CSL RETRIEVE                                                             U001 
                          20TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL
 Contribution Name...........: CSL RETRIEVE 
    Title....................: 20th Anniversary Special 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. retrieve.sbmt 
                             :02. retrieve.ftn
                             :03. retrieve.rel
                             :04. retrieve.lod
                             :05. retrieve.help 
                             :06. retrieve.html 
                             :07. $retrieve_lib.lib 
                             :08. retrieve_lib.mac
                             :09. retrieve_lib.rel
                             :10. versions.cmd
                             :11. readme
                             :12. install.cmd 
                             :13. comp_a.fst
                             :14. comp_b.fst
    Operating System.........:RTE 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:yes 
    Keywords.................: 1. Cross-reference 
                             : 2. CSL 
                             : 3. Search
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U. S. Naval Observatory
               Street........: 3450 Massachusetts Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392-5420 
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
               e-mail........: fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil
 Program Abstract............: Search, display and retrieve information 
                             : from the CSL.
                             :========== NOTE ============================
                             : This contribution is for use ONLY if 
                             : you do not have an existing CSL/RTE MO disk
                             : (magneto-optical disk).  If you already have 
                             : the MO disk, you should use the RETRIEVE 
                             : MAINTENANCE contribution to update the program.
 Additional Documentation....: RETRIEVE is the program to search, display and 
   retrieve information from the entire CSL library.  RETRIEVE is intended to 
   be used with the CSL/RTE MO (magneto-optical disk) containing the entire 
   contents of the all CSL tapes from the beginning.
   As a special bonus for this 20th release of the CSL/RTE, 
   we are providing the RETRIEVE program and its index files
   in a form that can be installed without the MO disk.  This program will
   allow you to search for a contribution by name, author or keyword, and 
   examine the submit file.  It will tell you which CSL tape the contribution 
   is on. 
   Using the Web?  Install the retrieve.html file on an directory accessible
   to a viewer. 
   Read the retrieve.help file for more information on installation and 
   information on the amount of disk space required.
RETRIEVE_MAINT                                                           U002 
 Contribution Name...........: RETRIEVE_MAINT 
    Title....................: Update an existing CSL optical disk
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. retrieve_maint.sbmt 
                             :02. retrieve.ftn
                             :03. retrieve.rel
                             :04. retrieve.lod
                             :05. retrieve.help 
                             :06. retrieve.html 
                             :07. $retrieve_lib.lib 
                             :08. retrieve_lib.mac
                             :09. retrieve_lib.rel
                             :10. versions.cmd
                             :11. readme
                             :12. install.cmd 
    Operating System.........:RTE 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:yes 
    Keywords.................: 1. Cross-reference 
                             : 2. CSL 
                             : 3. Search
    External Support Req'd...: CSL/RTE MO 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: changes to RETRIEVE
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U. S. Naval Observatory
               Street........: 3450 Massachusetts Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392-5420 
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
               e-mail........: fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil
 Program Abstract............: These files update the program and 
                             : maintenance files on the CSL/RTE MO. 
                             : See the README file first. 
                             : You must have a CSL/RTE MO to use this 
                             : submission.  If you do not, use the
                             : submission entitled CSL RETRIEVE; 20th 
                             : anniversary special. 
 Additional Documentation....: see the RETRIEVE.HELP file.  Changes 
   have been made to RETRIEVE to incorporate new features; specifically,
   the submit files can now be stored and searched from a non-removable 
   Using the Web?  Install the retrieve.html file on a directory accessible 
   to the viewer. 
SETUP_PRINTER                                                            U003 
                      SET UP/DELETE LP SPOOLED PRINTERS 
 Contribution Name...........: setup_printer
    Title....................: Set up/delete lp spooled printers
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. setup_printer.sbmt
                             :02. setup_printer.cmd 
                             :03. printer.cmd 
    Operating System.........: RTE
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: CI 
    Keywords.................: 1. spooling
                             : 2. printer 
    External Support Req'd...: the lp spool package 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: US Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 3450 Massachusetts Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
               e-mail........: fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil
 Program Abstract............: Adding a printer to the lp spooler system
using lpadmin requires looking up numerous options.  The command file 
setup_printer.cmd does it for you.  It is interactive and builds a
runstring to lpadmin, which you are shown and then given a choice to
execute or not.  In addition, the functions to delete a printer and to
change the system default printer are included.  Only the class options are 
not built in and those are easy to add to the runstring after it is built.
