUB
                             :06. DO.DOC
                             :07. DO.FTN
                             :08. DO.REL
                             :09. DO6.LOD 
                             :10. DOA.LOD 
                             :11. DOCMD.FTN 
                             :12. DOCMD.REL 
                             :13. DODMP.FTN 
                             :14. DODMP.REL 
                             :15. DODUM.FTN 
                             :16. DODUM.REL 
                             :17. DOMIS.FTN 
                             :18. DOMIS.REL 
                             :19. DOMSK.FTN 
                             :20. DOMSK.REL 
                             :21. DOSCN.FTN 
                             :22. DOSCN.REL 
                             :23. DOTRE.FTN 
                             :24. DOTRE.REL 
                             :25. ONLY.FTN
                             :26. ONLY.REL
                             :27. WILD.FTN
                             :28. WILD.REL
                             :29. DOBUF.FTNI
                             :30. DOMSK.FTNI
                             :31. DOOPT.FTNI
                             :32. DOTRE.FTNI
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Procedures
                             : 2. Command_files 
                             : 3. Pre-processor 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Fixed bug.  See below. 
                               F. Stephen Gauss 
                               U.S. Naval Observatory 
                               Washington, DC 20392 
 Contributor's Name..........: John D. Johnson
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 1266 Kifer Road,  MS/101R
               City..........: Sunnyvale
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94086
               Phone Number..: (408) 746-5263 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  DO generates and executes a series of command lines derived from a single 
  abbreviated command line typed by the user, optionally asking the user
  to approve each command line before it is executed. 
 Additional Documentation....: See file DO.DOC for usage documentation. 
  To load on RTE-6/, use DO6.LOD, on RTE-A use DOA.LOD.  There is no source 
  for $CRLIB, %CI, %CISU6 and SUB as these are derived from HP products.
  Bug fix: security code on FMGR files was being converted to lower case. 
GAWK                                                                     Q025 
                               AWK INTERPRETER
 Contribution Name...........: Gawk 
    Title....................: Awk Interpreter
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. GAWK.SBMT 
                             :02. ABORT.C 
                             :03. ABORT.REL 
                             :04. ALLOCA.MAC
                             :05. ALLOCA.REL
                             :06. ARG_BUF.C 
                             :07. ARG_BUF.REL 
                             :08. ARRAY.C 
                             :09. ARRAY.REL 
                             :10. AWK.H 
                             :11. AWK_TAB.C 
                             :12. AWK_TAB.REL 
                             :13. BUILTIN.C 
                             :14. BUILTIN.REL 
                             :15. DEBUG.C 
                             :16. DEBUG.REL 
                             :17. ENVIRON.C 
                             :18. ENVIRON.MAC 
                             :19. ENVIRON.REL 
                             :20. EVAL.C
                             :21. EVAL.REL
                             :22. FIELD.C 
                             :23. FIELD.REL 
                             :24. GAWK.LOD
                             :25. GAWK.TEXI 
                             :26. IO.C
                             :27. IO.REL
                             :28. MAIN.C
                             :29. MAIN.REL
                             :30. MAKEFILE
                             :31. MISSING.C 
                             :32. MISSING.REL 
                             :33. MSG.C 
                             :34. MSG.REL 
                             :35. NODE.C
                             :36. NODE.REL
                             :37. PATCHLEVEL.H
                             :38. REGEX.C 
                             :39. REGEX.H 
                             :40. REGEX.REL 
                             :41. STRCASE.C 
                             :42. STRERROR.C
                             :43. TEXINDEX.C
                             :44. TEXINFO.TEX 
                             :45. UNIXIO.C
                             :46. UNIXIO.REL
                             :47. VERSION.C 
                             :48. VERSION.REL 
                             :49. _CPARSE.C 
                             :50. _CPARSE.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, VC+ 
    Language(s)..............: C
    Keywords.................: 1. Language
                             : 2. UNIX
                             : 3. Interpreter 
    External Support Req'd...: C lib, Curses_E.lib
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John D. Johnson
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road,  MS/42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 447-5083 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
Gawk is a port to the HP-1000 done by John D. Johnson of the GNU
Awk program.
Routine from my CURSES_E.lib are used, which is also on the same
swap tape.
