COPYMAIL                                                                 Z001
                     MAIL/1000 FOLDER TO WEB-BASED FILES

 Contribution Name...........: COPYMAIL
    Title....................: Mail/1000 folder to web-based files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied)
                             :01. COPYMAIL.SBMT
                             :02. readme
                             :03. master.cmd
                             :04. copyfiles.edit
                             :05. mailcopy.cmd
                             :06. mail.edit
                             :07. findmbox.cmd
                             :08. findmbox.edit
                             :09. finddirs.cmd
                             :10. finddirs.edit
                             :11. topmail.cmd
                             :12. topmail.edit
                             :13. emails.gif
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: command files
    Keywords.................: 1. Mail
                             : 2. Message
                             : 3. Archive
    External Support Req'd...: none
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss
               Street........: 1226 Bast Lane
               City..........: Shady Side
               State.........: MD
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20764
               Phone Number..: 410-867-0281
               E-mail address: astro@erols.com
 Program Abstract............: This is a set of command files that
 will take a mail/1000 user's mail folders and turn them into a
 set of files that are compatible with web-browsing.  Each folder,
 including the inbox, has an html file created that indexes all the
 messages in that folder.  The messages all are clickable and have .txt
 appended to them for ease of viewing.  No changes are made to the
 original mail files; everything is copied to a new directory.

 An example of the use for this is as follows.  A person retires and wants
 to take all his e-mail with him (or the organization wants to archive it).
 Run this contribution, then ftp all the files created to a machine that
 can write a CD. The CD then will be a browsable version of the original
 mail/1000 system.
 Additional Documentation....: The readme file.

BR_TOOLS                                                                 Z002
                         BINARY RELOCATABLE TOOL KIT

 Contribution Name...........: BR_TOOLS
    Title....................: Binary relocatable tool kit
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied)
                             :01. BR_TOOLS.SBMT
                             :02. COPYBYTES.MAC
                             :03. COPYBYTES.REL
                             :04. DELBR.FTN
                             :05. DELBR.LOD
                             :06. DELBR.REL
                             :07. FIXUPNAME.MAC
                             :08. FIXUPNAME.REL
                             :09. GETBR.FTN
                             :10. GETBR.LOD
                             :11. GETBR.REL
                             :12. MAKEFILE.MAKE
                             :13. MANGLEMASK.FTN
                             :14. MANGLEMASK.REL
                             :15. MAPBR.FTN
                             :16. MAPBR.FTNI
                             :17. MAPBR.LOD
                             :18. MAPBR.REL
                             :19. NAMBR.FTN
                             :20. NAMBR.FTNI
                             :21. NAMBR.LOD
                             :22. NAMBR.REL
                             :23. SRCBR.FTN
                             :24. SRCBR.FTNI
                             :25. SRCBR.LOD
                             :26. SRCBR.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Binary
                             : 2. Relocatable
    External Support Req'd...: G_1K.LIB (else in this release)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts
               Company.......: Consultant
               Street........: 3498 Gibson Ave
               City..........: Santa Clara
               State.........: CA
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95051
               Phone Number..: 408-246-4842
               E-mail address: ant@strobedata.com
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This set of binary-relocatable tools is companion to the paper
 'BR Toolset' given at the Interworks 2000 conference.
 The tools include the following programs:
     NAMBR   Display module information in a library
     MAPBR   Display extended module information in a library,
             including entry points and external refs
     SRCBR   Search BR files
     GETBR   Copy a module from within a BR library to a file
     DELBR   Delete a module from a BR library
 The following useful tools are part of the RTE-6/A release:
     MERGE   Create BR library files
     LINDX   Create indexed BR library files
 The following is a useful tool from the RTE/CSL library:
     IMREL   Inverse macro assembler
             (contribution P063 in RTE/CSL release 3030)

 Additional Documentation....:

DIREX                                                                    Z003

 Contribution Name...........: DIREX
    Title....................: Disc directory trace & repair utilities
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied)
                             :01. DIREX.SBMT
                             :02. COPYT.FTN
                             :03. COPYT.LOD
                             :04. COPYT.REL
                             :05. DIREX.FTN
                             :06. DIREX.FTNI
                             :07. DIREX.LIB
                             :08. DIREX.LOD
                             :09. DIREX.REL
                             :10. DIREXCHECKSUBS.FTN
                             :11. DIREXCHECKSUBS.REL
                             :12. DIREXSHOWSUBS.FTN
                             :13. DIREXSHOWSUBS.REL
                             :14. DIREX_HPZ.FTN
                             :15. DIREX_HPZ.REL
                             :16. DISCR.FTN
                             :17. DISCR.LOD
                             :18. DISCR.REL
                             :19. DISCT.FTN
                             :20. DISCT.FTNI
                             :21. DISCT.LOD
                             :22. DISCT.REL
                             :23. FINDF.FTN
                             :24. FINDF.LOD
                             :25. FINDF.REL
                             :26. FINDV.FTN
                             :27. FINDV.LOD
                             :28. FINDV.REL
                             :29. HPZPROTBITS.MAC
                             :30. HPZPROTBITS.REL
                             :31. MAKEFILE.MAKE
                             :32. T1READ.FTN
                             :33. T1READ.MAC
                             :34. T1READ.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory
                             : 2. Disc
    External Support Req'd...: G_1K.LIB (elsewhere in this release)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts
               Company.......: Consultant
               Street........: 3498 Gibson Ave
               City..........: Santa Clara
               State.........: CA
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95051
               Phone Number..: 408-246-4842
               E-mail address: ant@strobedata.com
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   DIREX is a suite of three programs that allows to trace and repair CI
     DIREX - Directory Examiner Program
     DISCT - Finds CI volume headers and all root directory entries
             and checks integrity
     DISCR - read-test of all tracks on specified disc lu
     FINDV - Find volume headers
     COPYT - Copy a track from one disc lu to another
     FINDF - Find a Fortran source file