Since it is interactive and takes no action unless you ask it to, the easiest 
way to see how it works is to run it! 
 An additional command file, printer.cmd, allows you to see the status of 
all the printers.  Giving the name of a printer as the first parameter shows
only that printer, but also shows the IO status for that printer.  This command 
file gives helpful information for people trying to figure out why their output 
did not print.
 Additional Documentation....:
lpadmin  and lpstat help files. 
SAM_UTIL                                                                 U004 
                       ROUTINES TO ACCESS SAM AND XSAM
 Contribution Name...........: Sam_Util 
    Title....................: Routines to access SAM and XSAM
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) 
                             :01. SAM_UTIL.SBMT 
                             :02. SAM_UTIL.MAC
                             :03. SAM_UTIL.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE_A   (Rev. 6.0 +) 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Street........: 5620 W. CR. 700 N. 
               City..........: St. Paul 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: U.S. 
               Zip Code......: 47272
               Phone Number..: 1-317-525-9935 
               Fax Number....:
               E-mail address:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   These 7 subroutines provide access to SAM and XSAM.   The functionality
 is patterned after IXGET/IXPUT, one word at a time.  There are also
 routines that will retrieve arrays from SYSTEM, SAM, and XSAM.  I
 needed the IXSAM_GET routine to look at part of the ID extension 
 which is now ( Rev. 6.0 ) located in XSAM.  The additional routines
 were trivial changes from that routine.  The code is set up to 
 produce either CDS or STD relocatables.
 Additional Documentation....:
FCMPAR                                                                   U005 
                       FILE COMPARE FOR ALL FILE TYPES
 Contribution Name...........: FCMPAR 
    Title....................: File compare for all file types
    File Names...............:00. RENAME TRANSFER FILE
                             :01. FCMPAR.SBMT 
                             :02. FCMPAR.FTN
                             :03. FCMPAR.REL
                             :04. MARK.REL
                             :05. MOVCA.REL 
                             :06. STRINGMATCH.REL 
                             :07. IGET1.REL 
                             :08. MARK.FTN
                             :09. MOVCA.MAC 
                             :10. STRINGMATCH.FTN 
                             :11. IGET1.FTN 
                             :12. FCMPAR.LOD
    Operating System.........: RTE-6
                             : RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Compare 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Rd.
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95130
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............:
      FCMPAR is similar to SCOM but allows all types of files to be 
      compared, including type 5 and 6.  Many options are available to
      control reporting of differences. 
NEXTMASK                                                                 U006 
 Contribution Name...........: NEXTMASK 
    Title....................: NEXTMASK - Return next file-masked filename to CI
    File Names...............:00. rename transfer file
                             :01. NEXTMASK.SBMT 
                             :02. NEXTMASK.FTN
                             :03. NEXTMASK.REL
    Operating System.........: RTE-6
                             : RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Command_Files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Rd.
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95130
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............:
      NEXTMASK returns the filedescriptor returned by 
      masking in $RETURN_S and exits saving resources.
      Each time NEXTMASK is re-invoked,  the next file descriptor 
      matching the mask is returned.   NEXTMASK terminates when 
      there are no more files matching the mask.
      For example,  the following command file will take up to
      three masks and echo the names of every file matching the 
        while nextmask $1 $2 $3 
        do  echo $return_s
FREL                                                                     U007 
 Contribution Name...........: FREL 
    Title....................: Find symbols in relocatable file 
    File Names...............:00. rename transfer file
                             :01. FREL.SBMT 
                             :02. FREL.FTN
                             :03. FREL.FTNI 
                             :04. FREL.REL
                             :05. FREL.HELP 
                             :06. FREL.LOD
                             :07. MAKEFILE
    Operating System.........: RTE-6
                             : RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Relocatable 
                             : 2. Search
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Rd.
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95130
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............:
frel searches a relocatable file for module name, entry point, or external
symbol names, and reports the module names which contain those symbols, 
together with the XNAM comment for the module.