 Additional Documentation....: File Gawk.texi is a 150 page manual, but 
you need TeX to format it.  Aho, Kernighan, and Weinberger, "The Awk
Programming Language", Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-07981-X can also be 
used as a manual. 
CURSES_E                                                                 Q026 
 Contribution Name...........: CURSES_E 
    Title....................: Cursor/Window Control Library Package
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. CURSES_E.SBMT 
                             :02. ATTRIB.C
                             :03. BEEP.C
                             :04. BORDER.C
                             :05. BOXES.C 
                             :06. CHARADD.C 
                             :07. CHARDEL.C 
                             :08. CHARGET.C 
                             :09. CHARINS.C 
                             :10. CHARPICK.C
                             :11. CLRTOBOT.C
                             :12. CLRTOEOL.C
                             :13. COMM.MAKE 
                             :14. CURSES.H
                             :15. CURSES.LIB
                             :16. CURSES.MAN
                             :17. CURSES.MRG
                             :18. CURSESKEY.C 
                             :19. CURSES_E.LIB
                             :20. CURSPRIV.H
                             :21. ENDWIN.C
                             :22. GETOPT.C
                             :23. HEAP_LOCATION.C 
                             :24. IDLUPDATE.C 
                             :25. INITSCR.C 
                             :26. LBPC.MAC
                             :27. LINEDEL.C 
                             :28. LINEINS.C 
                             :29. LONG.MAKE 
                             :30. LONGNAME.C
                             :31. MAKERUNSTRING.MAC 
                             :32. MEMCPY.MAC
                             :33. MOVE.C
                             :34. MVCURSOR.C
                             :35. NEWWIN.C
                             :36. OPTIONS.C 
                             :37. OVERLAY.C 
                             :38. PIPES.LIB 
                             :39. PIPES_CDS.LIB 
                             :40. POPEN.C 
                             :41. PRNTSCAN.C
                             :42. RANDOM.C
                             :43. README.1000 
                             :44. README.PC 
                             :45. REFRESH.C 
                             :46. RTECURSES.C 
                             :47. SCRREG.C
                             :48. SETMODE.C 
                             :49. SETTERM.C 
                             :50. SHORT.MAKE
                             :51. SIGNAL.C
                             :52. SLEEP.C 
                             :53. STRADD.C
                             :54. STRGET.C
                             :55. STRLEN.MAC
                             :56. STUB.MAC
                             :57. TABSIZE.C 
                             :58. TERMMISC.C
                             :59. UNCTRL.C
                             :60. UPDATE.C
                             :61. WINCLEAR.C
                             :62. WINDEL.C
                             :63. WINERASE.C
                             :64. WINMOVE.C 
                             :65. WINSCROL.C
                             :66. WINTOUCH.C
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, VC+ 
    Language(s)..............: C
    Keywords.................: 1. TERMINAL
                             : 2. UNIX
    External Support Req'd...: C lib, CDS, New serial drivers (REV.D Mux) 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements and bug fixes 
 Contributor's Name..........: John D. Johnson
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road,  MS/42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 447-5083 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
CURSES is a port to the HP-1000 done by John D. Johnson of the PCcurses 
v.1.4 cursor/window control package, along with some routines that
emulate Unix routines.
The Unix routine are:  sleep(), random() and getopt() popen and pclose. 
There are faster versions of CCS'S .LBPC, memcpy() and strlen().
There are stub routines for unlink(), link(), pause(), getpid(),
kill()  and signal(). 
There is a modified set of FMP routines that support program to 
program pipes.
This version of Curses supports only HP terminal escape sequences.
The CURSES_E.LIB version is for use with long pointers, the CURSES.LIB
version is for use with short pointers. 
 Additional Documentation....: See file README.1000 first.  A manual is 
found in CURSES.MAN.