 Additional Documentation....:

G_1K_LIB                                                                 Z004

 Contribution Name...........: G_1K_LIB
    Title....................: Library of HPZ and Time-related routines
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied)
                             :01  G_1K_LIB.SBMT
                             :02  G_1K.LIB
                             :03  G_1K_CDS.LIB
                             :04  HPZ_F.FTN
                             :05  HPZ_F.RELC
                             :06  HPZ_F.RELN
                             :07  HPZ_M.MAC
                             :08  HPZ_M.REL
                             :09  MAKEFILE.MAKE
                             :10  TIME_SUBS.FTN
                             :11  TIME_SUBS.RELC
                             :12  TIME_SUBS.RELN
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77,MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Library
                             : 2. Time
                             : 3. Terminal
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts
               Company.......: Consultant
               Street........: 3498 Gibson Ave
               City..........: Santa Clara
               State.........: CA
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95051
               Phone Number..: 408-246-4842
               E-mail address: ant@strobedata.com
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   This library contains a collection of HPZ-related routines and a
   few time-conversion routines and is required in support of some
   other contributions in the RTE/CSL release.

 Additional Documentation....:

LOOKY                                                                    Z005
                       EXAMINE RTE-A SYSTEM IN DETAIL

 Contribution Name...........: LOOKY
    Title....................: Examine RTE-A System in Detail
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied)
                             :01. LOOKY.SBMT
                             :02. LOOKY.FTN
                             :03. LOOKY_DISC_SUBS.FTN
                             :04. LOOKY.FTNI
                             :05. LOOKM.MAC
                             :06. HPZINVERSEASMBF.MAC
                             :07. LOOKY.REL
                             :08. LOOKY_DISC_SUBS.REL
                             :09. LOOKM.REL
                             :10. HPZINVERSEASMBF.REL
                             :11. LOOKY.LOD
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. System_tables
                             : 2. Entry_points
                             : 3. Driver
    External Support Req'd...: G_1K.LIB (elsewhere in this release)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts
               Company.......: Consultant
               Street........: 3498 Gibson Ave
               City..........: Santa Clara
               State.........: CA
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95051
               Phone Number..: 408-246-4842
               E-mail address: ant@strobedata.com
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   Program to examine RTE-A system in detail.  The following menu of
   interactive commands give some idea of the power of LOOKY:
      LL lu              List output to given LU
      PL                 List all programs
      DP value           Display value in octal,decimal,etc
      LM addr count      List memory contents
      XL addr count      List memory contents in system map
      LI name count      List entry point
      LU lu# count       displays DVT and IFT numbers for LU's
      NO lu#             display node lists for a given LU
      TO lu#             display time-out values for a given LU
      DV dvt# count      list device driver tables
      IF ift# count      list interface driver tables
      DL lu trk sctr cnt list disc contents (Cnt = Block count)
      BL lu block cnt    list disc contents
      IN                 display interrupt table
      EP                 eject page on list device
      PEX or /E or /A     Exit program

      Most commands may be modified by a pack flag and a radix.
      For example, DLPKHE 16 2 4 will show Track 2, Sector 4 of
      disc LU 16 in a hexadecimal, packed format.

      This updated version handles block addressing and discs larger
      than 32767 tracks.

 Additional Documentation....:

SRAID                                                                    Z006

 Contribution Name...........: SRAID
    Title....................: System-level symbolic debugger
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied)
                             :01. SRAID.SBMT
                             :02. BUILDMESS.CMD
                             :03. BUILDMESS.MAC
                             :04. DBUGTABLE.MAC
                             :05. DBUGTABLE.REL
                             :06. DD*13.MAC
                             :07. DD*13.REL
                             :08. DD*13LINK.MAC
                             :09. DD*13LINK.REL
                             :10. DDC13.MAC
                             :11. DDC13.REL
                             :12. HPMEMMESS.MAC
                             :13. HPMEMMESS.REL
                             :14. MODULE.FTN
                             :15. MODULE.REL
                             :16. NDBUG.MAC
                             :17. NDBUG.REL
                             :18. OPENSYSMAP.FTN
                             :19. OPENSYSMAP.REL
                             :20. PRESIZESTRDSC.MAC
                             :21. PRESIZESTRDSC.REL
                             :22. PROGDDT.MAC
                             :23. PROGDDT.REL
                             :24. RAIDINTERNALSYMS.MACI
                             :25. RAIDMESS.TXT
                             :26. RAIDSHELLSORT.MAC
                             :27. SDBUG.MAC
                             :28. SDBUG.REL
                             :29. SRAID.DBG
                             :30. SRAID.FTN
                             :31. SRAID.LIB
                             :32. SRAID.LOD
                             :33. SRAID.MAKE
                             :34. SRAID.MAN
                             :35. SRAID.MRG
                             :36. SRAID.REL
                             :37. SRAIDBUILDMAP.FTN
                             :38. SRAIDBUILDMAP.FTNI
                             :39. SRAIDBUILDMAP.REL
                             :40. SRAIDHELP.FTN
                             :41. SRAIDHELP.REL
                             :42. SRAIDIOSUBS.MAC
                             :43. SRAIDIOSUBS.REL
                             :44. SRAIDLIB.REL
                             :45. SRAIDMESS.MAC
                             :46. SRAIDMESS.REL
                             :47. SRAID_FEATURES.DOC
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Debug
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts
               Company.......: Consultant
               Street........: 3498 Gibson Ave
               City..........: Santa Clara
               State.........: CA
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95051
               Phone Number..: 408-246-4842
               E-mail address: ant@strobedata.com
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 SRAID is:
  -A symbolic debugger for the systems programmer.
   It is used when writing, modifying, or troubleshooting
   drivers or system modules on RTE-A systems.
  -It is a symbolic debugger because it has knowledge of the system
   entry points and module addresses.  No longer do you need a system map
   and an octal calculator to examine the system.  It 'understands' many
   of the system data structures such as DVT and IFT tables.
  -It includes a sophisticated incremental assembler and disassembler, so
   both input and output are intelligible as MACRO/1000 code instead of
   a never ending stream of octal numbers.
  -A complete help facility is available at all times with documentation on
   commands and syntax.  The help facility documents the pre-defined symbols
   for the machine registers and system tables.
  -SRAID allows break points anywhere in system code.  It can single-step or
   trace through drivers or system routines.  It can 'step over' or 'step
   into, subroutines, including routines that wait for interrupts!
  -SRAID is as non-invasive to the system as possible, requiring only a
   few system resources.  It is loaded on-line as a normal background
   program (although it sure isn't normal when it is running!), and requires
   no special drivers or system generation.
  -SRAID communicates to the user through any standard VCP interface:
   ASIC, MUX port 0, OBIO port A, or remote VCP in DS.  The device need not
   be LU 1 and can be shared with normal applications when not debugging.
   You can even run applications from the terminal that will cause your
   breakpoints to be hit.
  -SRAID can be used in memory based systems, even those without a file
   system, although it is preferable to have the RAM-disc or DS file
   system to allow access to the system snap and list files.
  -Drivers to be debugged can be in partitioned or non-partitioned address
   space as usual.  All symbol names include the physical page information,
   so SRAID maps in the code on the fly as necessary.
  -Upon invocation, SRAID reads the system snap files and system list files
   as output from RTAGN, so that it can 'know' system labels.  All files
   are closed before breakpoints are allowed, so SRAID can operate without
   any assistance from the file system during a debug run.
   SRAID allocates one of the 32 A-Series mapsets for its exclusive use.

 Now, for the things that it can't do:
  -SRAID takes over the system completely when debugging, so all other users
   will be unable to continue.  (Better ask permission before you set
   bear traps in the woods.)
  -SRAID is not a source-level debugger, you will usually need listings of
   the code you are working on, however the full symbolic disassembly
   obviates the need for listings of the rest of the system.

 Additional Documentation....:

RTE_6                                                                    Z007
                          RTE-6 RELEASE 6.2 FROM HP

 Contribution Name...........: RTE_6
    Title....................: RTE-6 Release 6.2 from HP
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied)
                             :01. RTE_6.SBMT
                             :02. COMMUNICATOR62.TXT
                             :03. SRB.TXT          Software Release Bulletin
                             :04. DIRLIST.TXT      DL of RTE_6.FST
                             :05. RTE_6.FST        fst archive file
                             :06. RTE_6_EULA.TXT
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Documentation
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottenger
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Rd
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..:
               E-mail address:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   This is the full RTE_6 release 6.2 from Hewlett-Packard as part of
   HP's commitment to put obsolete software into the public domain.
   Interex roundly applauds HP's decision to take this step and is
   very grateful to HP.

   The 6.2 Communicator and full Software Release Bulletin are bundled
   as part of this contribution.  Due to the large number of files in
   the RTE-6 software itself, it is bundled as a single FST archive file.

 Additional Documentation....:
   Please see the RTE_6_EULA.TXT file for the licensing agreement to use and
   distribute this software.