RTU_LINK                                                                 Q027 
 Contribution Name...........: RTU_LINK 
    Title....................: Bi-Directional Transfer Between HP1000 & HP48000 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. RTU_LINK.SBMT 
                             :02. RTU_LINK.FTN
                             :03. RTU_LINK.REL
                             :04. RTU_LINK.LOD
                             :05. RTU_LINK.RUN
                             :06. RTU_LINK.INC
                             :07. RTU_OPCODES.FTNI
                             :08. RTU_INSTALL.CMD 
                             :09. SM_LIB.FTN
                             :10. SM_LIB.REL
                             :11. SM_LIB.LIB
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. Data_Comm 
    External Support Req'd...: COMM HANDLER HP48073A
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: LUCIANO CALZAVARA & DANIELE TUBACHER 
               Company.......: SECONDO MONA SPA 
               Street........: VIA CARLO DEL PRETE 1
               City..........: SOMMA LOMBARDO 
               State.........: -
               Country.......: ITALY
               Zip Code......: 21019
               Phone Number..: (0331)-256201
               TELEX.........: 332559 
 Contribution Abstract.......: BI DIRECTIONAL DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN 
                               HP1000 AND HP48000 
 Additional Documentation....:
MERGE_SIDEWAYS                                                           Q028 
                           MERGE FILES "SIDEWAYS" 
 Contribution Name...........: Merge_Sideways 
    Title....................: Merge files "Sideways" 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. Merge_Sideways.sbmt 
                             :02. Merge_Sideways.ftn
                             :03. GetFmpError.ftn 
                             :04. Merge_Sideways.lod
                             :05. Merge_Sideways.help 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............: HP FORTRAN 77
    Keywords.................: 1. FILES 
                             : 2. MERGE 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Michael J. Taljonick 
               Company.......: Electronic Data Systems
               Street........: Engineering Building D1-DYNO 
               Street........: 30200 Mound Road 
               City..........: Warren 
               State.........: Michigan 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 48090-9010 
               Phone Number..: (313) 986-7939 
               Fax Number....: (313) 986-7851 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program merges files "sideways" as opposed
                               to merging them one after the other. 
                               It is patterned after the HP MERGE program as
                               far as "look and feel" are concerned.
DP                                                                       Q029 
 Contribution Name...........: DP 
    Title....................: Display parameters in various formats
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) 
                             :01. DP.SBMT 
                             :02. DP.FTN    (source file) 
                             :03. DP.HLP    (help file) 
                             :04. DP.REL    (Relocatable File)
                             :05. DP.LOD    (Link Command File) 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6/vm
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. TOOLS 
                             : 3. GLOBALS 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug Fix for translating single char inputs 
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul F. Gerwitz
               Company.......: Eastman Kodak Company
               Street........: MSD, Bldg.56/3, Kodak Park 
               City..........: Rochester
               State.........: New York 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 14652-3302 
               Phone Number..: 716-477-3067 
 Program Abstract............:
   This program is a handy utility to display those nasty CI globals
   that usually are displayed in unuseful formats 
 Additional Documentation....: See Help file
NS_TIME                                                                  Q030 
 Contribution Name...........: NS_time
    Title....................: Set system clock from master node via NS-1000
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. nstime.sbmt 
                             :02. nstime.doc     Help file
                             :03. nstime.ftn     Source 
                             :04. nstime.rel
                             :05. nstime.lod     Link command file
                             :06. welcome.cmd    Sample welcome file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Time
                             : 2. Network 
                             : 3. DS
    External Support Req'd...: NS-1000 or NS/ARPA 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Randy Brzoskowski
               Company.......: S. C. Johnson Wax
               Street........: 1525 Howe Street  m/s 271
               City..........: Racine 
               State.........: Wis
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 53403-5011 
               Phone Number..: (414) 631-3479 
               Fax Number....: (414) 631-4503 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      This program will set the clock on the local node from the system 
      clock on the specified remote node. The program will then try 
      to run the NS-1000 'TIMER' program to reset the internal NS/ARPA
      timers. The program should be run at boot as follows: 
                  NSTIM <node>
                          <node> = Master node to set the clock from
       The program returns one parameter to the calling program 
       $return1 = 0 if the program ran ok 
       $return1 = -1 if there was an error
 Additional Documentation....:
RFLIB                                                                    Q031 
 Contribution Name...........: RFLIB
    Title....................: Network-Analyzer Utility Library 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. 'RFLIB
                             :02. "INFO 
                             :03. &CORRA
                             :04. &GPDLY
                             :05. &ELESX
                             :06. &POLAR
                             :07. &CONST
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO, FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
                             : 2. Analyzer
                             : 3. Statistics
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: ROBERT NIEKAMP 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: 6601 WESTCHESTER AVE.
               City..........: KANSAS CITY
               State.........: MISSOURI 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64131
               Phone Number..: (816) 737-0071 
               Fax Number....:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
              A collection of routines to assist in determining if
              an automatic network analyzer's (ANA) measurement is
              statistically meaningful (correlation approaches +1). 
 Additional Documentation....: File "INFO 
CPM_NETWORK                                                              Q032 
 Contribution Name...........: CPM_Network
    Title....................: Critical-Path-Method Task Analysis 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01  netzplan.sbmt       submitfile
                             :02  netzplan.doc        small documentation 
                             :03  readme.netz         config. description 
                             :04  netzplan.com        Common declaration
                             :05  netzplan.ema        Global EMA declaration
                             :06  netzplan.ftn        Mainprogram 
                             :07  titel.ftn           Titel 
                             :08  save.ftn            Save of Data
                             :09  help.ftn            Helpfacility
                             :10  eingabe1.ftn        Inputroutine
                             :11  auswertung.ftn      Generaloutput 
                             :12  ausgabe1.ftn        Generaloutput 
                             :13  berechnung.ftn      Calc. buffer & time 
                             :14  krit_pfad.ftn       Crtical Path Output 
                             :15  balken.ftn          Time-Action Output
                             :16  ddate.ftn           Jul. to norm. Date conv 
                             :17  jdate.ftn           norm. to jul. Date conv 
                             :18  week_day.ftn        calc. Weekday 
                             :19  used_time.ftn       calc. 5/7 day week
                             :20  netz_edit.ftn       Editor
                             :21  n_sort.ftn          Sorter
                             :22  netzseg1.ftn        segment 1 
                             :23  load_scratch.ftn    scratchhandler
                             :24  save_scratch.ftn    scratchhandler
                             :25  reset_inhalt.ftn    Zeros all data
                             :26  netzplan.rel        Mainprogram 
                             :27  titel.rel           Titel 
                             :28  save.rel            Save of Data
                             :29  help.rel            Helpfacility
                             :30  netzplan.help       Helpfile
                             :31  eingabe1.rel        Inputroutine
                             :32  auswertung.rel      Generaloutput 
                             :33  ausgabe1.rel        Generaloutput 
                             :34  berechnung.rel      Calc. buffer & time 
                             :35  krit_pfad.rel       Crtical Path Output 
                             :36  balken.rel          Time-Action Output
                             :37  ddate.rel           Jul. to norm. Date conv 
                             :38  jdate.rel           norm. to jul. Date conv 
                             :39  week_day.rel        calc. Weekday 
                             :40  used_time.rel       calc. 5/7 day week
                             :41  netz_edit.rel       Editor
                             :42  n_sort.rel          Sorter
                             :43  netzseg1.rel        segment 1 
                             :44  load_scratch.rel    scratchhandler
                             :45  save_scratch.rel    scratchhandler
                             :46  reset_inhalt.rel    Zeros all data
                             :47  netzplan.lib        library 
                             :48  netzplan.cmd        Comp. & link
                             :49  netzlib.merg        merge the library 
                             :50  netzplan.lod        Linkcommandfile 
                             :51  fabric.dat          example 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A with VCPLUS (CDS)
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Analyzer
                             : 2. Time
                             : 3. Management
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Roland Dietiker 
               Street........:  Pflanzerbachstr. 9
               City..........:  Widen 
               Country.......:  Switzerland 
               Zip Code......:  8967
               Phone Number..:  CH-57/33 75 90  CH-57/33 12 81
               Fax Number....:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
     This program allow time forecasting for tasks and evalutes the 
     critical path. 
 Additional Documentation....:  Netzplan.doc
CARD_ID                                                                  Q033 
 Contribution Name...........: Card_ID
    Title....................: Identify installed hardware at boot
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01 CARD_ID.SBMT 
                             :02 SCSI.FTN   check 12016A
                             :03 SCSI.REL 
                             :04 SCSI.LOD 
                             :05 LAN.FTN    check 12076A
                             :06 LAN.REL
                             :07 LAN.LOD
                             :08 PSI.FTN    check PSI 
                             :09 PSI.REL
                             :10 PSI.LOD
                             :11 MUX.FTN    check 12040A-D
                             :12 MUX.REL
                             :13 MUX.LOD
                             :14 IOID.MAC   inquire interfacetype 
                             :15 IOID.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77 MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Interface 
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. Boot-up 
                             : 4. Status
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Roland Dietiker
               Street........: Pflanzerbachstr. 9 
               City..........: Widen
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Zip Code......: CH-8967
               Phone Number..: CH-57/33 75 90   CH-57/33 12 81
               Fax Number....:
 Contribution Abstract.......: To avoid handups or similar problems 
at bootup time I wrote these small programs to check for the proper 
select codes and interfaces in my computer systems. 
Typical application:
* file: Welcome2.cmd
IF MUX 30B; * is on SC 30B a MUX ?
   ECHO `Mux not installed` 
*  check for X.25 
IF PSI 54B; * is on SC 54B a PSI card ? 
    ECHO `X.25 not installed` 
The following table shows the current known interface identification: 
           Card ID  Card
           000000B  12005A
           000100B  12005B
           001000B  12006A
           102000B  PSI 
           003000B  12008A
           004000B  12009A
           005000B  12010A
           106000B  8-MUX 
           122000B  37222A
           023000B  12022A
           125000B  12065A
           126000B  12076A
           040000B  12060A
           141000B  12063A
           143000B  12072A
           044000B  12062A
           060000B  12153A
           061000B  12205A
           115000B  12016A
with this information you are able to produce your own card identifier. 
- make a copy of LAN.FTN or MUX.FTN and rename it.
- replace the current TYPE code with the desired
- compile and link it 
- try it out
TEST_IO                                                                  Q034 
                           SHOW INSTALLED HARDWARE
 Contribution Name...........: Test_IO
    Title....................: show installed Hardware
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied)
                             : 01 TEST_IO.SBMT
                             : 02 TEST_IO.CMD   compile and link
                             : 03 TEST_IO.FTN   main
                             : 04 TEST_IO.REL 
                             : 05 TEST_IO.LOD 
                             : 06 CPU_SW.MAC    get CPU switches
                             : 07 CPU_SW.REL
                             : 08 VCP.MAC       get VCP switches
                             : 09 VCP.REL 
                             : 10 IOID.MAC      get interfaces
                             : 11 IOID.REL
                             : 12 CPUID.MAC     get CPU ID
                             : 13 CPUID.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Interface 
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. Status
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Roland Dietiker 
               Street........:  Pflanzerbachstr. 9
               City..........:  Widen 
               Country.......:  Switzerland 
               Zip Code......:  8967
               Phone Number..:
               Fax Number....:
 Contribution Abstract.......:  TEST_IO shows the CPU type, Processor-
                                status , VCP switch settings and the
                                installed interfaces. 
 CPU: A400                 Processorstatus:  063400B
 177777B SC:77 ID:77 Rev:7 CPU:1 Card:12100A   VCP disabled 
 000020B SC:20 ID:00 Rev:0 CPU:0 Card:12005A   VCP enabled
 004027B SC:27 ID:04 Rev:0 CPU:0 Card:12009A   VCP disabled 
 001035B SC:35 ID:01 Rev:0 CPU:0 Card:12006A   VCP disabled 
 000033B SC:33 ID:00 Rev:0 CPU:0 Card:12005A   VCP disabled 
 106030B SC:30 ID:06 Rev:0 CPU:1 Card:8-MUX    VCP disabled 
 Additional Documentation....:
RESNO                                                                    Q035 
                           RESOURCE NUMBER UTILITY
 Contribution Name...........: RESNO
    Title....................: Resource Number Utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. RESNO.SBMT submission file
                             :02. RESNO.PAS main source 
                             :03. RESNO.REL main relocatable
                             :04. RESNO.LOD link command file 
                             :05. RESNO.DOC documentation file
                             :06. RES_NO.FTN subroutine source
                             :07. RES_NO.REL subroutine relocatable 
                             :08. RESNO.RUN 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: PASCAL, FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. Resource_Number 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Warren R. Weber and Sandra S. Millford 
               Company.......: AGS Genasys Corporation
               Street........: 9710 Patuxent Woods Drive
               City..........: Columbia 
               State.........: MD 
               Country.......: 21046
               Zip Code......: USA
               Phone Number..: 301-596-7410 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program allows the user to observe the current status of the 
 system's resource numbers (RNs) and allows him to free RNs that have 
 been globally allocated by programs that terminated abnormally and 
 failed to deallocate them. 
 Additional Documentation....: